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1. Definition of Planting Islamic Values

Planting according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary means the process,
method, practice of planting, planting or planting (KBBI MONE, 2008: 1392)
Value is the level, quality, nature (things) that are important or useful for
humanity (W.J.S Poerwadarminta, 1982: 677). Value in the view of Zakiyah
Daradjat (1984: 260) is a device of belief or feeling that is believed to be an
identity that gives a special pattern to patterns of thought, feeling,
attachment, or behavior.
Value is a measure of human actions and behavior in various aspects of life
(Said Agil Al-Munawar, 2005: 4).
According to Raths, Harmin and Simon as quoted by Kamrani Buseri (2003:
71), say that value is the result of experience processes, in which a person
has a sense of admiration, his own choice, and integrates his choices into the
pattern of life so that values will grow and develop in his life .
Value is the characteristics (things) that are important or useful for humanity,
culture that can support the unity of the nation that we must preserve
(Language Development and Development Agency, 2011: 356). Value does
not lie in goods or events, but humans put values into them so that goods
contain value, because subjects who know and value that value (Khoiron
Rosyadi, 2004: 11).
The planting of Islamic religious values is to lay the foundations of faith,
personality, commendable character and worship habits that are appropriate
to the abilities of children so that it becomes a motivation for children to
behave (
The planting of Islamic religious values which I mean here is an action or a
way to instill valuable knowledge in the form of the values of faith, worship
and morals based on the revelation of Allah SWT with the aim that children
are able to practice their knowledge in daily life properly and correctly with
awareness without coercion.

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