Practice Test 1 Answer Key AP Bio

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AP Biology Practice Exam 1

Multiple Choice
Living organisms are composed of approximately ___ chemical elements?
A) 10
B) 15
C) 20
D) 25
E) 50

Which of the following is NOT an element that makes up the bulk of living matter?
A) Carbon
B) Calcium
C) Nitrogen
D) Hydrogen
E) Oxygen

Which of the following statements about elements is false?

A) Elements combine in fixed ratios to form compounds.
B) Trace elements are found in food and water. If not obtained, this can lead to dietary deficiencies,
resulting in various physiological conditions.
C) More than 40 elements combine in the human body to make living organisms.
D) The smallest property of a particle of matter that still retains the properties of the element is an

Protons have a ________ charge, electrons have a ________ charge, and neutrons have a _______
A) Positive, Neutral, Negative
B) Negative, Neutral, Positive
C) Positive, Negative, Neutral
D) None of the above
__________ orbit the nucleus.
A) Protons
B) Electrons
C) Neutrons
D) A and C

Which is false about isotopes?

A) They are often used as tracers.
B) They are mostly radioactive.
C) They have different numbers of neutrons than the typical atom.
D) They have different charges than the typical atom.

The atomic mass is made of which of the following?

A) Protons
B) Electrons
C) Neutrons
D) A and C

Attractions between atoms of different charge results in ______ bonding and the gain/loss of
electrons from each atom.
A) Covalent
B) Hydrogen
C) Ionic
D) Van Der Waals

Which is the weakest form of bonding?

A) Nonpolar Covalent
B) Polar Covalent
C) Ionic
D) Hydrogen

Type of bonding where electrons are shared equally.

A) Nonpolar Covalent
B) Polar Covalent
C) Ionic
D) Hydrogen

Type of bond important to cohesion, surface tension, and the ability of water to absorb lots of heat
without rising much in temperature.
A) Nonpolar Covalent
B) Polar Covalent
C) Ionic
D) Hydrogen

Ice is _______ dense than water and has bonds that are _____ than liquid water.
A) Less, Closer
B) Less, Farther Apart
C) More, Closer
D) More, Father Apart

Which of the following is true?

A) Polar dissolves nonpolar.
B) Acidity and alkalinity is on a pH scale, which is a factor of 100 scale.
C) A compound that releases OH- ions is an acid.
D) A pH of 14 is basic.
E) A buffer has a pH close to 0 because it is neutral.
The optimal pH of the human body is
A) 6.4
B) 7
C) 0
D) 7.4

Which of the following statements is false?

A) Carbonic acid can dissociate into a hydrogen ion and a bicarbonate ion.
B) Bicarbonate can accept H+ or donate H+.
C) At low pH levels, bicarbonate will dissociate and release H+.
D) All of the above are true.

Which of the following statements is false?

A) High CO2 in water produces carbonic acid and leads to more bicarbonate.
B) Coral and other shell animals need more carbonic acid to make calcium carbonate shells.
C) Fossil fuels and water vapor can lead to nitric and sulfuric acid.
D) None of the above are false.

Life’s molecular diversity is based on the properties of _________.

A) Nitrogen
B) Oxygen
C) Carbon
D) None of the above

A carbon atom can form _____ covalent bonds.

A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5

An organic compound must have _________.

A) Nitrogen
B) Oxygen
C) Carbon
D) None of the above

_______ are molecules with the same molecular formula, but different structures.
A) Isotopes
B) Isomers
C) Isolates
D) None of the above

Which of the following is characterized by a –COOH group?

A) Hydroxyl
B) Carbonyl
C) Carboxyl
D) Amino
E) Phosphate
F) Methyl

Which of the following is characterized by a –NH2 group?

A) Hydroxyl
B) Carbonyl
C) Carboxyl
D) Amino
E) Phosphate
F) Methyl
Which of the following is characterized by a –OH group?
A) Hydroxyl
B) Carbonyl
C) Carboxyl
D) Amino
E) Phosphate
F) Methyl

Which is not an example of a carbohydrate?

A) Sugar
B) Starch
C) Cellulose
D) All of the above are carbohydrates

Which of the following is not an example of a protein?

A) Muscle
B) Hair
C) Hormones
D) Enzymes
E) All of the above are proteins

Building is _________ and breaking is ________, which together make up __________.

A) Anabolism, Catabolism, Metabolism
B) Catabolism, Anabolism, Metabolism
C) Anabolism, Anabolism, Catabolism
D) Catabolism, Catabolism, Anabolism

Which is the monomer for carbohydrates?

A) Monosaccharides
B) Polysaccharides
C) Fatty Acids
D) Amino Acids

Which groups do carbohydrates contain?

A) hydroxyl
B) carbonyl
C) amino
D) A and B
E) A and C

What is the formula for disaccharides?

A) C12H22O11
B) C6H12O6
C) C11H22O12
D) None of the above

Which of the following is not an isomer of sucrose?

A) Lactose
B) Maltose
C) Fructose
D) All of the above are isomers of sucrose

Which is the body’s first to burn and main energy source?

A) Carbs
B) Lipids
C) Proteins
D) Nucleic Acids
Which of the following is the sweetest?
A) Lactose
B) Maltose
C) Glucose
D) Fructose

Corn sugar is a _________, or many glucose monomers linked together

A) Starch
B) Lipid
C) Carbohydrate
D) A and C

Which is burned after our first source of energy is depleted?

A) Carbs
B) Lipids
C) Proteins
D) Nucleic Acids

Which of the following is a lipid soluble in?

A) Water
B) Ether
C) Benzene
D) B and C

The bonds that link lipids together are mostly....

A) Nonpolar Covalent
B) Polar Covalent
C) Ionic
D) Hydrogen

Which is false about lipids?

A) Stored in concentrated amounts
B) Contain more energy than carbs
C) Hydrophobic tail and a hydrophilic head
D) Saturated fats are liquid at room temperature

Which polysaccharide is a carb storage in plants?

A) Glucose
B) Starch
C) Cellulose
D) Chitin

Which polysaccharide is in the exoskeleton of arthropods?

A) Glucose
B) Starch
C) Cellulose
D) Chitin

Which is not an example of a steroid?

A) Cholesterol
B) Testosterone
C) Estrogen
D) Progesterone
E) All of the above are examples of steroids

Which is the most abundant steroid? *Teagan, know this comes from the liver and is the source of
steroid hormones
A) Cholesterol
B) Testosterone
C) Estrogen
D) Waxes

Which is false about a trans fat?

A) It has more double bonded carbons than unsaturated fats.
B) Partly hydrogenated vegetable oil is a trans fat.
C) They spoil slower than other fats and can reheat multiple times without breakdown.
D) They lower good cholesterol (HDL) and raise bad cholesterol (LDL)

Which is not a symptom of synthetic testosterone use?

A) Depression
B) Cancer
C) High Blood Pressure
D) Liver Damage
E) All of the above are symptoms

Which diseases can synthetic testosterone help with?

A) Anemia
B) Muscle Diseases
C) High Cholesterol
D) All of the above can be helped with synthetic testosterone

_______ are 50% of your dry weight

A) Carbohydrates
B) Lipids
C) Proteins
D) Nucleic Acids
Which is an example of a storage protein?
A) Amylase
B) Collagen
C) Actin
D) Ferritin
E) All of the above are storage proteins

Which is an example of a transport protein?

A) Hemoglobin
B) Myoglobin
C) Protein Channels
D) All of the above are transport proteins

Which of the following is a part of an amino acid?

A) Amino Group
B) Carboxyl Group
C) Phosphate Group
D) A and B

There are how many distinct amino acids?

A) 16
B) 18
C) 20
D) 22

The specific properties of an amino acid are determined by its

A) T-Group
B) S-Group
C) R-Group
D) Q-Group

Bonds between amino acid monomers are ______ bonds

A) Hydrogen
B) Peptide
C) Ionic
D) Covalent

What determines a proteins function?

A) Its Specific Shape
B) Its Size
C) Its Amino Acid Sequence
D) None of the above

The coiling and folding of a polypeptide chain, stabilized by hydrogen bonding makes up which
structure of a protein?
A) Primary
B) Secondary
C) Tertiary
D) Quaternary

The overall 3D shape of a polypeptide, due to bonds between R-Groups makes up which structure
of a protein?
A) Primary
B) Secondary
C) Tertiary
D) Quaternary
Which is false about enzymes?
A) They have very specific lock and key reactions.
B) Enzymes and substrates join at their active sites
C) They changed or used up when a reaction occurs
D) Sometimes vitamins and cofactors are needed for a better binding between enzyme and substrate
E) When an enzyme is denatured it is permanently changed.

Which does not impact enzyme activity?

A) Substrate Concentration
B) Inhibitors
C) pH
D) Temperature
E) All of the above impact enzyme activity

Which is not a part of a nucleotide?

A) 5 Carbon Sugar
B) Phosphate
C) Nitrogenous Base
D) All of the above are parts of a nucleotide

Which are parts of the backbone of a nucleic acid?

A) Phosphate
B) Sugar
D) Nitrogenous Base
D) A and B

Adenine always bonds with

A) Thymine
B) Cytosine
C) Guanine

Cytosine always bonds with ____ hydrogen bonds.

A) 2
B) 3
C) 4
D) 5

Which of the following are double rings and purine bases?

A) A and T
B) C and G
C) A and G
D) C and T
E) None of the Above

Lactose intolerance, caused by a mutation in the lactase gene, is least common in those of _____
A) European
B) African
C) Asian
D) All are equally common

Fill in the Blank

The human body weight is ____% composed of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen.
Elements that are essential to life, but needed in minute amounts are known as __________
What element, when missing, leads to enlarged thyroids (goiters)? ________
The atomic _______ represents the number of _______ in an element and defines it.
Number, Protons
Type of bonding where outer shell electrons are shared.
Water is known as the ___________ of life because it absorbs more solutes than any other solvent.
Polar or charged solutes dissolve when water molecules surround them, forming _________
The body’s natural buffer is _______.
______% of CO2 in the air is absorbed by oceans.
A carbon compound that is composed of only hydrogen and carbon.
What determines the properties of organic compounds (Two Words)?
Functional Groups
Dehydration synthesis, a condensation reaction, is known as ___________
___________ fats have the maximum number of hydrogens.
A long term energy source that consists of three fatty acids and a glycerol
How many carbon rings do steroids have?
What is the monomer of proteins?
Amino Acids
_________ decrease the activation energy of chemical reactions
What is the sugar in DNA? *I think this was one of the fill in the blanks on my exam
What are the sequences of DNA that spell out the amino acid sequences of proteins?

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