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Oued J2 O}SB09N = Woo443Zeq 4} paau T ‘opuaquo oN = pueyssapun 3u0p T s9)6uz e1qeH = ysi6ug Heads noh og aepofie apand aw = au dyay ooh weg (e) opesues fioys9 = pany we 1 pas oBuay = Aysanyy we 1 ‘osiuisad Wop = aw asnaxg seioesg = 00h yueyL One} 40d = aseaId oyuts 07 = Futsos wT ON = ON 1S = SOA saiseg Greetings My name is Sammi = Mi nombre es Sammi ‘Nice to meet you - Mucho gusto What is your name = Como se llama usted How are you ? = Como estas ? Tam fine = Estoy bien Good morning = Buenos dias Good afternoon = Buenas tardes Good night - Buenas noches See you later = Hasta luego Goodbye = Adiés live in Seattle = Yo vivo en Seattle Where are you from - De donde eres ‘This is my boyfriend = El es mi novio How old are you ? = Cuantos aiios tienes ‘Tam from Taiwan = Yo soy de Taiwan Welcome = Bienvenido (a) Have a good day = Tenga un buen dia My Local phone number= Twbudog wos eae SOI NANDY-519}0H-jUeAne say ‘auil)-s.saquiny-Burddoys-suonsang ‘WowMioD-se1ouab.tow9-sbulz20419 SU01}90.419-S915e9 aping 324904 ysiueds yearns Emergencies Help = Auxilio Thad an accident - Tove un accidente ‘Ineed an ambulance = Necesito una ambulacia Teed help = Necesito ayuda Tam in danger = Estoy en peligro Tam allergic to = Soy alergico (a) a Send the police - Envie a ta policia Tve been robbed = Me han robado (a) There is a fire - Hay un incendio Tve lost my passport = He perdido mi pasaporte Tam lost = Estoy perdido (a) Thave a stomachache = Me duele el estomago T have a headache = Me duele (a cabeza have pain here - Tengo dolor aqui don't feel well = No me siento bien ‘Lam sick = Estoy enfermo (a) Common Questions an Igo to the bathroom ( Puedo ir al bao) Can I get a drink of water ( Podria tomar agua) How do you Spanish (Como se dice... en espaol) ( Mas despacio por favor ) Tonderstand (Yo comprendo ) don't understand (Na comprendo ) What ..? = Como ? ‘have a question = Tengo una pregunta Repeat please = Repite por favor What does... mean in English ( Que significa ...en Inglés ) Important Notes = Local contact/emergency phone number = Shopping How may T help you = Le puedo ayodar ‘Im just looking = Solo estoy mirando ‘What size is it = Que talla es How much is it - Cuanto cuesta TW take it = Me lo Wlevo- ‘Tm looking for Estoy buscado Pants - Pantalones // Shoes = Zapatos Shirt =Camisa // Tlike it = Me gusta t's small - €5 pequefio It's tight = Esta apretado don't like it = No me gusta ‘Are there any sales = Hay descuentos Do you have it in a different colour (Lo tienes en otro color) Do you take credit cards ( Aceptan tarjetas de crédito ) Restaurant Where is there a good restaurant (Dénde hay un buen restaurante ) Td like a table for two (Quisiera una mesa para dos) T would like to see the menv (Quiero ver et menu ) Appetizer = Entrada ‘Main course = Ptato principal Dessert = Postre ‘The bill please (La cuenta, por favor ) Waiter - Camarero: Waitress - Camarera What do you recommend (Que nos recomienda ) ‘Twould like to order now (Me gustaria ordenar ahora ) ‘Abeer please = Una cerveza por favor my Hotel address / phone number= Time - Days What time is it - Qué hora es 1-00- La una 2.05- Las dos y cinco (03:10- Las tres y diez ‘O'4IS- las cuatro y cuarto (or quince) 07:30- Las siete y media or fas siete y treinta Noon: EI mediodia Midnight: La medianoche What day is today = Que dia es hoy ‘Monday = Lunes ‘Tuesday = Martes Wednesday = Miéreoles ‘Thursday = Jueves Friday = Viernes Saturday - Sabado Sunday = Domingo Activities Where Can I rent a surf board ( Dénde puede alquilar una tabla de surf ) What is the most popular tour ( Cual es et tour mas popular) Do you want to work out. (Quieres hacer ejercicio) Where can I book tours (Donde puede reservar tours ) Where is the best bar (Donde esta et mejor bar) Can I buy you a Drink (Te puedo comprar un bebida ) Do you want to dance (Quieres bailar) I would like to do (Me gustaria hacer) Fishing - Pesca // Swim - Nadar Horseback Riding - Montar a Caballo Adventure = Aventura Important Notes =

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