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for World Mission.

” It is that pastor’s
Editorial Comment son who, with his wife, took over in
1967 the work Roberta and I had done
Ralph D. Winter for ten years in Guatemala, from 1957
to 1967, when I joined the faculty of
the Fuller School of World Mission.
Barbara and Roberta are very much
We have been trying to plan many alike and very different. Yet, both are
other things about the future of marvelous creations of an all-wise God
who understands perfectly that men
missions, and in this entire issue we don’t usually amount to much without
are addressing the difficulties and a godly woman at their side. My trips
complexities of that task. We need to St. Louis in past weeks have been a
major irregularity in my schedule, but
to be able both to plan and measure nowhere near as great a disturbance as
progress. has been the many months of absence
of a close companion—after 50 years
of rich marital teamwork. Hope for
In my editorials I usually write If you wish to pursue further the that again is now in sight!
about things that are happening at the full text of his remarkable article, it is
moment, but I don’t usually say much contained in the recently published Since I am at present the de fac-
about things that are happening to me International Journal of Frontier to editor of the International Journal
personally. Missions, vol. 18:3. See box for details. of Frontier Missions, as well as editor
This time a very crucial event for However, the centerpiece of our of this bulletin in your hands, it is
me will be taking place July 6, when, if bulletin this time began some years not surprising there are connec-
all goes well, I will marry again. ago as a forty-page document, now tions between that journal and this
I will mention such plans in a min- called the World Christian Global bulletin. The IJFM has the luxury of
ute after I do my duty to the crucial, Action Plan (WCGAP). This plan going at things more in depth.
mission planning process to which this is massive, detailed, impressive, and Why not try out a one-year
issue of Mission Frontiers is devoted. thoughtful, and was generated by subscription by asking for the four
Yes, while I have been trying to the World Evangelization Research issues of Volume 18? That volume
plan my own future, we also have been Center office in Richmond. The final not only includes the full article by
trying to plan many other things about compilation was done by one of the Dr. DeCarvalho mentioned to the
the future of missions, and in this authors in this issue, Michael Jaffarian. left, it includes a whole lot of other
entire issue we are addressing the dif- His own sober review of that plan is outstanding things.
ficulties and complexities of that task. fascinating. There are two series running
We need to be able both to plan and Please understand that some of through several issues that should
measure progress. the distinctive perspectives of the be of great interest to all Mission
In fact, one brief article by a bril- WCGAP are not shared by others.
Frontiers readers.
liant Brazilian missiologist addresses Thus look for kindly objections in
One is a three-part series on the
the deplorable situation in which some the responses of some of the mission
burning issue of whether mission
well-meaning people are calling into executives we polled.
societies need or ought to have a
question the very idea of planning. Now, to my own “plans.” Just a
Such people are saying something
corporate board of mainly outsiders.
year ago, on July 20, Roberta and I
like “Those people in Pasadena plan Another is a remarkably insight-
celebrated the 50th anniversary of our
too much and are ‘managerial mis- first meeting. Little did we realize that ful story and analysis of the Un-
siologists,’” as if planning is always a nine weeks later she would enter an reached Peoples movement, which
man-centered effort that focuses on Intensive Care Unit, lose almost all beautifully and critically sums up
quantity and not quality. awareness, and never emerge alive. In what may have gone wrong as well
Such critics have a point. It is my last editorial I said, “It has seemed as what is right.
obvious that the presence of God in clear that another life-companion In the fourth issue, 18:4, is a
human affairs is itself a factor which is would be very helpful, and I am begin- whole cluster of fascinating articles
not easy to predict. Who, for example, ning to believe that will be possible.” which address the delicate issue of
at the Los Angeles Times would try to By now, the plans are for that what to do with millions of Hindus
plan out that newspaper’s headlines life-companion and I to be united who are sincere, Bible-believing
even a year in advance? in marriage July 6, 2002. Barbara followers of Christ, but who do not
But, as Dr. DeCarvalho (who is Scotchmer is the widow of the senior track with Western Christianity.
also the Academic Vice President of pastor for many years at the Memo- (Send in $15 for all four issues
our university) courteously points out, rial Presbyterian Church of St. Louis. of Vol 18 to Rory Clark, Managing
there are arresting other factors to That is the church which houses our Editor, IJFM, 1605 Elizabeth St.,
consider. regional office, the “Gateway Center Pasadena CA 91104.)

4 July-August 2002 Mission Frontiers USCWM•1605 E. Elizabeth St.•Pasadena, CA 91104•626-797-1111

The Case of the Disappearing
I enjoyed the March-April issue of MF.
I was surprised that none of the nomads
listed under Afghanistan on page 8 were
Pashto-speaking Kuchis. This group was
numbered at two million and [I] figured
that almost all the nomads in Afghanistan Both Sides of Issues
were either Pashtuns or Gypsies. The Enclosed is [our gift] to cover the
Kuchis live in black goat hair tents and the cost of our next year of Mission Frontiers
Gypsies ( Jats) use white tents. magazine. We appreciate the fact that you
I realize that the number of Kuchis has present both sides of various issues.
dropped due to the drought which wiped Diane Sylvestre
out most of their animals. However, I think Canton, OH
there must still be some around. Let me
know if you can explain what happened to
Older Issues of MF Still
make them all disappear. Circulating
I am writing from Papua New Guinea
Anonymous with great interest about your ministry.
Canadians and House Churches Recently I borrowed an October 1999 issue
I can’t tell you how excited I was to of Mission Frontiers titled “Strategic Part-
read your editorial about house churches nerships” and I was more than thrilled and
and missions last week when I received so impressed by the contents that I could
the [March-April] edition of not wait further to write you people and
Mission Frontiers! …. requested to be added to the mailing list
You may be interested in our web and to start receiving Mission Frontiers ….
site of house church resources: Ca- I sincerely thank you so much in advance.
nadian House Church Resource May God continue to richly bless you all
Network ( at the Center for World Mission as you
housechurches.htm) and my web site tirelessly partake in the fulfilling of the
(…. The Ca- Great Commission.
nadian House Church Resource Network Mamu Trimas
has been in existence for about four years Goroka, Papua New Guinea
now, and for the past 1 1/2 years or so we
have been sending out our free quarterly
e-newsletter about house churches, not
only to Canadians but to folks from
many nations ….
Many blessings, YOUR OPTIONS
Grace Wiebe,
MF Articles on Disease Prompt THE UNREACHED PEOPLES

“Fire-up Discussion” OUT THERE,

I am a Liberian pastor, indigenous re- BY SERVING IN MISSIONS
source person, and regular recipient of your HERE?
magazine. Five years ago I read your book
on the establishment of the U.S. Center for FIND OUT MORE BY
World Mission and followed the patterns ATTENDING OUR NEXT
– especially prayer and trust in God – and
today we have a native African mission
SEPT. 25-28, 2002.
agency called Rural Indigenous Mission ….
I just want you to know that as you
celebrate the 25th anniversary of the U.S. VISIT OUR WEBSITE,
Center, your work is bearing other fruit WWW.USCWM.ORG/EXPLORE
here, and you need to know. Congratula- FOR MORE DETAILS
tions on your 25 years of leading mission OR EMAIL
work. Your articles about war against DAVID.FLYNN@USCWM.ORG
disease turned into a fire-up discussion in
my mission discipleship class. I am meeting
with 10 young men to pray, research, and
study mission in the Bible from cover
to cover ….
Rev. David Boakai
Rural Indigenous Missions A catalyst among God’s people,
for His glory in all peoples.
Ivory Coast, West Africa Mission Frontiers July-August 2002 7

The Inside Story Behind

Michael Jaffarian
Editor’s note: in recent months other publications have begun to explain and explore the enormous resources in the second edition
of the World Christian Encyclopedia (WCE2) and its companion volume, World Christian Trends (Trends). But few have given
attention to a proposed action plan embedded within World Christian Trends – the “World Christian Global Action Plan” (WCGAP).
Therefore, we invited Michael Jaffarian, a member of the WCE2/Trends team, to present the inside story behind the WCGAP. We
also invited a number of North American evangelical mission leaders to give their brief critiques of the WCGAP, especially encouraging
them to assess the WCGAP’s “eight global goals”, the WCGAP’s recommended steps for mission agencies, and the value of goal-setting
attached to the year 2025 or other dates. Our intent is to thereby help Mission Frontiers readers to better understand the strengths and
weaknesses of the WCGAP and to consider how its recommendations may apply to their own ministries and plans.

Every now and then I find myself Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission that some key goals in world mission
in a situation that calls for telling Society), to the World Evangelization could be achieved by AD 2025. It
someone that I once wrote a grand, Research Center in Richmond, Vir- would require that many Christians of
comprehensive plan to evangelize the ginia. My main task was to work with many kinds, around the world, work
entire world. I never admit to this David Barrett, Todd Johnson, George together, and that certain services be
without smiling, since the idea seems, Kurian, and others to help research provided to this global movement by
on the surface, so preposterous. Who and write the second edition of the an international office supported by
am I to attempt something so big and World Christian Encyclopedia (WCE2). plan members.
important? Actually, it’s not com- Though all of us in this inter-mis- After a 12-point introduction, the
pletely accurate to say I wrote it. Yes, sion research group helped each other plan document in Trends includes:
I composed its final form, but most of in many ways, we each had respon- • A World Christian Manifesto
its ideas and content came from earlier sibility for certain parts or sections based on Scripture.
work by others. of the work. It fell to me to write the • A list of 12 Foundational Con-
For seven years, from 1992 to 1999, World Christian Global Action Plan cepts.
I was on loan from my own mission (WCGAP). Together we researched • “A World Christian Agenda: The
agency, CBInternational (formerly the and wrote a 3-volume Encyclopedia, 8 Global Goals”.
but as it turned out, two volumes • A section explaining the cat-
Michael Jaffarian is a missionary re- were published by Oxford University egories of involvement in the
searcher with CBInternational and an Press under the full title of World plan – about the members of the
Associate Research Editor of the World Christian Encyclopedia: A Comparative WCGAP, as well as supporters,
Christian Encyclopedia, 2nd edition. Survey of Churches and Religions in the participants, observers, and op-
He and his wife Dawna have served in Modern World. The third volume was ponents.
India and Singapore and now live in published by William Carey Library • A detailed list of 87 tasks that
Richmond, under the title: World Christian Trends would allow the 8 Global Goals
Virginia. In AD30 – AD 2200: Interpreting the to be achieved by AD 2025. Some
Singapore Annual Christian Megacensus (Trends). of the tasks would be done by the
Michael served
The WCGAP landed in Trends, on WCGAP International Office and
for six years
pages 822-832. others by global ecumenical and
as the Execu-
tive Director of Let me explain further by answer- confessional bodies, by Christian
the Singapore ing some questions. churches and denominations, by
Centre for mission organizations, by seminar-
1. What is the WCGAP?
World Mis- ies and training institutes, by local
sion (SCEM). Its first sentence reads, “This is a churches, by missionaries, and by
Email: plan to bring Christians together to individual Christians.
michaeldawna evangelize the world.” The WCGAP • An 8-step scheme of implementa- is a document that maps out a way tion for the plan, showing how it

8 July-August 2002 Mission Frontiers USCWM•1605 E. Elizabeth St.•Pasadena, CA 91104•626-797-1111

would emerge, take form, grow, by David Barrett and Todd Johnson in while compiling the WCGAP. I also
function, and be maintained up to the late 1980s, which looked toward drew upon lessons learned through
AD 2025. the final decade of the 20th century, the 1990s (the Decade of Evangeliza-
• A set of 16 sidebar mini-articles which was to be the great global De- tion) by many Christian movements
commenting on or explaining cade of Evangelization. That earlier and organizations with global goals,
various important aspects of the plan, the Kaleidoscopic Global Action including the AD2000 and Beyond
plan. Plan (KGAP), was published in the Movement.
The first six Foundational Con- book Our Globe and How to Reach It Some of the ideas come from my
cepts are the basis (Birmingham, Alabama: New own experience as the director of a na-
for the plan. They Hope, 1990, 136 pages). In tional missions center, the Singapore
are: many ways the KGAP, and that Centre for Evangelism and Missions,
Evangelization book, were oriented toward in a small but dynamic missionary-
– that every person AD 2000 goals. The post-2000 sending country. I learned a lot about
on earth should hear situation called for new ideas mobilization, research, inter-mission
the gospel in a way on a global plan. We (Barrett, and inter-church cooperation, and
they can understand, Johnson, and Jaffarian) decided global networking during my Singa-
and have a valid op- together on AD2025 as the best pore years. Some of the ideas came
portunity to become new date for the plan’s goals, from the Bible. Though it is a simple
a Christian. document, I put a lot of careful work
Cooperation and prayer into the World Christian
– that Christians Manifesto. The WCGAP also draws
from all countries, upon much common missiological
many peoples, many David Barrett thinking of recent decades, including
denominations, all many ideas that have appeared in the
ecclesiastical traditions, and many lan- pages of Mission Frontiers.
guages, should work together in world
evangelization. 4. What does the plan seek to
World A – that global Christian re- accomplish?
sources, especially missionaries, should The eight global goals of the plan
be deployed with a priority to the are linked to each other. Many of
least-evangelized peoples, countries, them have appeared before in other
languages, and cities. forms or places. For example, the
AD 2025 – that a global plan WCGAP affirms the idea that there
requires a concrete date for the must be a church for every people in
achievement of its goals, and that the order for every person on earth to be
2025 date is the best for our present, evangelized. The eight global goals, all
post-2000 situation. directed to AD 2025,
Quantification – that the task re- are:
quires extensive, professional statistical 1. For everyone on
research and publication. for several reasons – which are earth to be evan-
Segmentization – that the larger explained in one of the sidebar gelized (to hear
goals in world evangelization should be mini-articles (on page 827).
the gospel in a way
divided into logical, strategic, and man- they can under-
ageable units that are then approached 3. Where did the elements of stand and have a
valid opportunity to
one by one, by various Christian minis- this plan come from? become a Chris-
tries or workers, with ongoing monitor- tian).
ing and course correction. The name, “World Christian
Global Action Plan”, links it to 2. For the world to
be 40% Christian
2. Why did you write it? the World Christian Encyclopedia (that is, Christian
and to its predecessor, the Ka- of any kind, of
The simple answer: it was as- leidoscopic Global Action Plan
Todd Johnson
signed to me! But, more significantly, any denomina-
(KGAP). tion or tradition. Note that this
it made sense for something like this Much of the material came directly is different than seeking for 40%
plan to appear in the WCE2. Here is from the KGAP, which was mainly of the world to be “born again”
this huge trove of information; how written by David Barrett. As part of or “saved”, spiritual realities that
should the global Church respond the important AD 2000-related con- cannot be known until the Lamb’s
to it all? The WCGAP answers that sultation in Singapore in 1989, a wide Book of Life is opened).
question; it emerged as a logical re- circle of Christian and mission leaders
3. For the world to be 20% Great
sponse to the data. Commission Christians (Christians
from many countries read and studied who know of, understand, and are
The WCGAP also serves as an the KGAP, and I carefully studied acting on the Great Commission of
update of an important plan composed their extensive written comments Jesus Christ). Mission Frontiers July-August 2002 9

for any interested seminary or Bible
college, Christian denomination, local
church, or individual Christian. I was
telling a local church pastor here in
Richmond, Virginia about the WC-
GAP, and mentioned that his own
church could be an official member
of this global plan, that they could see
their own ministry fit into a compre-
hensive plan for world evangelization.
He was immediately attracted to the
The WCGAP is also realistic
about the need for a substantial
International Office – including an
organized World Christian Prayer
Office, a World Christian Research
Office, a World Christian Office of
Plan Consultants, a World Christian
“A church in every city?” The WCGAP points to such a goal. Communications Office, and a World
Christian Futures Office. I believe
4. For every 2,000 Christians to send at thinking very highly of its work and that any movement or network that
least one cross-cultural missionary. aims. But there was no way I could
5. For Christians to give 3% of their declares, “We’re not going to start a
ever be a part of that elite Commit- new organization”, sets limits on itself
income to Christian causes.
6. For there to be a church in every
tee. I could only be a spectator and that make impossible the fulfillment
city. maybe a donor to their work. I did of an ambitious plan like the WC-
7. For there to be a church for every later attend the Lausanne II confer- GAP. There are many tasks in this
people. ence in Manila, but there was never plan that can only be done by a sub-
8. For there to be scriptures available any meaningful way for me, and stantial, new, international organiza-
in every language. thousands of other interested mis- tion, unlike anything that now exists.
5. What are some of the best ideas in sions-minded Christians, to really Two final good ideas: first, the
the plan?
be a part of that movement as active plan is realistic and deliberate about
members. For the WCGAP, mem- the work needed in translation of
Any plan that encourages Chris- bership is open to individual Chris- all plan documents and materials,
tians to prayerfully proclaim the tians, individual churches, mission recognizing that global mobilization
gospel where people have not yet organizations, Bible colleges and requires a vast multi-language ap-
heard, to plant churches where there seminaries, denominations, other proach. Second, the steps of imple-
are none, to bring the light of Christ Christian organizations of many
to places now dark, is on the right kinds – with set membership re-
path. Many Christian plans call for quirements (including annual dues),
such things; the WCGAP is among and membership privileges.
them. The WCGAP is optimistic. One
I think the greatest strength of the sidebar mini-articles (on page
of this plan is its link to the mass 824) is titled, “It can be done.” For
of detailed data in the WCE2 and this plan, that claim is backed up by
Trends. Any good goal-setting pro- the mass of data in the WCE2 and
cess requires one to first ask, “Where Trends, data that makes clear the
are we at?”; second, “Where would immense resources of the Christian
we like to be?”, or, “Where would world, and that shows in great detail
God like us to be?”, followed third by, the task remaining.
“How can we get from where we’re The heart of the KGAP is a
at to where we would like to be?” For detailed list of 109 specific tasks or
the WCGAP, the first question is an- action steps. The WCGAP’s similar
swered, in great detail. That is a huge list of tasks improves on that in one
advantage, a great starting place. simple, but powerful way – by noting
The idea of membership is, I exactly who would be responsible
think, a good idea. I remember as for which tasks. This plan tells any mentation map out a series of events,
a student and a young missionary interested missionary what she or he publications, research tasks, and
reading about the Lausanne Com- could do to most strategically help other actions in 5-year blocs through
mittee for World Evangelization and the success of this plan, and the same the entire period to 2025.

10 July-August 2002 Mission Frontiers USCWM•1605 E. Elizabeth St.•Pasadena, CA 91104•626-797-1111

6. What are some of the weaknesses 831), and they certainly loom large.
of the plan? Then again, I review the list of reasons
for membership (in a sidebar on page
Others can be better judges of that 830), and it all once again makes so
than myself! To start with, certainly much sense to me, and looks very
there are many people out there who promising.
are more qualified than myself to At the very least, I hope people
write such a plan – people with more will glean good ideas from the WC-
experience, more gifts, and more GAP, to apply to whatever stands
knowledge. I wince as I read the plan among the next generation of signifi-
today and see many ways it could have cant plans for evangelization. I have
been better written. The writing style no doubt that Christians will continue
of the WCGAP is a lumpy mix of – after a brief, post-2000 lull – to write
Barrett, Johnson, and Jaffarian echo- and promote plans for world evan-
ing the thoughts and ideas of Barrett gelization, of various kinds, shapes,
and others. Though I think it is well and sizes. I believe the WCGAP has
organized, I don’t think it is written in good things to say to any of them.
a particularly graceful, compelling, or But it is not written as a grab-bag of
eloquent style. disconnected ideas. The WCGAP
As I read it today, I see the plan is designed as such a thing must be
as strong on information and com- designed – as a coherent whole, with
munication tasks, but weaker on interdependent parts throughout.
organizational matters and the very I’m not confident that now is a
important factor of bringing together good time for such a plan. I hear some
the dynamics of different groups measure of “anti-research, anti-quan-
within Christianity. I am an Evangeli- tification” bias now in Evangelicalism,
cal Protestant. There are real limits on maybe in Christianity as a whole.
how well I understand the perspec- But the great thing about publica-
tives of Pentecostal, Roman Catholic, tion is that the WCGAP will be out
Orthodox, Ecumenical, and Indepen- there, it will be in libraries, it will pop
dent Christians and missiologists. up through ever-improving retrieval
7. Will the plan ever actually be processes any time into the future. The
implemented? WCGAP may well be ignored in our
own time but put to good use – even
My first thought: not likely. On fully implemented – in another. 
the one hand, I tried to make it as
realistic and workable as I possibly To read the “World Christian Global
could. But on the other hand, on Action Plan” and its context, you may
a personal level I have a hard time order World Christian Trends and/or the
believing it could all happen. I look at
World Christian Encyclopedia via the
my list of the six factors most likely
ad on pages 20-21.
to scuttle the plan (indicated on page Mission Frontiers July-August 2002 11

Mission Leaders Critique

Steve Richardson,
Jim Montgomery, Founder
U.S. Director, Pioneers
and Chairman,
Helps to crystallize thinking and Dawn Ministries
channel efforts
Eight world evangelization goals on
I believe that initiatives like the “World a coat hanger without a hook
Global Christian Action Plan” help to
crystallize the thinking of the global Since goal-setting is an essential part
Christian community with regard to the unfinished task of the DNA of Dawn Ministries and, I believe, a crucial
component of any plan to complete the Great Commis-
and serve to channel our combined efforts for maximum
sion in our time, I’m pleased to see this element included
effect. Furthermore, practitioners in the field benefit in “A World Christian Global Action Plan” as presented
greatly from global perspectives and plans generated by in World Christian Trends.
mission leaders and strategists. While all eight goals are vital in this majestic enter-
prise, I’m surprised that the one goal that would make all
the others work has been left out. The glue that holds all
Frank Severn, General the pieces together, the capstone that secures the arch, is,
Director, SEND International in my opinion, missing.
Again drawing on our experience in mobilizing the
Concurs with much, but a cluster of Church in scores of nations for a DAWN (Discipling A
concerns Whole Nation) strategy, we observe that a goal for the
number of churches or congregations to be planted is the
While I cannot endorse the WCGAP
engine that drives all the other goals. Focusing on the
because of its inclusive nature, and its multiplication of churches is the primary activity that
commitment to reassign missionaries produces the maximum number of new Christians rather
working in nominal Christian lands, I always rejoice to than the other way around.
see plans to reach the great bloc of people living in lands Time and time again we have seen goals for new con-
where non-Christian religions dominate. I am specifi - verts fall short. The basic problem is that the goal is set
cally concerned about the way in which very important for the number of people to be born again rather than the
doctrinal differences are glossed over for the sake of activity that will lead most directly and most significantly
unity. I am also concerned with the breadth of activities to reaching a goal for new converts.
which are considered legitimate and necessary missionary Peter Wagner’s oft-repeated statement that “church
planting is the most powerful evangelistic tool under
activities such as liberation and conscientization. heaven” is not just a cute slogan but a reality backed by a
Perhaps my greatest concern is the classification of growing mountain of evidence. The most direct way to
Europe and Russia as reached (i.e., traditional Chris- reach the goals of a world that is 40% Christian and 20%
tian). One only has to work in these areas to realize that Great Commission Christian, then, is to work towards a
the vast majority of people have no idea of the gospel. goal of a certain number of churches to be planted in the
Many have rejected all forms of Christianity, while others world, and a specific number for every “continent, region,
remain notional Christians without a clue regarding justi- country, province, city, district, town, denomination” and
fication by faith alone, through grace alone. These areas smaller sub-units.
need missionary activity. This approach, in our experience, should be applied to
the unreached peoples as well. I assume that when goal
I can concur with the majority of the goals set forth
7 targets “a church for every people,” it refers to a viable
in the plan. I also concur with the great need for those church that can reproduce itself within its culture. But
of like faith to work together. We need to be working for this is way too indefinite.
Christ’s Kingdom, not our own.

12 July-August 2002 Mission Frontiers USCWM•1605 E. Elizabeth St.•Pasadena, CA 91104•626-797-1111

For example, at the Amsterdam Conference in 2000, a fully-staffed version of what we already have in Pasadena?
Indian delegations spoke of the unreached Ahir people. Barrett and Johnson’s plan to line up all the wheels of
This segment of the Indian population numbers some- the mission industry, “a plan built on facts” that the World
thing like 57 million people scattered in 14 states with Christian Encyclopedia has magnificently assembled, is our
maybe 2,000 or more believers. To plant “a church” – even best chance to complete the measurable tasks remaining
a viable, reproducing, multiplying church – would be in obedience to the Great Commission.
almost insignificant in terms of the vastness of the task.
But a goal of, say, 57,000 churches for the Ahir, is the
“specific, measurable, quantifiable, realistic, attainable and Robert Sayer, U.S. Director,
yet challenging” goal that would lead most directly to the Arab World Ministries
Ahir becoming 40% Christian and 20% Great Commis-
sion Christian. Appreciate the efforts, but cannot
Furthermore, such a goal becomes the integrating fac- support
tor for three other goals set in the WCGAP. It specifies
what the one cross-cultural missionary sent by the 2,000 is I want to make it clear that my com-
going to do when he gets to the Ahir: he’s going to search ments regarding the WCGAP are
out the approach that will be optimum in the multiplica- my own, as a mission leader, and they
tion of churches towards the 57,000. do not reflect the opinions of other leaders within Arab
And what will be the most strategic use of the 3% of World Ministries (AWM). While I am supportive of the
Christian income that is targeted? The primary outcome WCGAP’s overarching goal of world evangelization, I
of contributing to the multiplication of churches that have several reservations about the plan and its
will produce the number of Christians. Why do we need implementation.
scriptures available in every language? Certainly for evan- Obviously, it’s good to set goals, and the “8 global
gelism, but more importantly for the discipling process of goals” are surely “faith” goals! I affirm these goals enthusi-
those new converts within the context of local churches. astically with the caveat of withholding my affirmation of
My experience tells me that the eight really excel- goals #1-3 until I would receive a satisfactory clarification
lent goals are like eight objects strung from a coat hanger on what the WCGAP defines as a “Christian” and what
without a hook. A goal at every level for the number of is meant by being “evangelized.” Such clarification on the
churches to be planted is the hook that integrates and definition of key terms is critical to my assessment of the
makes viable all the other goals. WCGAP goals. Furthermore, I want to make clear that
while I support the goals of the WCGAP, I do not affirm
its implementation plans.
Bob Blincoe, U.S. Director, Goal-setting and strategic planning are valid and
well-advised. Our agency has a 5-year strategic plan for
Frontiers raising up, resourcing and servicing new workers among
Reinventing the “axle” envisioned? Arab-world Muslims both abroad and in the U.S. When
considering a worldwide evangelistic goal, I think that a
American mission agencies have begun longer time frame can be appropriate. I would want such
to develop, independently from one a plan to be an encouraging catalyst rather than an impos-
another, plans to accelerate their ef- ing directive.
forts to evangelize this or that part of It is regarding the recommended action steps for mis-
the unreached peoples mosaic. Now comes a proposal
from the editors of the World Christian Encyclopedia for a
breathtaking cooperative effort to finish the task of world
evangelization. (This should sound familiar to the readers
of Mission Frontiers. The U.S. Center for World Mission
has long advocated the completion of the task of church-
planting among unreached peoples through collaborative
efforts.) If we failed before, it was a failure of nerve; it
takes more courage to cooperate than we had in decades
before the year 2000. Let’s have no more sentimental
prose about the need to cooperate. Let’s meet, and let’s
keep the end in mind, and let’s move ahead the world
evangelization agenda.
I think Barrett and Johnson are right: the task remain-
ing will need an axle to run on. That axle is the neutral,
crucial “large organization requiring substantial resources”
that they propose. Hmmm. That sounds like the U.S.
Center for World Mission movement, doesn’t it? If we
invented a neutral, crucial “large organization” such as the
one the Barrett and Johnson envision, doesn’t it sound like Mission Frontiers July-August 2002 13

sion agencies that I have the greatest concern about the or “liberation,” and while I am supportive of holistic
WCGAP. My concerns focus on two areas with regard ministries that include relief and development initiatives
to implementation: the WCGAP’s comprehensive cen- as incorporated within gospel proclamation (meeting
tralization and its ecumenical posture. both spiritual and physical needs), I fear that inclusion of
I think there is great value in having a worldwide “social agendas” in the WCGAP’s definition of evange-
tracking system of missionaries, missions work and the lism sounds more like the agenda of the World Council
task remaining as specified, for instance, in the number of Churches than a truly evangelical body.
of remaining unreached people groups. However, I also In conclusion, I want to say that I appreciate the ef-
think that centralizing the analysis and strategic plan- forts of those who put together the WCGAP; however, I
ning of worldwide evangelization is potentially danger- cannot affirm the plan in its current form, nor do I wish
ous. Such a comprehensive effort is a lofty goal, but it to support it.
could yield an ecumenical, overbearing and unwieldy
structure that ends up wasting resources. I would not
be comfortable with providing the resources and per- Colin Stott, U.S. Director,
sonnel required of this structure and of participation in Gospel Recordings
the WCGAP. Nor would I agree to the stipulations for
requisite cooperation in the promotion of the WCGAP
Valuable to link goals to dates
and its goals. I think the “8 Global Goals” are worthy
Enhanced effectiveness is not necessarily a by-prod- goals to set. I feel that we should be
uct of massive centralization. The history of missions setting the bar higher in increasing
is filled with wonderful examples of how God has used participation by the Body of Christ
individuals and independent mission organizations to in the Great Commission, but these goals as stated are
accomplish incredible evangelistic and church-planting realistic and show growth on all fronts.
advances. AWM has participated in networking alliances From my perspective, having worked with Gospel
and strategic partnerships for decades. Our current in- Recordings for 28 years, I would expand goal #8 to
ternational recruitment model centers around partnering include audio versions of scripture as well as evangelism
with indigenous and other international agencies, rather and discipleship teaching. It may be an unrealistic goal to
than around establishing new AWM “sending” bases in translate and print scriptures in every language, bearing
multiple countries. So I am not opposed to working in in mind that thousands of languages are spoken in the
cooperation with others. But the WCGAP model, un- world and a significant percentage of them are unwrit-
less I am misinterpreting it, appears to have the intention ten languages. The audio emphasis for those with an oral
of usurping the goals, plans, personnel and resources of tradition makes the good news in every language more of
other organizations for its own vision of world evangeli- a realistic possibility.
zation and the definitions and strategies entailed therein. As to the value of goal-setting related to AD 2025
In addition, I am concerned about the inclusion of or other dates, I think that linking goals to dates usually
Roman Catholic, Orthodox and liberal/neo-evangeli- helps us to accomplish more than we would have if we
cal groups in the WCGAP’s vision of partnership for hadn’t attached a time frame to it. And by setting three-
world evangelization. I would not support association or year or five-year goals, we can break a large project into
cooperation with non-evangelical groups such as these smaller, bite-sized pieces. However, we must be careful
in evangelistic programs or projects. Furthermore, I do not to give the impression that the dates we use are set
not agree that evangelism includes “conscientization” in cement or come from God. A case in point would be
the AD 2000 and Beyond Movement: I don’t
believe we reached the goal of a church for
every people by 2000, but I believe we are a
lot closer to that goal than if the movement
had not set any target date at all.
Our own mission has set a goal to have the
good news available in 8000 languages and
dialects by 2010. We are currently at the 5500
mark. We are considering a 2020 goal (2020
Vision!), perhaps to have the gospel in every
language and dialect by then.
I think the WCGAP’s recommended
actions steps for mission agencies are good. I
especially like #62 – that we publicize that our
work is part of a larger whole. The more we
can work together in partnership rather than
in competition, the better.

14 July-August 2002 Mission Frontiers USCWM•1605 E. Elizabeth St.•Pasadena, CA 91104•626-797-1111

What’s Wrong with the Label

Levi T. DeCarvalho
A new label has recently been own School of Theology). Neff states, both Fuller Seminary’s School of World
proposed in the field of mission somewhat paradoxically: Mission and the U.S. Center have been
studies. I am referring to the epithet This managerial approach is ‘a major tested by that most demanding group
“managerial missiology,” which—to my leap onto the secular stage of strategic of Christian witnesses, namely, the
knowledge—was coined as a way of planning,’ according to a monograph multiethnic group of students and prac-
criticizing the kind of missiology that from retired Eastern College professor titioners who have taken these ideas to
James Engel. In the event’s opening
has been produced by the “Pasadena address, consultation director William
bear upon their field contexts, and have
think-tank.” The epithet is unfortunate Taylor quoted extensively from Engel, critiqued and criticized them in papers
for several reasons, some of which I dis- who was among the first to foster and dissertations for more than two
cuss below …. evangelical adoption of marketing decades now ….
Christianity Today recently reported principles.2 All in all, we must be grateful for
on a missiological consultation held The critics associate the proponents the criticism leveled against “manage-
in Iguassu, Brazil, in October 1999, of “managerial missiology” with the rial missiology.” We have been forced
where the term “managerial missiology” plans fostered by selected agencies to to rethink our assumptions, values, and
dominated the intense debates, under evangelize the world by 2000 AD. Fol- commitments – in short, our world-
the guidance of William Taylor, WEF’s lowing Escobar’s lead, Engel and Dyr- views ….
Missions Commission head. David ness have published the controversial I would propose that we convene a
Neff reported: Changing the Mind of Missions: Where consultation to discuss the relationship
Peruvian missiologist Samuel Escobar Have We Gone Wrong? (Downers Grove, between missiology and management.
was unable to attend the consultation IL: Inter Varsity, 2000, 192 pp.), which It is high time we made a sober analysis
. . . But in a paper discussed at the has elicited some strong criticism from of the interplay between the method-
meeting, he criticized the ‘managerial ologies we have proposed in the light
David Hesselgrave and Ralph Winter,
missiology’ practiced by certain North
among others …. of the biblical principles of stewardship
American groups. ‘The distinctive
in church and mission. Theologians,
note’ of this approach to missions Pejorative Use of the Word missiologists, mission practitioners,
‘is to reduce Christian mission to a
manageable enterprise,’ Escobar “Managerial” mission agencies’ CEOs, and manage-
wrote. Practitioners of this approach It appears to me that the word ment experts (such as those I quote
focus on the quantifiable, measurable “managerial” is being used in a pejora- from in this paper) should be invited
tasks of missions and ask pragmatic tive way. This is most unfortunate to participate in the debate. The ideal
questions about how to achieve since a whole group of Christians place to do that would be the U.S. Cen-
goals. Escobar called this statistical ter, in my opinion. Since we have been
approach ‘anti-theological’ and said
who try and develop their God-given
managerial gifts for the advancement particularly (often indirectly) criticized,
it ‘has no theological or pastoral
of God’s Kingdom find their voca- we should be at the forefront of the
resources to cope with the suffering
and persecution involved because tion placed under such negative light. debate ….
it is geared to provide guaranteed Management is one of many gifts of 1,2
Christianity Today 43(14): 28, December 1999.
success.’1 the Spirit. Time and again Scripture This article was excerpted from a longer
The other two names most read- instructs the believers about the use of article, by the same name, that appears in issue
ily associated with the use of the term their managerial skills…. 18:3 (fall 2001) of the International Journal
(and who admit to having borrowed
it from Escobar) are James Engel
Reductionist Understanding of Frontier Missions (IJFM). To read the
full article, or to
(Escobar’s colleague at Eastern Semi- of Missiology subscribe to the
nary) and William Dyrness (a professor Labeling the kind of reflection that IJFM, see the
and former dean of Fuller Seminary’s has come out of Pasadena as “manage- IJFM Web site
rial missiology” is reductionist in terms at
Levi T. DeCarvalho, Ph.D., is a member of an intentionally negative categoriza- or the IJFM
of the Training Department, Latin tion of missiological studies. The so- advertisement
American Division, U.S. Center for called “Pasadena group” or “Pasadena on the back cover
World Mission. He may be reached by think-tank” represents a wide variety of this issue of
E-mail at of field experiences. The theories or Mission Frontiers.
models that have been proposed by Mission Frontiers July-August 2002 15

crafts, international games, and

ethnic snacks were part of a morn-
ing session that included praying for
the world and how to study the Bible
on your own as a child. Kids 5 to 11
Why do all these people have fire in their eyes: years old went out the door ready to
A Report on the 2002 International Children’s Expo change the world!
A variety of ministries exhibited
—Jill Harris and sold a wide range of children’s
Imagine a room filled with who thinks everything revolves around missions education materials. Many
children’s workers, Christian school you, or are you a “dog” who is totally groups premiered new products, such
teachers and homeschooling parents devoted to the Lord? “The Story of the as Wycliffe Bible Translators’ new
on fire for children and missions. Bible” helps us read the Bible as one Bibleless peoples book, From Akebu to
The air seems to buzz. One woman story with God as the main character. Zapotec. Caleb Project debuted Kids’
comes up to Jill Harris, Expo Co- Robison’s fast-paced, visually-stimulat- Missions Skits and God’s Got Stuff
ordinator, and exclaims, “This is the ing presentations complete with sound to Do as well as He Wants Your Help
most incredible place I’ve ever been. effects kept the audience engaged. —a 13-week follow-up curriculum.
Everyone here has the same heart as “The church in North America YWAM introduced its Heroes for
I do! I don’t have to explain myself or would be twice its size if Christian par- Young Readers series.
feel like a freak because I’m passion- ents discipled their children,” asserted A highlight in the exhibit area was
ate about children and missions.” Rick Osborne, author and speaker Joy Sutton’s “Prayer Chair”. Six-year-
Comments like this are heard every old Joy came up with the idea all by
time an International Children’s Expo herself that when people stopped
is held. by her mother’s booth (Pray Kids!
Attracting participants from Magazine) she could pray for them. So
around the U.S. and other countries, with a sign drawn and two chairs next
the International Children’s Expo to the table, Joy was ready to pray for
is a biennial conference that teaches anyone who came by. She had a line of
people to mobilize, equip and disciple people waiting at one point!
children to advance God’s kingdom. Special-interest groups met for
Xenos Christian Fellowship in Co- networking on children at risk, devel-
lumbus, Ohio hosted the most recent oping a national prayer network, how
Expo April 11-13, 2002. This year to host a Regional Children’s Expo,
participants came from four coun- and Children’s Perspectives. Over
tries in addition to the U.S.: Canada, 30 people spent time brainstorm-
Mongolia, South Africa, and Trinidad ing ideas on how to see a Children’s
& Tobago. Perspectives Course be developed in
Over 55 workshops were pre- conjunction with the adult Perspec-
sented on a full range of children’s tives Course. Plans are forming to see
and missions topics: Puppets Speak a curriculum produced and available
3000 Languages; How to Use Music by 2004.
to Energize Your Bible and Mission Jill Harris (seated, left) with Rosemarie Jill Harris, International Children’s
Lessons; Cultural Simulations and Brooker of Trinidad (seated, right) and Expo Coordinator and Children’s
Field Trips; Missions in the Inner Magriet Lotter of South Africa (standing) Mobilization Specialist for Caleb
City, Missions Skits and Dramas; at the International Children’s Expo Project, commented, “Every Interna-
Technology in Missions: Connect- tional Children’s Expo is as exciting
ing, Challenging and Commissioning from Lightwave Publishing of Canada. as the first one held in 1994 in Mesa,
Kids; Preschoolers Can Do Missions Osborne’s vision is to see kids dis- AZ. Over the years thousands of
Too!; and Legacy of a World Chris- cipled to impact their world, whether people have gone away with their pas-
tian Home. next door or around the globe. He has sion enlarged, their vision refocused,
Gerald Robison from Unveilin- authored over twenty books, many and resources to get the job done, no
GLORY Ministry (ACMC- Advanc- published by Focus on the Family and matter what their area of children’s
ing Churches in Missions Commit- ZonderKids. Osborne also presented ministry is.” If you would like to
ment) challenged the attendees with two well-attended workshops. receive information on future Inter-
his keynote addresses. “Cat and Dog What would an International national Children’s Expos or Regional
Theology” takes a look at our rela- Children’s Expo be without involving Expos held around the country, e-mail
tionship with God. Are you a “cat” kids? A special time of videos, music, your contact information to: or
write Caleb Project, 10 W. Dry Creek
Jill Harris is the Children’s Mobilization specialist for Caleb Project. Circle, Littleton, CO 80120.

18 July-August 2002 Mission Frontiers USCWM•1605 E. Elizabeth St.•Pasadena, CA 91104•626-797-1111

FURTHER REFLECTIONS of Him. He is not trying to impress
anyone–except the Father.
Human Strategy vs. the Holy Spirit: How do we apply all of this to
our strategy or planning?
1. We, like Christ, must totally
Is It a Fair Dichotomy? depend on God. We must spend the
time with Him in His Word and
prayer to be sure we are hearing from
—Greg H. Parsons Him.

2. We must be accountable to
f you’ve been around missions While Christ’s particular work was those He has put around us. He has
“junkies” as I call them (I’m different than ours, He was no less given us further instructions about
one myself!), you have seen it. dependent on God during His time His Body, the Church. This can be
It comes in many shapes and sizes, on earth than we are. God, it seems, a hard one–especially for those with
but one of two basic approaches is directed His life and ministry at every vision who want to rush ahead at
involved: either planners or dreamers. step. Christ spent time in prayer to times. At the same time, those who
Planners like to lay out all the know what the Father wanted. are inclined a bit more toward plan-
details and have things in place for There are a number of references in ning and organizing tend to try and
various contingencies. John’s Gospel that refer to Jesus work- constrain those with “knife between
Dreamers have a sense for what ing on specific things (4:34; 5:17, 30;
God wants to do, and they want to
follow the Spirit’s lead, so they go
down to the airport and decide then
Learn how to fit in, given our gifting and
which flight to board. background.... There are roles for all of us in
Planners get upset when things
happen they didn’t plan for. Dream- this global task. God has given the task to
ers don’t get upset because they figure
that this turn of events was what all of us. As the international scene changes,
God wanted.
Obviously, I’ve built a straw man
we need to draw that much closer to God
here. The characteristics on these and those we serve among to effectively
extremes on this continuum are rarely
found in one person. But it illustrates work out His plans for today—in the power
the tension present in trying to mix
our culture’s penchant for organiza-
of the Holy Spirit!
tion and what the Scriptures seems 6:38-40; 8:42; 9:4; 12:48-49; 19:28). In the teeth” vision a bit more than
to demonstrate as the leading of the Matthew 16:18b, he says, “I will build they like.
Holy Spirit. My church; and the gates of Hades will 3. Learn how to fit in, given our
There is no question that God not prevail against it.” gifting and background. On the glob-
has a plan. Space here won’t allow Ultimately we see the gates of the al level, there are times when those of
the 12 hours of Biblical teach- new Jerusalem open, day and night, us from the U.S. are way too forceful,
ing you get in the first five lessons as the nations walk by the light of the entrepreneurial and independent—
of the Perspectives course on this glory of God as they bring their glory even those who are not dreamers. If
or how it links with Strategy. (See (given to them by Him) into it (Rev. there is one thing most folks in the for more info 21:22-27). Building His church is non-Western world can’t understand,
on that.) central to Christ’s purpose. it is that kind of independence. We
However, there is a determina- We can see that the plans and see it as the foundation of our nation.
tion in the midst of Christ’s life that activities of Jesus on a day-to-day They see it as weakness and an excuse
points to His awareness and accom- basis were not quite as haphazard as a to do our own thing and not being
plishment of what God wanted. In surface reading of the Gospels might connected—to families, church, or
John’s Gospel, He says that He was lead some to believe. Yet, even with the others in community.
sent to do the will of the Father and purposefulness at the core of his activi- There are roles for all of us in this
to accomplish His work. ties, Jesus never seems to be put off by global task. God has given the task to
Rev. Greg Parsons is people. He never seems to be inter- all of us. As the international scene
General Director of the rupted–that may be the hardest lesson changes, we need to draw that much
U.S. Center for World for many of us to follow. closer to God and those we serve
Mission. He’s been on On the other hand, He seems to among to effectively work out His
staff at the USCWM put some people off. He doesn’t seem plans for today—in the power of the
for 19 years. to care what people of power think Holy Spirit!

22 July-August 2002 Mission Frontiers USCWM•1605 E. Elizabeth St.•Pasadena, CA 91104•626-797-1111

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