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eau-ebu update series 4 (2006) 96–108

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Physiology of Erectile Function: An Update on Intracellular

Molecular Processes§

Annamaria Morelli a,*, Sandra Filippi b, Linda Vignozzi a, Rosa Mancina a, Mario Maggi a
Andrology Unit, Department of Clinical Physiopathology, University of Florence, Florence, Italy
Interdepartmental Laboratory of Functional and Cellular Pharmacology of Reproduction, Departments of Pharmacology and
Clinical Physiopathology, University of Florence, Florence, Italy

Article info Abstract

Keywords: Objectives: To provide a comprehensive update of current knowledge con-

Erectile function cerning the molecular mechanisms underlying the erectile physiology.
Penile smooth muscle tone Methods: Results from numerous investigations, including both basic and
NO/cGMP signalling clinical studies, have been considered. In particular, we pointed out the
RhoA/ROK pathway advances concerning the peripheral control of erection that ultimately
PDE5 influence the functional state of the penis.
Androgens Results: Numerous neurotransmitters and endothelial factors modulate
Erectile dysfunction the penile vasculature and smooth muscle tone of corpora cavernosa in
the penis. The regulation of adequate intracellular calcium levels repre-
sents the key determinant of the smooth muscle tone. Following the sexual
stimulation, the activation of smooth muscle relaxation in the penis is
mainly mediated by nitric oxide (NO), which acts via cyclic guanosine
monophosphate (cGMP)-mediated intracellular signalling. The pro-erectile
NO/cGMP pathway is coupled to the anti-erectile RhoA/Rho-kinase calcium-
sensitizing pathway, which was recently highlighted as another important
regulator of the erectile function. In the last decade, the enzyme phospho-
diesterase 5 (PDE5), critically involved in the degradation of cGMP and thereby
in the maintenance of penile detumescence, has gained attention as target
enzyme of the most used drugs (PDE5 inhibitors) for the treatment of erectile
dysfunction. Moreover, androgens play an important role in peripheral
regulation of erection, acting positively either on the enzyme which synthe-
sizes NO (NOS), and on that involved in the degradation of cGMP (PDE5).
Conclusion: The recent advances added to new insights into our knowledge
of erectile physiology and leaded to the improvement in the clinical man-
agement of men affected by erectile dysfunction.
# 2006 European Association of Urology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

In this article, we review the physiological mechanisms that regulate penile erection.
Particular emphasis is given to those intracellular molecular processes involved in regula-
tion of penile smooth muscle tone, including signaling pathways leading to contraction and
relaxation of erectile tissue.
* Corresponding author. Andrology Unit, Department of Clinical Physiopathology, Univer-
sity of Florence, V.le G. Pieraccini, 6, 50139 Florence, Italy. Tel. +39 0554271487;
Fax: +39 0554271371.
E-mail address: (A. Morelli).

1871-2592/$ – see front matter # 2006 European Association of Urology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.eeus.2006.03.003
eau-ebu update series 4 (2006) 96–108 97

1. Introduction because beyond the main purpose of this article.

Briefly, the central nervous system coordinates
Penile erection is a complex neurovascular event sensory stimuli from a variety of sources (visual,
involving the interaction between different systems: auditory, imaginative, tactile, and olfactory). Strong
the nervous system (central and peripheral) and the evidences from animal models support an impor-
penile (arterial and trabecular) smooth muscle tant involvement of the hypothalamic neurons
system. The tone of penile smooth muscle is a key within the medial preoptic area (MPOA) and para-
determinant of the hemodynamic events that ventricular nuclei (PVN), including oxytocinergic
maintain penile flaccidity or allow erection. The neurons, whose activation by dopamine and by
cavernosal arteries supply blood to the corpora oxytocin itself, leads to penile erection in male rats
cavernosa of the penis (through the pudendal [3,4]. The release of OT is secondary to production of
artery), while the emissary veins running through nitric oxide (NO) by nitric oxide synthase (NOS) in
the tunica albuginea allow blood to flow out of the the PVN. The interaction between nitric NO and
penis. In the flaccid penis, smooth muscle cells of paraventricular oxytocinergic neurons seems to be
corpora cavernosa are contracted and penile blood the crucial mechanism of the central regulation of
inflow is low. During erection, relaxation of trabe- erection [4]. Dopamine is the most important
cular smooth muscle results in an increased blood neurotransmitter which exerts at central level a
flow and pressure in the corpora cavernosa and an facilitatory effect on penile erection. A second
expansion of sinusoidal spaces. The expanded putative excitatory pathway, within both hypotha-
corpora cavernosa cause mechanical compression lamic and spinal loci, is the melanocortin system.
of the emissary veins, restricting the venous outflow Preliminary data in animal models and even in
from the cavernosal spaces and facilitating an humans indicate that melanocortin receptors play
entrapment of blood in the cavernosal sinusoids. an important role in the control of sexual beavior
This blood engorgement finally results in penile and therefore may represent a new pharmacological
rigidity [1]. target for the treatment of ED [5].
Several neurotransmitters and endothelial fac-
tors have been shown to control erectile function by 2.2. Peripheral mechanisms
modulating the penile vasculature and smooth
muscle tone of corpora cavernosa [2]. The correct The pro-erectile and anti-erectile messages deriving
balance between relaxant and contractile factors is from the integration and processing of sexual
required to determine the functional state of the stimuli in the brain, descend in the spinal cord
penis, finally resulting in a normal erectile function. and activate nervous peripheral systems (Fig. 1).
In this article, we review the physiological Peripheral control of erection depends on both
mechanisms that regulate penile erection with neuronal and local factors that ultimately influence
particular focusing on those intracellular molecular the vascular events in the penis. The different
processes involved in regulation of penile smooth structures of the penis receive autonomic (sympa-
muscle tone. thetic and parasympathetic) and somatosensory
innervations [6]. They are innervated mainly by
pudendal nerves, which originate from the sacral
2. Neurophysiological control of erection tract of the spinal cord (S2–S4) and contain the
primary afferent sensory and motor pathways, and
The nervous system is considered to be the primary by cavernosal nerves, which originate in the pelvic
regulatory site affording the control of penile plexuses containing the primary efferent sympa-
erection. Multiple levels of the neuroaxis, from the thetic (hypogastric nerves from the thoracic-lumbar
brain and spinal cord to nerves terminating within tract, T11-L2, of the spinal cord) and parasympa-
the penis, release several neurotransmitters that thetic (pelvic nerves from the sacral tract, S2–S4, of
induce penile response. The neurophysiological the spinal cord) pathways.
control of erections occurs both at central and The nerve populations have been categorized as
peripheral level (Fig. 1). adrenergic, cholinergic and nonadrenergic noncho-
linergic (NANC), which release transmitters acting
2.1. Central mechanisms on vascular endothelium and smooth muscle
components of corpora cavernosa and thereby
Central mechanisms regulating erection are com- modulate the functional state of the penis. Erections
plex and only partially elucidated, at least in are inhibited by basal sympathetic tone, mainly
humans. They are essentially not revised here, mediated by noradrenaline (NA), whereas pro-
98 eau-ebu update series 4 (2006) 96–108

Fig. 1 – Schematic representation of neurophysiological control of erection. NO, nitric oxide; T11-L2, thoraco-lumbar tract of
the spinal cord; S2-S4, sacral tract of the spinal cord.

erectile dopamine-activated oxytocinergic neurons predominance [1,8]. a1-adrenoceptors subtypes

stimulate the parasympathetic system and promote (a1A, a1B, a1D and a1L) as well as a2-adrenoceptors
the release of neuronal relaxing factors, mainly subtypes (a2A, a2B, and a2C) have all been demon-
acetylcholine and nitric oxide (NO). Sexual arousal is strated in human corporal smooth muscle and it
the result of both increased parasympathetic activ- seems that a1A-, a1L- and a2A-adrenoceptors are
ity and decreased sympathetic activity. Fig. 2 sum- predominant [9]. In the penile vasculature, both a1-
marizes contraction/relaxation mediating trans- and a2-adrenoceptors can contribute to contraction,
mitters or modulators in the penis.

2.3. Factors leading to smooth muscle contraction

A tonic sympathetic neural input is the main

mechanism leading to smooth muscle contraction
in the penis. NA and endothelins (ETs) are the main
neurotransmitters that contribute to contraction in
penile tissue [7]. Released NA from simpathetic
adrenergic nerves stimulates post-junctional recep-
tors (adrenoceptors) in the penile vasculature and
trabecular smooth muscle of the corpora cavernosa
to induce contraction [1]. The pharmacological
characterization of such receptors indicates that
the a subtype is 10-times more abundant than b Fig. 2 – Summary of the contraction/relaxation mediating
subtype and that both a1 and a2 are present in penile transmitters in the penis. NPY, neuropeptide Y; PGF2a,
tissue, although they are differentially expressed, prostanoid F2a; TXA2, tromboxane A2; VIP, vasointestinal
with the a1 adrenoceptors having the functional peptide; PGE1 and PGE2, prostaglandin E1 and E2.
eau-ebu update series 4 (2006) 96–108 99

but the a2 subtype may have a more important role identified and functionally they are grouped as:
than in corpus cavernosum. Moreover, while post- constitutive calcium-dependent NOS, including
junctional a-adrenoceptors mediate penile smooth neuronal (nNOS) and endothelial (eNOS), and indu-
muscle contractility and detumescence, prejunc- cible calcium-independent NOS (iNOS). All three
tional a2-adrenoceptors are usually involved in a NOS isoforms have been identified in the corpora
negative regulation of NA transmission [10]. In cavernosa, with nNOS and eNOS being preferen-
addition, stimulation of prejunctional a2-adreno- tially expressed in the autonomic nerves and
ceptors in horse penile resistance arteries was endothelium of the penis, respectively, and iNOS
shown also to inhibit NANC nitrergic transmission, in virtually all cell types [17,18]. Postganglionic
suggesting that this might be one of the mechan- parasympathetic nerves whose transmitter function
isms by which NA maintains detumescence [11]. depends on the release of NO are now termed
Experiments in rabbits indicate that blocking a2- nitrergic nerves [19]. Both NANC and cholinergic
adrenoceptors with yohimbine resulted in an andro- nerves contain nNOS [20]. The expression of penile
gen-dependent increase in NO signaling [12]. variants of nNOS (PnNOS) has been identified in
Administration of a-adrenoceptor agonists cause nNOS knock-out mice, which are fertile and have
detumescence, further confirming the role of a- intact neurogenic NO production [21]. A recent
adrenoceptor in the regulation of smooth muscle publication documented that the alternatively
tone, whereas the employment of a adrenoceptors spliced forms of nNOS are major mediators of penile
antagonists has been shown to be efficacious for erection and that the b splice variant (nNOSb) has
induction and/or maintanance of penile erection unique structural properties that may explain the
[13]. robust production of NO and the preserved erectile
ET-1 is the most potent contractile agent respon- function in nNOS knock-out mice [22].
sible for long-lasting contractions in the corpora Besides the action of acetylcholine for the
cavernosa and penile vessels and contributes to the activation of eNOS, also the shear stress induced
maintenance of the cavernosal smooth muscle tone by the increased blood flow in the penile vessels
[1,14]. ET-2 and ET-3 are less potent than ET-1 to could contribute to activate the eNOS to produce
induce contractions in penile tissue [15]. continuously NO by a process involving PI3 kinase/
Other important contractile factors in erectile Akt pathway. Therefore, it has been hypothesized
physiology inducing penile detumescence are neu- that NO derived from nNOS is responsible for the
ropeptide Y (NPY) released by the nerve endings, initiation of erection, whereas NO from shear-
prostanoids (PGF2a) and tromboxane A2 (TXA2) stress-activated eNOS contributes to the mainte-
released from vascular endothelium, and angioten- nance of penile rigidity during erection [16].
sin II synthesized by penile tissue, although their Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) and calci-
roles have not yet been fully established [16]. tonin gene related peptide (CGRP) are other sub-
stances released by parasympathetic nerve endings
2.4. Factors leading to smooth muscle relaxation that contribute to cavernous smooth muscle relaxa-
tion. Prostanoids, such as prostaglandin E1 and E2
Smooth muscle relaxation in the penis is dependent (PGE1, PGE2), released by the endothelium also have
on the parasympathetic system, in which the most an important smooth muscle relaxing action [2].
important neurotransmitter is NO. The other neu- PGE1 not only exerts a direct relaxant effect on the
rotransmitter released from parasympathetic nerve cavernous smooth muscle, but it also exerts a pro-
endings is acetylcholine which exerts an indirect erectile activity through the inhibition of NA release
smooth muscle relaxing action: (1) it stimulates the from adrenergic nerves [23]. For self-injection
release of NO from the vascular endothelium of therapy, PGE1 (alprostadil) represents one of the
corpora cavernosa; (2) it reduces stimulation of the most effective and safest vasoactive drug in the
receptors on sympathetic endings, leading to treatment of ED [24].
decreased release of NA [16].
Thus, there are two major sources of NO in the
penis: parasympathetic nerve endings and endothe- 3. Regulation of penile smooth muscle tone
lium of corporal blood vessels and sinuses stimu-
lated by acetylcholine. Synthesis of NO is catalyzed In combination, all the neural pathways regulate the
by the action of the enzyme nitric oxide synthase effectors sites of action within the penis which
(NOS) that convert L-arginine an O2 to L-citrulline responds to the appropriate neuronal stimulus by
and NO both in endothelial cells and in nerve generating a degree of smooth muscle tone and
endings. Three distinct isoforms of NOS have been thereby the functional state of the penis. Therefore,
100 eau-ebu update series 4 (2006) 96–108

the regulation of penile smooth muscle tone con- biphosphate (PIP) to inositol triphosphate (IP3) and
sists of molecular mechanisms that essentially diacylglycerol (DAG). IP3 liberates calcium ions from
depend on adequate levels of agonists (neurotrans- intracellular stores (such as sarcoplasmic reticu-
mitters, hormones, and endothelium-derived fac- lum), while DAG stimulates protein kinase C (PKC)
tors), integrity of intracellular transduction which opens the calcium channels on the smooth
signalling, and interactions between effectors (con- muscle cell membrane leading to calcium influx
tractile/relaxant) proteins. In particular, adequate from extracellular space into the cell. This results in
intracellular levels of calcium and the sensitivity of a transient rise in the cytoplasmic free calcium
the contractile machinery to calcium are required concentration, which induces smooth muscle con-
for the regulation of the smooth muscle tone. traction [26]. In details, calcium ions at elevated
Smooth muscle cells contract when intracellular levels binds to calmodulin which changes its
calcium concentration increases and relax when it conformation and interacts with myosin light-chain
falls. Moreover, though the nerve endings do not kinase (MLCK). The resultant activation of MLCK
innervate each smooth muscle fiber, all cells determines phosphorylation of myosin light chains
contract and relax at the same time in the corpora (MLC) and triggers the cycling of myosin cross-
cavernosa. This coordination process is allowed by bridges along actin filaments and the development
intercellular communication channels called ‘‘gap of force. In addition, phosphorylation of the MLC
junctions’’ which make possible the transfer of also activates myosin ATPase providing energy for
chemicals between the cytoplasm of adjacent cells the muscle contraction.
and thereby is responsible for the synchronized Although the increase of intracellular calcium is
erectile response [25]. transitory, the smooth muscle cell is able to
maintain the contracted status also after that the
3.1. Intracellular molecular process of smooth muscle cell cytoplasmic calcium returns to the basal level. In
contractility fact, the so-called calcium-sensitizing pathways
take over and consist of activation of receptors
As shown in Fig. 3, the binding of NA, ETs and coupled to G-proteins that can also cause contrac-
prostanoids with their receptors on the surface of tion by increasing calcium sensitivity without
smooth muscle cells increases the intracellular changing the intracellular calcium level. The most
activity of the membrane-bound enzyme phospho- representative of such mechanisms involves the
lipase C (PLC) which converts phosphatidylinositol RhoA/Rho-kinase pathway, which is depicted in
Fig. 4. RhoA is a member of the small monomeric
GTPase family, including five subfamilies: Rho-like
(RhoA, B, and C); Rac-like (Rac1, 2, and 3 and RhoG);
Cdc42-like; RhoBTB-like and Rnd-like (Rnd 1, 2, and
3) [27]. In addition to its role in mediating smooth
muscle contraction, RhoA is involved in the regula-
tion of several cellular processes, such as stress fiber
formation and cell migration. When inactive RhoA is
GDP-bound and localizes within the cytoplasm.
When NA and ETs bind to their excitatory receptors,
RhoA is converted from the inactive GDP complex
into an active GTP-bound complex that translocates
to the plasma membrane where it binds through
geranylgeranylation, initiating signaling transduc-
tion. The activity of RhoA is regulated by three
proteins: RhoGDI (GDP dissociation inhibitor) which
binds to RhoA-GDP to form the inactive cytoplasmic
complex; RhoGEF (guanine nucleotide exchange
Fig. 3 – Intracellular signalling leading to smooth muscle
factor) which facilitates the dissociation of RhoA-
cell contraction in corpora cavernosa and determining the
flaccid state of the penis. NA, noradrenaline; ET-1,
GDP from RhoGDI and thereby the traslocation of the
endothelin-1; PLC, phospholipase C; PIP, active form RhoA-GTP to the plasma membrane;
phosphatidylinositol biphosphate; IP3, inositol-3- RhoGAP (GTPase-activating protein) which acceler-
phosphate; DAG, diacylglycerol; PKC, protein kinase C; ates the intrinsic GTPase activity of RhoA with the
CaM, calmodulin; MLC, myosin light chain; MLCK, MLC subsequent re-association of RhoA-GDP/RhoGDI
kinase; SR, sarcoplasmic reticulum. and re-localization in the cytoplasm [28]. The best
eau-ebu update series 4 (2006) 96–108 101

Fig. 4 – Intracellular molecular mechanism of smooth muscle cell contraction via RhoA/ROK mediated calcium-sensitizing
pathway. NA, noradrenaline; ET-1, endothelin-1; GPCR, G protein coupled receptor; PLC, phospholipase C; GTP, guanosine
triphosphate; GDP, guanosine diphosphate; GEF, guanine nucleotide exchange factor; GAP, GTPase-activating protein; GDI,
GDP dissociation inhibitor; MLC, myosin light chain; MLCK, MLC kinase; MLCP, MLC phosphatase; ATP, adenosine
triphosphate; SR, sarcoplasmic reticulum.

characterized downstream effector of RhoA is Rho- rupted by the erectile episodes related and not
kinase (ROK) which is directly involved in smooth related (nocturnal erections) to sexual activity. Thus
muscle contraction. ROK is a serine-threonine the normal erectile function is important to allow
kinase that phosphorylates and thereby inhibits the oxygenation of penile tissue to preserve tissue
the regulatory subunit of MLC phosphatase. Conse- composition and the erectile function itself. Hypoxia
quently MLCs remain phosphorylated and sensi- is potentially dangerous in the penis, in fact, when
tized to intracellular calcium. Alternatively, ROK protracted (more than 24 hours) it may damage
prevents dephosphorylation of myofilaments penile tissue and compromise its erectile capacity
through an indirect mechanism consisting of the [31]. It has been demonstrated in human and animal
phosphorylation/activation of a specific inhibitor of models that hypoxic condition in penile tissue
MLC phosphatase, CPI-17, or it directly phosphor- induced the activation of compensatory and pro-
ylates MLC, thus maintaining contractile tone [14]. erectile mechanisms in order to re-oxygenate the
RhoA and ROK have been shown to be expressed in tissue, such as the increasing of vasorelaxant
penile smooth muscle and, accordingly, a selective receptor subtype of ET-1 (ETB) and the reduction
inhibitor of ROK (Y27632) has been shown to cause of RhoA/ROK expression [32].
relaxation of human corpora cavernosa in vitro and
to induce penile erection in animal models [29]. 3.2. Intracellular molecular process of smooth muscle cell
Moreover, it has been found that the transfection of relaxation
dominant negative of RhoA enhanced erectile
function in rats [30]. Although several vasodilators have been implicated
It has been proposed that the phasic contraction in the erectile response, including VIP an prosta-
of penile smooth muscle is regulated by an increase glandins, as well as acetylcholine, NO is considered
in cytoplasmic calcium, while the tonic contraction the pivotal physiological stimulus for penile smooth
is governed by the calcium-sensitizing pathway [16]. muscle relaxation. Individual neurotransmitters act
It is noteworthy that contractile mechanisms that via different pathways, but the intracellular
take place in penile tissue are responsible for the mechanism in every case is essentially based on
predominant physiological condition of the penis the changing in the cytoplasmic calcium concentra-
which resides in the contracted/flaccid status for the tions (Fig. 5).
majority of time. The predominant contracted In response to sexual stimuli NO released from
status of the penis is associated to a low oxygenation parasympathetic nerves and endothelial cells
of the penile tissue that is physiologically inter- crosses the smooth muscle cell membrane and
102 eau-ebu update series 4 (2006) 96–108

Fig. 5 – cGMP-mediated intracellular signalling leading to smooth muscle cell relaxation in corpora cavernosa and
determining the erection state of the penis. NANC, nonadrenergic noncholinergic; NO, nitric oxide; sGC, soluble guanylate
cyclase; GTP, guanosine triphosphate; GMP, guanosine monophosphate; cGMP, cyclic GMP; PKG, cGMP-dependent protein
kinase; PDE5, phosphodiesterase type 5; MLC, myosin light chain; MLCK, MLC kinase; MLCP, MLC phosphatase; SR,
sarcoplasmic reticulum.

binds to the soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) in the regulatory protein associated with the receptor,
cytoplasm. Binding of NO to sGC activates this leading to a decreased IP3-induced calcium release
enzyme, which converts guanosine triphosphate from intracellular stores [33]. Overall these mechan-
(GTP) into cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), isms lead to a reduction of the Ca2+-/calmodulin
the active second messenger which triggers a complex which results in a decreased MLC kinase
biochemical cascade of events culminating in activity, reduced levels of phosphorilated MLC,
smooth muscle relaxation [1]. These events include breakdown of actin/myosin crossbridges and relaxa-
the activation of a cGMP-dependent protein kinase tion of the cavernosal smooth muscle.
(PKG or cGKI) which in turn phosphorylates several The other vasorelaxant factors, VIP and prosta-
key target proteins, including ion channels, ion noids (PGE1, PGE2) act via a different pathway that
pumps, and enzymes all involved in the control of concomitantly to that mediated by cGMP takes place
intracellular calcium level. Phosphorylation of these in penile smooth muscle tissue. Following the
target proteins reduces the intracellular availability interaction with their specific receptors, these
of calcium through the following mechanisms: (1) vasorelaxant factors act by activating adenylate
inhibition of cell membrane Ca2+-channel activity, by cyclase, the enzyme which converts adenosine
a direct mechanism or indirectly through the activa- triphosphate (ATP) into cyclic adenosine monopho-
tion of K+ channels that act hyperpolarizing cell sphate (cAMP), another intracellular second mes-
membrane and inhibiting calcium influx; (2) activa- senger which lowers cytosolic calcium levels. cAMP
tion of the plasma membrane Ca2+/ATPase pump through the activation of the related protein kinase
with the extrusion of calcium across the membrane (PKA) leads to the opening of the K+ channels
(this is thought to be the main mechanism mediating causing plasma membrane hyperpolarization
smooth muscle relaxation via intracellular calcium resulting in the inhibition of the voltage-gated
reduction); (3) activation of the sarcoplasmic reticu- Ca2+-channels and reduction of calcium influx into
lum Ca2+/ATPase pump responsible for the uptake of the cell. Moreover, activation of PKA may leads to
calcium from cytoplasm; (4) inhibition of IP3- the induction of transcriptional factors. Therefore,
mediated pathway by phosphorylation of an IP3 PGE1 and other vasoactive agents which increase
eau-ebu update series 4 (2006) 96–108 103

intracellular cAMP, may regulate mRNA expression identified by three independent groups [42–44], it
of a1- and a2-adrenoceptors [34]. On the other hand, has been mapped to chromosome 4q26, and consists
an interaction between PGE1 and the NO/cGMP of 21 exons. Alternative splicing of this gene results in
signalling has been suggested by the observation three transcript variants encoding distinct isoforms
that PGE1 up regulates eNOS and nNOS improving and it has been found that two alternate promoters
erectile response in rats [35] and that a synergistic regulate transcription of three PDE5 isoforms [45].
interaction of PGE1 and NO is involved in relaxation This enzyme contains a catalytic domain that
of human corpus cavernosum [36]. specifically hydrolyzes cGMP and a regulatory
However, the cAMP-mediated smooth muscle domain that binds cGMP itself. Moreover cGMP
relaxation has only a marginal role in the erectile transcriptionally regulates PDE5 gene. PDE5 is widely
physiology, with the NO-activated cGMP-mediated distributed, especially in those tissues with large
pathway representing the most important. smooth muscle component (visceral and vascular),
Besides calcium mobilization and calcium sensi- with the corpora cavernosa being the tissue quanti-
tization mechanisms, hyperpolarization of smooth tatively expressing the highest level of PDE5 mRNA,
muscle cells through the opening of K+ channels as demonstrated both in human and rat tissues
represents one of the salient mechanisms known to [46,47]. The quantitative PDE5 tissue distribution may
be important in the regulation of penile smooth explain the selectivity of action of PDE5 inhibitor
muscle tone. Corporal smooth muscle cells express (PDE5i) drugs in the penis, representing the first line
distinct K+ channels subtype, including the best therapy for the oral treatment in patients affected by
characterized ATP-sensitive (KATP) and large-con- erectile dysfunction (ED). In Fig. 6 is shown the PDE5
ductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels, also termed activity in human corpora cavernosa extracts, as
maxi-K, whose activation may occur by different measured by inhibition efficacy of the most used
mechanisms. The opening of K+ channels may be PDE5i (sildenafil, tadalafil, vardenafil).
stimulated by PKA, PKG, or by cGMP itself. In Because PDE5 is the predominant enzyme
addition it has been proposed that NO can directly responsible for cGMP degradation in penile smooth
stimulate K+-channels opening as well as Na+/K+- muscle, the activation of this enzyme terminates the
ATPase in the arteries and trabecular muscle [37]. NO-induced cGMP-mediated vasorelaxation, restor-
Pharmacological or genetic manipulation of K+ ing the basal smooth muscle tone and penile
channels as therapy for ED provides a useful tool
to regulate penile smooth muscle tone [38,39].
Given that the intracellular levels of both cAMP
and cGMP second messengers are determinant to
regulate the availability of cytoplasmic free calcium
and thereby to trigger the contraction or relaxation
of penile smooth muscle cells, a key role in the
regulation of erectile function is played by the class
of enzymes phosphodiesterases (PDEs) which con-
verts cAMP and cGMP into their inactive metabo-
lites, adenosine monophosphate (AMP) and
guanosine monophosphate (GMP), respectively. This
enzymatic degradation represents the crucial event
terminating the above described cascade.

3.3. Phosphodiesterases Fig. 6 – Inhibition curves of cGMP-hydrolysing activity

induced by PDE5 inhibitors (vardenafil, sildenafil, tadalafil)
PDEs are enzymes critically involved in regulation of in corpora cavernosa extracts from human penile biopsies.
Aliquots of tissue homogenates (0.1 mg protein/ml) were
cellular cAMP and/or cGMP levels by many stimuli.
incubated with 0.5 mM cGMP and 0.1 mM [3H]cGMP in
Eleven families of PDEs with varying selectivities for
absence or in presence of vardenfil (10S13–10S6 M),
cAMP or cGMP have been identified in mammalian
sildenafil (10S11–10S6 M) and tadalafil (10S11–10S6 M).
tissues [40]. Each PDE family includes multiple Ordinate: cGMP hydrolysing activity expressed as
isoforms either as products of different genes or of conversion percentage; Conversion (%) = [products count/
the same gene through alternative splicing. PDE type (substrate + products counts)]  100. Abscissa: inhibitor
5 (PDE5) is the predominant PDE in the penis [41], concentration. Inhibition curves obtained in three different
responsible for the regulation of penile smooth experiments were fitted simultaneously with the program
muscle tone. The human PDE5 gene has been ALLFIT using the four-parameter logistic equation.
104 eau-ebu update series 4 (2006) 96–108

flaccidity. In response to sexual stimulation, PDE5i been gained [51]. Although studies showed that not
act to potentiate the NO-mediated vasorelaxation in all castrated men become impotent [52] and that a
the erectile tissue by maintaining increased intra- high percentage (20–45%) of prostatic cancer
cellular cGMP levels in vascular and corporal smooth patients preserved erectile function after medical
muscle cells, thus improving penile erection in ED or surgical castration [53,54], it has been demon-
patients. It seems clear that the correct tight strated that androgen manipulation affects erectile
regulation of every enzyme involved in the NO- function.
mediated pathway, especially NOS and PDE5 A number of different studies on experimental
responsible for cGMP formation and degradation, animal models have shown that testosterone (T)
respectively, is required to assure a normal erectile regulate both formation and degradation of cGMP
function. in the penis by acting on NOS and PDE5 expression.
Recent publications showed that dysregulation of It has been demonstrated in the rat that androgen
PDE5 expression/activity is involved in etiology of deprivation associated to several conditions,
priapism, a condition in which abnormally pro- including ageing, and pathologies such as diabetes
longed penile erection occurs, unassociated with mellitus type I and II, adrenalectomy, hypophys-
sexual interest [48,49]. As a result of PDE5 down- ectomy and castration, induced a reduction of
regulation, the penile tissue may become hypersen- penile NOS expression with decreased erectile
sitive to cGMP signalling causing unrestrained function, that was reversed by androgen replace-
erectile tissue relaxation after an episode of sexual ment therapy [50]. Moreover, a trophic effect of T on
stimulation. penile architecture has been demonstrated in
different animal species [55]. Androgen deprivation
3.4. Androgens and erectile function in the animal model by surgical and medical
castration resulted in loss of trabecular smooth
The role of androgens in the molecular mechanisms muscle and increase in deposition of extracellular
underlying the erectile function has become clearer matrix, producing diffuse fibrosis and ED [56–58].
during the past decade (Fig. 7). Besides the well The androgen-dependent loss of erectile response
known role that androgens play at the central was restored by androgen administration [56]. In
nervous system level as important modulators of addition, it has also been shown that T is involved
male sexual behaviour, including libido [50], recent in the maturation of penile tissue composition by
advances about the relationship between androgens promoting the commitment of pluripotent stem
and erectile function at peripheral level have also cells into the myogenic lineage and inhibiting their
differentiation in adipogenic lineage [59–61]. Traish
et al. [62] have demonstrated a similar mechanism
in the rabbit with an accumulation of adipocytes in
the subtunical region of the corpus cavernosum,
thus impairing the veno-occlusive mechanism, if
T levels are low. This study also confirmed that
androgen deprivation leads to loss of trabecular
smooth muscle and increase of connective tissue
Hence, androgens play an important role not only
in the formation of the main relaxing factor, cGMP
by regulating NOS activity, but also in the integrity of
erectile apparatus.
Recently, it has been demonstrated that, in
several species including human, rabbit and rat,
androgens are also important for the regulation of
Fig. 7 – Mechanisms of action of testosterone on erectile
cGMP degradation by modulating PDE5 expression
function. By maintaining the correct balance between
and activity [46,47]. This dual and antithetic role of
NOS and PDE5 expression/activity, T regulates
intracellular cGMP levels in penile tissue and thereby
androgens in promoting both the increase and the
smooth muscle relaxation for erectile function. On the decrease of cGMP intracellular concentration in
other hand, T exerts a trophic and differentiating action penile smooth muscle underlies the mechanism
for cavernous smooth muscle cells to maintain integrity of by which the erections are finalized to sexual act
erectile structures. NOS, nitric oxide synthase; PDE5, and thereby synchronized to sexual desire. More-
phosphodiesterase type 5. over, the androgen-dependent PDE5 expression
eau-ebu update series 4 (2006) 96–108 105

might explain the occurrence of erections in pre- comprehension of intracellular mechanisms basi-
sence of low T levels and in absence of sexual cally involved in erectile functions, but also in the
interest, as it occurs in children and in eunuchs, as identification of those alterations responsible for
well as in hypogonadal subjects when adequately ED, promoting the development of the most effica-
stimulated (hard erotic movies). In fact, because of cious drugs (PDE5i) currently used for ED treatment.
androgen deficiency, a reduced PDE5 activity NO released by nerves and endothelium in the penis
favours an enhancement of cGMP signalling allow- plays a crucial role in the initiation and maintenance
ing penile smooth muscle relaxation and erection. of increased intracavernous pressure and penile
Clinical studies recently evidenced a marginal effect erection, but the normal erectile function is war-
of T on penile erections, suggesting that the ranted by a tight balance between relaxant and
decreased sexual activity in hypogonadal subjects contractile factors. Conditions associated with
is due to a decreased libido rather than to a direct reduced function of nerves and endothelium that
effect of reduced T on erectile process [63,64]. alter a such balance (i.e., aging, hypertension,
This important role played by T in regulating both smoking and diabetes) cause changing in penile
expression and activity of the main cGMP-catalys- tissue resulting in impaired smooth muscle relaxa-
ing enzyme in the penis (PDE5), reflects another tion and erection. In addition, given the crucial role
important evidence concerning the responsiveness of testosterone in maintaining normal erectile
of patients with ED to PDE5i. In fact, in animal function, at central level (sexual desire), as well as
models, low levels of T severely hampered the PDE5i at peripheral level (trophic effect for penile tissue
effectiveness, that was completely restored by T and important regulator of both NOS and PDE5
replacement [46,47]. The explanation is that the activity), the hypogonadal condition has to be
drug efficacy depends on the availability of the accurately considered in the clinical management
target enzyme. Accordingly, clinical studies of ED patients. Besides the NO/cGMP signalling the
demonstrated that in ED patients with low T levels opposite mechanism mediated by the RhoA/ROK
who do not respond to PDE5i, T replacement was contractile pathway has just emerged recently.
able to rescue therapy [65–67]. Hypogonadism is Overactive RhoA/ROK signalling results in ED con-
often associated with diabetes and both conditions dition, suggesting that improved understanding of
represent major risk factors for ED [68]. Moreover, the upstream regulation of this anti-erectile intra-
response to PDE5i is resulted less satisfactory in cellular mechanism will probably lead to the
diabetic patients than in other subjects with ED [69]. development in the near future of therapeutic
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animal models of chemical diabetes that T defi- reduced PDE5i efficacy.
ciency underlies biochemical alteration, including
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108 eau-ebu update series 4 (2006) 96–108

CME questions C. activation of phospholipase C-mediated path-

Please visit to D. induction of myosin/actin crossbridges
answer these CME questions on-line. The CME 4. In the penis, the calcium-sensitizing RhoA/
credits will then be attributed automatically. Rho-kinase pathway mediates:
A. penile smooth muscle relaxation and erection
1. One of the neurotransmitters involved in penile B. maintainance of penile smooth muscle tone
detumescence is: and flaccidity
A. Neuropeptide Y (NPY) C. detaches of myosin heads from actin
B. Acetylcholine D. decreasing of intracellular calcium levels
C. Vasointestinal peptide (VIP) 5. PDE5 inhibitors, the most used drugs for the
D. Nitric oxide (NO) treatment of erectile dysfunction, act by:
2. The most important neurotransmitter involved A. the reduction of intracellular cGMP levels
in penile smooth muscle relaxation is: B. the increase of free calcium concentration
A. Noradrenaline (NA) C. the inhibition of cGMP degradation
B. Endothelin-1 (ET-1) D. the induction of nitric oxide synthesis
C. Nitric oxide (NO) 6. The role of androgens in the erectile physiology is
D. Tromboxane A2 exerted:
3. During erection intracellular transduction sig- A. at central level, exclusively on sexual desire
nalling cause penile smooth muscle relaxation B. both at central and peripheral level
through: C. exclusively at peripheral level
A. cGMP-mediated decreasing of cytoplasmic D. only marginally
calcium concentration
B. cGMP-mediated increasing of cytoplasmic
calcium concentration

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