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v^XlxiJT JL i-JX\ — R

The auditing and further measures for conservation of

energy are discussed in last chapter. Attempt for reducing

production cost also consists of improvement of plant

efficiency. This is another area where research is needed.

The subject matter of this chapter deals with the present

research contributions made from fundamental principles in

this area, which includes modified mill setting formula and

innovative concepts viz. equivalent steam consumption and

reduced total loss ratio.

The results of present formulae and practices are

analysed. The modified formula and new concepts are developed

to overcome the shortcomings of present practices. The

viability of formula and usefulness of concepts is verified.

These attempts are useful to improve the plant efficiency and

productivity which in turn reduce the cost of production.


Milling train plays key role in improving the plant

efficiency. In operation of milling train, the paramount

factor that governs its performance and operation is relative

setting of inidividual units. The elements of mill setting,

factors affecting it, present mill setting formulae and

modified formula are discussed ih following paragraphs.

5.1.1 Mill Setting Elements :

Sugarcane milling is the important stage in sugar

factory, for extracting juice from sugarcane. The proper mill

setting can improve the performance considerably.

The mill setting consists of selecting most favourable

relative positions to be given to three rollers and a

trashplate of three roller mill in order to obtain best

extraction results and best conditions for feeding. These

mill setting parameters are shown in fig. 5.01 (a) and (b).

5.1.2. Factors Affecting Operation, Performance And Setting

o f M i 11 s :

The mill tandem operation was observed carefully and

the factors which affect operation, performance and hence the

mill setting are as follows-

i) Number of Mills in Tandem :

This factor is VC-lfy important in deciding the roller

openings. It is possible to pass, same quantity of bagasse

through various number of mills. However, minimum permissible

extraction needs controlling the thickeners of bagasse layer.

In case of short tandems it must be reduced while in case of

long tandems it must be increased. Last mill setting remains

almost same for different number of mills in tandem.








1 18
ii) Dimensions and Speed of Rollers :

The quantity of bagasse is proportional to product of

thickness of bagasse layer and generated area; i.e. area

described in unit time by roller, in brief higher dimensions

and speed decide the smaller openings.

iii) Cane Prcparators :

Cane cutters, reversed cutters and fiberisers improve

the preparation progressively and thereby it is possible to

reduce the mill openings.

iv) Roller Grooving :

Thegrain of roller metal, shape and depth of roller

grooving affect the grip of rollers and hence the thickness

of bagasse layer. The differential angle grooving increases

wear but provides more drainage area for juice on feed side

and avoids choking of mill. The grooving angles commonly used

are as follows. (Angle sequence - Feed < Discharge < Top)

First to 3rd/51h Mill - Feed - 40°, Top - 50°, Disch. - 45°.

Last Mill - Feed - 40°, Top - 50°, Discharge - 50°.

The differential angle grooving is not used for last mill to

reduce the moisture content in bagasse. Chevron grooving in

feed and top roller helps gripping of bagasse and avoids


v) Fibre Content of Cane :

The volume of bagasse passing through any mill is

independent of fibre content, but its resistance to action of

rollers is more or less proportional to fibre. Hence higher

fibre content needs wide settings.

vi) Imbibition :

The increase in temperature and quantity of imbibition

increases feeding difficulties. Thus, higher rates of

imbibition and higher temperature need wider openings.

vii) Hydraulic Pressure :

The lightly loaded mills accept feed more easily. The

hydraulic pressure determines the lift of top roller in

operation. The permissible lift varies according to mill

designs. It is being observed that, the lift varies between 5

to 15 mm.

viii) Use of Feeding Devices :

Feeding rollers i.e. above feed, under feed, continuous

pressure feeders and Donnley chute improve the feedability of

mills progressively. Thus, the feed opening can be

progressively decreased with these devices.

ix) Cane Feeding :

For good results uniform and sufficient cane feeding is

necessary for level and line of top roller.

x) Fersonnel :

The skill of personnel responsible for adjustment and

maintenance of mills is an intangible factor.

xi) Performance :

The performance measurement of mills is done by using

the below mentioned parameters.

i) Sucrose Percent Bagasse : Sucrose percent bagasse

depends on efficiency of milling but at the same time it

also depends on sugar content of cane and moisture

content of bagasse.

ii) Extract ion : This term measures the sucrose extraction

efficiency and determines the sucrose extracted in mixed


Sucrose or Pol in mixed juice % cane

Extraction =--------------------------------------------------------------------- X 100
Sucrose or Pol % cane
... (5.1)

as this factor depends upon fibre content of cane, it

can not be used for comparison of two different mill

tandems. T is SUSfl* cante»*J

iii) Reduced Extraction : This is the extraction obtained by

modifying actual extraction to standard fibre figure

chosen by convention as 0.125 or 12.5%

If e = extraction obtained with cane of fibre *f’.

0.125 (1-e)
e’ 12 5 = 1-------------- ... (5.2)

which is called as reduced extraction and can be used

for comparison of different tandems. [Pyne, 1982]

5.1.3 Present Mill Setting Methods and Formulae :

The various mill setting methods and formulae used in

different countries are analysed here in forthcoming

paragraphs. This includes principles of mill setting and

comments on various methods used.

a) Principle of Mill setting :

All methods used for mill setting calculations consist

of -

i) Calculating delivery work opening from some figure which

expresses the degree of compression found practicable

with equipment concerned.

ii) Calculation of feed opening from an accepted ratio of

feed to delivery opening which is called as Mill Ratio.

iii) The allowance being kept for lift of top roller in


b) Present Methods and Formulae for Getting Mill Settings :

The following methods are used in different parts of

world, for finding the settings.

i) Java Method [Jenkins, 1966] - This method gives work

opening from escribed volume and area. It needs adherence to

Java scale of speeds.

ii) Modified Java Method [Jenkins, 1966] - The method is

modified by Mr.Behne for use in other countries. It uses

fibre loading and fibre index to get work opening.

iii) Hugot * s Method [Ilugot, 1986] - This method uses fibre

content of bagasse instead of fibre index.

iv) Murry and Holt’s Nomogram Method [Murry and Holt, 1969]

This method is nothing but graphical ready calculation

based on Ilugot’s formula.

v) Jenkins Method [Jenkins, 1966] - This method uses fibre

index as basic data for degree of compression.

vi) Mathur’s Bu1k Densitv Method [Mathur, 1982] - This

method is based on fibre rate passing through respective


vii) NSI Method [Shinde, 1982] - This is emperical relation

based on fibre rate.

viii) Tromp Method [Tromp, 1946] - Instead of giving any

expression he comments that "The mill settings generally arc

not calculated but adopted by comparison with some existing

plant" .

ix) Maxwc11 Method [Maxwell, 1982] - Mr.Maxwell has

concluded that, there is no reliable standard method of

calculations and mills are to be set based on experience.

c) Comments on Methods used by other Researchers :

It is seen that, none of above methods amounts to a

theoretical calculation of mill setting. The first five

methods are merely methods of calculating a setting which it

is hoped will reproduce a performance which has been found

satisfactory with plant concerned. The performance required

specifies a certain crushing rate in terms of fibre, at a

required degree of compression. The degree of compression is

expressed by fibre content of bagasse or by fibre index. The

nomogram developed by Murry and Holt is nothing but graphical

representation and interpretation of Hugot’s formula. The NSI

method is again similar one empirical relation. Tromp and

Maxwell have rightly mentioned the fact and there is no

reliable standard method of calculating the correct setting

of mills. The ultimate openings adopted are found empirically

and best figures arrived at during previous season serve the

basis for next. In addition to this, none of the above

methods accounts for all the parameters affecting mill


The attempt is made here to get a modified formula,

which will give the mill settings accounting for all

equipment, operating and performance factors. The formula

introduced at this stage is discussed in forthcoming


5.1.4 Modified Mill Setting Formula and Its Viability :

Parameters and Obscrvations :

The mill setting formula developed here is designed to


account for^fo1 lowing parameters.

i) Equipment Parameters - Mill Roller Dimensions

- Number of Mills in Tandem

- Preparation devices - PI

- Feeding method
ii) Operating Parameters - Mill capacity

- Total Hydraulic load

- Imbibition water amount and


- Lift of top roller

iii) Cane Parameters - Fibre content of cane.

125 Relationships of Parameters Affecting Work Opening :

c Considerable observations on milling operation

showed following relationships.

Work opening oC Crushing capacity

c*“ Fibre content of cane

oCTotal hydraulic load

oClmbibition water temperature and quantity

Mill Extraction

Mill Roller Length

No. of Mills in Tandem

Preparation Index

Mill Roller Speed

Bagasse Moisture/Reabsorption Factor

Terms, Abbreviations and Relations :

RD Discharge opening at rest, mm

OD Operating discharge opening, mm

OF = Operating feed opening mm

RF = Feed opening at Rest mm

OD = RD + (10 cos 37°) »•«■• -the. effeob of Lift of top yollev

= RD + (10 X 0.7986)

= RD + 7.9

---- = R, selected mill ratiOjdiscusscd later.

. . OF = R X OD = R(RD + 7.9)

RF = OF - 7.9 = R{RD+7.9) -7.9 ...(5.3) The Modified Mill Setting Formula And Its Viability

a) The Formula :

With reference to discussions so far, the formula

deviced is as follows.

Cn . Bn . Kj . K7
ODn =------------------- ... (5.4)
DLN K3 . K4 . K5

where, ODn = Operating discharge opening, nth mill in mm

Cn = Constant factor value specified for nth mill

in tandem.

Bn = Bagasse per hour passing through nth mill in

Tonnes per hour

Kj = Factor accounting for Imbibition water quantity.

K-, = Factor accounting for Imbibition water


D = Mill Roller diameter' in m

L = Mill Roller length in m

N = RPM of Mi 11 Roller

= Factor accounting for Preparation Index of

prepared cane

= Factor accounting for Feeding Devices

Kj = Factor accounting for Roller Grooving

The values of these factors are specified as mentioned

in following paragraphs, based on observations on different

mill tandems.

FACTOR Kj = Imbibition Water Quantitv Factor :

The values of Kj, to be used are given in Table No. 16.

The volume of bagasse increases with quantity of added water,

the values of Kj arc fixed to account for it.

The average imbibition % used in the country is @ 200%

fibre. However, recent trend and attitude is towards using

higher quantities of imbibition, to improve the extraction.

Therefore values are specified for higher rates also. The

imbibition percent cane^to be converted to imbibition percent

fibre^to get the required value of Factor Kj.

Table - 16 : Values of Factor Kj

' . No . Imbibition % Fibre KJ

1. 135 - 150 0.7

150 - 170 0.75

3. 170 - 190 0.9

4. 190 - 210 1 .0

5. 210 - 230 1. 1

6. 230 - 250 1.2

*■»1 • 250 - 270 1.35

8. 270 - 290 1 .5

9. 290 and above 1.5

FACTOR K0 = Imbibition Water Temperature Factor

As temperature of imbibition water increases, the

volume of bagasse and hence mill opening needed increases.

The temperature of imbibition water normally ranges between

65 - 70°C. The values of are given in Table No. 17. The

values are specified for temperatures from 55 to 90°C. Hence

the actual temperature of imbibition water will be within

this range for which the values of Factor K9 are specified.

Table ~ 17 : Values of Factor K2

3r.No. Imbibition Water Temperature °C r.2

1 . 55 - 60 0.75

2. 60 - 65 0.9

3 . 65 - 70 1.0

4 . 70 - 75 1 . 1

5 . 75 - SO 1 . 25

6. SO - 85 1 . 40

7. 35 - 90 1 . 53

TACTOR K3 = Preparation Index Factor :

The improved preparation of sugarcane going

onl3r reduces power required for crushing, but a 1s'

openings. The values of K3, to account for this ar

in Table No. IS.

Tab 1 c - 18 : Values of Factor K3

Sr.No. Preparation Index Range % K3

1. 60 - 65 0.8

2. 65 - 70 0.9

3. 70 - 75 1.0

4 . 75 - SO 1.15

5 . 80 - 85 1 . 30

6. 85 - 90 1.45

FACTOR K4 = Feeding Device Factor :

The use of modern feeding devices improves the

foedability of mills. Therefore it is possible to reduce mill

openings, with better feeding device. The Table Mo. 19 gives

the values to be used with different combinations.

Table - 19 : Values of Factor K4

Sr.No. Feeding Device Factor

1. Ovcrfeedcr 0.8

o Under feeder 1.0

3. TRPF/GRPF and Donnley Chute 1.3

FACTOR Kcj = Ro 1 1 er Grooving Factor :

The Roller grooving, pitch and angle affects the

gripping capabilities. In addition to this the differential

angle grooving provides more drainage area for juice on feed

side thereby the reabsorption is reduced, feedability is

improved and mill openings can be proportionately decreased.

The last mill grooving may be kept as identical angle to

control bagasse moisture. Table No. 20, presents the values

for different practices of grooving used in country.

Table - 20 : Values for Factor

Sr.No. Groove Type and Pitch Factor

1. Similar Angle and pitch up to 25mm 0.6

2. Similar Angle Pitch 25-40mm 0.7

3. Similar Angle Fitch above 40.0mm 0.8

4. Differential Angle Pitch up to 25mm 1.0

5. Differential Angle Pitch 25-40mm 1.3

6. Differential Angle Pitch 40-50mm 1.5


The value of constant C, is specified to get the

setting in mm. The values are decided for different mills in

tandem, based on experimentation results and are mentioned in

Table No. 21.

Table - 21 : Values of Constant C.

Mill No. in Values of Constant C

4 mill Tandem 6 mill Tandem

1. 3.34 3.34

2. 3.34 3.34

3. 3.30 3.25

4. 2.87 2.81

5. -- 2.15

6. -- 1.78


The term "Bn^is kg bagasse passing through nth mill.

This term is used which accounts for the degree of

compression and reabsorption factor.

As the raw material i.e. cane quality varies widely

from region to region, it is difficult to specify universally

accepted values for bagasse %, for each mill. It is suggested

to carry the trials to get these figures as specified below.

The figures so obtained will hold good for that agroclimatic

region. Though the difference will not be more, for increased

a *ve
accuracy it is^must, otherwise specified table valucs^to be


The trials on a 6 mill and 4 mill tandem are conducted

for a factory from South Maharashtra. The trial procedure is

as follows -

Trial procedure :

a) Samples required :

i) Bagasse after each mill before imbibition,

ii) Juice from mill discharge roller.

b) Ana 1 vsis :

i) Mill Bagasse - Pol %, Moisture %.

ii) Mill discharge roller juice - Brix, Pol, Purity.

iii) Pol % Cane J

} Average figures for trial period,
iv) Fibre % Cane !

c) Calculations :

Pol % bagasse
i) Brix % bagasse = ------------------------------------- X100
Purity of discharge roller juice

ii) fibre % bagasse = 100 - Moisture % - Brix % bagasse

Fibre % Cane
iii) Bagasse % cane = -------------------
Fibre % Bagasse

Bagasse % cane X Pol % Bagasse

iv) Pol in bagasse % cane

Pol % cane - Pol in bagasse Cane

v) Extraction
Pol % Cane

The trial findings, average for 7 days are given in

Table No. 22 (a and b). The readings common to both tandems

arc Pol % cane 12.65 and Fibre % cane - 15.45.

Table 22 (a) : Mill Trial Results' (Six Mil 1 Tandem)

Mill Bagasse Discharge Brix X Fibre *. Bagasse Pal in Extra:- Iv.'ivii'jal

No. Juice Bagasse Bagasse X cane Bagasse tion 1 rill x
Pol 5 Moisture X Purity X i cane E;:t "action

1. 7.0 60.00 82.00 8.5 31.5 49.0 3.43 72.00 7** AA

A. 5.0 50.00 7n.CC

L 6.33 35.67 43.31 2.16 UL . /L «A ^2

3. 4.0 52.00 77.09 5.19 42.81 36.00 1.44 88.61 5.69

4. 3.55 50.00 75.00 4.73 45.27 33.68 1.19 90.59 1.93

5. 2.0 52.CO 74.5 3.76 44.24 34.92 0.978 92.26 1.67

6. 2.2 49.00 73.8 2.98 48.02 32.17 0.707 94.41 2.15

Table - 22 (b) : Mill Trial Results (Four Mill Tandem)

Mill Discharge Brix X Fibre % Bagasse Pol in Extrac Individual

No. Juice Bagasse Bagasse X cane Bagasse tion 9 riu x
pon Moisture X Purity X X cane Ext.i action

1. 7.4 60.00 82.00 9.02 30.98 49.87 3.69 70.83 70.83

L , 5.2 57.00 78.5 6.62 36.38 41.92 2.18 82.76 11.95

3. 4.0 52.00 77.00 5.19 1L . ftl

ul 36.55 1.46 03.45 5.69

4. 3.0 50.00 74.8 4.01 45.99 33.59 1.077 92.09 f.(*

w L '1

Now, Dn = Crushing Rate TCII X Bagasse % cane for nth mill

from above Table

For better results in case of 4 mill tandem the values of

bagasse % cane can be taken as average from these tables. The

bagasse % cane figures are calculated from actual

measurements for typical case, hence it arecun's for

hydraulic loading and extraction.

b) Calculation Of Discharge Openings

To verify the validity of modified formula mill

settings arc calculated for five factories as mentioned below,

i) Datta S.S.K.Ltd., Shirol, Dist. Kolhapur

ii) Hutatma Kisan Ahir S.S.K.Ltd., Walwa, Dist. Sangii

iii) Jawahar S.S.K.Ltd., Ilupari, Dist. Kolhapur

iv) Bhima S.S.K.Ltd., Puluj, Dist. Solapui

v) Vitthal S.S.K.Ltd., Venunagar, Dist. Solapur.

These factories cover wide range of crushing cnpacity

and other operating parameters as mentioned below.

1) Crushing capacity varies from 1250 TCD to 500o TCP. This

range tallies with the actual crushing capacities in the


2) Sugar percent cane is in range of 12.04 to 1-1.4 93".

3) Fibre percent cane is from 13.21 to 16.132%.

4) PI varies from 65% to 35%.

5) Imbibition water temperature ranges from 65 to S5°C.

6) The roller grooving and feeding devices cover all


Thus this is most ideal group of factories to check

the viability of present formula. The calculated values are

compared with actual values. It is being presented in Table

No. 23 and Table No. 24. (Refer Appendix - I for sample

ca1cu1 at ions ) .

Table - 23 : Factory Specifications and Parameters.

Parameter Factory-1 Factory-2 Factory-3 Factory-4 Factory-5

Crushing 5000.00 1250.00 2500.00 1250.00 2000.00

Capacity TCD

Actual 226.90 85.61 106.30 58.41 94.41

Crushing TCII

Sugar % Cane 13.84 14.493 13.526 12.04 12.656

Fibre % Cane 14.76 13.21 13.69 15.96 16.132

PI % 85.5 70-72 70-75 65-70 75-80

Imb.Water % 29.93 28.81 18.32 20.28 19.2

Cane & Temp. 85°C 73°C 65°C 7 5°C 75°C

Roller Diff. Diff. Diff. Diff. Dif f .

Grooving 25-40mm 25-40mm 25-40mm 2 5-5 0 mm 2 5-4 5 mm

Roller Size 0915X1980 0825X1524 0815X1525 0840X1525 0762X1525

mm X nun

Number of 4 4 6 4 6

Roller RPM 3.5,3.5 , 5.0,5.0 , 4.85,4.85, 5.25X4 5.25X2,

3.4,3.3 4.75,4.5 4.S5,4.75 , 5.50X2
4.5 5.00X2

Feeding TRPF Under Under Under Under

Devico Feeder Feeder Feeder Feeder

The calculated and actual discharge openings arc given

in Table No. 24.

Table - 24 : Actual and Calculated Discharge Settings (in mm)

Hill ri nt
ApTrinv i

Actual Calculated Actual Calculated Actual Calculated Actual Calculated Actual Calculated

1. 42,00 42.29 10.00 10.13 19.00 19.07 12.00 12.03 17.20 17.50

AL , 36.00 36.14 8.00 7.93 16.00 16.00 8.00 8.09 11.00 12.39

U7 . 30.00 29.60 6.00 5.88 11.00 11.32 5.00 5.33 7 AA

l . J J
7 . f»

4. 24.00 23.84 4.00 4.05 8.00 7.90 2.00 2.16 2.50 u. A AJ


— — — — 6.00 5.47 — — '.00 t 7n

5. . i 'j

6. -- ...
2.00 2.20 -- --
2.00 1.38

c) Calculation Of Feed Opening :

After getting discharge setting, the feed opening is

obtained by using proper mill ratio. The proper selection of

mill ratio is important to avoid adjustments during

operation. Such adjustments of feed opening are difficult and

time consuming, as it needs adjusting the trashplate also.

The range recommended by earlier researchers for this ratio

varies widely. However, the value of RF/RD, to be used

largely depends upon the mode of employing imbibition. The

imbibition is generally used in distributed fashion. In

addition to this the cush cush and juice imbibition also

affect this ratio. Taking in to account earlier

recommendations and actual observations, the values for mill

ratio are specified as follows.

Mill Ratio = 2.5 for 1st and 2nd mill

= 1.9 for last mill

= 2.0 for intermediate mills if no

imbibition is applied before that mill

= 2.3 for intermediate mills with imbibition

d) Trash Plate Setting :

In addition to discharge and feed openings, the

position of trashplate has a great influence on smooth

operation of the mill. To define the correct position of

trashplate, the distances a, b, c as shown in fig. 5.02 need

to be specified. The value of is taken as #C/6 as

specified by Ilugot [Ilugot, 1986]. The experimental station in

Java has found by mathematical computations that, plate curve

should be logarithmic spiral, but one function of this spiral

construction has to be estimated arbitarily. [Tromp, 1916].

The considerations on height of trashplate arc -

i) A trashplate set too high, absorbs a great proportion of

hydraulic pressure, increases power consumption and





1 40
wear. It will improve extraction to certain extent but

it increases choking problems and affects the capacity


ii) Too low trashplate setting, creates problems of feeding

discharge roller and ultimately mill choking. The

bagasse also forms rolls due to gripping by roller on

top side while stationary trashplate on bottom side. It

will also increase the amount of cush cusli falling from

discharge side.

Taking in to account earlier methods and profile of

worn out surface of trashplate, i t is suggested to use t he

drop of 4 .5%. The dimensions a, b, c as shown in Fig. 5.02

are to be obtained graphically and to be used for setting a

trashplate. The teeth of trashplate should include a angle of

5° less than feed roller groove angle.

Thus, modified formula forms an effective tool for mill

setting. The discharge opening is calculated, feed opening is

derived and trashplate setting is determined graphically. The

formula is named as JADIIAV AND MADNAIK FORMULA. hereafter

this will be described as Jadhav and Madnaik formula. The

comparison of results obtained by present and modified

formulae are discussed in next Chapter.

5.1.5 Improvement Of Productivity :

The improvement of productivity is worked out

considering the extraction basis of modified formula and

present all India average extraction. This gives improvement

in extraction by 1.527%. (For details refer Appendix-II)

Improvement of Extraction = 94.535 - 93.008 = 1.527%

Improvement of Productivity = Increase in RME X RBIIE

= 1.527 X 0.89S5

= 1.372%

. . Additional sugar = 13.72 kg per tonne cane.

Cost of additional sugar = Rs.137.20 per tonne canc.


The heat energy cycle p lays key role in tot al energy

consumption of plant. The a ttempt is made to introduce

equivalent steam consumption concept in sugar fact ory. This

will clearly indicate the pres ent performance level , so that

it can be further improved.

5.2.1 Steam and Heat Energy Circuit :

The sequential use of steam i.e. cogeneration cj'clc is

in use in the sugar factories. Total motive power and heat

energy requirements are obtained from bagasse. The steam and

heat energy cycle is already discussed in last chapter.

5.2.2 Present Norms and Practices :

The Govt. norms presently practiced specify maximum

limit for steam consumption; % cane in an order dt. 31st

May, 1983. This limit is 55.00% steam consumption for sugar

factories expanded on basis of 1973 standard specification,

while 50.00% for factories set up as per 1987 standard


5.2.3 Shortcomings of Present Practices :

The Govt, norms, mentioned above do not specify

regarding steam generation conditions and consumption element

efficiencies. The steam consumption figure so obtained is

incomplete, misleading and can not be used for comparing

performance levels achieved by different plants. Such

performance indicator is unable to indicate exact energy

consumption levels. Thus,it affects further steps towards

energy conservation and increases the cost of energy per unit

of sugar unknowingly.

5.2.4 Factors To Be Considered :

In specifying the steam consumption limits, the due

consideration for steam generation conditions is of paramount

importance. The fact is more clear from total heat content of

steam at varied generation conditions tabulated in Table

No.25 .

These figures are given for steam generation conditions

used within country.

Tabic - 25 : Heat Content of Steam At Different Conditions

Sr. Steam Generation Conditions Total Heat Content of

No. --------------------------------- Steam, KJ/kg
Pressure,bar Temperature,°C

1. 21.00 300.00 0

2. 32.00 340.00 3090- 0

3. 40.00 440.00 3306.36

4. 45.00 440.00

Thuss enthalpy of steam varies considerably with steam

generation parameters. Along with this, the temperature of

feed water entering in to boiler is also important, to find

heat addition taking place in boiler. Though this temperature

is about 97°C for most of the units, due consideration is


The next parameter is boiler efficiency. The boilers in

sugar factories presently used are designed for 65.00%

efficiency. However they arc actually operating between 55.00

to 58.00% on GCV. [Patil, 1987]. The trial conducted in one

of the sugar factories of Solapur dis t r i c t sbowed t he

officiency of 59.77%. Though boiler efficiency i. not going

to vary the steam consumption directly it wi 11 affect t he

total energy input i.e. bagasse consumption.

The steam is primarily used for driving the turbines.

These consumption side elements can change the steam

requirements considerably depending upon turbine

efficiencies. The efficiency of turbine as supplied in India

is about 45.00% at rated speed for single stage impulse

turbines, whereas efficiency of power house turbines is riot

more than 62.00% [Patil, 1987]. Recently M/s.Beilis and

Morcom has developed mini multistage turbines (MMS) for mill

drives having efficiency of about 55.00%.

Thus, the limit specified for steam consumption should

account for all these factors then only it will become a.

reliable performance indicator.

5.2.5 Concept of Equivalent Steam Consumption :

For designing equivalent steam consumption concept, the

factors considered and their adopted standard values are as

foil ovvs

i) Boiler Efficient}' - 60.00?; on GCV

ii)Mill Driving Turbines Efficiency -

a) Single stage - 48.00%

b) M.M.S. - 55.00%

iii) Power House Turbines Efficiency - 65.00%


Equivalent Steam Consumption

= BEF x MTEF x PTEF x ESGF x Actual Steam Consumption



BEF = Boiler Efficiency Factor

Standard Efficiency of Boilers

Actual Efficiency of Boilers

MTEf = Mechanical Driving Turbines Efficiency Factor

Standard Efficiency of Mechanical Driving Turbines

for Mills, Fibcrisor etc.

Actual Efficiency of Mechanical Driving Turbines

... (5.7)

PTEF = Power House Turbine Efficiency Factor

Standard Efficiency of Power House Turbine

= ----------------------------------------------- • • (5.8)
Actual Efficiency of Power House Turbine

(where standard efficiency figures are as mentioned earlier)


ESGF = Equivalent Steam Generation Factor accounting for

actual steam generation conditions.

This is nothing but generation factor for evaporation

from and at 100°C i.e.

Heat transferred to water at actual boiler conditions


Latent Heat at 100°C KJ/kg

[ hg + Cp (Tsup - Tg) ] -


where, hg = enthalpy of dry saturated steam at boiler

Pressure and temperature

Cp = Specific heat of superheated steam, 2.1 KJ/kg°K

Tsup= Superheated steam temperature °K

Tg = Saturation temperature °K

Cw = Specific heat of water 4.187 KJ/kg °K.

tf = Feed water temperature °C and

2257= Latent heat at 100°C, KJ/kg

The values of ESGF for the steam generation conditions

usually in use within country are given below. For any o t her

conditions its va 1 ue can be calculated separately us ing

equation 5,, 9.

i) 21.00 bar 300°C - 1.139

ii) 32.00 bar 340°C - 1.157

iii) 40.00 bar 440°C - 1.237

iv) 45.00 bar 440°C - 1.229

The results by application of this concept t0 a

practical case arc discussed in next chapter.

5.2.6 Improvement of Productivity :

The improvement of productivity in this case is not the

additional sugar quantity but reduced steam consumption per

unit of sugar. The performance achieved by different plants

can be compared being on common datum.

The MEDA’s save energy programmes implemented in some

textile units of Maharashtra [Sinha, 1990] showed that 10?o

energy saving without any capital investment is possible by

better energy monitoring. The concept of equivalent steam

consumption developed here will make the energy management

and monitoring to best levels. Therefore minimum steam saving

possible by introduction of this concept i s assumed n s 2.5 "5 on

c a n c«.

The steam requirement is reduced by 25.0 1:;’ per tonne

of sugarcane or per quintal of sugar. Its cost at steam rate

of Rs.750/- per MT is Rs.18.75.


The loss of sucrose at all stages from harvesting to

final sugar in bag, is a serious economic problem in sugar

industry. The overall loss from preharvest to the final

product, is estimated between 5% and 35% varying with

geographical and technological factors [Nimbalkar et al,

1987]. Cane sugar is produced in three stages viz. field

production, harvesting and manufacturing. Traditionally the

mill yield has remained the main subject of interest relating

to sugar loss. The loss in the processing is regarded as

sugar loss itself and great deal of effort has been

concentrated on reducing it. However, there is much sugar

lost in other two stages and this is often not .recognised.

It is beyond scope of present research work, lienee further

discussion is limited to loss of sugar in manufacturing only.

5.3.1 Nature and Stages of Sugar Losses :

The losses occurring in sugar factory can be grouped

under two heads.

a) Determined or Known Losses :

These losses comprise i) Bagasse loss, ii) Filter cake

loss, iii) Molasses loss.

These losses are determined by multiplying their weight

measured using weighing scales or derived indirectly from

volume measurements or by use of inferential methods of

calculations. The sucrose percent can be found correctly by

proper standardization of polariscope.

b) Undetermined or Unknown Losses :

These losses can not be found directly but arc inferred

from difference between sugar in cane and sugar accounted

for. These arise through mechanical and chemical sources

either during chemical process or in juice heaters, syrup

tanks, crystal 1isers, centrifugals and in bagging house.

5.3.2 Present Norms and Practices :

The Government of India in an order dt. 31st May, 1988

has specified the maximum limit for total sugar loss in

processing. This limit is 2.2% cane, for plants set up as per

1973 standard and 2.0% cane, for plants set up ns per 1997

standard specifications. In addition to this Bhargava Sugar

Industry Enquiry Commission has given break up of losses as

follows; in % cane.

i) Sugar loss in bagasse - 0.9 to 1.1 max.

ii) Sugar loss in filter cake - 0.1 max.

ill) Sugar loss in molasses - 1.2 to 1.4 max.

iv) Unknown loss - 0.1 max.

5.3.3 Short Comings of Fresent Practices :

The present practice consists of calculating the sugar

loss percent cane and it has no relation with sugar content

in cane. The loss of sugar is also dependent on other

parameters like fibre % cane and non sugar content of cane.

The studies by Mr.Winter Carp showed wide variation in losses

with non sugar proportion. All these parameters need due


5.3.4 Concept of Reduced Total Loss Ratio :

The breakup of total loss shows that major components

of sugar loss are loss in bagasse and final molasses. It is

seen that bagasse loss is proportional to fibre content of

cane. If fibre content is more in addition to higher power

requirements, the loss of sugar in bagasse is more. While the

loss of sugar in final molasses is proportional to non sugar

content of cane. Minimum sugar loss per unit of non sugar is

considered to be measure of optimum operating efficiency

[Dhananjayan and Sreenivasan, 1988]. According to Mr.Winter

Carp, 0.4 parts of sucrose is lost through final molasses per

unit of non sugar i.e. for one unit of sugar loss through

molasses there will be 2.5 units of non sugar.

In general, milling efficiencies are compared amongst

factories based on RME. Likewise there is no method for

comparing total losses occurring during manufacturing. These

losses are varying widely and overall simple comparison of

total losses amongst factories does not give a true picture.

Further, total loss depends upon the sugar content of cane.

For this purpose, the reduced total loss ratio concept is

developed which takes in to account fibre, sugar and non

sugar content of cane. These factors affect the various

losses which occur during conversion of sugarcane in to


To get reduced total loss ratio, the actual bagasse

toss and actual molasses loss is corrected as mentioned


a) Corrected Bagasse Loss :

The bagass e loss depends to great cut c n l Oil fibre

content of cane Just to have comparison amongst t he

factories, the actual loss is converted to arb i t rary

standard. The fibre percent cane of 12.5%, which is used for

RME is selected for this. Thus,

Bagasse loss Correction Factor =

fa - 12.5
---------- if fa > 12.5

12.5 - fa ...(5.10)
---------- if fa < 12.5

=0 if fa = 12.5 i

its value is taken as the +ve for fa <12.5 and -ve for

fa>12.5 where fa = Actual Fibre % cane.


Corrected Bagasse Loss = Actual Bagasse Loss + Correction

b) Corrected Molasses Loss :

As already mentioned, the molasses loss depends upon

non sugar content of cane. The figure of non sugar content

arbitarily selected with respect to the experiments by Winter

Carp; for finding the correction is 2.5%.

Mo las sc a Loss ANS - 2.5 I
Collection Factor = -------------------- if ANS>2.5 !

2.5- ANS }...(5.11)

= -------------------- if ANS<2.5 1
2.5 !

= 0 if ANS =2.5 !

where ANS = Actual non sugar %.

The value of this factor is taken as positive when ANS < 2.5

and -vc for ANS > 2.5. Thus,

Corrected Molasses loss = Actual Molasses Loss ± Correction.

As remaining two components are negligibly small, no

correction is applied to them.

c) Reduced Total Loss and Ratio -

Reduced total loss = Corrected Bagasse Loss filter Cake

loss + Corrected Molasses loss i

Undetermined loss. ... (5.12)

Reduced Total Loss

and Reduced Total Loss Ratio = ---------------------------- — (5.13)
Sugar Content of Cane

Now this ratio becomes complete and can be used for

comparison amongst the factories. To elaborate the paramount

importance of this concept 12 case studies are analysed and

results are discussed in next Chapter.

5.3.5. Improvement of Productivity :

The comparison of sugar loss recorded bj- Units under

study and all India average shows wide variation of total

loss. The various components of total loss and controlling

measures developed in present research work are as follows -

i) Bagasse Loss - Modified mill setting formula,

ii) Fitter Cake Loss - Utilization of solar energy for mud


iii) Final Molasses Loss - This loss mainly depends upon

chemical process parameters and non sugar content of

cane [Agarwal,- 1991]. The factories under study showed

the final molasses purity between 28.86% to 31.59% with

average of 31.62% [RT(3).C., 1995]. It is suggested to

use the boiling scheme developed by Vellore Co-op. Sugar

Factory, Tamilnadu [Ka1iyamurthy & Ramasamy, 1991]. It

is reported that scheme has given lowest final molasses

purity of 22.00% continuously for 3 months.

Chemical process losses can not be avoided completely.

However, the reduced total loss ratio concept will highlight

the stages requiring much attention. The reduction of total

loss can be taken as 0.26%, which yields additional 2.6 kg

sugar costing Rs.26.00 per tonne of cane.

The modified mill setting formula introduced here gives

the settings close to actual figures and avoids guess work.

While concept of equivalent steam consumption and reduced

total loss ratio can be used as real performance indicators

and project clear picture of energy consumption levels and

losses at various stages and will help to control these

parameters. The attempts are useful to improve plant

efficiency and capital investments are not required. The gain

due to improvement of producitity worked out is as follows

per tonne of cane.

i) Jadhav and Madnaik formula = Rs.137.20

ii) Concept of Equivalent steam

consumption = Rs. 18.75

iii) Reduced total loss ratio

concept = Rs. 26.00

Total = Rs.181.95

The comparison of results of new concepts and modified

formula with present practices is being discussed in next

chapter i.e. Results and Discuss’ions.


* Agarwal J.K.P. (1991) "Nature of Losses i :i sugar

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t Dhananjayan A.G. and Sreenivasan G. (19S8) - "Reduced

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* Kaliyamurthy S. & Ramasamy P. (1991) - "Simultaneous

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* Mathur Ram Beharilal (1982) - "Handbook of Cane Sugar

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* Maxwell Francis (1982) - "Modern Milling of Sugar Cane",

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* Patil A.R. (19S7) - "An Approach for Energy Saving and

Conservation in Sugar Industry", DSTA Part-I, pp.SE-1 to

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* Pyne John Howard (1982) - "Unit Operations in Cane Sugar

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RT(8)C (1995) - "Final Manufacturing Reports of Units

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Sinha Ranjana (1990) - "MEDA’s Save Energy Programmes",

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