Republic of The Philippines Department of Education Region X Division of Misamis Oriental District of Lagonglong

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Misamis Oriental
District of Lagonglong


School Head
SCHOOL PERFORMANCE BACKGROUND Republic of the Philippines intervention, Project IDEA Reading Program.
Department of Education  Engage teachers’ creativity and passion in creating and
Region X making Phonic Stories with Comprehension Questions
To determine the level of pupils’ word recognition and Division of Misamis Oriental
comprehension skills and to provide necessary assistance and District of Lagonglong
Varied Instructional Materials like flashcards, metacards and
intervention, the Division of Misamis Oriental administered Oral KABULAWAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL localized materials/Big Books
Reading Test last July 18-19, 2018. The test was conducted by the
Title: PROJECT IDEA (Identified, Define Extra Activities) Reading Innovation A Diagram on Teaching Reading Comprehension
School Head and teachers. The results of the said tests will be
utilized as data for the CI-based Action Research. Theme: A reading Intervention for Struggling Readers THINK ALOUD
Recipient: Grade 6 Pupils
Date of Implementation: December 2018 - March 2019
It was found out that in Kabulawan Elementary School the can improve their
Prepare an index
reading skills and Use a question
number of frustration readers in Grade VI are dominant over comprehension
card with questions
that stimulate
answering dialogue
to stimulate thinking
instructional and independent readers. Based on the result, Grade RATIONALE: through the aid in
thinking and reasoning
VI- Just pupils got the highest percentage rate of Frustration readers. Reading is not an overnight wonder. It’s older than printing MAKING
The school head together with the Master Teachers addresses the or writing or even language itself. Reading begins with the wonder at STRATEGY STORIES
use the questions
Pupils make
problem in which the said pupils should be given importance and the world around us and the subsequent management of signs of different kinds of
to provoke thinking
aloud to let pupils
priority in their reading skills so that at the end of the school year they things. It begins at the womb when the body first senses the universe • Text-to-self
• Text-to-text information
will graduate as readers. Adopting a Reading Intervention using the and the message center of the brain scans the scrambled reports of • Text-to-world

Effective Comprehension Strategy Instruction to support the DepEd their senses. (Psychology of Reading-UPOU, Hermosa, 1996)
Program “Every Child- A – Reader”.
However, reading does not stop from decoding the printed PROCESS ON MODELLING
words. A proficient reader is one who must have a good command of STRATEGY JOURNAL FOR
words. But when pupils read, they do not get the meaning of a word verbalized aloud
Text Pupils can write
PHIL-IRI Result by Grade Six Level on its own. They need to look at the word and how it is related to the
while reading a
selection orally and
Comprehension down their thoughts
and make
let pupils predict Strategy reflections
other words that are around it. This understanding of what they read what happen next

READING LEVEL is called comprehension. (Salandanan et al, 1996)

Schema theory explains how our previous experiences, EXPECTED OUTPUT


Grade Level/ knowledge, emotions, and understandings affect what and how we Upon completion of PROJECT IDEA Reading Program of
Section % % % learn (Harvey & Goudvis, 2000). Schema is the background Kabulawan Elementary School, the number of struggling readers in
knowledge and experience readers bring to the text. Good readers Grade Six pupils are expected to have a significant decrease while
draw on prior knowledge and experience to help them understand the instructional and independent readers will have a higher rate by
Grade VI - Joyful 29 17 59% 10 34% 2 7% what they are reading and are thus able to use that knowledge to the next school year. Using the Seven Strategies to teach pupils text
Grade VI - Lucky 27 22 81% 5 19% 0 0% make connections. Struggling readers often move directly through a comprehension will provide a strong fundamental literacy skills which
text without stopping to consider whether the text makes sense based are essential for pupils’ success, and most importantly an indicators
Grade VI - Just 29 24 83% 5 17% 0 0%
on their own background knowledge, or whether their knowledge can of future academic success as pupils transition from learning to read,
TOTAL 85 63 74% 20 24% 2 2% be used to help them understand confusing or challenging materials. to reading to learn. With the ongoing emphasis on accountability
By teaching pupils how to connect to text they are able to better which our school must focus not only on helping struggling pupils
understand what they are reading (Harvey & Goudvis, 2000). close the gap by grade six, but also must ensure that pupils
Comparative Oral Reading Result in Grade 6 Accessing prior knowledge and experiences is a good starting place considered to be on-target do not fall behind.
when teaching strategies because every pupil has experiences,
knowledge, opinions, and emotions that they can draw upon. SUCCESS INDICATOR
PROJECT IDEA Remedial Reading Program is an
Excellent reading teachers .... have strong content and
70 intervention used to address the problem of struggling readers
pedagogical knowledge, manage classrooms so that there is a high
particularly in grade six which lead to the Identification of area of
rate of engagement, use strong motivation strategies that encourage
difficulty in which pupils are in need to be given specialized
60 independent learning, have high expectations for children's
Frustration intervention to define the activities and use the Seven Strategies to
achievement, and help children who are having difficulty.(International
Teach Pupils Text Comprehension as a tool for the teacher in
50 teaching reading as intervention because research show that explicit
Reading Association, 2000, p. 1)
Teachers make a difference in the success of their pupils
teaching techniques are particularly effective for comprehension
40 Instructional strategy instruction. In explicit instruction, teachers tell readers why
when they hold a fundamental belief that all children can learn to read
and when they have the skills and determination to make it happen.
and when they should use strategies, what strategies to use, and how
30 to apply them. The steps of explicit instruction typically include direct
Pupils should be provided a sound reading theory, given instruction
that meets the specific learning needs. Teachers were able to create
Independent explanation, teacher modelling ("thinking aloud"), guided practice,
an organized and stimulating learning environment, and regularly
20 and application.
assess their pupils' reading achievement in relation to the
10 OBJECTIVES expectations of the K to 12 curriculum. They do not work alone but
see themselves as part of a school team committed to ensuring that
 Address the appropriate needs of the pupils in their reading every child is able to read and that “No Child is Left Behind”.
0 difficulties based on the result of the Phil- IRI pre test though DepEd’s mission is achieved when pupils were able to
Pre Test Post Test making practice reading tools, connect what is being learned and were able to connect to the
 Conduct a reading intervention through an innovative creation present situation and apply the moral values to uphold its integrity,
The graph showed, indicates the oral reading result that out of 85 of Remedial Reading Intervention Using Seven Strategies to
grade 6 pupils of Kabulawan Elementary School (63) of which were in
uplift environmental issues and preserve humanity and live to the
Teach Pupils Text Comprehension Core values which is Maka-Diyos, Maka-tao, Maka-kalikasan at
frustration reading level
 Improve pupils’ reading and comprehension through reading Makabansa.

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