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Project Proposal (Ethics and Social Responsibility)

Project Title:
Introduction & Background:

In collaboration with AMTF and INDUS HOSPITAL we will organizing a blood donation
drive for THALASSEMIA patients (CHILDREN).
The issue we can’t get out of it is selecting venue and audience. Finding a location, research,
and advertise. Regular blood donation by a sufficient number of healthy people are needed to
ensure that safe blood will be available whenever and wherever it is needed. Blood is the most
precious gift that anyone can gift to another person.
__the gift of life.

Project Objectives:

 To help poor people especially THALASSEMIA Patients by arranging blood.

 To contribute in society.
 Encouraging existing low-risk voluntary donors to give blood regularly
 Encouraging new people to donate their blood on a voluntary unpaid basis
 Promoting low-risk behavior so that individuals protect their own health as well as
being safe to donate blood
 To create and update a directory of Voluntary Donors so that the required blood is
available on request.

Project Description:

 A camp is organized on a public place, university, well organized firms etc.

 An NGO is providing a blood test report to donor.
 NGO is bringing all equipment along with them.
 Aware people about THALLASEMIA and providing NGO donors.
 Distribute Flyers and motivate them.

Project Deliverables:

 Printing Flyers
 Panaflex Banner
 Panaflex roll up standee
 Comments board
 Social Media

Team Members:

Shehroz Sheikh 9572

Shahzaib 9638
Emaad Bin Raheel 9242
M.Ammad Sheikh 7719
Talha Mumtaz 7737
Muhammad Talha Tayyab 9548
Taimoor Ameer 9597
Amna Ejaz 8177
Nida Ajaz 8176
Syed Muhammad Ovais Ali 8299

Action Plan:


The first step to planning a blood drive is to find a suitable location, such as a public square or a
community center. A few points to keep in mind: a comfortable waiting area for donors, likely weather
conditions on the day and easy access to parking or public transport.


Hosting a blood drive is a partnership - between your community and your local NGO. Get in touch to
schedule your drive, and find out specific information for your area.


As the blood donation drive host, you’re responsible for setting up shop. That means providing
equipment such as tables, chairs and trash cans, along with drinks and refreshments.


You’ll need help on the day of the blood drive, so once you’ve got a date and place set it’s time to
recruit some volunteers. As we are 10 members we don’t need volunteers. To make things easier, add a
note in your community newsletter and take advantage of relevant social media channels.


Last but not least - time to advertise the event to your community. Again, email blasts and social media
posts are a cheap, easy way to get the word out about your blood donation drive. If your community
has a local center you can also go the old fashioned route and hang some flyers to cover your bases

Task to be done Member responsible Resources needed deadline

for the task
Contact Indus Talha and shahzaib Transportation &

Hospital Fuel
Contact AMTF Umair Tariq and Transportation &

Immad Fuel

Arrange venue Taimoor ,Shehroz Transportation &

and Owais Fuel

Printing Banners etc. Shahzaib and Transportation, Cost

Shehroz & Fuel

Advertisement Amna and Nida Transportation, Cost

& Fuel

Promotion (digital) Ammad and Talha Internet, Mobile

Phone & Camera

Refreshments Ammad and Talha Cost

Promotion All group members Voluntary Card,

(presentations) Flyers

Project Approval Date: Sign:

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