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Ezra Dennis Miguel M.

Magtibay Date Performed: 11 September 2018

Lab Section: 2L Date Finished: 13 September 2018
Group No.: 4


I. Introduction

A cooling curve is a graphical representation of changes in the state of matter of a

sample across a duration of time as it is cooled down or as heat is removed from it
consistently. In the graph, the x-axis represents the time and the y-axis represents the
temperature of the sample.

In the curve, there is a region where the sample would have a consistent temperature
during an amount of time, that region is referred to as freezing point. The freezing point
is also the point wherein the solid state and liquid state of the sample coexists (Fleming
, 2017).

Figure 1

In figure 1, when the temperature reaches that at point c, the substance will solidify,
and the composition of the liquid phase will remain constant. As such, the temperature
will stop changing, creating what is called the eutectic halt.

To get the freezing point of a solution or a solvent and is represented by this


Tºf - Tf = kf m
Tºf = freezing point of the pure solvent
Tf = freezing point of solution
kf = freezing point depression constant of the solvent
m = molality of the solution
Ezra Dennis Miguel M. Magtibay Date Performed: 11 September 2018
Lab Section: 2L Date Finished: 13 September 2018
Group No.: 4

From this equation, students were able to get the molality of the solution and the
molecular mass of the unknown solute.

Sometimes there is a tendency that a substance would exceed its freezing point and
that is called supercooling. For example, as water freezes, the temperature increases
slightly due to the heat evolved during the freezing process and then holds constant at
the melting point as the rest of the water freezes. Subsequently, the temperature of the
ice decreases again as more heat is removed from the system (Libretexts, 2017).
II. Materials
The materials used for this experiment are the following:

 250ml Beaker
 Iron stand
 Thermometer
 Iron clamp
 Bunsen Burner
 Tissue Paper
 Wire gauze
 Test tube

III. Procedure
A. Freezing point of a pure compound

The students gathered the materials to be used for the experiment and started
setting up for the experiment. The students first weighed the container itself, after
that the container was weighed again with the sample. After getting the weight of
the container and the container plus the sample the two values were subtracted to
each other to get the mass of the sample which is 2.00 grams. Then, the beaker is
filled with water for the water bath for the sample in the test tube. The water level
of the bath was needed to be above the sample level of the test tube and the test
tube was placed inside the beaker by an iron clamp in such a way that the test tube
does not touch the bottom and the sides of the beaker. The water bath is heated until
the sample starts to melt. The test tube was plugged in loosely with a tissue paper
and the water bath is stirred continuously. After the sample was melted, a
thermometer was placed inside the test tube to measure the temperature of the
sample, the thermometer was placed in a way that it does not touch the sides and
the bottom of the test tube and the sample was heated for another 2 minutes. After
that, the flame was put off and the started to record the temperature with a 15-
second interval and a student continuously stirred the water bath. The students
observed the sample as it started to solidify once more. The students recorded the
data and plotted the graph.
Ezra Dennis Miguel M. Magtibay Date Performed: 11 September 2018
Lab Section: 2L Date Finished: 13 September 2018
Group No.: 4

B. Freezing point of the solution

The students weighed 0.02 grams of the unknown solute in a dry test tube
and the solute is mixed with two grams of solvent. The same procedure was
conducted and the graphs for both the data for the pure compound and solution is

IV. Data/Observations

Table 1: Pure Compound

Time Temperature Appearance Time Temperature Appearance
0 89.0 liquid 360 78.2 liquid
15 89.0 liquid 375 77.5 liquid
30 90.0 liquid 390 77.0 liquid
45 90.8 liquid 405 76.2 liquid
60 91.0 liquid 420 76.0 liquid
75 91.0 liquid 435 75.5 liquid
90 90.5 liquid 450 75.5 liquid
105 90.0 liquid 465 75.5 liquid
120 89.5 liquid 480 75.5 starts to crystallize
135 89.0 liquid 495 75.2 starts to crystallize
150 88.0 liquid 510 75.1 starts to crystallize
165 87.5 liquid 525 75.0 starts to crystallize
180 87.0 liquid 540 75.0 starts to crystallize
195 86.2 liquid 555 75.0 starts to crystallize
210 85.5 liquid 570 74.5 starts to crystallize
225 85.0 liquid 585 74.2 starts to crystallize
240 84.0 liquid 600 74.1 starts to crystallize
255 83.5 liquid 615 74.0 starts to crystallize
270 83.0 liquid 630 74.0 starts to crystallize
285 82.0 liquid 645 74.0 starts to crystallize
300 81.0 liquid 660 73.8 starts to crystallize
315 80.5 liquid 675 73.8 starts to crystallize
330 80.0 liquid 690 73.4 starts to crystallize
345 74.0 liquid 705 73.0 solid
Ezra Dennis Miguel M. Magtibay Date Performed: 11 September 2018
Lab Section: 2L Date Finished: 13 September 2018
Group No.: 4

Table 2: Solution
Time Temperature Appearance Time Temperature Appearance
0 90.0 liquid 330 76.5 liquid
15 89.0 liquid 345 76.5 liquid
30 88.0 liquid 360 76.5 liquid
45 87.0 liquid 375 76.0 liquid
60 86.0 liquid 390 76.0 liquid
75 85.0 liquid 405 75.5 liquid
90 84.0 liquid 420 75.5 liquid
105 84.0 liquid 435 75.5 solid
120 84.0 liquid 450 75.0 solid
135 82.0 liquid 465 75.0 solid
150 81.0 liquid 480 75.0 solid
165 81.0 liquid 495 75.0 solid
180 80.0 liquid 510 74.8 solid
195 79.0 liquid 525 74.8 solid
210 79.0 liquid 540 74.0 solid
225 78.0 liquid 555 74.0 solid
240 77.0 liquid 570 74.0 solid
255 77.0 liquid 585 73.0 solid
270 77.0 liquid 600 73.0 solid
285 76.5 liquid 615 73.0 solid
300 76.5 liquid 630 72.0 solid
315 76.5 liquid 645 72.0 solid
165 81.0 liquid 660 71.0 solid
Ezra Dennis Miguel M. Magtibay Date Performed: 11 September 2018
Lab Section: 2L Date Finished: 13 September 2018
Group No.: 4

V. Discussion

Cooling Curve for Unknown Solvent








0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Time (s)

Figure 1.1

In this graph, the compound started to freeze at 75.5 mark, but according to the group that
conducted the experiment, they said that the freezing point started at 77 degrees Celsius and that
the compound became completely solid at 75.5 degrees Celsius. Also, it can be observed that if
the freezing started at 77 degrees, the freezing occurred for 90 seconds or 1 minute and 30
Ezra Dennis Miguel M. Magtibay Date Performed: 11 September 2018
Lab Section: 2L Date Finished: 13 September 2018
Group No.: 4

Cooling Curve for Unknown Solution








0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Time (s)

Figure 1.2

In this graph of the solution, it started to freeze at 75.5 degrees Celsius wherein it lasted for
45 seconds. Then, it can also be observed that there is a constant temperature after that mark at
75 degrees Celsius in which can also be considered as a freezing point, but the students used 75.5
since it is the first mark where the freezing started.
Ezra Dennis Miguel M. Magtibay Date Performed: 11 September 2018
Lab Section: 2L Date Finished: 13 September 2018
Group No.: 4

Cooling Curve







0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Time (s)

Solvent Solurtion

Figure 1.3
Based on the graph, both the solvent and solute had a close value of freezing point, but the
freezing point of the solution is lower than the solvent. It can also be observed that the solvent
needed more time than the solvent to reach the solid form of the substance completely.
Trends and Generalization
The general trend in this experiment is that the temperature of the substances decreases as
time increases. Also, the time that the substances occurred freezing is relatively close, and the
freezing point value of the substances are also close. The freezing point of the solution is lower
than the freezing point of the solvent and that is because adding solutes to an ideal solution
results in a positive ΔS, an increase in entropy. Because of this, the newly altered solution’s
chemical and physical properties will also change. The properties that undergo changes due to
the addition of solutes to a solvent are known as colligative properties (Echipare & Harju, 2018).
Based on the freezing point of the unknown solvent, the identity of the unknown is
naphthalene. For the unknown solute, form the computation of its molality and molecular mass,
the identity of it would be stearic since the molar mass of the unknown solute that we have
computed is 276g/mol which is close to stearic acid’s molar mass.
One of the possible sources of error would be the pieces of equipment and the set-up
used. There might be something wrong with the set-up. Other than that, another source could be
Ezra Dennis Miguel M. Magtibay Date Performed: 11 September 2018
Lab Section: 2L Date Finished: 13 September 2018
Group No.: 4

systematic error, like in the way the readings of the measurement were read and the way the
stirring method was done. The stirring might not be consistent.
1. Since we were not able to do the experiment because of lack of time, I think it would be
more suitable if some of the students were to do the experiment.
VI. Conclusion
In conclusion, adding a solute to a pure solvent would alter the chemical and
physical property of the solution that is why that the solvent in the experiment had a
lower freezing point than the solution’s freezing point.

The students’ calculations were able to identify the unknown solute and solvent
because of the freezing point and molecular mass of the substances. Since, the
freezing point of the unknown solvent was 75.5 degrees Celsius was near 80 which is
Napathalene’s freezing point, the identity of the unknown solvent would be
Napthalene. As for the solute, since the molecular mass of the unknown solute is
276g/mol the possible identity of it would be stearic acid because the molecular mass
of stearic acid is 284.48g/mol.

VII. Literature Cited/Bibliography

(n.d.). Retrieved September 17, 2018, from

Cooling curve - University Physical Sciences - Marked by (n.d.). Retrieved

September 17, 2018, from
Fleming, P. E. (2017, August 29). 8.9: Cooling Curves. Retrieved September 17, 2018, from
Libretexts. (2017, January 27). 12.3: Some Properties of Solids. Retrieved September 17, 2018,
Echipare, L., & Harju, Z. (2018, February 19). Freezing Point Depression. Retrieved September
17, 2018, from

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