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Submitted to- Submitted by-

Dr. Sanjay Singh Anurag Choudhari
Associate. professor B.A. LL.B(hons.)
Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia 1st semester(sec A)
National Law University


This project would not have been possible without the kind support and help of many individuals
and organizations. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of them.

I am highly indebted Dr Sanjay Singh for his guidance and constant supervision and also for
providing necessary information regarding the project.

I would like to express my gratitude towards my parents for their kind co-operation and
encouragement which helped me in completion of this project.

My thanks and appreciations also go to my colleagues in developing the project and people who
have willingly helped me out with their abilitie.


 INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………..04

 SOCIAL PROBLEM……………………………………………………………..04

 ECONOMICAL PROBLEM ……………………………………………………05

 RELIGIOUS PROBLEM ………………………………………………………….05

 CONCLUSION…………………………………………………………………….06


I found an opportunity to have a village survey organiesed by legal aid committee ,rmlnlu. I
was having a will to meet the villagers and to known there problem.I was thinking that it
would be a fun being part of this village survey but it was not so .

There unsolved story and

dipressed voice of there home ,family,son ,daughter ,food,house,child study or child lobour ,
harassment from mortgagors and unheard appeals to Pradhan described there untold pain which
is the crying voice of every village in india .

This show that many villages in todays’ india are

suffuring from social,economic and religious problems .then i must say that we are still trapped
in the marshes of caste ,religion and irrational tradition .

Life of behta village is an eye opener when it comes to development .after reaching there I found
that our NLU is a contrast to the reality of the uttar Pradesh .i found that behta is a victim of
social evil where social backwardness in the name of castism is a poison but local gangesters
seems to rule .

Jiski jitni sankya

Uski utani hissedari.

Jiski jitni samajhadari

Uski utni bhagidari.

Corruption seems to be rampant , government servant by obtaining BPL cards seems to flout
the others right then what is the need for cultivating the land . do not working manarega then to
they enjoy the benefits of the scheme .there seems to be a politics in availing the services of
aadhar and voter cards and elitarate are used for getting political benefits

Sahabs wife and mother seems to enjoy widow pention scheme then to when there husband are
alive. Widow in reality are being fooled by the sahabs who makes them sign on a document
which declares there husbands to be alive and asked them to pay hand some money for the
completion of there pention formilaties . this is not a fiction but are true stories of people of
behta village which they told to me as there family member .


Behta village is also a victim of economic crisis.the people from socialy backward group sends
there children to ,metropolitan cities to earn the livelihood for there family .bread seems to be
more important to them than education due to which they send there children at early ages .it is
commonly observed that children are force to leave education for earning there livelihood .as
children grow up they are send to delhi,Mumbai and others such places for getting a better
employement . with time economic condition of the family become stable but they remain
undeveloped due to there illiteracy which brings them back again in the group of undeveloped
citizen .

I met an old women whose husband died recently due to cancer leaving behind her and
her four children.later she told me that due to her husband’s death her family lost there
livelihood for which she had to take out her children from the school and put them on the
business of selling milk to the nearby city .the women suffered a lot due to non availability of
applied widow pension scheme and no support from government .


It is my firm view that today’s village is unimaginable without the religious problems .every
where religion seems to act as a social evil and no one knows to which extent it’s roots are
spread . Incidents which happened in pratapgarh ,dadari, manpuri and muzafarnagar are
common in such villages but no news on such incidents are published in newspapers .since they
are not reported in any news channels or newspapers they are invisible to the eyes of government
due to which ground realities are unknown to the government .the villages are the soul centre of
good and bad sides of religion .

The contracters of the politics are always ready to have an opportunities to cause riots and set
there political ambience among the people.

Behta is also a victim of religious evil .the religion in behta is copsulated in small groups which
decids what kinds of rights are given to them such as basic aminities of life like food and
dwelling . the services of ration card are only available to those who are boot lickers of the
sahabs seating in a luxurious chamber .hand some money is paid to avail the housing services
provided by the government with no guarantee of being allotted with a house and thinking about
getting the money back is a sin .


I conclude this report with a question that will ever behta people be able to come out of the
social economic and religious backwardness and be a prominent player in development of the
state and the nation .

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