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Research Paper on: “Customer Satisfaction in the Private Healthcare


Submitted to:

Tasneem Binte Morshed (TBM)

North South University

Submitted From:

1. Syeda Ayesha Noor 1610722030
2.Annie Mao 1620724030
3.Abdullah Al Sakib 1620832630
4.Rakib Mahtab Ali 1620949030
5.Taslim Hossain Turzo 1620971030

SUBMISSION DATE & TIME: September 8, 2019 [12.00 PM]

The following research paper is on customer satisfaction in private health care sector where we work on
three variables to conduct the research, those are: corporate image, perceived value and cost affordability.
To conduct the research we took help from online journal for secondary research. To conduct the primary
research, both online and offline questionnaire survey were used and in total 200 responses were
collected. With the help of SPSS software, collected data are analyzed and later on with the help of
coefficient table we decided on our hypothesis. From the research it is found that corporate image
positively effects customer satisfaction which proves first hypothesis right. Additionally, perceived value
enhances customer satisfaction which proves our 2 nd hypothesis to correct. Lastly we thought that high
cost might affect customer satisfaction in private health care sector but the research proved our hypothesis
wrong and we can now say that high cost does not directly affect customer’s satisfaction in private health
care services.

1.0 Introduction...........................................................................................................................................5

2.0 Literature Review..................................................................................................................................7

3.0 Research Methodology........................................................................................................................10

3.1 Primary Research............................................................................................................................10

3.2 Secondary Research........................................................................................................................10

4.0 Measurement development..................................................................................................................10

4.1 ANOVA test.....................................................................................................................................10

4.2 Reliability analysis..........................................................................................................................10

4.3 Coefficient of variation....................................................................................................................10

4.4 Scatter plots.....................................................................................................................................11

5.0 Questionnaire description:...................................................................................................................11

6.0 Scales used...........................................................................................................................................11

7.0 Sample and data collection..................................................................................................................14

8.0 Descriptive Statistics & Demographic Analysis:.................................................................................15

9.0 Empirical Result:.................................................................................................................................17

9.1 Corporate Image:.............................................................................................................................17

9.2 Perceived Value:..............................................................................................................................17

9.3 Cost Affordability:...........................................................................................................................18

9.4 Customer Satisfaction:....................................................................................................................18

10.0 Data Analysis:....................................................................................................................................20

10.1 Model Summary:...........................................................................................................................20

10.2 ANOVA:........................................................................................................................................20

10.3 Coefficients:..................................................................................................................................21

10.4 Hypothesis Analysis:.....................................................................................................................22

11.0 Limitations:........................................................................................................................................23

12.0 Recommendation:..............................................................................................................................24

13.0 Conclusion:........................................................................................................................................25



1.0 Introduction
Customer Satisfaction means identifying to what extent the customers of a company are satisfied with the
products or services they receive. “Customer Satisfaction “is a very important variable in all type of
business industries. Several types of research have been done the importance of customer satisfaction in
the banking industry. One study on “DEPOSIT MONEY BANKS (DMBS) IN ABUJA” shows that
customer satisfaction has a statistically noteworthy impact on their achievement. The mission for
achieving company's competitive advantage has motivated DMBs to be considered in their association
with clients by utilizing customer satisfaction management tactics which include consumer loyalty,
gaining customer’s attention and client retention (Jerry and Ayuba, 2019).

Studies have also shown the significant importance of customer satisfaction in the Telecommunication
industry. In the mobile sector of Nigeria, it has been seen that in the process of earning customer
satisfaction a telecommunication company can earn a huge amount of competitive advantages (Ayaga and
Nnabuko, 2019). Recently, hotel industries have evolved by improving their services to ensure customer
satisfaction. Focusing on ensuring customer satisfaction has helped them to improve their services, gain
customer retention and cost flexibility (Chinedum, Ebere and Nwakaego, 2019).

In several industries, there is significant importance of customer satisfaction for ensuring better
performance. We see many citizens of Bangladesh going abroad every year to get better treatment. We
found out that approximately 700,000 Bangladeshis go abroad for health services every year (Daily
Industry, 2018). This amount is huge because of the large number of unsatisfied customers in our private
health care industry. Many times, the patients do not get a quality treatment even after paying a lot of
money to the private hospitals.

Customer’s satisfaction as in patient’s satisfaction, in this case, is one of the most anticipated results of
any hospital (Iqbal and Hossain, 2014). Although it can be founded on the components of hospitals like
dependability, responsiveness, affirmation, sympathy, and substantial service that a hospital gives yet a
patients satisfaction relies upon how well these components are functioning from all sector of a Hospital
(Iqbal and Hossain, 2014 ).(All things considered, patients are also content in substantial quality of
services of the hospitals that has a good appearance of the hospital and their neatly dressed doctors,
nursed and other employees. (Iqbal and Hossain, 2014). In dependability and affirmation measurements,
it has been seen that patients are indifferent or then again fairly content (Iqbal and Hossain, 2014)
Despite what might be expected, it has been discovered that the hospitals are falling behind in
responsiveness and compassion measurements of hospitals showing these measurements are failing to
satisfy the patients (Iqbal and Hossain, 2014). A lot of factors influence customer satisfaction of

Hospitals. In this densely populated Dhaka city, it is important for the private health care industry to
provide excellent quality service for their patients and for which they must need to ensure customer
satisfaction. Considering all these issues we have decided to make “Customer Satisfaction” as our
dependent variable.

2.0 Literature Review
A positive hospital brand image builds patient's satisfaction straightforwardly, however, it likewise
improves quiet fulfillment through the upgrading of apparent administration quality, which ensures re-
visiting of the customers for a great service (Wo, 2011). Corporate brand image for sure fills in as a lead
factor in upgrading administration quality, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty (Wo, 2011).
Moreover, the studies suggest that a good brand image can ensure customer satisfaction with all the
service they provide to maintain the image (Wo, 2011). Corporate branding can bring many positive
benefits to the hospital and some of them are:

 Expanding patients' mindfulness about the sort and qualities of the hospital
(Khosravizadeh et al. 2017, pp. 1137-1146).
 Patients' suitable choices about the perfect decision of hospitals and social insurance
(Khosravizadeh et al. 2017, pp. 1137-1146).
 Patients' are more satisfied with selecting the right hospital that they needed.
(Khosravizadeh et al. 2017, pp. 1137-1146).
 Recommending the known ones to get health care service from the hospital they are
satisfied with. (Khosravizadeh et al. 2017, pp. 1137-1146).
 A pleasant of the hospital is established (Khosravizadeh et al. 2017, pp. 1137-1146).
 The Doctors and the hospital employees are motivated to work in a hospital with a good
brand image (Khosravizadeh et al. 2017, pp. 1137-1146).
 Excellent Corporate image is an excellent completive advantage against the competitor
hospitals (Khosravizadeh et al. 2017, pp. 1137-1146).
 Corporate Image of a hospital makes people tend to get the medical service repeatedly
(Khosravizadeh et al. 2017, pp. 1137-1146).

Considering all these issues we came up with the decision that the importance of Corporate Image in
ensuring customer satisfaction in a private hospital is inevitable and based on this decision we chose our
1st independent variable which is “Corporate Image”. So, our first hypothesis is:

Hypothesis 1:

H1: Corporate image positively affects customer satisfaction in private healthcare.

H0: Corporate image doesn’t positively affect customer satisfaction in private healthcare.

Perceived value to a patient is different from another patient (Pan, 2011, pp.4465-4475). For instance, a
patient may see individual consideration as the vital for chronic illness treatment, and a similar patient
may take a moment and precise treatment as the main need when intense occasions develop (Pan, 2011,
pp.4465-4475). A hospital with higher professional services can still be unsure about what quality of

service would satisfy their patients (Pan, 2011, pp.4465-4475). The values that patients perceive while
taking treatment in the hospitals through the services of the hospitals, the patient-doctor relationships and
the environment of the hospitals leads to greater customer satisfaction (Panda, 2015). “Perceived Value”
is our 2nd variable and which can be earned by both tangible and emotional satisfaction of the patients.
So, we came up with our 2nd hypothesis.

Hypothesis 2:

H1: Higher perceived value of private care enhances customer satisfaction.

H0: Higher perceived value of private care doesn’t enhance customer satisfaction.

Our country is a developing country and many people cannot afford the higher cost of private healthcare.
A reduction in cost in the private healthcare industry would be helpful for the customers to get the service
repeatedly and ensure satisfaction. Monetary access is presently considered one of the most significant
determinants of access and is most straightforwardly connected with measurements of poverty (DAVID
H. PETERS, 2008). Other than the direct expense of treatment and casual installments, there are likewise
backhanded costs that hinder poor people from looking for treatment (DAVID H. PETERS, 2008). These
indirect expenses incorporate the opportunity cost of time of both the patient and those going with that
person, transportation costs, furthermore, costs on sustenance and hotel (DAVID H. PETERS, 2008).
There is an expanding center not just around these money related hindrances to getting to mind yet
additionally on the monetary results of paying for wellbeing administrations (DAVID H. PETERS, 2008).
These outcomes incorporate spending high extents of family unit funds (cataclysmic spending) or include
obtaining cash or then again selling resources (trouble financing), the two of which can push individuals
into more profound neediness and longer-term obligation (DAVID H. PETERS, 2008).

From this discussion, we can say that the private hospitals should provide flexibility for different classes
of people considering the cost affordability of people of Bangladesh because it affects customer
satisfaction highly. “Cost affordability” is our 3rd independent variable and we came up our 3rd
hypothesis and that is:

Hypothesis 3:

H1: Cost affordability of the service provided results in a greater level of customer satisfaction.

H0: High cost paid by customers doesn’t directly affect their satisfaction in private health care services.

8|Page image

Satisfaction affordability


Perceived value


3.0 Research Methodology
The following research methods were used for the analysis of our report:

3.1 Primary Research

A questionnaire survey of 20 questions based around the 4 variables (customer satisfaction, corporate
image, perceived value and cost affordability) was conducted. To ease the convenience for our
respondents and thus increase our response rate, the respondents had 2 options of either filling up our
printed questionnaires handed to them or fill it up through an online survey created on Google form which
included the same questions as the physical questionnaire.

3.2 Secondary Research

We have also used materials from articles and journals of scholars related to our topic of research.
However, we could not extensively use secondary sources for information due to limited research
undertaken for the specific purpose of our study, which was to understand the level of customer
satisfaction in the private health care sector of Bangladesh.

4.0 Measurement development

The following measurement tools were used for the study:

4.1 ANOVA test

It provided us a means of determining if the results from the survey were important. They assisted us to
find out if the null hypothesis is to be rejected or if you should accept the alternate hypothesis. We
performed an ANOVA to determine if two groups vary considerably in one measure or test.

4.2 Reliability analysis

It is based on the measurement of the percentage of systemic variation by determining the association of
results achieved in various administrations of scales. Thus, the scale produces coherent outcomes, and is
thus reliable, if the association in the reliability analysis is large.

4.3 Coefficient of variation

It measures the dispersion of data points around a mean. The metric was used for comparing the data
dispersion among different data series.

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4.4 Scatter plots
They showed the extent, if any, to which the values of the amounts or phenomena observed (called
variables) were correlated. If there was no correlation between the factors, the points on the coordinate
plane appeared randomly scattered. If there was a big correlation, the points focus close a straight line.
Scatter plots are helpful visual instruments to illustrate a trend in the view of information.

5.0 Questionnaire description:

The questionnaire consisted of 20 questions which were designed to gather information for all variables
considered in this study – customer satisfaction, corporate image, perceived value and cost affordability.
Each variable had a total of 5 questions dedicated specifically for that variable. The whole questionnaire
was structured using a scale rating for each of the questions. It started with an opening question that asked
the respondents to choose from the list of private hospital names given in the survey that they have last
visited. Sensitive information regarding age, gender, and so on were included at the end of the

6.0 Scales used

Likert scale was used, which is a five (or seven) point scale taken for the purpose of expressing how
much a person agrees with or disagrees with a specific declaration/statement. In our questionnaire, we
used a 7-point Likert scale with 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = more or less disagree, 4 =
Neutral, 5 = more or less agree, 6 = agree and 7 = strongly agree.

Initial questionnaire format with citation is given below:

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Corporate Image (CI) [ CITATION WoC11 \l 1033 ]:
A positive brand image of the hospital directly builds the satisfaction of the patient, but it also
improves quiet fulfillment by upgrading the apparent quality of administration, which ensures that
customers are revisited for a great service. For sure, corporate brand image fills in as a leading factor
in improving quality of administration, customer satisfaction, and faithful client. In addition, the
studies indicate that a healthy brand image can guarantee customer satisfaction through all the
services they provide to preserve the picture.[ CITATION WoC11 \l 1033 ].
Questionnaires for Corporate Image (CI):

Strongly Disagree.......................................................Strongly
Code Statement
CI 1 I always had a good impression
on this hospital for the medical 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
services they provide.
CI 2 I chose this hospital directly
based on the recommendations by
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
other patients who take their
healthcare service regularly.
CI 3 I feel this private hospital is
preferred by most people than 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
other private hospitals.
CI 4 I feel this hospital is known for
their highly educated and
experienced hospital personnel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(doctors, surgeons, nurses,
customer care employees, etc.)
CI 5 I felt that the hospital’s authority
looks for the best interests of their 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Perceived Value (PV) [ CITATION Kon15 \l 1033 ]:

The value that patients perceive in hospital care through hospital service, the patient-doctor
relationship and the hospital atmosphere contributes to higher customer satisfaction[ CITATION
Kon15 \l 1033 ].
Questionnaires for Perceived Value (PV):
PV 1 The facilities (equipment, cabins,
beds, etc.) of this hospital were well 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
PV 2 The medical team always got the
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
diagnosis right for me.
PV 3 The medical team always got the
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
treatment right for me.
PV 4 I go to this hospital for their timely
services (fast appointments, fast 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
response to queries, etc.)
PV 5 The hospital personnel (doctors, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
surgeons, nurses, etc.) make me feel

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safe and secure.

Cost Affordability (CA) [ CITATION DAV08 \l 1033 ]:

Bangladesh is a developing country and the higher cost of private health care cannot be afforded by
many individuals. Reducing costs in the private healthcare industry would be useful in getting the
service repeatedly and ensuring satisfaction for the clients. Monetary access is currently regarded one
of the most important access determinants and is most easily linked to poverty
measurements[ CITATION DAV08 \l 1033 ].
Questionnaires for Cost Affordability (CA):
CA 1 I found the price of their services
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
pretty reasonable for me.
CA 2 Other private healthcare clinics I
went to, charge the same or even
higher but provide poorer medical 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
CA 3 This hospital provides discounts
for people with lower or no
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
income in the time of crisis.
(Example: Dengue Crisis)
CA 4 I prefer going to a public hospital
rather than this private hospital
because their medical service 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
charge is higher.
CA 5 I prefer going to a hospital abroad
rather than this hospital as the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
costs are similar.

Customer Satisfaction (CS) (Osemwengie Osarobo Jerry, 2019):

Customer Satisfaction means identifying to what extent the customers of a company are satisfied
with the products or services they receive. “Customer Satisfaction “is a very important variable in all
type of business industries. Several types of research have been done the importance of customer
satisfaction in the banking industry (Osemwengie Osarobo Jerry, 2019).
Questionnaires for Customer Satisfaction (CS):

CS 1 My experience with the medical

services of the hospital was 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
CS 2 I felt the medical services
provided by the hospital were as
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
they promised.
CS 3 I felt the staffs of the hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
were always well behaved.
CS 4 I felt the hospital staff was
concerned about my feedbacks. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
CS 5 I will recommend this hospital to
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
my closed ones.

3. Your gender: A) Male B) Female.

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4. Your age group: A) Below 20. B) 20-30. C) 30-40. D) Above 40

7.0 Sample and data collection

The sampling technique we used was simple random sampling. A simple random sample is a subset of a
statistical population with the same likelihood that each member of the subset is selected. Therefore, an
unbiased representativeness of the true population can be obtained with the use of simple random
sampling and hence we chose this technique.

The size of our sample included a total of 200 respondents, out of which 116 identified themselves as
male while 84 of them identified themselves as female. Most of these respondents belonged to the 20-30
years old group which made up for about 94% of the total respondents. Responses rate from the other age
groups were as follows: Below 20 (2.5%), 31-30 (2%), and Above 40 (1.5%). The responses were
collected from people residing within the Dhaka city in areas such as Bashundhara, Green Road,
Dhanmondi, Mirpur and Gulshan.

Our survey discovered that the respondents answered the questions based on the services they last took
from specific private hospitals in Dhaka. The response rates for the following hospitals were as follows:
Apollo 43.5%, Square 14%, United 10%, Labaid 12.5%, Green Life 3.5%, Ibn-Sina 6% and others

Data was collected through both offline and online means to enhance our response rates as described in
our methodology earlier.

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8.0 Descriptive Statistics & Demographic Analysis:
Descriptive analysis is essential to find out the distribution of the research data which gives reader a clear
view about the data distribution. Research data is collected from both male and female of different age.
Thus, demographic analysis can give us a proper view about demographic distribution of our research

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Gender 200 1.00 2.00 1.4200 .49480

Age 200 1.00 4.00 2.0250 .32388

Valid N (listwise) 200

The research is done through both online and offline survey and data is collected form 200 respondents. A
descriptive statistics analysis is done through SPSS and got the table above which shows the mean and
standard deviation of gender and age of the research. The mean and standard deviation of gender are
1.4200 and .494800 respectively. On the other hand, the mean and standard deviation of age are 2.0250
and .32388 respectively.

15 | P a g e
Mal e Fema l e
50% 58%

40% 42%

From the graph and table above we can see that majority of the respondents are male which represents
58% of the total respondents. Rest 42% are female respondents. It indicates that the distribution of gender
in this research is reliable and welly distributed. Also, the data are free if gender biasness as well as
consider the opinion of both genders.

Bel ow 20 20 - 30 30 - 40 Above 40
100.00% 94%
2.50% 2% 1.50%

Form the graph and table above we can see that majority of the respondents are from age group of 20 – 30
age represents 94% of the total respondents. 2.5% of respondents are from age group of below 20 and 2%
of total respondents are from age group of 30 – 40. The least percentage of respondents are from age

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group of above 40 represents 1.5% of total respondents. Therefore it can be said that the research data is
not well distributed among age group.

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9.0 Empirical Result:
To check the reliability of the questions we have used the Cronbach’s Alpha reliability approach. We
have used this test to measure the reliability of the scores and internal consistency among the responses.
We have taken the universal range to identify whether our variables were reliable or not. The general rule
of thumb is that any score below .70 is considered not reliable where .70-.79 is good, .80-.89 and is better
and score above .90 is the most reliable ones.

9.1 Corporate Image:

Cronbach’s Alpha can range from 0 to 1 and the higher values indicate a strong internal consistency and
more reliable. From the above table we can state that Cronbach’s Alpha of .797 is greater than .70
meaning that our measure of corporate image signifies reliability and there is an internal consistency
among the items.

.797 > .7 (Reliable).

9.2 Perceived Value:

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Cronbach’s Alpha can range from 0 to 1 and the higher values indicate a strong internal consistency and
more reliable. From the above table we can state that Cronbach’s Alpha of .782 is greater than .70
meaning that our measure of perceived value signifies good reliability and good internal consistency
among the items.

.782>.7 Reliable

9.3 Cost Affordability:

The range of Cronbach’s Alpha indicates that any value below .70 or 70 percent is considered unreliable
and there is an unsatisfactory consistency among the items. From the reliability statistics of cost
affordability, we get see that the value of alpha .575 is less than .7 and it signifies that this variable is not
reliable and there is an unsatisfactory consistency among the items. To make it more reliable we can try to
incorporate more reliable items and omit the ones that has less inconsistency.

.575<.7 Not reliable.

9.4 Customer Satisfaction:

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Cronbach’s Alpha can range from 0 to 1 and the higher values indicate a strong internal consistency and
more reliable. Any value of R greater than .80 refers it has a better reliability. From the above table we
can state that Cronbach’s Alpha of .843 is greater than .80 meaning that our measure of customer
satisfaction signifies better reliability and better internal consistency among the items. It has the most
reliability among the four variables.

.843>.7 More reliable.

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10.0 Data Analysis:
10.1 Model Summary:

The model summary table is used to identify the strength of the relationship between the independent and
dependent variables. It also signifies the influence that value of R-square has over the dependent
variables. R-square in the model summary is coefficient of the determination which can be obtained by
squared value of the multiple correlation coefficient.

From the above we can see that the r-square value is .510 which is higher than the range. We can state that
a significant proportion of the variance of customer satisfaction (dependent variable) can be predicted
from the variance of perceived value, customer satisfaction and cost affordability. The value of R square
also states that it has greater influence on the dependent variable.

10.2 ANOVA:

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ANOVA analysis is one-way analysis of variance which is used to measure the statistical differences
between the means of unrelated independent variables. It also helps us to determine whether the variables
are good fit for the data. If the value of the significance is less than 5 percent or .05, according to the
regression model statistics the data is considered to be good fit. From the above table of ANOVA analysis,
we get to see that our value of significance is 0.000b which signifies that the data of independent
variables are good fit for the dependent variable.

10.3 Coefficients:

The co-efficient table above gives us an insight to understand whether the independent variables play any
significant or insignificant role in the dependent variable. If the value of significance of any independent
variable is less than 5 percent it has a significant effect on the dependent variable and if the value of
significance is more than 5 percent or .05 it has an insignificant effect.

Corporate Image: From the above table we get to see that the value of significance of corporate image is
0.00 and it is below the range of insignificance. This refers that corporate image has a significant
relationship with the dependent variable “customer satisfaction”. We also can see that the t-value is 2.664
and positive and we can conclude it has a direct relation with the dependent variable. Also we can
conclude that our alternative hypothesis is correct regarding the relationship between corporate image and
customer satisfaction in private healthcare.

Perceived Value: The value of significance of perceived value is 0.00 and it is below the range of
insignificance. This refers that perceived value has a significant relationship with the dependent variable
“customer satisfaction”. We also can see that the t-value is 5.74 positive and we can conclude it has a
direct relation with the dependent variable. Also we can conclude that our alternative hypothesis is correct
regarding the relationship between perceived value and customer satisfaction in private healthcare.

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Cost Affordability: The value of significance of cost affordability is 0.102 and it is above the range of
significance. This refers that cost affordability has no significant relationship with the dependent variable
“customer satisfaction. We can conclude that our alternative hypothesis is proved to wrong regarding the
relationship between cost affordability and customer satisfaction in private healthcare.

10.4 Hypothesis Analysis:

Hypothesis Description Significance Level Remarks
H1 Higher perceived value P=0.000 (P<0.05) Accepted
of private care
enhances customer
H2 Higher perceived value P=0.000 (P<0.05) Accepted
of private care
enhances customer
H3 Cost affordability of P=0.000 (P>0.05) Rejected
the service provided
results in a greater level
of customer

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11.0 Limitations:
In our analysis we only could focus on customer satisfaction in private healthcare which is basically our
research topic. In our research we couldn’t really look into public healthcare sector. Whereas, maximum
of the population of Bangladesh go to public hospitals when needed.

This research was conducted among the people of Dhaka city to be more specific people residing in
Bashundhara, Green road, Dhanmondi, Mirpur and Gulshan only. Thus, these findings may not be
generalized to other cities of Bangladesh. Among the population of 163,353,842 we could only survey
200 people which is very less. Between the respondents there might be response error as well.

We got a brief idea about the factors that actually help increase or decrease customer satisfaction in
private healthcare sector. To make this a fruitful and an authentic research we could use more variables
for example, 1. Does emotional satisfaction has a positive or negative effect on customer satisfaction? 2.
Does environment positively or negatively effects customer satisfaction?

We did this research for our educational purpose so we had a limited time to conduct the research. Within
2 months or less than 2 months we couldn’t do a better research than this. But now that we know how a
research is being conducted. We can work further on this for professional purpose.

Further research on this topic should include more in-depth studies and the sample size should be bigger
than 200 and should cover most of the regions of Bangladesh. We had mostly closed ended questions in
our questionnaire thus we couldn’t actually know the exact feelings or emotions of the respondents.
Interviewing could give more specific and authentic information.

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12.0 Recommendation:
The researcher should take into account more variables for example does environment has a positive or
negative impact on customer satisfaction in private healthcare sector. Environment is basically condition
under which a community of people gets effected. There were significant researches with evidence that
environment is linked with health outcome. Taking environment into account would be more feasible or it
would make the research more authentic. The researcher should have a clear and fair perception about the
research and shouldn’t manipulate any information for proving their hypothesis. They should increase the
sample size from 200 obviously. Further research questionnaire should have more open-ended questions
where we had more closed ended questions. Taking all this into account would make the further research
more credible. The future studies should give respondents more time to think about the responses they
make which will help the researcher to get less response error.

For the future studies, researcher should take interviews as well as questionnaire surveys so that
consumers could share their feelings more.

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13.0 Conclusion:
Customer satisfaction in private healthcare sector is a very important factor in Bangladesh because most
of the private hospitals charge a premium price but if they don’t provide proper treatment and doesn’t
satisfy customers it will be unfair and unethical for the hospitals. We can see from our research that
corporate image positively effects customer satisfaction which proves our hypothesis right. We also got to
see that perceived value enhances customer satisfaction our hypothesis 2 is also correct. We lastly thought
that high cost might affect customer satisfaction in private health care sector but the research proved our
hypothesis wrong and we can now say that high cost does not directly affect customer’s satisfaction in
private health care services.

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International University Journal of Business and Economics, 8(1).
BANKS (DMBS) IN ABUJA. European Journal of Business and Innovation
Research, 7(2), pp.38-56.
Pan, F. (2014). Perceived values on hospital services: A fuzzy logic
application. African Journal of Business Management, 5(11), pp.4465-4475.
Vatankhah, S., Khosravizadeh, O. and Maleki, M. (2017). A systematic review of
medical service branding: Essential approach to hospital sector. Annals of
Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 10(5), p.1137.

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Group Picture:

Survey Questionnaire

The following questionnaire asks questions about your experiences and opinions regarding many
aspects of the private hospital you have visited recently. Take your time and answer them truthfully
as per your ability. This survey is completely anonymous and the data collected will not be shared
with anyone other than the course instructor as the purpose of this study is academic.

1. Which private hospital have you visited recently for medical services (Example: Diagnosis,
Checkups, Medicines, Minor or major treatments, surgery, Emergency Help etc.)?
A) Apollo Hospital Dhaka

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B) Square Hospital Limited.

C) United Hospital Limited.

D) Labaid Cardiac and Specialized Hospital

E) Green Life Medical College Hospital

F) Ibn-Sina Medical College & Hospital

G) Others ____________________________

2. Please rate the following statements based on the private hospital you have identified in "Question 1"

Code Statement Strongly Disagree.......................................................Strongly Agree

CI 1 I always had a good

impression on this
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
hospital for the medical
services they provide.
CI 2 I chose this hospital
directly based on the
recommendations by
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
other patients who take
their healthcare service
CI 3 I feel this private
hospital is preferred by
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
most people than other
private hospitals.
CI 4 I feel this hospital is
known for their highly
educated and
experienced hospital
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
personnel (doctors,
surgeons, nurses,
customer care
employees, etc.)
CI 5 I felt that the hospital’s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
authority looks for the
best interests of their

29 | P a g e
Code Statement Strongly Disagree.......................................................Strongly Agree

PV 1 The facilities
(equipment, cabins,
beds, etc.) of this 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
hospital were well
PV 2 The medical team
always got the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
diagnosis right for me.
PV 3 The medical team
always got the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
treatment right for me.
PV 4 I go to this hospital for
their timely services
(fast appointments, fast 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
response to queries,
PV 5 The hospital personnel
(doctors, surgeons,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
nurses, etc.) make me
feel safe and secure.
CA 1 I found the price of their
services pretty reasonable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
for me.
CA 2 Other private
healthcare clinics I
went to, charge the
same or even higher 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
but provide poorer
medical services.
CA 3 This hospital provides
discounts for people
with lower or no
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
income in the time of
Dengue Crisis)
CA 4 I prefer going to a public
hospital rather than this 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
private hospital because
their medical service

30 | P a g e
Code Statement Strongly Disagree.......................................................Strongly Agree

charge is higher.
CA 5 I prefer going to a
hospital abroad rather
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
than this hospital as the
costs are similar.
CS 1 My experience with the
medical services of the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
hospital was pleasant.
CS 2 I felt the medical
services provided by
the hospital were as 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
they promised.
CS 3 I felt the staffs of the
hospital were always 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
well behaved.
CS 4 I felt the hospital staff
was concerned about
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
my feedbacks.
CS 5 I will recommend this
hospital to my closed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
CS 1 My experience with the
medical services of the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
hospital was pleasant.

3. Your gender: A) Male.

B) Female.

4. Your age group: A) Below 20.

B) 20-30.

C) 30-40.

D) Above 40.

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