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i The design of deep beams in reinforced concr: OVE ARUP & PARTNERS | Guide 2 The design of deep beams in reinforced concrete | (Ove Arup & Partners _rs document sine to provide umber with guidincs ante den of dep brain * or tint ry en exiting puied ntrmation aie es ben sae ee me a recon, boo repens wheter in fray ory = aa homer ead rutin am teu ech uence can be acted ‘by CIRIA or he contribute. 4 Price: €96 (€7 to CIRIA Members) st SBN; 086017 081 0 Issn; 0206-3267 This Gade as Ben prepared fer CIR by: Authors (Ove Arp & Putt) A. Stewas FICE FISrct (Teas Lads) [LartaréBSlEng DIC MIS Booth MAMICE i cor mD 5. Neney BS MICE RE Rowe MAD FICE FISiuctE FINE Cat and ConreteAsciaton 1A.G.Senioe MSS FICE Fact: ‘hls Rasech an Development SEACWiler Se ACCE DIC FICE FIsuuet# Oss Faber & Pata {CURA acknowledge wth thks he sistance pen by De F.K Kong of Cambie Univer | oe Sommary 1 6 Aopendices a Introduetion 11 General 2 Design princiles 3 Scope '4 Limitations ‘5 Multi-purpose deep beams {6 Geometry and behovlout of dep boars 117. Design rules ~ panera considerations Simple rls for the analysis of dap beams 2.1 General 22 Geometry 23. Computation of forces 214 Strengths ultimate it state 25 Holes through deep beams 26 Service mit state Supplementary les or the analysis of ep beams 31 Gael 22 Geometry 33. Computation of forces 234 Strength ultimate ii state 3.8. Holes though dep bears 36. Servcsabty mit tate Behaviour of deo bears: an explanation ofthe rules 41 Elie nals 42. Elan instability 43 _ Unimate load beheviour 48. Flexural failure 25. Shear fire 448 Sheor capacity: top-losded beams 447 Sheor capacity: bottom and indirectly loxded and indivety supported deep bears 48 Sheor capacity: upper limits ‘49 Shear capacity lod combination {410 Bearing failure 4.11 Bursting tersions produced under concentrated loads 412 Holet 1413 Deformstion and detlacton 4.14 Setloment of foundations 44.15 Reinforearent 1 1 1 4 “Typical sree catribution in deep beams 8. Examples of deep beam design © Bucklingstrength of deep beams D. Shear strength of reinforced, top-loaded deep beams E. Estimate of deflections in deep beams List of lusratione List of tables Symbol, tems and units of measurement 10 9 2B 23 a 2 Ed oe 2 El 3 3 a “a 44 as 48 46 a 8 e 8 3 a 105, u8 7 123 128 130 ev aa ' Summary Introduction 1.1 GENERAL, ‘is Guide has bon peed by em of degen ben approved by 2 panel of ‘Shore as an aoe statement ofthe ead of go pate inden cetnfrcd ener deep bes Is ud on a exhaustive study of pulse iterate and of seach Sepors on soe snd owes macho ew of eohard nd Kong! dhe ‘Theinformaton pend 2 manner coelered stable for we by engineers who havea god geet inovledge and sanding of renforend coat srtetares bt le Or mo cupric te Gs etn of dp bear The Cues atended fr wea cigy ad and oot thesfonepiarly concord with sur regurements whch may be Sprepiateeltry decent It shold be se in conjunction wth he eth Standard ‘Cobeul Poste forte rac eof ences CPLLO™ 112 DESIGN PRINCIPLES ‘The methods wed in the Gide conform wth the nt state principles adopted in CP 110" {nde CEB-FPecomenditions, nd spy to deep bes ae with ata og sweeps 12 SCoPE “Te Guide provides dnl se sng he nl Forns of wnforsed corte beams Tick ave deep in ston othe san ber wth span/cepth at of les han 2 for Ting span bea res than form pen Beans) or depts eater han the pa, the eam cone to behave a» etn hing Aepth eq fo the sen. wth th emaindr of the beam sported by, nd tans and eed cordial Sopplemenary ls ae roid for more cma css in which on apc ay be sted by cst tatblty or wer lst a canst or were les inthe Bey Sia fen peoranc. For some ase ot catered by th san intone on how fet about fading asluon toe prbien. ‘Design examples and ifration on ste alters, busing, hen sng and defo rnton se pen nthe appetites, In ode t over bow a range of aplcions= freemen eto tii 14 LIMITATIONS oben which would regu entesv stalls oe frtherexeimentl evidence and alo te Sgn and analy of onepear cured sepped oc aged) beats at ot comers Bronnsofth ck of adn tet dt on th svi of pressed deep eam, hi Foomotconruction bes ot bes covered nora he elt of tr lsd, In hes mare comple ast whe the beam sees mor than oppor the . esr must ake hic sess by stele mtods of extapelace,siperineston, tern or anal cones cosy 15. MULTI-PURPOSE DEEP BEAMS ‘Decp bea be required to ptm atonal reo. Tpke exmpes ae sen n pes 2nd. Figue 1 shows ase whee the se beam albany wall and, ton, seeds nn loads dow t8 cna fosndatin, Figure 1 Types! mut! purpose deep beam Figure2 Deep beams a part of other structures Figure Ted arch anaogy for single span deep beam 2etlon —unifonnly (vit Botton load igre 2shows ca where dep ean fom pr ond beating wal. Insc css, the designer ut judge fr bins effect of teraction of he ee Fanetions. Fr ths popes be wl eed a understanding othe Pow opt of faces, ‘wthin the Der. Chaaetersi tens of ppl suse dete om elas of Sep Seams ners umber fod condtons agen Append A From these piel sts pos, see tha, unlie salow beams, th whole are of the ‘member sin te zone of nfoece of the ape loads nd sport reacton. Coney, {ep benms mt be eid to take cst of bth ha tl end rz ae com 16. GEOMETRY AND BEHAVIOUR OF DEEP BEAMS. ‘Tho geome of dep bem nly ately determined ntl by stent nd servlet onsets eed to function ars dop team However, pom determi ‘hee sheer and theeforebow it shold be analand ad sso. In desing nual low) nore concrete beans ofthe proparoes more ommonly eed Ie constuction sumed thi plane sects emai ple afr losdig ‘Tas utumptin mt sly te bat he ree eng rw donot tec signe nthe dept ofthe bea Saree oo oe tant hl te span THe beams hence a erp beam and epecil math of atl od deg have ob we Tete Iehods eno account ot oly he oval appled mans ands, but aa the sss ler and intra eermatins wit he ea, The oneal pattem of forces in sage pen deve hea flr he cance inten ‘cracked an be considered angst td ch tar a own in Pl 3, How exe, Torsome disposed vpoort, ths mag ot ese. The cen o ‘omprestn force the sc es om the wpport toa positon wich ra dtc of ‘prorat al the pen sone thie, The tension force ine et roughly constant long is egt bese, though th Bonding moment rece rom he ere fhe pn 0 ‘he suppor dows the aor arm Although th src stn for singe span dep beam maybe tought of ample tide he aon conta teeta tote sport bya cmbiation ‘int sytem a showin igre Flt hte the eda temo eed for angle speneand cn, sapnson ye ceed ons eral opp ‘These analogs ate hp in ndesaning the ype pten of foes within the bem, ‘bu they oot Tend thus ote acute pedcton of he lb and deton of inc pal tree for fern load ad ppt ond, Afr explanation and icin fhe haviour of dep ean pron in Section fovengaers who sek bette tndestendig of sube. Figure Combined tied arch and tn su one | a susperson system analogy wz ena Phan mae for multiapon deep beans Som ‘i |U7 DESIGN RULES— GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS ‘The ruler arte on thease aha and analy of dsp beans tated and sepote in rious eeah report and pblstins, the mort nortan of whch i. hide in th teres (Son 3). The ules condrsed as much as posible ost we. Infomation whi doesnot conte ded othe proces of checking the strata legacy of ee beam, rf wlestn and arranging the entree bas en oie. ei ecommended that te design sages tobe fellowed in applying te rue shoulé te 1. eth spon ment 2 compute apled foes 9. hk adequcyof cones etion 4. torent set ad arangeent se ofthis simple sequence should minimise the dxgn work, cay when tbacomst casa alter the promi ofthe beam rng the cou 2. Simple rules for the analysis of deep beams 2.1 GENERAL ‘The simple aes gen i ths soe spl to the despa frat conrece deep bes ret or ore suppoets, cha the along eandtns 1. Toebeam ia ft plat 2 Hes in th a are not th a one wth testes patent (ee Seton 29), 4 5. Thre ro aprile ies movement of support under oad a 8 Doped 4 Thee ne consented one Terms, rs 130, end Scion 23.1). 5. Tereare no inde lous o oppor (oe Tem pe 130). Condins 1). 2) and) exclu sires to which he Guide dot nat apply. Condon, . (@yand@) exe bea to which th single lr are ot itended Lo pp Ce they Seton the se of campeon) ‘The sinpe ules ae pinay intended for ofrmly nade deep Beam with nig cant hol. Who thi a the cae, tin ave conan ald be necked befor en tepid irnccanyvlence made othe provisos of he saplrmenay res Seton 3. 2.42 Limitstetes Ths deg ae o be oe wth hs Gade shouldbe sproprate othe in state ander onsieation, in seordanc nits Cate 23 of C110 Deng commendations we quoted 22 GEOMETAY 22.1 Effective “Te shosld be deerized ia scordance with lure 5 os floms: oan ad height teste pan) fe + (heer of /2 00.) of deep beam * (heer ofc) 2 oO.) othe ihe (i) = bbe > |i } \¥ . , eve pan roms 1| Gmeneenen LLE po Gace timenions of doy Spot} _—_ Geer seer y pay 222 minimum foronteconncon pupae Wee of he anh tbl hn Td ettiy te Us tdi eee ‘ec the minimum concrete over tothe oer yet of renforement, 2 a dimension allowing fr foyer of wb elfrcement, oe Yr and one otal eth fof he Dem, nln ta efornatos apo ‘3. pce forthe ping eloocennt bat if ot scant i se wb sel 6 spe forthe Uber anchorage tthe spp fh eq. The dame ofthe ‘bend depends on the force inthe bars an he lowe ering sie pethe curv Got GP 10, Cee 3.1.68). Asa fet epronton te eae dimensions ‘of meta Ucar bend stn be has w eb Ganesre. Thus he mln hes wil oly ty ee hay sbost 200m and ay reson beasumed Yo be ere 300 it pore Z aa Gann | rams eee fe ee eee j) noe — 22.3 Sendernes iis: laste stability 2:1 Loading ‘The singel sue no etn of expt da to he Hendra of he sto ot lack of edeginte estat Ths sumption eer panel cn be deine shor acd wal inthe em of One 3.81.1 of C110 Inthe oan of tis conditonthe ‘een gh of cach url stake tobe Is the srt diane twee cons of rallies (whore thee at ete rl esti at al four ede of te Paral) rat 1.3 the ane between te entero he pal trl tats wher one {revo opposed ofthe pel re ee) When bth rola anise ovemets (thro t Seton 32-2 an Anpedin C. 23. COMPUTATION OF FORCES Beso which he gl les ppl wl be abet o oad ae 1. Vertal ores sped shove alin 0.75, shore the be soffit ae consid tbe sped the topof te beam and may bpd the gl foo by lest quan, which may be anformly oral tated along the sen fot prt of the spn. Conicerton sod ke pen othe posto eon eons ‘ing setup by te pend fla ee Seton 3.44). - 2, Lond apple whl the depth of he beam (low aie 0.75 above the bse 5 foil) wl be contre ang lade bea sl eh lo oa) Loa pte to the low dg he eam wal Be opie a hanging load, Thetntenty ofan lon wl ees than 02a and applied ovr ength which ‘tose 2 Moe ater ond snd hoe pied ve shorn te considered {ode conenteted' in wich eae refeence shuld be made o Seton 3. 232 Fore Tost he dig mnt sl efoto he dens an Zeman hears contdered stoning urifm erbuton of he esctons ver de sport sated ‘ppl ia Fgue 7. The ol freon he apport mast, f coun, nde the ous apd er the soppot wi Sie eghoeto tea Lora or ac pr Sco on ns mre ' sun oaing only Ht iiiitidite : iW “THAT TRI seactans sna etry J | sirbuted over effective ft west as x} jx |, Het | ete sent | erect soan . oe Fawe7 —Sippat inate and oon moments . ‘The length of support at cach end of the span may be taken as the actual length or 0:2, . "Sopp omen a continuo eam shoud computed apd dtbued co the bai five pa nd nh stn tt os fe pan ae propa ‘ou to ii The eg ope er Sohal be at rsp pred insu nr eon end pase toe oe ‘SpponaummtsTheeatviee fenton rate Fors cg vr opr stan ie sol see ot te tea sector ic aon sa eon as) Tendon soreness pte OB ela ~ a ee) . sndot pe espa, 6 fas ~ Mus) (08 Fgue 9) - Figure Aaitional shea at end opore Ft mason | | eee ! 1 | vo | ¥e i i j | i hi = | oo | TJ ‘Additional shear 2¢ an (|p ettectve sunport tong cx Pena |p ede SESE Figure 10 ‘Soreed of concentrated {op and bottom loads 2.41 Strength in bending Defrition of enconrated oats Concedes ate ied as those apple ove leg o beam es then 0.22 hos “shone uss tn gestern Of, The messes required ode! with concealed Tans notion te Spe Rae Whee loss ne pen into the bea hough 2 Pine rab stray, the tna of lading om the bam may be chdked by efeeac to Er 10. lode re found tobe oncetted seed abo, efrence shoud We mde {othe Supplementary Rats Seon 3). ‘ep ong 24 STRENGTH: ULTIMATE LIMIT STATE Lame ‘wing, The bearing ses, i erical wail goers . Tek, 5 15,the indo that he pied moment M<0.12/ DN, must be sd Ares of reinforcement ‘The tof elforoment provided to et pve and nete moment soul sty the faloing conan: * ose hte he dsgn moment a timate it tate hd ithe oer amt eck the iforcenn es ‘Thea of comprenion nfreent is ot nad ‘Tavera, may be tamed to be ox ge pus, peste sagging ment: <2 2202! + 04h, foc mult-pan beams, mi span and suppl moments: Ih <2.8 2 = 021 +03h, Where cnt pon ng if, th ver am oe the support sal be reste othe longs ‘pn, proved tat the mle fore das nt exted tothe shorter ssn. Figure 1 Dealing of enforce ‘mane for Bonding (top {and bottom loads) Dette: rnin ending moment enforcement Reinfoamsnt: poste ging moment) Retoforceneat sot tobe cra in the pn td may be etribted oe depth of 02h, "Te turs mute ached to deo 8% 0th maximum alate fre beyond the fae oF theeppor and 20% ofthe maxim ulate force at beyond pot. om the ace ibe soportsor ator beyond the ffs ofthe ppt, whee les (e igure 12). Te ‘ie etrstnent nat bo anchored eo thatthe cont whi hae of suppor eed ‘pon for Desig deqestely conte ‘Anchorage bod stead th eee diensons of hoks, ben and Ub should eompy with Cue 311.62 snd 311467 aed 8 petal CP 110. Basing ‘Boul comly ih Secon 22 of ts Cai I en nsery to chek Lal bond Reiafrconent: negative (hogan elforcoment) ‘Aout half the repiesnfisenent shoal extend oer he length of scent san, reeay be counted sport of th wai ab reiforcet. The ean Br ay be ‘eit a distance 0470 en anchorage bend length, messed from the fe ofthe ‘support es Figure 1). “Te tinforcment overt spot shuld be unfomly tbat in hoiontal bands Aeserbed blow an stated on Figure 12 ays fined oth reer of he two span adoring the support vas condenton, ere fi ute tha fy here ac wo bands, The pp band extends fom the op ofthe ‘ppc sal computed in acorns wih (OBt cnt the ersinder ofthe pn nee enorme faction 5 (gaat 1) ofthe taal ae of ain sore. Toe ows ind extending from Oho team to depth of 0.2, and cont ‘Wot nay then hl th apport ending enforcement shouldbe contained in and extending Oly Sls ensured fom the Ke Bur spacing sul accord wth Seton 28.2 Leawer bas 1 2 as 06 ta ® Figure 12 Bands of reinforcement for hogging moments 242 Shear capaciy “Toa forse, apie a theese (ha he fof he ppt) wl ne theses ro th aces appied to the pn la ton sear frce eed in Secon “The desi aproch governed bythe eng equrament of otter and tp lads fora reinforcement Dsigtd wo sta eid for oto ons ut, under the spl ‘ea, toga shee cpa snot mgroed by wed enforcement. The into to opt {anual orthogonal tr of web renfocemen augmented aces) fo meet the ees of botor louse Consgventy, the procedure shoo be fit to determine the wb sel eqlemens for ‘stom ond, he a conser top lad sherpa. and Gal ta cock hate combleed Toad iterction expresion po ters thi sen sted Capac of boston ded Bons Tis flloving condos mt be ied fr loads api to he Bott ofthe Beam ee ‘Terms, pe 150, here ta amin val for ahr tes take rom CP 10, Tale 6 {nd 26 fo onal nd igh wegh ppl coset, eesti Reinforcement shall be poidd in cordance withthe allowing equrenens \oiformy dst lode pple along te whole spa othe bottom ofthe Beam nas be upped by versal leon n Dt ary at ign ses O87 The Fane bral be anchored and etd aasrated a gue 13 The wea of th horizon tb infect ova lower half of he ex pth hy, ard over laph of span ‘Reaned om he asf th support sl ote le tan 0.8 he waforly dtbuee Fang stl pert length, The eguement fr spacing st te nuninu percentage oF Finfereeat tenon essed in Section 26.2, stb sed by thi we ul SESE” saan eis } Detailing of hanger = = sensi aael | rbtoraant a l, er ot tt ddan el pn Ge a ob web | site oop te ‘he tet er py, Yl eed on te mn in snd dnl cb er or Bae eb | i ‘Whee he coniion ¥<075b%,y anno be sased the dimensions olendiag team tb evi apsty f topoaded booms i Define he fei: leashes pan dimension, x, by sefeence to Pie 4. Ti puamate leapt to top loads oy ‘Tee ve of. shouldbe atm tobe th least of: “Tele sherpa or aload wich cotbute more hen SOS of he oa shear Fore the spar 8 ora iol strut ove the whol san ‘The weighed average of der See spac where more thas oe ond ast and none onubter mae tas SO ofthe sear Foren despot The whe aera willbe 2(V)/2¥, whee theft sea at te face of spot, V= 2, where saminda hea oe, nd ts oresponding der sera. The fellow ondtons st esti for Tod pple at he top of th ea: V < 2ibrcalg oD yD ‘ A 4 a | ae | on cu thareas trig —— ! wa | oo — orem ve mene stn fom G10 4835 ee cee te ace rare Test nevada ope, ttre ey i « anya a tion nag et ei poy eaten tient au ry armani ig ono tl a "aa alla <1 tees egy ig wy Yes nce meet ta yes hace ete Coe ta a or vv Meet ent wi nme poy 2 . ca = a nome ‘Web enforcement shoud compte horizontal a etl braced at ania cover at ‘heh fc fe bes Te wachorge Gets shoud be shown in Figs 5 ‘The acount of lforcerent sl ot be ethan hat requ for s wally Cee 3.11 and $3 of CP 10. athe supp epi owe on Fig 16th enforcement in both ‘Seco hl orgy with te minum requirements of Scion 26:2 of hs Gul, Horizontal web bara anchored a5 inks at ‘edges of bean Figure 15 Anchorage of web reinforcoment {obs orchcs to Gaveop Rt son nap beanie Ha hy é er noone Fiowe 18 hationonnt ea poor one a 243 Suangth: Tomine tn eg, tn co aye ceded tne into begat otto i hae te spon os gyi coors ‘sgl o ined Spee hh ing ia ie om “ier epu lds pe i Te seme ar lop oe pu ld bene Deng se poh insole 2.44 Consteton tes dl add oar wh pst of nit itn oor uns foo sien of he bans wail Seg ary Tends acing ig conseton, eep beam sod be Kept propor tl ety night complete andthe contte stan enough are the aprons an ef 25 HOLES THROUGH DEEP BEANS a ‘254 Choracteritic Teste pte dagams pein gues 7 to 21 repre od cats ined in the 28 teen imple rieThe diners an form stud othe bed of force oon’ rugly re are {ole seul ses dsbin, and po corte bas fo asesng th ashy ‘tam arangeen hls ns dee an They ae prope or bears whee 1 2552 Loading snd These of estan oh sai sound oe maybe represented as two pif ep 2.52 Leming’ mole beara eter ofthe ole. The loading ob oped wb the elt of sees inthe S prides ms the oit wich te le osu. The ae nd drction ofthe 5 ‘rnc suse hich conte Ue oui uoand te Boe, may be estaod fr the ‘Potot of utiying stergh fr hoe dred bye ana ad plted in Appendix [RT range of ben nein ao lond show the Npaes och ht the pineal ‘rome any aengnts ot spel covered by the dt, ay be oan y ne Polaon Aletatvyes contrat tenet of lw ard an Sprott ndeaton ofthe * ‘eton of the nc tee nay be deve frm he force band dagrns. The res ‘eg fom diferent eden pled concent ean be combined ey Mabrt ‘dngran to ge envelope egaenent for araiiy 2d for eaforcement bs ze nd lection LLLLELL| Lil 4 1 UI corte of rant ei ees wopcery — ‘esr i ne fa whe —— cman | 4 ect support — Siewert Figure 17 Stes patter in sngl san beams with uniformly ditributed top loads hove the hl vented orthogonal i the ection ofthe princi stress (Gir 2) be lon (es) may be concerto Be pled normaly tote wie ofthe Honea ithe ole rete terse (Figure 25), th eed to dea wi combo . ton oftagetiny sorely stad ons ry be ides by along the device ofthe teil! le, Te uaa ole retanglr, sin he dst ofthe pip tees "Tugel erin shouldbe checked fo {nd emeloer the exten Fhe ea maz. a = pes so ' zeroes ‘sci % rina tess ‘ndated hus SS bitictve spect with 6, of 0-24 | nine cn eer wom ot pea ae i ‘Sonsrgroe salar rae i = tere sop ert aka coir we, ‘Sosses red Figure 19 Stress patter in single span beams with partial uniformly distributed top loads circ patter over an on finternal supoore ‘ou te /Comeeasnbas gure 21 iss patter in single ren ral with an end fren ent applied = ‘8.3 Admissibility Th hoes nde lveiaton sou be compel in cate a size with the ppopst ose 7 an aterm. Thor wer th dimensions exceed Othe wih he tcl foe indi sic ae thy arelocated ar no adobe nde hs lt este thes pater 9 - ‘erably hanged and heen be aampine mae Sates 252 and 25.4 wl ot ser. Figure 22 Load effect at 2 hole orthogonal with principal sess Figure 23, Load effect at 9 hote not orthogonal vith principal 254 Desgn, and ‘etaling of feinforcement Koning the diensns of th ‘sue or ofthe el ol, nthe nts ofthe nom Tend spied the opening stan rod ofthe le my sige a two Fl of mpl sported des ean ssedig tthe spl les inp! bndg enforce fer the gaan ole shoul be arranged to accord ‘wish nln venation and deneoson, The conret in the ae Between the eal and lent le shoud be enor nominal The eafxcement placed paral snd clas ¢ th aes ofthe eal hole shoul eof he sans ae the man tel tthe equalnt ole (Ge Figure 2) ‘Aeroatinlyitny be practi o adopt ate of orthogonal reefrement not faces te team ite to the web te angen aa of gil smotnt nach etn, ‘eran ea wih enlop te tones of tio ound the le Ge Figure 25) The amount Ulihrrnfemet (pe nit ann of wb) soul ot Betas han atin Oe tenon bard © the ogtatnt al f te ty aed oa Ti WZ Yj 7 IG, “se \ LMM sss? rte ior aaa Inuence of hole = 26 SERVICEABILITY LIMIT STATE 26.1 Detection 2.62 Crack width control cet past the stilenng es ofthe conc sounding the min te!) then the ‘ltr syn deflection of singly supported dee bam may be pruned tobe ofthe ott Staph) a spanf 2300 fr wll dab nd cote -pn poet an tepetaly. Teaco in ton dae tothe effects of concrete cee andSMMKE rot katy ob glean eeton by 0.7 20.5 0 obtain he contre pan defection where hes anti In he bam st on and ends, eopectely. Where in ae bat lade, the xine of elenon shoul be incre bythe extenon ofthe banger eleocement tained by secre oe alent oh Appa Expat pip fom whisk theta re dave, The roel ested thee ay be ape to thes type of ong to rede deeton of op the ‘fects of diferent tenes ‘he minimum percentage finforcemeatn¢ dp Det should comply with he equi nen of Ones 311 sd 88 of CP 110. Br pci sul not exceed 250, nares of des beam ese ines, the proportion of the ttl stele ted to then area ones a which i embode, sal nt be es than D290. “hisamount of solr expel wu porenag ofthe xf onctete which es imbedded geno Table! forcoeret an tl teogts, a dy spect. ‘TABLE 1 Minimum ste percentages I Sout?) 4 Ly ce | cs 25 35 4 as For maximam ack wi o3 and bar sing shold not exceed those Srna Tabs Band 3, eget The ba spcng gene Table sould nt be exceeded {somal enzo in nes esedin tension, o ate adegeae sls. The bt ‘pacing gen by Table ay be doped hon the enorme eau hgh sanded of Protection fr the elnorcament (se Gate 223.2 of C10) Ba spac estas 100m, pending on the bar Gree, nt uly conde to bea practeble rangement ‘TABLE 2 Maximum bar spacings (mm) fora maximum erack width of 03 mm ‘Wa ofbean, (em) p ; " 2o_| 200 | soo | 70 | 1000 | 1500 ao | 20 | a0 | aos | s0 | oo | 30 sia | tm | iss | am | zis | 20 | 20 ws | ts | igo | tos | 20s | ais | 22s am | uss | a6 | ta | ass | 200 | 210 as | 50 | 6 | rs | tas | 190 | 200 so | as ass | im | iso | ts | iss » o ‘TABLE 3._Maximum bar pacing (mm) for 8 maximum crack width of 0.1 mm —— [ae | 20 ao | os | uD 0 7} 7 pity @ | 7 “a wo | 5 8s @ | @ soo s | @ 3, Supplementary rules for the analysis of deep beams 321 Misia thickness of boom 322 Slendernoss ris asi stability 31 GENERAL Thee spcementry resto be read is conjunction with he empl es, corer te dese of Te sate pea, nceaing ono ho arangerats excluded byte conions gen Bolan Ar The conion tat he ea lt and realy thin and that he aan ec athok deta sss th deep beam tes patter, tl apy Further ‘FiSenaon proved to ert soc refined sas where the ess pata Sie 32 GEOMETRY Beas o which he plenty rlesapply say contin more han wo ye of eae eet auh face The elnficement esti to ffs the misma dimen ud the ‘Mopiomenay reste agate whish maybe eq fossa, a the fect xd ‘Ruldons an apport ano sppemeet hanger esaforeret, The minim neson lownnc usted Section 222 shoud be ane accor ‘Whee swe pe cannot be defined a short brace wal (dsr i Section 223 ii enaceuty when sling vere ox hoot! rs sections abjeted to compres ‘Rn to ta i pace slenger al desebe In Cnse 3.81 of CP110) and ‘stir alow or the ations mares duce by ltr deletions nde loud For {ie pupons fs vipat, he street which section of erp Beam may bes [peed abe derived from ie pel etc lysis en in APpeRGX A Agnes effictve hight ‘Whore te web panel is ectanglar a bred as fete ater restraint on iain of Tatappnte dpe an the merge srs (V7) the andl ses ha SO of he ‘ea verison wahver the peste) compres sts in he pac, {hen sf estomts of th fevtie eight Ltn shorten stance betwen the cet of ‘tra entrant re thre fesse tr resents tal four ees of he jor ns the tance betwen th ents ofthe pr ate eats (vbete one ‘geo opposite ee ofthe pane re fe) When both ational an tral movement ‘eee the determination of fective hot may be bse on he er dance betwen, tater tha he estes of ater estas Arprovines ational moments Where the sondtions a esimsting the apposite tect hight at sti ‘State af dita! moments nay bere flows Where he xis vrial Stem in he panel ree hn th maxima horzatal tes, then vere stip of nk 3.4.1 Strength in bending | 302 Shear capacity 6 with are eal for tons moments, which coespond to he maxiu asl ond on Ufat sp. Tht adtiona monet eee from Equation (33) of CP 110, ag fet, Thea of tects ht einaed a deefnd above. Thr fects helt roy ba ‘en aledated fom eerste! ahora dimension Horizontal sls of nit with Se malycd fran addtional nome! eg othe prestet onl moment per uit wt, ‘tested fo che etal the xi axl empresive sues ishorzonal ten {he foregoing procedure ied wih he word Ronson sh "eta nechaged ore ect etna of efitve hight ed atonal moment Wc the eondtons for comping effective eight ae nosso wheres wed to {Eke sccount of th ition sf ofthe lta retain, o where amore acute et fnete of edionl moment ie requ thn frence shold be made to Appeal Cin oer toate the effete ag, the length ofthe pan and Roce te aeitionl moment No teconmendatins even forunbraced panel o rps with wo acne, 33 COMPUTATION OF FORCES Lous which my be pid der the spplementary re wine those which se oncenated and inde. Tees no vppleentay dec to al got nection 23 24 STRENGTH: ULTIMATE LIMIT STATE Tete sno guidance supplant to tht pen in Section 241 “The tot shea force, Vt the tel section i dtemlaed as dese inthe snp ke, ‘eth the adel eet of ey eoncentnted ole ape lads. Designed web ‘treme heute for bot lode und inde sapportd sao loaded bear ‘The webster tee conten shuld be determined, ser hh th lforcement m3) ‘chelod and ecaary inresed in snont, nde tsi the op oni Feanemens nthe combined loading Interaction expres. I to Toads ely are ape, the unnfored web cht aon of he mp sete hen the nia bob efonement oy be pment nde he suplenesay resto improve top owe Shear cpa andr mppot and wader Bottom and indirect loads ‘The shar enorament equed ata indict upp my alo be cnsidered characteristic 1 tat equed under ber said nd inde lade, Refer toe supplementary ears inherent estions baw The fllonng onions st esti for sams whic re sported indie, oF ich ery oto ae net ads: nr me velbe for sa e aen aor P 10, Tbs 6 126 for normal nd bhweiht ease concrete respect, lnforement sal be roids cordance wth th flowing reanmnen. “Ther are to ple patterns Stee may be poided to aguet theron web teotremeat a the formofon nog! es int fae net eg hy? 3083 with 11031 andthe Gee Fgre 20. The ol of he hoazoatl as oe the en of the teh nthe span sou deeap= force of BY, andthe veils oc of al dein to of O87. _Aterstvly, the addon! eorcerent my com f bus nied ad located a. inetd in Figare 27- Te band fitness oad be dsgod a es of O37 For DB the verte tert fore eseqed tocar. The bars sould Be enchwed aks = tor es : Se omens ~ IH few wn ch a erctranst mar ———h FE seeps marca oe 3 rune - emuatand ohana Pcl eo intocamert Jo |) * ul EH | esp basmati hat hy =, Leng ofr pt eatiy Tengo ect saber Figure 28 Sheer reinforcement for indirect and bottom load at end support finwrra suppor sian) mrs yap renrerent nrtogar mesh in bah pss arches — | fest eto dono aoe Rt [| 4 | 1 Aten gen a ‘maed nonce care Semen Be pnt nang ntranent = as rate wo et Soar . Dara is re a an aa any |) marta rantcanert a Figure 27. Alternative shear renforcement for indirect and bottom loads “Tne bac pate moe effective in iting the crack wis. It adoptions rwcontended where 7> 036. Then aber reas wll be pronde by te mini. {hog meh Gee Seton 2°) ad th inne ar Thelin ba koa ot ay theatre pater han OT ae Figure 28 ‘Shear and honger reinforcement for ‘concentrated ‘ettom la igo bar for concentrated blo od should aot be considered a conta to sear testanee st oports bitte ed sad 9 them eed not be inde ne bei fers fox wich web renforceen to be provided ar spcag andthe reinforce are ofthe aoa web enforsemest shoul comply wih te eqiement of Section 262 i ‘The shes capuiy, Yn tobe entered the combine log Interaction expession ray be deter re th cao ofthe nied brs, cluding, whe appropite th ‘pul of the serial ni ey the orzntal lfcement in ah othogal eh Shera hanger rexoremert or concntte bottom lads “Tu coadtons re for bottom loaded bean in ttn 242 apply ad mas be aod ‘ht ter, dep beat ded wth concerted bot loads mst be renfred in acord cs wth he fling erent, Adina eel hangin eilorcement hold be pe ‘lc for fore equa to he conceited hang lan, Q ats dag ss of 57nd ‘Boul extend above the teas soit nd be ancored a shih hy Te ars may be Torey apc bt faces on length of he Beam equa 0.1! pls the oad with fr. a tated ie igi 28 Bar pcg aed sel shoul omy with fe uae of Seton 252 — Fa acter 20h, eb seinfocement shold be ot es thn aol ott needed in he rthogonl patter at ane! spot, fora eget hear, brs maybe counted a at Erebe sheu vinfrcement No aovan sul be take ofthe terran the conesntates Soitom nn Geteranng he ar expcy of te we oe forcement. The hoot {rst the orthogonal aten of wed forcement sal xtndthe le ofthe dimension, (hy Ot ot te rte side of he atonal supeson sed, mensued rm the fe of ‘When the hgh ond sosbteasyicant proportion ofthe tot sha re, he fore shuld be ced ty a combistin of nln sad verte bas. The inined bs (Gated n Figure 29) sould be bet "othe olzoral The vere component of {fetacein tema stew of 0817, sro cary na more thas 60% of eax se ence ie poston ofan ev he load is rcammended that he iim ns of ctor! wrt sisson ses! | ~ eed pat 1 Degree 00 tars oor om, jeri! nanos see aaes crty Avond te bce 060 aoe band Soya the || oF icine bare / Sport 1 V7 fea i / seca radius a | yy | . y ' a yn oa re . “prereset Povey 8058 { \ whom] Figure 29. Use of lagonal shear and hanger reinforcement . the bend inthe sine bar he loa poston be 29 ameter. Vert rs, ete Atsabe above, cay the remainder af he banging ree, 0.40 ‘When nln bet adope, sent ert enorement soa be prove 0 isu anc the fot ad atone the ae of the bn i oe spermart incline ba Bot vet ad inlined bar mt be acre Beyond the support ines nate ia Page 29 as leo by fl bond length ow designed U-bend. Orthogonal reinforcement | he same patos seed at a nde supper, mus be proided to cary the proportion of ‘hea om the conentated hanging load neers thence ba. Age, ane ‘or maybe counted put ofthe shear lafoceent "Te shea capac, Vy ay be cute s for en net sport Shorea ander rect ase ‘The condos to ested andthe rnfrsment quae defined fora concentrated Sette ad ting te load appli ndiety the conentetedboton oe, nd the th led oad wal a th nh of the lod ona : ‘Wr a netnd spp shoe line 0.754 shove he em a maybe a come tobe pan om Shea apc of pleaded bans Trova Fortopeade eas he rovion of Section 242 spl. Arete th uit ser spat ofa ep bem ended a the op. aed ih web reece! dpored nds a cage 180) te tonnes, ih, < Mfl ~ 035% Avg + Ae © OMS mn “ Dlg +e 2 ee ‘Thiexpreion for shes apa sinned to apy ove the rng 0.23 100.7 for lh ‘the trea the expression sith sea strength contribution ofthe oes at i sts, eect i and where Nx = 04 for opal welt agrees an = 032 for goog opens H 1 © 198 Nin! fo dtr and Hi = OS Ninm? fr lain ound bs ‘The uinate shear cpa bjs fo the ont: Hh Vib, < 13% Vn “The coniboton ofthe enforce tthe sears of the am mst ot Be es ha i (O2Y, Retafrcomen wih no thin the gt hy ofthe Beam does ot conebue o ; { } E ‘Section 242, whichever i the larger. ' i ! Shear sent pote dep ban ith ifm cig onfoceent Te shear song of bea wth tog elfen may edt byte 0 i {te two Ginchse sed s dee fom U1bh, = Nite * Grtma * tan + Bohs) “te tnt tem nthe eoreion sth sear strength contibaton ofthe cont. The fers i Tacks the coributioe oth sel (a arrest, ton web laforemest i tnd verte web reafrsomet especie) | where hob : pl endig | Sed: defomedéae 1001 ipl bending I Fo:roundses 04 0404 fii ee weld mesh o7 07 “Telnaes jot to he i Vb, < hae ‘he consbuto ofthe ste aorcret tothe uta shear, Vrms wo be eta ‘Val fr 4d gee gen Tables ant, TABLE 4 Concrete hear stress parameter, (Nita?) (Gear ser panic |_| _ es ny ry aa i } a 55 | a8 ‘00 i | ue sat iq 02 558 i ° 3er_| an 63 x0 TABLES Maximum shar stres parameter, vn (Nimi#) RP 8 é 3 oh _e | m blr 6,7 ge vals oY a a for sou asf hand the einfoe- nent expend a prenag of he ection dled os lows ts = Eran > ny #104 ERRATA mH 7% incinia " Gude? | Oe” Ten ot 5 pest | ae oe ‘isso ithe wb incon ceesntd by a ny lfm oe the eight A ofthe beam andor he ces opt of he se. TABLE 6 Main (cogging) steel shoo stress parameter Yu (Wien?) (Genser ai aging ee a) cS a [ea [os [os | 10 io ‘ao | eas | aso] 07s | 098 os fox | oss | om | 09s | tis 06 20 | asr | oss | ius | 143 os oe | cer | to | 130 | ts8 02 o3e | ors | ius | 130 | 1a o oa | ore | air | tse | 9s TABLE 7 Horizantol wa ete! sear parameter, Yon (len?) ‘Gow sea spaneg Rhosizonal web reinforcement an) & bas [0x0 [035 [oa | 06 | os | 10 ta paz | eas | ox7 | om | az9 | 030 | 040 os bis | ae | o21 | 028 | 036 | 048 | 060 06 fs | o22 | 025 | 029 | 043 | 037 | o7 os bat | 025 | 029 | 038 | aso | 067 | os 03 23 | 028 | 033 } a37 | 086 | 075 | 098 ° 026 | 029 | 034 | 039 | 089 | o78-| 098 TABLE @ Vertical vn stool shear parameter, (Nin) ‘Gen shen sang ‘ever wb elfveenent yn) | ais | o20 | 020 | evo | oso | 089 | 10 10 ‘oar | o10 | ais | o20 | o29 | a39 | on as os | eae | ea | ot2 | ate | 020 | 030 oe bor | oa | eas | O06 | ato | az | 016 | oe ot | om | aa2 | om2 | oas | oa | oos 02 8a | 029 | 000 | 000 | ago | oot | oot ° aa | 000 | 000 | 000 | a00 | 000 | a0: | Combined oatng Under combined tp, bottom and indict loads orsepentthe lowing condtions max tear: Malia + Valen <1 qth sear capacity asuning top ods only Vy tthe shar apt assming Bottom ov act ods oan Indectsiport only Vesper rom tp lode Vy ipod shea fom bli or ndet ono ith dec sg ‘Whee tee contions ancl be ised the reinforcement, geometry o lounge team shoul be rvied sco. 4 2.43 Bening apctyThtritg eg ses et 04 te ing ie) my xe dr co FE at supports and ‘tions described below, But in practice the capacity of the supporting columns may prove te j See Tneds amt Hower inayat ed ln non, en tothe apa nd Seriya 1 od 9p Hi a rs it tan sed Mi {nied ine a fe beam oh conto alae by he Se pate el ii er ere errr erp eters i Eon tefectne (eg roraty parted Un) Hower yen ators Ai ‘ited Oe, tans contin orcs mst be rome, normal othe plane ofthe be: i 4 ‘jremtoectotoresed3 027), ltt in wane al odbc hone al and tinea spr fr conta Beams the aig tes ‘lon by anchored nk orn Ge Fig 30), The transverse fore, whch can be ake {pyoninuely eq to 1/6 a te ft oppor reaction, maybe dstibvted over deh fl to th wd of he ba, ané mst entend, at hs ines ofr the aren wc ste i esto 04h te, ce —_ irormmtowrs 2 cece a ae ree ‘Unser conceal oad the bearing srs nye oot more than OS, provid ta adequate conning enorme prev, Wor cocentatd fond slaw i he od ta deep am than tree tne the nth ofthe en, the iting ses should be Of Rei within the pane ofthe beam at be tarde bythe patter fre tees, dsp remorse ay be edd, edit Sector 38. Contin tfc. ‘nent ort he lane of he baa ay be dsp a ected fr upper shouldbe noted ht the cotinement povided, within and normal tothe plane o's zop bam, by sees ik by amas of wend bar cant be ently eect acrss ‘he fw ofthe Rear Morr, the dors of compaction end therefore the suengh of ‘heconsete within the Bale) may be ade afeced ay te congestion of enforcement. itmay ther, be fn ht he eanbiityofextsacoyanchring, Sing and coneetg found ine wfc demanded by thn provisos ay Unt the bensing capacity at ‘Spore td concent lade Concetta ons ge i to Both cores nd tee fst win he Bea Reinforce Froth compose ree so te povided a esrb above fr Dring ese ‘Retfocement forthe ten fore shld be dered blow Gre Fete 31) When a concntated ad which ot boon scouted orn he morznt analy, Isapplid oe the support at the tid of dap ea, tension develop ns the top suc or ‘ih winfrestont abe poled, Alig tenon fre of QI may be asned, he Uheleagth oer hich the od lapped ery short. The tenon may reduc to bout ttre th spied lon spend over sy .2y. Value my be nterpatad, THs oce maybe (ested by hl sewed of Of, eran at ince a Fg 3. Vertes woh tay doveog abet midspam shold te contre as sbgested Fie 3. rH if | Figue 31 oth Peinforcomnt for tenite rsa eausd by con exnrated top fads above an end suppore Aconcitratd oud, 0, oa teal support (Figure 32) which wal not he Ben counted for inte moment as, ndoe + bri force nich wl vay fom I (16 for oad engi of 09h, snd 09h, epee Vales maybe atepate. Ret Fovement tenths fre steed at Osa be located as shawn on Fig 32. Reinforcoment for tena strosescoused Dy concentrated top Toads above an internal support 4} -Aconcentated oe applied ote san wll podue smi esos to thos ov suppor wen the ao © 1.0. Renfree shoul be proved shown ot Figure 3. ‘When n>, een fre der oncenteed loa nthe spon may be ead, ‘rvided ait canbe sown aly Leto, tey ae nestled by eamprenive endings Nonna but ao designed) web sinfrcment ay beantued to conti t the tee bould comply wt he requirement of Section 262. Figure 33 ‘Reinforcement for tensile sweses caused by con cantrated top loads away from supports + 25 HOLES THROUGH DEEP BEAMS ‘35.1 Characteristic Inthe rein rod he hl th strstr hair and onions are sumed ob at tte pattarne and cio fer he single les, Yeading at holes ‘yp ec and grams ate enn Figue 34 37 Frese whee thee ae wifi ated lon ndiet lens a nest ppt ations ad wher hy “Thangs ny eu for he dtermition of pial ese dus othe ode, bat Forcoocatste loge there pope a Append A should We se, Pinal steer for be dierent Ion contions my be cantined oe eneope equenents for ‘oiatity an reece oe oa esto. on Figure 95 Stress pattern in sngl span beam with indirect supports and uniformly astributed t 3| Eero 3 Sasa, fi fn / i ‘gue 36 4 Fi 3 san non set i 3 + Ses pater insingle | 4 Spon beam nt ingest | serine sect Zippons and esas, | ‘a ea oe ft imntoriy detouted == over part of pon { i fret spotters nd | ener a i Ar Ay / it 1 seven I a Band with fr Sra L Mon in Figure 37 Stress pater in single span bear with inclrec support and an indirect fad 152 Admissibility 153 Design and ing aiforcerent 36:1 Deflection 1362 Crock width onto rules sad ‘hci or the lyf le hough agp beam ares tated in Seton 253, ‘The procedure forthe design ad ean of renforcenat is ak gen in Section 254 3.6 SERVICEABILITY LIMIT STATE ‘These ule apy. For ete lformtion se Appendix 4. Behaviour of deep beams: an explanation of the nts ection te Behaviour of deep Bsns ude ad eva to provi an exalantin the tr and lattes fo some of he terete ad experiment wok rom whlch they ceed lenin fet fo hoe aes nee te rue ate bsed on no ore than teuonable postion nd engierng opment The prt layed by ca rly in “iating he bbw o ep ean Gace es. Ti fllowed by nts on asi fmol, pst caring duns ond betas (nth spc eerence fo hole) dts ton wa fad thefts fete sad, Cl, enforement AA ELASTIC ANALYSIS tn the pst the redo fal fore deep beans was based on ctl theo uly ees hve ws loko experi and ht pproach was mena to Fthenato method but alo eee the ceria of ds then esent wee servic ond ‘parent at whic lev! eee concrete cold be caiaed seri els, Te ‘thod ws consent with at opted, or example ate design of infored conte Sal ok. ‘Asstt vay of wok aval, corn the eau of dep beams in ters of dats ner nays 9 ne tho aaa ade numeral approximation of outer srs vols ela plat gustan, ie lonets nd exprnent pot tlacty Thee procrdre asts am soo mate when obeys Hook's av. I well {town tt tis esupin bacomer nessa lain renfrcedeaneret fer the eret ‘Stercking, athe es ebtaines mplipht te ferences between sallow ad ep Dears “hd pond a adcaton ofthe pater of ter For exam, est rays an pet et te fit en race katy to spe ‘The val pocedue for sallow Sara which Bending, sha and nal foes we éonseed epi, becomes snes bes wth palpi ratio of 2.5018 ue ofthe imerdependene and interaction of rca aed heron sess. Bangles of {he pin stem topotecan angle an eonteuus span, nde Toading pled a he op an tthe Bottom a he Beans, ae gen Appendix A si anys rev the folowing impotent cancers of tes tibton coop beans. 1. Hane toes ato the beam dot rnin plane. The Aree A Figues how {he duibulin of bending ts pane. Compared wth theinet ste it buon the nets slowed, here rags peak of tense ste andthe ae of Comptes inate, The levers fora seg spn ben ster ti Spartan in eos beam of ala cient: A the eport fn conanut eats (eye 7. pg 8) te supe ofthe con lina haga of haicetal endlng hres very rough smo tat at dpe, bt th the tin of the ste evsed, The peak of copes ster andthe cet of ee sts Tower than te compare nid-spen gun telever am aight salle 2. The titan of strana top- and btn Loaded bums ints ierent (cre 33 and 5, pge 33), Comer gh ian bem. The omoresion tee, from fp lon ae deflected to he support by orivntl force at shout i-ght (uP) Inthe bear and thee by thee fore. The ae foe pl, bt not me (Eze ecoatle On the other hand, en bottom oad apd, he campeon Stes jester cet sr, balnced bythe esos orgie om he Tomer edge A snr empuson ul be made for lr span beat Dest th, torts wo get diereace between everson denon ox tenon and compression fore: sto bale op btm leaded beans ‘That ante of ih, sl ses oer she supports pei a thee othe The ete hight fa xp ber elated to» depth approximately ecu he ‘pan The parton othe beam bore this eight oly a olan wal, ane ‘ryan part in seyingloe between por ‘5, The ever defied he datas been the centro ofthe tres com prev zont,ae slong the length of he ean an ester aap. 6 The shee trnfr ofthe lon to th supports ates lace in the lowe Dal of te {hr Fp 53 und 5) But ie then on th ert plane coe the sepert ‘foul be coseed with he Get ss which est In hs ae, aban the ‘sit rnp cae stems Toe pla tee streoseamont bozo ‘ar the spt in top ose be ba whe ode re spin near ie Tt he tle of he princi fen stems cree come, zd the dee {pponces nani of 4" tthe boron: These eens re eee ‘ers nd shes in deep beams tee compas with the ening tit td therefor make resin cotbton atl fats than the tendency fr sping faces toa unde concentrated lads and above supports ‘ruse moe freq in dep Deans where verte ster ay be reine, nd woe the promt seh tha too stress due concent Lats a ‘ot ces lioed by compresion stress du to bndg 9: The ome of dp teas sch th the Do of ste can pea sient stance dong te ben Wier ead sapped above te saport te effect my be incre nea font the ice of he apport oo pat another Way seg {enone wil ad to thor induced by sear and bedig, ‘Thos conclnon deve fom etic aays, tae ected andinfomed oth oad text programmes and the evlopment of rie frGsg, bt they cst inch on ode of le | Experimental work at show that before caking the steses onfonm tothe preston | ftir at ered ee ery tb iy ee. | Sirens inthe sin bending Hel bere al, ad thea the conte lsh pe Soton-leded beans nd at i pan her han a Sappors, brats in bth es cd ton, ht el piel etton toa area tee um, Deitin frm eat ‘edition becomes greats athe ruber ands ofthe casks i the concen, and {heuoun and poston ofthe eel eaforeet become mre git. Look has Shou oa predicted ty et theory. lati oavoar nt tery modied when flue occ, the enforcement it favourably dipoeed. Kay therefore be agud tht ete rly provides oe snl pater often focsin equi wih te apd loads aged cog ton nt coord by tere, eae aay wl tablish fr, hl itera it bin forthe dsp ofthe reafrrat Ts approach hs ben vated by compen ond tet with elt aly 42. ELASTIC INSTABILITY Innoitstince dcovrd ung the report oft as the oud cpa of specie ‘am fred toa nab Ta pace, dae eens commonly enjoy at ea squteretit, ekelhood of bung igh be resol Acute, bt a2 ‘posible citron of fae, cing cannot be gad, ad scoring, the lly Sse oof sling bhai to oes lowe ound fo deg ince arose, ‘ho apieches tothe problem ae wedin te Cie. Fist, conditions of beam poet od ost fined wich std lene thatthe led expat ofthe een team et egicd bye eth. Scand, the fst condtions cannot be me, the roving cpa, wih2 rw aaa elt aby tabled 5 oe ‘ener winfooed consee wal in aeoronce ith Cla 3-5 of CP 110. a seer, fendi of eatsint tthe ees the bra andthe lees hozonal and wee sess {Heed to determine an equaled anda fate col eng nhs not ben pole o provide nth es for ter condition of rest, bu ma css conmonyeoesete ar corred The pposinatonsGnaribed se Appendix Cate Wnsed tobe consent ith he ceunstancein whic hi we wl be neces. 42 ULTIMATE LOAD BEHAVIOUR Knowles of th srenph f wlfredcaerte dep Des at eure based a stat td thot nly of eboratory tt esther than on mathemati model and ‘ut sompets, By tenting enforced conte rode sa rolaypes fo ae, has Bee pore fo examine te flowing shea ae al eapcty ‘watag apy at oppor Infvens of rorcemen! yout “Theat mode of use in enforced conerete dep beams wl in part depend onthe out and depen ofthe renfret Four ecto of fare have besn dente 2 aes ‘These nde ue, eco telow, may be interdependent nd ac in combination 44 FLEXURAL FAILURE ex fares in aboton species may be cops bythe nda yen andthe ‘tal factor ofthe pen Bening renferconet- Verda racks propagt rom thesia fv wth ceasing led Yo sme! he al effective ght (ow Figure 38). ature nly ‘Sur bec th infect bras and only aly eto rain of he conse, ‘Tela defection ere type elsto-pste Srr arsin the enorement a ‘Mppovs hve at ben pce, st heme Bene ew mal span beams hae been teed. Compeaive trend to Bending over oppor #6! usualy esti, being poered ‘yt on te Weng sree “The lever rn ast for beng gn there re bused pa he elt ses tsb wh eae porto ctstng enol atthe eves core re not Intact’ bythe type fang Since the eer sm erste ih evra acing » right te though that thee would be a ete rains at isan. Hower in contin {rep berms teaon nthe sal and shee stiffer nthe beat thesupors andi te Spans afes te more’ dn Tein the san moments ng eet [Rip tan thor sao tee of equivalent sansa lading The eer ar str have ‘ee sje so tat whe he tment ae computed Tor cotiaots bars ming floen beamtfins in each spun, te apron tsion force spe. Conseqiey the Supposed ene of Bending strength eno svatable ad coud ony be ed wth i fle Mi HALAS “ | aie Figure 38 Typical doop beam TT allure infexore ‘As eplina inSston 14 the nso fort a he Bending steer he omer creks eo es nif sng the san Leonard showed tat he Heal stg teuld be adversely fected by th bendngpof he pialp span reinforcement o aco ‘sth te relation le bending ores owas te support The esaing flee eto TRndeqsteeeinfrcenet tard th por and to concetations of tesa the bends tthe. Talib he enpeimetl for he lr for he eco of enforcement 45 SHEAR FAILURE “The tehviou of dep sm a Boning, characterised by the lever um deen 04 Mtced by the type or cation ofthe ad. Bat are a hat pied bythe widesing of, {cis of digo ea andthe chingof the coatteetween them andi ny Sendo upon the loetion an driv af the ape lea. Lox aplie th to rfieof ems aear ade suport ie to ete compres sess which che the sgl and edbes the val of principal tension. The She capely ofthe nied we improve na mae whi swell Kw. For ‘amps CP 110 (Caee 3.2.62) scp he euigincresd sangha se fe found ia sry Loaded dep bas. ‘Beansin which ads ae cane at he bottom cic inet Go not cute the ‘nected etl oompresion ees, Verte re component xs 2 son ater han ‘Scompesion, Geary te agreed shear stent ofthe tp-laaded bem oe the noxmal {low nenfoxed conte web ape wil at be ree, Tension ses inde in ‘och dep ben ces to th suport may reduce th urine web ex apc. For fetson te conte we no coneed in eae Lo conbate to the sea caps of mo @ sri ‘wo fest shear essing systems can be dng in dp bet ad the ar stscrted wit dlfen types of nag. The inte-ependency of hse Wo Stans Uder Clmbine ang ot wl vadertod The characters eheviur ote two syste td the bs for the efor Toa combination ae denrbed below 46 SHEAR CAPACITY: TOP-LOADED BEAMS. Conder atop onde, stl separa ep Itoi loa by a apna crack ing cet slong ine joing the ff conentated nad the top af the ens ote ne fice fhe spp. Th ily at aout dof he depth ofthe beam shove te sofEt. Addons sear capac, td the Glopnr fv dagoel racking fare depends on the ation, pst od ‘tecvenes ofthe we renfroenent- In Pres 39 to, re ode of are, ented ty Koon! are ge in nde nceaaagafctnenes of web el = 4 Penna | Y sernt n Figure 39 a \. \ Mode of talure A Figure 40 Mode of fitre 8 = aX a Made of faitre C T Figure a1 ‘Ret sesop to sl the bet from tp to Bottom, withont ching the cone Mote B ‘Aiea and pall agonal re fr Syeihing betwen te cas series of cont srt Ob of he tus a Mode 1NStosal xckpenetts the compres 08 edly nde he ond and he conse ‘rates here ‘The bbsor of th top lade usenorond wo close to spots covered by cee tiv and inst to th cea span a yy i Figure 14). Consens ter Edepl eccaed in dep bem ith web eifrcersnt. Since the cack ran pra to fhe dnton of the atu mht be yppose thatthe uma capacity wan sp that oF aera conpreive tng, ahich would nt beige dminsied by Ke aps of acing ismprtnt to apreitewhy hi swt. Nlander® made sts wc state the pine lj fur conta, shown et 42, 10 concentrated in-plane nd TERS top andbatom: Sb y that enforoment, fated by spliting onan ing eidnatiae ue content wi odin frm elastic aalasand wih the tense ‘Renn te conse Sites, hore cack popested om the ee of the ‘Movs ested once Nyfnder observed a once he etek had apse, he SEASONS Steer tw econ overland srs. When Sb 2. wish had hora SE p a Soin wasted wei cack devloped these oa of bf bu file nt tamedinly flow: ature ceed sera sgh ince in od by craiag ‘ing sce Betvcen x hovzontl rack and he ene eral Cask There ete sais set in Sat and # lowed the vertes oad oe incensed Kose SOR ge {Renta Sb sans thee cvs sh one undr the lon fled by ei “This work sug that in the shear ae of Gep Bou the conte sts Decree eon ea spt progr, beconiogecetily oned bu eased gist i pe locng by wed ranfcement Te seinforemert provides at bo, ny pt rest Sich etait st rove norm othe drction of the crc Ste tm Joaded np Bemis short Seat pun he einai ofthe gal ers (the re te oe Sand mre, tte efron cn roel resin and conseqenty ‘rch igaeanyInprve Ser cpus. I hs ee holon saree i ensh o ‘Sect. tzonbard a sugested ht the sea capsly of ep Beams ant be imrored by ‘he adion af web enforcement, However, Keng as desonstated hat mproensnt ible fone extent aye a ile 153%, Acco to Ko, he contin ofthe concrete to shea capacity ile 1 ts tense seg the eletne eto reno he be, an the angle of imation of the spite cack Ue shar spnfetetve bit. Aexlied above, the mest efectve | aera St woh te depens on the ange of ncinaton of the shea cick or he oof Beer ear sant theese ei, When hs no es tha bout 03, Toco tars ere eflocve tan wert The eee toe when the ais preter ‘Rava Forall ales of fh apes hat agonal enforcing bar ae the mask ‘Hert the mare fo iene han for ee ages, Brae er maxi. “ffieny hen he elnfrcement oral to the sea eae, Keng so fund that web ‘Saorcing bn cee to the a ot ee mest fete, Dsfomed bars apes to be mare ‘cen thn san br ba he el of ll ste ot thot be ica “Tes fon te eet in Kon’ fort for sus suengt, which the ba of te recommen Scion 3 and wiv i Jnecbedi flnApenxD weet ao ‘ibd wow te formas teen model for dps ue with vthogoal forcement mnachiie ee | lander test slabs Seat srngh edepenenton ese reg cient shor ale iad by psrnce of Sagar tele cai in th cones, Theale ofthe trae suegth, Cerne by eine sping tt equ 052 Vif for te range of concrete che ‘Sicogh 13 40 Nur his ill be we thatthe sear seegth = xp beam not improve proportion tthe cee in cabs suet, Scar ng incentet wih the beam depth, ot est ve et to show hat sch ‘aces contin wen he depth exceds the pan. Hece, hy shoud be conde he Siting dept we xtinatng hea strength fr top Ioaded bears. Fe nilomly dtd lend the egal clear ea pn maybe nen Yo Be oe gare of he tvs, “The wrk of Ct?™* a he her tng of dep Beam, poids an ntrting som- son aloo the pan todeth ati of he eat ete eat ato, 18) does not [dete ld covered by Kong texts. rat's work has bear the bss te AC v0 ‘on?®, There ae woslgian and nee difeenes betwen the oncson ofthe two es of te Fin, Caiunes thatthe conten af te mnforcment eros he Sagond crak senior fstnbuted doe eect depth Kong's exresion refs» Tiguan ni the mau ordinate tthe be sof. Thessond appre ‘erence tnt Cat snes that they ofthe weinoreent develops bore fare re Kong expen nls that ry nt ‘Ther appear to be asked dicots in the aris vgn sumptions sly made foc webreinforsnt a allo beamed hom propos fo teams of Yt shat he pane tp beams ncloed Te Aierean ACK Coce provi for alow bear eles othe Vere orapnen ofthe fea he et enon Cis eligi sre ses op opus model wbich both orn pd vreal ifoceent base pat aod Sh ke acount ofthe ciation othe ear ping rac whch bey pen on he Transp ai oe beam. At vey sor sen span at, Kong ges hat the ation ot Torna and vera sd ale st dnd abate. Unfounsey, bere ene continues theory whch embrace the fl inge of eo and lad congue ‘Toeeis father Included In the lt Desp bem sly ae shih) than he sora hallow beam Kal a te Tylor have den ae tn othe pohly tat beams usin for seat wih aspect ao exces {yale sed shear pty apn tat peedted oe the aif arm sallow ‘ther. The edeton dent apy to beam renfornd for See Tce mre he onions which wa kent sont in dving on he povsons of he Gude rule, Thu ection of CP 110 Ging wth shorter her pa doped > as forthe pedson ofthe nine strength of deep bear eased at op sac ‘Te Kong exprsio, toe, uel to pred th ergth of th winfrced die bea web Det ofthe potion forse seat re expended in Append D. 47 SHEAR CAPACITY: BOTTOM. AND INDIRECTLY-LOADED AND INDIRECTLY SUPPORTED DEEP BEAMS. ‘dene of the beviou fete than tp lade dep betmsis sparse. Loa applied ‘sicily or towards thet of ae bam cate signean tess and psp tess ‘es whith alin st ey approninutly 45° he orzo Hight be wg tht he thea bo tly to approach that fallow beams of soe ean Spe Zyty hs soppested fom hs aa of Lebar lita he seve Bhar sie {o approximate at of callow be fm gent ap Thte ie ence o ‘the deep beat bother he forthe top loaded case Whe ute evidence beens ‘ale thn sectnnedatos wl ei evades ‘Th the Gude ale employ two ase rangement fr reeorement a dep bes rb, wich ae ter Lan soy fp lade. Te ft taken ety from Leohars ‘Seemann fo ies spor, te bray cote withthe Hinds of Cet and {he ACK provisos may take te fra a orton mat of rare ore! spo tet alte dg the dep be, oO inclined are Tae acd aangeret sat Hp io trarter ons whieh ae apd ford he Dott of ep beam taba the ‘Te eombination of top ad and ndet sport ede ther expansion fan be sia ht top-oaed ae stent would develop, et, bese of he lds oper, the tfertve location of teen ation woud be vrei than the ear of Ts ‘gsr moseton to te sea span at od eomeqsety a provement oth op Isa shear capac, ch woul need tat ofthe bottomed condition, es known ‘hat th presente ofthe nat spport wil msiy tection of he pal tions, tin the aban of det even, the Gui rus dead the eae of the top ong td ttre enforcer resumen othe adic port si ota rbot nd 4.8. SHEAR CAPACITY: UPPER LIMITS a ppt, dtemined frm a ty ofthe experiment sl of ss on shllow beans, Itsetin Code of Pectin forthe hear este fared contete eum wes. The tat epee the ol! a whish the concrete campreing between the web us wil | ‘ating I isshown in Append Bt, for shor shear pen, he ewig se onan Figure 43 ‘Bearing sess above 2 ong wppare iictactwane dep teats whce be eaten ioeseees 1S. “The maxis econmende by Kong fr the tenth of top-leaed enforced webs ae teen ied olinng the caps employed ine Teadzte combination Its. 4.9. SHEAR CAPACITY: LOAD COMBINATION ths sles chiely onthe compres tenth ofthe cette ands brought into ation by, {dns sopot top Toads ti manga eahanced by neal eaforcement ‘Tae scond lis on the tele capacity ofthe web infeed rout into scton by otton an nde! od ‘The too macharams ca at opty Dt thee ean nteacton Between tera the toca ses cpa cannot be sme toe egal ote sum of he wo. The experimental tiene on ths ntraton rade ‘When top la redone (at high at f Y/Y) it ses that hey nay be ded (CP 10, Gauss 3.362), but t ovals of Vl eth ttalestance wl pprxch ‘hat fhe Gp bem conic a halo beam ane maybe ele acorn. “Te hea aay of he otto landed system eed ot exceed the tal sean ‘Teiateactonexresion prope in his Gd belived oe cnsereane vale of ta thea espaty roel 4 en op loss pedo. 410 BEARING CAPACITY igh conpresne sree sy ac ne soports pd under concanatd fond. At the Sapport he ie cates dssbatlon maybe represented by 2 st lok shown in Piguet rth ‘fete pan ss. Unde tes coins Is oe ‘hed tha th eign sts shoul eit 19 04% Leotard! hat supe, hows, he atrmodate support comnts beat system, degnbaig tee at 67/, would be acepable oo daub caste of te Bla ‘te ofthese), Nylander alo refs wo lneensed being stress inthe deep Beam (Gropposed the cnjotsetes clue.) 3p foam aces oF SO% an 100 the ml concite conprenive ses (Oe) for ena internet oppor ender onectet lod, Bu ender carlo eff he nee for confine of he ‘Sarai egue by the Gude Rules Ge Section 33) ‘oo, che conieations han aig wl overs. However, he Rules ake ovo fore ge sees hoax be wna, but with sore qualita, The high das stents sug by resenrcer may baie ender laboratory conons ‘wht proper continent fn pact conron, hse sera ayo be elie doe (Sih dca of fung and uacorge of fe sinfrcret and ote coepactin ofthe nett nha il have hei a ey compte Zane Rees the cuts nt athe Rl Io nerpesing est tt shld be ore Sn ind that the gd Bearing plates en vwed may ve eaabed th rpoted ening eng. This na strengh ay tbe 4.11. BURSTING TENSIONS CAUSED BY CONCENTRATED LoADS ‘Aconcentated oo plied othe stl bony ite pte rode rl co i fronton entaradn sharstese (gr) Whe the pte oe int ew : [dey be te diction of tn compen str ocr ges oe nd Tosser one end composites par shown pay i Fg 4. il spt f ; Fire Sees inn pa coi j fe It fh i Hl i Fi 8 * po of horizontal stresses | apie macs cor Fir Combination of load onceniratin and Sexurlstener due concentrated loads For spanfdepth aot, te tan I the compre steeds to bending ced th eu gees ie by conceal lands acted aU cote the ‘Spun th elt that ots develo. ‘Where the busting tase deeap a distance above the soft in an especially deep team, orin slow ee bear in th es tnards the supports en 2ne outs hee inated by fhe compre ending stron thn ion canes wll osu Figure 46). The ‘8x prg tte onnmen foment based bth oo oy Sd on Whe he od apd ner the ed ofa dep bs te pata i atoret, retin spalling athe tan bring The affect sia oa at an end support of ep beam, but of cone, ited = 412 HOLES ols are ofen eq though dep beams and wil toa eater ose dye, aet {ea of he beam andro Hales nay be laid tbe wich ately change theses pater and tho oles rected in highly sted zone Ge hy iter wth the wh ofthe omnes sre wih fet) andi they have mensions wich at ofthe ae oder a the wend oes holes it itl hatte wl wpe pneaind Stes patter ‘Whee holes dont det the yi ee beam tes pater, the quton of el faders ound be hls ites By dete hi sa of ol lst sal compared with the dines of he seid area th eam and ny be considered to be ete in sen [Soy uniform os bie feof sts, The rear eat ofthe ou des may therefore ‘econsered oat st pear ble othe raed oes ep nthe pinay deep team yee. Gens, ch rlton shoal lend aaa and ering omponents of land for wich he beam on cach side th ole would be ese bu no appropri ‘Spesment! work wayalble ns astndard for sdeuaey. Toe probe ha Seer bees ‘oud ine aie les y sreging fr nota equaen hole gests sd Shi tle anpni 9 pin anes Rtn 4.33 DEFORMATION AND DEFLECTION Deformation ofp Beams nde sev od i aly sian, it wold at ory be apron tacary at th opted a expensive ana wih woul by teceuay todsornne te defection aconatly. The sme speoimate std prone i Be Gulde uber nt sccooat the defetons de o Being and sea ad the oa vere CBmpreion sen above the suport tated aed dered in Append The mi te motel wed iss tate ine dependent effects of rep an ike ay Bee ‘eed and aio the stiffening tet f the sont sounding th sted te ofthe ep Ban 4.14 SETTLEMENT OF FOUNDATIONS (see Appendix €) Compsed shallow bent, dp beam atte, Cnsequy reltie foundtion ‘Srtocnta noel scepble nbaing with saw bets, may roe ae ete wl {Tp bums Leona pay parr ttn to thi at ‘Ul there ae uflnt data abou the strangth sd sie of bth cep beens andthe sipping fundstin fo aka igus interaction eaetlaton pose, Resi ath pedo ol behavior ntl vers sa forthe popes sgn pps to mateo estate of te etomen rte and the ale of maine ‘ne seement (ten sumed foe propoton af the Ctl sete’). These ges {St provides aso the nestiton roped in Appendix and fr ich modifeton ‘he lrangenct of elafecenent fondant, say be sown toe preden 4.15 REINFORCEMENT ‘The reson oth noun and oso of reinforcement embodied in the lesa vent a ets othe bar acing nd the nim web te! eres equ ame nicl, fom the work of Lona, hat where the racks the web of «ee sue towed to develop won extn copay tay be avery Teste. Th pfs ‘fase bene wi Semmuch more veal tan re racking controled. The minim, eselge of nfowemetopcied Table 2, equed to conal caching “Te br spacing tiulsted in Tables 3 and te designed torent in cack wales than 03 an 13 an especie wen the ae see oles wich comsponG strc condos 01/4, Cnck witha etinated bythe expeion gen he hand iiak CP 110, pen AS. for arn of ancete in pre tenon, The 03 mm aii Iona adequate for crac con in the web os dep bea The ghter standard maybe ‘aud ina guest evrnen 5. 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Bs. Sct. Diy ane 197399 (STS), 1091 10 1187 Cancec information No TSS Partand Conent Asochton, Set Buea (Chicago), 1946 Stress distribution in deep beams The tn dstston a hep Dea ant osd must be know i cet to prose under the Guerre dein f enforcement sound nae ugh dep Deas 0 oa plete cee onDocklig stably ant exinate alton “Te plots fp tedstsbsion penn Fie 47 to 83 ar fora ange of deep ‘eam gery ad types floning hic nl alow theses dation for mos deep ‘eam esi oe eed ther eyo by interplaon or comBinton, Figure 47 Single span We=28 Ch» 120 Unitormiy estributed top Toad (Stresses proportions! teload) cess ea SIF exam ieee Heentic!” | ated propartiona toed a | Figure 51 state -, WEE one | tiona 0 unit fodapan} Figure 53 Single span Wie=10 on= 1720 Uniformly detrbuted top + nad (Streses proportional og 1m losa) Figure 5 j Sing span 4 | wh=10" ci=120 Py Unitormly debuted bottom Toed (Stress o srogordona fo fod) eal E Figure 55 Single span Wa=to ch=120 One tap noi oad at nlspan (Stresses prop- brtiona loadizpan! Singe span Wh=10 Cit=1/20 ‘One bottom point load stmidkpen (Stresses proportional to losdépin) ‘Single san Hie=aa Ci 120 top load (Streses proportional oloed) asses | eT spate ey eer i Figure 63 ‘Single san Wh=83 Ch 1/20 ‘Two top point loeds at it span (Streses pro portional to unit fod! ‘pa Figure 6a Single spor Hie~43 cit = 1/20 Two bottom point loads at 1 span (Sree pro. portional tune fod/ span} peer eptay Pers 3 kk KA Pex PKA Se) “Pa aktiete KKK 5 Pa KA Fab he he He rmisspan (Stresses pro portions ro eod/spen) Figure 20 smureispan uti spen Hien?" ci=1/20 portional tolosdioan) portions to unit fad/ span) pendix B Typical examples of deep beam design The eiting vals ofthe desig of dep beamaar bl on the quent ofthis hide the sp and upemenny sections spect EXAWPLE 1 | proposed ometny of the syten of wallend ome shea in Piguet sinended {oust ane comple oegn ang fas poste the single es Sesto 2. ‘Toe beam aft et lat nd the thickness compued 211.6) “The team wl be design ely for the ope ole which does ot 21.0) iteree wth he ss low ai above the scr gt The Ter ae two lou which my be defied a concentated 21.0) Tae noes oe or prs 21.) Mater properties, Comer ese are fy = 3. ‘Sl enorementhot role deformed bts, f, "410 Nom? aa, rv spon and actie hgh Ip * $000 mm ev = 500mm Figure 84 Proposed geometry — Example? ee support with eer oF 02, (1000) oF 6 {y= tanto’ 3600 + 300 = 10920rmm 0) ees #5750 ‘evemine approxi hichoes of beam e Figwe 6 for arangaent of wince) tot! ike sme exten onstions| 2226) ‘Assn Four yet of 16 we neces, rar. ‘owing 15% ext fo deoreatios prise 16 16 70m ‘pace for ni sinensis en 222. owed fr wth we sl eafocoment ‘Shae for the trouction and compaction of 22 ewe stud hat the verte enfrcoment 222.6) from the oppor pase teh the sie of pce fe minimum ater bBo. An nit 222 ho 16 des ar ee ecormendd wee, thi foe ily sessed tar Sethe Tend wl star eid the sopor face we om 8 inal gs of ay 8 auneres sig Bre emus = 128 Sen 28> 30, use 128 128m ot (iow bas eres) 25 me Slondernas its Theor essed ob si i pastonhosizoetaly by obese ‘Rives braced acordingt CP 110, oa Forsnge spe wth postive momen, the eves = 021 Oth, = Oh when» hy) A> — I 1 2778 mn? Derm a0 x 08 x 80 1s relnocoment wl be dstbued over lg of 1180 mm 262 ‘exe bar ping fom Tal 3 (page 25) or f= 410 Nha? and beam 2300 mat de 185 te nn of se 08 2400 maf. Tae Bending ‘A the supprt the main being tel may be sed spr ofthe shes enoreement. ‘Soar empecty: ottonToed beam Total piled tom lsd 16 886 14 x 1958 = 412 RN Reged are of atl Magog nore 424 x 1000 Oar» #10 ack conta resus min. 8% reeforcemet 26a (Ge N00 fn moe 185 men spaceg) = 15s Lining sero bottom load beam O75 bherg = 075 x 300 x 5750 x 410 x 10% = S3O8KN Capacity of west fr valor tributed bottom ons based on mi ae x HON/TISS = iq * 2OM8 RNa Suppor B 8 % Sher pay tp lade bam 242 ‘Aste concent lons conte ethan SO ofthe shear fore, the cease san. * 575048 = M38 mn i = O6snce hyd = $750/300 = 192 > 4 ‘orn seek me 4 = O16 ce fom Table 8, €P 110, = 035 Nia? ee yg = 2% 300 SISO 035 x 06 ¥ 10 a8 = 2941 ‘heck o ining Vag * 300 x 5950 x 410 x 10°? = 7073 KN ck on combined ong sein tae crac ta ‘e90 * aoe * °7 °° os >t aa) Insresse mesh reinforcement (etl oly) in atio 2400 x 248. «3679 mn » oa eck onanctoregs aa Force * 087 x 410 x 2014N 087 x 410 x 201 cma boning sel ‘ue ose govened by shear eqireents > 2400 Anwant of endingsteel = 2773 m* Force tobeanchond = O87 x 410 x 2773 x 107? Novof arin lowersaee = @ ¥ 02 x $750)150) +2 Forcier tobe anchored © SSN eck support 4 2a ‘Length requted to anchor 808% of force in bar = 28% 08 210 8mm 2kanchorg fr ae wl provide the ctr on which o cack baring stein Ua ‘earng stems cack in cndace with Cau 3.11.68, CP 10 Fig ~ 95 x 02 ~ 11.04 ‘elu ir of star "= 90am Fig $8) Figure 88 Anchorage at support Beangstee FE 2 OI 64 at TF 3 1606 Fw) nc th nr beng rs stator andthe Uda anchorage +300 mm stig length moss the 80 anchorage conden Rg eck appar 8 2a Lenght anchor £0 of force = 400m Obvily suport Bis slimy wide osu the achonge cra heck Bearig sete a apport A 24s Stearfore due to tuplosd = 963 4N Shear force de to bottom oad = 178 kN “Total she forse 2037 kN ‘Aus 4S pend of es through eb romeupen clu to eam (Fig 10) ae clue eat designed scoring Average see = 2037 x 109/300 (00 + 300) Sires dueotoplond ovr seprort = 3020 x 10/300 x 1000 Sire due toottom las otertupport = 4121 x 107/800 x 1000, 157 Nina? Tot bearings * 1086 < OAfan = 12. Ninn? Hoe ening tet in ea alc. Sur foc duet opload_— = 1213 4X Seat force du fo ottomlaed = 986 3N Tout 21998 Aver es duetolende psn = 2199 x 102/600 x (1000 + 300) ‘Aung (befor) 245" cepersion . ‘at hragh eb (gue 1), = S64 Ninn Suess due olan over septs “drt top los = 1.00 Nin? fe to bottom ot 137Niamt Gh toloed over eaport = 475 x 14 x 10 /C00 x 1300) = LTLNfam?, Tot 9m2Niant “Tee than O4f, = 12M? Hence the enna st spon B sts, Reinforeament for concentrate loads sas “Three conceal ou ve th suport od ent within the San, taal at5 ha = 665 ENat uloutetimit [liming bron tea ore of 665 1663 KN sured fra fa over the tp Fhe are cfsted = 1663 x 10987 x 410) which spread over shee oF $50 mn Sim 466 1000/575 = 810m" oad 0 “Tens force = 665]4 = 166348 Tice avncfate = 1663 % 1094087 x 410) 2 assim? speed ont «depth of 3h tm tne of 46 100DK0.3 x $750) ‘Nominal horzaotl soe = 900 mm cr io: 3.1142) She ere ae no ote see ob ecounted fo, th onal tee wil Hoes through desp beams 2s ‘ati he draping subj to vet oadig ony Elfen pen of beam above oor (1000 +100 10) = 1200: EDL owecdowoporing © 53.6 "#44 x 16 + an allowance fr he wall tel (Guy 13 aNla) = 167 EN See uti ean er the dooray fs shown on Fee 9. Figure 89 Deep bows above and below door opening — Figure 90 Losing over door opening foe Bendngmoment = $16 x 060 ~ 167 x Ati ght of eam = 1200 ee an ee of tel 209 + 10 x M0 x 08 x 10D Ue a9, 2720 BF 2st? (heck on oped sear 1256 x 100 ota 035% ye = 038 Nia 300 hack Vex = Bhary = 300 x 1200 x 4.10 x 10 = 14768 1008 > 481 N (App hae = 416K Frode sla otocemnt inthe dsp eam blow the Gor opening (Fg 89) Oveck adil of tower boe (e Figre91) copper Notes on detailing “he mai eon zoe era nmi of 2400 ano cot crac Asin Toss vente renforcemen sed 039 horzontl Ge. 1200 mn" man 90 rn) sk se eowded to comply wk Cas 3:1- 41 and 59 of CP 110. The ares of sl eqeed metatae in gue 92. For spl unfrm mess wil be proved oer he ete eat | SET oma eave ta eight with ston eiforcement 0 ater fo the cones ‘tc ondr and te opening. A aly Sots raving show on Fi 93 ‘Stoo requiod unr ‘oncenated fad Sesaa ‘Adina sea ecired ‘above ar below Gooway See 254 Zone of hanging T ‘enforconent 2100mmiim. feauied meimum er erion bene, S00 2.42 7 i Zone of shear rinforcoment 2erSmerim vertealy and ‘4commin neizontay high ys soa required | 3 (| wr |——_+; — Figur 92 Zane of man bending sleet ‘mat igh yd sed ee rexrod See 2.4, ‘inforcement ‘Bxample T \Where rot shown otherwise nemina areas of soot EXAMPLE2 _Apropoed pte of walls ancl shows in Fg 48 intend to ey and Ailes spn ng he sale nd sepplesotary rls of Sections ad 3. “Te wl tate plete witha ticker aml compared with other mesons. 2.11¢ “The le dat tree with he sts ptr. aad ‘hae en concent ad aa ‘There ne nde oad nd one net spo. att ‘Wve wal aeloeated ve sports he exw be taken ety Soporte. Became of Conan (2) te spent ries mat be wed » ee eee mesma Material properties aaa Retfred concrete deme se, ‘Stel enfrcomest: Hot od aefonmed tr ea Figure 94 Proposed geometry — Example 2 Geometry (c0e Figure 94) a fev spn and ete heh of the bears 224 em = 1500 xtc support with eof 0.21 1200 mn) oF, so Inn * 6000 + 250 + 600 = 6850 mm Tal heiht = 2000 + 3500 + 300 © 6800 mm Since < thy = 6810-0 1400.) ore Eloi support width lee of Oly lnc * 7000 + 500 + 100 * $200 ‘Tota ight = 2600 + 3500 + 300 = 6800 mm since < thy = 6800 ania kes of bean 222 onenbsin 10 total kee Asse elena onions 2x 40m cover onm 222. ‘Ase fou yes of 16 mn ford bats +155 18mm 222 A dameter for deformation =4¥ 16x LAS" 736 7 scot pc badge aloe rin web wae || Space fr compton 80 rm mise, bt U-bat 2.0 ‘ese vet st fom ppt pas though 222.69 (Wharand dot no rere any sora oom Spee for U-tar ny 10 ameter 16m = 160 mm, 1600 2.0 ‘ming that th U-ar nat aly stsed “ot inno bam tikes) aisam eve ty an la of 807 ‘Stondeenes nits 23 (ok poe By, Be Bs Woe case pe By, Shortest tance betwee centres of paral ster estat * 3000 rm ‘The panels ete lon four ed ‘Tels eight = 3000 % 1 = 3300 mm Senne rio 22° = 943 ‘Hence the pe my be consieed a2 shat etn wal nd he ite or atic Sb a tsi Soe By so By hae sight of 2500 hy can ao Be nsdeted short baad was (heck patel A on x 1a Senders ati = mu Hence the panel mst be checked une he Supplementary Rules. Before refering to the Supplementary sls the ond wl be eines ‘Computation of forest aa “The fading on pl Aa et 150. wl be taken a ato two lel of Brick Sra andthe cont brad wl te eed tobe 120 NF ea load and Dulin ‘A level 10.50 m,the Toning os the sab wl be tken as heavy lat Honding or 3 I ‘pa of 100m, ping 1103 ead lod and 75 KN ve oad | ‘Taetoaing on pane! B wile eel oat on pal A wih aon Tonding of HDA den oad and 75 KN ie oa at vel 13.50 m, agin do toewry plat {Eeing Therein nest ood of 8D N dnd and 820 KN Ue od Lontng oe Pee 95) Live Nim) ded (N/m) 1, Sap tte 15.80 coor 200° | 2. Saat ve 10.5. 380 noo 3 Sates = sr | Tot 1350 ae Fctre sds 16) EO (14) 4019 Figure 95 Losing arrangement — Example 2 EP i a2 a B 4, Sabato! 16.80" oot ta00¢ 5. Saati 16.00 750 Hoo 6 Sab steel 10.50 780 100 47 sat wei sr Total 00 mon actress (te) BED G14) 5558, Indic tnd rout SS0KNP Facoredioad ian L90RN ‘Vera foes pled bore aleve of 1000 + 680 x 0:5 = 15.10m 231.0) Wil bconsieed op ea Top ous 231.6) WDLine ie) dnd Gin) 1 Pant A Se at vel 1680 00 200 tre oe 16) 960 G14) 1680 2 Pe Bab eve 1680 0 oo 1200 rctored on (16) 960° (14) 1680 2 ict aud Teng fade oad stig above 078 * 1700 {eng of nest ead ting tlw 0.75%, ~ 1600 tne 70/3200 0.515 of te ndet oad ae 8 op oi se, est Ingiat oad susan a3794N etre ot (616) 675818 (414) 613018 Loads apd within the bea 231.0) UDLive ae) dud (Nin) st A 1, Saat ee 1050.0 130 1100 2 Sarwan _ su Factor one (16) 1mo Ge 14) 240 Figure 96 Load fr maximum hogging mament at sipport B Figure 97 Loods for maximum s2aging moment in span a8 Figure 98 Loads fr maximum ‘aging mamont in ‘an BC Pant 3. Sebat lot 14.00 150 100 2. Sab at vl 10.50 150 Hoo Sawn ~ on Tota 1500) am Fretred oe (146) 000 (14) 3880 ‘There ae oat appt th lower ee of the beams Thelonde from tbe 23.400) lowes sab ave sendy ban inca nde Scie 231-10) ‘here ap nda oa. Th ll be comida» pra ttn nd 231.) mas Proportion of la below 0.75 = 1600/300 = 0485 enc dona oto od Ana tad (tor ond) a8 az cto ode (16) 662 14) 57708N There ata no conceited ode 220 Baring srs hake tes Foreeand momentson the Bane aaa Sace the effin igh nd ticker et, ‘he xsl igi foreach span te The noments ae Maxima hogging moment a support B = 7615 KN n Figure 96) Maxinus sping moment in span AB © 1827 Nn gare 97) Maxima sping moment in span BC = 9182KNen Figur 98) sel" 8180-1 098 ea -16650: 42h ey e [=e ere h fb k Detining shear forces Top- based item, span AB For support A suing san Ato esp supported (Fr 9) For support B asuning spun AB tobe continues a B (Fg 100) Figure 99 Top losded system for Top shear st tupport A Figure 100 Top load system for top shear at support, left hand side Figure 101 Bottom loaded system for bottom shear at support A Figure 102 ‘Bottom loaded system for bottom shes upper, lot hand se Figure 103 Top landed eystam for top shear 3 support 8. right hand sae __so0__ 069}. io (po ete Se am —] | aie — a ae et mI Bottom badd este, son AB For supe Aassming span AB be snpy spore (Figue 101) ocsuppr suming pen AB be continous t Bip 12) age pp 0p, Ee seme) | Ta Gua es THN Ansan Top-oadesystem, spon BC For suport B.xsuing pen BC to be continous at B gure 105) Foc support C assiing san BC tobe sly spported (Figure 10) pp tn, Ps f if | erate aa ca MOT Reson gure 108 daw support C Figure 105 Bottom landed sytem forbottom shear at poor 8, righ hard we Figure 106 Bottom loaded system for shear st support C Top loaded system for Bovom-loed syste pan BC For suppose ppt B tobe continuous (Fgue 105) Forsupport an ABI a sinaly supported (Fig 105) eae, SE | eine | i 1 aR erier mares Sasa — | i ee Ss oe | Span Be | ve ene eB: | Buckling check ‘heck on bucking cape for Pe Ain eordance with Append ase ied angle panel mtd ed compar ith ovens of ‘plementary re — (atoning 4S apnion dong th baton eh at pees ee ig 1) Actual compres sts asx 3s. @s+05) sr 03) inate hoon shes rom ladon Fig 8 suport at ead Aes than 260 KN suppor st on Bes than 20 kN ove atend ma at trim = 224% 71S 2 smo Ne Silay, at id span crmervatvelysningspan singly saprortd (rom Fig $5) mae ntop = 025 % 618 © END -herelte est pel which cede hese maxima ste ited on igre to7nshee I = 2140 N/m average orzo tes Ny * 26001 Baa Ppt bb AL omen T d a 3 i 7 Figure 107 pig bby | quent pane) THE ene TTT cco one 410 for Wig = $4 = tone «090 Me = 197 x SECs ossoer 2 Bg BO, 100 | peeping terse Weg * Gaver Tar * re » Mm 1600 | 4s 10 ND” ose * er Scam ran gne 0611) ah = Osis iid et stests¢ Nyy = OABS x 0480 AI” = 0.23361 hor = 0515 x 0500 £1 = 0278. Me, My 5 300 jf = Be = 28 name ek tet ata ned, ‘Seti sraple lot) shesk de> JP He = 6510 + VPA Tig = «000 mm (ston ae now pled er clus in accatuce with CP 10, singh sd sr efocte length an tang the sped ode thee th len panel Por verte stal heh = ad forany veel strip nie, N= 2160 XN Som wc ns we aks) 2160 x 038 119 = own scons ment = 4186 x (1 — 00035 x 186) Ina moment = O05 x 2160 x 035 = 38 KN “Avoring (ors) that motos tor or ton omen 1, {Sia monsnt f= 140-98 1784N a Mo. 178 x 106 bie” i003 350° = 145 Nin? ‘e wth df =0.85, sng ae 65 of CP 110; P2, Aye =0 ec horizon sel ih = SEP = 174 consid: lowest haszotl rip we, y= sooo — 25 4800 » cc00 en 60 aston! meme = 22085. rnat x (= goss x 171) = ako egal moment = 008 x 4600 x 035 = SOKN toy Aa = 125% dh = 09, chen Ny * ODEN Mg" 2258 sora = 400 on = 0s tot moment My = 80 + 04% 258 = 181 Na ow nan = M600 LO 154 Nl? 1000 380, fiom Fgue 6 of CP 10:22, MBH? = 17 Ni? 17 1000 4 350% 2 09 9 38 slow My 2IOKN Tis ssc. ‘onside: hccntl stp stween ens tm and 2 on above sos son moment band canyng ot amis abe gos K=049, a otal oment oumiog A od afowabe Me™ 18» 350%/1000 "185 WN Tt Mer 672049 x 209 TDN, For compen sing th sapplamentary eles of Section 3.2.2. ected = 11x 6000 ~ 6600 rm Senden lo = 60/350 = 189 ‘Theimntnure il seas orzn- Therefor each horizontal slp 1m wie would be ‘eet cary ts mun anil fond opr with atonal moment ened rom {hats od rs sondern ao of 189. | | In thisexampe infrcent wil be proved ested shove fom Append , fr forlowet | wie sip 1258 text lowet tm wie tp 055%, coeur nia Vora vanfrcemet requ for bck oman This nfrcemetisto be rove hrouhou the gh of the ale eee nt be provided ar addict any ote afore were ht enforceent que to ‘Strength: ultimate nit state aa aig of main ening te acim sagingmanent in AB = 1827Nm Maximum hopgngmomest B= 761SKNat Moumam sgpmgmomertinBC 9183 kNet For melispen Deus; mip snd sport mores hg 6800 mes, = 6850 mm; fy = 8200 mn lever arm in span AB = 02 6850 + 03 x 6800 10 - ts02mm* lever amz = 0:2 x 5200 + 03 » 6900 = 3680 um Tats x 108 A> Ter x 0 x 3680 in upper band (Figure 12)801(8.68 ~ I) = $97 mm over detho2 65, e489 min: loner band (S801 ~ 597\(06 x 68) = 1215 [At ip Bc B= 02 x #200 + 03 x 6800 = 3680. 91821 gos gs = 095 OR x 40x 380 02x ee ‘Shear capac of pan AB aaa Sar apt st ppt A Sher eputy ta nist part otf = 30 Nien? from CP 110,74 = 410 Nin? i x 350 x 6800 x 4.10 x 10-9 if — i = Vag + Vag = A33 + 1116 = 1949 KN (Figs 99, 101) 19s < 7319) = 244038 enc sear elformen the form of an xthopen mesh segue the por 90 x1 O87 x 410% 04 x DD 2008 Mosman ara of ornate i sea es fg OE __ 085 a Gar x tio x 05 x 6800 th mii freeman in tension rope 8 87 262 “suport A, 500 men vet and riz, the msi for temo Zone Check on ogre 24a ‘Stor apesty of otton-lesded spn AB 342 Ub tattoo» 354 kN Bence minut ae of verte est ax 0 A> = 992? fn oss ‘aor cpa apport B “Teint boom Lode hear apacy st oppo B Yan = 028 » 350 x 6800 x 4.10 x 10 = 7319588 pequied vet ste tsp the oto ad on pan AB 992 Fa tt be provied for ace cnt, Tah wlsupprt » UDL of at aa Tao = 989 Nm an ie ashen xpecty at support B of Vay +999 x 6 x GF O25)6E5 = MIEN Hence Fn 183s o396 < 10 ig” 28 Couck toploded sr cps of spn AB at suport B 242 4 = $52 5 1712 mm because load is uniformly dstbted 1502 x 100 350 x 6800 inc rom Table §, 0 110,7, 0:35 Nin? fears oft = 008s 50 x 64001 x 2 x O95 H 05 X10" «soggy Thins than hing sea capac 350 6800 x 4.10 « 10"? = 97581 Shar tsigpot B due to fopload = TITTRN < 28684 heck ombine ong a eppor B Wallen + Melted <1 VVeg NT 5 WP ogy <1 68 * 243 ence spn AB the Sara B isaafctry uncer combined losing ‘Sher apc of son BC Thereae no indect stppt ssn BC 760 ‘ee of el aged at imu f 2800 mr ute proved Extn se! must be povided oppo the concen sharing load of 1213 &N ‘a7 x wia(@20 + 030 x a6) * | oe of stel ea suppl over dase of (3 +03 x 8.20ymm #2760 mm total 1760 +1252 = 2092 mm? fan io be spied ovr a tance of 1230 oa caoh dh of the nde on Bottom bade shear capacity of apport Band © ining = 075 x 350 x 6800 % 4.10 x 10°? (2758h >) = 1318 kN Vow = 3301 Va = 2880KN Hence Yasy > Vow > 731 A sipport 8 Vn = S501ENSolitingstear inverts gon enforcement in roporton 4060 Vertical tas take afore of 1320 Nand gyal are foc of a es than 1981 KN bleh the ser capacity ofa web wih singrement, 200 mf, veil and Capt of vert tel = 2400 087» $10 x 030. 820 10" = 2457RN aA as olin her apy of ethoginl math 2457 EN Copacty of hero tl = = 24540) ‘Ave of agonal see = 28 *198E 2 0 4463 on 83 x 10 ee 1968 ea (Figure 108) sa tot botiom loa capacity (2457 #1981) = 4498 KN Vu ~ A438KN > 3301 KN Arsipon¢ Vow * 2880 4 Dispos arm fore of 738 EN Shea apt fotos meh = 2457 KN (st support 3 chore Figure 108 L outer a os x 1728 x 10 oa x 40 ‘Are of dol ed = 3816 an? ‘his sread over 9 tance of 268 mm gute 108) Hence aren of ste sre = 1713 fa Vo (Q4S7 + 1728) = 41852 heck on plod a BC “op-oad shoe ape at oppor Band © alt, = 2% * Yas *B2t0n * Btn) For tfomed bus, = Be = Ba * 10 Veg = BAOMME + Yn # Yan # od -! = 02m om he weld hy om 2/21) 208 so ot Table 6,74 047 Nh? Asse 0.85 etal tel oer th lng of eum and 8% hiatal ste ovr shear tt ih 02% nomial to eben om Tbe 8, yy = 04 Nini? Foy hovizotl wb sear pater ak 0.3% over fl Be From Tle 7,794 =025 Nit From Tabled, 9p" =71 Ni? Vg = 350 x 6500 x (OAK x 471 + 047 + 025 4 008) x 10 + ora cue Konglinat Vag < 380 6800 x 13 x O46 VST 1079 = 1456 KN Bone Yq = 681 Faure 109 asaring longehe at soppore 8 Asuppor B Vay = 1878 < 674158 snd at suppor C Vo * 1615 < 6741 N once fo th orl laoreet sued pan BC satiny under tp oes ‘usc combine loning at upprs Band © Ft Plan ste (heck combine onding contin at pyre B 287820) Son > 1 sunray tai wer sel oat need tom 2800 2986 nn fe Atsopoct C 1S, 288 oss <1 satctory rat * as (heck on Bearing see at support A support Aisindt thee no need o ces the Berg etat saa. (heck on Baring see a suppor ‘Take cout ofthe spread of res through the flora ee Figure 10, 109) Besngsres du olef-hand load = 2570 x 109/050 x 1700) = 483 Nin? rang sees due 6 vpht-handlosd = $180 x 10°/(30 x 1900) = 779 Ninn? ‘Stress due to Joad oer support = EAS xe = 1.53 Nin? 350 x 2500 Tot beara ses in overlying zoe 1415 Nin? ‘This ater tan Gf, bl the son apcty canbe roid by taking the clan ‘ert sel upto tw teary stout 1500 KN Thier lay hen poming tenferennt fr tr etna heck on bing sess a support C ‘Tota eatin support € ective egth of support ‘ncudng pein rouge xe brings due wotoad = “2% 10%. 07 New? 100 380, ‘urn due tolond ove the support = 22105 10° 6 aN? 1500 » 350 ‘ot esi= 124 Nim? >A fu Tot cima tang sens can be provided by extending the arte clu el wp Check on adminsibitias of hole A le Asay be consieed a belgin ts tp 02 ofthe best, Wa ooreontl ens fore band ver suport = 04 x 6800 = £080 mm Death ote» 300 mm. 4080 = 16 rms de mile asa oxi monet over suport = 7615 Nm Hoc fore = 761534 = 22401 asa ESS Item of ses oe tension ne * 2240/08 = 49 Nin ‘Fra Tong wl bo kee that on tp ofthe bem, Renee the lenlag om the equine hls somes 264 KN Pipe 110) pediddidit a =| Figure 110 ~ Ses at hole A ‘nhs poston the princi ese wl e vert end hort For wesl srs cnses +p bear onde shown in Fe 111 ax bending woment 66 x 03 ~ 266 x SSE. = 116m Acie el of beam sre ale * 30 am Forsnle span, parte sggng omen, 2=02 x 600+04x 300 240mm 241 Figure 191 _— | tow __os___o05, | Vertes load et hole A * * enc aa of st reguod above 16 x 18 A> = = 135m? io x oT x «10 oie lh of btn tlw hale = 600mm, 2702 600+ 04x 600 360m o> MERI age ‘The appr stesso be concentrated inane 0.2 300; wobnroay am above te hale, ws ‘Cec top and otto ban fr aes 242 ‘onsider beams a1 loaded eae enc shar spas =11¢= 150 rm Sexe! nop beam 135 x 109/00 x 300) 015 Seael in oto ram = 90 100/00» 300)- 0.08 Fao »109=035 Nina? Table 5,0? 0 bottom =0.35 Nin? De 350 x 300" 4 035 x 10 x 107 1 ~ Saray teri So W147 EN> shear, SSEN. Sststctory Shear capacity of bottom beam» 2% 250 x 600% » 035 x 10 x 107% = seen heck Bite = 350 600 x 410 x 10°? = 86L KN ‘Ata, Ya BBN > sea 66 KN once the shar fret at ppt A nd are stictory ewig ty fap a. 243 Bering ses = 66 x 104(350 « 100) = 19a? nce he Dnig sts ae satiny. Pewee ae ogc oat | ea en or orion ste (Figue 110,112) Fanting moment = 1575 x 03 ~ 550% = 41m ref sel rout each de 1x 10 > 8 tert oar x alo» 06 x 0 ‘hs iprend oer depth of 2,» 360 em Tenn sets ed) Te fetafnement = 187» 1000260 = $21 me 220 a 9 035 8 350 x 600 x 410 = $61 N 1515 < SHAN 2x1. sen ac shen heck stony Tos eet nse free st soppors = 197.5 igure 113 Reinforcement around hate A Hence aren fol red in being r= 1975 109/087 x 410 385 mim? ver 0.2 600 120 nm botom of teen enc intensity of sel = 3208 nj ‘These round thee sbjert to the eget of 2500: in ‘hele is atedysurounded by VIG at 125 EF = 3216 rn. Thi infrcenent need ot bo cugented to sity the equements ound the hale (Fig 113) ‘Admissibility and stresses around hole ‘Ses de tinea (Pigere 114) Wath oftontand = 2300 Wath hole sn tomion band 400mm < 2300 x 02 = 460mm -Appronnating rom Figures 55 ad 5, BP x 2502 groin at about 10 vege compre see along hand = ite the vert Average ten ste ao the band kN ' X Figo 14 L Fors tard aha 8 | ac Lo see Ste et botom oad (Figure 118) Theble subjeet under dhs stent compre tes ue to tach stu nd tenons fe tothe veal hanging eiafrcerent Anpeosinatng from igure Average compress scrote = 628 1.25785 KN at about 1° tthe et Average verte ensan 26 AN at aout 15° ote hoon » Figure 15 ‘Force bands at hole B bottam lad Figure 16 Force bands at hole B~ ‘wp loed 100 Figure 117 ‘Leads around hole 8 ‘Tehoelesbjct nde thi syste compli sree due tote top fad and nagigte minor sve. ‘Sr tt lod (Fre 116) ‘eral ao tand = 2 26 = SURRY 2m widest) Lond instratat hole = S62kN 1 Kedwdnanie > Hdd ‘Average compssv ses = S1OKNim at aout 20° to he vert (approximately | enstet with Pigue53) Adi ofa 8 as ‘he inforement for ole B wl bs designed using elie force grant ‘inte steer om the ae ‘Toe lounge oko don nt thee ten 1 indies ad (Bue 114) 2 ottmiad (Fg 13) 3 toploed gue 116) Brcatse an apron itd eng ud to tia the stress inporant to Fm the foe gan, we ca sma the forces o he ks allows (Fg 17) |, Abou 10 1 Tbe es0 im + —Reference stress planes t (@) Indirect toad |, pAbout 18° f ar #128 kN yas nen (0) Bottom toad About 20° ~ 510m (@) Top load m1 Teese ay te afore ino #7 coors ber pail oy wg aa a he wort ae or any posible combine of hes lowing conto ‘The rete feces become er) © coe 10 ° oom om Om an 18 Figure 18 a aaa fos] ese Lent enter — t ohms ew abe “Theiesuese combine o ge compstnn pcp sts taut 18° tothe verte of Treen md iso ene nial tes of aout 150 KN. span wih aboat Comridr oad 900 Neon ths ong pose ‘sncco 13° Sa 15°) = 310 mn 2a Bending moment = 298 0.186 ~ 1990 x 23! = 32k 7 mo oe dar x 410 x 08 xD = 402 ma? iste ee oes pho gs ety of soe ck ening se: ws x10 PSX 10 36Nien? 0x © earngsres > 04, but taking aso fe esti singe tool seceptable nas heck bun for shat Comer compres fore a top os Tieng bom ‘Ber pny of tp-tondd eam, aa % = 2658 wc 365 350 372 x 410 x 10 = S98IN 295 < 3650 ce beam it staartoy fortes averthponal mh of 5402? nto provid oe the rons sown in Flee 119 2sa Figure 19 Zone of reinforcement — hole 8 “This equal to 1350 un? ov the ara ahowe ad is egullnt to 716 witha the ae (1410). “Tis satiedy hevrteewhich spaced ates than 125 mm EF Hower, the ‘oviona steal sald be soplemened by sae ana YI6 EF me be. Check on teson componente asim tne fore © 150 Nin Lever m= 0.6, = 06372 223 am Bendngnonet = BOA 29 10. stant dar A10x 23 ‘Tas ped oer yg an neat of 22-1 = 142 mtn : lo ig i Baie ‘Toate lend supa Diet eae fore = O31 x 150/2= 23.3 2N naxie asrai0 ‘sof ste roe = =65en? Figure 120 Vertical and agonal swe areas ~ Example 2 Figure 121 Horeca tal arose Example 2 Are of bending te gure 402m ‘eat deettensonstes Sma" Tot etm ‘Axon of 84 nn ha alrany bon proves. Notes on dealing Vet tse (ne Pee 120) ‘The team mas aves inns of 800 mf vera sel everywhere to deal wh te {esion stees om i pn la. The eral tel most be sented to 2986 n/m Inte vone nj osupor Bn pin BCA anim of 238 mest be rode I eines fond Ant of Yleat 125 EF eget. 3208 ms been ed for Sere see ower a cat — | | | | ryt ‘Vertis spel | { — I (some (soe ‘Py | Appendix C Horcons seo (e Fre 121) Amini f 2600 mn? suite for 13. he tension zones st supponts A, Band C- Prana tes ere (ee Fe 120) Retforement dtatng The complete enforcement for Example 2 is shown on Figure 122. Buckling strength of deep beams PROCEDURE IN PRINCIPLE The procedure decribed blow provides» meet by which th adecy of deep bea, pint ace by Buin, ay be checked, empojing the stands fete Stab frente concrete clu gon st Cause 3. of C110. The bucling sary ‘thew of dap beam, oedema wal, ier rom tat of ‘suena wal, boca th web set to all n-plane seses whi tract edb thereof butler ated ah aye hat he dita of stress inte dep bra own, etter om Append A cet o by interpaltion, db combination, by speci testa te presi tht te le dtrbuton of ores suey represents in of tite drg seme or he arpe of wai aby check The dfiton o es hrouphot te Appendix force por nt we The bea i asad to be rided ito panes by adequate stains hea aera reat at he op and bottom ede ony then he whale Bear fms one pe Each pre ‘The key prt, ought bythe paced, he tate cla ght Inacated in €F 110, Caen 33 Thepoceare dernier sf an of thet hgh {nde effective lenth, obese ine manner desobed i CP 10, Case 3. for eleating ‘headin moments sisted with he verte spl Roantl suse, pect. ‘Tage gh ad length edd fom toe at eae budlag ses for tang late th inp compres shen lal plied ong es. “Theory isvaable ony fortis rest ayy ce ons, Wr he ot the ake seisneeeary tose eqlent ons rated, Te equate loud ast beset Inpstant inthe sleston oes igh or ngth fr «patel ef ee forte ace Dlght ape aueoed by Both the orion and verte sesne The raster the honortal compen et, tele of the hoot en Trine and comquntly, the geste th i hich told tom te ete Bat of the Pane Howes, te rater the mel compen sre he le he ei esi, ed ha he ate fines ofthe orn esi iin esi he ale or ‘heellecve bgt ter wor ete to overimate he horizontal ste: bata lomer-boond ete ofthe etl tte shoud bed Sila comderation py when 105 Figur 123 Equivalent panel the effect pan! length tobe preted nth stacy, fora safe etna the verti foros mut oot be dette or the hizo ors overesinate nis ancy to sisngith carly tween the equalling wed oped stains eh bh a thei ot ed the al check on con 8 ‘Te rslton of thse ite ound In wo raced: the plied ge pane and two pase methods. For he gli sige poe? method be ate panel vepaced by 2 ational fe ivan pl ne pre 129) The egal pe comps rectangle wih 8 ‘SSoeeiner amply supported or fs subtle oa equtaent od comping Hey ‘Shing mpreive sess applied to th ads og nd oppose ladon opps ees, wes constant sea sess Po width and Seely ofthe eqialet pe ‘Skene to he han hight ofthe acts pel a he pols where he a Noon and vera ste epctely ae at axa. The near aan peed hmpresive tse ae cose fo profacecompesv sess within he pnd that ae a Son ls tan heal stoner The spied constant sear ste taken eau TRewan (eth du acount of ip of etal seg vera shear tes apd tthe aro the pana Wht he cuales artnet shoud be treed a hey were ‘Soo. When effin etn gta lng lave been derive by the meaca dsb Tegattu sons ofthe enforced web ae saya forthe equiva! apie Jon and Techical moments deed fom the al steer and om the ete Height 0 ent ‘ae ate ate panel The method convent, but maybe too camera whe he Sel sre vary broly eg. when concentrated oes or ection ar aplie) We Inthe two-pane” method an eqlnt panes sled by the method desebed above for he's singe ane, but the equa oad adopted to seet the effec hg tu theft lei, epctlyiferin wo paral Tw eflecine hah lets ‘ent unl on he bso the extent horbontal Tad bing upper bond wale, foducinghszotl ste everywhere elt, ones than the cl set, and he ‘puvet vera lod tings tver-baod alate second pnel the effective lengths (Seto te b ofthe ule horn stessbagloer-bound aes an he ‘en erica uppet-bound value. “Te ehiceof lower bound eqllet oaieg quently a mater of jugement. The saturn of fower-beund eqlent load woud be the neat Utibted sppled ag nading whch would odor sees within the panel amo pin eater than Ue at {tte btn many pa this wl be appropiate, Fo etme, forsimly supported {ingle panel teams the definition woul es lower-boud vale of zo fo hoon ‘rte! Gnce the heviaona sts el ah he en) ad ace a uel vae fo ‘acne lng Some ecommendatton fr elt ove-boundequaen: one ‘renin the deta derrpton of the proce. Svea} 108 Wen effective clan ight and et ate ee ined bythe meas ted selon ntl nd eel veto f termed we chested os nde rete ye meh dscbd in Chee 3.5 of P11. The al ree ed ae thaw of ‘re account aso be taken of tate est fm Abs walls rope raned hs geste paler iments abe wed Tora quent pret {Slated at sag nthe eta proce. ‘he hort asi iti basking see (ach conespond the dress of these sn pr) a detrae om the bai fhe equal pleas ns Seer anomaly (otf the lane) of late er ut wth. The yb abumed (Ste cot througout the ae of Se lat, and alin bath Gretns, Te ta ‘ieee onthe septs tht wp ose no sonal iat ae that asco iat. The cata orrontl sn eel ees pd ses tes re ten {Shei snane ta athe pped eqraent sees Ts eateship arma bythe tor fthe intra ng snpniedis the dale rosedue. ‘oe ses vere and hoot aes eed ate sated Ny ene ote vr aio ete eng othe pth ee ‘oy bun th formule FH t08lh = 2 Ee Inthe te poe’ metod. the Nj 82 Nye values employed at the Besser obtained from ‘he pnt ry now be lye an he ana oment alte, cco wih CF 110,Chae 3 en 3. exp ta fraying etl ees, ‘Srocve hee mst be ake at ote om the eo dered shoe and ne om he prove af Cae 3812 or 54.2 Inthe sae wy, fo sah g ‘eStats the els rth st be ken To ecapitolate, th EESRE ng pat thd, he an tener wed fot way etlons ae 0 itinepuc! nthe he nl srener al fr analy os eton ad cheng the enfecomen hoe oe eon os Ebon, PROCEDURE IN DETAIL ‘Where soncentsated wren aso resins, pid ote ce poe tts of ‘Deluna of pyr bound ve fr he gure ea vera ste throne aera sveme ought the pnd of the sume rer of apie th Sel targ sess modal ew he fondo above the por il hreore TSOTSI) domme og pc consietion toe oqlent ond to sop te ‘Shere ood in is inseee eon to determine the wpe-tound vei Tae oc neataig ie eft ion eg, om he ses dition so ere Br Ney nhc ete edgy Were concentated loads rapid tone teal = Stpparted cee Gly ang the maton! model deed the comment ‘aElon bow) ssf kes elt one quae ofthe panel pt Below headed cee Ste tg supper in ter nes ie ay be tak 1/8 of he panel eet Es Gicemcat ape er concntated lous opt bot oon es UEP Toit rceaatmed fr ewh dan he mort vue wed for eating the ete Tea ‘When considering owa-bour val of elt loading for hoot tee in any pane ahr the hrzntl ses ves lng the eng approinatcy partial between wus af ro woud be resonable shoo the ower-boud av tay lel tobe Sot ete than tot of the ama wale ta vel. Nore sera, whee then ‘ova ot eo, rovded tthe onan sss ues reaonaly smoothly, te owe ‘hunavoise aay feel my be heen to eno eter tan SOR ofthe aver ofthe hee aes of hoot st ete tthe evel at pote a at quarter poss of he pal Inchoong it dotbution of Hozotl loading wich sss the bore iteon at each evel til neces to coder tat es ndings ae spd where appropiate. The Tomer bond eel sts (abe sed in sles fT epi) ay oral be deter fre rm he erie ss ttn tlhe f the pal Asount maye takes ofthe ational etait fom lbs pcos walls popry Framed into lh eateallysapported 0 fou edges by cnsderaton of ae ‘hue panel wth edd disor simated a allows Wheres ae nto th rz dpa ad headset Re iten as | sul tote val of dvd fom Bunton (20) ane 21) of ane 35.1.4 of CP LQ. Io ‘Sng thet equation ithe cs ih tween end stats (Cnse, tobe ‘else pte hei ofthe pane In ation, he "bum stiese’,coxespend to the ‘Aics of it mh ofthe sas fainginto the dpe, ane the clu ies are fondo th stn of unit wit ofthe pans ft dep beam beter the oe rei Shanes my be estimated io Be 2 hy El) where hy 20 p are the eight and Teng ofthe unl. Waere cos wale int the verbal dps pe te reduced ‘Sete eg ay sey be take tobe thee of eaed fom Eqttions 20) and (Gh) with ele fn thee expressions pce by the length ofthe ae ‘ou alt pee nbd wit eed danny by this procedure 20 ‘wats ting ested hy ingle spot al four eps, the ital Toads vated, “Eat tats height aol leegh extinatedaderpoyed x dsebed in principe sve ‘helms opldedglonding adopted in th caclaon sould be taken lt ‘he otensies dre fo he opal ands, panel (eg Ife saeequlent Toad onthe | ‘ert dg fa read ps vaed fem 20 Nn the top to 10 kN at he Bottom {nie egueen ond on heeded pn odo vty Kom 70 10 KN) : ‘oe elfct of otto ett lng one ge when te opposes ee attests bu ay be catenins In deta he determination of tect loaf thf giant panel ay be canieg wt flo. Tele dtbaton of pied vert stress caracetsd By ‘ican ue, snd by a» porumeter wich dens the proportion ofa bending The ‘moxinum sein (1 a) and the rnin (La) For ppe-bound ons cty EE etwoon tev fr (anor cstebued ud) ad 1 ingly tbo ind), Soy, he ean ere ett I fined by Ny and The applied ‘hea eesti Nig sited asthe avenge wae of ia etal ses dtu inthe abence any oer plied ses onthe pal nd atumed to have Ue same ale of 8 ‘Sry, Mr anya elated the serail hoaontal sts and the cet sear sts ean te aban of ey ober pid ste. Tes cies ‘Se found ar ales of fom Fgie 126 to 128 fora wanber of ations the edge testi condos 109 “Te tiot R= MyM ae R, =e a4 rae thee determine in tems of ‘Now he terest agree (Fes 159 sn 130) sr od to esiate he eet ofthe ‘he wo sees onions nel ech ofthe ha eal aes. othe interaction ‘Sng sue eg iy fer to ict ses paral to the ng es ofthe ps ‘Smad sti veto rst see uel tothe sort ee. The next tp einates heen srs by ming te cl sem pra fo the short dg. For simply ‘pared plate, gue 129 press mica tor Much ht MM, SR: Draw ‘edges hough te ong wth aslope uh hat GIN, = RE/R, Te nection ofthe lie withthe cv appropiate the rer ati ofthe patil ges the required valve of M, ih intra provides + mode ae forthe etal st, Mg = My nda oid Il Re Re RM ‘Thee vlc ae sow veda the intestinal ree, le 130, t0 ‘ind modicatin fas My an May ropetng he et ofeach dette on theca fal ote. Agsn, thee ee fod frm te trcin of he sth ines hoop he Seg of sloge i = RST the appropri curve or the aspect aio. The modied (ites ae then Ng MM aN6 Vag" MV ace the tetve ight and the ie length and ae Fund fom tse Aefnitin Noe ==” EL Tg a4 Mag TTB gt abit vale of Texter or te or Figure 124 ] I Critica stro for owes L- inane direction only — are! simply supported Le Noes! ml four ods 1 mt Figure 125 7 Creal shear stress — t panel simply supported iG na our edges Seem en ttn os) a Lexan vibe = 208 a ce ‘at wy oc ese sey parent o went 3 30 Figure 128 Critical sree for uniform [oad atong tree edges | ‘ees foe and two simply (LY YE FE ‘Supported w | oe ft Fn whe} fe a Ciel sree for uniform Tod parte 0 feo ages = panel with one or two epposie edges fee and ne Bet i ‘0 simply supported = Figure 128 rivet strass for uniform three fied Figure 128 ao ‘ Interaction cure for Combined ar an log ! ‘a edges simply supported oo 1 Figure 130 Iteration curve for bi ‘xia compression ~ al! ges simply supported Fiore 131 lsotropic equivalent of orthotropic plate PROCEDURE: COMMENTARY ‘Tee aswmption that the torsion feof he panel maybe acted allows the aac we of CP 10 fo asesing dna moments dei senares,eodng te diy hat ‘would ate with he nvaeent tron, particulary nthe clad contin. The asamp Tioniseaslent to considering hat ou-af-pas bead ested by so of vert ane zontal strips acing indecently, but harng common deletions 2 ther intentions Te eet of meeting ontna fine fo rede the eles cite sess by = {ato wh or splot pate var rom 2 fo sq for lang ates Tend pal! ota shor sd. Sete ater nse realy srakforvad, he ‘ssumpton pong nar forthe nsruraeintodace bythe snplieaton of te Clipless dtbuton oy te supe of ont le fo. An aon ‘nag monly proved do othe fat tte compres lo vere slong the si, ‘heres iia sod lating cello a have ontent msi ave oon’ ito taken st 20 to siply the calulation of ete leads and becase the effet is not span at at fo spy-eupored lates nan cts ee bea, the Nona igity wal vary Uvoughut the pal, pending onthe renfreonetpeoentage, te det sts, and th otf plane bending mame aston ofA alg stp wl ot fe geal fo tht toe founda noma enforced “Sette alma and maybe preva lowe (In he empl! formula fr adion! ‘moment Buf he wre pty sienna rm the odzonal wu igy,then tw off may be to be kent cco Suppo ectangla nel, ebjrted os compre srs, Ny pal oe ie” and the xara ‘gies at an 7, for esp lll ote sie‘ an’ eset Gee Fise 13D) Neste title off or th ototope plat, the ame ar nt campsted for se soto te of eur ly 2, anda modied os wath b » DUBTGEN ice ue 124 Focesamle, if the Data are the tines moe fle han the tp, ‘hat orefb= Is Nog sac inthe rao 132" » 58% 320,90 tn BE)! 13 Cealy the margin of ire deserted shore se lanes in thendves cove hi ste sitar of es apaent easton senha fudge Fn abold | Pear ete in pnd were asd for sdstional moments tig the noid we” reat oduct lengthen tt esnge woud havea ower andthe Bp pea lain ere oak set ee Teme cafarmyacctociauy, ai aes roc tec eines of en ea tage a en ea erdernae mage t rmsd tear Hower whee toe ate ppecble direc the nrc sree then, wold be onal o medi the panel mensions acordingy 08 6 Tl the apeopiate ity, F “Tce ino epee evidence sian thee prosedere. They wre dove to cours a ae of doable stably col be confed to ae aflame bowed care capac For cra insane name weit ws povided by the of seesa eehos tt ate in Figure 13. The etl lous were asumed card by the areata ain wed Tir a wth Te columns are telly resraned by the ESESitrth on hnontal sie. The ste ofeach estat was etna om aan ee natie ya nor eed othe tl od om the stp. The robles ae ego E nat ora colon of nny ya 7 rerained by tra springs os, Haar imps) ang wih sigh Teceel loa for thi em an be oun by con Peder lpedeoton tod. The al wale feral oi found by er Tee Selanne ping ba nota celine hoist SeBSldon wun tom depend 0 tbe pit ofthe veri ud Tis concent ae ee ening te bach load of erp beans where he propor proseet teense : Figure 132 Column and stro mode “to cures of Figures 1240128, which ses aes for arta ode a co tons. edie merc coves Pgues129 and 120) have bee deed iy stander ey ete nasty te Stn egy doe to torso. Fer Tong pane with et eg wl Be cased ta ie vey comeretiv, a ay Bez fom Figures 126 ané 18 ve for cere para vlc af ofthe ci oe, when oor! ses nae, Fara sac Th mterton day, Figure 129 has besa taken from Append 4 of sae ks aveamer of box gies ip (Rafrence 25) spp sey to Pts see Sonond stn ut uly atthe ferns espn -tesupgted procedure fr lowing forth fest frit estan tnt bed en oxpnnl edocs oo sie analy ivesiation Hs preented 238 spare a en approach, andthe tt avout be ested acordng. The expresion ‘uote sons need to wea and ih ae forthe rorsina te, re pasate oa ott ment and Exel slang he emai sre Appendix D ‘The tata fanart dected above may ot be alegote whee ser 38 inportant part th ses pe I part, wt the sts yb approximately theta ue restr tha he pr dec ses et, sei oideatin maybe esau. The soi of the nein aclnedsalomn debe ove, pled peay rc th panel may be toy ‘eles fr the itil her ste f pan with owe ae aot salle, bt would tbe resonable tote the vale fo panel with four sly supp ede whee the sear Seo tos sal sae to the er est sre rai, Special consteration would be vod for pane where Dis wa nat he ‘The fc or the leit ofthe tet eights enn Setons 22nd 3 were seceding tne rede of hls Appendix in he allowing way. Fr the case of ple ‘ipport onal fur edge, sr panels ere analysed coving he ange of aspect aie and fate of verte fo sent! eiform aes andthe efcte eights nd lng deterine, {eo panel i the sar of te elective bight orlngth exsee 1 the sale mension the nel Smal fo cae ne ee eso vo oppose edges ee tm found tha for no pol ol i the amr ofthese fete lt olen ected 1S thlengh of theo he panel pare oh re dg ee Shear strength of reinforced, top- loaded deep beams ‘he prpuso asApend.e to xa te tion of he ie om orga | Kong poroni!,tocompare he uesnfrced rd reno fp oad ep beam ert, ‘Specie ith hy bering apc at he appr nd to draw coehsans. The shear tegt oftop-londed bem maybe gs by an exprenion fom Kong which nie xg form ws uae 0 Vib, = Cl ~ O35sIRi + Cay Bybin®, il) | where Aysha er satiate a finn Figure 133, Cy, Ce are empl constants | Trosited wih ne ulinate ler ofr the ele seg of te concee Gumed | tobe sta). ‘Tec oes r moe aftr of 0.75 to obtain he carcterie from he san vac Too charstrts tenga are rlted ttt it state by the “leation of pra ea ator, Taking becouaof he concrete ten sent eect te consuntsDsore Ch= My = 048 forsormal weigh agent concrete | = 032forphweghtepeet once sa C$ 10025 = 195 Nina for defor high yd a y= $10 Ni") = 85 Nin for plan ound bass = 250 Nina) ‘hs he expen a hime tte te in the ae: VIBh, = A(t ~ 0354) Veg + a2 eres “The scond tern hi exesson, the contribution of teense, my be wien bs oem Whee di tance fom the to ofthe bem to he ene ofthe an infrceent ae, an Pn Don Mea Sled i Seton 342, mlb? + but? 12 + Den?) us Figure 133 Parameters for shear ftrangth of top-Toaded booms ; i {eson this si tat tte fr the contabuto tothe ser seg of la tala and verte! nd eriaontal web freemen, ein th gue, have ea repre. nts tru the er eng ofthe were we wl be VIbn, = dire + Boe were f= Lorhigh yt efrmod bas = 04 fr pla oe lds bars Valu of the shea tres cape ofthe uneinfred deep eam wab ie compared fore enert fag 3 Nh yin ig 134, Valero dese fom the mosified C110 pelon oe Section 242) and thn taken fom he Kog expression developed above, Iteloding the a sree tow. he nts 0 he er tes ie by Hy a ‘hove implied byte bering tr condone abe nce roied CP 110 expen forthe snared ser sven pene apts oe Vide ng fer span ator dha be doped for eine spe ue. Kong’ roves forte sear seth ofthe torn coacret ep ex wes been wed in {de spplentary re. Figure 134 Plot of shear strengths aginst rato shear span FOr fa = Appendix E 30 Ninn? Estimate of deflections in deep beams sponta coma low bas The fects re tly often to eee othe th, ‘eras fr diferent semen of oppor Thur the sinle and approximate ae for, ‘tector n th Cade (he pan Stecton rts) ae consdete tobe adequate This ‘Append ener th eration and cones We stias of dep Dein ation othe ‘Hc of ferent foundation tenon Set, defomaton wil be acme pvedised oly by an analy capable of sasing tlhe prams pvenng bavi Sich grou slonr ae not sree a 01 ap. Prat wen th pat data sre unas. Else als might prone a enenable ppm Ton tothe deformations, but tilt to rode pot-oracing eflesnenforend cnet tect In any eve th aoa of wok aed il ees be out proportion tthe ‘ed fr, ted he potable laity of he eat, ‘Whats meded ia proctdie which kes approximate acount of he sta, nudig shore fr ckng hs ose, ut ved th ony fr» lel aaa Theses train dep bears ar been corpaed tthe eon af Ws syn which et fore {nether alsin) pedomtats athe conten ster mene Tis Spgs Maan athe dformatne xp best ob preted bythe Wllot Moke Dini Moreve the apis etiod would allow te combton a exh fcr tothe Iota election tobe mote ely appreciated. “Thi rinse proved to bea sued Bass fo approximate esis of destin in sep beans andi desc it etal ow. The propose mos aly demons for ‘hply-sippared dep bes, to which Ds il eas apy “Te ftowingatumplns are made: 1. The extent of easkng which occa sre ad onan wh th asmpton Tha late sts ttn ke rom ies 41083 may be employed to 2. Tests te concrete may be erate by that slong charset ro {ejector Ge song ie paige the ppt ana the cent of eompesion) uw ( | 3. The concern I tine-tependnt det the effets of eee and sags [Arroisteprameter may boxe from CP 104s Binabook amen. ‘aero Append A2 4. The force nthe ea therfore its as may Be compte in acorn wth the {Guide sad may be snd fo yn proportion tthe ending Nomen gam. ote thts dbuton ifs tom af iting values ge or strength athe (oie. Te sifenog eat ofthe concrete surrounding te erent can be ‘Slowed for by dedoting fom th tle foe the orci th oorete ara in tension tour the “ea shown om gue 135, upto the pot at wich the conte treks ee. 1 Ninn? forimmeinte sd 058 Nm frlongtom st) again w {renin Appendic A2 of CP 110, Te tole trai wi tes be hat nthe conte {ptothe pnt at which icc ps tat in hese at the rece fee, oan om, lon, om Tension force inte steel mss any = MLE OROIHE ‘and surrounding eancrote 3eAN ‘5, The dtstions the soffit of dep beam ay be nase by the extensors nthe not nfofeemen vied for otto ong Suc extecsions ray be estimated com the sninin the hanger laocomeat a indestedin igus 136 and integrates ‘vera gto bat hy Te bane bas wl eee by he strong ‘stet nthe mans desert for man tel above. 6. Where Jon acti combistion, til besten scrt to raperinpee the {ans ome appropriate tet ater td comtine the dtormations gba Figure 136 ‘Stress in hanger stot, Taweroiner ome Defomaton nthe concrete ad te member detemined on hs basi may been ‘oye show ng 137 ocala the deacon ay asp Ins mode fe femmpotent members, nghoned sorted byte splat fond ae contained to moves ig odie fo the deformed posta a oe a eel gcse compat. The precede, ppd tothe tes andthe cnet anges npy-suppoted ea Is ees tested by Leonhardt an by Kong and pes eal which re reasonably wel ith record dein (ne Figure 138) Defi de to ence sin spent Be smal compared wth hoe dso nt inthe ses! ti Consequently ter ety tht destined to exp anéarinks ll rot besa A,r fom adjacent seule lend rede etn, ‘Avan cumple ofthe mth, inate ofthe hot ong tem delieston of Singe-span ee bun, utjet tow unify debuted load appedst th op ofthe beam, 1 pent igure 139, Thi exe ilstats the dct ofthe ues fr defection gen in ‘he Guide The procedure maybe wed 1 rede eeton in simply-sopporte dep beans with 2 hyo 2,2 bik Lit, hallow ees boar aa ocmes al. Hosea, mas ‘pan deep ese nls eaiy omen ots pprach, wl sobre, ro he ‘ramp and te examin foray supported erp beams, tht fer crahing the exes Sion ofthe elaorcetent mals an importa contin sn ation oat af th once ‘othe otal deflection. Tift spears to apply tote rnforcaent ores intemal ‘support and hedges to whi the snl supperted span defection nay bere by con {eit Nosimgle mode! ta ben dei whch veal erent the pn and poets ‘gnets Ben were ts pst, wold be il to determine the proportion od fsck would ear, ‘Mis sugste, teeta single approximate metho for tinting l-span team deletion shouldbe urd nh the deletion alelsted a he bear were simply mpported. A mdiping itor wuld be apie o allow for conn. The oun w | Figur 138 Pot of messured and caleulatod deflections for Leonhard’ test Beams WT1 TS and wre 10 ets (md Colne oem = + ‘estan rey cee me at te Domcencs,Ayr081 See) Sy aa ny rato degam ecards to sery Figure 139 Oeflections of single span deop beam with uniformly distributed top load Use of | ‘inioe-tote agra ight be at by which a sinly supported span deletion wold be eve a a uform ‘ction shallow bean continuous ave the se cotton af sp In view of the ues ‘is and fr sialic t sug tht factor of 0.5 and 07 bee for be wich se ontinuois at both ene and one en especie. | Tae ave eets of diferent stern nba wih sallow Bear and slabs | se ely contra by iting the lative stement between adc spose 0002 or 0003, depending on wheter he racking the strate othe rons ak ‘nee. Tomi thes a dep beam th sume el, he eft eee be ween adjacent supors might need tobe stan OO «sp, Sh condton would wat ly be etn fs to met ut ght often be cosy ne steraive would etl the geste sea (nd therefore crackin) to deep, bor tisis not woalyaeceptte. The coir emanig odes the ep beam Lo ater fo te ttfer ond to which the leet etment sy pie re soa oped the mot ufavourbe dierent setement ae oft aooute ‘eter of foundations. The ne garmeter ca be ed to eterno th wont ses i “flere between ajcent foundations Th lex afte dos rom ef meh be | "sabed by th methods proposed ove, o by sallow be eto te elo Ses setement sto bend the beara ove sacks eth ht ty be snared slo. ‘The tvetigton woul be cried out evant state ee “Te oad thatthe deep beam would hav to cary sel of feet setlement may : be determined fom an teraction Saya ofthe ie tated in Figure 140 The lend ee | ‘abed i ths wy shuld be combine with thr ape lnds th th pope arta lend itor \ Feandatons 1,3 hae sttess S; Fandaton 2 has atthese S, whore S; >S2 psd settament esti & asimum offeror! stoner say OS ange of stress betwen ‘Sisoont co of adjacent foundations ‘Snreiel support forces Figure 140 : Petts @ & @ rereart the tial postion assuming ast beam Effet of setoment fypiea force interaction Ag. the beam is alkwed to detect te oad is decreased on the ogram Tenble famdaton snd wereased on the stiff foundations List of illustrations Figure 1 Figure2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figures Figure 6 Figure 8 Figure 9 Figure 10 Figure 1 Figure 12 Figue 13, Figure 14 Figure 15 Figure 16 Figure 17 Figure 18 Figure 19 Figure 20 Figue 21 Figure 22 Figur 23 Figure28 Figure 25, Figure 26 Figure 27 Figure 23 Figure 28 Figure 30 Figure 31 Figue 32 Poge No. Typical mult purpose dep beam 6 Dowp bess 35 pert of other structures 6 Tied arch analogy for ingle span deap beam scion —uniformly stributed bottom oad p Combined te arch and suspension system analogy for mult-span ep beams 8 Basie dimensions of deep beams ° Thickness of deep Beams 10 ‘Support leas nd span moments " Adeltional sheer t nd support 2 Adaltional sheer at internal euppiort 2 Soread of concentrated top and bottom losds 3 essing of reinforcement for beclng (top and bottom loads) 14 Bands of relatorcement for hogging moments 6 Detling of hanger reinforcement 16 (tear shear span for top loads ” Anchorage of web reinforcement 18 Reinforcement in support regions 8 ‘Stree pattern in single span beams with uniformly dstlbuted top loads 19 “Stress pattern ia single span beams with uniformly dstebuted ‘bottom loads 2 Stress pata In single oan bears with pata uniformly Cisoibuted top loses 20 Stress pattern over an intemal support 2 Stress patter in single span bear with an end moment apolied 21 Load effect at @hole orthogonal wit principal stresses 2 Load effect at ahole not orthogonal with principal stress 22 Feinforcement round holes 23 Orthogonal enforcement in zane of influ of hole 23 ‘Shear reinforcement for indrst and bottom loads at end support fintrnal suppor similar} 2 Alternative shear reinforcement for indirect and bottom losds 27 ‘Sheer and hanger reinforcement for concenirated bottom loads 28 Use of agonal shear and hanger reinforcement 20 Reinforcement over 8 highly stressed support 2 Reinforcement for tensile stresses caused by concentrated top loads above an end support, 33 ‘Reinforcement for tate stresses caused by concentrated top Iaads above an internal spport Eo Figure 93 Figure Figure 35 Figure 36, Figure 37 Figure 43 Figure 4 Figure 45 Figure 46 Figue 47 Figure a3 Figure 50 Figure 81 Figure 52 Figure 53 Page No. ‘Reinforcement for tensile stresses caused by concentrated top Toads anay from supports Stress pattern ina single span beam with inet supports and Uniformly detribted bottom loads ‘Stress pattern in single span beam with indirect supports and uniformly dstrituted top Toads Stress patton in ingle span beam with inarectsyppors and top Toads uniformly distributed over part of span ‘Stress pattern in single span beam with indirect support nd an indie Toad Typical deop Beam failure in flexure Mode of failure A Mode of falture 8 Mode of fale C Nyland tst labs Bearing stresses above 8 long support ‘Streees in lfinit plate with point load Plot of horionta strese na plane under a concentrated food Q Combination of lod concentration and flexural stresses dye to concentrated fads Single span we=2e c= 1/20 Unitormy debuted top loud (Stress proportional oad) Single span Wee2e— ch=170 Uniformly eletributed bottom toad (Stoner proportional to load) Single span H=2e CiL=1/20 (ne top point aad at micspan (Stress proportional to eed/spsn) Single span Wee2e— ch=1720 ne bottom point load at midspan {Stress proportional to oad Span} Single span WL=23— chk= 1720 Tw top point loads at 1/4 span {Streses proportional to unit loadin) ‘Single span whn2e—CL=1720 Two bottom point ads 9¢ 1/4 span {Streses proportional tnt fosdspan) Single span esto ci=1/20 Uniformly disibuted top loed (Sires prepordcnal to fad) 2% Fo 38° 6 26 40 a a a a 45 46 46 a 82 52 se 55 Figure 54 Figure 55 Figure 56 Figure 57 Figure 58 Figure 58 Figure 60 Figure 61 Figure 62 Figure Figue 64 Figure 65 Figure 66 Single span Wh=10 cl.=120 Unitormly ciseibuted bottom load (Stresee proportional t ead) cn = 1/20 ne top poine oad a micspan (Strese: proportional eadspan) (ne bottom point laa at midgpan (Sireses proportional to foadpan) Single span Wh=10 chL=1720 Two top point load at 1/4 span (Sireses proportions! to unit loadpan) Single span Wheto c= 1720 Two bottom point fod at 14 span (Stresses proportional to unit fosdapan) ‘Single span Wena CiL=1720 Uniformly distributed top toad (Stresses proportional to load) Single span Wns CiL=1720 Uniformly distributed bottom load (Siveses proportional to oad) Singie spon wh=43 Ci 120 One tp point lad of micoan (Sirastes proportional to lsdspan) Single span w=4s c= 120 {ne bottom point load at midtpan (Streses proportional to foadpan) Single span Wh=as— ciL=120 Two tap pone loads at 1/4 span (Strasse proportional tunic foad pan) Single span whew ci=1/20 Twe bottom point loads at 1/4 san (Stresses proportional unit loadin) ‘urt-spa0 wh=i2 ch =1/20 Unitormy ciseributed top load (Streses proportional to lad) Multospan WL-12 c= 1720 Uniormly dieibuted bottom load (Streses proportional toad) Page No, 7 °7 a Figura 67 Figure 68 Figure 69 Figure 70 Figure 71 Figure 72 Figure 73 Figure 74 Figure 75 Figure 76 Figue 77 Figure 78 Figure 79 Mutt-span We=12 ch=1720 One tp poine lad a midspan (Sirestes proporvianal to oadpen) ch 1/20 Two toppoint fos 3 1/4 span (Stresses proportional to uni Toadspan) cn = 1720 Unitormy distributed top load (Stretes proportional toad) surt-span wL=28 C= 1/20 Unitormly ditributed bottom load (Stress proportional t[09d) cn=120 One top point oad a midspan {Stress proportional 0 oad/4pon) ‘Mut-span WL=28° C= 120 Tue tap point loadsa 1/4 span {streses proportional to unit losdipan) ‘tu-span HiL=10C/~1/20 Unitormly ditribvted top load (Streses proportions! toad) cn =1/20 Unitormly distributed bottom load (Stresses proportions! to load) Mutt-span Wh=td ChL=120 (ne top poine load at midsoan {Siresee proportional fo adspan) Mutticspan Wh=10 GL= 1/20 Two top point losds at 1/4 span (Stresses proportional to unit osd/pan} n= 1720 Unitormy diceibuted top load (Stree: proportional to aad) ca 120 Uniformly distributed bottom fosd (Sireses proportional t0 ld) Mutt-span win? ch=1/20 One top point load at miesoan (Siresee proportional to fadspan) Page No 82 a 6 ef 6 66 6 6 Figure 80 Figuret Figure 82 Figure 83 Figure 84 Figure 85 igure 86 Figure 87 Figure 88 Figure 89 Figure 90 Figure ot Figure 92 Figure 93 Figure 94 Figur 95 Figure 96 Figure 97 Figure 98 Figur 99 Figure 100 Figure 101 Figure 102 iure 108, Figure 104 Figure 105 Figure 108 Figure 107 Figure 108 Figure 108 Figure 10 Page No Mutt-span when? cn= 1720 Two top point loads at 1/4 span {Stressee proportional to unit loadépan) 6 End span WLai2 c= 18 ‘Moment applied at me end (Strese equa 0 coe ents x M/L2) 6 End spon WL=2 ch=18 ‘Moment applied atone and (Streses equal coefcients x M/L?) 6 End span WL=10 ch=18 Moment M applied at ane end! (Streses equal cooficints x M/L*) 7 Proposed geometry —Exomple 1 n Leading arrangement - Example 1 % Tota ooding ” Bottom loading * Anchorage at support ” Deep beams above and below door opening * Lacing over door opening n Force diagram for loaded beam 7 Arrangement of reinforcement Example 1 cy Arrangement of reinforcement ~ Example 2 Proposed geometry — Example 2 Losing errangemant — Example 2 Loads for maximum hogging moment at support 8 Loads for maximum sagging moment in span AB Loeos for maximum sang moment in span BC Top losded system for top shear a support A Top loved system for top shear at support B, left hand side ‘Bottom loaded system for bottom shear at support A ‘Bottom loaded system for bottom shear at support B, eft hand side Top loaded system for top shear at support B, right hand sid Top losded system for shesr at support C Bottom loaded system for bottom shear at suppor, righthand side Bottom loade system for shear at support C Equivalent pane! — maxim stresses Diagonal ste at support B Bearing lengths a support 8 ‘Stree at hote A SRLESSASSSRSRRARRE Figure 111 Figure 112 Figure 113 Figure 114 Figure 115 Figure 116 Figure 117 Figuee 18 Figure 19 Figure 120 Figure 121 Figur 122 Figure 123 Figure 128 Figura 125 Figure 126 Figue 127 Figure 128 Fue 129 Figure 130 Figure 131 Figure 132 Figure 138 Figure 134 Figure 135 Figure 198 Figure 137 Figure 138 Figure 139 Figure 140 Page No. Vertical load at hole A Horizontal oad at hole A Feintorcement around hole A Force bands at hole &— indie lod Force band at hole B— bottom load Force bands at hole B— top load ‘Loods around hole B ‘Loads on longest span hole 8 Zone of reinforcement hole B Vertical and diagora sta! areas Example 2 Horizontal tel areas ~ Example 2 Complete reinforcement — Example 2 Equivalent pane! Critica stres for lads in ane direction only panel simoly ‘supported on all four edge. Critica sheer stress ~ panel simoly supported onal four edges Critica stres for uniform load slong fre edges panel with two ‘opposite edges fee and two simply supported Cates stress for uniform load parallel to fee edges — pane! with ‘one or two apposite eds fee and two simply supported Civica stress for uniform load on tree edges —panel with one ede {roe and thre xed Intesction curve tor combined shear and longitudinal compression all edges simply supported Interaction curve for biaxial compression ~ al edges simply supported Inotropic equivalent of orthotropic plate (Column ane sro model, Parameters for shear strength of top-loaded beams Plot of shear strengths agonet rato shear span/h, for fy = 20 Mmm Tension fore in i stol and surrounding concrete ‘Stress in hanger stool Long and short term deflections ofa deep beam ‘Plot of meacured end calculated deflections for Leonhard’ tat beams TT, WTS and WT Deflections ofa single span deep beam with uniformly citibuted {op load. Use of Wile Mor dgram Etfec of setlement— typical frce-Interction diagram 7 oe oe °9 109 100 101 102 103 108 104 107 106 no no m1, 1 112 12 3 na m4 ne 7 ne no 120 120 ni 122 Table7- Horizontal web ste! shear parameter, tan (Wien?) Table 8. Vertical web ste! shear parameter, ty (Nim?) * symbols, terms and units of measurement ‘Ass of min aog or boning ste (na) ‘ref one hoon or eri bar a iam orogens?) Thikaesof team (rr) Dimesions of espe (Apend Con) Sipps legs ee Fg 47183) Sipport igs i) Ditiace fom the eectve top of beam to the enroll oF the main san sel (oe 00" 09) List of tables ‘able 1 Minimum soo! percentages 2 ‘Teble 2 Moximum bar spscngs (mm) for maximum crack width of 03mm 2 Table 3. Maximum bar spscings (mm) fora maximum erack width of 1mm 2 Toble 4 Concrete sear stras parameter, ve (Nin) Tobe 5 Ataximun shear stars parameter, Vmax (Ninn) Table 6. Maio (egaing see shesr parameter ng (N/a?) : Ente moda tre cone) bw Caneteratconpree renin cont cbs (na?) g Gantt png stegh of oncctecyint Cn) 4 Gantt feng fst onacenat an?) ty Orel beh of em) Etre bt of bum nn) % ‘Vere ers fea Pre om) : Moet ert) & Sara noting ta (Sein) t Sean (rth Pape ns) r Bits i Eee high of ttn clea (nm) fae Great oft cen ete ss Gn) é Lang of ocr od t {dn dsc teen nego) j ¢ Snes ef a "pe Gm) f 7 ena moment stssesten dro mt spends) il May ‘Modifation factors due tothe effects of interaction t " ‘reap alee sept pe : Mat ‘ag sl ston st en of pnd alg plang ans ps, Spent ty ‘rege ep vertzl and hoz wi se Mente rege ucking er nd horus hag ep 0 i fart Senta sees ; My Ieee tira un) sos te be of er pled ae Mi recite ac) all el ed onl ese he an i tote spied sess i ny ‘aterm Sted edd eit gh of wal Ni) ; é Top). 2 old vera es en spp NY o, “Topload ones dst itemediat suport (RN) RoR, Raa NW me cng hot or ert bas em) ? Tulcea foe on weal eon ro ap en ia tN) Tenor inte apa fea er O89) WE Sharpay Gin st), ating tpn oy ND Vg Sharcapeiy it tte), sming ttm onde nds or an net Spray 0). Ye ‘pled shew Gini tat) om top ots 0) TE ——Roed stn nit sa) btm oars ape luo wth inst ror 0). " “Utne corte ste (Mem?) Soex Minimum sha pret op fa (Mie?) To Mags Snrste rer op na) (ian?) ° Lnngonsete srr Nm") vn ‘Het oh stl shar en peta (op aad) ns) yEnc wh el sh star pune op nad) (Nm) > 2 ‘Conran Nn") 4 FI Gras se Ca) : a tate a sary (on) Sve Dates) : rer (am) e ‘ ‘puter ing th proprtion ain pe Renda ses th eg BrsBeBs Contacte ts at salty itr for mater stent 7 ‘ x sil fey factor frond ay Ba, Ange between enforcement and dao cack Pua Woke percentage of sin sage sl Poa Modified peerage of hoszontal web reinforcement i oo odie peerage of vera wb eforcement te ‘reagan ser ts the sence of ther applied sess ° Bir date (om) TERMS . a Ansys: lati analy aang materi is homoyeneus aden elas ‘tale beat ete may of moment sents nd eens sig plane ss ‘elon sen lane Sf ‘rum: Seopa th condo <2 fora sale span eum and JA <2.5for | leg allow: srs the ondion > 2 fora sng pen beam, nd fh >2- fr 4 ‘mltspan Deas i ‘Sg sp: bear supported at is eo only Be ‘lun, benm contnvs overs amber of pros . br ose! Cane oud ape to the bum oer alent shan 02h or at 4 sue ney ester tan 0.2fen : Gitct ond ppd Sect tothe topor bottom aac ofthe beam” H Fnpingloed solid tlow le 0.79, bone th ea 3 a ‘nic loed apoio cos wal or tr othe fc of «ep bear ‘ {oped appli sboe ln 75h above them ot Reacion: lection ected wth the redstbodon of buy, dst sopport i trent in maltpan team Sian; Mlrine (se define honont length of bes between uppets Shear (ha defied noszstl tae between he ne fe spp an thetntenestion ofthe potable tenale split ne th Ne top Oe beam ‘Sten pincpl; steel place oes bedig moment ‘Sei ain steal ple st beam of to rest pte bending monet opig ain steel placed ve suport to est negate bending moments Support: det support beng diel onthe bottom of «beam Indes xport rove oe the eight of he bea by x crs or plaster Intermedia; an ern wipoc of mutapan bam, UNITS OF MEASUREMENT ‘he Sleytem of meat ited throuphost this Gude Dimension ae ge in ai- snes (orn metres when sorted) KEYWORDS trom Consmsvon Ids Thera) Cick; Deep bans; Est snl teams 0j $220 any 0 a 2461 Keune ‘2 op oumposy uopmauofu pew yuy ney wana ‘isoues poy ang 9 Jo leop

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