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Rallim Reports Term 3

HIP HOP GRADE 000 + 00

Adem Gubenilir
Adem has shown great memory skills with knowing the dance well and never falling behind. He has a natural
talent for dance and is very advanced for his age. He has shown consistent improvement and is a really good
Hip Hopper!

Leo Davis
Leo has improved in is focus in dance class this term. Although he sometimes gets distracted, he has also
shown improvement in his skills to listen and remember the dance moves. He loves to move and really enjoys
creating his own steps in the Hip Hop Class.

Ethan Brown
Ethan continues to thrive in Hip Hop class! I love his passion for dance. He shows great maturity and continues
to grow from strength to strength. He is very musical and is definitely the star of the dance class!

Luka Swanepoel
Luka has such a talent for his dancing! He continues to remember the moves and is quite advanced for his
age. He loves to "feel the beat" and express it his own way, especially when we do the freestyle section!

Ibanem Jacobs
I love Ibanem's enthusiasm in Hip Hop Class! He has such natural style and natural rhythm. He continues to get
the dance moves well and is definitely one of the strongest little dancers in the class! He is a delight to teach!

Tayla Roberts
Tayla continues to grow in her love for dance. She is very friendly and helpful with the other children in the
class as well. Although still a little it young, she getting better in remembering the moves. She loves to
freestyle in Hip Hop class.

Max Jooste
Max continues to grow in his dance skills. He is very focused in class and is a very mature little boy! He listens
to the Hip Hop instructions and is able to pick up the movements and execute them well.

Elle Brokensha
Elle continues to show enthusiasm in her Hip Hop class. She is very focused with this specific dance style.
Although a little shy when it comes to the "freestyle" part, she is starting to show more confidence as the
weeks go by.

Isabella Pepper
Isabella always shows her love for dance in class! She always has a smile on her face and enjoys being creative
with all her movements. She continues to show a lot potential and is very advanced for her age! I really enjoy
teaching her.

Sophia Kohlstadt
Sophia is continuing to grow in confidence. She is still little bit shy but I believe dance class is slowly getting
her out of her shell. She getting better and better at the moves and remembering the routine.

Maia Jeftha
I am so glad Maia has joined Hip Hop. What a natural little dancer. She is very mature and advanced for her
age. I thoroughly enjoy teaching her a look forward to seeing her grow in her dancing! She loves to dance is
very versatile as well.

Daniel Berrill
Daniel is catching on in Hip Hop well. Although he sometimes gets a bit distracted, he is starting to learn the
focus that is required in dance class. He has a natural talent and enjoys dancing with his Hip Hop buddies!

Micah Pietrse
I am glad Micah has joined Hip Hop. He is one of the strongest little dancers in the class. He has a lot of
potential, is very focused and loves to move. He catches the steps well and executes them with a lot of
Max Wahl
Max has done great in Hip Hop so far this term! He has shown a lot of interest Hip Hop. I was so sad to hear
that he was not able to join us from this week (last week of August) as he had hurt his head. I do hope he will
have a speedy recovery as we miss him in class!

Elijah Smith
Although Elijah is still very young and has his "good days" and "not so good days" in Hip Hop, he still shows his
love for dance and is slowly understanding the focus that is needed when learning a routine. He loves to dance
with sunglasses or a cap as it makes him feel "cool" which I just love! He enjoys standing right next to me in
the front when teaching.

Dylan Max
Dylan has been very impressive with his Hip Hop this term! He is really good for his age and I look forward to
him growing in his dance skills. He really loves to dance.

Ben Swanepoel
Although Ben is still young, he shows good focus for his age. He is very friendly and enjoys asking questions
about the dance moves. I believe Hip Hop will be a good way for him to grow strength in his co-ordination
and musicality.

I am very glad Burak has joined Hip Hop. He Is very strong for his age and is good a floor work
like Break dancing. He remembers the moves with ease and has good rhythmic skills!

Grade 1+ 2 Hip Hop

Gia Brookes
Gia has really grown in her focus in class this term. She is maturing in her dance skills nicely and loves to
dance! Her execution of the moves has become a lot better as well. She is always a delight to teach and
growing from strength to strength

Chloe Frey
Chloe has shown growth in her dancing in the lessons that she has attended. She unfortunately has missed a lot
through out the term. Chloe has struggled with focus in class and does not listen to instruction easily. Although
she likes to dance, she needs to learn the discipline that comes with dancing in order to improve especially
when we are doing team work.

Elijah Christians
Elijah has shown a lot of growth this term. He was a little bit behind last term with catching on the moves, but
is slowly getting into the swing of things. I believe that over time, Hip Hop will become a lot more easier for
him. He has a natural grove which is great for dance and he loves the music too! He is a little shy when it
comes to the solo parts but is slowly coming out of his shell.

Lula Ungereer
Wow! Lula has really flourished this term in Hip Hop! She has got so much better and is becoming one of the
strongest in class. She has had no complaints this term when coming to class and really impressing me with her
Hip Hop!

Carsten Dijkhuizen
Carsten continues to grow from strength to strength in his dance. He likes to make sure he gets the moves
right and remembers the dance. Carsten missed a few lessons this term which made him fall back a bit
however he caught up nicely!

Arabella Lingervelder
Arabella is such a delight to teach. She always comes to class focus and enthusiastic. She always remembers
the routine and continues to get better and better at Hip Hop!! She is one of the starts in the class.

Ashley Jooste
Ashley is definitely the team leader in the dance class. He is such a delight to teach, always focused,
remembering the moves and executing them well! He is always in the front middle of the class and continues
to thrive in his dance.
Elie Wahl
Elie continues to improve in his Hip Hop. He has really working hard and is getting better and better, Its great
to see him being so focused. He loves Hip Hop class and also remembers the moves very well!

I love teaching Tshiamo. She is a very versatile little dancer and she has improved a lot over the past 3 terms.
She is a strong dancer and I look forward to seeing her grow in her dance.

Ethan Tsai
It has been a pleasure having Ethan in Hip Hop. Although he has missed a lot of lessons he has been able to
Catch up quite well. He is very strong for his age and he really enjoys freestyling! Ethan has a lot of potential
in Hip Hop and I look forward to seeing him improve.

Grade 000+00

Leah Pillay
Leah continues to improve in her ballet and is very strong little girl. She has fantastic gallops, skips and turns.
I look forward to seeing her grow from strength to strength eventually excelling in medal tests and

Ruby Dammarell
Ruby is such a delight to teach. She is one of the strongest in the class and is always enthusiastic. She
remembers the steps well. She is lovely legs for ballet, they are always stretched when they need to be! I look
forward to seeing her doing well in ballet.

Amarachi Ukandu
Amarachi has shown a lot more focus this term. She is really improving and starting to show a lot of skill. She
loves her ballet and I really have enjoyed teaching her this term. I believe if she sticks will ballet she will do
very well!

Kayla Brada
Kayla has a lot of potential and strength for her age! She has however shown little focus in class this term and
has not been listening well. I really hope that perhaps in time she will show more listening and focusing skills
as she has the ability to do very well in ballet!

Ariella Martin
Ariella continues to show improvement this term. She is able to understand the ballet posture at such a young
age and is very good with her leg and foot work. She gets a tiny bit distracted sometimes but that is just
because she is young. She is able to take instruction and has wonderful potential.

Jamie Jooste
Jamie is one of the strongest in the class. I believe her and her brother are natural dancers! She has a natural
talent for ballet and continues to grow from strength to strength. She is very good at standing in first position
and has a lovely point!.

Hannah Rawat
Hannah is one of the strongest in the class. She continues to improve in her ballet skills. She is very
enthusiastic. Her body strength is good which allows her to execute the ballet steps well. She is very bright
and is a delight to teach.

Elle Brokensha
Elle has shows more improvement this term in ballet. She loves to lead everybody and makes sure that she is
always in the front. He foot work has improved and she is showing very good foot work in her ballet. She is
getting a lot better at this style. I have been impressed by her specifically in ballet this term. Elle does
however show signs of being upset when she doesn't get her way eg: being in the front of the line every lesson
but is understanding slowly that every one has a turn. She does however come to class with a smile on her face
and is always up for a challenging.

Sofia Dommain
Sofia is continuing to grow in her ballet. She has good body strength and is improving in the more harder ballet
steps. She loves her ballet and I look forward to seeing her flourish in it.
Gabriella Kaser
Gabby is starting to grow in confidence in ballet. Her co-ordination skills are improving and she starting to
execute the ballet steps correctly. I believe over time she will continue to get stronger and improve. I think
that ballet will be very good for her and I am glad she loves it so much.

Olivia Radford
I am so glad Olivia has joined us! Although she has been ascent for a few lessons she has still been able to
catch up. She has a natural talent for ballet and is very focused.

Tayla Roberts
Tayla has done so beautifully in ballet this term. She is always such a delight to teach, always having fun and
loves her dancing! I am glad she joined ballet this term.


Caliah Reuters
Caliah at first was a little bit unsure about ballet at the beginning of the term but is now loving it so much!
She was struggling little bit with the ballet technique such as the foot work but is improving lesson by lesson. I
am very proud of her for sticking with it. Her focus is great and she is able to remember all the steps.

Tabeth Nyungu
Tabeth continues to execute ballet with ease. She shows good leg work and remembers all the steps for the
dance. She is very musical and is very strong for her age. I thoroughly enjoy teaching Tabeth.

Rama. Phihlela
Rama is one of the strongest in the ballet class. She is able to take instruction and embody it with steps given
which is very impressive at a young age. She has good over all technique and is continuing to grow from
strength to strength.

Ava Ingram
Ava continues to do well in ballet. Her foot work, such as spring points, are very good and neat. She has good
ballet posture and is enjoying the dance she is learning. I look forward to seeing her thrive in ballet.

Aimee Du Plessis
Aimee has struggled a bit with focus this term therefore is a little bit behind with the technique and the dance
we are learning. She has potential, and I do think that over time she will understand the discipline needed in
ballet so that the basics are learned correctly. She likes being in the lesson and has improved since starting.

Katie - Anne Kruger

Katie -Anne continues to improve in ballet. She loves to be creative with her moment. Her co-ordination and
strength over all has gotten better. She manages to get the basic steps well and and has shows good focus.

Ada Ukandu
Ada, just liker her sister, has improved tremendously this term. Her foot and leg work is very strong as well.
She is starting show wonderful potential in ballet.

Thandanani Mandla
Thandani has shown good focus and discipline in ballet this term. She was a little less focused last term but I
am so glad to see her improvement. She is getting the ballet technique nicely and is getting stronger in her
basic steps such as skips, gallops and spring points.

Sofia Erasmus
I have really enjoyed teaching Sofia this term. She is doing very well with the ballet technique and has good
leg and foot work. She has shown huge improvement and is well focus and disciplined in class!

Grade 1+2 Ballet

Mariella Lusman
Mariella has shown improvement this term. We are still working hard on her turnout and leg strength. Although
she gets a little distracted and loses focus at times, she is getting better at taking instruction and executing it.

Alexia Lusman
Alexia is really getting fabulous at her ballet. She has good technique and is able to remember her
choreography well. I am happy to see her progress in class.

Taylor Baisley
Taylor unfortunately joined quite late this term so is a little behind however she is managed to catch up
nicely. She has good technique and has lovely jetes. I am glad she has joined again!

Hannah Burrows
Hannah is always a delight to teach. She shows such good enthusiasm and because of her previous ballet
training she is able to get the basics well. She has a natural talent and I throughly enjoy teaching her.

Emily Sawyer
Emily is our little ballet star of the class! She is flourishing in her ballet and I look forward to seeing her do
well in this dance style.

Thsiamo has improved in her ballet his term. She has great legs and is nice and agile for ballet. She hold her
self strong in her ballet posture and is always focused.

Lilly Peterson
Lilly has really shows huge improvement with focus this term and has grown in her love for ballet. She has got
a lot stronger in her ballet this term and is doing really well. I am looking forward to seeing her thrive in ballet
as she has a lot of potential!

Kylee Chunyall
I am delighted that Kylee has joined ballet with us! She has lovely potential, is always focused in ballet and
loves learning the new dance. I look forward to teaching her ballet in the terms to come.

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