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Equipment User's Guide

Version 2019 (19.0)
October 2018
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CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 2

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CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 3

Preface ................................................................................................................................................... 7
Conventions ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Technical Support .............................................................................................................................. 8
What's New in Equipment ................................................................................................................ 11

Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 12
Setup Profile .................................................................................................................................... 12

Equipment Setup ................................................................................................................................. 14

Add a layer ...................................................................................................................................... 14
Rename a layer ............................................................................................................................... 15
Delete a layer .................................................................................................................................. 15
Change the line type of a layer......................................................................................................... 15
Change the color of a layer .............................................................................................................. 15
Edit a configuration variable ............................................................................................................. 16
Restore a configuration file .............................................................................................................. 16
Save a configuration file to a new name ........................................................................................... 16
Layer Control Dialog Box ................................................................................................................. 17
About Equipment ............................................................................................................................. 18
Configuration File Dialog Box ........................................................................................................... 19
Startup Defaults......................................................................................................................... 20
Support Directory ...................................................................................................................... 20
Startup Variables ....................................................................................................................... 20

Equipment Console ............................................................................................................................. 25

Add a nozzle to an existing nozzle ................................................................................................... 27
Add a user shape to the model ........................................................................................................ 27
Use a nozzle as a base component for other components ................................................................ 28
Import a model from PVElite ............................................................................................................ 28
Export the model to PVElite ............................................................................................................. 29
Placement Tab (Equipment Console) ............................................................................................... 29
Components Tab (Equipment Console)............................................................................................ 30
Cylinder ..................................................................................................................................... 31
Elliptical Head ........................................................................................................................... 31
Torispherical Head .................................................................................................................... 32
Spherical Head .......................................................................................................................... 33
Cone ......................................................................................................................................... 34
Welded Flat Head...................................................................................................................... 35
Body Flange .............................................................................................................................. 35
Skirt........................................................................................................................................... 37
Box ........................................................................................................................................... 39
Stiffening Ring ........................................................................................................................... 40
Nozzle ....................................................................................................................................... 42

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 4


Platform..................................................................................................................................... 61
Saddle....................................................................................................................................... 62
Lugs .......................................................................................................................................... 64
Legs .......................................................................................................................................... 65
User Shape ............................................................................................................................... 66
Impeller ..................................................................................................................................... 68
Shaft ......................................................................................................................................... 68
Coupling .................................................................................................................................... 69
Motor......................................................................................................................................... 69
Box ........................................................................................................................................... 70
Pump Base................................................................................................................................ 71
Pump Nozzle ............................................................................................................................. 72
Select Item Dialog Box .............................................................................................................. 75
Insulation Dialog Box ................................................................................................................. 76
Bolt Details Dialog Box .............................................................................................................. 76

Utilities ................................................................................................................................................. 78
2D Representation ........................................................................................................................... 78
Create a 2D representation........................................................................................................ 79
Create a 2D representation with hidden lines ............................................................................. 79
Nozzle Schedule Setup.................................................................................................................... 79
BOM Template .......................................................................................................................... 80
Nozzle Schedule - Run .................................................................................................................... 87
Place a nozzle schedule automatically ....................................................................................... 87
Place a nozzle schedule manually ............................................................................................. 88
Start a nozzle schedule at a specific counter.............................................................................. 88
Tag Location.................................................................................................................................... 88
Relocate a bill of materials tag ................................................................................................... 89
Insert Tag ........................................................................................................................................ 89
Insert a bill of materials tag ........................................................................................................ 89
Clash Management.......................................................................................................................... 89
Clash Settings Dialog Box ......................................................................................................... 92
New Area Volume Definition Dialog Box .................................................................................... 94
Clash Note Dialog Box............................................................................................................... 95
Filter.......................................................................................................................................... 95
Create a Usability Soft Volume Definition ................................................................................... 96
Create an Installation Soft Volume Definition ............................................................................. 97
UCS ................................................................................................................................................ 98
UCS Next ................................................................................................................................ 100
UCS Object ............................................................................................................................. 100
Compass ................................................................................................................................. 100
Zoom Lock..................................................................................................................................... 101
Turn on the zoom lock ............................................................................................................. 101
Turn off the zoom lock ............................................................................................................. 101
View Box ....................................................................................................................................... 101
View Edit ....................................................................................................................................... 103
Center of Gravity Generator ........................................................................................................... 103
Create a center-of-gravity report .............................................................................................. 104
View a center-of-gravity report ................................................................................................. 104
Add center-of-gravity markers to the drawing ........................................................................... 105

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 5


FAQ ..................................................................................................................................................... 106

Creating a Base Profile .................................................................................................................. 106
Running CADWorx Equipment or Structure with CADWorx Plant ................................................... 106
Xref Bind Restriction ...................................................................................................................... 109
Redo Limitations ............................................................................................................................ 109

All CADWorx Equipment Commands................................................................................................ 110

Update History ................................................................................................................................... 113

Glossary ............................................................................................................................................. 114

Index ................................................................................................................................................... 133

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 6

This document provides command reference information and workflows for CADWorx
For the latest support information for this product, comments or suggestions about this
documentation, and documentation updates for supported software versions, please visit
Intergraph Smart® Support (
Hexagon PPM® gives you permission to print as many copies of this document as needed for
non-commercial use at your company. You cannot print this document for resale or redistribution
outside your company.

Before reviewing this guide, it is important to understand the terms and conventions used in the
Use the information below to identify the convention and the type of information.

Convention Type of Information

[Product Folder] The CADWorx installation folder on your computer, for example,
C:\CADWorx. Substitute your installation folder anywhere this
notation is used.

[CD-DRIVE] The CD-ROM drive on your computer. Substitute your CD-ROM

drive letter anywhere this notation is used.

Command Line Items that need to be typed in or appear at the CAD command

User Responses User responses to command prompts.

Commands CADWorx and CAD commands.

Options Command line options.

CAPITALS CAD system variables or keywords.

Key + Key Key combinations for which you must press and hold down one
key and then press another, for example, CTRL+P or ALT+F4.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 7


Technical Support
For the latest information on CADWorx Equipment, visit Hexagon PPM
For current on-line support information, including knowledge base, technical tips, and
downloads, visit Intergraph Smart Support (
You can contact Hexagon PPM Technical Support or Sales:
▪ CADWorx & Analysis Solutions Dealer Support
( or CADWorx & Analysis Solutions General
Support (
▪ Sales E-mail:
In order to provide technical support, Hexagon PPM needs to know what version of CADWorx,
AutoCAD or BricsCAD, and what Windows you are using. To determine this information, follow
the steps outlined for the product you are using:
CADWorx Product Steps
Plant, P&ID, or Structure ▪ Run the CADWORXABOUT command. A dialog
box opens and displays the version information.
▪ Close the dialog box to send the required
information to the CAD command line.
▪ Copy the information from the command line, and
email it to Hexagon PPM.
Equipment or PV Fabricator ▪ Run the EQUIPABOUT command. A dialog box
opens and displays the version information.
▪ Close the dialog box to send the required
information to the CAD command line.
▪ Copy the information from the command line, and
email it to Hexagon PPM.
Internet Publisher Version information is displayed at the CAD command
line when you start the software.
Datasheets Click Help > About to display a dialog box that contains
the required information.
In addition to the information above, the table below lists the additional files that are usually
required to assist Hexagon PPM in resolving your technical issues:

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 8


CADWorx Product Additional Files Required by Hexagon PPM Support

CADWorx Plant (Piping, HVAC) Email the CAD model drawing (DWG) files.
▪ If the model consists of several line numbers,
indicate in the email which line numbers you are
having issues with.
▪ If the model consists of many drawing files with
dependent reference drawings (XREFs), use the
CAD platform ETRANSMIT command to create a
ZIP file of all the drawings used in the master
▪ Configuration File (CFG).
▪ Project File(.prj), Catalog File(.cat), and Pipe
Support Library Files (.psl).
CADWorx Plant (component data file Email information about the part's dimension from the
creation) manufacturer's catalog.
CADWorx Isogen Email the CAD model drawing (DWG) files, any
isometrics generated by Isogen, and the Isogen
style files.
▪ If the model consists of several line numbers,
indicate in the email which line numbers you are
having issues with.
▪ Model (DWG)
▪ Created Isometrics
▪ A backup of the Isogen Style
▪ Extraction Logs
CADWorx Equipment Email the CAD model drawing (DWG) files.
CADWorx Equipment to PV Elite Email the CAD model drawing (DWG) file and PV Elite
interface input file (*.pvdb).

PV Fabricator Email the CAD model drawing (DWG) files and PV Elite
input file (*.PVI).
CADWorx P&ID or CADWorx IP Email the complete P&ID project, which includes
Project.CFG, Database.TBL, Map.TBL, and all the
DWG, and MDB files. Usually, all of these files are
located in one folder.
▪ If the project has many P&ID drawing files, indicate
which P&ID drawings and components you are
having issues with.
▪ If you are experiencing database errors, include the
file [Product
▪ If you are emailing MDB files, use a compression
utility such as WinZIP. Most email servers have
restrictions on transmitting MDB attachments.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 9


CADWorx Structure Email the CAD model drawing (DWG) files.

▪ If the model consists of many components, indicate
in the model which components or location you are
having issues with.
CADWorx Datasheets Email the datasheets MDB file and any datasheet file
generated (XLS).
▪ If emailing MDB / XLS files, use a compression
utility such as WinZIP. Most email servers have
restrictions on transmitting MDB / XLS attachments.
CADWorx Plant to CAESAR II Email the CAD model drawing (DWG) file and CAESAR
interface II input file (*._A, *.C2).
command to copy all specifications and data files
used in the model into sub-folders under where the
model drawing file is located.
▪ Zip the contents of these folders and email the ZIP
file to Hexagon PPM Support.
▪ If the model consists of several line numbers,
indicate in the email which line numbers you are
having issues with.
CADWorx Design Review Email the CAD model drawing (DWG) files.
▪ If the model consists of several line numbers,
indicate in the email which line numbers you are
having issues with.
▪ If the model consists of many drawing files with
dependent reference drawings (XREFs), use the
CAD platform ETRANSMIT command to create a
ZIP file of all drawings used in the master model.
CADWorx Design Viewer Email the CAD model drawing (DWG) files and the
*.CDR file.

▪ If you are attaching large or multiple files to your Smart Support Service Request, use a
compression utility such as WinZIP.
▪ If you cannot attach your drawing files, then try to duplicate the issue in a new drawing with
as few components as possible. If the issue can be duplicated in a new drawing, attach the
duplicate drawing to Hexagon PPM.
▪ For hardware lock issues, first verify that you have a Hexagon PPM hardware lock.
CADWorx Plant Professional, CADWorx P&ID, CADWorx P&ID Professional, CADWorx
Structure use the Hexagon PPM hardware lock for licensing. For more information, see
Licensing in the CADWorx Installation Users Guide or the CADWorx Structure Installation

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 10


What's New in Equipment

Version 2019 (19.0)
CADWorx Equipment has had the following enhancements for 2019.
▪ You can now insert soft clashes on equipment. For more information, see Clash
Management (on page 89), Clash Settings Dialog Box (on page 92), New Area Volume
Definition Dialog Box (on page 94), Filter (on page 95), Create a Usability Soft Volume
Definition (on page 96), and Create an Installation Soft Volume Definition (on page 97).
▪ Enhanced clash detection which is now called Clash Management. You can now place soft
clashes with several place by options, as well as associate the soft clash with an object.
Enhanced the clash settings to include ignoring different clash types and soft clashes. For
more information, see Clash Management (on page 89), Clash Settings Dialog Box (on
page 92), New Area Volume Definition Dialog Box (on page 94), and Filter (on page 95).
▪ Enhanced Bill of Material to allow you to create, modify, and transfer templates for bill of
materials and use them across multiple CADWorx products. You can also edit the sort order
for multiple product use and apply filtering to obtain BOM for only the items you wish to see.
For more information, see Nozzle Schedule Setup (on page 79), BOM Template (on page
80), Bill of Material Template Creation and Modification (on page 82), BOM Transfer (on
page 84), BOM Sort Order / Accumulation Dialog Box (on page 85), Add or remove
properties from BOM (on page 86), and Change the BOM sorting and accumulation (on
page 86).

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 11


Intergraph CADWorx Equipment is a parametric equipment modeler with all the features needed
to easily model 3D equipment for plant design. The package lets you accurately build units such
as vessels, exchangers, tanks and pumps quickly and effortlessly. Also, vessels and
exchangers can be bi-directionally linked to Intergraph PV Elite for engineering analysis.
▪ Setup - Provides an overview about setup. For more information, see Equipment Setup (on
page 14).
▪ Equipment Console - Provides descriptions of the commands available in CADWorx. For
more information, see Equipment Console (on page 25).
▪ Utilities - Provides information about supporting utilities. For more information, see Utilities
(on page 78).
Contact Technical Support (on page 8) for any questions or comments.
A printed version of this online help file can be found in the root installation folder as an Adobe
Acrobat Reader (PDF) file.

Setup Profile
Enables you to start CADWorx in different versions of the CAD platform. You need to run the
Setup_Profile utility with Administrator privileges.
Select CADWorx
Enables you to select the version and product you want to run.
▪ CADWorx Version
Specifies the version of CADWorx you want to run.
▪ CADWorx Product Location
Specifies the location of the CADWorx installation for the product you select from the
Product List.
▪ Product List
Specifies the product you want to run, such as Plant or P&ID.
Select the CAD platform
Enables you to select the version of the CAD platform you want to run for the CADWorx
▪ CAD Product Location
Specifies the location of the CAD platform version selected in the CAD Version List.
▪ CAD Version List
Specifics the version of CAD platform you want to run. This list only displays available
and supported versions of the CAD platform.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 12


Launch CADWorx in a different version of CAD

1. In your [Product Folder], right-click CADWorx_Setup_Profile.exe, and then select Run as
2. Click CADWorx Version, and then select a version from the list.
The installed CADWorx products display in the Product List.
3. Select one or more products from the Product List.
When you select a CADWorx product, the current version for that product
displays below the Product List.
4. Select the CAD platform version you want to run from the CAD Version List.
The software only lists supported versions of the CAD platform.
5. Click OK.
The CADWorx [Product] [Version] Profile Created message box displays.
6. Click Yes.
The CADWorx product launches in the selected version of CAD platform.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 13


Equipment Setup
Equipment Tab:
Equipment Menu: Setup
Command line: EQUIPSETUP
Specifies setup parameters for Equipment.
Displays the Layer Control dialog box.
Edit Config File
Displays the Configuration File dialog box.

Layer Control Dialog Box (on page 17)

Configuration File Dialog Box (on page 19)

What do you want to do?

▪ Add a layer (on page 14)
▪ Rename a layer (on page 15)
▪ Delete a layer (on page 15)
▪ Change the line type of a layer (on page 15)
▪ Change the color of a layer (on page 15)
▪ Edit a configuration variable (on page 16)
▪ Restore a configuration file (on page 16)
▪ Save a configuration file to a new name (on page 16)

Add a layer
1. Click Setup on the Equipment tab.
2. Click Layers on the Equipment Setup dialog box.
The Layer Control dialog box displays.
3. Type the name of the new layer in the Name box.
4. Click Add.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 14

Equipment Setup

Rename a layer
1. Click Setup on the Equipment tab.
The Equipment Setup dialog box displays.
2. Click Layers on the Equipment Setup dialog box.
The Layer Control dialog box displays.
3. Select the layer to rename.
4. Type the new name for the layer in the Name box.
5. Click Update.

Delete a layer
1. Click Setup on the Equipment tab.
The Equipment Setup dialog box displays.
2. Click Layers on the Equipment Setup dialog box.
The Layer Control dialog box displays.
3. Select the layer to delete.
4. Click Delete.
If a layer is required, Delete is not available.

Change the line type of a layer

1. Click Setup on the Equipment tab.
The Equipment Setup dialog box displays.
2. Click Layers on the Equipment Setup dialog box.
The Layer Control dialog box displays.
3. Click Linetype.
The software displays the Select Linetype dialog box with all of the line types defined in the
CFM.LIN, and ACAD.LIN files found in the AutoCAD search path, or the DEFAULT.LIN file
found in the BricsCAD search path depending on which CAD platform you use.
4. Select the line type to associate with the layer.
5. Click OK on the Select Linetype dialog box.

Change the color of a layer

1. Click Setup on the Equipment tab.
The Equipment Setup dialog box displays.
2. Click Layers on the Equipment Setup dialog box.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 15

Equipment Setup

The Layer Control dialog box displays.

3. Click Color.
The Select Color dialog box displays.
4. Select the color to associate with the layer.
5. Click OK on the Select Color dialog box.

Edit a configuration variable

1. Click Setup on the Equipment tab.
The Equipment Setup dialog box displays.
2. Click Edit Config File on the Equipment Setup dialog box.
The Configuration File dialog box displays.
3. Select the variable to edit from the list.
4. Type the new value for the variable. For more information, see Startup Variables (on page
5. Click Save.

Restore a configuration file

1. Click Setup on the Equipment tab.
The Equipment Setup dialog box displays.
2. Click Edit Config File on the Equipment Setup dialog box.
The Configuration File dialog box displays.
3. Click Restore.
The Select a Configuration to Use dialog box displays.
4. Select the configuration file to restore.
5. Click Open on the Select a Configuration to Use dialog box.

Save a configuration file to a new name

1. Click Setup on the Equipment tab.
The Equipment Setup dialog box displays.
2. Click Edit Config File on the Equipment Setup dialog box.
The Configuration File dialog box displays.
3. Click Save As.
The Save Configuration As dialog box displays.
4. Specify the location and file name for the configuration file.
5. Click Save.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 16

Equipment Setup

Layer Control Dialog Box

Specifies drawing layers and the default names, line types, and colors of the layers. Default
layers are provided. You can add and delete layers.

▪ The default layers are mandatory for use with Equipment and cannot be deleted. See the
tables below.
▪ Layer changes made in this dialog box affect the current drawing session similar to the CAD
platform LAYER command.
▪ The commands in this dialog box are inactive if the configuration file permission is set to
Specifies the layer name. The layer name can be anything that is allowed by the CAD
platform. Wild card characters and spaces are not allowed. Click Update to change the
Adds a new layer with a default name. New layers are created when the drawing is
initialized with Equipment.
Updates the selected layer to use the value in the Name box.
Removes the selected layer from the list. You cannot delete default layers.
Specifies the line type for the selected layer. Select a value in the Select Linetype dialog
Line types are defined in the [Product Folder]\Equipment\Support\Cfm.lin and
[AutoCAD Product Folder]\UserDataCache\Support\acad.lin files, or [BricsCAD Product
Displays the Select Color dialog box for selecting the color of the layer.
Equipment Layers
Layer# Default Name Layer is used for
Layer1 System Non-graphical components (Gaskets, Bolts, TAP, OTAP)
Layer2 Border Border drawing
Layer3 BOM BOM graphics
Layer4 Cl Centerline of piping components
Layer5 Dim1 Dimensions
Layer6 Dim2 Dimensions

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 17

Equipment Setup

Layer# Default Name Layer is used for

Layer7 Equip Equipment components
Layer8 Exist Existing components
Layer9 Graph Graphics annotations (Arrows, Section, Plan, Detail Labels)
Layer10 Steel Steel components
Layer11 Text Text annotations
Layer12 Viewl Viewports
Layer13 Cl_Steel Centerline of steel components
Layer14 HVAC HVAC components
Layer15 Cl_HVAC Centerline of HVAC components
Layer16 TopWorks Valve TopWorks solid
Layer17 Clash Clash entity
Layer18 CADWorx1 Future use
Layer19 CADWorx2 Future use
Layer20 CADWorx3 Future use
Layer21 to (User Defined) (User Defined)
If the Cl and Cl_Steel layers are frozen or turned off, some CADWorx commands
might not function because data is stored on the centerline that is on these layers.

About Equipment
Equipment Menu: About
Command line: EQUIPABOUT
Displays the following information about the current version of the software:
▪ Equipment version and build date
▪ Equipment installation folder
▪ Windows version
▪ AutoCAD, or BricsCAD version
▪ Company name
▪ Hardware lock (ESL) number

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 18

Equipment Setup

Configuration File Dialog Box

Specifies values for the selected configuration file.
Drawing Prototype
Specifies the drawing environment type.
▪ English/Inch
Restores the [Product Folder]\Equipment\System\Imperial.cfg file.
▪ Metric/Inch
Restores the [Product Folder]\Equipment\System\Metric.cfg file.
▪ Metric/Metric
Restores the [Product Folder]\Equipment\System\Metric.cfg file.

▪ The default drawing template, Imperial.dwt (Metric.dwt for metric) is also stored in the
registry. Each time the software is started, the default template is used.
▪ The selected drawing prototype only changes the setting for the default configuration files
(Imperial.cfg or Metric.cfg).
Displays variables to change. Change variable values in the text box below the list. For
more information, see Startup Variables (on page 20).
Include in CFG
Specifies the configuration settings saved to the configuration file. Select the check box in
the main title to clear all or select all configuration settings. Local user preferences control
any settings that you have not included in the configuration file. For more information on the
configuration file, see Configuration File Control Overview and Configuration Settings in the
CADWorx Plant Users Guide.
Browse or Settings
Opens an additional dialog box to select a file or additional settings for the selected variable.
Include Nozzle Schedule settings when saving CFG file
Includes the nozzle schedule settings when saving the CFG file. You can change nozzle
schedule settings by navigating to Equipment > Utility > Nozzle Schedule > Setup in the
menu bar.
Include All settings when saving CFG file
Includes and saves all settings to the configuration file when checked. This includes settings
that you did not select in the Include in CFG column.
Save and Close
Saves the current configuration file with the items selected in the Include in CFG column to
its present location, and closes the Configuration File dialog box.
Save As
Saves the current configuration file to another location.
Restores a saved configuration file to the current drawing environment. This places the
configuration file location in the registry so that it is used the next time Equipment is started.
If the configuration file permission is set to read-only, only the Cancel button is

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 19

Equipment Setup

Startup Defaults
When starting CADWorx Equipment for the first time, you are prompted for the system of
measurement to use in the drawing. This dialog box only displays the first time you start
CADWorx. After that, the configuration file name and location is stored in the registry. The
following options are available:
▪ Imperial Measurements - Imperial Pipe Sizes
Restores the [Product Folder]\Equipment\System\Imperial.cfg file.
▪ Metric Measurements - Imperial Pipe Sizes
Restores the [Product Folder]\Equipment\System\Metric.cfg file.
▪ Metric Measurements - Metric Pipe Sizes
Restores the [Product Folder]\Equipment\System\Metric.cfg file.

Support Directory
Drawings in the [Product Folder]\Equipment\Support folder should not be opened with CADWorx
Equipment. If a drawing is started in this folder, an error displays indicating that the software
should not be run from this location. This stops CADWorx from initializing or preparing the
support drawings. Directly open the CAD platform to modify these drawings.
To create a base profile, see Creating a Base Profile (on page 106).

Startup Variables
Provides default drawing and component values. You can modify the variables in the
configuration setting as needed. For more information, see Configuration Settings. The most
recent configuration settings are stored in the registry and are used the next time you start

Drawing Prototype ...................................................................... 21
AlphaSizeControl ........................................................................ 21
BomScheduleDirection ............................................................... 21
BomTagRadiusFactor ................................................................. 22
BomTagSpacingFactor ............................................................... 22
EquipmentLibraryDirectory.......................................................... 22
EquipmentToolTipSetting ............................................................ 22
LanguageFile.............................................................................. 23
MaterialFile ................................................................................. 23
PlatformHandRailFile .................................................................. 23
PlatformLadderFile ..................................................................... 23
ReferenceLine ............................................................................ 23
SaveLastProfileUsed .................................................................. 24
SteelLibraryDirectory .................................................................. 24
UpgradedLayersSection ............................................................. 24
UserShapeDirectory ................................................................... 24

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 20

Equipment Setup

Drawing Prototype
Default value: English/Inch
Allowed values: English/Inch, Metric/Inch, and Metric/Metric
Enables you to select a drawing environment type:
▪ English/Inch
Uses the Imperial dimensions with Imperial pipe sizes.
▪ Metric/Inch
Uses the Metric dimensions with Imperial pipe sizes.
▪ Metric/Metric
Uses the Metric dimensions with Metric pipe sizes.

Default value: 0
Allowed values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10
Controls the number of decimal places used in Alpha Size. Setting this variable to zero places
no decimals in Alpha Size. Setting the variable to a value from 1 to 9 places 1 to 9 decimal
places in Alpha Size. Setting this variable to 10 suppresses trailing zeros in Alpha Size.
Example with a value of 0:
▪ For Imperial pipe size: 4 1/2" would be 4 1/2" or 6" would be 6"
▪ For Metric pipe size: 50 would be 50 or 60.3 would be 60
Example with a value of 3:
▪ For Imperial pipe size: 4 1/2" would be 4.500" or 6" would be 6.000"
▪ For Metric pipe size: 50 would be 50.000 or 60.3 would be 60.300
Example with a value of 10:
▪ For Imperial pipe size: 4 1/2" would be 4.5" or 6" would be 6"
▪ For Metric pipe size: 50 would be 50 or 60.3 would be 60.3
If you want decimals to display in Alpha Size in Imperial or Metric, the recommended
setting is 10.

Default value: 1
Allowed values: 0 or 1
Specifies the direction of the bill of materials schedule.
▪ 0
Places the bill of materials schedule in the upward direction, with the column headings
at the bottom.
▪ 1
Places the bill of materials schedule in the downward direction, with the column
headings at the top.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 21

Equipment Setup

Default value: 1.25
Allowed values: Positive real
Controls the radius of tag bubbles. Bubbles are sized using this factor multiplied by the CAD
platform setvar TEXTSIZE.

Default value: 1.25
Allowed values: Positive real
Controls how far bill of materials bubbles are spaced from the model or components within the

Default value: None
Allowed values: Valid folder location
Specifies the folder in which the software stores equipment data files. You can store the files in
a local or network location.
You can find the equipment library files .tbl, and .dat in the [Product
Folder]\Equipment\System folder. If you copy these files to another location, set that location in
the EquipmentLibraryDirectory.

Default value: 1
Allowed values: Positive integer
Controls the items you see in the tool tip display when the cursor hovers over an equipment
▪ 0
Turns off all tool tips.
▪ 1
Displays the overall equipment name and component description in the tool tip. For
nozzles, the diameter and flange rating are also displayed.
▪ 2
Displays extended tool tips.
A setting of 2 has the following restrictions:
▪ If CADWorx Equipment is loaded with CADWorx Plant, the extended tool tips do not display.
▪ If the CADWorx Equipment component is in an XREF drawing, the extended tool tips do not

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 22

Equipment Setup

Default value: English.dic
Allowed values: A valid and properly formatted language file
Specifies the language of all Equipment dialog boxes and prompts. The specified file must be
present in the [Product Folder]\Equipment\Support folder for proper operation of Equipment.
You must set the LanguageFile to the regional language when using a language-
specific specification. For example, if you have Chinese characters in your specification, set the
LanguageFile to Chinese_Simplified.dic. If you do not, System Out and System In do not
function correctly.

Default value: MaterialDivision1.TXT
Allowed values: Valid and properly formatted material file
Specifies the active material file. This allows you to use a different material file for each project.
This file must exist in the [Product Folder]\Equipment\System folder.

Default value: Default_I.RAIL (Default_M.RAIL for metric)
Allowed values: Valid and properly formatted hand rail configuration file
Specifies the active hand rail configuration file. This option allows you to use a different hand rail
configuration file for each project.
This file must exist in the [Product Folder]\CADWorx\System folder.

Default value: Default_I.LADDER (Default_M.LADDER for metric)
Allowed values: Valid and properly formatted ladder configuration file
Specifies the active ladder configuration file. This option allows you to use a different ladder
configuration file for each project.
This file must exist in the [Product Folder]\Equipment\System folder.

Default value: 0
Allowed values: 0 (false) or 1 (true)
Specifies the placement of certain components such as nozzles, saddles, platforms, and so on.
Positions components with reference to the parent element's insertion location.
Positions components with reference to the location point.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 23

Equipment Setup

Default value: 1
Allowed values: 0 (false) or 1 (true)
Specifies whether CADWorx saves the last profile used on exit.
When a drawing file is double-clicked in Windows Explorer, or if you start the CAD platform
using an icon without specifying any profile. The CAD platform always loads the last profile
Prevents CADWorx from saving the last profile used.
Allows CADWorx to save the last profile used.

Default value: [Product Folder]\Equipment\Steel_I ([Product Folder]\Equipment\Steel_M for
Allowed values: Valid folder name
Locates the data file used for drawing Steel. The data files can be located anywhere on the
computer, local network, or wide area network.
This folder can be set as read-only.

Specifies whether the layer section of the configuration file has been updated with the new
layers used with CADWorx new features.
This setting should not be changed. The software automatically manages this setting.
The configuration file has been updated.

Default value: [Product Folder]\Equipment\UserShape
Allowed values: Valid folder name
Specifies the directory where user shapes are stored.
If you change the directory, all files in the UserShape folder must be copied to this path to
function correctly.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 24


Equipment Console
Equipment menu: Equipment Palette
Command line: CADWORXEQUIPMENT (also EM)
Displays the Equipment console.
The icons at the top of the console represent components that you can add to a piece of
equipment. When you start a new piece of equipment, the Enter value dialog box displays so
that you can specify a name for that piece of equipment.

Cylinder - Creates a cylinder. For more information, see Cylinder (on page 31).

Elliptical Head - Creates an elliptical head. For more information, see Elliptical Head
(on page 31).

Torispherical Head - Creates a torispherical head. For more information, see

Torispherical Head (on page 32).

Spherical Head - Creates a spherical head. For more information, see Spherical
Head (on page 33).

Cone - Creates a cone. For more information, see Cone (on page 34).

Welded Flat Head - Creates a welded flat head. For more information, see Welded
Flat Head (on page 35).

Body Flange - Creates a body flange. For more information, see Body Flange (on
page 35).

Skirt - Creates a skirt. For more information, see Skirt (on page 37).

Box - Creates a box. For more information, see Box (on page 39).

Stiffening Ring - Adds a stiffening ring to a parent component. For more information,
see Stiffening Ring (on page 40).

Nozzle - Adds a nozzle to a parent component. For more information, see Nozzle (on
page 42).

Platform - Adds a platform to a parent component. For more information, see

Platform (on page 61).

Saddle - Adds a saddle to a parent component. For more information, see Saddle (on
page 62).

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 25

Equipment Console

Lugs - Adds lugs to a parent component. For more information, see Lugs (on page

Legs - Adds legs to a parent component. For more information, see Legs (on page

User Shape - Adds a user-created shape to a parent component. For more

information, see User Shape (on page 66)

Impeller - Creates an impeller. For more information, see Impeller (on page 68). This
component is not available for PVFabricator.

Shaft - Creates a shaft. For more information, see Shaft (on page 68). This
component is not available for PVFabricator.

Coupling - Creates a coupling. For more information, see Coupling (on page 69).
This component is not available for PVFabricator.

Motor - Creates a motor. For more information, see Motor (on page 69). This
component is not available for PVFabricator.

Box - Creates a box. For more information, see Box (on page 39). This component is
not available for PVFabricator.

Pump Base - Creates a pump base. For more information, see Pump Base (on page
71). This component is not available for PVFabricator.

Pump Nozzle - Creates a pump nozzle. For more information, see Pump Nozzle (on
page 72). This component is not available for PVFabricator.

Setup - Displays the Equipment Setup dialog box. For more information, see
Equipment Setup (on page 14).

Help - Displays the Equipment User's Guide help file.

User Shapes
Data file
Specifies the file name of the user shape drawing and user-created data file to connect to a
vessel parent component or a vessel nozzle child component. The list contains all the
equipment objects present in the current drawing.
Specifies the size associated with the user shape.
Displays the Enter value dialog box so that you can specify a name for the piece of
equipment and then places the user shape in the model.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 26

Equipment Console

Equipment Name
Specifies the name of the active equipment component.

Placement Tab (Equipment Console) (on page 29)

Components Tab (Equipment Console) (on page 30)

Enter value Dialog Box

Specifies the name for a new piece of equipment.
Enter equipment name
Specifies the equipment name.

What do you want to do?

▪ Add a nozzle to an existing nozzle (on page 27)
▪ Add a user shape to the model (on page 27)
▪ Use a nozzle as a base component for other components (on page 28)
▪ Import a model from PVElite (on page 28)
▪ Export the model to PVElite (on page 29)

Add a nozzle to an existing nozzle

1. Select the base nozzle on the Components tab.

2. Click Nozzle on the Equipment dialog box to add the new nozzle.
Using a nozzle as a parent component is only valid for vessel components.

Add a user shape to the model

1. Select the parent vessel or nozzle from the Components tab.
2. Select the data file from the Data file list.
3. Select the size from the Size list.
4. Click Insert.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 27

Equipment Console

Use a nozzle as a base component for other

1. Select the nozzle on the Components tab.
2. Select the Nozzle details box.

3. Click to display the Nozzle details dialog box.

4. Select N/A in the Flange type box.
5. Select N/A in the Flange rating box.
6. Select the base nozzle on the Components tab.

7. Click Elliptical Head to add.

Import a model from PVElite

1. Click the Placement tab on the Equipment console.
2. Click Import.
The Select PVElite File dialog box displays.
3. Select the PVElite file to import.
The model imports.
You must immediately export the model after you import it to maintain the
relationships between the components in the PVElite and PV Fabricator models. This is only
required the first time that you import a model from PVElite.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 28

Equipment Console

Export the model to PVElite

1. Click the Placement tab on the Equipment console.
2. Click Export.
The Save As dialog box displays.
3. Specify the file name and location for the file.

Placement Tab (Equipment Console)

Specifies parameters for placing equipment.
Displays the Enter value dialog box. This option creates a new piece of equipment and
adds it to the Equipment Name list.
The starting location of the equipment defaults to 0, 0, 0 and is marked by the X attribute. The X
attribute is a block (xatb.DWG) and is located in the [Product Folder]\Equipment\Support folder.
The X attribute is required and must not be removed.
Displays the Enter value dialog box. This option changes the name of the equipment
displayed in the Equipment Name box.
Removes the equipment displayed in the Equipment Name box. This option erases any
components associated with the equipment and removes it from the Equipment Name list.
A confirmation message displays requiring you to confirm the deletion.

Specify On-screen
Click the location in the model view to specify the starting point for the equipment.
Specifies the X-location for the equipment starting point. This value defaults to zero.
Specifies the Y-location for the equipment starting point. This value defaults to zero.
Specifies the Z-location for the equipment starting point. This value defaults to zero.

Specify On-screen
Click the location in the model view to indicate the rotation of the equipment.
Specifies the degree of rotation about the world Z-axis for the equipment. This value
defaults to zero.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 29

Equipment Console

Specifies the orientation of the equipment. By default, all equipment is vertically oriented.
Platforms and legs can be drawn only when the equipment is vertical. Saddles can be
drawn only when the equipment is horizontal. If you draw these components, you cannot change
the orientation.

Creates hollow equipment components. This option can significantly slow down the
performance of the model based on the number of components in each equipment.

Reference Line
Specifies a reference line that can then be used to specify certain components such as
nozzles, saddles, platforms, and so on. The option is saved in the configuration file.
However, each reference value is stored with each equipment.
Specifies the location for the reference line. For vertical equipment, the value lies along the
Z-axis. For horizontal equipment, the value lies along the X-axis.

Imports the current equipment from PVElite. The PVElite information is stored in the
Exports the current equipment to PVElite. PVElite does not support apex nozzles on a cone
component. Instead, the apex nozzle on a cone must be modeled using a cylinder and a
body flange.

Components Tab (Equipment Console)

Displays equipment components as they are added to the equipment. The CAD platform UNITS
setting controls the display of most numeric data in the grid.
A right-click menu is available for Cut, Copy, Paste, and Delete.

Move options
Indicates that movement is based on the grid.
Indicates that movement is based on the model.
Move Up

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 30

Equipment Console

Moves the component up in the list or model.

Move Down
Moves the component down in the list or model.

Specifies the parameters of the cylinder.
Specifies an alphanumeric description for the component. This description is visible even
when the component is collapsed in the grid.
Specifies the distance from the starting point to the ending point of the component.
Diameter Basis
Specifies either the inside or outside diameter. Select the diameter type from the list.
Specifies the diameter of the component based on the Diameter Basis value.
Specifies the component thickness.
Displays the Select Item dialog box, which lets you select the material from the list. For
more information, see Select Item Dialog Box (on page 75). The Select Item dialog box
uses the file specified by the MaterialFile configuration file variable. For more information,
see MaterialFile (on page 23).
Displays the Insulation dialog box. For more information, see Insulation Dialog Box (on
page 76).

Elliptical Head
Specifies the parameters of the elliptical head.
Description -
Specifies an alphanumeric description for the component. This description is visible even
when the component is collapsed in the grid.
Specifies the distance from the starting point to the ending point of the component.
Diameter Basis
Specifies either the inside or outside diameter. Select the diameter type from the list.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 31

Equipment Console

Specifies the diameter of the component based on the Diameter Basis value.
Specifies the component thickness.
Flip Orientation
Reverses the orientation of the component.
Displays the Select Item dialog box, which lets you select the material from the list. For
more information, see Select Item Dialog Box (on page 75). The Select Item dialog box
uses the file specified by the MaterialFile configuration file variable. For more information,
see MaterialFile (on page 23).
Head Factor
Specifies the head factor of the elliptical head.
Displays the Insulation dialog box. For more information, see Insulation Dialog Box (on
page 76).

Torispherical Head
Specifies the parameters of the torispherical head.
Specifies an alphanumeric description for the component. This description is visible even
when the component is collapsed in the grid.
Specifies the distance from the starting point to the ending point of the component.
Diameter Basis
Specifies either the inside or outside diameter. Select the diameter type from the list.
Specifies the diameter of the component based on the Diameter Basis value.
Specifies the component thickness.
Flip Orientation
Reverses the orientation of the component.
Displays the Select Item dialog box, which lets you select the material from the list. For
more information, see Select Item Dialog Box (on page 75). The Select Item dialog box
uses the file specified by the MaterialFile configuration file variable. For more information,
see MaterialFile (on page 23).

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 32

Equipment Console

Crown Radius
Specifies the crown radius for the torispherical head.
Knuckle Radius
Specifies the knuckle radius for the torispherical head.
Displays the Insulation dialog box. For more information, see Insulation Dialog Box (on
page 76).

Spherical Head
Specifies the parameters of the spherical head.
Specifies an alphanumeric description for the component. This description is visible even
when the component is collapsed in the grid.
Specifies the distance from the starting point to the ending point of the component.
Diameter Basis
Specifies either the inside or outside diameter. Select the diameter type from the list.
Specifies the diameter of the component based on the Diameter Basis value.
Specifies the component thickness.
Flip Orientation
Reverses the orientation of the component.
Displays the Select Item dialog box, which lets you select the material from the list. For
more information, see Select Item Dialog Box (on page 75). The Select Item dialog box
uses the file specified by the MaterialFile configuration file variable. For more information,
see MaterialFile (on page 23).
Displays the Insulation dialog box. For more information, see Insulation Dialog Box (on
page 76).

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 33

Equipment Console

Specifies the parameters of the cone.
Specifies an alphanumeric description for the component. This description is visible even
when the component is collapsed in the grid.
Specifies the distance from the starting point to the ending point of the component.
Diameter Basis
Specifies either the inside or outside diameter. Select the diameter type from the list.
Bottom Diameter (Vertical Cone) or From Diameter (Horizontal Cone)
Specifies the diameter of the component based on the Diameter Basis value.
Specifies the component thickness.
Displays the Select Item dialog box, which lets you select the material from the list. For
more information, see Select Item Dialog Box (on page 75). The Select Item dialog box
uses the file specified by the MaterialFile configuration file variable. For more information,
see MaterialFile (on page 23).
Top Diameter (Vertical Cone) or To Diameter (Horizontal Cone)
Specifies the cone end diameter.
Specifies whether the cone is concentric.
Shell Section
Specifies whether the cone is a shell section.
Cone Length
Specifies the length of the conical portion of the component. This box is only available only if
the cone is not a shell section.
Rotation Angle
Specifies the rotation angle of the cone. This box is only available if the cone is eccentric.
Displays the Insulation dialog box. For more information, see Insulation Dialog Box (on
page 76).

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 34

Equipment Console

Welded Flat Head

Specifies the parameters of the welded flat head.
Specifies an alphanumeric description for the component. This description is visible even
when the component is collapsed in the grid.
Specifies the distance from the starting point to the ending point of the component.
Diameter Basis
Specifies either the inside or outside diameter. Select the diameter type from the list.
Specifies the diameter of the component based on the Diameter Basis value.
Specifies the component thickness.
Displays the Select Item dialog box, which lets you select the material from the list. For
more information, see Select Item Dialog Box (on page 75). The Select Item dialog box
uses the file specified by the MaterialFile configuration file variable. For more information,
see MaterialFile (on page 23).
Displays the Insulation dialog box. For more information, see Insulation Dialog Box (on
page 76).

Body Flange
Specifies the parameters of the body flange.
ANSI flange lookup
Displays the ANSI Flange dialog box.
Specifies an alphanumeric description for the component. This description is visible even
when the component is collapsed in the grid.
Specifies the distance from the starting point to the ending point of the component.
Diameter Basis
Specifies either the inside or outside diameter. Select the diameter type from the list.
Specifies the diameter of the component based on the Diameter Basis value.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 35

Equipment Console

Specifies the component thickness.
Flip Orientation
Reverses the orientation of the component.
Displays the Select Item dialog box, which lets you select the material from the list. For
more information, see Select Item Dialog Box (on page 75). The Select Item dialog box
uses the file specified by the MaterialFile configuration file variable. For more information,
see MaterialFile (on page 23).

Flange Face ID
Specifies the component inner diameter. See dimension 1.
Flange Face OD
Specifies the component outer diameter. See dimension 2.
Flange Face Thickness
Specifies the component thickness. See dimension 3.
Gasket ID
Specifies the component inner diameter.
Gasket OD
Specifies the component outer diameter.
Gasket Thickness
Specifies the component thickness.
Flange ID
Specifies the component interior flange diameter. If you set this value to zero for a blind
flange, the software disables all hub-related boxes. The hub-related boxes are enabled if the
Flange ID (D) box has a value greater than zero. See dimension 4
Flange OD
Specifies the component outer diameter. See dimension 5

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 36

Equipment Console

Flange Thickness
Specifies the component thickness. See dimension 6
Large Hub Thickness
Specifies the component thickness. See dimension 7.
Small Hub Thickness
Specifies the component thickness. See dimension 8
Hub Length
Specifies the distance from the starting point to the ending point of the component. See
dimension 9.
Displays the Insulation dialog box. For more information, see Insulation Dialog Box (on
page 76).

ANSI Flange Dialog Box

Specifies parameters for ANSI flanges. This dialog box lets you select an ANSI flange and then
populates the body flange dimension boxes automatically. The flange data is read from the
[Product Folder]/Equipment/System/BodyFlangeImperial.DAT file.
Flange Series
Specifies the series associated with the flange. Select a series from the list.
Flange type
Specifies the type associated with the flange. Select a type from the list.
Flange rating
Specifies the rating associated with the flange. Select a rating from the list.
Nominal Diameter
Specifies the nominal diameter associated with the flange. Select a diameter from the list.
Bore Diameter
Specifies the bore diameter associated with the flange.
Flange Blind
Specifies whether the flange is a blind flange.

Specifies the parameters of the skirt.
Specifies an alphanumeric description for the component. This description is visible even
when the component is collapsed in the grid.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 37

Equipment Console

Specifies the distance from the starting point to the ending point of the component.
Diameter Basis
Specifies either the inside or outside diameter. Select the diameter type from the list.
Specifies the diameter of the component based on the Diameter Basis value.
Specifies the component thickness.
Flip Orientation
Reverses the orientation of the component.
Displays the Select Item dialog box, which lets you select the material from the list. For
more information, see Select Item Dialog Box (on page 75). The Select Item dialog box
uses the file specified by the MaterialFile configuration file variable. For more information,
see MaterialFile (on page 23).
Basering Type
Specifies the type of basering to attach to the skirt. Available options are:
▪ None
▪ Simple - No Gussets
▪ With Gussets
▪ With Top Plates
▪ Continuous Top Plate
Base Diameter
Specifies the skirt base diameter.
Basering ID
Specifies the component inner diameter.
Basering OD
Specifies the component outer diameter.
Bottom Plate Thickness
Specifies the component thickness.
Top Plate Radial Width
Specifies the component width.
Top Plate Thickness
Specifies the component thickness.
Top Plate Width
Specifies the component width.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 38

Equipment Console

Gusset Height
Specifies the component height.
Gusset Width
Specifies the skirt gusset width.
Distance Between Gussets
Specifies the distance between gussets on the skirt.
Gusset Thickness
Specifies the component thickness.
Number Of Bolts
Specifies the number of bolts on the skirt.
Displays the Insulation dialog box. For more information, see Insulation Dialog Box (on
page 76).

Specifies the parameters of the box.
Specifies an alphanumeric description for the component. This description is visible even
when the component is collapsed in the grid.
Dimension basis
Specifies either the inside or outside dimension. Select the dimension type from the list.
Specifies the distance from the starting point to the ending point of the component.
Specifies the component width.
Specifies the component height.
Specifies the component thickness.
Start offset X
Specifies an offset distance along the box X-axis. This value is applied at the start point of
the box.
Start offset Y
Specifies an offset distance along the box Y-axis. This value is applied at the start point of
the box.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 39

Equipment Console

End offset X
Specifies an offset distance along the box Y-axis of the box. This value is applied at the end
point of the box.
End offset Y
Specifies an offset distance along the box Y-axis. This value is applied at the end point of
the box.
Rotation angle
Specifies a box rotation angle.
Displays the Insulation dialog box. For more information, see Insulation Dialog Box (on
page 76).

Stiffening Ring
Specifies the parameters for a stiffening ring. This component cannot be created by itself. It
must be attached to one of the following components:
▪ Cylinder (on page 31)
▪ Cone (on page 34)
Specifies an alphanumeric description for the component. This description is visible even
when the component is collapsed in the grid.
Specifies the distance from the bottom of the component to which this component is
Ring Type
Specifies the ring type. The available types are:
▪ Bar Ring
▪ Section Ring
Ring Location
Specifies whether the ring is placed on the outer or inner diameter side of the parent
component. This option is only available when the Ring Type box is set to Section Ring.
Initial Flip
Flips the ring in the X-Y plane. The orientation reference of the ring is always based on the
initial orientation default (0 degree angle-of-rotation). This option is only available when the
Ring Type box is set to Section Ring.
Member rotation angle
Rotates the ring to preset rotation angles (0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees).This option is only
available when the Ring Type box is set to Section Ring.

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Inside Diameter
Specifies the component inner diameter. This option is only available if the Ring Type box is
set to Bar Ring.
Outside Diameter
Specifies the component outer diameter. This option is only available if the Ring Type box
is set to Bar Ring.
Specifies the component thickness. This option is only available if the Ring Type box is set
to Bar Ring.
Displays the Select Steel Member dialog box so that you can specify the kind of section to
use to build the ring. For more information, see Select Steel Member Dialog Box (on page
Displays the Select Item dialog box, which lets you select the material from the list. For
more information, see Select Item Dialog Box (on page 75). The Select Item dialog box
uses the file specified by the MaterialFile configuration file variable. For more information,
see MaterialFile (on page 23).

Select Steel Member Dialog Box

Specifies parameters for steel members.
Select Type
Specifies the steel member type. The value in this box determines the options in the Select
Data file box.
Select Data file
Specifies the steel member data file. The value in this box determines the options in the
Select Member list.
Select Member
Displays the available members. The values in this list depend on the values in the Select
Type and Select Data file boxes.

Pipe selection
The pipe selection boxes are only available if the Select Type box is set to Pipe.
Nominal/Actual options
Specifies whether you are using ANSI nominal/actual parameters or CADWorx Steel data
file parameters.
The ANSI pipe data files, ScheduleMetric.DAT and ScheduleImperial.DAT, are
located in the [Product Folder]/Equipment/System folder.
Pipe basis
Specifies whether the pipe is based on nominal or actual values.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 41

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Specifies the pipe diameter. This option is only available if the Pipe basis is set to Nominal.
Specifies the pipe schedule. This option is only available if the Pipe basis is set to Nominal.
Wall thickness
Specifies the pipe wall thickness.
Outside diameter
Specifies the pipe outer diameter.

Specifies parameters for the nozzle.
This component cannot be created by itself. It must be attached to one of the following
▪ Cylinder (on page 31)
▪ Elliptical Head (on page 31)
▪ Torispherical Head (on page 32)
▪ Spherical Head (on page 33)
▪ Cone (on page 34)
▪ Welded Flat Head (on page 35)
▪ Nozzle - See Add a nozzle to an existing nozzle (on page 27) for more information.
Nozzles are recognized by the Isogen module of CADWorx Plant Professional when the piping
connected to the nozzle is sent to Isogen.
Specifies an alphanumeric description for the component. This description is visible even
when the component is collapsed in the grid.
Nozzle type
Specifies the nozzle type. The available types are:
▪ Standard
Specifies an ANSI nozzle. Displays the Nozzle details dialog box.
Specifies a Forge Vessel Connection (FVC) type nozzle. Displays the FVC Nozzle
Details dialog box.
Specifies the distance from the bottom of the component to which this component is
attached. Click to display the Nozzle details dialog box.

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Standard Nozzle Details

Displays the standard nozzle details where you can change the size, the rating, and other
features of the nozzle as well as add applicable gaskets and applicable bolts to the nozzle.
These applicable gaskets and applicable bolts allow for CADWorx Plant to insert only
gaskets and bolt that are assigned to the nozzle in the equipment. This box is only available
if the Nozzle type box is set to Standard. Click to display the Nozzle Details dialog
FVC Nozzle Details
Displays the FVC nozzle details where you can change the size, the rating, and other
features of the nozzle as well as add applicable gaskets and applicable bolts to the nozzle.
These applicable gaskets and applicable bolts allow for CADWorx Plant to insert only
gaskets and bolt that are assigned to the nozzle in the equipment. This box is only available
if the Nozzle type box is set to FVC. Click to display the FVC Nozzle Details dialog
Layout Angle
Specifies the nozzle layout angle.
Outside Projection
Specifies the nozzle outside projection. The nozzle outside projection is measure from the
OD surface of the parent to the flange face or the outer most point along the nozzle center
Inside Projection
Specifies the nozzle inside projection.

Nozzle Placement Dialog Box

Specifies advanced options for nozzle placement. A figure on the dialog box displays the values.
This figure changes based on the type of component to which the nozzle is attached.
(A) Distance
Specifies the distance from the bottom of the component to which this component is
attached. When the Nozzle direction box (enabled only for a nozzle on a cone) is set to
Apex, the Distance box becomes the radial distance of the nozzle from the centerline of the
(B) Lateral angle
Specifies the nozzle lateral angle.
Rotation angle (Y)
Specifies the rotation angle about the Y-axis.
Rotation angle (X)
Specifies the rotation angle about the X-axis.
Rotation angle (Z)
Specifies the rotation angle about the Z-axis.

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Centerline Distance
Specifies the component centerline distance.
(C) Offset distance
Specifies the offset distance from the center of the parent component.
(D) Center to face distance
Specifies the component face distance to the center of the parent component.
(E) Layout angle
Specifies the angle between the component centerline and the X-axis.
Nozzle direction
Specifies the component direction.

Nozzle Details Dialog Box

Specifies standard nozzle parameters.
The lists for Diameter, Flange rating, Flange type, and Schedule are populated based on the
entries of the NozzleDropDown.TBL file located in the [Product Folder]\Equipment\System
Nozzle basis
Specifies whether you are using nominal or actual parameters. When you select Nominal,
Equipment provides a look-up system for flange dimensions and schedule information.
Specifies the diameter of the component.
Specifies the schedule rating for the nozzle.
Wall thickness
Specifies the component thickness.
Nozzle extension

Indicates whether a nozzle extension (elbow) is included. Click to display the Nozzle
extension dialog box.
Nozzle material
Displays the Select Item dialog box, which lets you select the material from the list. For
more information, see Select Item Dialog Box (on page 75). The Select Item dialog box
uses the file specified by the MaterialFile configuration file variable. For more information,
see MaterialFile (on page 23).
Flange type
Specifies the type of nozzle flange. If you set this value to N/A, then you can manually
specify the Flange thickness and Flange OD values. For Flange type values other than
N/A, the software uses the dimensions from the FlangeImperial.DAT or FlangeMetric.DAT
file. These files are located in the [Product Folder]\Electrical\System folder.

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Flange rating
Specifies the nozzle flange rating.
Flange thickness
Specifies the component thickness.
Flange OD
Specifies the component outer diameter.
Flange material
Displays the Select Item dialog box, which lets you select the material from the list. For
more information, see Select Item Dialog Box (on page 75). The Select Item dialog box
uses the file specified by the MaterialFile configuration file variable. For more information,
see MaterialFile (on page 23).
Thread/Engagement length
Specifies the nozzle end point location. This end point provides a snap location for any
component attached to the nozzle.
Nozzle reinforcing pad

Indicates whether a reinforcing pad exists. Click to display the Nozzle Pad dialog box.
Nozzle Insulation

Indicates whether insulation exists. Click to display the Insulation dialog box.
Applicable Gaskets
Specifies the code to insert a gasket on the nozzle when you add a component containing
Applicable Gaskets or Applicable Bolts in CADWorx Plant. The code that you type in the
Applicable Gaskets box must match a code assigned to a gasket in the CADWorx
Specification Editor. For more information, see Assign gaskets and bolts to equipment
nozzles (on page 51). You can also find information in the New and Edit Component Pane,
and Selection Codes topics in the CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide.
Applicable Bolts
Specifies the code to insert a bolt on the nozzle when you add a component containing
Applicable Gaskets or Applicable Bolts in CADWorx Plant. The code that you type in the
Applicable Bolts box must match a code assigned to a gasket in the CADWorx
Specification Editor. For more information, see Assign gaskets and bolts to equipment
nozzles (on page 51). You can also find information in the New and Edit Component Pane,
and Selection Codes topics in the CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide.

FVC Nozzle Details Dialog Box

Specifies parameters for FVC nozzles. The modifiable FVC nozzle data, including the nozzle
type, rating, and size drop down parameters, are listed in the [Product
Folder]\Equipment\System\FVCNozzleImperial.dat file. Refer to the data file itself for instructions
on modifying the list options selection and activation control.

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FVC Table Lookup

Populates the nozzle dimension boxes from the FVC nozzle database based on the following
Specifies the FVC nozzle type.
Flange rating
Specifies the flange rating.
Specifies the nozzle size.
Option Diameter
Indicates whether Stop/Relief Diameter is set to Nut Stop diameter or Nut Relief diameter.
Option ASME codes
Specifies the Theta angle. Select Div. 1 to indicate 30 degrees or Div. 2 to indicate 45
Indicates that the FVC nozzle parameters can be modified manually.
Flange OD
Specifies the component outer diameter.
Flange thickness
Specifies the component thickness. This value includes the flange face thickness.
Bore Diameter
Specifies the nozzle bore diameter.
Barrel OD
Specifies the component outer diameter.
Stop/Relief Diameter
Specifies the diameter to either the Nut Stop or Nut Relief diameter depending on the
Option Diameter setting.
Relief Length
Specifies the distance from the starting point to the ending point of the component.
Neck Thickness
Specifies the component thickness.
Overall Length
Specifies the distance from the starting point to the ending point of the component.

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Nozzle material
Displays the Select Item dialog box, which lets you select the material from the list. For
more information, see Select Item Dialog Box (on page 75). The Select Item dialog box
uses the file specified by the MaterialFile configuration file variable. For more information,
see MaterialFile (on page 23).
Thread/Engagement length
Specifies the nozzle end point location. This end point provides a snap location for any
component attached to the nozzle.
Nozzle Insulation

Indicates whether insulation exists. Click to display the Insulation dialog box.
Applicable Gasket
Specifies the code to insert a gasket on the nozzle when you add a component containing
Applicable Gasket in CADWorx Plant. The code that you type in the Applicable Gasket
box must match a code assigned to a gasket in the CADWorx Specification Editor. For more
information, see Assign gaskets and bolts to equipment nozzles (on page 51). You can also
find information in the New and Edit Component Pane, and Selection Codes topics in the
CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide.
Applicable Bolt
Specifies the code to insert a bolt on the nozzle when you add a component containing
Applicable Bolt in CADWorx Plant. The code that you type in the Applicable Bolt box
must match a code assigned to a gasket in the CADWorx Specification Editor. For more
information, see Assign gaskets and bolts to equipment nozzles (on page 51). You can also
find information in the New and Edit Component Pane, and Selection Codes topics in the
CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide.

Nozzle extension Dialog Box

Controls the parameters for nozzle extensions.
Radius multiplier
Specifies the radius of the elbow. You can use any valid radius value such as 1.5 for a long
radius or 1.0 for a short radius.
(A) Elbow angle
Specifies the angle of the elbow. You can use any valid angle between 5 and 90 degrees.
(B) Horizontal projection
Specifies the horizontal projection value.
(C) Straight run angle direction
Specifies the direction angle for the straight run. This angle is measured relative to the
layout angle.
(D) Outside projection
Specifies the projection distance for the outside portion of the extension.

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Nozzle Pad Dialog Box

Specifies parameters for the nozzle pad.
Pad width
Specifies the distance from the outer edge of nozzle pad to the nozzle outside diameter.
Pad thickness
Specifies the component thickness.
Pad material
Displays the Select Item dialog box, which lets you select the material from the list. For
more information, see Select Item Dialog Box (on page 75). The Select Item dialog box
uses the file specified by the MaterialFile configuration file variable. For more information,
see MaterialFile (on page 23).

Set selection code defaults

1. Open the Specification Editor.
2. Click File > Open, and then open the
3. Expand Data Tables, and then expand Gaskets/Bolts/Welds.
You can also create new bolts and gasket data tables, and then assign the
Selection Code when creating the new data tables. If you need to create a new data table,
see Add a new data table to a category, or Add a new data table to a group folder.
4. Expand Stud Bolts, and then click BLT_150.
5. In Properties, type BLT_150 in the Selection Code box, and change the Color Index to
6. Click in another field to set the values.
7. Click BLT_150A.
8. In Properties, type BLT_150A in the Selection Code box, and change the Color Index to
9. Click in another field to set the values.
10. Click BLT_150B.
11. In Properties, type BLT_150B in the Selection Code box, and change the Color Index to
12. Click in another field to set the values.
13. Expand Gasket, and then double-click GAS_150.
14. In Properties, type GAS_150 in the Selection Code box, and change the Color Index to
15. Click in another field to set the values.
16. Click GAS_150A.
17. In Properties, type GAS_150A in the Selection Code box, and change the Color Index to
18. Click in another field to set the values.

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19. Click GAS_150B.

20. In Properties, type GAS_150B in the Selection Code box, and change the Color Index to
21. Click in another field to set the values.
22. Click File > Save.
Next, Assign gaskets and bolts to flange weld neck in the catalog (on page 49).

Assign gaskets and bolts to flange weld neck in the catalog

1. Expand Flanges, and then expand Flange Weld Neck.
You can also create a new flange data table, and then assign the Applicable
Bolts and Applicable Gaskets value while creating that flanged data table. You must have
a value in the Selection Code of the gasket and bolt data tables before you can select a
value for the Applicable Gaskets or Applicable Bolts list. If you need to create a new data
table, see Add a new data table to a category, or Add a new data table to a group folder.
2. Click FLG_WN_150.
3. In Properties, select GAS_150 from the Applicable Gaskets list.
4. In Properties, select BLT_150 from the Applicable Bolts list.
5. Click FLG_WN_150A.
6. In Properties, select GAS_150A from the Applicable Gaskets list.
7. In Properties, select BLT_150A from the Applicable Bolts list.
8. Click FLG_WN_150B.
9. In Properties, select GAS_150B from the Applicable Gaskets list.
10. In Properties, select BLT_150B from the Applicable Bolts list.
11. Click File > Save.
Next, Set selection codes on gasket and bolt components in the project (on page 49).

Set selection codes on gasket and bolt components in the

1. If you do not have the Specification Editor open, then double-click the icon on the desktop.
2. Click File > Open, then open the Tutorial_Inch.prj.
3. Click Yes to update the project from the base catalog. Alternatively, you can click Review
Update, review the tables with updates, click Force Update All, click OK, click OK again,
and then click Yes.
4. Double-click 150, and then expand Gaskets/Bolts/Welds.
6. Select BLT_150A from the Data Table list.
The Selection Code box populates.
7. Click Apply.

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9. Select BLT_150B from the Data Table list.
The Selection Code box populates.
10. Click Apply.
12. Select BLT_150 from the Data Table list.
The Selection Code box populates.
13. Click Apply.
15. Remove the Selection Code, and leave it blank.
16. Click Apply.
17. Click GASKET, 150LB, 1/8" THK.
18. Select GAS_150 from the Data Table list.
The Selection Code box populates.
19. Click Apply.
20. Click GASKET, 150LB, 1/8" THK Part A.
21. Select GAS_150A from the Data Table list.
The Selection Code box populates.
22. Click Apply.
23. Click GASKET, 150LB, 1/8" THK Part B.
24. Select GAS_150B from the Data Table list.
The Selection Code box populates.
25. Click Apply.
26. Click GASKET, 150LB, 1/8" THK Part C.
27. Remove the Selection Code, and leave it blank
28. Click Apply.
29. Click File > Save.
Next, Assign gaskets and bolts to the flange in the project (on page 51).

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Assign gaskets and bolts to the flange in the project

1. Expand Flanges. If you are not in the 150 specification, double-click to open it, and then
expand Flanges.
2. Click FLG WELD NECK, 150LB, SCH XS, ASTM A105.
3. In the Edit component pane, select GAS_150 from the Applicable Gaskets list and
BLT_150 from the Applicable Bolts list.
4. Click Apply.
5. Click FLG WELD NECK, 150LB, SCH XS, ASTM A105 Part A
6. In the Edit component pane, reselect FLG_WN_150 from the Data Table list.
The Applicable Gaskets and Applicable Bolts boxes populate.
7. In the Edit component pane, add GAS_150A from the Applicable Gaskets list and
BLT_150A from the Applicable Bolts list.
8. Click Apply.
9. Click FLG WELD NECK, 150LB, SCH XS, ASTM A105 Part B.
10. In the Edit component pane, select GAS_150 and GAS_150B in the Applicable Gaskets
11. Select BLT_150A and BLT_150B in the Applicable Bolts list.
12. Click Apply.
13. Click FLG WELD NECK, 150LB, SCH XS, ASTM A105 Part C.
14. In the Edit component pane, type GAS_150, GAS_150A, and GAS_150B in the
Applicable Gaskets list.
15. Then, type BLT_150, BLT_150A, and BLT_150B in the Applicable Bolts list.
The Applicable Gaskets and Applicable Bolts boxes populate.
16. Click Apply.
17. Click File > Save.
Next, Assign gaskets and bolts to valves in the project.

Assign gaskets and bolts to equipment nozzles

Before you can complete the following instructions you must complete Set selection codes on
gasket and bolt components in the project (on page 49), and Assign gaskets and bolts to the
flange in the project (on page 51).
1. Open CADWorx Equipment, and create a 3D equipment model.

2. Click Skirt .
3. Type V-1016 in the Enter equipment name box, and then click OK.

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The skirt inserts in the drawing.

4. Click Elliptical Head .

The elliptical head inserts in the 3D model.

5. Click Cylinder .
The cylinder inserts in the 3D model.

6. Click Cone .

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The cone inserts in the 3D model.

7. Click Elliptical Head .

The elliptical head inserts in the 3D model.

8. Click Components.
9. Click Cylinder in the list.
10. Click + next to Cylinder.

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11. Type 240 in the Length box.

12. Click + next to Cone.

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13. Type 84 in the Length box.

14. Click Cylinder in the list.

15. Click Nozzle .

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The nozzle inserts in the 3D model.

16. Click + next to Nozzle.

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17. Type 120 in the Distance box.

18. Click Standard Nozzle Details, and then click the ellipsis .
19. Type GAS_150A, GAS_150B in the Applicable Gaskets box.
20. Type BLT_150, BLT_150C in the Applicable Bolts box.
21. Click OK.
22. Click File > Save As.
23. Type V-1016 in the File name box, and then click Save.
Next, Insert piping components on equipment containing selection codes (on page 58).

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Insert piping components on equipment containing selection codes

1. Open CADWorx Plant.
2. Click New, select a template, and then click Open.
3. Set a southeast isometric view.
4. Type XREF on the command line.
The External References palette displays.

5. Click Attach DWG .

The Select Reference File dialog box displays.
6. Navigate to the V-1016 drawing, and then click Open.
The Attach External Reference dialog box displays.
7. Clear the Specify On-screen check box under Insertion point, and then click OK.
The equipment displays in the drawing.

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8. Click Setup .
9. Click Configuration Settings.

10. Select SpecificationDirectory, and then click the ellipsis .

11. Navigate to [Product Folder]\Plant\Tutorial\Spec, and then click OK.
12. Select Specification / Size.
13. Click Browse.
14. Select Tutorial_Inch.prj (Tutorial_Metric.prj)
15. Click 150 (150 MM) in Specifications, and then click 4" (100) for main and 2" (50) for
16. Click Piping Rules.
17. Set Apply Gasket Insertion Rule and Apply Bolt Insertion Rule to Flanges Only.
18. Set Apply Flange Insertion Rule to Show Options.
19. Click Apply and Close.
20. Zoom in on the nozzle on the vessel.

21. Click Auto Route .

22. Select the center on the nozzle.

Piping displays in the 3D model attached to the nozzle.

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23. Type 2', and then press ENTER.

The software prompts you to select a flange.

24. Select [4"] FLG WELD NECK, 150LB, SCH STD, ASTM A105 Part A.

The software inserts the flange adding the bolts and gaskets that match the values set in the
flange and the equipment.
If more than one gasket or bolt code matches, then the software places the first
selection code listed in the Applicable Gaskets, and Applicable Bolts data.
In the image below we set the equipment nozzle to accept the GAS_150A, and GAS_150B
gaskets and the BLT_150, and BLT_150C bolts. In the Specification Editor, we set the Part
A flange to accept the GAS_150, and GAS_150A, and the BLT_150, and BLT_150A.The
software inserts the GAS_150A, which is the Part A gasket in the specification, and inserts
the BLT_150, which is the Part B bolt from the specification.

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Specifies parameters for the platform.
This component cannot be created by itself. It must be attached to one of the following
▪ Cylinder (on page 31)
▪ Elliptical Head (on page 31)
▪ Torispherical Head (on page 32)
▪ Spherical Head (on page 33)
▪ Cone (on page 34)
Specifies an alphanumeric description for the component. This description is visible even
when the component is collapsed in the grid.
Specifies the distance from the bottom of the component to which this component is
attached. This component uses the PlatformHandRailFile (on page 23) configuration file
variable to create the hand rails that are part of the platform.
Start Angle
Specifies the start angle of the platform.
End Angle
Specifies the end angle of the platform.
Specifies the component width.
Specifies the component height.
Specifies the clearance from the component to which this platform attaches.
Specifies whether a ladder is drawn with the platform. If a ladder is required, this component
uses the PlatformLadderFile (on page 23) configuration file variable to create the ladder.
Ladder Start Elevation
Specifies the starting elevation (world) of the ladder.
Ladder End Elevation
Specifies the ending elevation (world) of the ladder.

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Ladder Cage
Specifies whether the ladder is caged. Specific parameters of the cage are controlled by the
PlatformLadderFile (on page 23) configuration file variable.
Ladder Layout Angle
Specifies the layout angle for the ladder.
Ladder Vessel Clearance
Specifies the clearance between the ladder and the vessel.
Ladder Platform Clearance
Specifies the clearance between the ladder and the platform.
Ladder Alignment
Specifies the ladder alignment. The available options are:
▪ Platform
▪ Vessel
Displays the Select Item dialog box, which lets you select the material from the list. For
more information, see Select Item Dialog Box (on page 75). The Select Item dialog box
uses the file specified by the MaterialFile configuration file variable. For more information,
see MaterialFile (on page 23).

Specifies the parameters for the saddle.
This component cannot be created by itself. It must be attached to the following component:
▪ Cylinder (on page 31)
Specifies an alphanumeric description for the component. This description is visible even
when the component is collapsed in the grid.
Specifies the distance from the bottom of the component to which this component is
Specifies the component width.
Specifies the component height.
Contact Angle
Specifies the saddle contact angle.

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Plate Thickness
Specifies the component thickness.
Wear Pad Width
Specifies the component width.
Wear Pad Thickness
Specifies the component thickness.
Wear Pad Contact Angle
Specifies the saddle wear pad contact angle.
Base Plate Length
Specifies the distance from the starting point to the ending point of the component.
Base Plate Width
Specifies the component width.
Base Plate Thickness
Specifies the component thickness.
Number of Ribs
Specifies the number of ribs.
Rib Thickness
Specifies the component thickness.
Web Thickness
Specifies the component thickness.
Web Location
Specifies the web location.
Displays the Bolt Details dialog box. For more information, see Bolt Details Dialog Box (on
page 76).
Displays the Select Item dialog box, which lets you select the material from the list. For
more information, see Select Item Dialog Box (on page 75). The Select Item dialog box
uses the file specified by the MaterialFile configuration file variable. For more information,
see MaterialFile (on page 23).
Layout angle
Specifies the angle of the saddle from the equipment.
Fixed saddle
Specifies the saddle is fixed or not.

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Specifies the parameters for the lug.
This component cannot be created by itself. It must be attached to one of the following
▪ Cylinder (on page 31)
▪ Elliptical Head (on page 31)
▪ Torispherical Head (on page 32)
▪ Spherical Head (on page 33)
▪ Cone (on page 34)
▪ Welded Flat Head (on page 35)
Specifies an alphanumeric description for the component. This description is visible even
when the component is collapsed in the grid.
Specifies the distance from the bottom of the component to which this component is
Lug Type
Specifies the lug type. The available options are:
▪ Simple
▪ With Top Plate
▪ With Top Plate Ring
Number of Lugs
Specifies the number of lugs.
Distance Between Gussets
Specifies the distance between the lug gussets.
Gusset Height
Specifies the component height.
Gusset Width
Specifies the component width.
Gusset Thickness
Specifies the component thickness.
Bottom Plate Radial Width
Specifies the component width.

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Bottom Plate Length

Specifies the distance from the starting point to the ending point of the component.
Bottom Plate Thickness
Specifies the component thickness.
Top Plate Radial Width
Specifies the component width.
Top Plate Length
Specifies the distance from the starting point to the ending point of the component.
Top Plate Thickness
Specifies the component thickness.
Displays the Select Item dialog box, which lets you select the material from the list. For
more information, see Select Item Dialog Box (on page 75). The Select Item dialog box
uses the file specified by the MaterialFile configuration file variable. For more information,
see MaterialFile (on page 23).

Specifies the parameters for the leg.
This component cannot be created by itself and must be attached to one of the following
▪ Cylinder (on page 31)
▪ Elliptical Head (on page 31)
▪ Torispherical Head (on page 32)
▪ Spherical Head (on page 33)
▪ Cone (on page 34)
Specifies an alphanumeric description for the component. This description is visible even
when the component is collapsed in the grid.
Specifies the distance from the bottom of the component to which this component is
Number of Legs
Specifies the number of legs.
Leg Length
Specifies the distance from the starting point to the ending point of the component.

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Member Offset
Specifies the leg offset from the member.
Rotation Angle
Specifies the overall rotation angle applied to all the legs relative to the component to which
the legs are attached.
Member Size
Displays the Select Steel Member dialog box so that you can select the section to use to
build the legs. See Select Steel Member Dialog Box (on page 41) for more information.
Member Rotation Angle
Specifies the rotation angle applied to each member of the leg.
Indicates whether baseplates should be created.
Baseplate Offset
Specifies the baseplate offset.
Baseplate Length
Specifies the distance from the starting point to the ending point of the component.
Baseplate Width
Specifies the component width.
Baseplate Thickness
Specifies the component thickness.
Baseplate Rotation Angle
Specifies the baseplate rotation angle.
Displays the Select Item dialog box, which lets you select the material from the list. For
more information, see Select Item Dialog Box (on page 75). The Select Item dialog box
uses the file specified by the MaterialFile configuration file variable. For more information,
see MaterialFile (on page 23).

User Shape
Specifies the parameters for a user-created shape.
This component cannot be created by itself. It must be attached to a vessel component or a
vessel nozzle component.
The user shape data file (.DAT) and its corresponding drawings must be stored in the folder
specified in the configuration file.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 66

Equipment Console

The naming convention for user shape drawings is: [datafilename] + [size].dwg
[datafilename] = Name of the user shape data file excluding the extension (.DAT).
[size] = Size corresponding to the data specified in the user shape data file.
For more information, refer to the davit user shape example included in the [Product
Folder]/Equipment/UserShape folder.
All available data files located in the UserShape folder can be selected from the Data file list.
After you have selected the data file, the available drawings can be selected from the Size list.
Click Insert to attach the user shape drawing to the selected parent or nozzle component.
The location of the inserted user shape can be adjusted using the User Shapes dialog box.
Specifies an alphanumeric description for the component. This description is visible even
when the component is collapsed in the grid.
Specifies the distance from the bottom of the component to which this component is
Layout Angle
Specifies the angle between the component centerline and the X-axis.
Additional user data entries listed in the user shape data file
The additional user data displayed in the grid can be modified manually through the grid or
through the data file itself. You can modify the data file using any text editor. Value changes
in the grid are saved in the drawing only, not the data file.

User Shapes Dialog Box

Specifies parameters for a user-defined shape.
(A) Distance
Specifies the distance from the bottom of the component to which this component is
attached. When the User Shapes direction box (enabled only for a user shape on a cone)
is set to Apex, the Distance box becomes the radial distance of the user shape from the
centerline of the cone.
Rotation angle (Y)
Specifies the rotation angle about the Y-axis.
Rotation angle (X)
Specifies the rotation angle about the X-axis.
Rotation angle (Z)
Specifies the rotation angle about the Z-axis.
Centerline distance
Specifies the component centerline distance.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 67

Equipment Console

(C) Offset distance

Specifies the offset distance from the center of the parent component.
(D) Center to face distance
Specifies the component face distance to the center of the parent component.
(E) - Layout angle
Specifies the angle between the component centerline and the X-axis.
User Shapes direction
Specifies the component direction.

Specifies the parameters for the impeller.
Specifies an alphanumeric description for the component. This description is visible even
when the component is collapsed in the grid.
Specifies the component width.
Specifies the diameter of the component.
Extension Diameter
Specifies the diameter of the extension.
Extension Length
Specifies the length of the extension.
Flip Orientation
Reverses the orientation of the component.

Specifies the parameters of the shaft.
Specifies an alphanumeric description for the component. This description is visible even
when the component is collapsed in the grid.
Specifies the distance from the starting point to the ending point of the component.
Specifies the diameter of the component.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 68

Equipment Console

Specifies the parameters for the coupling.
Specifies an alphanumeric description for the component. This description is visible even
when the component is collapsed in the grid.
Specifies the distance from the starting point to the ending point of the component.
Specifies the diameter of the component.

Specifies the parameters of the motor.
Specifies an alphanumeric description for the component. This description is visible even
when the component is collapsed in the grid.
Cylinder Length
Specifies the distance from the starting point to the ending point of the component.
Cylinder Radius
Specifies the cylinder radius.
Shaft Length
Specifies the distance from the starting point to the ending point of the component.
Shaft Diameter
Specifies the diameter of the component.
Flip Orientation
Reverses the orientation of the component.

Equipment Motor Table File

Details the columns in the equipment motor table (.tbl) file. Thee equipment motor table file
delivers to the following location: [Product Folder]\Equipment\System\Emotor.TBL
(Emotorm.TBL for metric).
Specifies the motor description. The Description box displays this value when you insert a
motor into the drawing.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 69

Equipment Console

Specifies the motor cylinder radius. The Cylinder radius box displays this value when you
insert a motor into the drawing.
Specifies the distance between the center of the hole on the mounting bracket and the
center of the motor. The software does not display this value in the Equipment palette or in
the drawing. The software does require this value to draw the equipment.
Specifies the motor cylinder length. The Cylinder length box displays this value when you
insert a motor into the drawing.
Specifies the mounting bracket hole diameter. The software does not display this value in
the Equipment palette or in the drawing. The software does require this value to draw the
Specifies the motor shaft diameter. The Shaft diameter box displays this value when you
insert a motor into the drawing.
Specifies the distance between the center of the mounting bracket hole to the end of the
motor. The software does not display this value in the Equipment palette or in the drawing.
The software does require this value to draw the equipment.
Specifies the motor shaft length. The Shaft length box displays this value when you insert a
motor into the drawing.

Specifies the parameters of the box.
Specifies an alphanumeric description for the component. This description is visible even
when the component is collapsed in the grid.
Dimension basis
Specifies either the inside or outside dimension. Select the dimension type from the list.
Specifies the distance from the starting point to the ending point of the component.
Specifies the component width.
Specifies the component height.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 70

Equipment Console

Specifies the component thickness.
Start offset X
Specifies an offset distance along the box X-axis. This value is applied at the start point of
the box.
Start offset Y
Specifies an offset distance along the box Y-axis. This value is applied at the start point of
the box.
End offset X
Specifies an offset distance along the box Y-axis of the box. This value is applied at the end
point of the box.
End offset Y
Specifies an offset distance along the box Y-axis. This value is applied at the end point of
the box.
Rotation angle
Specifies a box rotation angle.
Displays the Insulation dialog box. For more information, see Insulation Dialog Box (on
page 76).

Pump Base
Specifies the parameters for the pump base.
This component cannot be created by itself. It must be attached to the following component:
▪ Impeller (on page 68)
Specifies an alphanumeric description for the component. This description is visible even
when the component is collapsed in the grid.
Specifies the distance from the starting point to the ending point of the component.
Specifies the component width.
Specifies the component height.
Start X
Specifies the X-coordinate of the starting point of the pump base. The value is relative to the
starting point of the component to which it attaches.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 71

Equipment Console

Start Y
Specifies the Y-coordinate of the starting point of the pump base. The value is relative to the
starting point of the component to which it attaches.
Start Z
Specifies the Z-coordinate of the starting point of the pump base. The value is relative to the
starting point of the component to which it attaches.
Specifies the plane to which the pump base is parallel. There are three planes available:
▪ XY
▪ YZ
▪ ZX
Rotation Angle
Specifies the pump base rotation angle.

Pump Nozzle
Specifies the parameters for the pump nozzle.
This component cannot be created by itself. It must be attached to the following component:
▪ Impeller (on page 68)
Specifies an alphanumeric description for the component. This description is visible even
when the component is collapsed in the grid.
Specifies the distance from the bottom of the component to which this component is
attached. Click to display the Nozzle placement dialog box.
Nozzle Details

Displays the standard nozzle details. Click to display the Nozzle details dialog box.
Layout Angle
Specifies the pump nozzle layout angle.
Specifies the distance from the starting point to the ending point of the component.
Suction Side
Specifies the nozzle suction side.
Specifies the nozzle direction.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 72

Equipment Console

Nozzle placement Dialog Box

Specifies advanced options for nozzle placement. A figure on the dialog box displays the values.
This figure changes based on the type of component to which the nozzle is attached.
(A) Distance
Specifies the distance from the bottom of the component to which this component is
attached. When the Nozzle direction box (enabled only for a nozzle on a cone) is set to
Apex, the Distance box becomes the radial distance of the nozzle from the centerline of the
(B) Lateral angle
Specifies the nozzle lateral angle.
Rotation angle (Y)
Specifies the rotation angle about the Y-axis.
Rotation angle (X)
Specifies the rotation angle about the X-axis.
Rotation angle (Z)
Specifies the rotation angle about the Z-axis.
Centerline Distance
Specifies the component centerline distance.
(C) Offset distance
Specifies the offset distance from the center of the parent component.
(D) Center to face distance
Specifies the component face distance to the center of the parent component.
(E) Layout angle
Specifies the angle between the component centerline and the X-axis.
Nozzle direction
Specifies the component direction.

Nozzle Details Dialog Box

Specifies standard nozzle parameters.
The lists for Diameter, Flange rating, Flange type, and Schedule are populated based on the
entries of the NozzleDropDown.TBL file located in the [Product Folder]\Equipment\System
Nozzle basis
Specifies whether you are using nominal or actual parameters. When you select Nominal,
Equipment provides a look-up system for flange dimensions and schedule information.
Specifies the diameter of the component.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 73

Equipment Console

Specifies the schedule rating for the nozzle.
Wall thickness
Specifies the component thickness.
Nozzle extension

Indicates whether a nozzle extension (elbow) is included. Click to display the Nozzle
extension dialog box.
Nozzle material
Displays the Select Item dialog box, which lets you select the material from the list. For
more information, see Select Item Dialog Box (on page 75). The Select Item dialog box
uses the file specified by the MaterialFile configuration file variable. For more information,
see MaterialFile (on page 23).
Flange type
Specifies the type of nozzle flange. If you set this value to N/A, then you can manually
specify the Flange thickness and Flange OD values. For Flange type values other than
N/A, the software uses the dimensions from the FlangeImperial.DAT or FlangeMetric.DAT
file. These files are located in the [Product Folder]\Electrical\System folder.
Flange rating
Specifies the nozzle flange rating.
Flange thickness
Specifies the component thickness.
Flange OD
Specifies the component outer diameter.
Flange material
Displays the Select Item dialog box, which lets you select the material from the list. For
more information, see Select Item Dialog Box (on page 75). The Select Item dialog box
uses the file specified by the MaterialFile configuration file variable. For more information,
see MaterialFile (on page 23).
Thread/Engagement length
Specifies the nozzle end point location. This end point provides a snap location for any
component attached to the nozzle.
Nozzle reinforcing pad

Indicates whether a reinforcing pad exists. Click to display the Nozzle Pad dialog box.
Nozzle Insulation

Indicates whether insulation exists. Click to display the Insulation dialog box.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 74

Equipment Console

Applicable Gaskets
Specifies the code to insert a gasket on the nozzle when you add a component containing
Applicable Gaskets or Applicable Bolts in CADWorx Plant. The code that you type in the
Applicable Gaskets box must match a code assigned to a gasket in the CADWorx
Specification Editor. For more information, see Assign gaskets and bolts to equipment
nozzles (on page 51). You can also find information in the New and Edit Component Pane,
and Selection Codes topics in the CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide.
Applicable Bolts
Specifies the code to insert a bolt on the nozzle when you add a component containing
Applicable Gaskets or Applicable Bolts in CADWorx Plant. The code that you type in the
Applicable Bolts box must match a code assigned to a gasket in the CADWorx
Specification Editor. For more information, see Assign gaskets and bolts to equipment
nozzles (on page 51). You can also find information in the New and Edit Component Pane,
and Selection Codes topics in the CADWorx Spec Editor User's Guide.

Select Item Dialog Box

Lists all the materials available in the material file or all the motor sizes available in the motor
file. The material file can be specified using the MaterialFile (on page 23) configuration file
variable. The motor list is located in the [Product Folder]\Equipment\System\Emotor.TBL file
(Emotorm.TBL file for metric).
Specifies a filter to quickly find the item you need. The filter is case sensitive and accepts
the following wild-card characters:
Character Definition
# (pound) Matches any single numeric digit.
@ (at) Matches any single alphabetic character.
. (period) Matches any single non-alphanumeric character.
* (asterisk) Matches any character sequence, including an empty one. This
character can be used anywhere in the search pattern: at the beginning,
middle, or end.
? (question mark) Matches any single character.
~ (tilde) If it is the first character in the pattern, it matches anything except the
[...] Matches any one of the characters enclosed.
[~...] Matches any single character not enclosed.
- (hyphen) Used inside brackets to specify a range for a single character.
, (comma) Separates two patterns.
` (reverse quote) Escapes special characters (reads next character literally).

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 75

Equipment Console

Insulation Dialog Box

Specifies parameters for insulation.
The modifiable insulation material database is stored in [Product
Folder]\Equipment\System\InsulationMaterial.TXT file.
Apply insulation
Indicates whether insulation is applied to the component.
Specifies an alphanumeric description for the component. This description is visible even
when the component is collapsed in the grid.
Displays the Select Item dialog box, which lets you select the material from the list. For
more information, see Select Item Dialog Box (on page 75). The Select Item dialog box
uses the file specified by the MaterialFile configuration file variable. For more information,
see MaterialFile (on page 23).
Specifies the density of the insulation.
Specifies the component thickness.

Bolt Details Dialog Box

Enter the nominal bolt diameter.
Thread Series
Select the thread series identifier:
8-thread series, adapted from the TEMA Standard
Unified National Course threads, adapted from Mark's Handbook
▪ User Defined Root Area
Enables you to enter a custom root area in Root Area. You can obtain this
information from a standard engineering handbook.
▪ TEMA Metric
▪ BS 3643
▪ SABS 1700
Root Area
For nonstandard or metric bolts, enter the root cross-sectional area of the bolt. You must
use the User Defined Root Area option to enter the bolt root area.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 76

Equipment Console

Displays the Select Item dialog box, which lets you select the material from the list. For
more information, see Select Item Dialog Box (on page 75). The Select Item dialog box
uses the file specified by the MaterialFile configuration file variable. For more information,
see MaterialFile (on page 23).
Number of bolts
Enter the total number of bolts to be used on the baseplate. Bolts are assumed to be at the
edge of the baseplate along the short side.

Edge distance
Enter the distance from the edge of the baseplate to the centerline of the bolts.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 77


Provides tools for nozzles and bills of material.

2D Representation
CADWorx Plant I tab: 2D > 2D Representation
This ribbon option is only available in CADWorx Plant Professional.
Equipment menu: Accessory > 2D Representation (Utility > 2D Representation in
CADWorx Equipment)
Command line: 2DREP (EQUIP2DREP in CADWorx Equipment)
Creates a two-dimension representation from a three-dimensional model. This command
removes hidden lines and retains layer and color information. It can work in model or paper
space. In model space, the 2D representation creates as an unnamed block that does not show
up in the CAD platforms Insert command. When you use the command in model space, the
created block displays at the zero elevation of the selected object. If you do not see the 2D
block, then the CADWorx object is overlapping the block. To see the 2D block you must move
the CADWorx object. CADWorx does not create a block when you use the command in paper
An alternate command, 2DREPH (EQUIP2DREPH in CADWorx Equipment), is also available.
This command exports the hidden lines from solids to the 2D representation. All other features
of this command are similar to the 2DREP command.
Generates 2D representations of native CAD platform 3D solids.
Generates 2D representations of native CAD platform 3D solids and copies selected center
lines to the 2D representation.
Generates 2D representations of native CAD platform 3D solids and copies selected CAD
platform 3D Polyline, Arc, Circle, Ellipse, Leader, Line, Polyline, Spline, and Helix to the 2D
Copies selected center lines to the 2D representation.
Copies selected center lines to the 2D representation and copies selected CAD platform 3D
Polyline, Arc, Circle, Ellipse, Leader, Line, Polyline, Spline and Helix to the 2D

▪ This command only processes native CAD platform solid and line entities that are typically
created by CADWorx. This command does not process any custom solid or line entities that
are created by other add-on CAD applications.
▪ If you are using AutoCAD 2015, you must have AutoCAD 2015 Service Pack 1 or higher for
the 2DREP command to function correctly.

What do you want to do?

▪ Create a 2D representation (on page 79)
▪ Create a 2D representation with hidden lines (on page 79)

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 78


Create a 2D representation
1. Type 2DREP (EQUIP2DREP in CADWorx Equipment).
2. Select the objects to include in the 2D representation.
3. Select the filter option that meets your needs.
If you are in paper space, the software asks if you want the viewports to be turned off.
4. Type Yes to turn off the viewports, or type No to leave the viewports on.
This option is useful when there are changes made to the model and the 2D
representation needs to be updated. You can turn on the viewport again using the CAD
platform Properties dialog box, and then run the command again.

Create a 2D representation with hidden lines

1. Type 2DREPH (EQUIP2DREPH in CADWorx Equipment).
2. Select the objects to include in the 2D representation.
3. Select the filter option that meets your needs. For more information, see 2D Representation
(on page 78).
If you are in paper space, the software asks if you want the viewports to be turned off.
4. Type Yes to turn off the viewports, or type No to leave the viewports on.
This option is useful when there are changes made to the model and the 2D
representation needs to be updated. You can turn on the viewport again using the CAD
platform Properties dialog box, and then run the command again.

Nozzle Schedule Setup

Equipment Menu: Utilities > Nozzle Schedule > Setup
Command line: NSCHSETUP
Displays the BOM Template dialog box so that you can customize the nozzle schedule to the
style or layout that best meets your needs.

What do you want to do?

▪ BOM Template (on page 80)
▪ Bill of Material Settings (on page 81)
▪ Bill of Material Template Creation and Modification (on page 82)
▪ BOM Transfer (on page 84)
▪ BOM Sort Order / Accumulation Dialog Box (on page 85)
▪ Change the BOM sorting and accumulation (on page 86)
▪ Add or remove properties from BOM (on page 86)

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 79


BOM Template
Allows you to create, modify, delete, transfer, or set the current Bill of Material (BOM) schedule
template. You can click Settings to define the bill of material settings.
Current BOM Template
Lists the BOM template currently in use. If you have not defined a template or have not set
one current, then this is blank.
BOM Template
Lists the created templates. You can select a template in this list and set it to the current
BOM used by Equipment, as well as modify, transfer, or delete a template from the list.
Sets the units for creating a BOM template. You can set Imperial for English/Inch units, or
Metric for Metric/Metric and Metric/Inch units.
Set Current
Sets the selected BOM Template to be used when running a bill of materials.
Displays the Create new BOM template dialog box allowing you to name the template, as
well as create a new template from a clone.
▪ New Template Name
Specifies the name of the bill of material template.
▪ Continue
Accepts the name of the bill of material template and displays the BOM Template
▪ Cloned from
Specifies a template to clone the information from.
Modifies a selected template using the BOM Template Creation dialog box.
Deletes the select template from the BOM Template list.
Imports and exports data from created templates. For more information, see BOM Transfer
(on page 84).
Displays the Settings dialog box where you can adjust the direction and spacing of the
schedule. You can also adjust the grid factor, the optimization, the radius factor, the spacing
factor, and the weight and area precision of the tags. For more information, see Bill of
Material Settings (on page 81).

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 80


Bill of Material Settings

Sets the settings that apply to a bill of material when you run Total, Single, or Cut

▪ Up
Places the bill of materials schedule in the upward direction with the column headings at
the bottom.

▪ Down
Places the bill of materials schedule in the downward direction with the column
headings at the top.
▪ Text Size
Specifies the size of the text in the bill of material schedule.
▪ Spacing
Controls the spacing on the bill of material schedule.
▪ Grid Factor
Controls the bill of material tag grid density on the drawing.
When you set Optimize to 2, you can set the Grid Factor to 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, or
▪ Optimize
Specifies the tagging algorithm used for the bill of material.
▪ 0
The tagging algorithm is off.
▪ 1
The algorithm is on, but does not stack any tags.
▪ 2
The algorithm is on.
▪ Radius Factor
Controls the radius of tag bubbles. Bubbles are sized using this factor multiplied by the
CAD platform setvar TEXTSIZE.
▪ Spacing Factor
Controls how far bill of materials bubbles are spaced from the model or components
within the drawing.
▪ Weight and Area Precision
Controls the number of decimal places that display on the Bill of Material for both
Weight and Area measurements.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 81


Bill of Material Template Creation and Modification

Defines or edits the Bill of Material (BOM) schedule template. The template is stored in the
configuration file listed at the top of the dialog.
Available Columns
Lists all the information that you can include in the BOM. These columns can be added to
any schedule template in any order using drag and drop.
▪ CADWorx Plant list
Lists the data you can display in a bill of material for CADWorx Plant components.
You can drag-and-drop the data you want to the Selected Columns list.
▪ CADWorx Structure list
Lists the data you can display in a bill of material for CADWorx Structure
components. You can drag-and-drop the data you want to the Selected Columns
▪ CADWorx HVAC list
Lists the data you can display in a bill of material for CADWorx HVAC components.
You can drag-and-drop the data you want to the Selected Columns list.
▪ CADWorx Equipment list
Lists the data you can display in a bill of material for CADWorx Equipment
components. You can drag-and-drop the data you want to the Selected Columns
▪ Nozzle Schedule list
Lists the data you can display in a bill of material for Nozzle Schedules. You can
drag-and-drop the data you want to the Selected Columns list.
Selected Columns
Shows all the columns that have been selected and their order of appearance in the
schedule from left (top of list box) to right (bottom of list box). Use Sort Order to set the
order by which these columns are sorted.
Report Filter
Allows you to select the filter options for the BOM template.
Lists the layers under the Filter Options.
Lists the component types under the Filter Options.
Lists the command line options under the Filter Options.
See Filter Options below for detail on each report filter.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 82


Column Option
Specifies the text alignment for the selected column.
Column title
Specifies the text heading for the selected column.
Column width
Specifies the width for the selected column.

Filter Options
Select a layer name to show the components on that layer in the BOM output. Clear the
Existing layer if it contains components that you do not want to show in the BOM output.
Any cleared layer name does not show components on that layer in the BOM output. Select
All to include all components based on all layers in the bill of material. Double-click to clear
the All check box and clear all layer options. Double-click a component in the model to
check the layer in the properties.
Plant Layers

_150 0 Bom Border CADWorx 1 CADWorx 2

CI CI_HVAC Clash Dim1 Dim2 Equip

Exist Graph HVAC PSC_Bom Supports System

Text TopWorks Viewl VolumeArea

Structure Layers

AISC Base Plate Beams Bom CI_Steel Columns

Concrete Decking Dim1 Dim2 Existing Footings

Graph Grating Grid Grid Lines Grout Gusset Plate


Handrail Horizontal Ladders Pier Slab Stairs


Structural System Text Vertical Wall

Plate Bracing

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 83


Component Type
Select a component type to show the components of that type in the BOM output. Clear
component types that you do not want to show in the BOM output.

Piping Steel/Structure Piping HVAC Concrete Pipe Support

Equipment Equipment

Additional Options
Select an additional option to show those selected additional options in the BOM output.
Clear additional options that you do not want to show in the BOM output.

Assembly Line Number

Sort Order
Controls the sort order and accumulation of steel components in the BOM. For more
information, see BOM Sort Order / Accumulation Dialog Box (on page 85).

BOM Transfer
Export tab
Exports all BOM templates to an XML file.
Select file path
Specifies the file path of the exported BOM template and exports the template upon saving
to that selected location. Click the ellipsis to export the BOM template.
Import tab
Imports BOM template XML files.
Select file path
Specifies the file path of BOM template to import. Click the ellipsis to select a BOM template
for import.
Imports the BOM template file.
Full Import
Imports all BOM templates and settings from the BOM template file. If you do not want to
import all BOM Templates and settings, then you can clear this option, and then clear the
Settings and any of the listed templates that you do not want to import.
▪ Settings
Imports the settings of the exported BOM template.
▪ List of templates
Imports any BOM template listed.
Overwrite existing items
Overwrites existing BOM templates of the same name with that templates content data.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 84


BOM Sort Order / Accumulation Dialog Box

Controls the sort order of the BOM. Columns that you place in the BOM Columns Selected list
are used to sort the BOM starting with the top column, then the second column, and so forth.
Use Move Up and Move Down to change the order in which the BOM is sorted.
This dialog box also controls the accumulation of structural components. For example, if two
members have different Short Annotation values and you do not want these to accumulate,
Short Annotation would have to be added to the BOM Columns Selected list.
BOM Columns Available
Lists all the information on a member that you can use to sort the BOM. These columns can
be used to sort using Add.
▪ CADWorx Plant list
Lists the data you can sort in a BOM for CADWorx Plant components. You can drag
and drop the option you want to the Selected Columns list.
▪ CADWorx Structure list
Lists the data you can sort in a BOM for CADWorx Structure components. You can
drag and drop the option you want to the Selected Columns list.
▪ CADWorx HVAC list
Lists the data you can sort in a BOM for CADWorx HVAC components. You can
drag and drop the option you want to the Selected Columns list.
▪ CADWorx Equipment list
Lists the data you can sort in a BOM for CADWorx Equipment components. You
can drag and drop the option you want to the Selected Columns list.
▪ Nozzle Schedule list
Lists the data you can sort in a BOM for Nozzle Schedules. You can drag and drop
the option you want to the Selected Columns list.
Add and Remove
Moves selected columns between the BOM Columns Available and BOM Columns
Selected lists. You can also move a column to the other list by drag-and-drop.
BOM Columns Selected
Shows all the columns that have been selected for sorting and their sort order. Click a
column, and then drag-and-drop it to adjust the order.
Ascending and Descending
Defines the sort order in the BOM. Select a column in the BOM Columns Selected list, and
then click Ascending to sort from small numbers to larger numbers (1 to 100) and from
A to Z.. Click Descending to sort from large numbers to smaller numbers (100 to 1) and
Z to A.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 85


Change the BOM sorting and accumulation

1. Click Setup on the Bill of Material panel.
You can also type BOMSETUP in the command line.
The Bill of Material Template dialog box displays.
2. Create a new template or select a template and click Modify.
3. Click Sort Order.
The BOM Sort Order / Accumulation Control Setup dialog box displays.
4. Move the columns that you want to sort with to the BOM Columns Selected list.
5. Click and drag an item to specify which columns are sorted first in the BOM.
6. Select a column and use the Ascending and Descending options to control how
information in that column is sorted. Ascending means sorting from small numbers to larger
numbers (1 to 100) and from A to Z. Descending is large number to smaller (100 to 1) and Z
to A.
7. Click OK on the BOM Sort Order dialog box.
8. Click OK on the Bill of Material Template dialog box.

Add or remove properties from BOM

1. Click Setup on the Bill of Material panel.
You can also type BOMSETUP in the command line.
The BOM Template dialog box displays.
2. Click New.
If you have an existing BOM template, you can select it in the BOM Template list,
and then click Modify.
The Create new BOM Template dialog box displays.
3. Type a name for the BOM template and select a clone if you already have one created that
you want to clone from.
4. Click Continue.
5. To add a property to the BOM, drag-and-drop the property in the Columns Available list to
the Selected Columns list.
Use the Column title, Column width, and Alignment to define the column heading
text, the column width, and the column alignment respectively.
6. To remove a property from the BOM, drag-and-drop the property from the Selected
Columns list into the BOM Columns Selected list.
7. To move items up or down, select the item in the Selected Column list, and then drag it up
or down to place it above or below another listed item.
8. Select each Report Filter, and then select the Filter Options required for each one.
9. Click OK.
10. Click Close.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 86


Nozzle Schedule - Run

Equipment menu: Utilities > Nozzle Schedule > Total
Equipment menu: Utilities > Nozzle Schedule > Single
Command line: NSCHTOTAL
Command line: NSCHSINGLE
Generates the main nozzle schedule. The NSCHTOTAL option provides one tag for all nozzle
components with similar parametric parameters.
If no nozzle components are detected or selected, the generator stops.
Starts the tag counter from any positive non-zero integer. After the counter is set, the
command prompts you to pick Manual or Automatic placement of tags.
Manual placement
Inserts tags manually. The software prompts you for the location of the tag and displays a
rubber band line attached to the component extending to the tag location. The process
continues until the last component’s tag has been placed.
Automatic placement
Inserts tags automatically. In model space, the software places the tag in the direction (tag
to component) provided at the prompt. In paper space, the placement angle prompt does
not display. If you are in paper space, the nozzle schedule generator switches to the last
model view for component selection.

What do you want to do?

▪ Place a nozzle schedule automatically (on page 87)
▪ Place a nozzle schedule manually (on page 88)
▪ Start a nozzle schedule at a specific counter (on page 88)

Place a nozzle schedule automatically

Select objects.
2. Select the nozzle.
Enter tag option [Counter/Manual placement/Automatic placement].
3. Type Automatic placement.
Enter tag placement angle <45>.
4. Type the placement angle for the tag, or press Enter to place the tag at 45 degrees.
Select upper right corner of BOM heading.
5. Click in the model to indicate the location of the upper right corner of the bill of materials

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 87


Place a nozzle schedule manually

Select objects.
2. Select the nozzle.
Enter tag option [Counter/Manual placement/Automatic placement].
3. Type Manual placement.
Select upper right corner of BOM heading.
4. Click in the model to indicate the location of the upper right corner of the bill of materials
Pick tag location or [Skip].
5. Click in the model to indicate the location of the tag.

Start a nozzle schedule at a specific counter

Select objects.
2. Select the nozzle.
Enter tag option [Counter/Manual placement/Automatic placement].
3. Type Counter.
Enter tag starting counter <1>.
4. Type the starting number for the counter, or press Enter to accept the default.
Placement of tags [Manual/Automatic].
5. Follow the prompts for manual or automatic placement of the schedule.

Tag Location
CADWorx Equipment tab: Bill of Material panel > Tag > Location
Equipment menu: Equipment > Bill of Material > Tag > Location
Command line: TAGRELOCATE
Relocates a tag. This command is useful when tags are placed on top of each other. Optionally,
this command deletes the connector line from the item mark to the component. This is useful
when multiple items are required for one location, such as gaskets and bolts associated with a
Tags and the associated leader lines are grouped. This makes them easier to
manipulate. You can use the CAD platform Group command to un-group the items and
manually rearrange them.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 88


Relocate a bill of materials tag

Select tag entity to relocate.
2. Select a tag on the drawing.
Select new location.
3. Select a new point for the tag.
Delete connector line [Yes/No] <No>.
4. Type Yes to delete the connector or type No to leave the connector.

Insert Tag
Equipment menu: Utilities > Nozzle Schedule > Tag > Insert
Command line: TAGINSERT (EQUIPTAGINSERT in CADWorx Equipment)
Places tags on the drawing without having to run the main Bill of Material generator. The tag is
scaled according to the present text size.

Insert a bill of materials tag

Enter tag number.
2. Type an alphanumeric value for the tag number.
Select component for tagging.
3. Select the component to tag.

Clash Management
CADWorx Structure tab: Tools panel > Clash Management

CADWorx Plant I tab: Palettes panel > Clash Management

CADWorx Equipment Menu> Utilities > Clash Management
Command line: CLASHMGMT
Runs interactive clash detection on 3D solids in the current drawing and any attached XREF
drawings. You can also add soft clashes to locations of your model for items that could
potentially clash with other parts of the model, or for areas that need to remain clear of
obstructions, such as where a level on a valve needs free movement.
Clash On
Turns clashing on in the 3D model.
Clash Off
Turns clashing off in the 3D model.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 89


Show Clashes
Displays the clash, which is represented by a sphere, in the model.

Clash Settings
Displays the Clash Settings dialog box. For more information, see Clash Settings Dialog
Box (on page 92).

Soft Clash Volumes

Places a box around a soft clash. Depending on your requirements, define the box around any
clash that you consider a soft clash. A soft clash is not a solid object; it is a volume of space that
you reserve for operations or installation. After placing a soft clash you can use 3D solid editing
tools to manipulate the soft clash size, and location. CADWorx places soft clash volumes on the
VolumeArea layer with the Plot option for printing turned off by default. To turn on plotting of
soft clash volumes, type LAYER, and then find VolumeArea in the layer list. Click the Plot icon
to turn on printing.
Show Clash Volumes
Displays the soft clash volumes that you add to the 3D model. You can clear this option to
turn off the display of soft clash volumes in the model.

Refreshes the soft clash list.
Deletes a soft clash volume from the list.

Zoom to Volume
Zooms to the soft clash volume in the model space.

Displays the New area volume definition dialog box, where you define a soft volume. For
more information, see New Area Volume Definition Dialog Box (on page 94).
Displays the soft volume clash type. You define the type in the Soft Volume Definition
dialog box.
Displays the name of the soft volume clash. You can define the name in the Soft Volume
Definition dialog box.
Specifies the parent component associated with the soft clash.

Clash Manager
Updates the clash list with the current clashes in the model.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 90


Zoom to Volume
Zooms to the clash in the model space.

Export to Excel
Saves clashes in a text file or Excel spreadsheet.
Expand Report
Opens the Clash Manager in a larger dialog box for better quality viewing.

Displays the Clash Note dialog box, which shows the two clashing components, and allows
you to write a note detailing information on the clash. Click Note , and then add a note as
required. Move your mouse over the note icon to see the note information which displays as
a tooltip. For more information, see Clash Note Dialog Box (on page 95).
Specifies the status of the clash. Select New, Approved, or Resolved.
Specifies the clash level. Structure assigns levels based on the following information:
▪ Level 1
Specifies that a solid clashes with another solid.
▪ Level 2
Specifies that a soft clash volume clashes with a solid.
▪ Level 3
Specifies soft clash volume clashes with another soft clash volume.
Filters the information in the Level list. For more information, see Filter (on page 95).
Component 1
Displays the CADWorx data for the first object in a clash.
Component 2
Displays the CADWorx data for the second object in a clash.
Turns the clash sphere on and off.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 91


Clash Settings Dialog Box

Controls parameter settings on clashes.
Start up
Indicates whether clash detection runs on drawing start up.
▪ On
Clash detection is always on for every drawing.
▪ Off
Clash detection is off for every drawing.
On clash detection
Indicates what happens when a clash is detected.
▪ Show Palette
The software displays the Clash View palette every time a clash is detected.
▪ Show Tray Notification
The software notifies you through the tray bubble notification that a clash has
Ignore Coupling internal clashes
Disregards internal connections on coupling components. When you select this option, the
software ignores the internal components of coupling connections that touch other internal
Synchronize layers from XREFs
Indicates whether the system checks for clash layer data inside externally reference
drawings and updates the master drawing clash layer data to match. If a layer in an XREF is
excluded from clash detection, the XREF layer is also excluded in the master drawing.
Synchronize clashes from XREFs
Indicates whether the software checks for clash data inside external reference drawings and
updates the master drawing data for that clash. Only New clashes in the master drawing
which are from an XREF drawing have the status updated to match the status that is saved
in the XREF drawing.
Ignore insulation clashes
The system ignores all clashes generated from components created with the CADWorx
Insulation View palette.
Ignore soft clashes
The system ignores all soft clashes generated with the Soft Clash Volumes tab.
Connectivity tolerance
Specifies the tolerance for checking component connectivity. If two components are
connected, a clash is not reported, even if the actual solids intersect.
Clash zoom factor
Specifies the zoom factor used during clash.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 92


Level 1
Specifies the color for level one. Click the color square to change the color. The default color
is red.
Level 2
Specifies the color for level two. Click the color square to change the color. The default color
is orange.
Level 3
Specifies the color for level three. Click the color square to change the color. The default
color is yellow.
Displays the available layers. Select the check box next to the layer name to include that
layer in clash detection.
Selects or clears all of the layers in the list.

Color Table: Status

Specifies the color of the clash entity in the 3D model.

New Custom Section

Creates a new status for selection when changing the status of a clash. You can see these
in the Status list.
Deletes a status option from the color table list.
Specifies the status of the clash, such as New, Approved, and Resolved.
Specifies the color of the status.

Color Table: Soft Clash Type

Specifies the colors for the soft volume clash boxes that you can place in the Clash Detection
palette. For more information, see Clash Management (on page 89).

New Custom Section

Creates a new soft clash volume type for selection when creating a soft clash. You can see
these in the Type list in the New Area Volume Definition Dialog Box (on page 94).
Deletes a status option from the color table list.
Specifies the type of soft clash, such as Usability and Installation.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 93


Specifies the color of the soft clash.
Specifies the layer for the soft clash. The default layer is Volume Area.

▪ Save and Close saves the current settings to the configuration file. The current
configuration file displays at the bottom of the Clash Settings dialog box.
▪ In CADWorx Plant when you select the Clash Settings check box in Miscellaneous CFG
Content in the CADWorx Plant Setup, the settings save to the Plant configuration file. You
can turn this setting off in Plant, but you cannot adjust this setting in Structure.

New Area Volume Definition Dialog Box

Specifies the type of soft volume to place in the 3D model.
▪ Installation
Places an installation soft volume definition.
▪ Usability
Places a usability soft volume definition.
Displays the description of the soft clash volume in the Name column of the Soft Clash
Volumes list. Soft clash volume descriptions must be unique.
Place By
Provides options for placing the soft clash volume.
▪ Input the Length / Width / Height
Inserts the soft clash by the entered length, width, and height.
▪ Selecting CADWorx Object
Inserts the soft clash around a CADWorx object. This option allows you to specify a
clearance for the soft clash.
▪ Selecting 3D solid
Inserts the soft clash around a 3D solid CAD object.
▪ Selecting Area and Path
Inserts the soft clash around an area.
Prompts you for the parent object of the soft clash. This happens automatically when you
use Select 3D Solid. If you associate the soft clash volume with a parent object, then the
soft clash volume moves with the selected parent object when you move, rotate, delete, or
interact with that parent object.
Clearance (Applies to Usability and Select CADWorx Object only)
Specifies the clearance of the usability volume. The default value is 3".

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 94


Clash Note Dialog Box

Allows you to enter detailed information about a clash.
Component 1
The first component in the clash.
Component 2
The second component in the clash.
User-defined information on the clash.

Displays options for filtering the clash list.
Select All
Select this option to search all files contained in the data when running search filter.
▪ Show rows with value that:
▪ Logic Condition Operator 1
Select a condition for the filter.
▪ Search box
Type the information you want to find in the Search box.
▪ Match Case
Matches the case of a letter and finds it in the data based on the information you
type in the Search box.
▪ Logic Condition Operator 2
Select a second condition for the filter.
▪ Search box
Type the information for the software to find.
▪ Match Case
Matches the case of a letter and finds it in the data based on the information you
type in the Search box.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 95


Create a Usability Soft Volume Definition

1. Click Clash Detection on the Tools panel.
2. Expand Soft Clash Volumes.

3. Click Definition .
The New area volume definition dialog box displays.
For more information, see New Area Volume Definition Dialog Box (on page 94).
4. Select Usability from the Type list.
5. Type the Description.
6. Select a Place By option.
If you choose Selecting CADWorx Object, the software requires the Clearance.
7. Select whether to Associate the soft clash with a parent object.
8. Click OK.
9. Follow the on-screen prompts to define the soft clash area.
The software places the usability soft clash volume.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 96


Create an Installation Soft Volume Definition

1. Click Clash Detection on the Tools panel.
2. Expand Soft Clash Volumes.

3. Click Definition .
The New area volume definition dialog box displays.
For more information, see New Area Volume Definition Dialog Box (on page 94).
4. Select Installation from the Type list.
5. Type the Description.
6. Select a Place By option.
If you choose Selecting CADWorx Object, the software requires the Clearance.
7. Select whether to Associate the soft clash with a parent object.
8. Click OK.
9. Follow the on-screen prompts to define the soft clash area.
The software places the installation soft clash volume.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 97


Provides access to the user coordinate system commands.
Command line: VIEWFLAT (EQUIPVIEWFLAT in CADWorx Equipment)

Command line: VIEWNORTH (EQUIPVIEWNORTH in CADWorx Equipment)

Command line: VIEWSOUTH (EQUIPVIEWSOUTH in CADWorx Equipment)

Command line: VIEWEAST (EQUIPVIEWEAST in CADWorx Equipment)

Command line: VIEWWEST (EQUIPVIEWWEST in CADWorx Equipment)

Command line: UCSNEXT. For more information, see UCS Next (on page 100).

Command line: UCS. For more information, see UCS Object (on page 100).

Command line: COMPASS. For more information, see Compass (on page 100).

CAD platforms allow you to manipulate the X, Y, Z coordinate system UCS (user coordinate
system). You must be familiar with the Point and Shoot system of manipulating the UCS.
The UCSICON option needs to be On (visible) and set to Origin. This lets you see exactly
where the icon is at all times. Although it isn’t necessary, it is highly recommended that it be
somewhere on the centerline of the components you are drawing. This keeps everything in the
same plane. If you must turn into another plane, use the UCS NEXT command, or choose the
appropriate plane (North, South, East, West, or Flat) and place the icon on the centerline of the
new plane.
If you cannot see the rubber band effect, or if it doesn’t appear correctly, you are out of plane.
Pay attention to the icon as it shows where you are. If the broken pencil icon appears, and there
are strange lines on the screen instead of pipe and components, your current plane is
perpendicular to the viewpoint. Use the Undo command, or change the viewpoint.
When dimensioning or annotating an isometric or 3D model, place the UCS icon on a node or a
centerline on the run you are working on. The text has the same orientation as the icon.
Rotates the UCS 180 degrees along the X-axis. When you view a model from the bottom
side using a view point with a negative angle from the X-Y plane, text and dimension
placement is upside down and backwards. This option rotates the X-axis of the UCS to
remedy this. Text and dimensions are then placed in the proper orientation for viewing and
plotting. If you change from a negative to positive angle from the X-Y view point, you must
replace the text for the proper orientation.
Rotates the UCS 180 degrees along the Z-axis. When viewing a model from the back side
using a view point with a 0 to 180 degree angle in the X-Y plane from the X axis, text and
dimension placement is upside down and backwards. This option rotates the Z-axis of the
UCS to remedy this. Text and dimensions are then placed in the proper orientation for
viewing and plotting. If you change to a rear view position (180 - 360 degree angle in the X-
Y plane from the X-axis), you must replace the text for the proper orientation.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 98


Sets the elevation to the present UCS. This command does not set the depth in a North,
South, East, or West plane. Setting an elevation of 10' (when the present elevation is 0')
raises the UCS to 10' regardless of the position.
Rotates the present UCS around the X-, Y-, and Z-axes. For example, rotating the UCS to
45 degrees after inserting a 45 degree elbow allows you to place other components in line
with the 45 degree elbow.
Specifies an exact X, Y, Z-coordinate in relation to the WCS (world coordinate system).
Clips the view at the present plane set by the UCS. This plane can be established with the
Point and Shoot UCS options or any three-point UCS position. The plane can be skewed at
any angle.
Turns on view clipping with clipping distances as set by the Back and Front options.
Turns off view clipping.
Sets the distance to the back of the clipping area. This value must be a negative number. If
this value is positive, it can clip past the front clipping area and leave nothing in the view.
Sets the distance to the front of the clipping area. This value must be a positive number. If
this value is negative, it can clip past the back clipping area and leave nothing in the view.
The CLip option is also available as the command VIEWCLIP.
Pick point
Moves the 0,0,0 user base to a point you select. Press Enter to keep the UCS at the same
origin but switch to a new plane. For example, press Enter to change from the north plate to
a west plane.
You must enter other UCS positions with the CAD platform's UCS command. Two extremely
useful options in this command are the OBject and 3 Point. Leave the UCSICON on and set to
origin when using any method of rearranging the UCS.
If you select a point close to the screens edge, and the UCS icon is on and set to
origin, the icon may not remain at this point. CAD requires that the whole icon be visible and
places the icon in the lower left corner of the screen. If this happens, zoom out a little or pan
toward the new UCS position.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 99


UCS Next
UCS toolbar: Next
Equipment menu: UCS > UCS Next
Command line: UCSNEXT
Toggles through each of the Point and Shoot UCS positions.

UCS Object
UCS toolbar: UCS Object
Equipment menu: UCS > UCS Object
Command line: UCS
Orients the UCS according to an object that you select. Please refer to the CAD platform
documentation on the UCS (User Coordinate System) for more detail.
This command is useful for rearranging dimensions in the model space (MSPACE) of a
CADWorx isometric model. Run this command, and then select the dimension. The software
places the UCS according to the position of the dimension allowing it to be stretched and

Orient the UCS to an object

1. Type UCS.
Enter an option [New/Move/orthoGraphic/Prev/Restore/Save/Del/Apply/?/World] <World>.
2. Type OB.
Select object to align UCS.
3. Select an object or a dimension.
The software aligns the UCS to that object.

UCS toolbar: Compass
Command line: COMPASS
Displays a compass-type symbol that indicates the Point and Shoot orientation. The symbol
displays at the point you select.

As the display's orientation changes, the symbol changes accordingly.

The aliases VF, VN, VS, VE, and VW are also available.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 100


Display the user coordinate system compass

1. Type COMPASS.
Origin point <0,0,0>.
2. Select the point to display the compass symbol.
Enter an option [Flat/North/South/East/West].
3. Specify the orientation for the compass symbol.

Zoom Lock
Equipment menu: Utility > Zoom Lock
Settings toolbar:
Locks the CAD platform ZOOM command to allow zooming in paper space only. This means
that while you are in paper space with the MSPACE command activated (the cursors are in the
Mview), you can zoom without resizing the model space viewport. Instead, this command
intercepts the ZOOM command and changes to paper space before zooming. When you are
finished zooming, the command returns the cursor and environment back to the Mview.
This command simplifies working on CADWorx isometrics.

What do you want to do?

▪ Turn on the zoom lock (on page 101)
▪ Turn off the zoom lock (on page 101)

Turn on the zoom lock

Paperspace zoom lock toggled on.

Turn off the zoom lock

Paperspace zoom lock toggled off.

View Box
Command line: EQUIPVIEWBOX
Displays the View Creation dialog box. This dialog box creates clipped views by defining a 3D
box. This command is useful in creating layout drawings in paper space.
View Creation Dialog Box
View set name
Specifies the overall set name for the views. Each view created is named based on this

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 101


First corner point

Specify On-screen
Select a point in the model as the first corner point of the view box. Selecting a point in the
model automatically fills in values for the X, Y, and Z boxes.
Specifies the X-axis value for the view box.
Specifies the Y-axis value for the view box.
Specifies the Z-axis value for the view box. The Z-axis value must be different for the first
and second corner points.

Second corner point

Specify On-screen
Select a point in the model as the second corner point of the view box. Selecting a point in
the model automatically fills in values for the X, Y, and Z boxes.
Specifies the X-axis value for the view box.
Specifies the Y-axis value for the view box.
Specifies the Z-axis value for the view box. The Z-axis value must be different for the first
and second corner points.

View Type
Indicates the orientation of the view.
Specifies the view name. The default name is a combination of the View set name value
and the View Type. After you create the view set, the views display in the CAD platform
View dialog box.
Indicates whether the view is included in the set. Select the checkbox to include the view.
Clear the checkbox to exclude the view.
Select All
Selects all of the check boxes in the Available column.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 102


Delete All
Deletes all of the CAD platform views that were previously created with this view set, and
closes the dialog box.
Set Current
Sets the CAD platform window to the selected view.
Isolate Box
Hides all the CAD platform entities outside the view box. Entities that cross the boundaries
of the view box are not hidden.
Show All
Shows all of the entities in the drawing.

View Edit
Edits the box created with the VIEWBOX command. Double-clicking an existing view box runs
this command. For more information, see View Box (on page 101).

Center of Gravity Generator

Command line: EQUIPCG
Provides center-of-gravity calculations for equipment components. These components include
user-defined equipment and the overall equipment model. This command also provides options
to generate a center-of-gravity report in *.TXT or *.HTML format. You can place a marker at the
calculated overall center-of-gravity location.
The weight for each component is calculated based on the density of the selected
material. Therefore, make sure that you have selected a material for each component. It is
recommended to run this command based on a hollow model. For more information, see
Placement Tab (Equipment Console) (on page 29).
To combine center-of-gravity reports from steel and piping components, take the weight
summations and add together each moment (ft-lb) X, Y, Z. To find the new X centroid location,
divide the total X moment by the total weight. To find the new Y and Z centroid location, divide
the Y or Z moment by the total weight.

What do you want to do?

▪ Create a center-of-gravity report (on page 104)
▪ View a center-of-gravity report (on page 104)
▪ Add center-of-gravity markers to the drawing (on page 105)

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 103


Create a center-of-gravity report

1. Type EQUIPCG.
Select objects.
2. Select the objects to include in the report.
Save report [Yes/No].
3. Type Yes.
The Select CG Output File dialog box displays.
4. Specify the name, location, and file type for the report.
5. Click Save.

View a center-of-gravity report

1. Type EQUIPCG.
Select objects.
2. Select the objects to include in the report.
Save report [Yes/No].
3. Type Yes.
The Select CG Output File dialog box displays.
4. Specify the name, location, and file type for the report.
5. Click Save.
View file [Yes/No].
6. Type Yes.
The report displays in the command window.

Typical Center-of-Gravity Report

Component type: Skirt Description:
Weight = 1768.95 lb X = 0.00 ft Y = 0.00 ft Z = 1.54 ft

Component type: Elliptical head Description:

Weight = 419.54 lb X = 0.00 ft Y = -0.00 ft Z = 4.22 ft

Component type: Nozzle Description:

Weight = 129.43 lb X = 0.00 ft Y = -0.00 ft Z = 2.75 ft

Component type: Cylinder Description:

Weight = 963.53 lb X = 0.00 ft Y = 0.00 ft Z = 7.67 ft

Component type: Cylinder Description:

Weight = 963.53 lb X = 0.00 ft Y = 0.00 ft Z = 12.67 ft

Component type: Platform Description:

Weight = 1713.50 lb X = 0.76 ft Y = 2.36 ft Z = 14.65 ft

Component type: Cone Description:

Weight = 823.50 lb X = 0.00 ft Y = 0.00 ft Z = 17.52 ft

Component type: Cylinder Description:

Weight = 683.47 lb X = -0.00 ft Y = 0.00 ft Z = 22.67 ft

Component type: Elliptical head Description:

Weight = 217.86 lb X = -0.00 ft Y = 0.00 ft Z = 25.86 ft

Component type: Nozzle Description:

Weight = 19.78 lb X = 0.00 ft Y = -0.00 ft Z = 26.81 ft

Weight Summation = 7703.09 lb

Summation (X * Weight) = 1305.94 ft-lb
Summation (Y * Weight) = 4048.55 ft-lb
Summation (Z * Weight) = 85627.38 ft-lb

Center of Gravity X = 0.17 ft Y = 0.53 ft Z = 11.12 ft

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 104


Add center-of-gravity markers to the drawing

1. Type EQUIPCG.
Select objects.
2. Select the objects to include in the report.
Save report [Yes/No].
3. Type Yes to create the report or No to skip the report generation.
If you generated a report, the software prompts you to View file [Yes/No].
4. Type Yes to view the file or No to skip the file viewing.
Insert drawing marker [Yes/No].
5. Type Yes.
The software places the CG marker point (cg.DWG) at the calculated center of gravity

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 105


Provides answers to frequently asked questions.

Creating a Base Profile

To create a base profile, you can copy the AutoCAD icon, BricsCAD icon, or Equipment icon,
and specify a profile. This profile is based on the default CAD profile.
1. Make a copy of the Equipment shortcut on the desktop.
2. Right-click the shortcut and select Properties.
The Properties dialog box appears.
3. On the Shortcut tab, replace the value after /P in Target with the new profile name. For
"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD - English\acad.exe" /P UserBase
You can use any name that is not used on the Profile tab of the Options dialog
box (Tools > Options) in the CAD platform. Use quotes around the profile name if it
contains spaces.
4. Click OK.
5. Double-click the shortcut to start the software.
The CAD platform creates a new profile based on the software defaults.

Running CADWorx Equipment or Structure with

CADWorx Plant
You can run CADWorx Plant and the standalone versions of CADWorx Equipment and
CADWorx Structure simultaneously within the same CAD platform session. You run the
programs simultaneously when your model contains equipment that was created in Equipment,
or a structure that was created in Structure and you need to modify the equipment or structure in
the Plant drawing session.

Load Structure and Equipment in Plant in AutoCAD

1. In Equipment, click Tools > Options.
The Options dialog box displays.
2. On the Files tab, expand Support File Search Path.
3. Click Add, and then browse to the CADWorx Equipment support folder or CADWorx
Structure support folder. Click OK.
To load Structure, click Add, and then browse to the Blocks folder, click OK.
Click Add again, and then browse to the Borders folder, click OK.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 106


4. Move the Structure path and the Equipment path below the Plant path as shown in the
following figure.
The Plant path must be listed first in the Support File Search Path.

5. Collapse Support File Search Path, and then expand Trusted Locations.
6. Click Add, and then browse to the CADWorx Equipment support folder or CADWorx
Structure support folder, and then click OK.
The Options dialog box displays the product paths on the Files tab, as shown in the
following figure.

7. Click OK on the Option dialog box, and then close the dialog box and exit CADWorx Plant.
8. Start Windows Explorer and browse to the CADWorx Plant support directory (for example,
C:\[CADWorx Version]\Plant\Support).
9. Locate the acad.rx file, and then open it in a text editor.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 107


10. Type CADWorxEquipment.arx and CADWorxStructure.arx below CADWorxPlant.arx.

▪ If CADWorxEquipment.arx or CADWorxStructure.arx is above CADWorxPlant.arx,

CADWorx Plant tool tips do not function.
▪ To use CADWorx Structure in CADWorx Plant, make sure they are both installed on the
same version of the selected CAD platform.
11. Start CADWorx Plant.
CADWorx Equipment and Structure start simultaneously within Plant.
12. If the Equipment menu does not load, run the LOADMENUEQUIP command.

Load Structure and Equipment in Plant in BricsCAD

1. In Equipment, type Options on the command line.
The Settings dialog box displays.
2. Expand Files.
3. Click Support file search path, and then click the ellipsis.
4. Click Add , and then browse to the CADWorx Equipment Support or CADWorx Structure
Support folder.
To load Structure, click Add, and then browse to the Blocks folder, click OK.
Click Add again, and then browse to the Borders folder, click OK.
5. Move the Structure path and the Equipment path below the Plant path as shown in the
following image.
The Plant path must be listed first in the Folder List.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 108


6. Click OK on the Option dialog box, and then close the dialog box and exit CADWorx Plant.
7. Start Windows Explorer and browse to the CADWorx Plant support directory (for example,
C:\[CADWorx Version]\Plant\Support).
8. Locate the autoload.rx file, and open it using a text editor.
9. Type CADWorxEquipment.brx and CADWorxStructure.brx below CADWorxPlant.brx.

▪ If CADWorxEquipment.brx or CADWorxStructure.brx is above CADWorxPlant.brx,

CADWorx Plant tool tips do not function.
▪ To use CADWorx Structure in CADWorx Plant, make sure they are both installed on the
same version of the selected CAD platform.
10. Start CADWorx Plant.
CADWorx Equipment and Structure start simultaneously within Plant.
11. If the Equipment menu does not load, run the LOADMENUEQUIP command.

Xref Bind Restriction

In order to run the CAD platform Xref Bind option command on a drawing that contains
CADWorx data, CADWorx must be running.

Redo Limitations
The CAD platform REDO command is not available.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 109


All CADWorx Equipment Commands

This is a comprehensive list of all the commands available in CADWorx Equipment. These
commands are listed in alphabetical order.
Command Command Summary
--------- Body Flange - Creates a body flange. For more information, see
Body Flange (on page 35).
--------- Box - Creates a box. For more information, see Box (on page 39).
--------- Box - Creates a box. For more information, see Box (on page 39).
This component is not available for PVFabricator.
--- CADWORXEQUIPM Equipment Palette - Displays the Equipment console. For more
ENT information, see Equipment Console (on page 25).
--------- Cone - Creates a cone. For more information, see Cone (on page
--------- Coupling - Creates a coupling. For more information, see Coupling
(on page 69). This component is not available for PVFabricator.
--------- Cylinder - Creates a cylinder. For more information, see Cylinder
(on page 31).
--------- Elliptical Head - Creates an elliptical head. For more information,
see Elliptical Head (on page 31).
--- EQUIP2DREP 2D Representation - Creates a two-dimension representation from
a three-dimensional model. This command removes hidden lines
and retains layer and color information. It can work in model or
paper space. In model space, the 2D representation is created as a
block. For more information, see 2D Representation (on page 78).
--- EQUIP2DREPH 2D Representation Hidden - This command exports the hidden
lines from solids to the 2D representation. All other features of this
command are similar to the 2DREP command. For more
information, see 2D Representation (on page 78).
--- EQUIPCG Center of Gravity Generator - Provides center-of-gravity
calculations for equipment components. For more information, see
Center of Gravity Generator (on page 103).
EQUIPSETUP Setup - Specifies setup parameters for Equipment. For more
information, see Equipment Setup (on page 14).
--- EQUIPTAGINSERT Insert - Places tags on the drawing without having to run the main
Bill of Material generator. For more information, see Insert Tag (on
page 89).
--- EQUIPTAGRELOCA Location - Relocates a tag. For more information, see Tag
TE Location (on page 88).

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 110

All CADWorx Equipment Commands

EQUIPUCSNEXT Next - Toggles through each of the Point and Shoot UCS positions.
For more information, see UCS Next (on page 100).
--- EQUIPVIEWBOX View Box - Displays the View Creation dialog box. For more
information, see View Box (on page 101).
EQUIPVIEWEAST East - Allows you to manipulate the X, Y, Z coordinate system UCS
(user coordinate system). For more information, see UCS (on page
--- EQUIPVIEWEDIT View Edit - Edits the box created with the VIEWBOX command.
For more information, see View Edit (on page 103).
EQUIPVIEWFLAT Flat - Allows you to manipulate the X, Y, Z coordinate system UCS
(user coordinate system). For more information, see UCS (on page
EQUIPVIEWNORTH North - Allows you to manipulate the X, Y, Z coordinate system
UCS (user coordinate system). For more information, see UCS (on
page 98).
EQUIPVIEWSOUTH South - Allows you to manipulate the X, Y, Z coordinate system
UCS (user coordinate system). For more information, see UCS (on
page 98).
EQUIPVIEWWEST West - Allows you to manipulate the X, Y, Z coordinate system
UCS (user coordinate system). For more information, see UCS (on
page 98).
EQUIPZOOMLOCK Zoom Lock - Locks the ZOOM command to allow zooming in
paper space only. For more information, see Zoom Lock (on page
--------- Help - Displays the Equipment User's Guide help file.
--------- Impeller - Creates an impeller. For more information, see Impeller
(on page 68). This component is not available for PVFabricator.
--------- Legs - Adds legs to a parent component. For more information, see
Legs (on page 65).
--------- Lugs - Adds lugs to a parent component. For more information, see
Lugs (on page 64).
--------- Motor - Creates a motor. For more information, see Motor (on page
69). This component is not available for PVFabricator.
--------- Nozzle - Adds a nozzle to a parent component. For more
information, see Nozzle (on page 42).
--- NSCHSETUP Setup - Displays the Nozzle Schedule Setup dialog box so that
you can customize the nozzle schedule to the style or layout that
best meets your needs. For more information, see Nozzle Schedule
Setup Dialog Box (see "Nozzle Schedule Setup" on page 79).
--- NSCHSINGLE Single - Generates the main nozzle schedule. For more
information, see Nozzle Schedule - Run (on page 87).

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 111

All CADWorx Equipment Commands

--- NSCHTOTAL Total - Provides one tag for all nozzle components with similar
parametric parameters. For more information, see Nozzle Schedule
- Run (on page 87).
--------- Platform - Adds a platform to a parent component. For more
information, see Platform (on page 61).

--------- Pump Base - Creates a pump base. For more information, see
Pump Base (on page 71). This component is not available for
--------- Pump Nozzle - Creates a pump nozzle. For more information, see
Pump Nozzle (on page 72). This component is not available for
--------- Saddle - Adds a saddle to a parent component. For more
information, see Saddle (on page 62).

--------- Shaft - Creates a shaft. For more information, see Shaft (on page
68). This component is not available for PVFabricator.

--------- Skirt - Creates a skirt. For more information, see Skirt (on page

--------- Spherical Head - Creates a spherical head. For more information,

see Spherical Head (on page 33).

--------- Stiffening Ring - Adds a stiffening ring to a parent component. For

more information, see Stiffening Ring (on page 40).

--------- Torispherical Head - Creates a torispherical head. For more

information, see Torispherical Head (on page 32).

UCS UCS Object - Orients the UCS according to an object that you
select. For more information, see UCS Object (on page 100).

--- --------- User Shape - Adds a user-created shape to a parent component.

For more information, see User Shape (on page 66)

--------- Welded Flat Head - Creates a welded flat head. For more
information, see Welded Flat Head (on page 35).

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 112


Update History

Items added and updated with CADWorx Equipment 2017

Software Enhancement
▪ You can specify Applicable Gaskets and Applicable Bolts on nozzles. The software then
adds the selected gaskets and bolts between the nozzle and the flanges when you connect
components to the nozzle in CADWorx Plant. For more information, see Nozzle (on page
42), Assign gaskets and bolts to equipment nozzles (on page 51), and Insert piping
components on equipment containing selection codes (on page 58).

Items added and updated with CADWorx Equipment 2016

Software Enhancement
▪ You can specify the folder for your equipment data files on a network or non-network
location. For more information, see EquipmentLibraryDirectory (on page 22).
▪ You can manage specific configuration file variables through the CADWorx Equipment
Setup dialog box. Local user preferences control any settings that the configuration file does
not contain. For more information, see Configuration File Dialog Box (on page 19). You can
also see Configuration File Control Overview, and Configuration Settings in the CADWorx
Plant Users Guide for more information on managing the configuration file.

Items added and updated with CADWorx Equipment 2014

Software Enhancement
▪ You can now input details for the bolts on a saddle. For more information, see the topics
Saddle and Bolt Details Dialog Box in the Equipment Console.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 113

abstract part
A part that is only defined by a partial specification and that cannot be materially provided by the
organization that defines the specification.
A device used to operate a valve using electric, pneumatic, or hydraulic pressure.
AISC (American Institute of Steel Construction)
An organization responsible for defining American steel construction standards.
American Iron and Steel Institute
anchor bolts
Bolts used to connect structural members to concrete footings.
The circular measurement taken from the intersection of two pipes at a turn or branch.
arc element
A structural member of constant radius used to model curved elements.
arrangement (accommodation)
Those components of a system arranged in three-dimensional space with accurate dimensional
representation for installation. Various types include electrical, HVAC, machinery, outfitting, and
arrangement (HVAC)
Components and ductwork of a ventilation system arranged in three-dimensional space with
accurate dimensional representation.
arrangement (outfitting)
Outfitting structure arranged in three-dimensional space with accurate dimensional
Unit composed of a collection of parts or other assemblies. Assembly creation consumes the
individual part names and provides the unit a unique identification in the fabrication process.
A single type of non-graphics information that is stored about an object such as diameter or end

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 114


An imaginary line used to define the orientation of a system or object normally defined in terms
of an x-, y-, and z-axis. Some 3-D graphic objects have an associated axis used to define the
center or axis for rotations.
A steel rod used to reinforce concrete.
basic design
Engineering definition of the model and its systems.
The distance between two trusses.
BCSA (British Constructional Steelwork Association)
An organization responsible for defining British steel construction standards.
A structural member type typically placed with the member axis in a nominal horizontal
bearing plate
A steel plate used to distribute a load over a larger area. Usually used at the base of a column.
A vertical framework usually consisting of a truss or beam supported at the ends on columns.
bill of material (BOM)
Hierarchical decomposition of a product into constituent assemblies and parts. Specific types of
BOMs exist (for example, an EBOM is a bill of material from the point of view of an engineering
department; an MBOM is a bill of material from the point of view of manufacturing).
A diagonal member used to stiffen a framework.
A reinforcing connection piece placed at member intersections.
A beam, girder, or truss that overhangs one or both supports.
Repository of information about components and materials used in construction. When you use
catalog parts in the model, the software places an occurrence of the catalog part in the project.
This occurrence is a copy of the actual catalog part.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 115


change history
Process of recording information such as who, when, and why for any given modification.
change management
Software features or manual procedures for managing the consequence of change. For
example, software can support a change management feature to report drawings that need
updating as a result of a change in a 3-D model.
change propagation
Ability of the software to intelligently modify dependent design information to reflect change in a
higher order object.
A structural shape referring to a three-sided member type with each of the sides joined at a right
The principal member of a truss. Can be on either the top or bottom of the truss.
circular tube
A structural shape referring to a hollow cylindrical member type or pipe.
CISC (Canadian Institute of Steel Construction)
An organization responsible for defining Canadian steel construction standards.
Grouping of individual objects that share some very significant, common characteristics.
clip angle
A small angle-shaped piece of steel used for fastening members together.
A set of acceptable values for a particular property that can be referred to by an index number or
selected in a combo box. For example, the codelist for the material specification allows you to
select from a set of standard entries, such as ASTM A183-F316 Stainless Steel.
A vertical structural member usually attached to a footing and extending to the roof of a building.
commodity code
A user-defined code that provides an index to parts in a catalog.
commodity item
A standard component found in a manufacturer catalog (an off-the-shelf component).
Physical part that a feature generates.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 116


concurrent access
Ability of the software to allow multiple users to simultaneously access and modify the design of
a model.
The location of a point along the X-, Y-, or Z-axis.
coordinate system
A geometric relation used to denote the location of points in the model. The most common
coordinate system is the rectangular coordinate system, whereby points are located by
traversing the X-, Y-, and Z-axes of the model. Normally, coordinate systems have their origin
defined as 0,0,0.
To cut out the top or bottom flanges and possibly the web so that one member frames into
cross section
The shape of a member when viewed along the member line.
An axial offset that typically represents the distance from a member centerline to its face.
Cutbacks are used to account for the difference between how a structure is modeled and
constructed in terms of lengths of members and quantities of materials.
cutting plane
A plane that cuts through an object.
damage records
Data relating to the damage and repair of structure or components that occurred during or after
construction of a model.
data interchange
Capability to output the design, or portions of the design, in a standard format for use or
movement to another computer software system.
Repository for the product model data. The database contains information to describe individual
objects in the data model and the relationships between objects as appropriate.
database backup
Process of recording a backup copy of the complete database or the incremental changes after
the date that the last complete copy was created.
database break and recovery
Utilities used to restore a database after files are corrupted.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 117


database copy
Functionality to copy large collections of model objects from one design project to another
design project.
database management
Functionality related to managing a product model database.
The highest polynomial factor in the curve or surface mathematical definition. A line is a degree
1 curve, while a cubic B-spline is a degree 3 curve.
degree of freedom
An allowable direction of movement, either translation or rotation. There are six possible
degrees of freedom (DOFs): translation X, Y, and Z, and rotation RX, RY, and RZ.
design alternative
Difference in a design represented by a separate version. A design alternative can be a new
design prepared as a proposed change, or one of several elective options that the builder or
customer selects. Each design alternative has an identification assigned so you can uniquely
refer to the design alternatives.
design approval log
Record of review and approval of parts of the design.
design documents
Drawings, sketches, material lists, procedures, and so forth that are generated during the design
design object
Any object with properties that you can select. A design object can be related to one or more
contracts of different types, but related only to one contract of a given type.
design progress check
Analysis of the content of the design to some metric unit that gives an idea of the degree of
design review
Functionality to support rapid viewing of the design and markup of features with comments.
design service
Any general system services related to the design function.
design standard
Feature or object used in model design that has been determined to the normal or approved
way of accomplishing a design requirement. In the context of computer software, the term refers
to computer functionality to support standards, not the standard itself.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 118


detail schedule
Lowest level of schedule used to manage and track work progress.
A member used for stiffening and wind bracing.
distributed systems
Systems consisting of sequential parts with a distributive characteristic (for example, pipes
distribute fluids, HVAC distributes air, cabling distributes power, and structure distributes loads).
distribution systems
Term synonymous and used interchangeably with the term distributed systems.
Drawings and other records that you must produce to document, obtain approval, or build the
drawing tool
Tool that helps in the process of creating, modifying, or manipulating objects. Examples are
PinPoint and SmartSketch.
A tapered steel pin used to align bolt or rivet holes when assembling steel.
A term that describes an east coordinate location in a coordinate system.
A topological object that represents a trimmed curve bounded by a start and end vertex.
edge distance
The distance from the center of a bolt or rivet to the edge of a plate or flange.
Pieces that a foundation supports. Examples are engines, generators, pumps, fans, consoles,
large valves, large strainers, and winches. Usually, you can find these pieces on a machinery
arrangement plan. Equipment is most often associated with a system.
equipment catalog
Catalog of equipment geometry and limited properties that the software uses to identify and
visualize equipment and its placement in the model. The catalog is not the source for the total
specification and ordering data for the object.
erection clearance
The amount of space left between members to ease assembly.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 119


To cut, punch, and sub-assemble members in the shop.
A topological object that represents a trimmed surface bounded by a loop of edges.
face plate
An edge reinforcement type that places a plate or profile at the selected plate edge.
The overall length of a component from the inlet face to the outlet face.
Bolts and rivets used to connect structural members.
A logical collection of parts driven by the piping specification. There are four basic features:
straight, turn, branch, and inline component.
Primitive geometric shape such as a line, circle, or arc.
Boundary or barrier that separates or closes off an area. To surround or close like a fence.
field adjustment
Material added to the neat design geometry of piping or structural parts to allow for extra
material when it is required due to uncontrolled variance in the manufacturing and construction
The projecting portion of a beam, channel, or column.
A different variation of a symbol. Each variation has different occurrence property values.
A term used for describing bending behavior.
focus of rotation
A point or line about which an object or view turns.
An enlargement at the base of a column, or at the bottom of a wall, that distributes the load over
a greater portion of ground and thereby prevents settling.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 120


frame connection
A way of establishing connectivity between member parts to represent physical relationships
such as work point offsets, and logical relationships such as end releases. A placement
positioning mechanism to represent physical relationships between member systems that
establishes and maintains connectivity.
framing plan
A structural drawing plan view, drawn to scale, providing an overhead view of the structural
components of a building. Columns, beams, and girders, roof members, floor members, and wall
members all require separate framing plans.
full penetration weld
A type of weld in which the weld material extends through the complete thickness of the
components being joined.
function points
Part of the requirements documentation, function points are the smallest granularity of a
requirement statement that describe specific detailed actions that the software performs.
functional block diagram
Schematic representation of a system (piping, electrical, ventilation) showing system parts and
their relationship. You use symbols to represent equipment and components. A connecting
network of lines illustrates their relationship. Taken together, the symbols and the network
illustrate the function of the system.
Parts such as movable articles and fittings that normally are not associated with a system (for
example, a chair).
generic specific
Object that is parametrically defined or defined to suit a family of specific parts (for example,
International Standards parametrics). For example, a 100 - 200 gpm pump in the catalog can
provide a general shape to appear in the model until a specific object has been identified.
A horizontal support member similar to a beam. Some people maintain that girders span from
column to column, and beams span from girder to girder. Other people maintain that beams
span column to column and girders span from beam to beam.
A beam, usually bolted to columns, to support the side covering or to serve as a window lintel.
The material grade of the structural member.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 121


Acronym that stands for Globally Unique Identifiers. The software automatically creates the
GUIDs sheet in the Excel workbooks when you create the Catalog database and schema. The
purpose of storing GUIDs within Excel workbooks is to help you keep track of what has been
loaded into the database. Storing GUIDs also helps to avoid the situation in which a
replacement Catalog database causes existing models to become invalid.
gusset plate
A plate used to connect various members, such as in a truss.
hook element
An analytical element or boundary condition used to simulate one-way tension-only behavior. A
hook element is a backwards gap with the ability to resist tension only when the hook is closed.
It resists neither tension nor compression when it is open. Typical uses of hook elements in
modeling include structural bracing, cables, tension, bolts, and the separation of two connected
Acronym for heating, ventilation and cooling. This system is the distribution system design for
heating or cooling.
HVAC analysis
Analysis routines that address heating and cooling loads required for the compartments and that
size or evaluate ventilation ducts and blower requirements.
initial design
Early stage of design work, generally before contract, used to estimate construction costs and
provide a rough concept of the intended model. Contains information relating to a model created
during its initial (concept) design period.
initial structural plan
Principal structural plan for the model; also called a construction profile.
A term used to refer to those piping components that can be inserted in a pipe feature.
Occurrence of a catalog object at a specific geometric location in the model.
interference checking
A process that identifies possible collisions or insufficient clearance between objects in the
A structural shape referring to any member type in the form of an I.
job order
Industrial authorization for accomplishing work; synonymous with a work order.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 122


A horizontal structural members that support the floor or roof of a building.
kinematics analysis
Analysis of mechanical motion.
knee brace
A corner brace used to prevent angular movement.
leg length analysis
Preferred term is welding length analysis.

CADWorx 2008 to CADWorx 2012 components.
Resource of reference information that you can access in developing a model design.
life cycle database
Information developed to assist in the maintenance and modernization of delivered models.
Way to store information about another file in your document. You can update a link so that
changes in the file appear in your document.
A horizontal member used to carry a wall over an opening.
load (structure)
A force vector applied to a member.
logical member
An object in the model used to represent the design topology.
Major pieces of equipment installed in a model.
A sequence of actions or commands that can be named and stored. When you run the macro,
the software performs the actions or runs the commands. You can create the macros in Visual
Basic or other OLE-aware programming applications. Some of the other OLE-aware
programming applications are Visual Basic for Applications, Visual C++, and so forth.
maintenance envelope
A rectangular box around the part for clearance during maintenance operations.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 123


maintenance parts
Required material for depot or on-board repair or overhaul of equipment, as determined by
engineering study. Generally at a level below the purchased construction object of the model.
maintenance records
Records of breakdown, repair, and overhaul of equipment.
material analysis
Analysis of a completed design work for extracting detailed material requirements; also called
material lists.
material list
An option category that controls the format and content of the bill of materials.
material properties
Properties of the material useful in the analysis process.
member name
A user-definable alphanumeric code used to uniquely identify individual members in the model.
member part
A model object derived from the logical model that represents the manufactured physical
member parts.
member system
A logical collection of member parts that can be moved as a single entity.
move from point
Starting point for an action. For example, when you move an equipment object, the Move From
point determines the point of origin for the move.
move to point
Ending point for an action. For example, when you move an equipment object, the Move To
point determines where you want the move to stop.
natural surface
A surface without a boundary curve.
▪ One of the set of discrete points in a flow graph.
▪ A terminal of any branch of a network or a terminal common to two or more branches of a
▪ An end point of any branch or a network or graph, or a junction common to two or more

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 124


A term that describes a north coordinate location in a coordinate system.
A piping connection point to a piece of equipment.
nozzle standout
The shortest allowable distance between the connection point of a nozzle and the start point of a
turn on the leg connected to the nozzle.
NPD (Nominal Piping Diameter)
The diameter of a pipe.
A type of data other than the native graphic format of the application.
orientation vector
A vector used to define the local y-x plane of a physical member when combined with the local
x-axis defined by the start and end nodes.
In coordinate geometry, the point where the X-, Y-, and Z-axes intersect.
origin point
The point at which the coordinate system is placed, providing a full Cartesian coordinate system
with positive and negative quadrants. Points are placed at coordinates relative to the origin
point, represented by the X, Y, and Z values.
The characteristic of an element consisting completely of elements positioned at 90-degree
angles. A square is an orthogonal element.
A depiction of an object created by projecting its features onto a plane along lines perpendicular
to the plane.
orthotropic material
A material that has two material directions that are orthogonal to one another. An example of an
orthotropic material is wood.
Diagram that shows the topology, functional components, and special requirements of a piping
system; generally represents the engineering design of the system.
Set of closely related classes. (UML)

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 125


The space between adjacent floor supports, or purlins, in a roof.
A property whose value determines the characteristics or behavior of something.
part class
A group of similar objects. You can define part classes in the Excel workbooks. A part class can
have multiple parts. For example, a heat exchanger part class can contain heat exchangers with
different dimensions.
part number
Unique identifier of a part.
The physical components that comprise a feature and are generally selected by the software.
For example, the flanges, gaskets, and the gate valve itself are examples of the parts
comprising the gate valve feature.
PDS (Plant Design System)
A comprehensive, intelligent, computer-aided design and engineering application for the
process, power, and marine industries. PDS consists of integrated 2-D and 3-D modules that
correspond to engineering tasks in the design workflow.
physical member
A concept that helps to eliminate modeling errors by providing a straightforward method for
defining structure geometry by placing members in a model in much the same way that they
would be framed in the field. During analysis pre-processing, physical members are split into
finite elements (segments) while still maintaining the collective status of the physical member
during model revisions. The software assigns member releases at each end of the true physical
member, while preventing release assignments from being made to interior nodes of the finite
The ratio of rise to run for roofs. Pitch is also the center distance between bolts or rivets, parallel
to the axis of the member.
A flat, rectangular steel shape.
A connection point to a pipe or a component such as a valve.
post tensioning
A method of pre-stressing concrete, by stressing the steel strands after the concrete has been
poured and allowed to harden.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 126


precast concrete
Concrete members that are poured in forms at a plant or factory and allowed to harden. Two
types of precast products exist: pre-stressed products and reinforced products.
pre-stressed concrete
Concrete products that are stressed by passing high-strength steel strands through the form and
applying stress to the strands either before or after the concrete is poured.
Stressing the steel strands in a pre-stressed member before the concrete is poured into the
primary member
A main structural support member.
principle of superposition
The principle that states that the stresses, strains, and displacements due to different forces can
be combined. This principle is only valid for linear analysis.
product structure
Hierarchical breakdown or decomposition of a product into constituent parts, volumes, or units.
(For example, a bill of material is one possible type of product structure.)
production planning
Functionality associated with the work breakdown and sequence of the construction of a model.
Horizontal structural member extending between trusses, used as beams for supporting the
Beams or truss members that support the purlins.
A term for steel reinforcing bars that are used to reinforce concrete.
rectangular bar
A structural shape referring to a four-sided solid bar.
rectangular tube
A structural shape referring to a four-sided hollow member type.
reference data
The data that is necessary to design plants or ships using the software. Reference data includes
graphical information, such as symbols. It also contains tabular information, such as physical
dimensions and piping specifications.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 127


A parameter that affects the placement orientation of member cross sections. At your option, the
sections can be placed with their geometry reflected or mirrored about the local section y-axis.
reinforced concrete plan
A framing plan that identifies all beams and slabs by letter and number. The slab, beam, and
bend schedules give all details for preparation and placement (number, size, spacing, bending,
and location) of the reinforcing steel.
resource estimation
Rough estimate of material, manpower, and facility utilization for the design and construction of
the model.
retaining wall
A structural wall, either gravity or cantilever, used to hold back dirt or other materials.
1) A line connecting a series of points in space and constituting a proposed or traveled route. 2)
The set of links and junctions joined in series to establish a connection.
rule-based joint
A feature that enables you to offset the work point of two members that intersect at a node. The
rules vary depending on the structural type, member orientation, and construction practices.
Ruled joints are typically used when a connection detail calls for the physical member ends to
be noncoincident with the centerline of an intersection member.
sag ties
Tie rods between purlins in the plane of a roof, used to carry the component of the roof load
parallel to the roof. Tie rods are used to support girts.
SAISC (South African Institute of Steel Construction)
An organization responsible for defining South African steel construction standards.
A database that creates the structure of another database. For example, a schema specifies the
queries, tables, fields, and data types in a database.
secondary member
A member that is not a significant load-bearing member.
A structural member whose parameters are defined in a table.
section name
An alphanumeric code used to refer to a particular member in a table; for example W18X35.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 128


section orientation
The position of physical member cress section relative to the physical member local coordinate
section table
A library of standard structural shapes containing the necessary parametric properties of each
section size, such as depth, width, and inertias.
shear stiffness
A physical member property that indicates whether to include shear stiffness in the analytical
element stiffness matrix of a member.
shear walls
A wall designed to resist lateral loading from winds, underground disturbances, or blasts.
shell structure
External portion of the surface of the model.
The top level in the Project Management hierarchy. A Site configuration may contain several
Catalogs, each shared by multiple Models.
skewed member
A structural member that is not at right angles to its connecting members.
A flat concrete area usually reinforced with wire mesh and rebar.
A part that connects two pipes or two ducts, for example. A sleeve can be used to prevent water
from leaking through a hole.
A group of contiguous physical members that are not intersected by a brace- or column-type
physical member.
Contracted requirements for the model.
splice (structure)
To fasten together two physical members, usually columns end-to-end, to form a single
continuing length.
steel reinforced concrete
An association of concrete and steel where the concrete is there to stand the compression
forces and the steel the traction forces. The resulting structure can withstand traction and

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 129


An angle, plate, or channel fastened to a member to prevent buckling.
Forces acting on structural members due to various types of loads. These forces can be shear,
tension, compression, or torsion.
A longitudinal member used to support loads directly.
structure analysis
Analysis routines that provide stress and deflection data for structural designs. Loading
conditions can be both static and dynamic. Finite element analysis is the most common type of
structure analysis.
A compression member in a framework.
A bolt, threaded on both ends, used to connect components.
suspended floor
A concrete floor system built above and off the ground.
A conceptual design grouping that organizes parts in hierarchical relationships. A system
represents a functional view of the model and includes information such as system name, type,
properties, and design specifications for the objects assigned to the system.
tag number
User-specific, unique number assigned to an object (for example, CV-101 for a control valve,
HE-2002 for a heat exchanger).
target point
The origin for coordinate measurements displayed by PinPoint. You can position the target point
anywhere on the drawing sheet or view.
tilt-up walls
Concrete walls that are poured in forms on the ground and then tilted up into place by cranes or
A cross-sectional type that results in a tapered length of member and involves a gradual change
in section size. See also uniform.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 130


A rigid framed structure consisting of straight members joined to form a pattern of
interconnecting triangles for carrying loads.
A cross-section type that results in a uniform length of member and involves an abrupt change
in section size. See also transition.
unit/module modeler
Facility of the system to structure collections of equipment and components into a single
identifiable object.
user attributes
A customized property in the reference data. The Custom Interfaces sheets in the Excel
workbooks define these properties. You can list the customized properties on the individual part
class sheets.
A topological object that represents a point in the three-dimensional model.
The center section separating the flanges of an I-section, tee, or channel.
weight and CG analysis
Routines that compute the weight of commodity materials as configured in a given design (for
example, plate and pipe) and determine total weight and center of gravity (CG) for a collection of
material and equipment, as well as the complete model.
Weld requirements for joining materials. Welding length analysis is the calculation of required
weld dimensions; also called leg length analysis.
Software routine attached to an application that provides guidance and expert help to you to
complete one of the functionalities of the application.
work order
Plant authorization for completing work; synonymous with a job order.
working plane
The available 2-D plane of movement for endpoint selection.
Area that represents the portion of the model data needed to perform the intended task and
includes the user modeling settings.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 131


Workspace Explorer
Tree or list representation of objects in your workspace.
Cross section; a graphically placed cross section representing the member section size.
yield strength
The stress beyond which a material sustains permanent deformation.

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 132

Body Flange • 39
2 Bolt Details Dialog Box • 84
2D Representation • 86 BOM Sort Order / Accumulation Dialog Box
• 93
A BOM Template • 88
BOM Transfer • 93
About Equipment • 21
BomScheduleDirection • 25
abstract part • 126
BomTagRadiusFactor • 25
actuator • 126
BomTagSpacingFactor • 25
Add a layer • 17
Box • 43, 78
Add a nozzle to an existing nozzle • 31
brace • 127
Add a user shape to the model • 31
Add center-of-gravity markers to the
drawing • 115 C
Add or remove properties from BOM • 95 cans • 127
AISC (American Institute of Steel cantilever • 127
Construction) • 126 catalog • 127
AISI • 126 Center of Gravity Generator • 113
All CADWorx Equipment Commands • 121 change history • 128
AlphaSizeControl • 24 change management • 128
anchor bolts • 126 change propagation • 128
angle • 126 Change the BOM sorting and accumulation
arc element • 126 • 94
arrangement (accommodation) • 126 Change the color of a layer • 18
arrangement (HVAC) • 126 Change the line type of a layer • 18
arrangement (outfitting) • 126 channel • 128
assembly • 126 chord • 128
Assign gaskets and bolts to equipment circular tube • 128
nozzles • 56 CISC (Canadian Institute of Steel
Assign gaskets and bolts to flange weld Construction) • 128
neck in the catalog • 53 Clash Management • 98
Assign gaskets and bolts to the flange in Clash Note Dialog Box • 104
the project • 55 Clash Settings Dialog Box • 101
attribute • 126 class • 128
axis • 127 clip angle • 128
codelist • 128
B column • 128
commodity code • 128
bar • 127
commodity item • 128
basic design • 127
Compass • 110
bay • 127
component • 128
BCSA (British Constructional Steelwork
Components Tab (Equipment Console) • 34
Association) • 127
concurrent access • 129
beam • 127
Cone • 38
bearing plate • 127
Configuration File Dialog Box • 21
bent • 127
Conventions • 8
bill of material (BOM) • 127
coordinate • 129
Bill of Material Settings • 89
coordinate system • 129
Bill of Material Template Creation and
cope • 129
Modification • 90

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 133


Coupling • 76 equipment • 131

Create a 2D representation • 87 equipment catalog • 131
Create a 2D representation with hidden Equipment Console • 29
lines • 87 Equipment Motor Table File • 77
Create a center-of-gravity report • 113 Equipment Setup • 16
Create a Usability Soft Volume Definition • EquipmentLibraryDirectory • 25
105 EquipmentToolTipSetting • 26
Create an Installation Soft Volume erection clearance • 131
Definition • 106 Export the model to PVElite • 33
Creating a Base Profile • 116
cross section • 129 F
cutback • 129
cutting plane • 129 fabricate • 132
Cylinder • 35 face • 132
face plate • 132
face-to-face • 132
D FAQ • 116
damage records • 129 fasteners • 132
data interchange • 129 feature • 132
database • 129 fence • 132
database backup • 129 field adjustment • 132
database break and recovery • 129 Filter • 104
database copy • 130 flange • 132
database management • 130 flavor • 132
degree • 130 flexure • 132
degree of freedom • 130 focus of rotation • 132
Delete a layer • 17 footing • 132
design alternative • 130 frame connection • 133
design approval log • 130 framing plan • 133
design documents • 130 full penetration weld • 133
design object • 130 function points • 133
design progress check • 130 functional block diagram • 133
design review • 130 furnishings • 133
design service • 130
design standard • 130 G
detail schedule • 131
diagonals • 131 generic specific • 133
Display the user coordinate system girder • 133
compass • 110 girt • 133
distributed systems • 131 grade • 133
distribution systems • 131 GUIDs • 133
documentation • 131 gusset plate • 134
Drawing Prototype • 24
drawing tool • 131 H
driftpin • 131 hook element • 134
HVAC • 134
E HVAC analysis • 134
easting • 131
edge • 131 I
edge distance • 131 Impeller • 75
Edit a configuration variable • 18 Import a model from PVElite • 32
Elliptical Head • 35 initial design • 134

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 134


initial structural plan • 134 N

inline • 134
Insert a bill of materials tag • 98 natural surface • 136
New Area Volume Definition Dialog Box •
Insert piping components on equipment
containing selection codes • 63 103
node • 136
Insert Tag • 98
instantiation • 134 northing • 136
Insulation Dialog Box • 84 nozzle • 136
interference checking • 134 Nozzle • 46
Nozzle Schedule - Run • 95
Introduction • 14
Nozzle Schedule Setup • 88
I-Section • 134
nozzle standout • 137
NPD (Nominal Piping Diameter) • 137
job order • 134 O
joist • 134
object • 137
Orient the UCS to an object • 110
K orientation vector • 137
kinematics analysis • 135 origin • 137
knee brace • 135 origin point • 137
orthogonal • 137
L orthographic • 137
orthotropic material • 137
LanguageFile • 26
Layer Control Dialog Box • 19
leg length analysis • 135 P
Legacy • 135 P&ID • 137
Legs • 73 package • 137
library • 135 panel • 137
life cycle database • 135 parameter • 137
link • 135 part class • 138
lintel • 135 part number • 138
load (structure) • 135 parts • 138
logical member • 135 PDS (Plant Design System) • 138
Lugs • 71 physical member • 138
Pitch • 138
M Place a nozzle schedule automatically • 96
Place a nozzle schedule manually • 97
machinery • 135 Placement Tab (Equipment Console) • 33
macro • 135 plate • 138
maintenance envelope • 135 Platform • 68
maintenance parts • 135 PlatformHandRailFile • 27
maintenance records • 136 PlatformLadderFile • 27
material analysis • 136 port • 138
material list • 136 post tensioning • 138
material properties • 136 precast concrete • 138
MaterialFile • 26 Preface • 7
member name • 136 pre-stressed concrete • 138
member part • 136 pretensioning • 139
member system • 136 primary member • 139
Motor • 77 principle of superposition • 139
move from point • 136 product structure • 139
move to point • 136 production planning • 139

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 135


Pump Base • 79 sleeve • 141

Pump Nozzle • 80 span • 141
purlin • 139 specifications • 141
Spherical Head • 37
R splice (structure) • 141
Start a nozzle schedule at a specific
rafters • 139 counter • 97
rebar • 139 Startup Defaults • 23
rectangular bar • 139 Startup Variables • 23
rectangular tube • 139 steel reinforced concrete • 141
Redo Limitations • 120 SteelLibraryDirectory • 28
reference data • 139 stiffener • 141
ReferenceLine • 27 Stiffening Ring • 44
reflect • 139 stress • 141
reinforced concrete plan • 139 stringer • 142
Relocate a bill of materials tag • 98 structure analysis • 142
Rename a layer • 17 strut • 142
resource estimation • 140 stud • 142
Restore a configuration file • 19 Support Directory • 23
retaining wall • 140 suspended floor • 142
route • 140 system • 142
rule-based joint • 140
Running CADWorx Equipment or Structure
with CADWorx Plant • 116 T
Tag Location • 97
S tag number • 142
target point • 142
Saddle • 70 Technical Support • 9
sag ties • 140 tilt-up walls • 142
SAISC (South African Institute of Steel Torispherical Head • 36
Construction) • 140 transition • 142
Save a configuration file to a new name • 19 truss • 142
SaveLastProfileUsed • 27 Turn off the zoom lock • 111
schema • 140 Turn on the zoom lock • 111
secondary member • 140
section • 140
section name • 140 U
section orientation • 140 UCS • 107
section table • 140 UCS Next • 109
Select Item Dialog Box • 83 UCS Object • 109
Select Steel Member Dialog Box • 45 uniform • 142
Set selection code defaults • 52 unit/module modeler • 143
Set selection codes on gasket and bolt Update History • 125
components in the project • 53 UpgradedLayersSection • 28
Setup Profile • 14 Use a nozzle as a base component for
Shaft • 76 other components • 32
shear stiffness • 141 user attributes • 143
shear walls • 141 User Shape • 74
shell structure • 141 UserShapeDirectory • 28
site • 141 Utilities • 86
skewed member • 141
Skirt • 42 V
slab • 141
vertex • 143

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 136


View a center-of-gravity report • 114

View Box • 111
View Edit • 113

web • 143
weight and CG analysis • 143
Welded Flat Head • 39
welding • 143
What's New in Equipment • 13
wizard • 143
work order • 143
working plane • 143
workspace • 143
Workspace Explorer • 143

Xref Bind Restriction • 120
X-section • 143

yield strength • 143

Zoom Lock • 110

CADWorx Equipment User's Guide 137

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