Soal Bahasa Inggris SMA

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Ulangan Harian III (Genap)

Kelas X Non-SKS Bahasa Inggris 2017

Nama : Muthiah Azizah Ijsam

Kelas : X Mipa 1

Nis : 2016018

1. Write one recount text which is based on the following instruction!

a. On the last week, you’re having an art show/presentation. Based on that show, write your
recount story as well as your individual feeling/experience!

The art showed is an event that is held annually by the new in SMA Negeri 2
Tinggimoncong. The showed features a variety of arts ranging from dancing, sang, painted, and even
danced. Not only displayed traditional art on the showed also featured modern art like acapella and
many others. In this performanced, not only the 1st class that participated but also the 2nd class
siblings who participated in this event. This event was held by class 1 and assisted by the 2nd class.
Recently the 20th art show was held by the 21st generation for the 19th generation of Azura
Smudama. The event was held yesterday on April 14, 2017.

At the art show yesterday, the event started from the speech of the head of the
foundation, principal, chairman of OSIS, and the head of force Intreasa Smudama. Furthermore, the
event opened with the band force Intresa. Azura's brother is very enthusiastic with the various
events that were displayed at the 20th art show yesterday. The event was then continued with a
welcome Dance and accompanied by a play of literature. Subsequently the event continued by mass
dance, dance ngarojeng, dance korea, dance drama, and various other events that remain
accompanied by a continuous literature drama. The event was then ended by a poem for Azura and
Ankusi's sister who sang a song for Azura's brother. Then the hospitality between 3 generations of
Intresa, Arthur, and Azura.

Alhamdulillah, this event went well. The event which is held annually this yesterday went
well. This event is not a farewell to the three generations, but as a tribute and a gift for the elder
brother of Azura. The event yesterday successfully make proud as well as touched by all the hard
work of Intresa and brother Arthur.

b. Explain your story generic structure!

Long time ago, there was a couple in Barangay Masagana (Pampanga today) who wanted a
daughter. Their wish was granted and the wife gave birth to a baby girl. They called her Maria. Maria
was very beautiful but very shy that she wouldn't go out from their house.

Weeks later, Spaniards came to their town. The Spaniards were very cruel that they get everything
they wanted. They rob houses and kill everyone who gets in their way and who refuses to give what
they wanted.
The couple was very frightened to lose their daughter so, they hid Maria in the bushes so the
Spaniards couldn't find her.

After the Spaniards left their town, the couple tried to look for Maria but they couldn't find her even
in the bushes where they hid her, instead they found a little plant that is very sensitive that when
you touch it, it would immediately close.

So they thought it was their daughter, Maria. They called the plant "Makahiya" that means "touch
me not," like their daughter who was very shy.
By Zinnia Marniel Bendayon

Orientation : Long time ago, there was a couple in Barangay Masagana (Pampanga today)
who wanted a daughter. Their wish was granted and the wife gave birth to a baby girl. They
called her Maria. Maria was very beautiful but very shy that she wouldn't go out from their
Because in this paragraph there are where (Barangay Masagana), when (Long time ago), and
the beginning of events in the past
Events : Weeks later, Spaniards came to their town. The Spaniards were very cruel that they
get everything they wanted. They rob houses and kill everyone who gets in their way and
who refuses to give what they wanted.

The couple was very frightened to lose their daughter so, they hid Maria in the bushes so
the Spaniards couldn't find her.

After the Spaniards left their town, the couple tried to look for Maria but they couldn't find
her even in the bushes where they hid her, instead they found a little plant that is very
sensitive that when you touch it, it would immediately close.
Because in this paragraph it tells the background or identity of the perpetrator (Spaniards),
and the author begins to tell the story sequence in chronological order
Reorientation : So they thought it was their daughter, Maria. They called the plant
"Makahiya" that means "touch me not," like their daughter who was very shy.
Because in this paragraph there is the end of the story
2. Based on the narrative legend above, anwer the following questions:
1. What does the text talk about?
The above text tells the origin of the Makahiya plant, which is where the story originated from a
couple who desperately wanted a girl until she finally had a daughter. Then a couple of weeks
walk the spanish come to their city, the couple then hide Maria. When the spanytol man had
returned, the couple searched for Maria but all she got was a shy Makahiya plant like Maria
2. Who were Spaniards?
The Spaniards are very cruel people, they get everything they want. They rob the house and kill
all those who stand in their way and who refuse to give what they want.
3. Who is/are the main character of the story?
Mary is the main character of the text because she is the source of the story
Maria's parents are trigonists (figures who solve problems) and at the same time as a
complementary figure.
The Spanish people are antagonists as well as complementary figures.
4. In what sentence is the story as its climax?
The couple was very frightened to lose their daughter so, they hid Maria in the bushes so the
Spaniards couldn't find her.

After the Spaniards left their town, the couple tried to look for Maria but they couldn't find her
even in the bushes where they hid her, instead they found a little plant that is very sensitive that
when you touch it, it would immediately close.
5. How did the ‘Makahiya’ get her name?
Because they thought it was their daughter, Maria. They called the plant "Makahiya" that means
"touch me not," like their daughter who was very shy.
3. Understanding the song below:
by Mariah Carey
If you look inside your heart
You don't have to be afraid
Of what you are
There's an answer
If you reach into your soul
And the sorrow that you know
Will melt away
And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you
And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you
When you face the world alone
No one reaches out a hand
For you to hold
You can find love
If you search within yourself
And the emptiness you felt
Will disappear
And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you
The Lord knows
It's a long road
Dreams are hard to follow
But don't let anyone
Tear them away
Hold on
There will be tomorrow
In time
You'll find the way
And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you
4. What does the song tell you about? Simplify your answer!
Stop feeling inferior. Do not think you're worse than the others. Because it will only drown your
potential. Everyone has a unique potential, including you. Find and develop it. Use it to help others.
So you will see the figure of "hero" in the mirror you see. Not only "hero" for yourself, but also for
5. What does the song theme?
Motivation to stop feeling inferior
6. find out at least three phrases or sentences in the song which have the connotative meaning and
then explain what do the phrases or sentences exactly meaning?
1. There's a hero, If you look inside your heart
During this time, maybe we focus more often on the weakness we have. Excessively assessing
the advantages of others. Actually each person is unique, has greatness in their field
2. You do not have to be afraid of what you are, There's an answer If you reach into your soul
If you feel isolated among the great people around you, do not be afraid to be yourself. If
everyone has their own prowess, then you must have. Look for your identity and be a great
person ala yourself.
3. It's a long road When you face the world alone, No one reaches out a hand For you to hold.
You can find love If you search within yourself, And the emptiness you felt Will disappear
In the search for identity does take a long time. Even when you feel yourself and no one is
helping you, keep looking for who you are until you finally find the grace (excess) that God has
given you. Then you will find a meaningfulness
4. Lord knows Dreams are hard to follow, But do not let anyoneTear them away. Hold on !!
There will be tomorrow, In time You'll find the way
It is very difficult indeed to dream of achieving. Many obstacles to be faced. But do not let
anything and anyone shake your dreams. Hold on. There is still tomorrow to improve today. And
in time you will get what you dream of
5. And you cast your fears aside, And you know you can survive. So when you feel like hope is
gone, Look inside you and be strong. And you'll finally see the truth, That a hero lies in you
Throw away all your fears, make sure you can survive. When the expectation is gone, remember
the goal yourself, be assured that you have "something" that will make you reach your dream
and you will be more resilient. Until finally you know there is a "hero" figure in you

Catatan: Tulisan berwarna biru merupakan jawaban dan tulisan berwarna hitam merupakan

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