Learning Environment Written Report

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Reporter: Joana Marie Pamittan

Discussion focuses on:

 What does Learning Environment consist of?

 When is Learning Environment facilitative?

What is Learning Environment?

“To heredity, the Child owes his possibilities. However, to environment, he owes
the realization of these possibilities.”

 The Learning Environment can refer to an educational approach, cultural
context, or physical setting in which teaching and learning occur.

 The Learning Environment consists of the physical environment as well as

the psychological Climate.

Physical Environment
* the physical condition of the classroom.
Charts and Bulletin

* Furniture Arrangement
* Seating Arrangement

* Lighting and Ventilation

Everyone Should have an Opportunity to learn in a positive
environment, to enjoy the Learning Process, and feel comfortable and
content within it.
Barry Saide

Psychological Climate
* Safety

* Relationship

* Teaching and Learning

Learners who feel secure and relatively free from worry

and anxiety feel comfortable and protected are more
willing to take risk, enter new situation with confidence
and are better in focusing their energy on the task at the
Facilitative learning environment
* Which Encourages people to be active.

* Which promotes and facilitates the individual’s discovery of the personal

meaning of idea.

* Which emphasizes the uniquely personal and subjective nature of learning.

* In which difference is good and desirable.

* Which consistently recognizes people’s right to make mistakes.

* Which tolerates ambiguity.

* In which evaluation is a cooperative process with emphasis on self-evaluation.

* Which encourages openness of self rather than concealment of self.

* In which people are encouraged to trust in themselves as well as in external


* In which people feel they are respected.

* In which people feel they are accepted.

* Which permits confrontation.

* Provides conductive learning environment necessary in the full development of

the cognitive and appetitive faculties of the learner.

A great classroom environment comes from the heart, not

from the wallet. It’s built on love, laugher, and feeling that
everyone belongs.

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