Training Topics: Day 0 (Monday)

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Training Topics

Day 0 (Monday) :

➢ Introduction to Workshop.
➢ Introduction to Programming languages.

Day 1 (Tuesday) :

➢ About Computer Languages.

• What are the common computer languages used in daily life ?
• Merits and demerits of every computer language.
• Purpose of using different languages in different platforms.
➢ Syntax and basic operators (C Language).
• Basic syntax of C language including header file, main function, parenthesis, etc.
• All basic operators and pre-defined charectors like +, -, *, /, %, >, <, >=, <=, ==, =,
||, &&, ^, ! and many more.
➢ Identifiers, Variables, Keywords.
• Defination of Identifier, variables, keywords.
• Difference between Identifiers, Variables and Keywords.

➢ We discuss three important questions on the above topics.

➢ Assignment-1.

Day 2 & 3 (Wed & Thus) :

➢ Introduction to loops and types of loop.

• For loop.
• While loop.
• Do-while loop.
➢ Using different types of loop.
• Merit and demerit of loops.
• Use different loops for the same question.

➢ We discuss three important questions on the above topics.

➢ Assigment-2.
Day 4 (Friday) :

➢ Conditional Statements.
• If-else Statement.
• ? : Statement.
➢ Branch Statements.
• Swich-case Statement.
• Go-to Statement.

➢ We discuss three important questions on the above topics.

➢ Assigment-3.

Day 5 & 6 (Sat & Sun) :

➢ Introduction to Function.
• What is function ?
• Why we use function ?
• Basic questions.
➢ Introduction to Pointer.
• What is pointer (brief introduction) ?
• What is the use of pointers ?
• Basic questions.
➢ Different type of calling Functions.
• Call by Reference.
• Call by value.
➢ Types of user defined function.
• Function with no argument and no return value.
• Function with no argument and return value.
• Function with argument and no return value.
• Function with argument and return value.

➢ We discuss three important questions on the above topics.

➢ Assigment-4.
➢ QUIZ-01 (15 marks)

Day 7 & 8 (Mon & Tue) :

➢ Structure.
• Introduction of structure.
• Size of structure.
• Use of structure.
• Importance of structure.
• Merit and demerit of structure.
➢ We discuss three important questions on the above topics.
➢ Assigment-5.
Day 9 & 10 (Wed & Thus) :

➢ Introduction to Data Structure.

• Types of data structure.
➢ Introduction to array.
• 1-D array.
• Basic questions.
• 2-D array.
• Basic questions.
➢ We discuss three important questions on the above topics.
➢ Assigment-6.

Day 11 & 12 (Fri & Sat) :

➢ File Handling.
• Creation of a new file (fopen with attributes as “a” or “a+” or “w” or “w++”).
• Opening an existing file (fopen).
• Reading from file (fscanf or fgetc).
• Writing to a file (fprintf or fputs).
• Moving to a specific location in a file (fseek, rewind).
• Closing a file (fclose).
➢ We discuss three important questions on the above topics.
➢ Assigment-8.
➢ QUIZ-02 (35 marks).

Day 13 (Sunday) :

➢ Expert talk on computer application in IT sectors.

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