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Stress Force
F =
kx Modulus of elasticity Stress =
Strain Area

change in dimension
Strain = Degree of Deformation =
orginal dimension
Measured in Pa (unit of Pressure) 1 Pa = 1 N/m 2
D 2
Area = π r 2 = π ( ) **** You NEED THIS FOR 2 problems
F•L Stress Force
=Y = Maximum Stress =
A • ∆L Strain Minimum Area
Shear Stress A F •h F•L
S = = =Y = A
Shear Strain ∆x A • ∆x ∆L A • ∆L

1. A spring is stretched 0.115 m when a 2.0 N weight is hung from it. What is the modulus for the spring?
Data Equation Math Answer

x = 0.115 m
k=F÷x K = 2.0 ÷ 0.115 17.4 N/m
F = 2.0 N

2. A spring is hanging empty at 83.4 cm. When 4 N are attached, it reaches to 54.5 cm. What is the modulus for
the spring?
Data Equation Math Answer

hi =0.834 m x = |0.545 – 0.834| = 0.289

k=F÷x 13.8 N/m
F=4N k = 4 ÷ 0.289
x= |hf – hi|
hf = 0.545m
3. What is the force needed to stretch a spring, with a k = 13 N/m a total of 0.16 m?
Data Equation Math Answer

k = 13 N/m
F = kx F = 13 (0.16) 2.08 N
x = 0.16 m

4. A spring has a k = 28 hangs at 85.4 cm above the tabletop. How high above the table will the bottom of the
spring be if 6.5 N are applied to the spring?
Data Equation Math Answer

k = 28 hf = |hi - x| x = 6.5 ÷ 28 = 0.232

0.622 m
hi = 0.854 m x=F÷k hf = 0.854 – 0.232

F = 6.5 N

5. The bottom of a spring with a k = 24.5 N/m is 0.125 m above a tabletop when 12.5 N are attached. If the weight
is removed, how far above the tabletop will the spring hang?
Data Equation Math Answer

k = 24.5 N/m hi = hf + x x = 12.5 ÷ 24.5 = 0.510

0.635 m
hf = 0.125 m x=F÷k hf = 0.125 + 0.510

F = 12.5 N

6. A 250 g mass is hung from a spring that stretches from 93.4 cm to 62.2 cm. What is the k for the spring?
Data Equation Math Answer

m = 0.250 kg k = F÷ x x = 0.622 – 0.934 = 0.312

7.86 N/m
hi = 0.934 m x = |hf - hi| F = 0.250 (9.81) = 2.45 N

hf = 0.622 m F = mg k = 2.45/0.312

7. A spring with a k = 15.3 N/m hangs 3.5 cm above a tabletop when a 400 g mass is hung from it. If the mass
were removed, how far above the tabletop will be the bottom of the spring?
Data Equation Math Answer

k = 15.3 N/m hi = hf + x F = 0.4 (9.81) = 3.92 N

0.291 m
hf = 0.035 m x=F÷k x = 3.92/15.3 = 0.256 m
Or 29.1 cm
m = 0.400 kg F = mg hi = 0.035 + 0.256
8. The heels on a pair of women’s shoes have a radius of .5 cm at the bottom. If 30% of the weight of a woman
480N is supported by each heel, find the stress on each heel.
Data Equation Math Answer

F= = 480(0.30) = Stress = F/A A = (3.14) (0.005)2 = 7.85 x 10-5

144 N
r = 0.005 m A = πr2 Stress = 144/7.85 x 10-5 1.83 x 106 N/m2

9. Find the diameter of an 18 m (L) long steel wire that will stretch no more than 0.009 m(∆L) when a load (stress)
of 3800 N is hung on the end of the wire. The Young’s Modulus for steel wire is 200 x 109 N/m2.
Data Equation Math Answer
𝐴= = 3.8 𝑥 10−5
L = 18 m D = 2r (200 x 109 )(0.009)

ΔL = 0.009 m
F = 3800 N 3.8 𝑥 10−5 6.96x10-3 m
𝐴 𝑟=� = 3.48x 10-3
Y = 200 x 109 N/m2 3.14

𝐹𝐿 D = 2(3.48x 10-3)

10. For safety in climbing mountaineers use a nylon rope that is 50 m long (L) and 0.01 m in diameter. When
supporting a 900 N climber the rope stretches 1.6 m (∆L) under tension. Find the Young’s Modulus (Y) for
the rope
Data Equation Math Answer

L = 50 m 𝐹𝐿 r = 0.01/2 = 0.005
𝑌= 3.58 x 108 N/m2
D = 0.01m 𝐴∆𝐿
2 -5
F = 900 N A = (3.14)(0.005) = 7.85 x 10
∆L = 1.6 m 𝐴 = 𝜋𝑟 2
r = D/2 (7.85 x 10−5 )(0.01)

11. The elastic limit of steel is 5.0 Pa (N/m2), find the minimum diameter a steel wire can to support a 700 N weight
without exceeding its elastic limit.
Data Equation Math Answer

Stressmax= 5.0 Pa D = 2r A = 700/5 = 140 m2

F = 700 N 13.3 m
𝐴 140
𝑟= � 𝑟= � = 6.67𝑚
𝜋 𝜋
A = F/ Stressmax
D = 2(6.67)

12. The distortion of the earth’s crust is an example of sheer on a large scale. A particular rock has a sheer modulus
of 1.5 x1010 Pa (N/m2)(Shear Modulus, S). What shear stress is applied when a 10 km layer (h) of rock is
sheared a distance of 5 m (∆x).
Data Equation Math Answer

S = 1.5 x1010 Pa 5
𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 = 1.5𝑥1010
𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 10000 7.5 x 106 N/m2
h = 10000 m ∆𝑥

∆x = 5 m
13. Human bone has a Young’s Modulus of 14.5 x108 N/m2(Y). Under compression, it can withstand a stress of
about 160 x 106 N/m2(stress) before breaking. Assuming a human adult thigh bone (femur) is about .5 m
(L) long, how much compression (∆L) can the bone withstand before breaking.
Data Equation Math Answer
Y = 14.5 x108 N/m2

Stress = 160 x 106 𝐿 0.5 0.0551m

N/m2 ∆𝐿 = 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 ∆𝐿 = 160 𝑥 106
𝑌 14.5 𝑥 108
Or 5.5 cm
L = 0.5 m

14. A cylindrical aluminum pillar 7.00 high has a radius of 30.0 cm. If a 2000-kg sculpture is placed on top of the
pillar, by how much is the pillar compressed?
Data Equation Math Answer

h = 7.00 m 𝐹𝐿 A = (3.14)(0.3)2 = 0.283 m2

∆𝐿 = 7.14 x 10-6 m
r = 0.30 m F = 2000 (9.81) = 19600 N
F = mg
m = 2000 kg (19600)(7)
A = πr2 ∆𝐿 =
(0.283)(7 𝑥 1010 )
YAl = 7 x 1010

15. A mass of 2.00 kg is supported by a copper wire of length 4.00 m and diameter 4.00 mm. Determine (a) the
stress in the wire and (b) the elongation of the wire.
Data Equation Math Answer
r = 0.004 /2 = 2 x10-3
m = 2.0 kg 𝐹𝐿 A = (3.14)( 2 x10-3)2 = 1.26 x 10-5
∆𝐿 =
𝐴𝑌 F = 2(9.81) = 18.2
L = 4.0 m F = mg Stress = 18.2/1.26 x 10-5 = 2.29 x 10-4 3.61 m
Stress = F/A
D = 4.0 mm A = πr2 (18.2)(4)
∆𝐿 =
r = D/2 (1.26𝑥10−5 )(1.6𝑥106 )
YCu = 1.6 x 106

16. A uniform pressure of 5.00 × 104 Pa is exerted on a copper block having a volume of 10–3 m3. What is the
change in volume of the block?
Data Equation Math Answer

P = 5.00 × 104 Pa ∆V= ∆P/-B(Vo) ∆V = (5.00 × 104)/( 11 x 1011)(10-3)

4.5 x 10-10 m3
V0 = 10-3 m3

BCu = 11 x 1011
17. During a tensile strength experiment, a small-diameter fiber is elongated by a force of 0.0250 N. The fiber has
an initial length of 0.200 m and stretches a distance of 4.00 × 1024 m. The Young’s modulus for the
material being tested is 7.60 × 1010 Pa. Determine the diameter of the fiber.
Data Equation Math Answer
F = 0.0250N
L = 0.2 m D = 2r (0.025)(0.2)
𝐴= 10 )(4 𝑥 1024 )
= 1.6 𝑥10 −38
∆L = 4.00 × 10 m 24 (7.6𝑥10
1.43 x 10-19 m
Y = 7.60 × 1010 Pa 𝐴
𝜋 1.6 𝑥 10−38
𝑟=� = 7.14𝑥10−20
𝐴= 𝐷 = 2(7.14x10-20)

18. Determine the change in volume of a 1.00 m3 block of granite when it is submerged about 3 km in the ocean,
where the pressure on all surfaces is about 300 times ordinary atmospheric pressure of 1.013 x 105 Pa. The
bulk modulus of granite is 5x 10 Pa.
Data Equation Math Answer

V = 1 m3 −𝑃𝑉 (3.04𝑥107 )(1)

P=(300)(1.013x105) ∆𝑉 = ∆𝑉 = -6.1 x 10-4 m3
𝐵 5𝑥1010
= 3.04 x 107 Pa
B = 5 x 105 Pa

19. A 1.6 m long steel piano wire has a diameter of 0.2 cm. How great is the tension in the wire if it stretches 0.25
cm when tightened? Young modulus for steel is 2.00 x 1011 m/m2.
Data Equation Math Answer
2 -6 2
L0 = 1.6 m 𝑌𝐴∆𝐿 A = (3.14)(0.001) = 3.14 x 10 m
d = 0.2 cm 𝐹= 981 N
ΔL = 0.25 cm (2𝑥10−11 )(3.14𝑥10−6 )(0.0025)
Y = 2 x 1011 N/m2 𝐹=
A = πr2 1.6

20. A block of Jell-O is resting on a plate. The Jell-O stands 0.03 m tall and in the shape of a square that is 0.07 m
in length. You are bored, waiting for dinner and push tangentially across the top surface with a force of
0.45 N. The top surface moves a distance of ∆x = 6.0 x 10-3 m relative to the bottom surface. What is the
shear modulus of Jell-O?
Data Equation Math Answer

F = 0.45 N 𝐹ℎ A = (0.07)2 = 4.9 x 10-3 m2

L = 0.07m 𝑆= 460 N/m2
H = 0.03 m (0.45)(0.03)
Δx = 6 x 10-3m 𝑆=
A=Lxw 4.9𝑥10−3 )(6𝑥10−3 ) Or

460 Pa

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