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Bullets & Numbering 

Course: ​Keyboarding Applications

Author: ​Pam Tidwell, Kaysville Junior High

State Standard 3​: Students will create and edit a variety of documents; i.e.,
reports, letters, memos, emails, labels and envelopes from unarranged, edited,
and script copy using word processing software.

Objective1: ​Students will demonstrate basic word processing formatting skills.

a. Utilize file functions: open, close, save, save as, page setup, and print.
b. Utilize formatting functions: variable top, bottom, left, and right margins;
font sizes and styles; line spacing, word wrap, bullets and outline features;
justification; spell check; thesaurus.
c. Create tables.
d. Utilize report functions: page numbering; page number suppress;
widow/orphan protection; enumerated items; bibliography (references);
works cited; title pages; table of contents.

Time Duration:​ 25 minutes

(The first 10 minutes of class will be a warm up activity. Lesson will take
approximately 25-30 minutes and remaining class time will be used for
keyboarding drill and practice.)

Overview:​ This activity teaches the students to use Bullets and Numbering tools,
and reviews previously learned skills.

Materials:​ Bullets & Numbering instructions, Things key.

Activities and Procedures:

1. Warm-up
2. Students should now be familiar with opening resource documents and
following instructions in the text book.
3. Instruct them to complete the Bullets & Numbering Activity.
4. Check off completed documents on Unit Sheet.
5. Allow the students to work on their drill and practice software for the rest
of the class period.

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