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IAS 2019


TEST: 20
Test - 20

Roll No.___________________________
Geography Test Series 2019

Time Allowed: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 250

Section - A
1. Answer the following in about 150 words each: (10 × 5 = 50)

(a) Approaches to study of slope development. (10)

(b) Factors responsible for the distribution of animals in the world. (10)

(c) Discuss the impact of ocean currents on climate and vice versa. (10)

(d) Write a short note on Mechanism of periglacial processes. (10)

(e) Explain the concept of Heat Budget and the mechanism of meridional circulations.

2. (a) Ozone destruction and ozone hole is a growing cause of concern. Comment. Discuss
how Montreal Protocol acts as a way forward? (20)

(b) Discuss the mechanism of Indian monsoon and the impact of Indian Ocean Dipole on
the same. (15)

(c) How temperature-salinity curves are used to study water masses? (15)

3. (a) Discuss the genesis and weather conditions associated with the tropical cyclone. Also
explain the distribution of tropical cyclone in the world. (20)

(b) Discuss how developed and developing nations share responsibility for climate change.
Explain why equity is used rather than equality for sharing the responsibilities for
climate change. (15)

(c) Explain what are Milankovitch Cycles and its causes? Explain the glaciation period
associated with it. (15)

4. (a) Discuss the importance and types of biodiversity. What was the purpose of designing
Red Data List and the benefits for the same? (20)

(b) Explain the importance of active and passive factors in formation for soil. (15)

(c) Explain how discovery of the new continent was revealed? How can this bring changes
in the understanding of the geography? (15)

Geography [1]
Section - B
5. Answer the following in about 150 words each: (10 × 5 = 50)
(a) Analyze the Ricardo's comparative cost advantage model. (10)
(b) Social determinants of population change. (10)
(c) Discuss the role played by Patrick Geddes in development of geography. (10)
(d) Differentiate growth and development. Discuss the major hindrances in economic
development. (10)
(e) "There are not necessities but everywhere possibilities". Discuss. (10)
6. (a) Briefly discuss the types of population pyramids and the factors affecting the shape
of the population pyramids. (20)
(b) "Man is changing himself as well as the world as he goes along". Discuss. (15)
(c) What are the various regional growth theories based on factors of mobility? (15)
7. (a) Explain Weber's model of Industrial location. Also discuss its relevance in contemporary
time. (20)
(b) How renewable energy is considered as a future energy resource? Sight case by case
examples of utilizing renewable sources of energy. (15)
(c) What is sustainable development? Discuss the objective and components of sustainable
development. (15)
8. (a) Examine the various perspectives in regional development. Citing case studies explain
why every region follows a different perspective. (20)
(b) Differentiate descriptive and process oriented approach in welfare geography. Highlight
the chronological development of welfare approach. (15)
(c) Discuss the characteristics and problems associated with development of rural urban
fringe. (15)

[ 2 ] Geography

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