Pinamuk-An Integrated School: Senior High School Department

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Department of Education

Region VI – Western Visayas

Pinamuk-an, New Washington, Aklan

Senior High School Department


Name: _____________________________________________Section:_________ Date:___________Score: _________

Reminder: Read the instructions properly. Huwag pabago-bago ng sagot, dahil sa exam yung sagot mo na tama na pala eh pinalitan
mo pa. Parang sa pag-ibig, nasayo na nga pinakawalan mo pa. Ang pagkuha ng exam ay isang malaking desisyon, dapat lagi
kang handa kahit mahirap, go lang! Maging honest, okay? Maging honest. Dahil hindi lahat ng pagkakamali sorry ang ang
katapat. Hindi naman April Fools kaya ‘wag kang manloloko. Ang test paper ay dapat sineseryoso, sagutan mo ng maayos
at ‘wag mo itong paglaruan. May the force be with you! 

I. Directions: Match the definition to the word it pertains to. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.
_____1. It involves the movement of the body and the feet A. harmony
in rhythm.
_____2. An important element at the disposal of every artist. B. watercolor
_____3. In general may be divided into two types: C. sculpture
relief and free-standing.
_____ 4. A free-standing figure can be seen from all D. line
sides which was made by Guillermo Tolentino
in 1949. It is made of bronze and stone.
_____5. It is also called symmetrical balance. E. tempera
_____6. The pigments are mixed with water and F. motion picture
applied to fine white paper.
_____7. An old painting on canvass 4.25 m x 7.75m G. dance
created by Juan Luna.
_____8. Was designed by Architect Leandro Locsin H. color
is the womb and bosom of the development
of the arts in the Philippines.
_____9. Applies to the over-all design of a work of art. I. Paoay Church
_____10. A drama set to music. J. UP Oblation
_____11. A popular addition to the various forms of K. formal balance
the theater.
_____12. Is essential to beauty. In the visual arts, it is L. Spolarium
achieved by establishing a pleasing relationship
between the various elements.
_____13. A universal human characteristic. It is a property M. opera
of light. May either be warm or cool.
_____14. Found in Ilocos Norte, serves as a reminder of N. Cultural Center of the Phil.
the builders’ struggle with earthquakes.
_____15. A mixture of ground pigments and an O. form
albuminous or colloidal vehicle, used by
Egyptian, Medieval, and Renaissance painters.
II. Directions: Read carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Is literature of a highly expressive nature using special forms and choice of words and emotional images.
a. drama b. prose fiction c. poetry
2. Refers to the forms and psychological effects of arts.
a. fairness b. balance c. aesthetics
3. It is also sometimes called occult balance.
a. formal balance b. informal balance c. proportion
4. An artist’s trait developed in the course of her life to solve problems or express her feelings.
a. artistry b. imaginative c. creativity
5. The element that deals more directly with the sense of touch.
a. texture b. perspective c. space
6. Known as a period of electricism.
a. Modern Architecture b. Nineteenth Century Architecture c. Baroque Architecture
7. Those that we perceive with our eyes.
a. visual arts b. nonvisual arts c. pure arts
8. Characterized by a great central dome which had always been a traditional feature in the East.
a. Byzantine Architecture b. Roman Architecture c. Western Architecture
9. Possesses only surfaces of light, gives no glazed effect, and most closely resembles dry pigment.
a. watercolor b. pastel c. acrylic
10. Is essentially columnar and trabeated style, is expressed mainly in pyramids and in temples.
a. Egyptian Architecture b. Mesopotamian Architecture c. Greek Architecture
11. Colors which lie directly opposite each other in the color circle.
a. primary colors b. secondary colors c. complementary colors
12. An extension and development of the Early Christian Basilica exemplified by S. Apollinaire in Classe.
a. Romanesque Architecture b. Mesopotamian Architecture c. Roman Architecture
13. The art of arranging sounds in rhythmic succession and generally in combination.
a. melody b. music c. tone
14. Determined by a comparison of the sizes of different parts of an object or of an arrangement.
a. balance b. proportion c. rhythm
15. Any structural part projecting horizontally and anchored at one end only.
a. arch b. cantilever c. post-and-lintel
III. Directions: Identify the following. Write the answer on the space provided.
________________1. It comes from the Latin humanus, which means human, cultured, and refined.
________________2. It deals with the effect of distance upon the appearance of objects, by means of which they judges spatial relationships.
________________3. The cathedral or temple is no longer the typical building; secular architecture comes to the fore, as in Roman times.
________________4. A famous work by Michaelangelo at St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican City and is made of marble.
________________5. In its most characteristic form is found in the temple, a low building of post-and-lintel construction.
________________6. The most popular type of painting.
________________7. Refers to the amount of space occupied in three dimensions.
________________8. We achieve it if all the parts are equally distributed around a central point.
________________9. It constitutes one of the oldest and most important means of expression developed by man.
________________10. It is the art of designing and constructing a building.
________________11. The newest medium and one that is used widely by painters today.
________________12. Evident in its palaces and temples.
________________13. Developed the stone arch of the Etruscans and has flat round dome that covers an entire building, as in the Pantheon.
________________14. A person who exhibits exceptional skills in design, drawing, painting, etc. or one who works in one of the performing arts, like
an actor or a musician.
________________15. Is achieved by the regular or harmonious recurrence of lines, forms, and colors.

IV. Enumerate the following:

1-8 Different Methods Used by the Artists in Presenting the Art Subjects

9-11 Three Dimensions or Attributes of Color

12-15 Stages of Development During the Middle Ages of Western Architecture

Prepared by: Even when things are bad, take time

to smile. You can still find a way to
Mrs. Garylen May Nadua Vargas
Teacher reach the top!
Good luck! 

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