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PAKET SOAL : utama

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Petunjuk Umum
1. Tulislah lebih dahulu Nomor dan Nama Peserta Anda pada Lembar Jawaban
Komputer (LJK) yang telah disediakan menggunakan pensil 2B.
2. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum anda menjawab.
3. Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian kalau terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, naskah
soal rusak atau jumlah soal kurang.
4. Jumlah soal sebanyak 40 butir dan semuanya harus dijawab.
5. Dahulukan menjawab soal-soal yang anda anggap mudah.
6. Hitamkan lingkaran pada salah satu huruf yang dianggap benar pada LJK.
7. Apabila ada jawaban anda yang salah dan ingin memperbaikinya, gosoklah dengan
karet penghapus, kemudian hitamkan jawaban yang menurut Anda benar.
8. Periksalah pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian.
9. Tidak diperbolehkan menggunakan kalkulator, tabel matematika atau alat bantu
hitung lainnya.


Question 1 to 25 choose the most appropriate answer

1. This building is so expensive for ___ . We can’t pay such a high rent. We need to
think again.
A. them
B. her
C. us
D. it
E. him

2. I have so many plans. I am afraid that I can’t realize ___.

A. us
B. them
C. you
D. me
E. him

3. A : “_________________”
B : “yes, sometimes I do”

Which of the following statements is correct?

A. Do you see ever my uncle?

B. Do you ever see my uncle?
C. Ever do you see my uncle?
D. Do ever see you my uncle?
E. Do see ever you my uncle?

4. Which sentence is CORRECT?

A. Does he sometimes read English good book?

B. Does he read sometimes English good book?
C. Does sometimes he read English good book?
D. Does he sometimes read English book good?
E. Does he sometimes read good English book?
5. Clark : Dan Brown’s books are masterpieces.
John : ... He must have gotten many awards for what he has written.
A. I’m not sure
B. I have no idea
C. That must be true
D. I am doubtful about it
F. I Disagree with you

6. “A well-known architect is designing our new office.” The passive form of the
sentence is “Our new office … by a well-known architect.”
A. Designs
B. Designed
C. Is designed
D. Is being designed
was designed

7. Dina : Can I borrow your laptop?”

Adit : Certainly, but what’s wrong with yours?”
Dina : It … now.”

A. Is being repaired
B. Repaired
C. Is repairing
D. Had repaired
E. was repaired
8. James asked me, “Did you and Andi go to a market yesterday?”
A. James asked me if you and Andi go to a market yesterday.
B. James asked me if I and Andi had gone to a market the day before
C. James asked me if I and Andi has gone to a market the day before
D. James asked me if I and Andi went to a market the day before
E. James asked me if you and Andi went to a market the day before
9. Indah asked, “What is your dream in the future?”
A. Indah wanted to know what is your dream in the future
B. Indah wanted to know what is my dream in the future
C. Indah wanted to know what my dream in the future is
D. Indah wanted to know what my dream in the future was
E. Indah wanted to know what your dream in the future was
10. ______ being very clever, my cousin never boasting about it
A. Despite
B. Instead
C. Otherwise
D. Other than
11. After years of Training hard, Arief ______ win the national badminton competition
A. Consequently
B. Therefore
C. Initially
D. Finally
E. Should
12. Ardian knows Germany, ______, our school selected him to go student exchange in
A. Therefore
B. Moreover
C. Otherwise
D. Provided
E. So
13. I love to go swemming at the beach _________ summer
A. at
B. in
C. on
D. under
E. behind
14. My grandfather is very old. He was born ______1932
A. on
B. under
C. at
D. in
E. behind
15. ‘Rita has just missed the plane to Medan’
‘She _____at the airport at least two hours before departure
A. Was
B. Should be
C. Should have been
D. Has to be
E. Must have been
16. The airline should have accepted the application of Agus, an experienced pilot
A. The airline hired Agus
B. Agus refused refuse the work for airline
C. The airline did not receive Agus’ application
D. Agus has rejected by the airline
E. The airline offered Agus a job
17. They………….. study hard because next April they will take the examination.
A. Will
B. Should
C. Can
D. Must
E. May
18. You seem to be having trouble there………………….. I help you ?
A. Will
B. Shall
C. Should
D. might
E. Would

19. if someone had taken her book, she_______the teacher

A. Would have told to
B. Would have told
C. Would have told it
D. Had told it
E. Would tell it to
20. ‘if the plane had taken off on time, we wouldn’t have been late for the opening of
the seminar’

This means that we were late because the flight _____

A. was delayed
B. has to be delayed
C. was going to be delayed
D. has not been delayed
E. was not delayed
21. My father would buy me a new motorcycle …………..
A. If I passed the state university entrance test.
B. If I pass the state university entrance test.
C. If I have passed the state university entrance test.
D. If I am passing the state university entrance test.
E. If I passing the state university entrance test.

22. “I met her after a while, but she gave me the cold shoulder”.
The sentence above mean......
A. ignored me
B. greeted me
C. left me
D. insulted me
E. accept me
23. To be above board
The sentence above mean......
A. to be beautiful
B. to be honest
C. to be in higher position
D. none of these
E. to be in lowerst position
24. All the doctors in our hospital have their own practice room and each of
them……… a nurse to assist him.
A. needs
B. they need
C. he need
D. need
E. to need
25. ‘I have heard that the school where you teach is very good,’
‘Oh yes, many of …………… have become popular leaders of the country.’
A. graduates
B. her graduates
C. who graduates
D. its graduates
E. their graduates

Questions 26 to 28, chose the appropriate structure in the sentences and dialog
26. Patient : I have trouble with my skin. It’s very sensitive and irritable.
Doctor : Take this medicine twice a day. But you should avoid to eat fish.
27. A desert area that has been without water for sixyears will still bloom when rain
will come
28. We allowed the children to watch their favorite TV program yesterday, only after
they finished doing their
Employers from around the country are interested in talking with you!
We have gathered over 100 companies, representing a variety of industries. To meet with you at
the JAKARTA JOB FAIR on Saturday and Saturday, May 7th -8th from 9.00 a.m. to 4.00. p.m.
Location: Jakarta Convention Center, Jln. Gunung Mas No. 34/Jakarta Pusat 16007.
Parking is available, no registration is necessary. Bring copies of your resume.
For more details, call our JCC office at: 021-415627125 / 021-415627126
Email :

29. Where will the fair be held?

A. At employer's office.
B. At locations around the country.
C. At the meeting center in Jakarta Convention Center.
D. In Jakarta Convention Center
E. Registration
30. Where will the fair be held?
A. At employer's office.
B. At locations around the country.
C. At the meeting center in Jakarta Convention Center.
D. In Jakarta Convention Center
E. on Saturday and Saturday
31. For more details, call our JCC office at……
The underlined phrase means…..
A. For further information
B. Sending information
C. Giving more information
D. Bring copies of resume

Questions 35 to 37 refer to the following information

Brad : What are you doing this weekend, Matt?
Matt : I’m not sure yet. Why?
Brad : Well, my parents are having a barbecue on Sunday. Would you
like to come?
Matt : Are you sure it’s OK? Your parents don’t know me.
Brad : Of course. They always like to meet my friends. Some of my
sister’s friends will be there, too. It’ll be a lot of enjoyment.
Matt : OK. That sounds nice. Can I bring anything?
Brad : Oh, no. We already have everything we need.

32. What is the dialog about?

A. Family habits during the weekend
B. Things to prepare for a barbecue
C. A small party at Matt’s house
D. An invitation to a barbecue
E. an invitation card
33. Which people will be attending the event?
A. Matt’s parents
B. Friends of Brad’s sister
C. Friends of Brad’s parents
D. Brad’s family members only
E. Friend of Brad

34. “It’ll be a lot of e enjoyment” (line 6)

The underlined word is synonymous with .....
A. happines
B. courses
C. entries
D. plans
E. sadness

Questions 35 to 37 refer to the following information

Power @Once is a company specializing in solar power and heating equipment, we

also sell hand held items like solar flashlights, chargers, mining equipment,etc. Our
vision is simple: to be the leading seller of solar systems in North West and change
people’s perspective of renewable energy so that we can save our planet for future
generation. We at Power @Once strive to be the best in our field when it comes to
cost efficient solar systems and client satisfaction.

35. What is the text about ?

A. Different solar power items.
B. A western mining company.
C. How to change people’s perspective of energy.
D. An enterprise specializing in solar power devices.
E. Save our planet
36. Based on the text, what items does the “ Power @Once” provide ?
A. Chargers.
B. Traffic lights.
C. Drying equipment
D. Plumbing equipment.
E. cost efficient
37. “ ….. when it comes to cost efficient solar systems and client satisfaction.”
What is the synonym of the underlined word ?
A. Seller
B. director
C. Manager
D. Customer.
E. Planet

Fill in the blanks whit the most of appropriate words

I hope you (43).......and join us for dinner party in the evening to celebrate
Fathiyah’s 18TH BIRTDAY ANNIVERSARY(44)......Saturday, May
20th,2015 At 07.00 – 10.00 p.m In the Etam Restaurant
I would 45)........if you can come.
38. A. come
B. keep
C. enter
D. arrive
E. leave

39. A. from
B. at
C. on
D. In
E. under
40. A. fine
B. upset
C. glad
D. Nice
E. sad


Use these SUBJECT and VERB below!
She Play
Andi Eat
They Write
We Read
Anita Sing

Change the Verbs first to answer these questions below!

41. Based on the Structure of Grammar that you had known, write in sentences of
Present Perfect Tense.
42. Based on the Structure of Grammar, write in sentences of Past Continous Tense.

Read this situation below!

Mr. Amir is an employee. He has an idea for his family to buy a new house.
He is not rich, and he can’t buy the house.

43. Change into Conditional (IF) Type 2 of the situation above!

Read this situation below!

Today is raining. Mother go to the market a few hours ago.
It rained very hard this morning, but mother didn’t have an umbrella with her.

44. Change into Conditional (IF) Type 3 of the situation above!

Change this sentence by using Passive Voice form!

45. “The stewardess is serving coffee to the passengers now.”

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