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P O LY T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 1

Database Administration

Angel Lheen Rasonabe

Ronnel Mariano
Christian Lepitan
Rowen Bacalso
Rona Marie Juarez
Dhods Soledad
Ma. Krystine Enrique


Prof. Joana B. Emralino


P O LY T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 2

A database management system is software for making and overseeing

databases. The DBMS provides users and programmers with a systematic way to
create, recover, update and manage data. A DBMS makes it workable for end clients
to make, read, update and erase information in a database. The DBMS is perhaps
most useful for giving a brought together perspective on information that can be
gotten to by different clients, from various areas, in a controlled way. A DBMS can
constrain what information the end client sees, just as how that end client can see the
information, giving numerous perspectives on a single database outline. Managing
information using a database enables us to end up vital clients of the information we
Catering is the business of providing food service at a remote site or such as a
hotel, pub, filming site or studio, entertainment site or any venue. A catering company
provides a catering service with a professional standard in any occasion. Catering
business started to conform to 1820, focusing in Philadelphia Catering turned into a
decent and gainful business. The early providing food industry was excessively
established by African-Americans. There are different types of catering services this
includes wedding services catering, corporate catering, cocktail reception, buffet
catering, sit-down catering etc.
The proponents of PUP Parañaque Campus Bachelor in Information
Technology formulated to propose an online catering reservation that would be
accessible for the user to make a reservation through online. The PUP’IT Online
Catering Reservation is software designed for customers to reserve the food through
online. The main aim of the system is to provide service smart security to the
customers. This system provides good and efficient information and thus making the
service smarter. It is an interface for customers to browse the catalogue and order the
food online. Using the power of Internet multiple interest parties can order with
complete security and control. The system maintains and processes all sort of
information pertaining to the order type options. By using this web-based system, the
information can be accessed from anywhere just with a mouse click. This helps the
P O LY T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 3

users by saving lot of time and providing the user with up to date information. The
proposed system handles event inquiries and reservation catering services. The
system gives enough information about the company contract information, the price
and the package being offered.
The database will be written by the developers that will be fetched by the
website conveying the necessary information when the connection of the html pages
and database established the end user. The end user or admin can access it such as
adding more data and functions to give information to the consumers who will buy or
purchase the services. The database will be made through PHP MyAdmin application
using different keys such as primary keys and other types of keys to provide
information in the website with the help of Javascript and html. The database will be
established an instruction that gives the administrator and the user an environment
that give them the full idea on how the system works and what functionalities it
contains. The system will provide for them as an aid to the catering system making
the system accessible through the internet.
Before making a reservation, the user must fill out the information needed to
get a reservation this includes the name, home address or the event place, mobile
number and the package number. In addition, the user can also customize his/her
desired package by clicking the customize button. Once the user clicked the button
“reserve”, he/she can’t be able to edit the reservation. In the administrator module,
only the administrator can add, delete, edit, update, facilitates request made by the
user. The administrator can also make some new packages for the customer. Once
the user is done with purchasing process the data will be sent directly to the
database. Only the administrator can accept and delete the transaction.
Therefore, by utilizing a database, it will sort out the information gathered. With
the database, it can adaptably refresh the information as per the accommodation.
Likewise, the database additionally has a security access between the client and the
P O LY T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 4

The catering reservation system is a website that allows users to make
enquiries online and book for services providing the required details. The proposed
system contents include the homepage where it shows the Menu Button, About Us,
Contact Information and the Administrator Button where the administrator can only
access the area.
The common functions are the functions available for all users. All users can
view the website. Before making a reservation, the user must fill out the information
needed to get a reservation this includes the name, home address or the event place,
mobile number and the package number. After filling out all the necessary information
provided it will all be stored in the database. In addition, the user can also customize
his/her desired package by clicking the customize button. Once the user clicked the
button “reserve”, he/she can’t be able to edit the reservation.
In the administrator module, the administrator must log in first to view the
reservation made by the user. Only the administrator can add, delete, edit, update,
facilitates request made by the user. The administrator can also make some new
packages for the customer. Once the user is done with purchasing process the data
will be sent directly to the database. Only the administrator can accept and delete the
transaction. The administrator can also view the suggestions or comments made by
the users to enhance the services.
The system also includes an About Page and Contact Page. The About Us
page is designed to allow the customers get all necessary information about the
services while the Contact us page is provided where customers can send emails.
The webpage design will help the users gain access to the information that the
website presents. Users are given higher priority before any building can be done and
for that matter the size of the system and the general outlook has to be taken into
consideration. There is an interface designed for the user and the administrator.
Table 1: Reservation Details
P O LY T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 5

Attribute Name Data Type Width Description

Reservation Id Int 11 Reservation Id of the

Reg_id Int 20 Costumer Id
Occasion Varchar 225 Reservation Choice
Notif Varchar 225 Customer notification
Appointed date Varchar 255 Date of customer occasion
Appoint Time Varchar 255 Time of customer occasion
Number Person Int 11 Number of person for occasion
Venue Varchar 225 Location of Occasion
Menu Id Int 11 Number of Menu ID
Total menu price Varchar 225 Total price of costumer

Table 1: The reservation table is used to store the information about reservation. The
reservation table has Ten attributes. This includes the customer Reservation Id, Reg
Id, Occasion, Notif, Appoint Date, Appoint Time, Number Person, Venue, Menu Id and
Total Menu Price.
Table 2: Admin Details
Attribute Name Data Type Width Description
Username Varchar 30 Name of Admin
Password Varchar 10 Password of Admin

Table 2: The administrator detail is used to store the information about the
administrator of the system. It has two attributes this includes the Administrator
username and password.
Table 3: Package Details
Attribute Name Data type Witdh Description
PackageNum Int Package Number
PackagePrice Currency Package Price

Table 3: Package Number, used to store information about the package. This shows
the foods included in the package. It also includes the package price.
P O LY T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 6

Table 4: Make your own package

Attribute Name Data type Width Description
Menu_id Int Number of Menu
Menu_name Varchar Name of Foods
Cat_id Int Category number
Sub_id Int Number of stocks
Menu_description Text Description of food
Menu_image Varchar Image of the food
Menu_price Int Price of picked

Table 4: In the Make your own Package, used to create your own package. This
shows the seven attributes and description.
Table 5: Suggestion/FeedBack
Attribute Name Attribute Width Description
ReservationId int Reservation which is
commented by member
Description Varchar About comment

Table 5: The suggestion/comment table stored the comment/suggestion given by the

customer. When the customer gives comment on the catering services, the new
comment is inserted in the comment table.

CHAPTER III: Hardware/Software Requirements

A. Hardware Requirements
P O LY T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 7

The required hardware requirements in executing the “PUP IT Online Catering

Reservation System” are the following:

 Router/WIFI – The router/WIFI will give web access to the server that
will run the framework and different gadgets to communicate within the
framework. The routers also provide additional security and sharing
opportunities within the home network.
 Desktop Computer/Mobile devices – To connect into the system, the
user/client must use a mobile device or computer that has an internet
connection in order to process a reservation.

B. Software Requirement

The required software requirements used by the students in order to establish

the system are the following:

 Windows operating system 10- The windows operating system

10 will run the programs that the front-end and the back-end user
required and let them write the HTML, PHP, CSS files that are
needed in order to establish the “PUP IT Online Catering
Reservation System”.
 CSS- Cascading Style Sheets will provide the system an easy
control over layout and presentation of website pages by
separating content from design.
 XAMPP- Xampp allows working on a local server and test local
copies of websites using PHP code and MySQL
databases. XAMPP will provide a local host that will be utilized
by the end-client in building up databases and work with the PHP
document that will be translated and give a visual portrayal of the
"PUP IT Online Catering Reservation System”.
P O LY T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 8

 Domain- A domain name is the address where Internet users

can access the website. A domain name is used for finding and
identifying computers on the Internet. The “PUP IT Online
Catering Reservation System” is needed a domain to add
credibility to the system.
 HTML- HTML will serve as the framework of the system.
 PHP- PHP are series of codes and functions that let the user
interact with the data that are set for the system. It includes input
and output of data using different commands and
implementation. PHP files are the one tells what will happen to
the database established by the developer such as add, delete,
edit and update
 Notepad++ - Notepad++ is a variation word processor wherein
the front-end client and back-client will embody each HTML, PHP
and CSS that will be assembled to convey information from the
"PUP IT Online Catering Reservation System. It also supports
almost all the languages and it saves the file with .txt extension.
 Chrome Browser- Google Chrome Web browser is based on
the open source Chromium project. It is available for Windows,
Mac OS X, Linux, Android and iOS operating systems.

CHAPTER IV: Implementation Plan

The implementation plan of the “PUP IT Online Catering Reservation System”
consumes time and monetary resources in conducting and implementing the website.
The website along with the database will be created using NOTEPAD++, PHP and
XAMPP to design a website and create a local host that will be used to create the
database and implementation of the system. These applications are free to use
because it is open source. The domain and internet access will be paid according to
the rate and the time period of subscription.
P O LY T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 9


DOMAIN P 250.00

 Data Dictionary


$ Ad_name Varchar 60 Name of admin
$ Ad_user Varchar 20 User of admin
$ Ad_pass Varchar 20 Password of admin
$ User_name Varchar 20 Pass User name
$ User_Password Varchar 20 User password
$ User_fname Varchar 20 User first name
$ User_lname Varchar 20 User’s last name
$ User_cnumber Interger 11 Contact number of
$ User_adress Varchar 20 Address of the user
$ User_email Varchar 20 Email address of user
$ User_school Varchar 100 School of the user
$ ISBN Integer 20 International standard
book number
$ Book_title Varchar 60 Title of the book
$ Book_author Varchar 60 The writer of the book
$ Book_cat Varchar 60 Category of book
$ Book_qty Integer 1000 Number of books
stored with in the
$ Book_date Date Date of the book
$ Book_borrowed Date Date the user
borrowed the book
$ Book_returned Date Date the user returned
P O LY T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 10

the book

 Database Security - database security refers to protective digital privacy or any

form of security used to protect and secure databases and the information they
contain from compromise. It is a broad term that includes a multitude of
processes, tools and methodologies that ensure security within a database
environment. Examples of how stored data can be protected include: Software
– software is used to ensure that unauthorized people can't gain access to
the database through viruses, hacking, or any similar process
o Database that is save within the system will be secured through proper
validation written through java scripts and with the help of various
encryption mechanism of PHP. The collected database will be saved
and backup to a server that is firewall ready. The server will be
providing various data and protecting costumer’s private information
they provide.

 Backup and Recovery - Data are the most important information within the
Online Catering Services, it contains important information that is written by
the admin and costumer. The data contained by the system is needed to be
back up to prevent accidental deletion, theft of data, system breach,
unintentional releasing of data. Regular backups protect against the risk of
damage or loss due to hardware failure, software malfunction, viruses or
hacking, and human errors. Recovery of data will be used upon having
external copies of the data written with a flash drive or any external disk.

CHAPTER V: Staffing and Training Recommendations

A. Staffing
P O LY T E C H N I C U N I V E R S I T Y O F T H E P H I L I P P I N E S 11

This involves manning the organization structure through proper and effective selection,
appraisal and development of the personnel to fill the roles assigned to the
employers/workforce. The “PUP’IT ONLINE CATERING RESERVATION” will need people
that will administrate and secure the data, monitor the activity of the system.
 Admin: The admin will be the one who can access the information about the catering
reservation and monitor what are the order being request and also can read or display
the feedbacks of their costumer.

B. Training and Recommendations

The students that develop the “PUP’IT ONLINE CATERING RESERVATION”

recommend database administration training to brief the person who will manage the system
and maintain the data within the system.

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