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Laarni Jane G.



 Aerobic exercise is the type of moderate-intensity physical activity that you can sustain for
more than just a few minutes with the objective of improving your
cardiorespiratory fitness and your health.
 "Aerobic" means "in the presence of, or with, oxygen."
 You know you're doing aerobic exercise when your heart's thumping and you're breathing
faster than you do at rest but you can sustain the activity for extended periods of time. I
recommend the cue "warm and slightly out of breath" to determine if your activity level is
 Walking, jogging, biking, dancing, and swimming are examples of activities that can be
performed aerobically.
 Anaerobic, on the other hand, means "the absence of, or without, oxygen."
 Anaerobic exercise is performed at an intensity that causes you to get out of breath quickly
and can be sustained for only a few moments. Weight lifting and sprinting are examples of
anaerobic exercise.

Benefits of Aerobics

10 benefits of aerobic workouts

There are a lot of benefits to working out with aerobic exercises. Aerobic exercises help your body
to maximize the oxygen in your blood; they increase blood flow to your muscles, and even widen
your blood vessels. Your body will also release endorphins when you participate in aerobic
exercises, which will promote a greater sense of well-being. Check out these 10 reasons to fit more
aerobic activity into your day.

Helps with weight loss. Whether you are trying to lose weight on your own or through Ocala
medical weight loss surgery, aerobic exercise will help with your success. It’ll help you keep the
weight off too.
Reduces your health risk. Aerobic exercise helps reduce your risk of heart disease, high blood
pressure, type-2 diabetes, and high cholesterol.

Strengthens your heart muscle. A stronger heart doesn’t have to work as hard, and is more effective
at pumping blood throughout the body.
Increases stamina. Over time, aerobic exercise will reduce fatigue and increase stamina.
Helps clear your arteries. Aerobic exercise helps boost your HDL “good” cholesterol and lower
your LDL “bad” cholesterol.

Stimulates your immune system. By stimulating your immune system, you’ll be better able to ward
off viral illnesses.

Helps manage chronic illnesses better. Aerobic exercise helps to control high blood sugar and high
blood pressure.
Helps you stay active as you age. Aerobic exercise helps to increase mobility as you age. It also
helps clear your mind to improve cognitive ability.

Boosts mood. Because endorphins are release during aerobic exercise, you’ll experience a
heightened sense of well-being.
Live longer. Perhaps the most important reason for participating in aerobic exercise is that it can
help you to live longer when compared to those who do not exercise consistently. It will also help
improve your quality of life.

Basic Aerobics steps

1. Basic Step

This move can be performed on an aerobics step bench or on the floor. Do several in a row with
the lead leg, or alternate lead legs for variety.

HOW TO DO IT: Start with your feet side by side, about hip-distance apart. Step about two feet
forward with your lead leg. Bring the back leg forward to meet it. Step back two feet with your
lead leg and draw the other foot back to meet it.

2. V-Step
This dance step is also doable on an aerobic step or the floor. It gets its name from the wide, v-
shape of the movement.

HOW TO DO IT: Stand with your feet parallel and hip-distance apart. Step your lead foot 2 to 3
feet forward to the corresponding corner of the floor or the bench. Step the opposite foot wide to
its corner. Step back to the original position with your lead leg. Bring the opposite leg back to meet
it. You may alternate lead legs or repeat the step on the same leg several times before switching.

3. Step Touch
Step touch is commonly found in floor-based classes. It's an easy move to master.

HOW TO DO IT: Stand with your feet side by side and hip distance apart. Step your lead leg to
the side and bring the other foot to meet it. Switch the direction as you alternate touching side to
side. Sometimes, you might do two to four steps to the right, and then an equal number to the left
(or vice versa).

4. Mambo
The mambo step in aerobics dance takes its cue from the dance style. It's a fundamental move that
has you swinging your hips.

HOW TO DO IT: Stand with your feet hip-distance apart. For a right leg lead, take a small step
forward on your right foot; keep your left foot where it is. Shift weight onto the right foot, and
then shift weight onto the left foot as you step the right foot backward. Shift weight onto the right
foot, then to the left; immediately take the step forward with the right to repeat the step.

5. Box Step
A box step is sometimes called a "jazz square."

HOW TO DO IT: Stand with your feet hip-distance apart and parallel to one another. For a right
leg lead, step the right foot slightly forward and in front of your left foot. Step the left foot out to
the side. Bring the right foot a step back and cross over it with your left foot. Repeat multiple

6. Grapevine
The grapevine offers a way to travel side to side during a floor-based aerobics class. Sometimes,
an instructor adds a knee lift or hamstring curl instead of the tap before switching directions.

HOW TO DO IT: Stand with your feet hip-distance apart. To move to the right, step your right
foot to the side. Cross your left foot behind the right. Step the right foot again to the right and tap
your left foot next to it to switch directions.

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