Fall in Love Too Late

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Falls In Love Too Late – CH63 TL by Onong

/: another choice of word for PR

(): thought bubbles
[]: narration
<>: misc.
ST: Small text
//: to connecting bubble
TL: rambling notes, up to you to include
TL/N: Notes for the reader

Episode 63 : Croco-Boy

Doctor Jet: Elvira, Barney has visited, you should cheer

Why'd you haven't eaten the food?

Elvira: Barney said he prefers a long-haired girls, and now

my hair is short…

SFX: Ugh~

And will eventually be bald. After seeing me like this, does

his feelings changed?
ST: Honestly, does he still love me?

Docter Jet: So your spirit is gone again?

Elvira: It’s not like that… Um, well, it does. //

I'm getting pessimistic and think about bad things happen to

Doctor Jet: What kind of bad things?

Elvira: Like not having the chance to see the sunshine again
nor can see mama, papa and Gelato…//
And couldn’t meet Barney again?!
SFX: Thump

[] Her spirit is truly gone, huh?

Elvira’s Mom: We also always give her support, but the effect
isn't as big as from you. //
Usually, Gelato always accompanies Elvira when you are not
there. But lately, he's busy with his work at the bakery.

SFX: Ugh~

Doctor Jet: Elvira, you are the most cheerful and passionate
patient than others, //
I know you have a lot of spirit reserves, and I'm sure you can
continue to meet Barney, your mom, your dad, and Gelato.

You are a fairy for everyone here.

And your passion is like a life in this hospital, //

Elvira, you are an “indirect vitamin” for all of us.

[] Elvira, we all want you to get well

[] And be cheerful again

Elvira’s Mom: Elvira! Who’s this guy?! Why mama and papa
never know him?!

Elvira’s Dad: Why'd you never tell papa?

SFX: Waaa

Elvira’s Mom: Honestly, I don't mind his cunning look, //

But, what mind me is…

Why is he wearing his pants so short?! //

Does he always wear shorts everywhere he goes?!

SFX: Surprised

ST: Not the type of the ideal son-in-law

ST: Whaaaattt!
Elvira: Frinzaaa why are you here without telling me first?!

Elvira’s Mom: Frinza?! You said your name ‘Hotpants-Boy’?!

Then actually… //
What a cunning juvenile!
ST: Don’t harm Elvira!

Elvira’s Dad: You knew that Elvira is close to Barney, don't

ST: Erm, please lower your voice

Frinza: Actually, my real name is Frinza, but I usually use my

pen name, ‘Hot pants boy’ //
Indeed, I and Elvira have just been friends, but she always
asks for my help about Croco… I mean Barney.

SFX: Thump

And I also know Barney,

Barney and I have known each other and been good friends
for a long time.

Elvira’s Mom: What?! It must be lie!

SFX: Waaa

Elvira: Why mama and papa are so suspicious of him?

Elvira’s Mom: How come that's a boy wearing hot pants

anywhere he goes, there must be something!
ST: Whoa

[] I’ve also met him

[] But Barney never told me that he has a friend who wears


[] Whom also has a pen name…

Doctor Jet: Um wait a minute- if you have a pen name too,
could you also do fancy writing or painting?
SFX: Ah!

Elvira: No, Frinza can-

Frinza: I draw murals and graffiti on walls.

Doctor Jet: Ya, that’s what I meant!

Ball Boy: Huh? Mural?

Colleague 1: Whoa, I just heard that. But what makes me

more curios

Colleague 2: Senior Barney,

Kevin: Since when you…

The outstanding student have a hobby of scribbling on walls?

SFX: Thump-

Barney: I-It’s called mural!

Kevin: Whatever.

Kevin: I think you should ask someone who's an expert in

that stuff. //
Like a muralist or graffiti artist.
Claudia: Sorry that I have to say this, but Senior...

Lately, you’ve been changing.

And I noticed it

Since you’ve been close with Elvira,

You’ve become a weirdo!

Jendra: What the heck, Claudia?! We aren’t talking about

that! //
You’re out the topic! You snake!

Claudia: What the, well look at you go! Why’d you call me

Kevin/Barney: Why are you guys fighting like that?

You guys would make a great couple!

Doctor Jet: So in the first place, Barney is looking for

someone for this project. //
You could help him, right?

Frinza: Oh that, yeah sure.

I and my photographer friend will gladly help him.

…Oh, and also another friend of mine who’s a bit shy…

<>To be continued

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