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( No 10 )

Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS

Kelas/Semester : XI / 3-4
Program Studi Keahlian : Administrasi Perkantoran
Pertemuan Ke - : 10 (sepuluh)
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit
Standar Kompetensi : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Elementary

A. Kompetensi Dasar : Menceritakan pekerjaan di masa lalu dan rencana kerja yang akan datang

B. Indikator :
1. Surat pribadi yang menceritakan tentang kehidupan masa lalu dan rencana di masa depan
ditulis dengan benar
C. Tujuan Pembelajaran :
1. Siswa mengenal berbagai bentuk dan struktur personal letter
2. Siswa mampu menulis personal letter tentang kehidupan masa lalu
3. Siswa mampu menulis personal letter tentang kehidupan masa depan
4. Siswa mampu membalas personal letter
5. Siswa mampu menceritakan kembali isi dari suatu personal letter

D. Materi Pembelajaran :
1. Personal letter which is telling about past event
Dear Alifa,
I’m going to tell you about my past experience. That Sunday evening I felt very tired
after hanging out the whole day with my friends at the mall. As soon as I arrived home, I
hung my jacket on a hanger and got ready to take a rest. Suddenly, I remembered that I had
to call a friend.
I looked everywhere, but I couldn’t find my phone. I was getting panicky. I asked
everyone in the house whether they knew where my mobile phone was, but no one knew.
Well, I lost it thought. Then I had an idea. I asked my brother to call my mobile phone. To my
surprise, I heard it ringing in my jacket. My mobile phone was there.
Well, that’s my story. Thank you for reading. I’m waiting yours.
Your friend,
2. Personal letter which is telling about future event
Dear Malika,
I thought that I would write to you to let you know that my sister and I are planning a trip to
Bali and Lombok this April. I told you when you left Bandung that we were going to visit Bali
soon. Well, we are going to fly to Bali at the beginning of April and, first of all, we are going
to visit Uluwatu. I know Uluwatu is a great place to visit and I think I am going to like it. By
the way, do you know where I could rent a car? I want to enjoy my trip without any
transportation problems.
From Uluwatu, we are going to Bedugul. I think it’s a place with a great view of mountain
and a lake. It’s also a nice place to take a rest and enjoy the view without doing anything. I
wonder if it’s going to be like what I’ve imagined it.
From Bedugul we are going to Kuta. Based on the information ihave, Kuta is one of the best
places to watch a sunset. Therefore, my sister and I want to enjoy the experience. I think it
will be great to see one of the most beautiful sunsets in the world.
Our next destination is Nusa Penida. Some friends of mine told me that Nusa Penida has
great underwater scenery. That’s why, I want to go snorkeling there to enjoy the experience
of seeing underwater life. Nusa Penida will be our last destination in Bali and then we will
continue our trip to Lombok. I think we will go to Lombok by ferry because it’s not too far
from Bali, is it?
Our first destination in Lombok is Senggigi beach. I already know that Senggigi is a nice sandy
beach. Maybe we will try to surfing there. Okay, I know I’ve never tried surfing before. But I
think I will join the training first before I do it.
After Senggigi, we will continue our trip to Gili islands. Do you know that I’ve dreamt about
going to Gili Trawangan, Gili Air, and Gili Meno? From the information I have, the three
islands are must visit places for divers. They provide beautiful underwater scenery. And I
want to know how beautiful they are. I hope they are like what people say. I can’t wait to go
Well, Malika, this is not going to be a long letter and I am going to close now. I will write to
you again and let you know the exact dates of our arrival in Bali.
Your friend,

E. Metode Pembelajaran:
1. Ceramah/penjelasan struktur
2. Demonstrasi
 Siswa membuat surat pribadi mengenai kegiatan yang sudah lampau
 Siswa menceritakan kembali cerita yang sudah dibuat di depan kelas.
F. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran

1) Kegiatan awal :
- Greeting
- Checking the attendance list
- Apersepsi
o Mengulang atau mengingat kembali pelajaran sebelumnya.
o Menyatakan topik pembahasan pada pertemuan ini.
o Menjelaskan kepada siswa tujuan pembelajaran dalam pertemuan ini.
- Motivasi
o Menjelaskan kepada siswa tentang manfaat mempelajari materi Personal
2) Kegiatan inti:
- Menjelaskan tentang materi personal letter
- Siswa menjawab soal yang berhubungan dengan personal letter yang dipilih oleh guru
- Siswa membuat personal letter yang menceritakan pengalaman pribadinya pada
liburan sekolah
- Siswa menceritakan kembali personal letter yang sudah dibuat di depan kelas
3) Kegiatan akhir
- Guru mengomentari personal letter siswa yang sudah diceritakan di depan kelas,
meluruskan, dan memperkuat struktur bahasa yang sudah dibuat oleh siswa
- Menanyakan pendapat siswa mengenai materi personal letter yang sudah dibahas
- Menjawab pertanyaan – pertanyaan siswa mengenai materi personal letter
- Siswa dan guru menarik kesimpulan bersama mengenai materi yang sudah dipelajari

G. Alat, Bahan, dan Sumber

Alat-alat tulis
1. Alat White board
In focus
Materi buatan guru
2. Bahan

Buku paket Get Along with English

3. Sumber

H. Penilaian ( Soal, Kunci Jawaban, dan Pedoman Penilaian )

Task 1
Read the letter below.
Dear Malika,
I thought that I would write to you to let you know that my sister and I are planning a trip to
Bali and Lombok this April. I told you when you left Bandung that we were going to visit Bali
soon. Well, we are going to fly to Bali at the beginning of April and, first of all, we are going
to visit Uluwatu. I know Uluwatu is a great place to visit and I think I am going to like it. By
the way, do you know where I could rent a car? I want to enjoy my trip without any
transportation problems.
From Uluwatu, we are going to Bedugul. I think it’s a place with a great view of mountain
and a lake. It’s also a nice place to take a rest and enjoy the view without doing anything. I
wonder if it’s going to be like what I’ve imagined it.
From Bedugul we are going to Kuta. Based on the information ihave, Kuta is one of the best
places to watch a sunset. Therefore, my sister and I want to enjoy the experience. I think it
will be great to see one of the most beautiful sunsets in the world.
Our next destination is Nusa Penida. Some friends of mine told me that Nusa Penida has
great underwater scenery. That’s why, I want to go snorkeling there to enjoy the experience
of seeing underwater life. Nusa Penida will be our last destination in Bali and then we will
continue our trip to Lombok. I think we will go to Lombok by ferry because it’s not too far
from Bali, is it?
Our first destination in Lombok is Senggigi beach. I already know that Senggigi is a nice sandy
beach. Maybe we will try to surfing there. Okay, I know I’ve never tried surfing before. But I
think I will join the training first before I do it.
After Senggigi, we will continue our trip to Gili islands. Do you know that I’ve dreamt about
going to Gili Trawangan, Gili Air, and Gili Meno? From the information I have, the three
islands are must visit places for divers. They provide beautiful underwater scenery. And I
want to know how beautiful they are. I hope they are like what people say. I can’t wait to go
Well, Malika, this is not going to be a long letter and I am going to close now. I will write to
you again and let you know the exact dates of our arrival in Bali.
Your friend,

Task 2
Answer the following questions based on the letter!
1) The letter was written in ….
a. Bandung c. Bali
b. Jakarta d. Lombok
2) When will the writer go to Bali and Lombok?
a. January c. April
b. Next month d. July
3) Which statement is true?
a. Rasya will go surfing in Senggigi without any training.
b. Rasya will join a training course to learn how to surf.
c. Rasya will join the short training to learn how to dive.
d. Rasya will surf in Gili Trawangan.
4) Which one is correct about the writer?
a. She is going to go to Bedugul as her third destination.
b. She will not go to Bedugul.
c. She will go to Bali with her sister.
d. She doesn’t know where they will go after visiting Bali.
5) Which part of the journey will be a completely new experience for the writer?
a. Diving in Gili Trawangan. c. Surfing at Senggigi Beach.
b. Snorkeling in Nusa Penida. d. Watching a sunset in Kuta.
Task 3
Make a personal letter about your past experience. Look at the example!
Dear Alifa,
I’m going to tell you about my past experience. That Sunday evening I felt very tired
after hanging out the whole day with my friends at the mall. As soon as I arrived home, I
hung my jacket on a hanger and got ready to take a rest. Suddenly, I remembered that I had
to call a friend.
I looked everywhere, but I couldn’t find my phone. I was getting panicky. I asked
everyone in the house whether they knew where my mobile phone was, but no one knew.
Well, I lost it thought. Then I had an idea. I asked my brother to call my mobile phone. To my
surprise, I heard it ringing in my jacket. My mobile phone was there.
Well, that’s my story. Thank you for reading. I’m waiting yours.
Your friend,
Kunci jawaban
Task 2
1. A.
2. C.
3. B.
4. C.
5. C.
Pedoman penilaian
1. Tes tertulis
Satu soal mempunyai bobot nilai 20, jika siswa menjawab kelima soal dengan benar, maka
siswa mendapat nilai 100.
2. Tes tertulis dan lisan
Jika siswa mampu membuat personal letter dengan benar dan mampu menceritakan isi dari
personal letter yang dibuat, maka siswa mendapat point 100.
Jika siswa mampu membuat personal letter dengan benar, maka siswa akan mendapat
point 80.

Jakarta, 12 October 2013

Guru Mata Pelajaran, Guru PPL


Mengetahui :
Kepala Sekolah


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