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NARRATOR: In this skit, we will portray the major functions of a manager in an organization.

This includes
planning, organizing, staffing, leading/directing and controlling. Neil is a manager of a company. As a manager he
will be the one who will lead the planning stage of any projects that they will create. The focus of planning is about
achieving the objectives and it does require knowledge of the organization’s objectives and vision.
NEIL: So our CEO said that we should increase the company's sales by 20% by next month. Ivy, can I get the
consumer data for the last 2 months?
NEIL: I see that our product's sales has indeed declined ever since we increased its price. Since its already Christmas
season maybe we should give a buy 1 take 1 promo.
IVY: That sounds great.
NEIL: Also, we will produce an advertisement about our upcoming Christmas promo.

NARRATOR: The next function is organizing. After a plan is in place, Neil needs to organize his team and materials
according to his plan. Assigning work and granting authority are two important elements of organizing.
NEIL: So since our plan is now settled I will now assign your tasks. Ivan you are in charge of creating the
advertisement. I will also trust you with the concept.
IVAN: Yes sir.
NEIL: Ivy, I will assign you to handle the financial duties here. I will give you the authority to hold the funds and be
in charge of the purchases. I will talk to you about the budget later. And Marielle, you will be in charge of the
dissemination of the advertisement online and outdoors.
MARRIELE: Okay sir

NARRATOR: Next function of a manager is staffing. This aims to ensure the organization always has the right
people in the right positions and the organizational structure isn’t hindered by lack or excess of personnel.
NEIL: I will be hiring seasonal part-timers so that the production of our buy1 take 1 products will be faster. Ivy, do
we have enough budget for that?
IVY: Yes sir, we can hire at least 15 workers exclusively for the Christmas season.
NEIL: Ivan, you will also need a production team for the advertisement. Marielle please post a job hiring
announcement on our website and webpages
MARIELLE: Okay sir

NARRATOR: Next function is leading/ directing. Leading involves motivating, communicating, guiding, and
encouraging. It requires the manager to coach, assist, and solve problems with employees. After two days, Neil
called for another meeting.
NIEL: I called a meeting to get some updates about your tasks. Ivan, is the advertisement going well?
IVAN: Yes sir. Actually we will shoot the jingle tommorow.
NIEL: Good, how is the budget Ivy?
IVY: The budget is properly utilized sir.
NIEL: Good. I actually talked to our IT personnel Marielle, they will help you in managing our webpages and
websites so that you will have no problem in the dissemination of the advertisement.
MARIELLE: Thank you sir.

NARRATOR: The final function of management is controlling. Neil needs to continuously check results against goals
and take any corrective actions necessary to make sure that his plans remain on track. After the buy1 take1 promo
was released with the help of online and outdoor advertisements, it is time for Neil to take control of the outcomes
whether the project was effective or not and to take necessary measures in maximizing the positive outcome.
NEIL: Goodmorning guys, I received the sales for the first week of December. Turns out that the jingle
advertisement was a hit.
NEIL: With that, we should expect that we are going to be busy on the upcoming weeks. I suggest to maximize your
time on work until Christmas vacation.
ALL: Yes sir
NEIL: I don't want any absences as much as possible.
NEIL: Okay. Get back to work

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