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Brain and Language 189 (2019) 10–19

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Developmental changes of association strength and categorical relatedness T

on semantic processing in the brain
⁎ ⁎
Tai-Li Choua,b, , Ciao-Han Wonga, Shiou-Yuan Chenc, Li-Ying Fand, James R. Boothe,
Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, USA
Department of Early Childhood Education, University of Taipei, Taiwan
Department of Education, National Taipei University of Education, Taiwan
Department of Psychology and Human Development, Vanderbilt University, USA


Keywords: Semantic knowledge has thematic relations of contiguity based on association and taxonomic relations of si-
Development milarity based on shared features to form categories. It is unknown if there are distinct brain networks between
Categorical relatedness thematic and taxonomic organizations in children and if this distinction is related to changes in specialized brain
Association strength regions with age and/or skill. We orthogonally manipulated association strength (strong, weak) and categorical
relatedness (high, low) to examine 10- to 14-year-old children over a two-year interval. Moreover, we examined
whether initial behavioral performance predicted brain activation changes. Weak versus strong association
strength produced greater activation over time in left middle temporal gyrus and inferior frontal gyrus, and
initial accuracy predicted activation changes in the latter. Moreover, high versus low categorical relatedness
produced greater activation over time in left occipito-temporal cortex and precuneus, and initial accuracy
predicted activation changes in the latter. These developmental findings suggest different organization for
thematic and taxonomic relations.

1. Introduction strength to examine co-occurrence or association in scenarios or events

for stimulus pairs (Chou, Booth, Bitan, et al., 2006, Chou, Booth,
A fundamental question in human knowledge is how semantic Burman, et al., 2006; Chou, Chen, Fan, Chen, & Booth, 2009; Lee,
memory is represented in the brain. Semantic knowledge may have two Booth, & Chou, 2015; Lee, Booth, & Chou, 2016; Wong, Chen, Chou, &
different kinds of relations: contiguity relations based on co-occurrence Lee, 2011). To study taxonomic relations, researchers have examined
or association in events or scenarios (e.g., dog—leash), which are called categorical relatedness that refers to stimulus pairs with shared features
“thematic” relations, and similarity relations based on shared features or properties (Nation & Snowling, 1999; Wong, Chen, & Chou, 2014;
(e.g., dog—bear), which are called “taxonomic” relations (Mirman, Wong et al., 2011). However, there are two shortcomings with previous
Landrigan, & Britt, 2017; Schwartz et al., 2011). The thematic-taxo- developmental studies. First, association strength has not been dis-
nomic distinction has been revealed by neural and functional dis- tinguished from categorical relatedness in children, which causes po-
sociations in adults. Contiguity is related to brain activation in the left tential confounds in interpreting developmental differences in semantic
temporo-parietal junction, posterior temporal areas and inferior frontal processing (McRae & Boisvert, 1998). Second, these studies used cross-
gyrus (Geng & Schnur, 2016; Kalénine & Buxbaum, 2016; Kalénine sectional designs that may not be able to accurately characterize age-
et al., 2009; Mirman et al., 2017; Sass, Sachs, Krach, & Kircher, 2009; related differences in semantic processing. Therefore, we systematically
Sachs et al., 2008a; Schwartz et al., 2011). In contrast, semantic simi- manipulated association strength and categorical relatedness to in-
larity is related to brain activation in the left anterior temporal lobe, vestigate the developmental changes of semantic processing using a
bilateral visual areas, and precuneus (Geng & Schnur, 2016; Kalénine longitudinal approach.
et al., 2009; Mirman et al., 2017; Sass et al., 2009; Sachs et al., 2008a; A cross-sectional design may overestimate the magnitude of a true
Schwartz et al., 2011). age change due to cohort-related influences in cognitive test perfor-
To study thematic relations, researchers have used association mance observed at a single point (Rönnlund, Nyberg, Bäckman, &

Corresponding authors at: Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University, Taiwan (T.-L. Chou).
E-mail addresses: (T.-L. Chou), (J.R. Booth).
Received 19 August 2016; Received in revised form 29 October 2018; Accepted 19 December 2018
Available online 26 December 2018
0093-934X/ © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
T.-L. Chou et al. Brain and Language 189 (2019) 10–19

Nilsson, 2005; Wong et al., 2014). We used a longitudinal design in the 2015; Zhu et al., 2009). Child studies using association strength have
current study because it distinguishes changes from differences among found greater activation for weaker association pairs in the IFG (Chou,
people in their baseline by allowing an examination over time within Booth, Bitan, et al., 2006; Chou, Booth, Burman, et al., 2006; Chou
individuals (Diggle, Heagerty, Liang, & Zeger, 2002; Szaflarski et al., et al., 2009; Lee, Booth, Chen, & Chou, 2011), suggesting difficulty of
2012). Longitudinal designs can more accurately characterize age-re- on-line searching of semantic information for these pairs (Fletcher
lated trajectories (Salthouse, 2000; Schaie, 1990, 1994; Szaflarski et al., et al., 2000). Another critical region implicated in the processing of
2012) and they additionally allow prediction over time (Gabrieli, weak association pairs is the left middle temporal gyrus (MTG). Greater
Ghosh, & Whitfield-Gabrieli, 2015; Lee et al., 2016). Previous work in activation in this region in adults is thought to be related to the storage
semantic development examining similar effects has found contra- of lexical representations (Binder et al., 2009; Lau, Phillips, & Poeppel,
dictory results using cross-sectional and longitudinal designs. For ex- 2008; Rosselli et al., 2014; Turken & Dronkers, 2011; Zhu, Nie, Chang,
ample, Lucariello, Kyratzis, and Nelson (1992) conducted a word as- Gao, & Niu, 2014) and the representation of conceptual contents
sociation task to explore the organization of semantic knowledge in (Fairhall & Caramazza, 2013; Szaflarski et al., 2012). Child studies
children. Their results showed that 7-year-olds provided more taxo- using association strength have found greater activation for weaker
nomic responses than thematic responses, while 4-year-olds provided compared to stronger association pairs in the MTG, indicating more
more thematic responses than taxonomic responses. In contrast, other elaborate semantic representations in older children (Chou, Booth,
researchers found that 5-, 8-, and 10-year-old children all produced Bitan, et al., 2006; Chou, Booth, Burman, et al., 2006; Lee et al., 2015,
more thematic responses than taxonomic responses (Borghi & 2016).
Caramelli, 2003). These inconsistent results demonstrate the potential Regarding the neural substrates of processing categorical related-
advantage of using a longitudinal design to examine the developmental ness, Sachs, Weis, Krings, Huber, and Kircher (2008) examined se-
changes in semantic processing. mantic relations with a category construction task in which participants
Association strength has most often been defined by free association selected among two options that best went with a target (e.g., car).
norms (Hung, Lee, Chen, & Chou, 2010; Lee, Chen, & Chou, 2009; Moss, Their results showed that choosing an option with categorical related-
Ostrin, Tyler, & Marslen-Wilson, 1995; Nation & Snowling, 1999; Wong ness (e.g., bus) was associated with increased activation of the left
et al., 2011). Several previous studies have found higher accuracy on precuneus. When participants processed categorical pairs in a lexical
stronger than weaker association items (Hung et al., 2010; Lee et al., decision task, greater activation was also found in the precuneus (Sachs,
2009; Wong et al., 2011). However, these studies have not dis- Weis, Zellagui, et al., 2008). Furthermore, an age-related increase in
tinguished categorical relatedness from association strength, and this precuneus activation is related to feature extraction for semantic cate-
distinction is important on theoretical grounds. Modeling studies based gorization in a visual working memory task (Ciesielski, Lesnik, Savoy,
on distributed networks have shown that associative relations and ca- Grant, & Ahlfors, 2006). Another region implicated in the processing of
tegorical relations have different impacts on semantic processing categorical relatedness is the left occipito-temporal cortex. This region
(McClelland & Rogers, 2003; Plaut, 1995). Word association norms can plays a critical role in storing visual-perceptual features contributing to
contain a miscellaneous variety of relations, such as synonyms, anto- category-specific semantic memory (Binder et al., 2009) and greater
nyms, or same categories (Hue, Gao, & Lo, 2005; Wong et al., 2014). activation in this region is related to difficulty of access of visual-per-
Indeed, Hutchison (2003) classified each stimulus and its primary as- ceptual features in the processing of object knowledge (Grossman et al.,
sociate from norms into 1 or more of 14 possible relations, showing that 2013). Greater activation in this region is thought to reflect the storage
stimuli may fall into more than one classification. Thus, it is necessary of many features of a general-level category rather than a few features
to separate categorical relatedness from association strength to examine of a specific-level category (Taylor et al., 2011). Thus, processing high
semantic processing in children. categorical pairs with more overlapping features is hypothesized to be
Categorical relatedness refers to character pairs that entail mem- related to the storage of visual features in the occipito-temporal cortex
bership in a category on the basis of shared features (Estes, Golonka, & that are integrated in the precuneus. Taken together, previous research
Jones, 2011; Hampton, 2006). Computational models suggest that re- suggests that we should focus on the roles of the left IFG and MTG in
lated concepts are represented by similar patterns such that the simi- association strength as well as the precuneus and occipito-temporal
larity between two concepts depends on the degree of feature overlap cortex in categorical relatedness when we examine developmental
(Plaut, 1995). For example, cows and sheep share many features, such changes in semantic processing.
as being warm-blooded, and belong to the category of mammals. The aforementioned studies are all based on adult participants. It is
Members of the same category are all related to one another by their not known whether there may be overlapping or distinct brain net-
shared properties (Estes et al., 2011). As compared with low categorical works between thematic and taxonomic organizations of semantic
pairs, high categorical pairs produce a greater priming effect, sug- knowledge in children. Also, it is not known whether this thematic-
gesting that the high categorical relatedness should produce greater taxonomic distinction may be related to changes in specialized brain
activation of the memory representation of the category (Hines, regions depending on age and/or skill. Furthermore, it is crucial to
Czerwinski, Sawyer, & Dwyer, 1986). Similarly, modeling findings de- explore the relationship between anatomy and function with age. The
monstrate greater semantic priming for high categorical pairs with human brain has an inverted U-shaped pattern of development in gray
more overlapping features as compared to low categorical pairs with matter with age (as reviewed in Thompson & Nelson, 2001; Casey,
fewer overlapping features (Plaut, 1995). A neuro-cognitive account Tottenham, Liston, & Durston, 2005). Regions subserving primary
also proposes that categorical information with many features is re- functions, such as motor and sensory systems, mature earliest, with
presented and processed in the occipito-temporal cortex (Taylor, temporal and parietal association cortices associated with basic lan-
Devereux, & Tyler, 2011). guage skills and spatial attention maturing next. Higher-order associa-
The neuroimaging evidence of association strength shows that two tion areas, such as the prefrontal cortices mature last. The present
major brain regions exhibit greater activation for weak association pairs longitudinal study provides a window to examine the fine-tuning of
as compared to strong association pairs. One critical region is the left cortical systems with refinement of the prefrontal cortex relative to
inferior frontal gyrus (IFG). The greater activation in the IFG is related association or sensorimotor cortex over age (Casey et al., 2005).
to on-line searching during semantic processing in adults (Binder, In the present study, we used a semantic judgment task to in-
Desai, Graves, & Conant, 2009; Fletcher, Shallice, & Dolan, 2000; vestigate the underlying mechanisms of developmental changes of as-
Rosselli, Ardila, Matute, & Velez-Uribe, 2014; Turken & Dronkers, sociation strength and categorical relatedness to understand the the-
2011), particularly when there are increased demands on retrieval or matic-taxonomic distinction in 10- to 14-year-old children. We chose
selection of semantic knowledge (Badre & Wagner, 2007; Lee et al., this age range because categorical knowledge is gradually learned

T.-L. Chou et al. Brain and Language 189 (2019) 10–19

during this time (Borghi & Caramelli, 2003; Lee et al., 2015, 2016; Table 1
Nation & Snowling, 1999). The first goal of the present study was to Stimulus characteristics of association strength and categorical relatedness.
examine the neural correlates of semantic processing by orthogonally Free association value Categorical relationship1
manipulating association strength and categorical relatedness between
character pairs. According to previous studies, we expected that weak High Low High Low categorical
association pairs should produce greater activation in the left IFG and categorical categorical categorical

MTG, and high categorical pairs should produce greater activation in Strong association 24.7(16.9) 20.4(9.6) 6.3(0.4) 3.9(1.0)
the left precuneus and left occipito-temporal cortex. Second, we ex- Weak association 7.3(2.5) 3.8(3.0) 6.0(0.3) 4.6(1.0)
amined developmental changes of children over a two-year interval Stroke Frequency
using a longitudinal approach. We hypothesized an age-related increase
in activation in the IFG and MTG for processing weak association pairs High Low High Low categorical
as well as in the precuneus and occipito-temporal cortex for processing categorical categorical categorical
high categorical pairs, and that this would be related to behavioral
Strong association 9.7(4.5) 11.8(3.3) 317.7(472.2) 242.0(251.0)
performance. This would be consistent with the hypothesis that as Weak association 10.3(3.5) 12.2(4.0) 475.9(807.0) 222.5(340.9)
children age they have more elaborated semantic representations in the
Familiarity Semantic relatedness
left MTG that require greater engagement of selection processes in the
left IFG, and that they have more elaborate features of categorical High Low
knowledge in the occipito-temporal cortex that are integrated in the categorical categorical
Strong association 6.3(0.3) 6.2(0.3) Free .292
2. Material and methods value
Weak association 6.2(0.4) 6.2(0.2)
2.1. Participants Imageability Concreteness

Sixteen native speakers of Chinese (in Time 1, age range = 10–14, High Low High Low categorical
categorical categorical categorical
mean age = 12.1, standard deviation = 1.4, 5 females) participated in
this longitudinal study. The children received the functional magnetic Strong association 5.1(0.9) 5.3(0.9) 5.3(0.9) 5.9(0.6)
resonance (fMRI) scans twice over a two-year interval. They were re- Weak association 4.9(1.2) 4.6(0.9) 5.1(0.8) 5.2(0.8)
cruited from the Taipei city metropolitan area. The child participants
were selected to meet six inclusionary criteria that were given to their Note. 1. Mean score of categorical relationship, 2. Correlation of semantic re-
parents. The six inclusionary criteria were as follows: (1) right-hand- latedness and free association value (p < .05). (Standard deviations in par-
edness, (2) normal hearing and normal or corrected-to-normal vision,
(3) free of neurological disease or psychiatric disorders, (4) no history
of intelligence, reading, or oral-language deficits, (5) not taking medi- cookie–糧grain). In addition, twenty-four character pairs were se-
cation affecting the central nervous system, and (6) no learning dis- mantically unrelated, with zero association values and no categorical
ability or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Also, the relatedness (肥fat–待wait).
child participants received the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children In the semantic judgment task, two Chinese characters were visually
(WISC-III) Chinese version to ensure that their IQ performance was presented sequentially and the participants had to determine whether
within the normal range. After the administration of the interview with the character pair was related in meaning. Trials lasted 4500 ms and
parents, informed consent was obtained. The informed consent proce- consisted of a solid square (500 ms), followed by the first character
dures were approved by the Institutional Review Board at the National (800 ms), a 200-ms blank interval, and the second character for
Taiwan University Hospital. Standardized intelligence testing was then 3000 ms. The participants were instructed to make a response during
administered, using the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC- the presentation of the second word. They were instructed to quickly
III) Chinese version. Participants’ standard scores (mean ± SD) were and accurately press with their right hand the yes button to the related
112.0 ± 12.5 on the verbal scale and 111.1 ± 12.3 on the full scale. pairs and the no button to the unrelated pairs. The perceptual control
condition had 24 pairs of non-characters. Non-characters were created
2.2. Functional activation tasks by replacing radicals of real characters with other radicals that did not
form real Chinese characters. Non-characters were larger (50 point font
The children were given two practice sessions, one outside the size) than real characters (40 point font size) in order to encourage
scanner and the other in the scanner, to make sure that they understood participants to perform the task based on recognizing a low level of
the task. The practice items were different stimuli from those used in visual similarity and not on the extraction of semantic information
fMRI sessions. Forty-eight character pairs were divided into 2 associa- (Chou et al., 2009). Trials consisted of a solid square (500 ms), followed
tion strength (strong and weak) by 2 categorical relatedness (high and by the first non-character (800 ms), a 200 ms blank interval, and the
low) pairs, each condition having 12 pairs (Table 1). Association second non-character for 3000 ms. Participants determined whether the
strength was defined by free association values (mean = 0.14, pair of stimuli was identical or not by pressing a yes or no button with
SD = 0.13, ranging from 0.73 to 0.01) (Chou et al., 2009; Hue et al., their right hand. There were also 24 baseline events as “null” trials so
2005). Categorical relatedness was defined by rating scores from tea- that we could better deconvolve the response to the lexical and per-
chers (fifth to seventh-grade) who were asked to determine categorical ceptual trials. The participant was instructed to press a button when a
relationship including artifacts (e.g., dish-plate) and natural kinds (e.g., solid square (1300 ms) at the center of the visual field turned to a
dog-cat) by using a 7-point rating scale on each pair (Moss et al., 1995; hollow square (3000 ms) after a blank interval (200 ms).
Sachs, Weis, Krings, et al., 2008; Wong et al., 2011, 2014). Thus, there
were four semantically related conditions including strong association 2.3. Stimulus characteristics
strength–high categorical relatedness (劍sword–刀knife), strong asso-
ciation strength–low categorical relatedness (稅tax–錢money), weak Several lexical variables were controlled across the related and
association strength–high categorical relatedness (殃calamity–禍mis- unrelated conditions. First, all characters were monosyllabic. Second,
fortune), and weak association strength–low categorical relatedness (餅 the first and second character did not share radicals (Lee et al., 2015).

T.-L. Chou et al. Brain and Language 189 (2019) 10–19

Third, the first and second character together did not form a word period) in order to remove low frequency artifacts.
(Sinica Corpus, 1998; Wu & Liu, 1987). Fourth, characters were mat- Data from each participant was entered into a general linear model
ched for visual complexity (in terms of strokes per character) across the using an event-related analysis procedure (Josephs & Henson, 1999).
related conditions. Fifth, characters were matched for written fre- Character pairs were treated as individual events for analysis and
quency for adults (Wu & Liu, 1987) and written familiarity for children modeled using a canonical HRF (Hemodynamic Response Function).
across the related conditions. Familiarity scores were obtained from There were seven event types: strong association strength–high cate-
pre-tests in which all the characters were rated on a 7-point scale by gorical relatedness, strong association strength–low categorical relat-
thirty age-matched children. The correlation of the character familiarity edness, weak association strength–high categorical relatedness, weak
measure was not significant, with association values or categorical association strength–low categorical relatedness, unrelated, perceptual,
ratings, indicating that association or categorical effects should not be and baseline. Parameter estimates from contrasts of the canonical HRF
due to familiarity differences. Sixth, imageability was matched across in single subject models were entered into random-effects analysis using
the related conditions. Imageability scores were rated for individual one-sample t-tests across all participants to determine whether activa-
characters on a 7-point scale by ten age-matched children who did not tion during a contrast was significant (i.e., parameter estimates were
participant this study. A 2 (association strength) by 2 (categorical re- reliably greater than 0). The incorrect trials were included for the fol-
latedness) ANOVA on imageability scores was not significant for the lowing analyses, considering that the statistical power should be equal
main effects or interaction (ps > 0.05). Seventh, concreteness based on between conditions with different accuracies for fMRI analyses (Bitan
a Chinese psycholinguistic norms (Liu, Shu, & Li, 2007) was matched et al., 2007; Chen, Gau, Lee, & Chou, 2016).
across the related conditions. A 2 (association strength) by 2 (catego- We conducted bi-directional comparisons between the strong and
rical relatedness) ANOVA on concreteness scores was not significant for the weak association strength in Time 1 and Time 2 separately, and bi-
the main effects or interaction (ps > 0.05). It should be noted that not directional comparisons between the high and the low categorical re-
every character had a concreteness rating on the norms. The missing latedness for Time 1 and Time 2 separately (p < .001 uncorrected at
values were 4% (strong association strength–high categorical related- the voxel level). A mask was formed by combining these 4 maps with a
ness), 16% (strong association strength–low categorical relatedness), logical “OR” operation. In order to examine developmental changes
16% (weak association strength–high categorical relatedness), and 29% within this mask, we compared Time 2 with Time 1 using p < .05
(weak association strength–low categorical relatedness). corrected for FWE (family-wise error rate) at the voxel level with a
cluster size greater than 10 voxels. In addition, reported areas of acti-
2.4. MRI data acquisition vation for developmental changes in the left MTG and occipito-tem-
poral cortex were p < .05 corrected for FWE at the voxel level with a
Participants lay in the scanner with their head position secured by a sphere of 6 mm radius from a study of semantic development (Chou
specially designed vacuum pillow. An optical response box was placed et al., 2009) and from a study of categorical knowledge (Grossman
in the participants’ right hand. The head coil was positioned over the et al., 2013), respectively.
participants’ head. Participants viewed visual stimuli projected onto a
screen via a mirror attached to the inside of the head coil. This study 2.6. Regression analyses
adopted an event-related design.
All images were acquired using a 3 Tesla Siemens Trio scanner. The relationship between behavior at Time 1 and brain activation
Gradient-echo localizer images were acquired to determine the place- change from Time 1 to Time 2 was examined using a simple regression
ment of the functional slices. For the functional imaging studies, a model. In order to determine whether behavioral performance was
susceptibility-weighted single-shot EPI (echo planar imaging) method predictive of increased regional activity during semantic judgments, the
with BOLD (blood oxygenation level-dependent) was used. Functional accuracy for the weak minus the strong association strength at Time 1
images were interleaved from bottom to top collected parallel to the was used as a regressor of interest, with the change in beta values for
AC-PC plane. The scanning parameters were the following: repetition the left IFG (BA 45) and MTG (BA 21) from Time 1 to Time 2 as the
time (TR) = 2000 ms; echo time (TE) = 24 ms; flip angle = 90°; matrix dependent variable. Moreover, the accuracy for the high minus the low
size = 64 × 64; field of view = 25.6 cm; slice thickness = 3 mm; categorical relatedness at Time 1 was used as a regressor of interest,
number of slices = 34. Each participant performed two 4.5-min func- with the change in beta values for the left precuneus (BA 29) and oc-
tional runs with 136 image volumes. A high-resolution, T1-weighted cipito-temporal cortex (BA 37) from Time 1 to Time 2 as the dependent
three dimensional image was also acquired (Magnetization Prepared variable.
Rapid Gradient Echo, MP-RAGE; TR = 1560 ms; TE = 3.68 ms; flip
angle = 15°; matrix size = 256 × 256; field of view = 25.6 cm; slice 3. Results
thickness = 1 mm, number of slices = 192). Orientation of the 3D
image was identical to the functional slices. The task was administered 3.1. Behavioral performance: accuracy
in a pseudorandom order for all participants, in which the order of
conditions was optimized for event-related design (Burock, Buckner, Accuracy (mean ± SD) for the strong association strength–high
Woldorff, Rosen, & Dale, 1998). categorical relatedness, strong association strength–low categorical re-
latedness, weak association strength–high categorical relatedness, and
2.5. fMRI analysis weak association strength–low categorical relatedness conditions were
88 ± 12%, 84 ± 14%, 82 ± 17%, and 72 ± 12% in Time 1, and
Data analysis was performed using SPM8 (Statistical Parametric 95 ± 5%, 88 ± 16%, 90 ± 12%, and 85 ± 14% in Time 2, respec-
Mapping 8). The functional images were corrected for differences in tively. A 2 association strength (strong, weak) by 2 categorical relat-
slice-acquisition time to the middle volume and were realigned to the edness (high, low) by 2 age (Time 1, Time 2) ANOVA on accuracy was
first volume in the scanning session using affine transformations. No performed. The main effect of association strength was significant, F(1,
participant had more than 3 mm of movement in any plane. Co-regis- 15) = 15.37, p < .05, reflecting higher accuracy for the strong relative
tered images were normalized to the MNI (Montreal Neurological to the weak association strength. The main effect of categorical relat-
Institute) average template (12 linear affine parameters for brain size edness was significant, F(1, 15) = 12.44, p < .05, reflecting higher
and position, 8 non-linear iterations and 2 × 2 × 2 nonlinear basis accuracy for the high relative to the low categorical relatedness. The
functions). Statistical analyses were calculated on the smoothed data main effect of age was significant, F(1, 15) = 8.01, p < .05, reflecting
(10 mm isotropic Gaussian kernel), with a high pass filter (128 s cutoff higher accuracy for Time 2 relative to Time 1. The interaction

T.-L. Chou et al. Brain and Language 189 (2019) 10–19

approached a significant difference, F(1, 15) = 2.31, p = .15. Table 2

To examine developmental changes in behavioral performance on Greater activation for Time 1, Time 2, and Time 2-Time 1 for association
association or categorial knowledge, we did two separate analyses on strength and categorical relatedness.
accuracy difference of Time 2 vs. Time 1. For association strength, there Condition Regions BA z- test Voxels x y z
was a significant effect of accuracy difference (Time 2 – Time 1) be-
tween strong association and weak association, t(15) = 2.27, p < .05. Strong – Weak association strength
Time 1 L Angular gyrus 39 3.83 38 −51 −61 31
For categorical relatedness, there was no significant effect of accuracy
L Superior temporal 39 3.35 38 −60 −64 19
difference (Time 2 – Time 1) between high categorical relatedness and gyrus
low categorical relatedness, t(15) = −0.24, p = .82. Thus, an age-re- Time 2 R Superior medial 10 3.43 85 9 56 10
lated increase was observed in association strength, and not in cate- frontal gyrus
R Superior frontal gyrus 10 3.41 85 15 53 4
gorical relatedness.
Time 2 - Time R Superior frontal gyrus 10 3.85 68 21 50 4
3.2. Behavioral performance: reaction times
Weak – Strong association strength
Time 1 n.s
Reaction times (mean ± SD) for the strong association strength–- Time 2 L Inferior frontal gyrus 45 5.05 556 −57 20 4
high categorical relatedness, strong association strength–low catego- L Precentral gyrus 9 4.39 556 −60 8 25
rical relatedness, weak association strength–high categorical related- L Inferior parietal lobule 40 4.19 193 −45 −46 46
R Inferior frontal gyrus 45 3.36 39 57 23 1
ness, and weak association strength–low categorical relatedness
L Postcentral 6 3.56 18 −45 −10 52
conditions were 962 ± 223 ms, 1077 ± 212 ms, 1050 ± 210 ms, and L Supplementary motor 6 3.53 18 −6 5 73
1164 ± 182 ms in Time 1, and 801 ± 179 ms, 934 ± 241 ms, area
898 ± 202 ms, and 971 ± 201 ms in Time 2, respectively. A 2 asso- L Middle temporal gyrus 21 3.41 8 −54 −40 7
ciation strength (strong, weak) by 2 categorical relatedness (high, low) Time 2 - Time L Inferior frontal gyrusa 45 4.02 112 −48 23 25
by 2 age (Time 1, Time 2) ANOVA on reaction times was performed. L Middle temporal 21 3.38 37 −60 −40 4
The main effect of association strength was significant, F(1, gyrusa
15) = 31.43, p < .05, reflecting faster reaction times for the strong
High - Low categorical relatedness
relative to the weak association strength. The main effect of categorical Time 1 n.s
relatedness was significant, F(1, 15) = 31.70, p < .05, reflecting faster Time 2 L Occipito-temporal 37 3.71 13 −48 −67 4
reaction times for the high relative to the low categorical relatedness. cortex
The main effect of age was significant, F(1, 15) = 28.53, p < .05, re- R Lingual gyrus 30 3.38 7 12 −40 1
R Precuneus 29 3.38 55 9 −46 16
flecting faster reaction times for Time 2 relative to Time 1. All inter- L Precuneus 29 3.37 55 −6 −49 13
actions were not significant ps > 0.05. Time 2 - Time L Precuneusa 29 3.12 17 −6 −46 13
3.3. Brain activation patterns L Occipito-temporal 37 2.50 5 −45 −67 4

Table 2 summarizes brain regions for the bi-directional comparisons Low - High categorical relatedness
Time 1 R Medial frontal gyrus 9 3.39 47 3 38 34
between the strong and the weak association strength in Time 1 and
L Anterior cingulum 32 3.38 47 −3 35 28
Time 2 separately, and for the bi-directional comparisons between the R Superior medial 8 3.29 47 0 29 43
high and the low categorical relatedness in Time 1 and Time 2 sepa- frontal gyrus
rately. The weak versus the strong association strength was not sig- Time 2 n.s
nificant for Time 1, and produced greater activation in the bilateral IFG Time 2 - Time n.s
(BA 45), left precentral gyrus (BA 9), left inferior parietal lobule (BA
40), left postcentral gyrus (BA 6), left supplementary motor area (BA 6), Note. n.s: no significant activation; L: left; R: right; BA: Brodmann’s area;
and left middle temporal gyrus (BA 21) for Time 2 (Fig. 1A). The strong Coordinates of activation peak(s) within a region based on a z-test are given in
versus the weak association strength produced greater activation in the the MNI stereotactic space (x, y, z). Voxels: number of voxels.
left angular gyrus (BA 39) and left superior temporal gyrus (BA 39) for p < .05 corrected for multiple comparisons at the voxel level with a cluster
Time 1, and produced greater activation in the right superior medial size greater than 5 voxels with the use of functional masks.
frontal gyrus (BA 10) and right superior frontal gyrus (BA 10) for Time
2, respectively. Moreover, the high versus the low categorical related- association items. There was a greater difference in IFG activation at
ness was not significant for Time 1, and produced greater activation in Time 2 compared to Time 1 (Fig. 2A). To further unpack the develop-
the left occipito-temporal cortex (BA 37), right lingual gyrus (BA 30), mental changes in precuneus activation, we plotted the Time 1 and
and bilateral precuneus (BA 29) for Time 2 (Fig. 1C). The low versus Time 2 activation separately for the high and low categorical items.
high categorical relatedness produced greater activation in the right There was a greater difference in precuneus activation at Time 2
medial frontal gyrus (BA 9), left anterior cingulum (BA 32), and right compared to Time 1 (Fig. 2B).
superior medial frontal gyrus (BA 8) for Time 1, and was not significant
for Time 2. 3.4. Regression analysis
The developmental changes of semantic processing are shown in
Table 2. The contrast of the strong versus the weak association strength A simple regression model was used to determine whether beha-
produced greater activation in the right superior frontal gyrus (BA 10) vioral performance at Time 1 was predictive of Time 2 minus Time 1
for Time 2 compared to Time 1. The contrast of the weak versus the brain activity in significant brain regions. For the contrast of the weak
strong association strength produced greater activation in the left IFG versus the strong association strength, we performed a simple regres-
(BA 45) and MTG (BA 21) (Fig. 1B) for Time 2 compared to Time 1. The sion analysis using the Time 2 minus Time 1 beta values of the left IFG
contrast of the high versus the low categorical relatedness elicited (BA 45) as the dependent variable, and overall accuracy of the weak
greater activation in the left precuneus (BA 29) and occipito-temporal minus strong association strength at Time 1 was entered as a predictor.
cortex (BA 37) (Fig. 1D) for Time 2 compared to Time 1. The model was significant, F(1, 14) = 4.75, p < .05 (Fig. 3A). The
To further unpack the developmental changes in IFG activation, we regression analysis of association strength was not significant for the
plotted Time 1 and Time 2 activation separately for the weak and strong left MTG (BA 21). Moreover, for the contrast of the high versus the low

T.-L. Chou et al. Brain and Language 189 (2019) 10–19

Fig. 1. Greater activation for (A) the contrast of the weak versus the strong association strength produced greater activation in the left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG, BA
45) and left middle temporal gyrus (MTG, BA 21) for time 2, (B) the developmental changes of semantic processing for the contrast of the weak versus the strong
association strength produced greater activation in the left IFG (BA 45) and left middle temporal gyrus (MTG, BA 21) for Time 2 compared to Time 1, (C) the contrast
of the high versus the low categorical relatedness elicited greater activation in the left precuneus (BA 29) and left occitipo-temporal gyrus (OTC, BA 37) for Time 2,
and (D) the developmental changes of semantic processing for the contrast of the high versus the low categorical relatedness elicited greater activation in the left
precuneus (BA 29) and left occitipo-temporal gyrus (OTC, BA 37) for Time 2 compared to Time 1.

categorical relatedness, we performed a simple regression analysis frontal selection processes especially for weak association strength,
using the Time 2 minus Time 1 beta values of the left precuneus (BA 29) whereas the developmental increase in the left precuneus may be re-
as the dependent variable, and overall accuracy of the high minus low lated to more elaborate posterior visual-perceptual features of catego-
categorical relatedness at Time 1 was entered as a predictor. The model rical knowledge that allow for more complete integration especially for
was significant, F(1, 14) = 5.79, p < .05 (Fig. 3B). The regression high categorical relatedness.
analysis of categorical relatedness was not significant for the left occi- For the third question, the activation change in the IFG over age has
pito-temporal cortex (BA 37). a larger voxel size that survives multiple-comparison correction as
compared to the other three brain regions (MTG, precuneus, occipito-
temporal cortex). Also, the greater activation changes in the IFG were
4. Discussion
accompanied by greater behavioral changes in accuracy for association
strength. It is possible that our activation and behavioral findings are
The present study was designed to explore three questions: whether
related to brain structure changes over time. The development of gray
there are overlapping or distinct brain networks between thematic and
matter suggests that occipital areas are the earliest to mature whereas
taxonomic organizations in children, whether this thematic-taxonomic
the lateral prefrontal cortex is the latest to mature (Casey et al., 2005;
distinction is related to changes in specialized brain regions depending
Thompson & Nelson, 2001). These brain structure changes are con-
on age and/or skill, and whether the thematic-taxonomic distinction is
sistent with our findings of largest activation changes in the IFG and
also related to brain changes. For the first question, the thematic-
significant accuracy changes for association strength with age.
taxonomic distinction was supported by showing different brain regions
For thematic organization in children, weak association strength
involved in association strength and categorical relatedness.
produced greater activation in the left IFG as compared to the strong
Association strength was related to activation in a modality-in-
association strength. This is consistent with child studies using a cross-
dependent area (the left MTG), suggesting that this area is involved in
sectional approach in Chinese (Chou et al., 2009; Lee et al., 2011) and
representing the thematic relations of semantic knowledge (Chou,
in English (Chou, Booth, Bitan, et al., 2006). Greater activation in this
Booth, Bitan, et al., 2006, Chou, Booth, Burman, et al., 2006; Chou
region is thought to be related to access to semantic representations
et al., 2009). In contrast, categorical relatedness was related to acti-
that require greater engagement of selection processes for weak asso-
vation in a modality-specific area (the left occipito-temporal cortex),
ciation pairs. Therefore, the children may need effortful semantic
suggesting that this area is involved in representing the taxonomic re-
search for distantly related stimuli, particularly when there were in-
lations of semantic knowledge (Binder & Desai, 2011; Pulvermuller,
creased demands on the process of selecting relevant semantic knowl-
2013). In addition, processing weak association strength was related to
edge as for low association pairs (see also Blumenfeld, Booth, &
greater activation in the left IFG suggesting that this area is involved in
Burman, 2006).
selecting modality-independent thematic knowledge, whereas proces-
There was a developmental increase in left IFG activation for the
sing high categorical relatedness was related to greater activation in the
weak versus the strong association strength in Time 2 relative to Time
precuneus suggesting that this area is involved in integrating modality-
1. In the region of interest analyses, there was also a developmental
specific visual-perceptual features for taxonomic relations.
increase in left MTG activation for the weak versus the strong asso-
For the second question, we found that the thematic-taxonomic
ciation strength in Time 2 relative to Time 1. The developmental
distinction showed greater specialization with age and skill. There were
change in the MTG may reflect the elaboration of semantic knowledge
age-related increases in the left IFG for association strength that were
with increasing numbers of lexical associations (McGregor & Appel,
correlated with skill, and age-related increases in the precuneus for
2002; McGregor, Friedman, Reilly, & Newman, 2002). Altogether, age-
categorical relatedness that were correlated with skill. The develop-
related increases in activation suggest that there may be a greater
mental increase in the left IFG may be related to more elaborate pos-
number of potential lexical associates with age in the left MTG and
terior semantic representations that require greater engagement of

T.-L. Chou et al. Brain and Language 189 (2019) 10–19

Fig. 2. Developmental changes in brain activation (beta values). (A) For the weak versus strong association strength, a greater difference in IFG activation at Time 2
compared to Time 1 is driven by an increase for the weak association. (B) For the high versus low categorical relatedness, a greater difference in precuneus activation
at Time 2 compared to Time 1 is driven by an increase for the high categorical relatedness.

these associates may increase selection demands for the weak associa- relationship is negative. More generally, this analysis suggests that
tion strength in the left IFG. Older children may have more elaborate lower accuracy for the weak association early in development is asso-
semantic representations in the temporal cortex that require greater ciated with greater activation changes over time potentially because
engagement of selection processes for the weak association strength in semantic connections for these items are later acquired (Hung et al.,
the frontal cortex. 2010; McGregor et al., 2002). Behavioral data in our study shows larger
For the association strength variable, the regression analyses in- developmental changes for the weak compared to the strong association
dicated that behavioral performance at Time 1 was predictive of acti- items. Strong association items are earlier acquired so they are less
vation change in the left IFG from Time 1 to Time 2. Specifically, the likely to show large individual differences earlier in development, and
difference in accuracy of the weak association minus accuracy of the be less predictive of later changes.
strong association at Time 1 was predictive of activation change in left For taxonomic organization in children, high categorical relatedness
IFG activation of Time 2 minus Time 1 for the contrast of weak asso- elicited greater activation in the left precuneus as compared to the low
ciation minus strong association. Accuracy for the weak association was categorical relatedness. The left precuneus has been proposed to be
overall lower than accuracy for the strong association, and activation involved in elaborating highly integrated information (Cavanna &
for the weak association was overall greater than the strong association, Trimble, 2006) and in the conceptual representation of semantic
so it is reasonable that the regression analysis shows that this knowledge (Fairhall & Caramazza, 2013). In order to perform a

T.-L. Chou et al. Brain and Language 189 (2019) 10–19

Fig. 3. (A) For the weak versus strong as-

sociation strength, the beta values at Time 2
were higher than Time 1 for the left inferior
frontal gyrus (IFG) in the left panel. The
negative correlation between accuracy
(percentage of the weak association minus
percentage of the strong association) at
Time 1 and the signal change (beta values of
the weak association minus beta values of
the strong association) of the IFG for Time 2
vs. Time 1 in the right panel. (B) For the
high versus low categorical relatedness, the
beta values at Time 2 were higher than Time
1 for the left precuneus in the left panel. The
positive correlation between accuracy (per-
centage of the high categorical minus per-
centage of the low categorical relatedness)
at Time 1 and the signal change (beta values
of the high categorical minus beta values of
the low categorical relatedness) of the left
precuneus for Time 2 vs. Time 1 in the right

relatedness judgment, children need to compare the overlapping se- more complete hierarchical relations and shared semantic features,
mantic features for stimulus pairs (Nation & Snowling, 1999). The high such that categorical concepts are getting more robust (Wong et al.,
categorical relatedness may allow for greater integration of features due 2014). Older children have learned that features are not equally im-
to many overlapping semantic features between characters (Plaut, portant and some features with little significance must be ignored when
1995). Greater activation in the left precuneus may reflect that many establishing a categorical relationship. Therefore, the ability to com-
similar or overlapping features are activated and integrated during pare overlapping features allows older children to more completely
processing the high categorical relatedness. integrate highly categorical pairs.
We found greater activation in the left precuneus for the high versus For the categorical relatedness variable, the regression analyses
low categorical relatedness in Time 2 compared to Time 1. In a region indicated that behavioral performance at Time 1 was predictive of ac-
of interest analyses, we also found greater activation in the left occipito- tivation change in the left precuneus from Time 1 to Time 2.
temporal cortex for the high versus low categorical relatedness in Time Specifically, the difference in accuracy of the high categorical related-
2 compared to Time 1. The developmental increase in the occipito- ness minus accuracy of the low categorical relatedness at Time 1 was
temporal cortex may reflect the elaboration of features with increasing predictive of activation change in left precuneus activation of Time 2
connections among relevant features for high categorical pairs minus Time 1 for the contrast of high categorical minus low categorical
(McClelland & Rogers, 2003). Taken together, the age-related increases relatedness. Accuracy for the high categorical relatedness was overall
might be due to more elaborate features of categorical knowledge in the higher than accuracy for the low categorical relatedness, and activation
occipito-temporal cortex that allow more complete integration of the for the high categorical relatedness was overall greater than low cate-
overlapping features for the high categorical relatedness in the pre- gorical relatedness, so it is reasonable that the regression analysis shows
cuneus for older children as compared to younger children. The de- that this relationship is positive. The behavioral data shows that the
velopmental increase in activation for high categorical relations might high categorical relatedness shows comparable behavioral changes over
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Graham, 2007; Wong et al., 2014). With two years of exposure to dition also shows greater activation changes over development, so these
formal schooling and training in analytical skills, character pairs have two effects are dissociated. However, our behavioral data are consistent

T.-L. Chou et al. Brain and Language 189 (2019) 10–19

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