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Is Global Solidarity Possible?

- Cada, Nathalie Aya M.

Global Solidarity is possible. Before we proceed to my explanation why

Global Solidarity is possible, let me tell you the meaning of Global Solidarity. From the
word ‘Global’, means worldwide and ‘Solidarity’, means unity of interest and action.
When we add the two words it will produce a worldwide unity of interest and action.

So now let me defend why the worldwide unity of interest and action is
possible. As you can see we have UN or UNITED NATIONS that helps our country to
befriend the other countries, what is the connection of the said organization to the Global
Solidarity? In able to achieve the possibility of Global Solidarity, our own country and
other countries must have peace with each other. And the UN helps us to have peace.

Every people will have the audacity to learn and know the other religion,
cultures, languages, and so on. Everyone will have the freedom to know but it doesn’t
mean you’ll adapt it in your whole life.

Solidarity also involves a sense of responsibility, since we are in the same

world and we are members of the same human family that needs to work together for the
benefit of all.

If you’re born as a Filipino, you will achieve the freedom of seeing the
world differently. You will have the freedom of learning about yourself as well as that
knowledge you got from different places. But it is based on you if you’ll adapt it as your
own or you’ll add it only to your mind’s stock knowledge.

Global solidarity can be possible or impossible. But there is a higher chance

of possibility because the said topic leads us to openness in every aspect. It teaches us to
be kind because we are letting other people to know ours while we know theirs. It can
also lead us to have more peace and legit freedom because we are sharing everything we
know to each other.

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