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The Bright Vision Academy

Name: ____________ Monthly Test Biology (Class11th)

Chapter 4
Total Marks: 30 Time Allowed: 40 minutes

Answer the following short questions

1. Differentiate b/w receptor and effector?
2. What is chemical coordination?
3. What are dendrites and axons?
4. What is nerve and nerve impulse?
5. Differentiate b/w motor neurons and interneurons?
6. Differentiate b/w sensory nerves and motor nerves?
7. What is autonomic nervous system?
8. What is pons?
9. What is spinal cord?
10. Write the lobes of cerebrum with functions?
Extensive Questions
1Explain reflex action?

The Bright Vision Academy

Name: ____________ Monthly Test Biology (Class11th)
Chapter 4
Total Marks: 30 Time Allowed: 40 minutes

Answer the following short questions

1. Differentiate b/w receptor and effector?
2. What is chemical coordination?
3. What are dendrites and axons?
4. What is nerve and nerve impulse?
5. Differentiate b/w motor neurons and interneurons?
6. Differentiate b/w sensory nerves and motor nerves?
7. What is autonomic nervous system?
8. What is pons?
9. What is spinal cord?
10. Write the lobes of cerebrum with functions?
Extensive Questions
1Explain reflex action?

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