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ma'frood / yez'3am supposed to be

rei'7atha its smell (feminine object)

ma 3dri aish slon ash'rah I don't know how to

lik explain it to you (m)

na3amatallah Allah's blessing

na3ama blessing (f)

La. na3amatallah. Ata ai nO, Allah's blessing - give

gato/gatwa it to a cat

gato/gatwa cat (m)/(f)

jid'dami / gid'dami in front of me

jid'dami / gid'dami kul hai in front of me all this food

akel bas g3ed akel hai but now I'm eating this

I don't understand
mu 'fahim (anything) [ right now]
ma fa'hamt i didn't understand

tebi teshrub mae? you want drink water?

ee ...eitha ma 3'laich yes...if it doesn't trouble

ka'lafa you

yes...if it doesn't trouble

ee ...eitha ma 3'laik ka'lafa

only because she

illa 'lemmasher'7atlee explained it to me

lemma when

illa only

sherhat she explained (past)

he explained to me the
sher'a7lee ad dars lesson

he explained to me
sher'a7lee i'a [pronounced like Maori)
only when she explained
illa 'lemmasher'7alee i'a
it (dars) to me

i'a it (masculine e.g. dars)

illa 'lemmashe'ra7lee only when he explained

assalfa the story

anecdote (small subject /

'salfa topic / matter)

shinoo assalfa? what's the matter (m)?

only when he explained it

illa 'lemmashe'ra7lee i'aha

i'ya ha / i'aha it (m)

short time / a time /

'fetra sometimes a long time

gabl 'fitra before a short time

fetra ta'weela` a long time

fetra ga'seera a short time

there's nothing left (time/

ma buga'shay food/ money)

saar happen

saar wagt awa'lada happen time birth

awa'lada birth

birthing (giving birth)

ga3d 'tulid (talking to a man)

birthing (giving birth)

'ga3da 'tulid (talking to a woman)

sha'sawee what can I do?

dish enter (talking to a man)

'dishee enter (talking to a woman)

ray7ain al mus'teshfa we're going to hospital

bi'daiya beginning

bi'daiyat al walada the beginning of birth

ay ma'kan ay wagt any place any time

slon bowlid how I give birth?

akher tahadi last challenge

first we arrive you're (m)

awal ma noosal rah tif7am
going to understand

awal ma awsal first I arrive

you're (f) going to

rah tif7ameen understand

rah ifham I'm going to understand

you're (m) going to
rah tifham understand

you're (f) going to

rah tifha'meen understand

you're (mixed/OR f/OR m)

rah tifha'moon going to understand

rah nifham we're going to understand

awal ma 'toosal first you arrive

awal ma toosa'leen first you arrive

awal ma noosal first we arrive

awal ma toosa'loon first you (group) arrive

awal ma toosa'loon rah

first you (group) arrive
tifhamoon (?)

armi throw
Ana armi I throw

lat armi don't throw (to m)

lat armeen don't throw (to f)

throw the ball (to m)

rum / erm al kurra [imperative]

'ermi al kurra I throw the ball (to f)

'termi al kurra you throw the ball (to m)

inta 'termeen al kurra you throw the ball (to f)

you are throwing the ball (to

intoo ter'moon al kurra group) / fact: you throw the ball

we throw/throwing the
e7na nermi al kurra ball

hum yaktaboon they read

hum yakloon they eat

inta takloon you (guys) eat

hum yarmoon al kurra they pass the ball

intoo tarmoon al kurra you guys pass the ball

ta'hadi ja'deed new challenge

a5er tahadi last challenge

tahadi 'a5er another challenge

a5er another / next / last

ready? to m / to f/ to
'jahiz / 'jahiza / jahi''zeen

ready? to f / to m/ to
'yahiza /'yahiz / yahi''zeen
ta'hadi assadis : al wa'lada 6th challenge: birth

rah [et7ass ib] a3raD al you going to feel

walada symptoms of birth

et'7ass you feel (to m)

et7as'seen you feel (to f)

rah et7as'seen You're going to feel (to f)

You're going to feel heat

rah et'7ass ib harara (to m)

You're going to feel

rah et'7ass ib ba'rooda chill/cold (to m)

rah et'7ass ib ba'rooda You're going to feel

....AC 'barad chill/cold (to m)....AC cold

al awal first

it 'thani second
il 'thalith third

il 'raabe3 fourth

il 'khamis fifth

as'sadis 6th (normal seen sound)

sa'be3 7th

'thamin 8th

ta'se3 9th

aa'shr 10th

al markaz place / centre

al 'markaz 'thalath 3rd place

al 'markaz hidash 11th place

alam al wa'lada pain of pregnancy

'alam / aa'laam pain /pains

lazim et7ass ib alam al you must feel the pain of

walada birth

al muscles kul hum isma the muscles all of them it's

contractions saah? called contractions right?

kul hum all of them

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