Online Donations - ISKCON Bangalore

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First, we need to understand why one needs to donate to the temple?

By donation, one involves part of earned money in the service of the Lord.

And following are the shastric statements:

“On building a temple of Sri Madhava, one an attain the eternal Vaikunthaloka” —
Vamana Purana
“Having acquired wealth and built a temple with a small portion of it, a person
acquires piety and gains favors from Hari.” — Agni Purana
In the Srimad Bhagavatam we find the following verses: “By installing the Deity of the
Lord, one becomes king of the entire earth, by building a temple for the Lord, one
becomes ruler of the three worlds, by worshiping and serving the deity, one goes to
the planet of Lord Brahma, and by performing all three of these activities one
achieves a transcendental form like My own. But one who simply engages in
devotional service with no consideration of fruitive results attains Me. Thus whoever
worships Me according to the process I have described will ultimately attain pure
devotional service unto Me.”
“Whoever constructs or helps to construct a temple will protect eight generations of
father, grandfathers, and forefathers from falling into Hell” – Vamana Purana

“One who builds a beautiful temple for Lord Nrsimhadeva will be freed from all sinful
reactions and he will enter the Vaikuntha planets.” – Narasimha Purana
“Just by starting the construction of a temple for Lord, sins committed in seven births
will be wiped out and one will deliver his forefathers who are suffering in hellish
planets” and who sponsors a temple of Lord Vishnu, gains ten million times the
merits accrued by Yajna, Austerities, Charities, Pilgrimage and study of Vedas. –
Skanda Purana
Mortals who help to construct a temple of Lord Vishnu do not return to this world,
they return to the abode of Lord Vishnu - Padma Purana
“A person who builds a temple of Sri Vishnu will get the same results as performing
the Rajasuya yagna and Ashwameda yagna. O best of the brahmanas, as many atoms
as there are in the temple, for so many thousands of years will he be able to reside in
the heavenly planets.” – Vishnu Dharmottara.

And it is practice once the temple of Lord is built, there will be the offering of various
food items. And the remnant is known as prasada which is generally distributed to all
class of people including poor.

So we need to make a practice of donating to temple and by which we are serving

both Lord and helping poor.
It is our first and foremost objective to inspire people to chant the Hare Krishna
Maha-mantra. Chanting the holy name is the Yuga-dharma; and Supreme Lord Sri

The second objective is to maintain opulent and gorgeous Deity worship along with
festivals on a grand scale throughout the year.

The third objective is to increase the awareness and appreciation of Srila Prabhupada
— his message, his saintly personality, his character, his mission and his institution.

Our spiritual master’s mission was to spread the transcendental message of Krishna
as recorded in Bhagavad-gita and Srimad Bhagavatam through his books

The fifth objective is to maintain and nourish a vibrant, inspired and committed
community of missionaries with mature understanding of Srila Prabhupada’s
instructions for his Krishna consciousness movemen

To increase God consciousness in the society, ISKCON Bangalore conducts specific

programs for children (Cultural Education), youth (FOLK Programs), professionals
(Life Sublime) and other members of the society (Krishnashraya)

We serve people with the disciple of krishna consciousness, we follow all the
activities that serve people and serve the god for the better future of all, you can find
the list of sevas we serve to god and people here.

For more information about Krishna Consciousness


For more information visit ISKCON Bangalore

To donate online for various sevas & annadana you can visit here

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