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Alliance for Innovative Management and Social Studies (AIMS)

Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology

A Final Year Internship Report

Web Development
Axis Technosoft Pvt. Ltd
Submitted to

Department of Computer Science and Information Technology

Aims College

In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Bachelor Degree in Computer

Science and Information Technology

Submitted by

Jeevan Dhamala (3750/70)

January 2018

Mentor’s Recommendation
I hereby recommend that this report prepared under my mentorship by Mr.Jeevan Dhamala in
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of B.Sc. in Computer Science and
Information Technology of Tribhuvan University be processed for evaluation.


Mr. Navin Adhikari

Axis Technosoft Pvt. Ltd.
Mahendra Chowk,Biratnagar, Nepal

Supervisor’s Recommendation

I hereby recommend that this report prepared under my supervision by Mr. Jeevan Dhamala in
partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of B.Sc. in Computer Science and
Information Technology of Tribhuvan University be processed for the evaluation.

Mr. Navraj Adhikari
Coordinator,BSc.CSIT(AIMS College)
Bhanu Tole, Biratnagar

Letter of Approval

This is to certify that this internship report prepared by Mr. Jeevan Dhamala in partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of B.Sc. in Computer Science and Information
Technology of Tribhuvan University be processed for the evaluation.

………………………… …………………………..

Mr. Navaraj Adhikari Mr. Chinta Mani Basnet

BSc. CSIT Coordinator Campus Chief
AIMS College AIMS College
Biratnagar Biratnagar

………………………… …………………………..

Mr. Navin Adhikari

External Examiner
Axistechnosoft Pvt. Ltd. Tribhuvan University
Mahendra Chowk,Biratnagar, Nepal Kirtipur, Kathmandu

The successful completion of this internship report would not have been possible without the
support and assistance of many individuals and organizations. I feel immensely blessed to have
gotten this during the course of my internship program. I would like to take this opportunity to
offer my earnest admiration to each and every one of them.
First and foremost, I am highly indebted to Mr. Navin Adhikari who took confidence in me and
provided me with the opportunity to work as an Intern at Axis Technosoft Pvt. Ltd. I had a
wonderful and an unforgettable experience being part of such a lovely and lively team.
I express my sentiment of gratitude to Mr. Navaraj Adhikari, an acclaimed Professor, who has
been a continuous source of inspiration as my intern mentor. Without his constant guidance and
suggestions, this report would have been nowhere near completion. My gratitude for his trust and
generosity goes beyond words.
My special thanks to Mr. Chinta Mani Basnet for the constant guidance towards preparing this
report standard as per the norms and values.
Finally, my thanks and appreciations go to each and every one of my colleagues who irrespective
of the situation, always encouraged and supported me to prepare this report.

Jeevan Dhamala (3750/070)

Attendance management system deals with the maintenance of the student’s attendance details.
It is generates the attendance of the student on basis of presence in class. It is maintained on the
daily basis of their attendance. The staffs will be provided with the separate username &
password to make the student’s status.
The staffs handling the particular subjects responsible to make the attendance for all students.
Only if the student present on that particular period, the attendance will be calculated. The
students attendance reports based on weekly and consolidate will be generated.

Table of contents:



1.1 Purpose of Internship……………………………………………………………………….1

1.2 Objective of Internship..........................................................................................................2
1.3 Selection of Organization......................................................................................................3
1.3.1 Contact Information........................................................................................................3

1.4 Background of the Project.....................................................................................................3

1.5 Problem Statement.................................................................................................................4
1.6 Responsibilities Assigned......................................................................................................4
1.7 Motivation..............................................................................................................................5


ANALYSIS OF ACTIVITY DONE................................................................................................6

2.2 Duration.................................................................................................................................6
2.3 Roles and Responsibilities.....................................................................................................7
2.4 Project Schedule....................................................................................................................7
2.4.1 Time Schedule................................................................................................................7

2.4.2 Internship Plan................................................................................................................8


SYSTEM ANALYSIS.....................................................................................................................9

3.2 Requirement Analysis..........................................................................................................10
3.2.1 Functional requirement.................................................................................................10

3.2.2 Non-functional requirement..........................................................................................14

3.2.3 Feasibility Study...........................................................................................................15

3.3 Technical Requirement........................................................................................................16
3.3.1 Hardware Requirement.................................................................................................16

3.3.2 Software Requirement..................................................................................................17

3.4 Input Design............................................................................................................................17

3.5 output design...........................................................................................................................17


IMPLEMENTATION AND TESTING.........................................................................................19

4.1 Implementation....................................................................................................................19
4.2 Tools Used...........................................................................................................................19
4.2.1 HTML...........................................................................................................................19

4.2.2 CSS...............................................................................................................................19

4.2.3 Bootstrap.......................................................................................................................20

4.2.4 JavaScript......................................................................................................................20

4.2.5 PHP...............................................................................................................................20

4.3 Testing..................................................................................................................................21
4.3.1 Unit Testing...................................................................................................................21

4.3.2 System Testing..............................................................................................................21

4.3.3 Performance testing......................................................................................................21

4.4 Test cases:............................................................................................................................22

4.4.1 Agent and login form....................................................................................................22


SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION....................................................................................................25

5.1 Purpose................................................................................................................................25
5.2 System maintenance............................................................................................................26

CONCLUSION AND FUTURE ENHANCEMENT....................................................................27

6.1 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................27
6.2 Scope for future development..............................................................................................27
REFERENCES AND BIBLIOGRAPHY......................................................................................28


Tableof figures:
Figure 1: Use case Diagram...........................................................................................................11
Figure 2:ER Diagram.....................................................................................................................12
Figure 3: flow Diagram.................................................................................................................13

Table 1: activity scheduling.............................................................................................................6

Table 2: Admin test case................................................................................................................22
Table 3: test case master form........................................................................................................23
Table 4: test case report form.........................................................................................................24

Abbreviations used:
HTML Hyper Text Markup Language
CSS Cascading Style Sheets
JS JavaScript
OS Operating System
RAM Random Access Memory
IT Information Technology
GHz Giga Hertz
XML Extensible Markup Language
API Application Programming Interface
ICT Information and Communication Technology
UI User Interface
URL Universal Resource Locator
HD Hard Disk
CPU Central Processing Unit
IDE Integrated Development Environment
Bsc.CSIT Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and
Information Technology



Internships are formal programs designed to provide practical experience in real

world environment to students who are new to that field. Internships help build competent
résumé by giving students visible work experience. Although colleges and universities
assists students in finding the right Internship programs, it is the responsibility of the
would-be interns to carefully examine internship programs, and see if those programs
actually offer the training(s) they need.

There is no standardized duration for how long an Internship program lasts but
typically an Internship is the period of three to twelve months. During this period, interns
have the opportunity to explore their field of interest, find out what future they are diving
into and whether or not their skill sets match their path of career.

1.1 Purpose of Internship

Internship program provides a new perspective to the students. It provides learning
opportunities outside the boundaries of the course curriculum and classroom activities.
These opportunities enhances student’s capability to apply theoretical understanding into
real-world scenarios, thereby enhancing the students’ academic and career goals

From the student perspective, internship assists with career development in

different diverse fields such as coding, programming, networking, marketing, etc. by
providing vital work experience that allows students to explore their area of interests and
develop relevant skills and competencies.

From the organization perspective, internship provides a unique opportunity to train

fresh talents, enhance their professional development as well as aid the professional growth
of the intern mentor/supervisor. Organizations can also find potential employees within the

1.2 Objective of Internship
The purpose of this internship is to expose students to real work of environment
experience and at the same time. The report is prepared for the purpose of explaining the
achievement of the author during internship period. The objectives of internship program are
as follows:

 To build the strength, teamwork spirit and self-confidence in students life.

 Provides the opportunity to learn real-life work skills and etiquette hands-on at a real job.
 To Gain valuable skills, knowledge and experience in a field to allow you to make a
career transition.
 Explore a career interest, develop skills, and gain experience.
 Internship, focus on the skills you will learn and the experiences you will have, not
simply on the company name.
 To help you apply the theory and skills you have learned in the classroom setting, and for
your personal development.
 The student will be able instilled with good moral values such as
responsibility , commitment and trustworthy during their training
 Internships strengthen resumes by giving students visible work experience and providing
older job hunters with needed credentials to change careers.

1.3 Selection of Organization
The selection of organization is twofold. The first is the student’s area of interest
and second is the willingness of the host company to take the student as an intern. As a
student in search of a host company for internship program, students are required to
prepare a competent résumé and perform well in the ‘interview’ and/or ‘assessment’.
Interested in the domains of Web Technology from a very early time, I wanted to
utilize internship program to explore and learn about this dynamic field. After exploring
available options I conclude that to intern under Mr. Navin Adhikari at Axistechnosoft will
be the best option for me to fulfill my expectations.

1.3.1 Contact Information

Physical address: Mahendra chowk, Biratnagar

Telephone: +977-9807353946



1.4 Background of the Project

“Attendance Management System” is software developed for maintaining the attendance of the
student on the daily basis in the collage. Here the staffs, who are handling the subjects, will be
responsible to mark the attendance of the students. Each staff will be given with a separate
username and password based on the subject they handle. An accurate report based on the
student attendance is generated here. This system will also help in evaluating attendance
eligibility criteria of a student. Report of the student’s attendance on weekly and monthly basis is

1.5 Problem Statement

The Existing system is a manual entry for the students. Here the attendance will be carried out in
the hand written registers. It will be a tedious job to maintain the record for the user. The human
effort is more here. The retrieval of the information is not as easy as the records are maintained
in the hand written registers. This application requires correct feed on input into the respective
field. Suppose the wrong inputs are entered, the application resist to work. So the user find it
difficult to use.

To overcome the drawbacks of the existing system, the proposed system has been evolved. This
project aims to reduce the paper work and saving time to generate accurate results from the
student’s attendance. The system provides with the best user interface. The efficient reports can
be generated by using this proposed system.

1.6 Responsibilities Assigned

Completing a whole system requires certain responsibilities to be carried out. Some
responsibilities assigned for completion of this project.

 Requirements gathering to model the system adequately.

 Creating requirement specification document.
 Designing the database schema using MYSQL.
 Creating front end design using HTML, CSS and JSP.
 Client side scripting using JavaScript and JQuery.
 Server side programming using PHP.

1.7 Motivation
As it is one of the reputable institution, at first I came to know about it through internet.
But later after meeting with Mr. Navin Adhikari and consulting with him, I became familiar with
their vision and objectives. They provide favorable environment for the trainees by providing
instructors and advising with proper guidelines whenever necessary.



2.1 Organization Selection
According to Tribhuvan University, the final semester of B.Sc. CSIT must involve an Internship
program. The students requires at least 3 months of internship for attaining a successful career in
the related fields. As per, AIMS college , the students were to do internship under various sectors
involving IT like web designing, web application development, computer networking, software
development etc. For the commitment of fulfilling the internship program different software
development sectors were chosen of which the author decided to go with web development at
Axis Technosoft Pvt. Ltd as it offers many opportunities and infrastructure required for a fresher
to understand the technical aspects of a real world work.

2.2 Duration

Start Date 24th November , 2017

End Date 2nd February, 2018

Total Duration 3 month

Position Web Developer

Working Days 6 days a week

Supervisor Navaraj Adhikari

Office Hour 10am to 5pm

Table 1: activity scheduling

2.3 Roles and Responsibilities
As an intern my responsibilities at Axis Technosoft pvt. Ltd was to cover all aspects of creating
web application as per the client requirement. For this required core knowledge about various
designing aspects and knowledge about designing tools like HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript,
etc. and backend Scripting Language like PHP. The main responsibility was to ensure that the
web application designed must appeal to the desired target audience and, as a result, catches their
attention and also include a working knowledge of different web browsers. While working as
web developer also requires continuous interactions with others Front End designers too. During
my internship period I mostly worked with designing “Training Management System” web
application as well as others mini projects too.

2.4 Project Schedule

2.4.1 Time Schedule
As per the requirement of the Tribhuvan University I had done my internship for 3 months dated
from 24th November, 2017 to 2nd February, 2018. During these three months I have done 3
complete projects, and the time spent on various topics is as follow:

SN Task name Duration

1 Study and Analysis 5 days
2 Photoshop design 15 days
3 Database design 20 days
4 HTML,CSS 10 days
5 JavaScript 15 days
6 Responsive Design 12 days
7 Bootstrap 10 days
8 Testing 7 days
9 Documentation 7 days

Table 2: Timeline for Internship

2.4.2 Internship Plan
The Internship Plan covers 3 months of time working 6 days a week from 10 am to 4 pm. It
consists of definite phases of training/tasks performed with a specific objective for each phase.
The plan also contains information on how the trainees/interns will accomplish those objectives.
Each phase must build upon the previous phase to show a progression in the training/internship.


3.1 System Analysis
Analysis can be defined as breaking up of any whole so as to find out their nature, function
etc. It defines design as to make preliminary sketches of; to sketch a pattern or outline for plan.
To plan and carry out especially by artistic arrangement or in a skillful wall. System analysis and
design can be characterized as a set of techniques and processes, a community of interests, a
culture and an intellectual orientation.
It is the most creative and challenging phase of the system life cycle. During system analysis, the
analyst studies the current system and proposes alternative replacement systems. Here, the
analyst thoroughly studies the organization’s current procedures and the information systems
used to perform organizational tasks. The analyst work with users to determine what the users
want from a proposed system. The analyst carefully studies any current systems, manual and
computerized, that might be replaced or enhanced as part of this project. The analyst studies the
requirements and structures them according to their interrelationships and eliminates any
redundancies; generates alternative initial designs to match the requirements; compare these
alternatives to determine which best meets the requirements within the cost, labor, and technical
levels the organization is willing to commit to the development process. The output of this phase
is a description of the recommended alternative solution. Once the recommendation is accepted
by owners, you can begin to make plans to acquire any hardware and system software necessary
to build or operate the system as proposed. The steps involved during system analysis process
1. Understanding application.
2. Planning.
3. Scheduling.
4. Developing candidate solution
5. Performing trade studies.
6. Performing cost benefit analysis
7. Recommending alternative solutions
8. Selling of the system.

System analysis can include looking at end-user implementation of a software package or
product and involves gathering requirements for the system. In System Analysis more emphasis
is given to understanding the details of an existing system or a proposed one and then deciding
whether the proposed system is desirable or not and whether the existing system needs
improvements. Thus, system analysis is the process of investigating a system, identifying
problems, and using the information to recommend improvements to the system. The project
should address a real world interface design and be implementable. Feasibility Study is a major
process in System Analysis. It helps in determining whether the project will yield a desired
output with realistic and economic use of available resources.

3.2 Requirement Analysis

Requirements analysis is critical to the success of a systems or software project. The
requirements should be documented, actionable, measurable, testable, traceable, related to
identified business needs or opportunities, and defined to a level of detail sufficient for system

3.2.1 Functional requirement

In web development Functional requirement provides Web developer with a blueprint of
how the web application and its component will behave or function. The functional requirements
describe what the application system should do. The functional requirements of the application
are as follows
 The Attendance Management System shall provide details of students in the class to aid
in taking roll.
 All modifications to the database will be done through a keyboard
 The program will provide a page that produces current statistics on class attendance.
 The user will be able to see the number of registered student of the specific training.

 The user will be able to change the language from anywhere throughout the application.

Use Case Diagram

Use-cases are derived from functional requirements. A use case diagram at its simplest is
a representation of a user's interaction with the system that shows the relationship between the
user and the different use cases in which the user is involved. The use case diagram plays very
important role to capture the dynamic behavior of the application´s system and to represent the
user´s interaction with the system

Figure 1: Use case Diagram

ER Diagram:

Figure 2:ER Diagram

System flow diagram:

Figure 3: flow Diagram

3.2.2 Non-functional requirement
Non-functional requirements are not concerned with the functions of the system. Instead,
they look at the criteria to which the website is expected to conform to. Non-functional
requirements can include things like response time and reliability. Some of the Non-functional
requirement for Attendance Management System are:
 Web application should be compatible with the last three major versions of Firefox,
Chrome, Safari and Internet Explorer.
 All the components of application should be fully loaded within reliable time without
downgrading performance.
 Should be user friendly and content should be readable by all types of users.
 Should take minimal time, effort, resources or cost to create the web application.
 Should provide the correct information about all the modules.
 Should consider the Response times such web page loading, screen open and refresh
times of each pages

Usability Requirement
The system shall allow the users to access the system from the Internet using HTML or it
is derivative technologies like XML/CSS. The system uses a web browser as an interface. Since
all users are familiar with the general usage of browsers, no special training is required. The
system is user friendly and online help makes using the system easy.

Availability Requirement
The system is available 100% for the user and is used 24 hours a day and 365 days a
year. The system shall be operational 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

Efficiency Requirement
Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) - Even if the system fails, the system will be recovered
back up within an hour or less.


The system should accurately provide real time information taking into consideration
various concurrency issues.
The system shall provide 100% access reliability.

Performance Requirement
The information is refreshed at regular intervals depending upon whether some updates
have occurred or not. The system shall respond to the member in not less than two seconds from
the time of the request submittal. The system shall be allowed to take more time when doing
large processing jobs.
Responses to view information shall take no longer than 5 seconds to appear on the screen.

Reliability Requirement
The system has to be 100% reliable due to the importance of data and the damages that
can because by incorrect or incomplete data. The system will run 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

Maintainability and Portability Requirements

Changes (new parts on addition, password changes, and database changes) must be
verified once per day at least. The system should provide automatically notification to patrons by

3.2.3 Feasibility Study

After doing the project Training and Placement Management System, study and
analyzing all the existing or required functionalities of the system, the next task is to do the
feasibility study for the project. All projects are feasible – given unlimited resources and infinite
Feasibility study includes consideration of all the possible ways to provide a solution to the given
problem. The proposed solution should satisfy all the user requirements and should be flexible
enough so that future changes can be easily done based on the future upcoming requirements.
A. Economic Feasibility:
This is a very important aspect to be considered while developing a project. We
decided the technology based on minimum possible cost factor.
 All hardware and software cost has to be borne by the organization.

 Overall we have estimated that the benefits the organization is going to receive
from the proposed system will surely overcome the initial costs and the later on
running cost for system.

B. Technical Feasibility:
This included the study of function, performance and constraints that may affect
the ability to achieve an acceptable system. For this feasibility study, we studied complete
functionality to be provided in the system, as described in the System Requirement
Specification, and checked if everything was possible using different type of frontend and
backend platforms.

C. Operational Feasibility:
No doubt the proposed system is fully GUI based that is very user friendly and all
inputs to be taken all self-explanatory even to a layman. Besides, a proper training has
been conducted to let know the essence of the system to the users so that they feel
comfortable with new system. As far our study is concerned the clients are comfortable
and happy as the system has cut down their loads and doing.

3.3 Technical Requirement

3.3.1 Hardware Requirement
 Minimum 350MB Hard Disk space for installation.
 4GB HD space required for a typical live system with 1000-2000 events.
 Recommended minimum CPU - Pentium 4, 3.2GHz.
 Recommended 1GB RAM for a Central Server with 3 Nodes.
 Network card.

3.3.2 Software Requirement

Application system : Sublime text, Adobe Photoshop, Apache
Language : HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript

3.4 Input Design
Input design is part of overall system design that requires special attention designing input data is
to make the data entered easy and free from errors. The input forms are designed using the
controls available. Validation is made for each and every data that is entered. Help information is
provided for the users during when the customer feels difficult .Input design is the process of
converting the user originated inputs to a
computer based format. A system user interacting through a workstation must be able to tell thes
ystem whether to accept the input to produce reports. The collection of input data is considered
to be most expensive part of the system design. Since the input has to
be planned in such a manner so as to get relevant information, extreme care is taken to obtain
pertinent information This project first will entered to the input of allocation forms it will be
created on student details form and subject entry form, time table form .it will helps to calculate
subject wise attendance system. Next one if u want any verification on your data’s also available
in details show forms. Attendance to entered single subject wise or all subject wise attendance
system available in this project.

3.5 Output design

Output design this application “Student Attendance management system” generally refers to the
results and information that are generated by the system for many end-users; output is the main
reason for developing the system and the basis on which they evaluate the usefulness of the
application. The output is designed in such a way that it is attractive, convenient and informative.
Forms are designed with various features, which make the console output more pleasing. As the
outputs are the most important sources of information to the users, better design should improve
the system’s relationships with us and also will help in decision making. Form design elaborates
the way output is presented and the layout available for capturing information. One of the most
important factors of the system is the output it produces. This system refers to the results and
information generated. Basically the output from a computer system is used to communicate the
result of processing to the user. Attendance management system to show the report subject wise
attendance maintaining by staffs. Taken as a whole report obtain on a administrator
privileges only. This forms will show weekly report and consolidate report generated date,
batch, and class wise to the end user.



4.1 Implementation
The various implementation tools are listed below:

Operating System : Windows 10
Development environment : HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, PHP
IDE : Notepad++, Sublime Text
Web Server stack package : Apache

4.2 Tools Used

The front is an abstraction, simplifying the underlying component by providing a user-
friendly interface. There are several tools available that can be used to develop the front end of a

4.2.1 HTML
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the most basic building block of the Web. It
describes and defines the content of a webpage. "Hypertext" refers to links that connect
webpages to one another, either within a single website or between websites. Links are a
fundamental aspect of the Web. By uploading content to the Internet and linking it to pages
created by other people, you become an active participant in the World Wide Web.HTML uses
"markup" to annotate text, images, and other content for display in a Web Browser.

4.2.2 CSS
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for describing
the presentation of a document written in a markup language. CSS is designed primarily to
enable the separation of document content from document presentation, including aspects such
as the layout, colors, and fonts. It allows one to adapt the presentation to different types of
devices, such as large screens, small screens, or printers. CSS is independent of HTML and can
be used with any XML-based markup language.

4.2.3 Bootstrap
Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing
responsive, mobile-first web sites. Bootstrap is a free and open-source front-end web
framework for designing websites and web applications. It contains HTML- and CSS-based
design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other interface components, as
well as optional JavaScript extensions. Bootstrap components such as navbar, Breadcrumbs,
paginations and Bootstrap’s JavaScript plugins such as dropdown, modals, carousel etc. are used
in Training Management web application. Bootstrap includes a powerful mobile-first flexbox
grid system for building layouts of all shapes and sizes. It’s based on a 12 column layout and has
multiple tiers, one for each media query range.

4.2.4 JavaScript
JavaScript is the client side scripting language of the web. It's one of the most popular
and in demand skills in today's job market for good reason. JavaScript not only enables you to
add powerful interactions to websites, but is also the foundation of a lot of commonly used
libraries like jQuery.

4.2.5 PHP
PHP is a server scripting language, and a powerful tool for creating interactive, dynamic and
responsive web pages. The code is executed on the server unlike other client scripting languages.
Its simple for now comer and easy to use.

4.3 Testing
Testing is a method of assessing the functionality of a program. Testing is a set of
processes aimed at investigating, evaluating and ascertaining the completeness and quality of
project. Testing refers to the process of implementing all or part of the system with the intent of

finding errors. It is performed in order to find the bugs or errors in the system and minimize it. In
general, testing is finding out how well something works .Testing is more than just debugging.

4.3.1 Unit Testing

Each division class of every page is tested in the browser, Inspecting HTML, and
modifying style and layout in real-time.

4.3.2 System Testing

After completing the overall website design and development it is tested for error by
uploading the file in w3c, which shows errors along with the warnings. It also provides the
validation output errors with detailed descriptions along with the code as well as line and column
number in which the error occurred. W3c provides the validation by URI, by file upload and by
direct input.
4.3.3 Performance testing
Performance testing is designed to test the run-time performance of software within the context
of an integrated system. Performance testing occurs throughout all steps in the testing process.
Even at the unit level, the performance of an individual module may be assessed as white-box
tests are conducted. This project reduce attendance table, codes. It will generate report fast, no
have extra time or waiting of results, entered correct data will show result in few millisecond.
Just used only low memory of our system. Automatically do not getting access at another
software. Get user permission and access to other applications.

4.4 Test cases:

4.4.1 Agent and login form
S.N Test case Test case Desc. Steps Expected Actual status
id name result result

1 Login Validate To verify Enter the Login Login Pass
admin login that login successful successful
login name or an error
name on and message
login password “In valid
page and click login or
submit password”
must be

2 Login Validate To verify Enter the Login Login Pass

staff login that login successful successful
login name or an error
name on and message
login password “In valid
page and click login or
submit password”
must be

3 Password Validate To verify Enter the An error An error pass

password that password message message
password and “password “password
on login password invalid” invalid”
and click should be should be
submit displayed displayed
Table 2: Admin test case

4.4.2 Master form:

S.N Test Test case Desc. Steps Expected Actual status
case id name result result

1 Create Validate To Nothing An error Inserted Pass
student allocation allocate entered message
seperate and student successful
details form
roll no clicked name not
for submit equal to
student button null must
2 Create Validate To Nothing An error Inserted Pass
staff allocation allocate entered message successful
details form separate and staff 1
subject clicked details
username submit password,
password button username
for the not equal
staffs to null
must be
3 Create Validate To verify Nothing An error Inserted Pass
time allocation that data entered message successful
table period stored on and not 1
form database clicked clicked
submit not
button allocation
table not
equal to
null must
4 View Check To verify Generated An error An error fail
details of that data message message
all data stored on null will null will
database be be
displayed displayed
Table 3: test case master form

4.4.3 Report form:

S.N Test case id Test case Desc. Steps Expected Actual status
name result result

1 Weekly Validate To select Enter An error Retrieved pass
report class that source nothing message data
attendance and and on not successfully
form destination click selected
2 Consolidate Validate To select Nothing An error Retrieved pass
report class that depart entered message data
attendance on and and on not successful
form time clicked selected
Table 4: test case report form



5.1 Purpose

System implementation is the important stage of project when the theoretical design is tuned into
practical system. The main stages in the implementation are as follows:
 Planning
 Training
 System testing
 Changeover planning
Planning is the first task in the system implementation. At the time of implementation of any
system people from different departments and system analysis involve. They are confirmed to
practical problem of controlling various activities of people outside their own data processing
The line managers controlled through an implementation coordinating committee. The
committee considers ideas, problems and complaints of user department, it must also consider:
 The implication of the system environment.
 Self-selection and allocation for implementing task.
 Consultation with unions and resources available
 Standby facilities and channels of communication
Attendance management system will implement student details, staff handle subject’s details,
separate login details, and time table details. It will used to entered subject wise attendance .This
application elaborate attendance table generate weekly, consolidate report provide to the End
user. Mostly this application will calculate date wise attendance. To select starting date to end
date generate reports at the time of activities.

5.2 System maintenance

Software maintenance is far more than finding mistakes. Provision must be made for
environment changes, which may affect either the computer, or other parts of the computer based
systems. Such activity is normally called maintenance. It includes both the improvement of the
system functions and the corrections of faults, which arise during the operation of a new system.
It may involve the continuing involvement of a large proportion of computer department
recourses. The main task may be to adapt existing systems in a changing environment. Back up
for the entire database files are taken and stored in storage devices like flash drives, pen drives

and disks so that it is possible to restore the system at the earliest. If there is a breakdown or
collapse, then the system gives provision to restore database files. Storing data in a separate
secondary device leads to an effective and efficient maintains of the system. The nominated
person has sufficient knowledge of the organization’s computer passed based system to be able
to judge the relevance of each proposed change.



6.1 Conclusion
To conclude, Project Data Grid works like a component which can access all the databases and
picks up different functions. It overcomes the many limitations incorporated in the attendance.
 Easy implementation Environment

 Generate report Flexibly

6.2 Scope for future development

The project has a very vast scope in future. The project can be implemented on intranet in future.
Project can be updated in near future as and when requirement for the same arises, as it is very
flexible in terms of expansion. With the proposed software of database Space Manager ready and
fully functional the client is now able to manage and hence run the entire work in a much better,
accurate and error free manner. The following are the future scope for the project.
 Discontinue of particular student eliminate potential attendance.
 Bar code Reader based attendance system.
 Individual Attendance system With photo using Student login


References and bibliography

i) Refsnes Data (1998). W3Schools online web tutorials. Retrieved from
ii) Mohtashim, M. (2006) .Web Development. Retrieved from



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