Coal - Cargoes - IMSBC Code PDF

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Chapter 7

Coal Cargoes

This chapter, and all of the chapters in Part 2, should be read in

conjunction with the booklet Carrying Solid Bulk Cargoes Safely
(Reference 16), published by Lloyd’s Register/UK P&I Club/
INTERCARGO, which can be found on the UK P&I website.

7.1 Properties and Characteristics

The International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code (IMSBC Code)
(Reference 17) categorises coal as Group B (cargoes with a chemical hazard)
and Group A (cargoes which may liquefy):
ƒƒ Coals may emit methane, a flammable gas. A methane/air mixture
containing between 5% and 16% methane constitutes an explosive
atmosphere which can be ignited by sparks or naked flame, eg electrical or
frictional sparks, a match or lighted cigarette. Methane is lighter than air and
may, therefore, accumulate in the upper region of the cargo space or other
enclosed spaces. If the cargo space boundaries are not tight, methane can
seep through into spaces adjacent to the cargo space

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ƒƒ coals may be subject to oxidation, leading to depletion of oxygen and an

increase in carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide concentrations in the cargo
space. Carbon monoxide is an odourless gas, slightly lighter than air, and
has flammable limits in air of 12% to 75% by volume. It is toxic by inhalation
with an affinity for blood haemoglobin over 200 times that of oxygen
ƒƒ some coals may heat spontaneously and spontaneous heating may lead to
spontaneous combustion in the cargo space. Flammable and toxic gases,
including carbon monoxide, may be produced
ƒƒ some coals may be liable to react with water and produce acids which may
cause corrosion. Flammable and toxic gases, including hydrogen, may be
produced. Hydrogen is an odourless gas, much lighter than air, and has
flammable limits in air of 4% to 75% by volume.

7.2 General Requirement for All Coals

The IMSBC Code states that, prior to loading, the shipper or his appointed
agent should provide, in writing to the Master, the characteristics of the cargo
and the recommended safe handling procedures. These details should include
whether the cargo may be liable to emit methane or self-heat.

The Master should be satisfied that they have received this information
prior to accepting the cargo. This is an essential requirement for safe
shipment of the cargo as it decides the method of safe carriage.

ƒƒ If the shipper has advised that the cargo is liable to self-heat, the Master
should seek confirmation that the precautions intended to be taken and
the procedures intended for monitoring the cargo during the voyage are
ƒƒ if the cargo is liable to self-heat or an analysis of the atmosphere in the
cargo space indicates an increasing concentration of carbon monoxide, the
following additional precautions should be taken:
ƒƒ the hatches should be closed immediately after completion of loading
in each cargo space. The hatch covers may also be additionally sealed
with a suitable sealing tape. Surface ventilation should be limited to the
absolute minimum time necessary to remove methane that may have
accumulated. Forced ventilation should not be used. On no account
should air be directed into the body of the coal as this could promote
ƒƒ personnel should not be allowed to enter the cargo space unless they
are wearing self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and access is
critical to the safety of the ship or safety of life. The SCBA should be
worn only by personnel trained in its use

Chapter 7 Coal Cargoes

ƒƒ when required by the competent authority (CA), the carbon monoxide

concentration in each cargo space should be measured at regular time
intervals to detect self-heating
ƒƒ if, at the time of loading, when the hatches are open, the temperature of
the coal exceeds 55°C, expert advice should be obtained.
If the carbon monoxide level is increasing steadily, self-heating may be
developing. The cargo space should be completely closed down and all
ventilation ceased. The Master should seek expert advice immediately. Water
should not be used for cooling the material or for fighting coal cargo fires at
sea, but may be used for cooling the boundaries of the cargo space.

Even if the shipper considers that the cargo is not liable to self-heat, the
recommendations stated above should be closely followed. Monitoring
the atmosphere of the cargo space is essential at least once daily, twice
daily if rapid changes are detected.

7.3 Gas Monitoring of Coal Cargoes

All vessels engaged in the carriage of coal cargoes should have on board
an instrument for measuring methane, carbon monoxide and oxygen, as per
Chapter VI, Regulation 3 of the IMSBC Code, 2016 (Reference 17). SOLAS
Chapter VI – Carriage of Cargoes confirms this statement (Reference 18):

Regulation 3
Oxygen analysis and gas detection equipment
1. When transporting a solid bulk cargo which is liable to emit a toxic
or flammable gas, or cause oxygen depletion in the cargo space, an
appropriate instrument for measuring the concentration of gas or oxygen
in the air shall be provided together with detailed instructions for its use.
Such an instrument shall be to the satisfaction of the Administration.
2. The Administration shall take steps to ensure that crews on ships are
trained in the use of such instruments.
Appendix 1 of the IMSBC Code provides the individual schedules of solid bulk
cargoes (Reference 17). This includes the schedule for coal. The schedule
also contains as a separate appendix the procedures for gas monitoring of
coal cargoes, equipment to be used, design and siting of sample points and

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The Code details the requirements including the following:

3. The ship should be suitably fitted and carry on board appropriate
instruments for measuring the following without requiring entry in the
cargo space:
3.1 Concentration of methane in the atmosphere;
3.2 Concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere;
3.3 Concentration of carbon monoxide in the atmosphere; and
3.4 pH value of cargo space bilge samples.
4. These instruments shall be regularly serviced and calibrated. Ship
personnel shall be trained in the use of such instruments. Details of gas
measurement procedures are given at the end of this appendix.
8. The atmosphere in the space above the cargo in each space shall be
regularly monitored for the concentration of methane, oxygen and carbon
monoxide. Details of gas monitoring procedures are given at the end of
this appendix. The results of monitoring shall be recorded. The frequency
of the monitoring shall be determined based upon the information provided
by the shipper and the information obtained through the analysis of the
atmosphere in the cargo space.
9. Unless expressly provided otherwise, surface ventilation shall be
conducted in all cargo spaces carrying this cargo for the first 24 hours
after departure from the loading port. During this period, the atmosphere
in the cargo spaces shall be monitored once from one sample point per
cargo space and, for the purpose of the gas monitoring, the ventilation
shall be stopped for an appropriate period prior to the gas monitoring.
10. When the methane concentrations monitored within 24 hours after
departure are at an acceptably low level, the ventilation openings shall be
closed and the atmosphere in the cargo spaces shall be monitored. When
the methane concentrations monitored within 24 hours after departure
are not at an acceptably low level, surface ventilation shall be maintained,
except for an appropriate period for gas monitoring, and the atmosphere in
the cargo spaces shall be monitored. This procedure shall be followed until
the methane concentrations become acceptably low level. In any event, the
atmosphere in the cargo spaces shall be monitored on a daily basis.
Other requirements relate to trimming the cargo, smoking and the use of naked
lights etc.

Chapter 7 Coal Cargoes

7.4 Special Precautions

Special precautions apply to coals emitting methane and self-heating coals.

Coals emitting methane

Methane is a flammable gas which, within the range of 5 to 16% in air, can form
a flammable mixture that can be readily ignited by a spark or naked light. The
IMSBC Code advises that, if the shipper has advised
“that the cargo is liable to emit methane or analysis of the atmosphere
in the cargo space indicates the presence of methane in excess of 20%
of the Lower Explosion Limit (LEL), the following additional precautions
shall be taken:
.1 Adequate surface ventilation shall be maintained, except for an appropriate
period for the purpose of gas monitoring
.2 Care shall be taken to remove any accumulated gases prior to operation of
the hatch covers or other openings for any reason, including discharging.
Care shall be taken to operate hatch covers of the cargo spaces and other
openings to avoid creating sparks. Smoking and the use of naked flame
shall be prohibited
.3 Personnel shall not be permitted to enter the cargo space or enclosed
adjacent spaces unless the space has been ventilated and the atmosphere
tested and found to be gas-free and to have sufficient oxygen to support
life. Notwithstanding these provisions, emergency entry into the cargo
space may be permitted without ventilation, testing the atmosphere or
both, provided that entry into the cargo space is undertaken only by
trained personnel wearing self-contained breathing apparatus under the
supervision of a responsible officer and special precautions are observed
to ensure that no source of ignition is carried into the space
.4 The master shall ensure that enclosed working spaces such as
storerooms, carpenter’s shops, passageways, tunnels, etc., are regularly
monitored for the presence of methane. Such spaces shall be adequately
ventilated and, in the case of mechanical ventilation, only equipment safe
for use in an explosive atmosphere shall be used.” (Reference 17)

Self-heating coals
Low-rank coal types are more prone to oxidation than the high-rank anthracites
and are therefore more liable to spontaneous heating. High inherent moisture
contents, which can evaporate to create large internal surface areas
susceptible to oxidation, will assist this heating process. Frequently, cargoes
may consist of coals of different ages and from different mines, which can also
lead to spontaneous heating problems.

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The recommendations of the IMSBC Code are as follows:

.1 The cargo spaces shall be closed immediately after completion of loading
in each cargo space. The hatch covers may also be additionally sealed
with a suitable sealing tape. Only natural surface ventilation shall be
permitted and ventilation shall be limited to the absolute minimum time
necessary to remove methane which may have accumulated.
.2 Personnel shall not enter the cargo space during voyage, unless they are
wearing self-contained breathing apparatus and access is critical to safety
of life and safety of the ship.
.3 Prior to loading, temperature of this cargo shall be monitored. This cargo
shall only be accepted for loading when the temperature of the cargo is
not higher than 55°C.
.4 When the carbon monoxide level is increasing steadily, a potential self-
heating may be developing. In such a case, the cargo space shall be
completely closed and all ventilation ceased, and the master shall seek
expert advice immediately. Water shall not be used for cooling material or
fighting coal fires at sea, but may be used for cooling the boundaries of
the cargo space.
.5 When the carbon monoxide level in any cargo space reaches 50 ppm or
exhibits a steady rise over three consecutive days, a self-heating condition
may be developing and the master shall inform the shipper and the
company of, at least, the following information if an accurate assessment
of the situation is to be achieved:
.5.1 identity of the cargo spaces involved; monitoring results covering
carbon monoxide, methane and oxygen concentrations;
.5.2 if available, temperature of the cargo, location and method used to
obtain results;
.5.3 time gas sample taken (monitoring routine);
.5.4 time ventilators opened/closed;
.5.5 quantity of coal in hold(s) involved;
.5.6 type of coal as per cargo information, and any special precautions
indicated on information;
.5.7 date loaded, and ETA at intended discharge port (which shall be
specified); and
.5.8 comments or observations from the ship’s master.

7.5 Acid Conditions

Many coals contain sulphur and if this is in soluble form it may react with
moisture in the coal to form sulphurous and sulphuric acids. These acids will

Chapter 7 Coal Cargoes

attack steel, corroding bilge systems, tank top areas and, in some cases,
bulkheads. It is, therefore, recommended that regular hold bilge testing should
be conducted. If acid conditions are indicated, the bilges should be pumped
regularly to minimise contact between the acids and the hold structure. This
will also prevent the accumulation of water drained from the cargo collecting at
lower hold levels and creating problems at discharge.

7.6 Entry to Cargo Spaces

Coal will oxidise, which is a process that removes oxygen from the surrounding
atmosphere. The oxygen content of a normal atmosphere is 20.8%, but tests
of the atmosphere in a sealed hold carrying a coal cargo have indicated oxygen
content of less than 4%. It is, therefore, essential that suitable test procedures
are followed prior to entry into a cargo space or a neighbouring confined
space. Appropriate recommendations for the safety of personnel are detailed
in Section 3 of the IMSBC Code 2016. In addition, Appendix 1 contains the
specific risks associated with each cargo type (Reference 17).

The importance of this test procedure cannot be overemphasised.

We still learn of loss of life through entry into cargo spaces and
confined spaces without prior testing of the atmosphere. However, it is
encouraging to note that at least one major exporting terminal will not
commence loading a coal cargo until they are satisfied that the vessel is
equipped with the relevant test apparatus and that personnel are trained
in the use of the apparatus.

7.7 IMSBC Code 2016 Incorporating Amendment 03-15

and Supplement (the Code of Practice for the Safe
Loading and Unloading of Bulk Carriers (BLU Code))
(Reference 17)
The IMSBC Code includes ‘brown coal (lignite) briquettes’, which are
manufactured by pressing dried coal particles into compressed blocks. They
are subject to oxidation, which leads to both oxygen depletion and carbon
dioxide increase within the cargo space. They are also liable to self-heating and
spontaneous combustion, which in turn may produce flammable and toxic gases.
Boundaries of cargo spaces in which briquettes are stowed should be fire
and liquid resistant. The International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code
(IMDG Code) should be consulted for particular stowage requirements
(Reference 19). For full details of pre-loading, loading and post-loading
operations and recommendations, the IMSBC Code Supplement
(Reference 17) should be consulted.


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