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Access this article online Intravenous fluid therapy in intensive care units.
Where do we stand?
Address for correspondence:
Dr. Arcojit Ghosh, Dr. Anjum Naz1, Dr. Arcojit Ghosh2
MD, Senior Resident, 1. MD, Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, KPC Medical College, Kolkata
Department of Anaesthesia, 2. MD, Senior Resident, Department of Anaesthesiology, KPC Medical College, Kolkata
KPC Medical College,
Intravenous fluid therapy is vital for resuscitation of critically ill patients. However, the procedure
is very complex; the standards of operation and monitoring are controversial and the indications
of commencement and weaning are fiercely debated. Administration of intravenous fluids is
imperative for circulatory stabilization and is potentially lifesaving in shock patients; on the other
hand it can be the cause of increased morbidity and mortality if there is a volume overload.
Crystalloids and colloids are the two types of fluids which can be used for resuscitation; and each
one is associated with its own set of benefits and adverse effects. The population of critically
ill patients is significantly heterogeneous, thus the targets, and safety limits cannot be clearly
defined which can be applied to all the patients in Intensive Care Unit patients (ICU) alike. The
fluids should be considered as any other intravenous drug in ICU with an optimal dose and a
therapeutic and toxic window. The amount and the type of Intravenous (IV) fluids used play a
crucial role in patient outcome and need to be individualized. The patients who are responsive
to fluid resuscitation initially are susceptible to overload later so it is very crucial to know when
to stop IV fluids. The monitoring which is generally used in ICU and the static measures of
fluid responsiveness are not sufficient to guide the fluid therapy in critically ill patients. Dynamic
measures to predict the fluid responsiveness can be helpful to prevent excessive fluid

Key words: Fluid therapy, intensive care, resuscitation, volume overload

INTRODUCTION careful assessment of specific indications and contraindications

of the type and dose of fluid to be administered. It has been
Intravenous IV fluid therapy is the most common and usually recommended that the use of fluid therapy should be accorded
the first intervention which is done in Intensive Care Unit similar status as drug prescribing[3]. In addition, the population
(ICU). IV fluids are used to restore effective blood volume and of critically ill patients is significantly heterogeneous, therefore
to maintain organ perfusion and cellular homeostasis. When a single approach of fluid therapy cannot be applied to all,
used appropriately i.v. fluids can improve outcomes and can instead a goal directed and individualized approach is needed
be life saving in critically ill patients especially those in shock. for better outcome.
An inappropriate use of i.v. fluids on the other hand can be
associated with worse outcomes[1]. Improper use may range This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
from inadequate resuscitation leading to tissue hypo-perfusion Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows others to remix,
tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially, as long as the author is credited and
to fluid overloading which may lead to tissue edema, both of the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
which are associated with complications like organ damage and
increased morbidity and even mortality[2]. Therefore the fluid How to cite this article: Naz A, Ghosh A. Intravenous fluid therapy in intensive care
units. Where do we stand? Central Journal of ISA 2018;2(1):3-7.
therapy in critically ill patients requires a very skeptical and

© 2018 Central Journal of ISA (A Publication of Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists)

Naz. et al.: Intravenous fluid therapy in intensive care units. Where do we stand?

The review is an attempt to compile the known facts regarding COLLOID VERSUS CRYSTALLOID
this very fundamental and essential component of critical care
for a better comprehension; and also, to try to find answers to There is an ongoing debate for the choice between colloids and
the increasing concerns regarding indications, choice, dosage crystalloids and the different impacts of chloride-rich versus
and monitoring of fluid therapy. balanced solutions for resuscitation in ICU patients. The choice
of fluid can affect not only the amount of fluid needed to achieve
TYPES OF FLUIDS USED IN ICU the goals of fluid therapy but also influences the outcome
of patients under resuscitation[4,5]. Crystalloids are the most
Crystalloids and colloids are the two types of fluids which are commonly used initial resuscitation fluids as they are readily
used for resuscitation of critically ill patients. Cost, patient available, economic and there are fewer chances of allergic
specifications and regional preferences direct the type of fluid reactions. Use of normal saline is claimed to be associated
selected[1,4]. with hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis in renal insufficiency
cases even with low volume doses. Conventionally, balanced
CRYSTALLOID SOLUTIONS (TABLE 1) salt solutions like plasmalyte and Hartmann’s solution are
thought to be free of this side effect. (reference) However, in
Crystalloids are solutions which contain inorganic ions like
a large cluster randomized trial comparing 0.9% Saline with
sodium, potassium, chloride, magnesium, calcium as well as
Plasmalyte (SPLIT) no difference in the incidence of acute
small organic substances such as glucose, lactate etc. They are
kidney injury or mortality was found between the patients
balanced salt solutions, isotonic saline and dextrose containing
receiving saline or plasmalyte[6].
Colloid solutions have the advantage of expanding the volume
more effectively and for longer duration by maintaining
Colloids consist of homogenous, non crystalline large intravascular oncotic pressure. However, they are associated
molecules dispersed throughout a base solution (the dispersion with their own set of side effects. Besides being expensive they
medium) which can be either normal saline or balanced have anaphylactic potentials, can affect coagulation, increase
solution like Ringer’s lactate. They can be blood derived such the bleeding risk and can affect renal functions. In Saline versus
as albumin, plasma protein fraction and fresh frozen plasma; Albumin Fluid Evaluation Trial (SAFE), a blinded clinical trial
or semisynthetic like Hydroxyethyl starch (HES), gelatins, comparing 0.9% saline with 4% albumin- no difference was
dextran etc. found in the 28 day all cause mortality between the groups[7].

Table 1: Commonly used Crystalloid solutions

Crystalloid solution Components (m Eq in 1,000 ml) pH Osmolality
Lactated Ringer’s/ Sodium 130, chlorine 109, potassium 4, calcium 3, lactate 28 6 to 7.5 273
Hartmann’s solution
Ringer’s acetate Sodium 130, chlorine 112, potassium 5.4, calcium 0.9, mag- 5.1 to 5.9 276
nesium 1, acetate 27
Normal saline Sodium 154, chlorine 154 4.5 to 7 308
Plasma-Lyte A Sodium 140, chlorine 98, potassium 5, magnesium 3, acetate 7.4 295
27, gluconate 23
Dextrose 5%, H2O, dextrose 3.2 to 6.5 252

Table 2: Commonly used Colloid solutions

Colloid solution Components (per liter)
Albumin 25% 12.5 g/50 ml human albumin
Albumin 5% 50 g/l albumin
Hydroxyethylstarch 130/0.4 Hydroxyethylstarch 130/0.4, 6% in 500 ml normal saline
Hydroxyethylstarch 600/0.75 Hydroxyethylstarch 600/0.75, 6% in 500 ml normal saline
Gelatin 4% 40 g gelatin polysuccinate
Hemaccel 35 g gelatin

4 Central Journal of ISA | Vol. 2 | Issue 1 | January-June 2018

Naz. et al.: Intravenous fluid therapy in intensive care units. Where do we stand?

In a subgroup analysis of the same trial in patients of traumatic OPTIMAL INTRAVENOUS FLUID DOSING
brain injury, the relative risk of death was more in patients who
received albumin[8]. On the other hand, in patients with severe The recommended initial dose of IV fluids for septic shock
sepsis and septic shock, the relative risk of death was less at 28 patients had been 30 ml/kg body weight with the goals of
days in albumin group, suggesting a protective pattern due to Central Venous Pressure (CVP) of 8-12 mm Hg, a mean arterial
the anti-inflammatory properties of albumin[7]. pressure of > 65mmHg , a urine output of .> 0.5 ml/kg/h, and
a mixed venous oxygen saturation of 65%[13]. The role of these
The anti-inflammatory properties of albumin were also targets of resuscitation is disputed and the guiding parameters
investigated in ALBIOS (Albumin Italian Outcome Sepsis) have been often found to be inaccurate resulting in significant
trial. Daily supplementation of 20% albumin to patients with volume overload and its related adverse effects[14,15]. The reason
severe sepsis and septic shock was not found to be associated can be the heterogeneity of the critically ill patients, consequent
with any significant decrease in mortality, length of stay or to which the ‘single size fits all’ formula may not work for all
degree of organ dysfunction. Though no evidence of harm was the patients. Both insufficient and excessive fluid resuscitation
found with albumin resuscitation, the cost factor had increased are associated with worse outcomes. Hence, instead of the
significantly [9]. goal directed therapy, an individualized fluid therapy which
is tailored to the specific indication and the context of patient
In the trials where semisynthetic colloids have been compared is likely to be more successful. The resuscitation should be
with crystalloids like CHEST (Crystalloid versus hydroxyethyl adequate as well as timely, so it’s not sufficient to know how
starch trial) and CRISTAL (Colloids versus crystalloids for much fluid should we give but also when and for how long it
the resuscitation of the critically ill) trial; no difference in the should be given.
primary outcome of 90-day all-cause mortality between the
colloid and crystalloid groups was found. However, an increased Stages of Fluid Therapy: Hoste et al.,[16] and Benes et al.,[17]
risk of pruritus, skin rash, and a greater need for new initiation have explored the risks of inappropriate fluid therapy and
of Renal Replacement Therapy (RRT) in Hydroxyethyl Starch have emphasized that IV fluid should be considered as a drug
(HES) group was observed[10,11]. therapy with the dose effect relationship and side effects.
They also highlighted the usefulness of four stage framework
A comparison between the 6% (130/0.42) HES and balanced initially proposed by Vincent et al.,[18] for volume resuscitation
salt solution Ringer’s acetate for resuscitation in septic shock in critically ill patients. This framework makes use of an
patients showed a significant increase in the composite primary individual assessment spread over the time course of illness;
endpoint of death or dialysis dependence at 90 days in patients and the four stages are- Rescue phase, Optimization phase,
randomized to receive starch[12]. Stabilization phase and De-escalation phase (Figure 1).

Thus, currently there is no evidence from randomized Rescue Phase: The initial duration of first minutes to hours when
controlled trials that resuscitation with colloids, instead of the patient is in an immediate life threatening shock state. The
crystalloids, reduces the risk of death in critically ill patients. main focus is on salvaging the patient by giving an aggressive
The use of semi-synthetic colloids for resuscitation purpose is fluid resuscitation with IV fluid bolus, so as to improve the fluid
discouraged as they are associated with worse outcomes. The deficit- with or without the vasopressor support. In this phase
use of albumin is restricted to the patients who have already the time of action is usually a few minutes.
received a substantial amount of crystalloid.

Figure 1. Relationship of different stages of fluid resuscitation.

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Naz. et al.: Intravenous fluid therapy in intensive care units. Where do we stand?

Optimization Phase: In this phase, the fluid therapy has to be poor ventricular compliance due to systemic and pulmonary
continued but in a lesser aggressive and more judicious way. hypertension, valvular heart disease etc.
The aim is to maintain an adequate tissue perfusion by giving
a titrated fluid using fluid challenges. Patient is still critical and Therefore, certain dynamic parameters are needed to assess the
a supportive therapy of vasopressors and ionotrops may be fluid responsiveness; which include the stroke volume variation
needed. This stage may last for some hours to 1-2 days. with the respiratory cycle during mechanical ventilation. The
pulse pressure variation during mechanical ventilation can
Stabilization Phase: This phase may last for some days; be used as a surrogate parameter of stroke volume. Other
patient is more stable and is gradually weaned off from the parameters which can be used to estimate stroke volume
supportive drug therapy. The priority is to prevent the adverse variation are- blood flow of the left ventricular outflow tract
effects of the fluid therapy and the aim is to bring the patient to measured by echocardiography, aortic blood flow assessed by
zero or negative fluid balance by restricting the IV fluids to a esophageal Doppler, and the amplitude of the plethysmography
minimal maintenance infusion. signal recorded by pulse oximetry. Besides these- the inferior
vena cava collapsibility index, end expiratory occlusion test,
De-escalation Phase: This is the last stage, which may last up passive leg raising test and mini fluid challenge can predict
to several days to weeks. It is of utmost importance in patients the fluid responsiveness and guide us through the fluid therapy
where excessive fluid load can be devastating like GIPS (global after the rescue phase[17,19,20].
Increased Permeability Syndrome) please write full name
once); Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS); The timing of stabilization and de-escalation is overlapping
and multiple organ dysfunction, particularly, ARDS (Acute and rather unclear. In some patients de-escalation starts
respiratory distress syndrome) please write full name once) naturally with the start of healing process, in others an active
and Acute Kidney Injury (AKI). The goal of “negative fluid intervention in the form of diuretics is needed to mobilize the
balance” is adopted to remove the accumulated fluid which can fluid which got accumulated in the tissues[21].
be either spontaneous or triggered with the use of diuretics.
Most of the patients requiring fluid resuscitation present in the
rescue phase. After an initial bolus of fluid, optimization phase With the available literature, we can conclude that colloids are
will be achieved when the aim should be to maintain tissue in no way better than crystalloids for initial resuscitation of
perfusion with a more cautious fluid administration. Patients patients with shock; and HES should be avoided as much as
will then proceed to stabilization and de-escalation phase as the possible due to the associated adverse effects IV fluid therapy
clinical condition improves and the priority now should be to can be life saving in critically ill patients but like all medical
prevent the adverse effects of IV fluids. interventions are associated with its own set of complications
and hence should be treated with same skepticism as any other
Monitoring and Fluid Responsiveness: The concept of four drug in ICU. The amount and composition, as well as the
stage framework of fluid therapy is dynamic and requires an timing of fluid administration- can directly impact the outcome
individual assessment of patient’s fluid requirement and timely of patients. Patients in ICU are significantly heterogenous, so
administration of the required fluid. A minimal monitoring is the fluid therapy should be individualized. The newer dynamic
required when a fluid therapy is initiated which may guide indices for the assessment of fluid responsiveness should be
the clinician during initial resuscitation and it includes blood used to guide the fluid therapy, rather than the conventionally
pressure, heart rate, arterial blood gases (lactate) levels, used blood pressure and CVP centered approach.
capillary refill or pulse volume, altered mental status and urine
output[16]. After the recue phase, during optimization- additional REFERENCES
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