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Fetal Heart Rate Response

to Maternal Exertion
Marshall W. Carpenter, MD; Stanley P. Sady, PhD; Bente Hoegsberg, MD; Mina A. Sady, MA; Barbara Haydon, BSN;
Eileen M. Cullinane, MS; Donald R. Coustan, MD; Paul D. Thompson, MD

Doppler monitoring of fetal heart rates during maternal exertion has suggested ments and distribution of brochures.
that fetal bradycardia occurs frequently during vigorous exercise, causing Women were excluded from the study if
concern for fetal safety. Doppler determination of fetal heart rate during vigorous they gave a history of medical problems
maternal effort is difficult. To avoid motion artifact, we observed fetal heart rate (such as asthma) or previous abnormal
using two-dimensional ultrasound and determined the incidence of fetal brady- pregnancies (such as preterm labor)
cardia in 45 pregnant women (age, 29.0\m=+-\3.7years [mean \m=+-\SD]; gestational that might compromise their ability to
age, 25.2 \m=+-\3.0 weeks) during 85 submaximal and 79 maximal cycle ergometer
complete the exercise test sessions. All
tests. Average fetal heart rate did not change during exercise. A single episode subjects provided written informed
consent following an orientation visit to
of fetal bradycardia (heart rate <110 beats per minute for \m=ge\10s) occurred the exerciselaboratory. The protocol
during submaximal exertion during a maternal vasovagal episode. Sixteen was approved by the institutional re¬
episodes of fetal bradycardia were noted within three minutes after cessation of view boards of all participating in¬
exercise, 15 of which followed maximal maternal effort. We conclude that brief stitutions.
submaximal maternal exercise up to approximately 70% of maximal aerobic Procedure
power (maternal heart rate \m=le\148beats per minute) does not affect fetal heart
rate. In contrast to submaximal maternal exertion, maximal exertion is common- Subjects were studied twice on sepa¬
ly followed by fetal bradycardia. This may indicate inadequate fetal gas ratedays, using an identical protocol
each time. Exercise tests were per¬
exchange. formed on an electrically braked cycle
(JAMA 1988;259:3006-3009) ergometer (Collins Pedal Mate, Brain-
tree, Mass). At each exercise test ses¬
sion, resting measurements were ob¬
VIGOROUS exertion in pregnant ewes rate decelerations are associated with
tained with subjects seated on the
reduces uterine blood flow and fetal ar¬ fetal hypoxia, such results raise concern ergometer for ten minutes (Fig 1). Sub¬
terial oxygen tension1,2 and may produce about fetal safety during vigorous exer¬ jects then cycled at 0, 30, and 60 W for
six minutes at each work load to obtain
significant fetal hypoxia. Recent human cise. Doppler measurement of fetal
submaximal exercise measurements.
studies using Doppler monitors to esti¬ heart rates during exercise is difficult,
mate fetal heart rate have reported pro¬
This was followed by five minutes of
however, because of artifact associated cool-down cycling against minimal re¬
longed fetal bradycardia even during with maternal motion.8'9 Consequently,
sistance and ten minutes of rest. The
low-intensity maternal exercise.3"5 Oth¬ we used two-dimensional ultrasonic im¬
maximal exercise session started with
ers have noted increased fetal heart rate aging to record the fetal heart rate re¬
immediately following cycling6 and run¬ sponse to maternal exercise. Our pur¬ approximately 60 W of resistance and
consisted of two-minute stages of incre¬
ning7 exercise. Since episodic fetal heart pose was to determine the effect of mental exertion until subjects were un¬
submaximal and maximal maternal ex¬
ertion on fetal heart rate and the inci¬ able or unwilling to exercise further.
From the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, dence of fetal bradycardia. Subjects continued to cycle for five min¬
utes against minimal resistance. They
Women and Infants Hospital (Drs Carpenter, Hoegs-
berg, and Coustan and Ms Haydon), and the Depart- METHODS then assumed a semirecumbent position
ment of Medicine, Miriam Hospital (Drs Sady and for an additional seven minutes of ultra¬
Thompson and Mss Sady and Cullinane), Brown Uni- Subjects sound observation followed by a non-
versity Program in Medicine, Providence, RI.
Reprint requests to Women and Infants Hospital, 101 Pregnant women were recruited into stress test. This latter test documents
Dudley St, Providence, RI 02905 (Dr Carpenter). the study through television announce- fetal heart rate acceleration in response

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three because of subject concerns about
100 fetal bradycardia. Consequently, 79
maximal and 85 submaximal exercise
tests among 45 subjects form the basis
of this report. Statistical tests were per¬
formed using Student's t test for inde¬
pendent means or the Wilcoxon rank-
sum test if a normal distribution was not
50 present. Fisher's exact test was used to
determine significant associations be¬
tween categorical variables.
Forty-five women were enrolled. The
mean age of the women was 29.2 ±3.7
Maximal years, and their mean gestation was
Resti Submaximal Exertion Rest 2 Exertion Rest 3 25.2 ±3.0 weeks (range, 20 to 34
-1t— weeks). All subjects had uncomplicated
10 16 22 28 33 43 ~53 —58
pregnancies. None smoked cigarettes
or took any medications except for pre¬
Exercise Period and Elapsed Time, min natal vitamins and iron. Twenty-one re¬
ported that they had exercised vigor¬
Fig 1.—Exercise protocol: duration of rest and exercise periods and associated percentage of maximal ously more than once a week prior to
aerobic power. pregnancy, and 16 reported that they
engaged in regular exercise during
pregnancy. Only three of the 16 exercis¬
Table 1.—Exercise Protocol Completion by Subjects ( =
45) ers performed prolonged exercise (96 to
112 km of running per week in one and
No. of Subjects >8 km per week of swimming in two).
Submaximal The others participated in recreational
and Maximal
Session Exertion
exercise of undetermined intensity.
1 42
Peak maternal oxygen uptake (V02)
2 37 among completed protocols averaged
25.9 ±4.2 mL-kg'-min' (mean ± SD)
(range, 18.0 to 39.0 mL-kg'-min"'), and
peak maternal heart rate was 180 ±8.6
to fetal movement. Such a response is observer (M.W.C.) who determined the beats per minute (range, 156 to 197
physiological and is accepted as exclud¬ fetal heart rate during each minute of beats per minute). In contrast, at the
ing fetal asphyxia.10 the exercise session. This was calcu¬ end of the submaximal portion of the
Maternal blood pressure was mea¬ lated from the elapsed time for the first protocol, the V02 was 17.2 ±2.4
sured with a mercury sphygmomanom- observed 20 cardiac cycles within each mL-kg~'-mnT' and maternal heart rate
eter at each work load and every minute minute of the protocol. Fetal bradycar¬ was 148 ± 16 beats per minute. This in¬
for the five minutes following maximal dia was defined as a heart rate below 110 dicates that during the submaximal por¬
exertion. Maternal heart rate and oxy¬ beats per minute for more than 10 s at tion of the protocol, subjects attained
gen uptake were measured during the any time during the testing session. VO2 values equaling 67.4% ±11.8% of
fourth and fifth minutes of each submax¬ Bradycardia duration was timed from their measured maximal aerobic power
imal exercise stage and during each onset to return of heart rate to pre- (V02max).
minute of the maximal exertion part of exercise values. Women who exercised regularly dur¬
the protocol. Maternal heart rate was To determine the reproducibility of ing pregnancy had a higher mean peak
measured using an electrocardiogram fetal heart rate estimations, we re¬ V02 (29.6±3.9 mL-kg'-min1) than less
(Marquette Instruments, Milwaukee). peated heart rate measurements ten active subjects (24.1 ± 3.2 mL-kg'-min ')
Oxygen uptake was determined using times on the same videotape segment (P<.01). In 57 maximal exercise ses¬
standard open-circuit spirometrie tech¬ for five randomly selected subjects at sions (72%), an increase in work rate
niques.11 Expired volume was measured each of the five rest and exercise peri¬ elicited less than a 150-mL/min increase
with a Fleisch pneumotach attached to a ods. The mean coefficient of variation in V02, thus meeting widely accepted
differential pressure transducer (Vali- was 2.2% or less for each period. criteria for maximum oxygen uptake
dyne MP-45, Northridge, Calif), and ex¬ Data
(Vo2 max).12 There was no difference in
pired gas concentrations were deter¬ Analysis peak V02 or peak maternal heart rate
mined with a mass spectrometer Satisfactory submaximal and maxi¬ between subjects who did and did not
(Perkin Elmer MGA 1100, Pomona, mal exercise data were obtained during satisfy this VOçjnax criterion (26.0 ±3.5
Calif). both exercise sessions in 37 subjects vs 25.7 ± 5.8 mL-kg'-min and 180 ± 8 vs

Fetal cardiac activity was continu¬ (Table 1). Three of the first sessions and 179 ± 9 beats per minute, respectively).
ously monitored and videotaped during three of the second sessions included This confirms that exercise effort was
exercise and rest periods using a linear only the submaximal portion of the pro¬ maximal or near maximal.
array two-dimensional ultrasound sys¬ tocol. Five subjects did not attempt a There were no significant differences
tem (Toshiba SLA-77A, Nasu, Japan). second exercise session: one because of in mean fetal heart rates between the
Videotapes were subsequently re¬ uterine contractions, one because of preexercise period and subsequent ex¬
viewed in entirety by an experienced exercise-associated hypotension, and ercise and rest periods (Table 2). Com-

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Table 2.—Mean Fetal Heart Rate During Rest and Table 3.—Exercise Variables in Sessions Where
Exercise Periods Fetal Bradycardia Was Present or Absent After
Maximal Exercise
No. of Average Fetal
Sessions Heart Rate,
Completely Beats min,
Condition Recorded Mean ± SD Bradycardia, Mean ± SD
Resti 81 147±6 Present Absent
Exercise Variable (n 15)
OW 80 148±7 Peak maternal
30 W 80 148±7 heart rate,
60 W 80 148±8 beats/min 180.0 ±9.7 180.0 ±8.4
Rest 2 80 148±7 Peak maternal
Maximal oxygen uptake,
exercise 77 148 + 7
Rest 3 76 143±14 mL-kg-^min-1 29.0 ±5.3* 25.1 ±3.6
Duration of maximal
exercise period, min 7.4 ±2.5 6.9 ±1.8
Systolic pressure,
mm Hgt 39.0 ±18.7 36.0 ±15.6
parison of mean fetal heart rates during Diastolic pressure,
first and second exercise sessions for mm Hgt 18.0±21.8 10.0 ±12.0
Mean arterial
each subject also showed no significant pressure, mm Hgt 21.0±14.4 17.0 ±10.5
Eighteen episodes of fetal bradycar- *P<.01, unpaired r test.
tRefers to blood pressure at maximal exertion minus
dia were associated with the 85 exercise lowest pressure during recovery and includes 12 ses¬
test sessions, but only one episode oc¬ sions with and 58 without fetal bradycardia.
curred during exercise. This subject
sustained vasovagal hypotension dur¬
ing the second submaximal work load.
Two episodes of bradycardia in the same ute (range, 43 to 102 beats per minute).
fetus occurred on different exercise All episodes showed a rapid decelera¬
days; one prior to and one following the tion and most rapidly returned to base¬
submaximal portion of the exercise pro¬ line (Fig 2). Marked short-term varia¬
tocol. Therefore, 15 of 16 postexercise tion of heart rate characterized most
fetal bradycardias occurred after maxi¬ bradycardic episodes, although the two
mal maternal exertion, an incidence of episodes lasting greater than nine min¬
16.2% compared with 1.2% after sub- utes returned to baseline only slowly.
maximal exertion (P .0003).
Nevertheless, reactive nonstress tests
Peak maternal oxygen uptake was (fetal cardiac acceleration with fetal
higher during maximal exercise ses¬ movement) were observed within 30
sions that were followed by fetal minutes after conclusion of all exercise
bradycardia (29.0 ±5.3 vs 25.1 ±3.6 sessions.
mL-kg-'-min"1) (P .015).
Subjects Fetal bradycardia following maximal
achieved a plateau of oxygen uptake in a exertion occurred during both exercise
similar proportion of sessions (12/15 test sessions in three subjects, only dur¬
[80%] with and 44/63 [70%] without bra¬ ing the first session in seven subjects,
dycardia). Similarly, there were no dif¬ and only during the second session in
ferences in peak maternal heart rate two subjects. Three subjects, however, 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112
between sessions with (180 ±8 beats elected not to perform a second maximal
per minute) and without (180 ± 10 beats test becuse of fetal bradycardia during Time, min
per minute) bradycardia. A maternal the initial session. Consequently, three
history of regular exercise during preg¬ of the seven subjects with bradycardia
Fig 2.—Fetal heart rate following maximal exertion
nancy was noted in 21 (33%) of 64 during the first exercise session who during 14 episodes of fetal bradycardia. Fetal heart
sessions without fetal bradycardia and exercised twice had a repeated episode rates were averaged over ten cardiac cycles every
in five (33%) of 15 sessions with after their second session. 30 s during postexercise period. One tape was lost.
bradycardia. Subjects gave birth at 40.0 ±0.8 Predeceleration baseline fetal heart rate and nadir
Maternal and fetal age did not differ weeks of gestation, and none had pre- fetal heart rate are noted for each deceleration. Zero
time equals time of cessation of maximal exertion.
in sessions with and without fetal brady¬ term labor or bleeding. Fetal bradycar¬
cardia (28.9 ±4.0 vs 29.4 ±3.8 years dia following maximal maternal exer¬
[P>.05] and 26.4 ±3.4 vs 25.9±3.0 tion did not predict future perinatal
weeks [P>.05], respectively). Similar¬ problems. By history from the attend¬ cell tumor of the brain and died at 5
ly, the duration of the maximal exercise ing obstetricians, there was only one weeks of age. A third child suffered sud¬
period, maternal blood pressure during abnormal fetal heart rate pattern intra- den infant death syndrome at 5 weeks of
exercise, and the fall in maternal blood partum, in an infant born with group age. None of these infants demonstrat¬
pressure after maximal exertion did not ß-hemolytic streptococcal sepsis who ed fetal bradycardia during this study.
differ between these groups (Table 3). died the day of birth. There were no
Fetal bradycardia occurred 96 ± 51 s reported cord entanglements. Forty- COMMENT
(range, 31 to 180 s) after maximal exer¬ three ofthe 45 infants had normal Apgar Renal13 and blood flow
tion and lasted a median of 90 s (range, scores and normal physical examination decreases during exercise
in the non-
13 to 561 s). The lowest fetal heart rate results at birth. Of those with abnormal pregnant and pregnant animal. This re¬
during each postmaximal exertion bra¬ physical examination results, one was duction is proportional to the duration
dycardia determined from ten cardiac the infant with streptococcal sepsis, and and intensity of exercise and is medi¬
cycles averaged 73 ± 21 beats per min- the other had an undifferentiated germ ated by sympathetic vasoconstriction.15

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Pregnant ewes exercised to exhaustion less than the 30 minutes previously re¬ homeostatic mechanisms that previous¬
on a treadmill manifest a significant fall sulting in postexercise fetal tachycar¬ ly maintained fetal oxygen extraction.
in fetal oxygen tension without a de¬ dia.6,7 Our studies also contrast with pri¬ Consistent with this hypothesis are the
creased fetoplacental oxygen extraction or observations in finding no observations that moderate hypoxia
or net lactate production.2 Mild bicycle unexplained fetal bradycardia during produces vagally mediated bradycardia
exercise in humans in the supine posi¬ maternal exertion, despite work loads without antecedent tachycardia in un-
tion reduced sodium 24 washout from at or near maximal maternal oxygen anesthetized fetal and newborn lambs'8
the myometrium in one study,'6 sug¬ uptake. and our experience that most fetal bra¬
gesting a 25% reduction in perfusion. Subjects who had higher peak Vo2 dycardia occurred within two minutes
Heavy maternal exercise, therefore, during maximal voluntary exertion of exercise cessation. Vagai slowing of
may challenge fetal respiratory homeo- were more likely to demonstrate post- fetal heart rate may result from barore-
stasis and result in fetal hypoxia. exercise fetal bradycardia. This asso¬ ceptor responses as well as hypoxic
Studies of maternal exercise in ciation suggests that higher exercise stimulus of aortic and carotid chemore-
humans have examined changes in fetal capacity may predispose to fetal brady¬ ceptors. We assume that possible fetal
heart rate as an indicator of distur¬ cardia after maximal exertion. Subjects hypoxia after maternal exercise is mild
bances of fetal gas exchange. Fetal reporting frequent recreational exer¬ and transient, since all fetuses had nor¬
heart rate observations during and cise had no higher incidence than seden¬ mal nonstress test results within 30
after exercise have used Doppler moni¬ tary individuals, but we did not quantify minutes of exercise cessation.
tors of the type used with inactive the level of physical activity in subjects Our findings suggest that unex¬
women during labor. In some studies, outside the laboratory. Both maternal plained fetal bradycardia during mater¬
this technique has revealed increases in heart rate and Vo2 values among nal exertion of any intensity is rare.
fetal heart rate during maternal recov¬ subjects with and without postexercise Similarly, fetal bradycardia was rarely
ery following 30 minutes of submaximal fetal bradycardia indicate that both observed after maternal exercise re¬
exertion.6,7 Others, using Doppler moni¬ groups had peak efforts at or near their quiring an average of 67% of the
toring of women in the third trimester, VOjinax. mother's VOjinax or a mean maternal
have reported incidence of fetal bra¬
an The physiology of postexertional fetal heart rate of 148 beats per minute. Ma¬
dycardia during exercise of 11% to bradycardia must account for the ob¬ ternal exertion approaching maximal
100%, even at low work loads.3"5 served absence of fetal heart rate aerobic capacity, however, may be fol¬
We and others,58,9 however, have ob¬ changes during maternal exercise, the lowed by fetal bradycardia. The signifi¬
served that Doppler fetal heart rate prompt onset of fetal bradycardia fol¬ cance of this bradycardia is, as of yet,
monitoring during exercise is difficult lowing cessation of maximal maternal unknown. However, it seems prudent
because of artifact related to maternal effort, the steep slope of deceleration of to recommend that pregnant women
movement. Consequently, the inci¬ fetal heart rate, and the usually rapid limit their vigorous exercise to activi¬
dence of fetal bradycardia during ma¬ return of fetal heart rate to baseline ties requiring heart rates of 150 beats
ternal exercise and the risk of maternal values. A significant reduction in total per minute or less and conclude with a
exertion have been questioned.8,9 Two- uterine blood flow with heavy exertion gentle and continuous slowing of effort
dimensional ultrasound imaging, in con¬ has been observed.1,2 This reduction during recovery. Exercise in the pres¬
trast, appears to be accurate and may be exacerbated by the abrupt fall in ent study was brief, so we cannot com¬
reliable. maternal stroke volume found after ces¬ ment on the effect of exercise duration
In our study, we found the mean fetal sation of upright exercise late in human on the fetal heart rate response.
cardiac rate to be stable during and af¬ pregnancy.17 The combined effects of re¬
ter maternal exertion and independent duced uterine perfusion during vigor¬
of exercise intensity. The duration of ous exertion and the decrease in cardiac This study was supported by National Institutes
our exercise protocol, however, was output after exercise may compromise of Health grant P50HD11343.

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