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Crossing Mendez
School Grade Level IV
Elementary School
Teacher KEVIN T. ESPINOSA Learning Areas English
Teaching Dates and October 7, 2019
Quarter 2nd
Time Week 9 Day 1
Discuss events in a story listened to.
Listen attentively and react positively during story reading
Sequence events in a story listened to.

A. Content Standard
Demonstrates understanding of the elements of informational texts for
B. Performance Standards
Recalls details, sequence of events, and shares ideas on texts listened to.
C. Learning Competencies
Retell best-liked part of a story heard (EN4OL-IIi-2.6)

Story Events
A. References
1. Teachers’ Guide in English IV pages 192-194
2. Learners’ Materials in English IV pages 210-211
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional materials from LR portal
B. Other Learning Resources
Chart, Pictures
Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity
A. Reviewing 1. Unlocking of difficulties The pupils will read the
previous lesson or a. sweet tongue words.
presenting the new He has such a sweet tongue.
lesson He can easily make others
believe him.
b. famine
They are thin and sick
because of food shortage.
There is famine.
c. eloquent
The winner of the storytelling
contest is so expressive and
fluent in the English
language. She is truly an
eloquent storyteller.
d. mischief
He easily gets in trouble
because of his mischief.
e. sniff (use action)
The old woman tried to sniff
air but she could not
f. ungrateful
I don’t like him. He doesn’t
know how to thank and
respect the people who
helped him. He is ungrateful.
B. Establishing a Show a picture of a tortoise.
purpose for the Ask: What do you notice
lesson about its shell? Are tortoise’s
shells not smooth?
C. Presenting Ask: Why are tortoise shells
examples/ not smooth?
instances of the
new lesson
D. Discussing New Post the story and read. To save out Earth sir and
Concepts/ Refer on TG p. 193 also to have a healthy
Practicing new lifestyle.
skills #1 Why the Tortoise’s Shell Is
Not Smooth
Adapted from Chinua
Achebe Because it is very important
and can be easily
Once upon a time, all the remembered.
birds were invited to a feast
in the sky. Yes/No sir.
They were very happy. They
began to prepare
themselves. They painted
their bodies beautifully.
Tortoise was so excited to
join the group because he
had not eaten a good meal
for weeks. So he began to
plan how he could go to the
sky and join the feast. But
Tortoise had no wings so he
asked the birds to be
allowed to join them.
“We know you too well,” said
the birds. “You are
ungrateful. If we allow you to
come with us, you will soon
begin your mischief.”
“You do not know me,” said
Tortoise. “I am a changed
man; I have learned that a
man who makes trouble for
others is also making it for
Tortoise had a sweet tongue,
and within a short time, all
the birds agreed that he was
a changed man.
The birds gave him a feather
for his wings.
The feast came. Tortoise
was the first to arrive at the
meeting place. Tortoise was
very happy as he flew
among the birds. The birds
chose him to be their
“There is one thing we must
not forget,” he said. When
people are invited to a great
feast like this, they take new
names for the occasion.
The birds just followed. They
thought of their names.
When they had taken new
names, Tortoise took one.
He wanted to be called
“All of You.”
What do you think
happened when they were
in the sky?
At last the group arrived in
the sky. Their hosts were
very happy to see them.
Tortoise stood up and
thanked them for their
His speech was so eloquent
that all the birds were glad
they had brought him along.
Their hosts treated him well
as the king of the birds, as
he looked somewhat
different from the others.
The people in the sky set
before their guests the most
delicious dishes Tortoise had
ever seen or dreamed of.
Tortoise began to sniff aloud.
When everything had been
set before the guests, one of
the people in the sky invited
the birds to eat. But Tortoise
jumped to his feet and
asked, “For whom have you
prepared this feast?”
“For all of you,” replied the
man. Tortoise turned to the
birds and said,” Remember
my name is All of You.”
He began to eat and the
birds were so angry. Tortoise
ate the best part of the food
and drank wine.
The birds gathered around to
eat what was left .They ate
the bones that he had
thrown on the floor. Some of
them were too angry to eat.
They chose to fly home on
an empty stomach. But
before they left, each took
back the feather he had
borrowed. And there, he
stood full of food and wine
but without any wings to fly
home. He asked the birds to
take a message for his wife,
but they all refused. In the
end, Parrot, who had felt
angrier than the others,
suddenly changed his mind
and agreed to take the
Why do you think Parrot
changed his mind?
“Tell my wife”, said Tortoise,
“To bring out all the soft
things in my house and
cover the area around with
them so that I can jump
down from the sky without
great danger.”
Parrot promised to deliver
the message, and then flew
away. But when he reached
Tortoise’s house, he told his
wife to bring out all the hard
things in the house. And so
she brought out her
husband’s hoes, knife,
spears and guns. Tortoise
looked down from the sky
and saw his wife bringing
things out, but it was too far
to see what they were. When
all seemed ready, he let
himself go. He fell until he
began to fear that he would
never stop falling.
And then like the sound of
his gun, he crashed on the
His shell broke into pieces
but there was a great
medicine man in the
The medicine man gathered
all the bits of shell and put
them together. This is why
the tortoise’s shell is not so
smooth today.
E. Discussing New Discuss the happenings in
Concepts/ the story.
Practicing new
skills #2
F. Developing Group Activity:
Mastery Refer to TM p. 210
Copy the Chart Sequence in
your notebook. Then write
the sentence numbers in the
boxes to show the correct
sequence of events.
Why the Tortoise’s Shell Is
Not Smooth
a. They prepared for a feast
in the sky.
b. Tortoise fell to the ground.
c. Tortoise and the birds flew
up in the sky.
d. Tortoise’s shell broke into
e. Tortoise’s wife brought out
all the sharp things outside
their house.
f. Tortoise had eaten the
most delicious food while
other birds had eaten the
bones thrown on the floor.
g. The medicine man
gathered all the bits of shells
and put them together.
G. Finding practical What lesson did you learn
applications of from the story?
concepts and skills How would you apply it to
in daily living the real situations?

H. Making What will you do in

generalizations/ sequencing events?
Abstractions about
the lesson
I. Evaluating Refer to LM. P 211, Do and
learning Learn; Learn Some More

Number the events below

from 1 to 5 to show the
correct order in making fruit
salad. Write your answer on
a separate sheet of paper.
___ They peeled and sliced
the bananas and mixed them
with other fruits.
___ After freezing the
mixture in the refrigerator,
they ate the delicious fruit
___ Liza and her brothers
helped Mother prepare the
___ They poured milk,
cream, and sugar over the
fruits in the bowl.
___ They washed and
peeled the mangoes, apples,
and pineapples.

J. Activities for
application or

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require additional

activities for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies

worked well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter

which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I wish
to share with other teachers?

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