Leaflet CA Cervic - Indah

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Who are likely suffered from

Cervix cancer?

1. Women who have had sexual

intercourse at a young age.
2. Women who have sexual contact
with different partners

3. Smokers

4. Consuming less vegetables and


Do you know?
Cervix cancer is the first killer What are the causes of Cervix
for Indonesian women. Cancer?

The causes are the change of microbial

genes such as HPV (human papilloma
virus), radiation or chemical

Early-stage Cervix cancer which is

‘Aisyiyah Health handled quickly can be recovered
Sciences College of 100%.
5. The use of intrauterin devices more
than 5 years especially IUD or
What is Pap Smear? hormonal contraception
A Pap smear is a screening to detect
changes in the cells that occur in the 6. Experiencing sexual intercourse
uterine cervix. bleeding.

7. Experience vaginal discharge

and/or vaginal itching.

8. Already menopause and Pap smear can be done in:

experiencing vaginal bleeding
 Hospital,
9. Having different partners in sexual  Maternity Hospital,
intercourse  Puskesmas
 Early detection clinic,
Preparation before Pap smear: Doktor
Technically, to do a pap smear test is by
1. At the time of taking slime, try to Midwife
taking a sweep of the mucous by using a
spatula or soft brush. relax the vaginal muscles
2. No sexual intercourse at least 48
Reason to do the pap smear: hours before the taking of the
mucous from the cervix.
1. You are already 18-70 years old.
3. The best time to take the mucous is
2. Get married at young age (under 20
2 weeks after menstruation
years old).
4. Do not use any antiseptic cleansing
3. Have had sexual intercourse before
or antiseptic soap in the vagina at
20 years old.
least 72 hours before the mucous is
If the cervix cancer is detected
4. Having babies more than 3 times.
earlier and handled quickly and
appropriately, it can be cured

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