Effects of Extended Work Shifts and Shift Work On Patient Safety, Productivity, and Employee Health

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Phyllis Berryman, RN, MBA, COHN-S/CM, FAAOHN

Eileen Lukes, PhD, RN, COHN-S, CCM, FAAOHN

Effects of Extended Work Shifts and Shift Work

on Patient Safety, Productivity, and Employee
Health .
by Simone M. Keller, RN, BSN

It is estimated 1.3 million health care errors occur each year and of those errors 48,000 to 98,000 result in the deaths of
patients (Barger et aI., 2006). Errors occur for a variety of reasons, including the effects of extended work hours and shift
work. The need for around-the-clock staff coverage has resulted in creative ways to maintain quality patient care, keep
health care errors or adverse events to a minimum, and still meet the needs of the organization. One way organizations
have attempted to alleviate staff shortages is to create extended work shifts. Instead of the standard 8-hour shift, workers
are now working 10, 12, 16, or more hours to provide continuous patient care. Although literature does support these
staffing patterns, it cannot be denied that shifts beyond the traditional 8 hours increase staff fatigue, health care errors,
and adverse events and outcomes and decrease alertness and productivity. This article includes a review of current
literature on shift work, the definition of shift work, error rates and adverse outcomes related to shift work, health effects
on shift workers, shift work effects on older workers, recommended optimal shift length, positive and negative effects of
shift work on the shift worker, hazards associated with driving after extended shifts, and implications for occupational
health nurses.

he current shortage of nurses in the United States in their support of the U.S. Fair Labor Standards Act,

T and around the world has stressed health care orga-

nizations. One of the ways that organizations have
attempted to alleviate staffing shortages has been to cre-
which defined the allowable hours of work each week
(National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
[NIOSH], 2008). More than 70 years later, extended
ate longer work shifts. duration work shifts are once again a topic of concern.
On May 1, 1886, the fight for the "Eight-Hour Work Although the literature supports extended work shifts,
Day" led 1 million workers to leave their jobs and rally. it cannot be denied that shifts beyond the traditional 8
In 1938, the American labor movement was successful hours have been associated with increased risk of errors,
incidents, and accidents (Josten, Ng-A-Tham, & Thi-
ABOUT THE AUTHOR erry, 2003; Lockley et al., 2007; Richardson, Turnock,
Ms. Keller is occupational health/adult practitioner student, University of
South Florida, Tampa, FL
Harris, Finley, & Carson, 2007). Studies also indicate
The author discloses that she has no significant financial interests in any that extended work hours negatively affect employee
product or class of products discussed directly or indirectly in this activity, health and well-being (Raediker, Janssen, Schomann,
including research support.
& Nachreiner, 2006) and result in increased fatigue for
Ms. Berryman is Senior Consultant, Medical Management, Integrated Dis- shift workers and decreased alertness and productiv-
ability Management Department, FinCor Solutions, Lansing, MI. Dr. Lukes ity (Fitzpatrick, While, & Roberts, 1999). Additionally,
is Health Services Southern Regional Manager, The Boeing Company,
Mesa, AZ. long work hours likely coincide with high job demands
doi:10.3928/08910162-20091116-01 (van der Hulst, 2003) both physically and mentally;

DECEMBER 2009, VOL. 57, NO. 12 497

Nurses working shifts in excess of 8 hours report
Applying Research to Practice more medication errors, difficulty staying awake and
actually falling asleep during work hours, a decrease in
productivity the last 4 hours of the shift, and an increased
Occupational health nurses must educate risk of errors and near errors associated with decreased
workers about ways to prevent adverse events vigilance (Lockley et al., 2007; Scott et al., 2007; Smith
and health care errors and improve patient et al., 1998). Nurses and interns have both reported im-
safety. Occupational health nurses must be pairment in critical thinking abilities. The risk of an error
aware of signs and symptoms assoc iated almost doubles when nurses work 12.5 or more consecu-
with long-term sleep deprivation and should tive hours (Scott et al.). Nurses suffer more needlestick
identify workers who are not able to function injuries during extended shifts and needlestick and bio-
safely. Occupational health nurses can identify logical fluid exposure rates increase during the last 2
workers whose critical thinking abilities are hours of a 12-hour shift (Lockley et al.). The number of
impai red due to exhaustion , being aware that continuous duty hours that health care personnel are per-
employees who work extended shifts are at mitted to work are much higher than in other professions
greater risk for on-the-job injuries and automo- (e.g., nuclear power industry) (Mountain et al., 2007).
bile accidents. When occupational health nurs-
es observe employees who are too fatigued to HEALTH EFFECTS
funct ion safely, they need to advocate that the Extended duration shifts may affect the health of
employees be sent home . shift workers and make them more prone to chronic dis-
eases (e.g., diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and hyperten-
sion) leading to disabilities that require early retirement
(NIOSH, 2004). In addition, these workers may experi-
some examples include merchant marines, truck drivers, ence gastrointestinal, minor psychiatric, and sleep disor-
nurses, and physicians. ders, fatigue, and social problems (Workers Health Centre,
2005). These workers are at increased risk of musculoskel-
DEFINITION OF EXTENDED WORK SHIFTS etal injuries resulting in permanent impairment. They are
Extended shifts represent a compressed work week also more likely to be involved in motor vehicle accidents
defined as "any system of fixed working hours more than after extended work shifts (Robb, Sultana, Ameratunga,
eight hours in duration which results in a working week & Jackson, 2008). The extent to which shift work and ex-
of less than five full days of work a week" (Smith, Fol- tended shifts affect individual workers depends largely on
kard, Tucker, & Macdonald, 1998, p. 217). Conversion their work tasks, individual characteristics, organizational
to a compressed work week is often considered because and social environments, and features of the shift system
of the perceived benefits for production and morale, re- (Josten et al., 2003; Smith et al., 1998).
duction of sickness absence, and convenience of having Shift work and extended shifts interfere with the
fewer days at work (Smith et al.). Shift work refers to a body's natural circadian rhythm. Humans by nature are
work-hour system in which a relay of employees extends designed to work during daylight hours and sleep dur-
the period of production beyond the conventional day- ing night hours. When working off hours, individuals
time third of the 24-hour cycle (Levy, Wegman, Baron, are fighting their natural instinct to sleep, disrupting the
& Sokas, 2006). body's internal clock and forcing it to alter its activity-rest
cycle. Shift workers are more prone to smoking, drinking,
ERROR RATE AND ADVERSE OUTCOMES and exercising less than recommended by the American
Extended duration work shifts and shift work have Heart Association (van der Hulst, 2003; workershealth.
adverse effects on patient outcomes and increase health com, 2008). Additionally, researchers have found a rela-
care errors and patient injuries (Lockley et al., 2007). Re- tionship between long work hours and depression of the
cent research has demonstrated that physicians-in-train- body's immune system (van der Hulst).
ing working traditional recurring 24-hour shifts made
36% more serious health care errors, made 5 times as FATIGUE
many serious diagnostic errors, and had twice as many Fatigue is one of the most common concerns associ-
on-the-job attentional failures at night, suffer 61% more ated with shift work and extended duration shifts. Fatigue
needlesticks and other sharps injuries, and are 300% is a general term used to describe a wide variety of con-
more likely to make fatigue-related errors that lead to pa- ditions. Acute fatigue can be classified as mental fatigue,
tients' death (Lockley et al.). In the United States, nation- due to mental overload or underload, or physical fatigue
wide limits on the work hours of physicians-in-training (Brake & Bates, 2001). Long-term or prolonged fatigue is
were implemented in July 2003. Under the direction of irreversible and no longer responds to worker compensa-
the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Educa- tion mechanisms (Wadsworth, Allen, Wellens, McNama-
tion, interns and residents are limited to an 80-hour work ra, & Smith, 2006). Some of the most significant disasters
week averaged over 4 weeks; however, shift lengths up to of our time can be attributed to fatigue: the Three Mile
30 hours are still permissible (Mountain, Quon, Dodek, Island accident in Pennsylvania, the Chernobyl nuclear
Sharpe, & Ayas, 2007). power plant accident in Russia (Suzuki, Ohida, Kaneita,

Yokoyama, & Uchiyama, 2005), and the grounding of the majority of the staff (64%). The minimum number
the oil tanker Exxon Valdez off the coast of Alaska (Wad- of 24-hour periods off after a night shift before returning
sworth et al.). The concept of fatigue is difficult to quanti- to work should be two and the minimum number of 24-
fy because fatigue is a subjective and personal experience hour periods off after a day shift before returning to work
(Richardson et al., 2007). Symptoms of fatigue can in- should be one.
clude muscle weakness, lethargy, inability to think clearly
or concentrate, listlessness, decreased cognitive function, NEGATIVE ASPECTS OF EXTENDED SHIFT
anxiety, and exhaustion. Working extended hours for long WORK
periods can increase damage to workers' health and well- Many negative aspects are associated with working
being commensurate with the hours worked (i.e., total ex- extended shifts and shift work, including an increase in
posure to workload) (Raediker et al., 2006). accidents while on the job, reduced duration and qual-
ity of sleep, and sleepiness, fatigue, and less alertness
SHIFT WORK AND THE OLDER WORKER while performing duties (Smith et al., 1998; van der
Extended work hours and shift work more profoundly Hulst, 2003). The worker may experience decreased re-
affect older shift workers. In the author's experience,older action times and poorer work performance (Scott, Rog-
workers are less capable of working longer shifts because ers, Hwang, & Zhang, 2006). The worker will have more
of the normal physiological changes that occur naturally days off but may feel ill many of those days and experi-
with aging. They tend to have less stamina, are more prone ence long-term adverse health effects. Night shift work-
to chronic illnesses, and may have a complicated home ers may have fewer opportunities to communicate with
environment that interferes with rest between shifts (i.e., upper management. Managers often cannot find cover-
care of older parents, grandchildren, or ill spouses). Aging age for extended shifts when a worker is ill or injured
decreases the speed of circadian adaptation to night work, (Knauth, 2007). If workers are in an environment with
increases the risk of sleep disorders and negative health ef- toxic exposures, they experience more time exposed dur-
fects, and threatens safety in work environments designed ing extended shifts (Knauth).
for younger employees (Letvak, 2005). Workers may also experience difficulties at home
One study suggested that older workers working 12- with spouses and children because they are away for
hour shifts had a higher incidence of absence, sickness, long periods. Also, these workers are more prone to au-
and intoxication (Smith et al., 1998). Younger workers are tomobile accidents after extended shifts. Nurses working
naturally fatigued at the end of a long workday. However, extended shifts experience the following: the need to re-
they are more capable of rebounding after the shift and orient after returning from several days away, short time
tend to enjoy this work schedule because it rewards them between shifts, lack of continuity of patient care, reduc-
with more days for social activities. One study found that tion in quality of patient care, and stress associated with
satisfaction with working hours and free time increased caring for demanding patients and families for more than
(Josten et al., 2003) when working 12-hour shifts. Al- 8 hours (Richardson et al., 2007).
though older workers may enjoy more days away from
work, they tend to prefer shorter shifts when given the POSITIVE ASPECTS OF EXTENDED SHIFT
choice of the two shifts. WORK
The positive effects of working extended shifts include
WHAT IS THE OPTIMAL SHIFT LENGTH? the ability to work a second job, more days away from
Both types of work patterns have positive and nega- work, and more free time with family and friends. Nurses
tive aspects. The 8-hour shift is safer than longer shifts have more time for leisure and social activities, more time
(Mitchell & Williamson, 2000; Raediker et al., 2006). In for domestic duties, fewer shift "hangovers," and less travel
one study, a significant relationship was found between time to and from work. Organizations favor extended shifts
duration of shift and total performance scores; working because managers have to provide staffing for only two
a shift of 8 hours or less resulted in higher total perfor- shifts instead of three, experience less staff turnover, and
mance scores than when working 12- to 12.5-hour shifts have less overtime. Nurses have less pressure to complete
(Fitzpatrick et al., 1999). assignments in an 8-hour day and better continuity of care
Richardson et al. (2007) found that working extended (Knauth, 2007; Richardson et al., 2007).
shifts and shift work may not be as significant a concern
as the number of consecutive days worked or number of DRIVING AND EXTENDED WAKING HOURS
hours between shifts when rotating from one time period Concerns also arise when shift workers drive home at
to another. It has been found that many workers agree that the end of their shifts. Studies have shown that the preva-
three consecutive day shifts and four consecutive night lence of sleep-related motor vehicle crashes is higher
shifts should be the maximum number worked before a among individuals who are employed, work more than 60
day off to rest (Richardson et al.). One study found that hours per week, work irregular hours, work at night, and
the majority of staff (66%) reported 24 hours as a safe are sleep deprived (Robb et al., 2008; Scott et al., 2007).
period of time to be off duty after working a day shift and These workers are at more risk of a motor vehicle crash
before starting a night shift. The rest time needed was than the general population. In fact, studies have indicated
longer after working night shifts and before starting day that remaining awake for 19 consecutive hours slows cog-
shifts. A safe period of time was viewed as 48 hours by nitive function and reaction times to a level comparable

DECEMBER 2009, VOL. 57, NO. 12 499

to that associated with a blood alcohol concentration of Retaining qualified staff is another challenge that
0.05% (Scott et al.), Remaining awake for 24 consecutive organizations must meet if they are to maintain staffing
hours slows reaction times to a level approximating an and production guidelines. Some of the ways to retain
individual with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.1%, a qualified staff are to be flexible with work hours, offer job
concentration that exceeds the legal limit for operating a sharing when possible, provide opportunities for job ad-
motor vehicle in most states (Scott et al.; Surani, Murphy, vancement, and offer competitive salaries and benefits.
& Shah, 2007). Additionally, a linear relationship exists Shift workers and their employers can alleviate the
between the number of extended shifts per month and the negative impact of extended duration shifts in a variety
subsequent occurrence of crashes (i.e., each extended du- of ways. Employers can ensure that work areas have ad-
ration work shift increased the crash rate by 9.1% [3.4% equate lighting and recreation facilities. They can ensure
to 14.7%] over baseline and the risk of a crash on the that workers do not work more than two consecutive
commute from work by 16.2% [7.8% to 24.7%]) (Lock- night shifts or two to three consecutive 12-hour shifts.
ley et al., 2007). In addition, sleepy shift workers present Employers can ensure that days off are distributed equal-
a potential liability to their employers. Legal precedents ly with workdays, and scheduling should allow at least
in the United States hold both drivers and employers re- two free weekends each month. Employers should al-
sponsible for injuries resulting from motor vehicle colli- low time for breaks, to move around, and to interact with
sions caused by fatigued drivers (Mountain et al., 2007); other workers. Employers might consider several shift
thus, if shift workers have accidents on the way home lengths, and possibly shorter shifts when workloads are
after work, the law may hold workers' employers as well light. Employers could keep workers' schedules regular
as individual workers liable for injuries sustained in the and predictable; this assists workers in planning home
accidents. activities. Employers can ensure job rotation by moving
employees to different tasks or responsibilities that al-
WORK-RELATED FATIGUE IN OTHER low them to use several muscle groups to perform their
INDUSTRIES tasks or require varying degrees of mental concentration
Work-related fatigue is not unique to the health care to complete tasks. Finally, the occupational health nurse
industry. Many other industries use extended duration can provide education about eating and sleeping patterns
shifts and shift work to maintain production quotas and that counteract or minimize the effects of shift work or
staffing. In the maritime industry, workers not only work extended duration shifts (Salazar, 2006; Workers Health
12- to Io-hour days, they live and sleep in the same en- Centre, 2005).
vironment in which they work. In addition, they may re- Employers could allow employees opportunities
main at sea for many weeks with little or no chance for for short sleep periods as a strategy for counteracting
rest, recreation, or recovery. Working at sea has one of the the effects of shift work (i.e., the longer the nap, the
highest rates of occupational accidents and injuries of any more beneficial and long-lasting the effects) (Ferguson
occupation (Wadsworth et al., 2006). A study of merchant et al., 2008). Employees who work extended duration
marine personnel on watch demonstrated that sleep was shifts and shift work can ensure that their sleep settings
severely fragmented and most watch periods were associ- are conducive to sleep by darkening the room, ensur-
ated with reduced sleep in the preceding 24 hours (Fer- ing quiet white noise, and turning off telephone ringers.
guson, Lamond, Kandelaars, Jay, & Dawson, 2008). In Workers should get proper exercise and nutrition and,
the construction industry, extended shifts and shift work most importantly, should notify family and friends of
have been associated with a higher incidence of on-the- sleeping times and ask that they not stop by or call dur-
job injuries (NIOSH, 2004). Police officers on both 8- ing those times.
and 12-hour night shifts showed significant decreases in The significance of extended duration shifts and shift
subjective alertness from the beginning to the end of their work to employers and occupational health personnel is
shifts, but did not show these same losses when work- substantial. For employers, these types of staffing patterns
ing 12-hour days (NIOSH). One study tested workers increase their risk of liability associated with workers who
employed by United Auto Workers and found that those may be fatigued. The longer the employer allows a shift
working extended shifts reported poorer performance on worker to remain on the job, the greater the chance that the
tests of cognitive and executive functions (e.g., planning, worker will err, resulting in an adverse outcome (e.g., per-
cognitive flexibility, and abstract thinking) (NIOSH). One manent injury or death of a patient). Occupational health
study examining shifts in hot work environments also re- nurses must maintain constant vigilance to be aware of
ported a slower pace of work compared to those working any changes in staff that might indicate a problem. They
shorter shifts (NIOSH). must ensure that education is readily available to all work-
ers on the risks of caring for patients and ways to avoid
HIRING AND RETAINING STAFF these risks while working extended duration shifts.
Barriers to hiring and retaining qualified staff are a
challenge for all industries and have resulted in the need IMPLICATIONS FOR OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH
for extended work shift hours to maintain staffing and NURSES
meet production quotas. As the work force ages and more The implications of extended duration work shifts for
educated and skilled laborers leave, organizations will be the occupational health nurse are many. When interacting
challenged to hire qualified candidates. with employees who work extended shifts, occupational


health nurses should focus their practice on the health and on the shift worker can an organization successfully use
safety needs of workers under their care. The occupation- extended shifts and shift work to meet its needs safely
al health nurse should be aware of employees who are no and productively.
longer able to function effectively during extended du-
ration shifts and assist them in finding alternative work- REFERENCES
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er, F. E., et a!. (2006). Impact of extended-duration shifts on medi-
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cal errors, adverse events, and attentional failures. PLoS Medicine,
can help the worker succeed (e.g., improving workplace 3(12), e487.
lighting and providing canteen and recreation facilities) Brake, D. J., & Bates, G. P. (2001). Fatigue in industrial workers under
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employer as well as the needs of the workers. The occu- (2008). The impact of short, irregular sleep opportunities at sea on
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Further research is needed into the effects of extended Lockley, S. w., Barger, L. K, Ayas, N. T, Rothschild, J. M., Czeisler,
shifts on the health and safety of shift workers as they age. C. A., Landrigan, C. P., et a!. (2007). Effects of health care provider
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sion Resources, 33(11 Supp!.), 7-18.
of the total global population (Kenny, Yardley, Martineau, Mitchell, R. J., & Williamson, A. M. (2000). Evaluation of an 8 hour
& Jay, 2008). Nationally, from 2004 to 2014, "the labor versus a 12 hour shift roster on employees at a power station. Ap-
force will continue to age, with the annual growth rate of plied Ergonomics, 31(1),83-93.
the 55 and older group projected to be 4.1 %, four times Mountain, S. A., Quon, B. S., Dodek, P, Sharpe, R., & Ayas, N. T
the rate of growth of the overall labor force" (Silverstein, (2007). The impact of housestaff fatigue on occupational and patient
safety. Lung, 185(4),203-209.
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Control and Prevention, 2004). Additionally, further re- niosh/docsI2004-143/health.html
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effects occur. workschedules/abstracts/legrande.html
Extended shift durations and shift work have a Raediker, B., Janssen, D., Schomann, C., & Nachreiner, F. (2006).
profound effect on both shift workers and the organiza- Extended working hours and health. Chronobiology International,
tions that use these types of staffing patterns. Shift work Richardson, A, Tumock, C., Harris, L., Finley, A., & Carson, S. (2007).
should be used with caution. Not all workers are capa- A study examining the impact of 12-hour shifts on critical care staff.
ble of working these hours, nor do extended shifts work Journal ofNursing Management, 15(8),838-846.
well in all settings. Despite the increased opportunities Robb, G., Sultana, S., Ameratunga, S., & Jackson, R. (2008). A sys-
tematic review of epidemiological studies investigating risk factors
for leisure time on 12-hour and longer shift durations, for work-related road traffic crashes and injuries. Injury Prevention:
the longer workday has the potential to contribute to hu- Journal ofthe International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury
man error and accidents in the workplace (Smith et aI., Prevention, 14(1), 51-58.
1998). If organizations are consistently using these staff- Salazar, M. K. (Ed.). (2006). Core curriculum for occupational & envi-
ing patterns, top management, as well as the workers, ronmental health nursing (3rd ed.). St. Louis: Saunders Elsevier.
Scott, L. D., Hwang, W. T., Rogers, A. E., Nysse, T, Dean, G. E., &
should be well educated about the risks of working these Dinges, D. F. (2007). The relationship between nurse work sched-
hours, ways to avoid adverse outcomes and errors, and ules, sleep duration, and drowsy driving, Sleep, 30(12), 1801-1807.
signs and symptoms of health-related issues. Only with Scott, L. D., Rogers, A E., Hwang, W. T, & Zhang, Y. (2006). Effects
constant vigilance for signs of fatigue and health effects of critical care nurses' work hours on vigilance and patients' safety.

DECEMBER 2009, VOL. 57, NO. 12 501

American Journal of Critical Care, 15(1),30-37. among hospital nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 52(4), 445-
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American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 51(4),269-280. Van der Hulst, M. (2003). Long work hours and health. Scandinavian
Smith, L., Folkard, S., Tucker, P, & Macdonald, I. (1998). Work shift Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 29(3),171-188.
duration: A review comparing eight hour and 12 hour shift systems. Wadsworth, E. J., Allen, P. H., Wellens, B. T., McNamara, R. L., &
Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 55(4),217-229. Smith, A. P. (2006). Patterns of fatigue among seafarers during a
Surani, S., Murphy, J, & Shah, A. (2007). Sleepy nurses: Are we willing tour of duty. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 49( I0),836-
to accept the challenge today? Nursing Administration Quarterly, 844.
31(2),146-151. Workers Health Centre. (2005). Fact sheet: Shiftwork and extended
Suzuki, K., Ohida, T., Kaneita, Y., Yokoyama, E., & Uchiyama, M. hours. Retrieved November I, 2008, from www.workershealth.com.
(2005). Daytime sleepiness, sleep habits and occupational accidents au/facts043.html

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Effects of Extended Work Shifts and Shift Work on

Patient Safety, Productivity, and Employee Health

Directions: Circle the letter of the best 6. Research has shown that the
answer on the answer sheet provided. minimum number of 24-hour pe-
This issue of the AAOHN JOURNAL
contains a Continuing Nursing Educa-
(Note: You may submit a photocopy riods off after a night shift before
tion Module on "Effects of Extended for processing .) returning to work should be:
Work Shifts and Shift Work on Patient A. 1.
Safety, Productivity, and Employee 1. According to Lockley et al. B. 2.
Health:' 1.0 contact hour of continuing (2007), physicians-in-training C. 3.
nursing education credit will be awarded working traditional 24-hour shifts D. 4.
by AAOHN upon successful completion
are _% more likely to make
of the posttest and evaluation.
fatigue-related errors that lead to 7. Studies indicate that remaining
A ce rtificate will be awarded and patients' deaths. awake for 24 consecutive hours
the scored test will be returned when A. 100 . slows reaction time to a level
the follow ing requirements are met
B. 200. comparable to a blood alcohol
by the participant: (1) The comp leted
answe r sheet is rece ived at AAOHN C. 300. level of:
on or befo re November 30, 2010; (2) D. 400. A. 0.1%.
A score of 70% (7 correct answers) B. 0.03%.
is achieved by the participant; (3) 2. According to Lockley et al. C. 0.05%.
The answer sheet is accompanied by (2007), nurses working shifts in D. 0.08 %.
a check or money order for $15.00
excess of 8 hours had a decrease
($20.00 non -members) , or purchase
online for $10.0 0 ($15 .00 non-mem-
in productivity during these last 8. Lockley et al. (2007) report that
bers) at www .aaohn.org . Expect up to hours of their shifts: each extended duration work shift
4 weeks for de liver y of the certificate. A. 1. increased the motor vehicle crash
Upon complet ion of this lesson ,
B. 2. rate by _% over baseline.
the occupat ional health nurse will be C. 3. A. 3.4.
able to: D. 4. B. 9.1.
1. Descr ibe extended work shifts!
C. 14.7.
shift work and its history. 3. All of the following are symp- D. 16.2.
2. Discuss the types of errors and toms of fatigue except:
adverse outcomes associated with A. Hyperactive behavior. 9. To alleviate the negative impact
working extended shifts and methods B. Inability to think clearly. of extended duration work shifts,
for decreasing them . C. Decreased cognitive function. the occupational health nurse
3. Describe the health effects com - D. Anxiety. recommends that workers not
monly seen among employees who work more than consecutive
work extended shifts. 4. In the study by Smith et al. night shifts.
4. List the positive and negative (1998), older workers who worked A. 2.
aspe cts of working extended shifts. _-hour shifts had a higher inci- B. 3.
5. Identify the implications for oc- dence of absences, injuries, and C. 4.
cupational health nurses oversee ing illnesses. D. 5.
employees who work extended shifts . A. 8.
AAOHN is accredited as a provider B. 10. 10. By the year 2050, the propor-
of continuing nursing education by C. 12. tion of individuals 60 and older
the Amer ican Nurses Credentialing D. 14. will account for what percentage
Center's Commission on Accreditation . of the total global population?
AAOHN is additionally approved as 5. Recent research indicates that A. 4.
a provider by the Californ ia Board of the safe period of worker rest B. 14.
Registered Nursing (#CEP9283) and time after working night shift and C. 21.
the Louisiana State Board of Nursing D. 26.
before starting day shift is _
Contact hour credits received for
A. 12.
successful complet ion of the posttest
and evaluation may be used for relicen-
B. 24.
sure, cert ification, or re-certification. C. 30.
doi:l 0.3928/089 10162-20091124-05
D. 48.

DECEMBER 2009, VOL. 57, NO. 12 503


Effects of Extended Work Shifts and Shift Work on

Patient Safety, Productivity, and Employee Health
December 2009

(Goal: To gain ideas and strategies to enhance personal and

professional growth in occupational health nursing.)
Mark one answer only!
(You may submit a photocopy of the answer sheet for processing.)

1. A B C D 6.A B C D
2. A B C D 7.A B C D
3. A B C D 8.A B C D
4. A B C D 9.A B C D
5. A B C D 10. A B C D
EVALUATION (must be completed to obtain credit)
Please use the scale below to evaluate this continuing education module.
4 - Toa great 3 - Tosome 2 -To little 1 -To no
extent extent extent extent
1. As a result of completing this module, I am able to:
A. Describe extended work shifts/shift work and its history. 4 3 2
B. Discuss the types of errors and adverse outcomes associated with
working extended shifts and methods for decreasing them. 4 3 2
C. Describe the health effects commonly seen among employees who
work extended shifts. 4 3 2
D. List the positive and negative aspects of working extended shifts. 4 3 2
E. Identify the implications for occupational health nurses overseeing
employees who work extended shifts. 4 3 2
2. The objectives were relevant to the overall goal of this independent
study module. 4 3 2
3. The teaching/learning resources were effective for the content. 4 3 2
4. How much time (in minutes) was required to read this module and
take the test? 60 70 80 90

Please print or type: (this information will be used to prepare your certificate of completion for the module).
DEADLINE: NOVEMBER 30,2010. Allow up to 4 weeks for processing.

Processing Fees:
Check or money order $15.00 ($20.00 non-member) payable to AAOHN in U.S. Funds or bill my credit card: 0 MIC 0 Visa 0
AMEX. Or purchase online at www.aaohn.org $10.00 ($15.00 non-member).
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