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5 / Cocinando con Natalie Si usted esta interesado en cualquier tipo de receta, tiene alguna pregunta o

sugerencias puede comunicarse a la siguiente dirección: La Ultima Hora

Noviembre, 2010 La Ultima Hora
(Cocinando con Natalie) 804 West Ave. Buffalo, NY 14213.

Thanksgi ving Tur

hanksgiving urkkey PPer
er uvian Style

4 Broiled potatoes 3 stick of celery

1 Turkey 14 - 16 lbs 1 1/2 cup mayonaise 1 1/2 cup of pineapples
2 cup pisco (peruvian liquor) 1 whole garlic 1cup de pecans chopped1 tsp prarsley
1/2 cup balsamic vinager salt pepper sal and peppes 2 cups de green apples
cumin 1/2 tsp ajinomoto(Accent)
2 tbsp musterd 1/2 cup ketchup PREPARATION
4 tbsp soya sauce mushroom flavered superior dark 1.- Cut the boiled potatoes in small pieces, chop the celeri , peel the apples and
4 tbsp bee honey 1/2 stick butter cut them into pieces also cut the pineapplesin pieces like the apples.
2 tbsp oil olive 1 tsp dill
rebaste (remoisten) the entire turkey with salmuela (salt, water and
lemon) leave the turkey to soak in salmue overnight 3 Cups white rice 1 cube chicken bouillon
3 1/2 cups of coca cola 120 gr de Angel hair fry
1 cup bacon chopped 1 cup pecans chopped
salt to taste 1 cup raisins
1.-Inyect turkey with pisco 2.- mince garlic 2 tbsp olive oil
3.- Mix the mince garlic ,ajinomoto .honey,butter,balsamic .sauce soya.
musterd hetchup,salt ,pepper olive oil,dill put in a container cover.
4.- Use cloves to rub the mixture from the container on the turkey. 1.- Fry the bacon ,add the rice .coca cola pecans .salt raising cube the chicken.
5.- wait one hour before placing the turkey in the oven. 2.- Add the fried angel hair and mix everything together with 2 tbsp olive oil.
Preparation time 30 minutes - cook time 30 minutes - temperature normal
STUFFING serves six
250 gr Red onions 500 gr groun beef
4 tsp oil olive 1 cup olives
1 cup raisins 1 cup pecans chopped
1 cups cashew 1 cup apricots chopped
1 cup dry plums chopped 1 cube chicken
1Libra de camote 1 cta vainilla
1cta mantequilla 1 tz de jugo de naranja recien exprimida
Preparation 1 rama de canela 3 clavos de olor
1.- fry the ground beef. when the beef is cooked, add the onions 1/2 cup de azucar rubia 1 tz marshmellows
2.- Add 1 cup beef broth, then add the rest of the ingredients canela molida cantidad suficiente
3.-Leave the stuffing to cool. Once cold put it in the turkey.
4. Put one apple on the end to prevent the stuffing from falling out.
5. Sow the turkey and tie the legs together
1.-Hervir los camotes con agua canela y clavo pelar y hacer un pure .
Stuffing preparation time 1/2 Hrs 2.- llevar a fuego lento incorporar el azucar si desea mas dulce anadir mas azucar
Cook time 45 minutes incorporar el jugo de naranja agregar 1 cucharadita de mantequilla espolvoreor
Serves 10 canela molida y vainilla remover incorporar en un pirex
Temperature for 45 minutes 180 F 3.-cubrir con r los marshmellows llevar al hono hastea que dore y se derritan servir
tiempo de preparacio 1 hora - tiempo de coccion en el horno 15 minutos
- 3 Hour at 350 F
temperatura 350 f
cook time 3Hrs 45min - aprox
Preparation time 1/2 Hr.
for the Turkey Para Catering de Comidas Criollas Peruanas y de Mariscos puede
Llamar a Chef Natali Sosa para precios.
Tel(716) 335-1486 Email:

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