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Production cycle of integrated circuit(IC)

Submitted By:

Submitted To:
Mam Ammara Riaz


Muhammad Umair BSM-P-16-32

Moin Khan Niazi BSM-P-16-44

Muhammad Fida BSM-P-16-34

Ali Hamza BSM-P-16-30

Muhammad Saqib Usman BSM-P-16-31
Muhammad Nasir Hanif BSM-P-16-42
Muhammad Nasir BSM-P-16-39
Muhammad Gulzaib BSM-P-16-57
Asim-Ur-Rehman BSM-P-16-40
Muhammad Zeeshan BSM-P-16-28
Adil Mansha BSM-P-16-15-71
( Session: 2016-2020)

“The secret of the self is hid, In words; No god but he alone

The self is just a dull edge sword,No god but he,the grinding stone”
Production cycle of integrated circuit(IC)

1) Scale of integration:

 First IC were made in early 1960s and it consists of less tha 100
compounds per chips. They were small scale integrated(SSI)

 In later than 1960, medium scale integrated circuits(MSI) were

developed and they consists of 100---------1000 compounds per

 Today, we are available large scale integrated circuits(LSI) having

1,000----------------10,000 compounds per chips.

 In modern era, we are available very large sacle integrated

circuits(VLSI) having 10,000--------------1million compounds per
2) How monotolic ICs are made?

IC chips are made up of silicon wafer containing 125----100

chips per components. Each silicon wafer is polished by Silicon Dioxide(SIO2). It
protects the silicon surface and serve as a barrier to doping for semiconductor
junction. Silicon dioxide work as an oxi-agent, as a barrier and as an insulator.
Diffusion for a junction by using wafer surface. Metallic paths are used to
interconnect IC-copounds. Their size is 5*5*0.25mm and their dimension is
2*1*0.5cm. when we made IC, we use this equation.
Cn= D+C+Ns/N + N(P+A+T)

Cn= cost of N-devices

D= Cost of design
C=special capital
S=silicon slice processing
A= Assembly operation
T= Test operation

3) 9-step process of production of IC:

 Crystal preparation

 Masking

 Photolitographic process

 Deposition

 Etching

 Diffusion
 Conductor and resistor

 Oxidation

 Epitaxy

4) Crystal preparation:

 Substrate of MOS-IC are single silicon

crystal that is doped in a N/P type
semiconductor material

 Substrate serve as a physical medium.

 Silicon crystal is sliced from large right

circular cylinder having lengthis 2m,
diameter is 1---3 inches, thickness is

 Silicon wafer is used fir less breakage in

circuit and less warm. This is the
advantage of crystal preparation.
 Size of wafer is directly proportional to
the time growth. When time
increases,size of wafre is also increases
and vice versa.

 In 1989, 4 inches wafer are used but in

modern era, we use 5—6 inches wafer.

5) Masking:
IC make are high contrast. They prevent light from
striking a photo resist layer of wafer. They are made up of a glass
covered with a thin film of opaque material. This process less cost and
durable. It can be produce from digitized geometries.
Pattern generation:
A method of generation where several masks are
generated from digitized geometries. Three types of process used in
a) Photolithographic process.
b) Laser beam process.
c) E-beam process.

Reticle Image: “An intermediate image which is formed by high

resolution camera and it is 10 times than that of real image”.
Advantges and Disadvantages:
 By using first two process, use high resolution
 camera to make a reticle mask.
 But E-beam process is most widely used .It take
generate actual pattern to final mask.
 The draw back is that, E- beam is highly expensive
 It is also time consuming method.

6) Photolithographic Process:
It is also called UV litho graphy. A
process used in micro fabrication to pattern parts of the bulk of
substrate.It uses a light to transfer geometric pattern from photo resist used in UV lithographic process. Photoresist is a
viscous liquid. It applies on a thin film layer by spinning the wafer
of silicon. After applying, photoresist is hardened by baking.
Photoresist is used to remove the resist from unwanted areas,. It
used to protect layers to etchants and oxi-agents.

“ A thin film process of emulsion and exposed a
light through transparent areas of mask by projection of light
through E-beam”.

Types of photoresist:
There are two types.
a) Positive photoresist:
A portion of photoresist that is
exposed by light becomes soluble in photoresist

b) Negative photoresist:
A portion of photoresist that is
exposed by light becomes insoluble to the photoresist

7) Deposition:
A film of various material must be applied to wafer.
Its thickness is 200A0. There are many types of film used in
deposition process such as conductor, resistor ,inductor,
dielctrics,N/P type semiconductor and dopants. Other three process
followed by deposition is.

a) Evaporation:
In evaporation. We evaporate the deposit material
which controls the temperature and pressure of environment. A
film is formed when material is condensed. Anti evaporation
allows to control the growth rate of film.

b) Sputtering:
In sputtering, we bombard the high energy ions on
material to dislodge molecules. When we bombard high energy
ions on two different material at different rate to form the
characterized sputtered material. This term is called Co-

c) Chemical vapour Deposition(CVD):

It take place by reaction of gases near substrate
It creates solid molecules to adhere with substarate. By politic
decomposition( A decomposition caused by heating of single

8) Etching:
It remove unwanted material from substrate surface
or from surface material. When photo resist react with mask, it
expose the surface of substrate. Physical characteristic of surface
is changed by etching. A single IC undergo further two etching
a) Wet Etching:
It also called a chemical etching. We use liquid
agent. The material etches vertically as well as horizontally on
substrate surface. In horizontal etching, we undercut the
pattern of areas. For buffered hydro fluoric acid(BHF) is
commonly used to etch silicon dioxide over silicon substrate.
b) Dry Etching:
It is also called ion etching. It also called
sputtered etching, ion-beam etching. No liquid agent is used
in dry etching. It reduce disposal chemical is realized. Etch
rate of dry etching is less than etch rate of wet etching.
Wet Etching Dry Etching
Highly selective Easy to start and stop
No damage substrate Sensitive to change in temp
Cheaper More repeatable
Slower Faster
9) Diffusion:
Net movement of molecules or atoms from region of
higher concentration to a region of lower concentration. It
controls migration of impurities from gaseous layer into
substrate. Diffusion is a latin word derived for greek philosophy
means “to spread out way”. Impurity is affected by temperature
and time. Gaseous layer over substrate is used as a source of
impurities. It accelerate by bombardment of substrate. So they
lodge insight substrate. This term is called ion implantation. Its
drawback is that they damage of some crystal over surface. By
using ion implantation, we bombard ions over substrate surface.
Impurity diffusion is inversely proportional to the accuracy. If
impurity diffusion increases, accuracy decreases and vice versa.
We use impurity diffusion technique to observe isotropic
10) Conductors and Resistors:
Aluminium material is used to
interconnect the component of IC. Aluminium is doped matetial.
Aluminium thickness is 6000A0---------8000A0 . For large
integrated circuit aluminium thickness is 20,000A0. Metal film
are used to interconnect the compounds but they carry large
current. It is useful to avoid metal migration.
Electromagnetic Migration: “ Movement of atoms with
current flow to wind erosion of dirt.”
If migration occur, conductor open,
result is that failure of IC. Non-metallic films are used to
interconnect IC components but they carry small current. It
cause voltage drop when current is large. We use non-metallic
Example: polysilicon.

 Differ from single crystal of silicon.
 It composed by non-aligned, randomly
oriented small silicon crystal.
 It is identical.
 Its electrical properties are much different.
 It is good conductor when it is heavily doped.
 It’s a good resistor when lightly doped.
 It used as a gates of MOSFETs.
 It used as an electrode for capacitor.
 It deposit on a surface material and growth rate
is very fast.
 It deposit over SIO2 and silicon dioxide work
as a dielectric.
 Poly silicon layer depends upon size of small
 Silicon dioxide isolate two poly silicon layers.

11) Oxidation:
O2 molecule over substrate surface cause growth
of oxide on a surface. Silicon surface material produce silicon
dioxide(SIO2). Silicon dioxide depends upon concentration and
temperature. By changing the temperature of surface material,
silicon dioxide migrate. Silicon dioxide is grown when small
amount is consumed. It provide silicon molecules to form oxide.
SIO2 layer form by oxidation. Other types of oxides used as
insulating material in the fabrication of IC. Phoshosilicate glass
is used as an insulator on the top of silicon. It reduce the sharp
boun deries during etching of poly silicon.

12) Epitaxy:
refers to the deposition of
a crystalline overlayer on a crystalline substrate. Overlayer is
called epitaxial film. It also called chemical vapour
deposition(CVD). It is ideally single crystalline extension of
substrate. Epitaxial layer for slowly when molecules added to
substrate to form a crystalline epitaxial layer. N/P type
impurities is generally used in epitaxial growth to obtain
doped epitaxial layer.

Applications of epitaxy:
 Used in nanotechnology.
 Used in semiconductor fabrication
 In surface science, epitaxy is used to create
and study monolayer and multilayer films
of absorbed organic molecules.
 Adsorbed molecules directly via scanning
tunneling microscopy.
 In contract, surface defects and their
geometry has significant influence on
adsorbed organic molecules.

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