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1. The pronoun “It” in line 2 refers to.....

a. The equinox
b. The sun
c. The harvest moon
d. The night


To find answers, we look before the pronoun “it” for singular nouns that the pronoun
could a the equinox, the sun, and the harvest moon come before the pronoun. The
appropriate pronoun “it” is the harvest moon.

2. Look at the word they in the passage. Click on the word to phrase that they refers to.....
Answer : Farmers
Reason :
The pronoun “they” in line 2. To find answers, we look before the pronoun “they” for
plural nouns. So, the appropriate pronoun “they” is farmers.

3. The pronoun “It” in line 2 refers to.....

a. Mardi Gras
b. French
c. That time
d. New Orleans


To find answers, we look before the pronoun “it” for singular nouns that the pronoun
could a Mardi Gras, a French, and the time come before the pronoun. The appropriate
pronoun “it” is a Mardi Gras.
4. Look at the word they in the passage. Click on the word to phrase that they refers to.....
Answer : tourists
Reason :
The pronoun “they” in line 6. To find answers, we look before the pronoun “they” for
plural nouns. So, the appropriate pronoun “they” is tourists.

5. The pronoun “They” in line 2 refers to.....

a. The business days
b. These statistics
c. Stocks and bonds
d. Four different types


To find answers, we look before the pronoun “they” for plural nouns that the pronoun
could a the business days and these statistics come before the pronoun. The appropriate
pronoun “they” is a these statistics.

6. Look at the word it in the passage. Click on the word to phrase that it refers to.....
Answer : the industrial average
Reason :
The pronoun “it” in line 9. To find answers, we look before the pronoun “it” for singural
nouns. So, the appropriate pronoun “it” is the industrial average.

1. According to the passage, the national university of the United States.....

a. Has been around for a while
b. Does not exist
c. Is a very recent idea
d. Is an idea that developed during the present century


The answer to this question is found the statement that “ The United States does not have
a national university”. It’s mean that the national university of the unites states does not
exist but the idea has been around for a long time. So the correct answer is B.

2. Look at the word he in the passage. Click on the word to phrase that he refers to.....
Answer : George Washington
Reason :
The pronoun “he” in line 2. To find answers, we look before the pronoun “he”. The
pronoun “he” shows a people. So, the appropriate pronoun “he” is George Washington.

3. The passage indicates that George Washington did NOT do which of the following.....
a. He suggested the concept for a national university to Congress
b. He chose a location for the national university
c. He left money in his will for a national university
d. He successded in establishing a national university


The answer to this question is found the statement that “ Geoge Washington first
recommed the idea to congress, he even selected an actual site in Washington D.C, and
then left an endowment for the proposed national university in his will”. Answers A, B,
and C all a true according to the passage. So the correct answer is D.

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