Analysis of Rectangular RC Beams

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Beam Details Material Strengths

Beam width, b = 550 Concrete, f'c = 54

Beam height, h = 1075 Primary Steel, fy = 393
Concrete cover, dc = 70 Secondary steel, fys = 400
Effective depth,d = 1005

I. Flexure Analysis

Rebar size used: 28 mmDia

Qty: 4 Nos
As = 2463.01 mm2
r= 0.00446 *Steel yields!

w= rfy/f'c = 0.032 f=

Rn = f'cw(1-0.59w) 1.718 Mpa

Mu = fRn bd2 = 858.770 kN-m

b1 = 0.6643

rb = 0.0469
rmax = 0.0352
rmin = 0.0047

Beam Details Material Strengths
Beam width, b = 350 Concrete, f'c =
Beam height, h = 450 Primary Steel, fy =
Concrete cover, dc = 60 Secondary steel, fys =
Effective depth,d = 390
Compression cover, d' = 60

I. Flexure Analysis

1. Assume all Steel yields

fs = fs' = fy

Rebar size Qty Steel Area, mm2

As' 25 2 981.75
As 28 4 2,463.01

As1 = As - As' = 1,481.26 mm2

a= As1 fy / (0.85f'c b) = 38.26 mm

c = a / b1 = 57.60 mm

1.1 Tensile Steel

fs = 600*(d-c)/c = 3462.30 Mpa

1.2 Compression Steel

fs' = 600*(c-d')/c = -24.97 Mpa

Assumption wrong

2. Assuming Tension Yields, Compression does not yield:

Cc + Cs = Ts

c= 81.31 mm

fs' = 600*(c-d')/c = 157.27 Mpa

fs = 600*(d-c)/c = 2277.77 Mpa

a= b1 x c = 54.02 mm

Mn = 0.85f'c ab(d-a/2) + As'fs'(d-d')= 365.94

fMn= 329.34 kN-m


1. Balanced Condition:

cb = 600d / (600 + fy) = 230.542

a = b1 cb = 153.146

fs' = 600 (d-c) / c = 443.85 Mpa

As1 = 0.85f'c ab/fy = 5928.40 Mpa

As2 = 981.75 mm2

Balanced Steel Area = As1 + As2 = 6910.15

Ultimate Balanced Moment = 0.85f'c ab(d-a/2) + A'sfy(d-d')

= 905.57 kN-m

fMnb= 815.01 kN-m

2. Maximum Condition:

As1max = 0.75 As1 = 4446.30 mm2

As2max = As2 = 981.7477 mm2 (**Need not be reduced by 0.75, NSCP 4

Asmax = As1max + As2max = 5428.05 mm2

amax = As1maxfy / (0.85f'c b) = 114.86 mm

cmax = a / b1 = 172.91 mm

f's = 600*(c-d')/c = 391.79 Mpa

Mnmax = 0.85f'c ab(d-a/2) + A's f's(d-d') 740.60

fMnmax= 666.54 kN-m

rial Strengths b1 = 0.6643
415 rb = 0.0434
400 rmax = 0.0326
rmin = 0.0044

Asmin = 604.2567 mm2

f= 0.90

If all steel YIELDS

Mn = Mna + Mn2
= As1 fy (d-a/2) + As2 fy (d-d')
= 362.43 kN-m

fMn= 326.19 kN-m

Tensile Steel Yields!

Compression Steel does not Yield




Compression Steel Yields!


not be reduced by 0.75, NSCP 410.4.3)

Comp Steel does not Yield


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