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More Orange County
The Orange county Information Sheriff’s
Sheriff’s Department has

been proudly serving the Department

county of Orange since


Matthew Odom

In order to be eligible to be hired
by the sheriffs department you
need at least a high school The benefit for working for the
diploma. You must have a sheriffs department is the size
California driver’s license. Your and how many different
background must be clean of any assignments and opportunities
felony convictions as an adult or a there are. For example: S.W.A.T.
juvenile . Must not be on any Team, Harbor patrol, Air
probation. Cannot have any support, Homeless outreach
domestic violence convictions or team, investigator, task force, and
many other opportunities that
Sheriff’s have a violence restraining order.
Finally must past the extensive can be found on their website.
responsibility back round check. After being
All the cities within the county of orange hired you will be sent to the
get to choose if they want to have their
own police department, or if they want to academy that is about 6 months
contract with the sheriff’s department to
patrol their city. Currently the sheriffs
department patrol 13 cities within the
county. Other patrol areas include:
harbor patrol, North operations, OCTA,
Southeast operations, and Southwest
operations. Within cities that have their
own police department there are areas
that are unincorporated that the sheriff’s
department are responsible for even
though they are within city limits that has
their own PD. The sheriffs are the top dog
in the county. The Sheriff is above the
chief of police of a PD. The sheriff’s are in
charge of the county jails.. Local PD,
Highway patrol, and sheriff patrol bring
their suspect to One of three major
facilities to be booked. Once they are
booked they are responsible to transport
them to the court from the jail.

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