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Qn: (a) State and explain scientifically the best method to be used for the disposal of domestic
waste. This method should satisfy a specific need for the community. [20]

Domestic waste comprises largely of organic waste, which is largely from food preparation and
leftovers foodstuffs, paper, construction debris, plastic, metals, glass and other materials that are
used in the homes. This include food waste, garden waste and other organic compounds. However
other non-biodegradable material like plastics and tins are also found within the waste. The waste
consist mainly of biodegradable matter, therefore the best scientific method to apply is the
composting method. [1]

Waste that can be composted:

 fruit and vegetable scraps

 tea bags, coffee grounds
 egg shells
 grass cuttings, prunings and leaves
 small amounts of shredded paper and soft cardboard
 animal hair
 vacuum dust (only from woollen carpets)
 garden and pond plants

Waste that cannot be composted:

 cat or dog excrement

 meat and fish
 dairy products
 diseased plants


Composting is a waste treatment method used for over 2000 years. It is a natural process whose
purpose is the decomposition of organic waste material into the form of fine humus that is dark
brown to black in color. It is achieved through the action of microorganisms such as bacteria and
fungi. Composting requires humidity between 50% and 70% with good porosity and permeability
to supply adequate water amounts to the microorganisms. [1]

The Biological treatment process is accomplished by allowing to micro-organisms to degrade

waste components by creating conducive environment for growth of microbial organisms. In the
biological process, the biodegradable organic portion of waste is broken down into gaseous
products (CO2, Methane gas, etc.) and water molecules leaving behind carbon rich byproduct
called compost. The biological activities depend upon several criteria- C/N ration, pH value,
moisture content, supply of oxygen, etc. [2]

Adequate aeration and ventilation is important for oxygen supply when applying aerobic
composting. A ratio of carbon/nitrogen (C/N) between 20 and 35, a ratio of carbon/phosphorus
(C/P) between 50 and 150, trace elements, vitamins and minerals ensure enhanced microbial
growth. The organic matter can be degraded over several weeks or months given a well maintained
system. [2]

There are three major designs used in composting. The first design is an aerobic static pile.
Compost is formed into piles and aerated with blowers or vacuum pumps. The second design uses
a vessel similar to a bio-reactor. After being placed in the vessel, the compost is mechanically
agitated and aerated. The third method is called windrow composting. Domestically aerobic static
pile is the best method to apply. [3]

In the process of composting, microorganisms break down organic matter and produce carbon
dioxide, water, heat, and humus, the relatively stable organic end product. Under optimal
conditions, composting proceeds through three phases: 1) the mesophilic, or moderate-temperature
phase, which lasts for a couple of days, 2) the thermophilic, or high-temperature phase, which can
last from a few days to several months, and finally, 3) a several-month cooling and maturation
phase. [4]
Different communities of microorganisms predominate during the various composting phases.
Initial decomposition is carried out by mesophilic microorganisms, which rapidly break down the
soluble, readily degradable compounds. The heat they produce causes the compost temperature to
rapidly rise.

As the temperature rises above about 40°C, the mesophilic microorganisms become less
competitive and are replaced by others that are thermophilic, or heat-loving. At temperatures of
55°C and above, many microorganisms that are human or plant pathogens are destroyed. Because
temperatures over about 65°C kill many forms of microbes and limit the rate of decomposition,
compost managers use aeration and mixing to keep the temperature below this point.[4]

During the thermophilic phase, high temperatures accelerate the breakdown of proteins, fats, and
complex carboydrates like cellulose and hemicellulose, the major structural molecules in plants.
As the supply of these high-energy compounds becomes exhausted, the compost temperature
gradually decreases and mesophilic microorganisms once again take over for the final phase of
"curing" or maturation of the remaining organic matter. [4]
Aerobic/ Anaerobic

Aerobic composting takes place in the presence of gaseous oxygen while anaerobic composting
takes place where there is no oxygen in a gaseous state present.The simplest composting possible,
toss stuff on a pile and wait is aerobic as is the quick, hot composting. In fact, open-air composting
piles are all aerobic; if the pile runs out of air, the aerobic microbes will die out and anaerobic
microbes will take their place. This is known as “going anaerobic.” [5]

There’s one major advantage of anaerobic systems: their fermentation can break down most meat
and dairy products. Meat and dairy can’t be added to aerobic systems unless every single part of
the pile reaches temperatures above 160°F (71°C) for a sustained period — several days. Few
homeowners can guarantee this, so the rule is simply not to put any animal products into aerobic
systems. On the down side, all anaerobic processes produce fairly acidic compost which can
actually damage plants. It’s important to let it cure in the open air after it’s removed from the
closed vessel in which it’s produced. After several weeks, it’s safe to use in the garden. Anaerobic
composting also produces methane, a gas that contributes to global warming, as well as hydrogen
sulfide. [5]

Three types of organisms – fungi, bacteria and actinomycetes – begin to grow all over the material
and break down the waste. This produces heat, further increasing the activity of the bacteria. Once
the bacteria have used up all the starch and sugars, the temperature falls again, creating a better
environment for the fungi, which then begins breaking down any woody material. Composting can
take weeks or months depending on how much air and moisture are present. The compost is ready
to use when it is crumbly in appearance and has a slightly earthy smell.

Bacteria are the smallest living organisms and the most numerous in compost; they make up 80 to
90% of the billions of microorganisms typically found in a gram of compost. Bacteria are
responsible for most of the decomposition and heat generation in compost. They are the most
nutritionally diverse group of compost organisms, using a broad range of enzymes to chemically
break down a variety of organic materials. [5]
Bacteria are single-celled and structured as either rod-shaped bacilli, sphere-shaped cocci or spiral-
shaped spirilla. Many are motile, meaning that they have the ability to move under their own
power. At the beginning of the composting process (0-40°C), mesophilic bacteria predominate.
Most of these are forms that can also be found in topsoil.

Fungi include molds and yeasts, and collectively they are responsible for the decomposition of
many complex plant polymers in soil and compost. In compost, fungi are important because they
break down tough debris, enabling bacteria to continue the decomposition process once most of
the cellulose has been exhausted. They spread and grow vigorously by producing many cells and
filaments, and they can attack organic residues that are too dry, acidic, or low in nitrogen for
bacterial decomposition.[5]

Most fungi are classified as saprophytes because they live on dead or dying material and obtain
energy by breaking down organic matter in dead plants and animals. Fungal species are
numerous during both mesophilic and thermophilic phases of composting. Most fungi live in the
outer layer of compost when temperatures are high. Compost molds are strict aerobes that grow
both as unseen filaments and as gray or white fuzzy colonies on the compost surface. [5]

Rotifers are microscopic multicellular organisms also found in films of water in the compost.
They feed on organic matter and also ingest bacteria and fungi.

The compost can now be used by the community for soil improvement, which is soil structure,
condition and fertility. By so doing the compost will be being used as manure in farming.It can
also be used for mulches, thereby suppressing weed growth, conserving water and also to
maintaining soil temperatures. Mulching also protects plants from frost. It can also be used for
landfilling applications, improving landfill covers.
Qn: (b) From the separation of solid waste in (a), select one product separated from the solid
waste and describe fully the purification process of this product. [15]

From the separation process which was initially done which happens to be mechanical separation,
plastic waste mostly poly ethylene terephthalate (PET) is selected. Since the plastics are non-
biodegradable, recycling is the best way to purify the plastics. This is so advantageous and
economic at the same time since useful products are obtained after the recycling process.

PET Recycling
Plastic recycling is the process of recovering scrap or waste plastic and reprocessing the material
into useful products. Since the vast majority of plastic is non-biodegradable, recycling is a part of
global efforts to reduce plastic in the waste stream, especially the approximately eight million
metric tonnes of waste plastic that enter the Earth's ocean every year. This helps to reduce the high
rates of plastic pollution.

Poly (ethylene terephthalate) (PET) is a semi crystalline polyester showing excellent thermal and
mechanical properties. Although its main application was by far the textile industry, tremendous
quantities of this material are consumed in the manufacture of video and audio tapes, food
packaging and especially of soft-drink bottles. [6]

PET recycling represents one of the most successful and widespread examples of polymer
recycling. The recycling of waste polymers including PET can be carried out in many ways.
However, the only method acceptable according to the principles of sustainable development is
the so-called tertiary or chemical recycling, since it leads to the formation of the raw materials
(monomers) from which the polymer is made of. [7]

The chemical recycling of PET can be conducted according to the following processes (i)
glycolysis, (ii) methanolysis, (iii) hydrolysis and (iv) aminolysis or ammonolysis.

The main depolymerisation processes that have reached commercial maturity by now are
glycolysis and methanolysis.However, nowadays there is a growing interest in hydrolysis for the
chemical recycling of PET, since it is the only method with reaction products terephthalic acid
(TPA) and ethylene glycol (EG), i.e., the monomers from which PET is produced. This is
associated with the trend in new factories for PET synthesis to produce it directly from TPA and
EG, thus replacing dimethyl terephthalate (the traditional monomer) from the technological

These monomers produced are raw materials for the manufacture of plastic material like poly
ethylene terephthalate.

1. Chen, Y. and Y. Inbar. “Chemical and Spectroscopic Analyses of Organic Matter

Transformations During Composting in Relation to Compost Maturity.” In Science and
Engineering of Composting, by H.A.J. Hoitink and H.M. Keener, 551-600. Worthington,
OH: Renaissance Publications, 1993.
2. Alexander, M. Biodegradation and Bioremediation. San Diego: Academic Press, 1994.
3. Report of the Taskforce on Waste to Energy (Vol-I), Planning Commission , May, 2014
4. Manual on Solid Waste Management and Handling, Ministry of Urban Development
5. Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016
7. Plastics Europe: Association of Plastics Manufacturers. Waste Pre-Treatment and Sorting.
Retrieved 8 July 2015

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