2 Transformer Sizing Calculation

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1 Preamble

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This note outlines the basic calculations for voltage drop of 380V motor during starting & the adequacy of
transformer capacity. For load details & grouping of loads refer Annexure 1

Vms is the per-phase voltage at motor terminal at the commencement of start in volts.
V1 is per-phase value of pre-start voltage at 400V Bus in volts.
Vbs is per-phase value of voltage at 400V bus at the start of motor in volts
Cos is motor starting power factor
Xg is MV (10kV) source reactance in ohms.
Xt is Transformer reactance in ohms.
Xso is the combined Source reactance at 400V Bus = Xg + Xt in ohms.
In1 is the base load current
In2 is base current increase due to decrease in bus voltage from V1 to Vbs in amperes.
Is is motor starting current in amperes
Xc is the motor cable reactance in ohms
Rc is the motor cable resistance in ohms

2.1 Criteria & Basis of Calculations

In addition to meeting the load requirements of the process plant, the selection should also meet other
requirements such as,
The selected transfomer shall provide at motor terminals, a minimum voltage of 85 % of nominal
voltage during starting of the motor
2.1.2 Actual demand is assumed as the base load on the transformer prior to the largest motor starting

2.1.3 Motor power factor & efficiency data as per standard motors are considered

2.1.4 Following Load factors are considered

a) Operating motors 10kV 0.90

b) Operating motors 380V (CON) 0.85
c) Standby motors & Auxiliary motors (OCC / INS) 0.00
d) Intermittent loads such as actuators & gates (ONF) 0.50
e) Cranes & Hoists (MNT) 0.00
f) Other loads such as 220V AC & 380V AC power supply 1.00

2.1.5 For the motor starting a power factor of 0.3 is assumed as per IEEE 141.

For the motor starting voltage drop calculations, a source fault level of 50 MVA coresponding to 2.62 kA, at 10kV
is adopted.

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3.1 The 380V Load Department wise is as below:-
Provision on transformer for Future loads
Future 20%
Sl.No Description Operating load in kVA required
Clinker, Gypsum & Limestone
storage and transport 5C1/5D1/5E1 380V Motor Loads 212.17 63.65 275.82 Power feeder loads 4.71 1.41 6.12
Clinker Grinding In Closed Circuit
Ball Mill 5F1/5J1 380V Motor Loads 574.62 172.39 747.01 Power feeder loads 4.32 1.30 5.61
Cement Storage and Transport
5J1/5K1/6C1 380V Motor Loads 90.07 27.02 117.09 Power feeder loads 7.71 2.31 10.03
3.1.4 Cement Packing & Loading 6C1/6G1 380V Motor Loads 144.23 43.27 187.49 Power feeder loads 1.39 0.42 1.80
3.1.5 Raw Water Treatment System WT1 380V Motor Loads 9.55 2.86 12.41 Power feeder loads 1.15 0.35 1.50
3.1.6 Fire Fighting System WT1(2) 380V Motor Loads 0.00 0.00 0.00 Power feeder loads 0.00 0.00 0.00
Cooling Water Circulation System
UA1-1 380V Motor Loads 34.74 10.42 45.16 Power feeder loads 0.00 0.00 0.00
3.1.8 Sewage Treatment System WT2 380V Motor Loads 12.48 3.74 16.23 Power feeder loads 1.96 0.59 2.55
3.1.9 Compressor station UA1 380V Motor Loads 103.27 30.98 134.25 Power feeder loads 0.00 0.00 0.00
3.1.10 Laboratory Equipments QL1 380V Motor Loads 3.14 0.94 4.08 Power feeder loads 37.87 11.36 49.24
3.1.11 Maintenance Workshop 5Z1 380V Motor Loads 9.42 2.83 12.25 Power feeder loads 0.00 0.00 0.00
3.1.12 Plant lighting 9Z1 380V Motor Loads 0.00 0.00 0.00 Power feeder loads 100.00 30.00 130.00
3.1.13 UPS, etc 10Z1 380V Motor Loads 0.00 0.00 0.00 Power feeder loads 21.00 6.30 27.31

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Total Loads 1373.82 412.15 1785.96
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3.2 10/0.400kV Transformer Selection

Based on the load data above, the transformer selected is as below:-

Selected Quantity in
Sl.No Department / Transformer No. Required kVA Total kVA
kVA Nos

5C1/5D1/5E1, 5F1/5J15J1/5K1/6C1,
3.2.01 6C1/6G1, WT1, WT1(2), UA1-1, WT2, 1785.96 2000 1 2000
UA1, QL1, 5Z1, 9Z1, 10Z1 / DTR-01

3.3 Transformer Base Load Data for calculations

The following data are used for specimen calculations

Largest motor
Rating in Base load in Base load Transform
Sl.No Application to be started
kVA kVA current er imp. %
in kW

3.3.01 2,000 6C1/6G1, WT1, WT1(2), 1374 2088 160 6.00
UA1-1, WT2, UA1, QL1,
5Z1, 9Z1, 10Z1 / DTR-01

3.4 The 380V maximum motor Load Data is as below:-

Largest motor Motor rated

Rating in 3 Core Cable Length in
Sl.No Transformer number to be started in current in Runs
kVA Size meters
kW Amps

3.4.01 2,000 6C1/6G1, WT1, WT1(2), 160 293.00 185 100 2
UA1-1, WT2, UA1, QL1,
5Z1, 9Z1, 10Z1 / DTR-01

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4.1 Voltage at motor terminal at the commencement of start :

V12  (VmsCos  IsRc ) 2  {VmsSin  IsXc  IsXso  Xso ( In2  In1 )}2 Equation 4.1

Rc= Maximum conductor resistance for cables Ohms/km
Xc= Reactance at 50Hz for cables Ohms/km
Lc= Length of cable kms
n= Number of runs of cable nos.
Is= Motor starting current Amps
In1= Base load current

Base current increase due to decrease in bus voltage from V1 to Vbs Amps
Per-phase voltage at motor terminal at the commencement of start
Vms= Volts
V1= Per-phase value of pre-start voltage at 400V Bus Volts 219.4
Vbs= Per-phase value of voltage at 400V bus at the start of motor Volts
10kV Fault level at the transformer terminal MVA 50
Xg= MV (10kV) source reactance PU per MVA 0.02
Power Factor (Cos  ) 0.3
Sin  0.953939201

4.2 Voltage at bus at the commencement of motor start :

Equation 4.2
Vbs2  (Vms  Cos  Is  Rc )2  (Vms  Sin  Is  Xc ) 2

In the following specimen calculation Equation 4.1 & 4.2 with motor starting power factor is used for calculating
the starting voltage drop.

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Voltage drop for 5C1/5D1/5E1, 5F1/5J15J1/5K1/6C1, 6C1/6G1, WT1, WT1(2), UA1-1, WT2, UA1, QL1,
5Z1, 9Z1, 10Z1 / DTR-01 with starting of largest motor load of 160.00 kW

Rating of Transformer 2,000 kVA

Base load of transformer prior to start of 160 kW
1171.0 kVA
motor in kVA.
Base load of transformer in Amps at 380V 1779 Amps
Increase in base load current at motor starting 178 Amps
Hence total base load current at 380V 1957 Amps
10kV source reactance (Xg) at 2000 kVA Base 0.040000 PU
2000 kVA transformer impedance on its base 0.060 PU
Hence total source impedance on 2000 kVA 0.100000 PU
Accordingly source impedance on 380V base Xso 0.00722 Ohms
Largest motor to be started 160 kW
160 kW motor starting current 1758.00 Amps 6 times FLC as DOL
Cable size selected 185 Sq.mm
Cable resistance for 100 Meters length for 2 Run 0.0105 Ohms
Cable reactance for 100 Meters length for 2 Run 0.00359 Ohms
Motor Cable length 100 Meters
Number of cable runs 2 Run

4.3.1 Voltage at motor terminal at the commencement of start Vms

Substituting values of Is as 1758.00 Amps, Xc as 0.0036 Ohms, Rc as 0.0105 Ohms, In2-In1 as 177.9 Amps and
V1 as 219.40 Volts and solving equation 4.1, we get
Vms = 194.206 Volts
Vms = 88.517 % of V1

4.3.2 Voltage at bus at the commencement of motor start Vbs

Substituting values of Is as 1758.00 Amps, Xc as 0.0036 Ohms, Rc as 0.0105 Ohms and Vms as 194.21 Volts
and solving equation 4.2, we get
Vbs = 206.363 Volts
Vbs = 94.058 % of V1

While starting the 160 kW motor on the 2000 kVA, 11/0.400kV transformer with an impedance of 6.00 %
and a base load of 1171 kVA on the transformer prior to the start of the 160 kW motor, the motor terminal
4.3.3 voltage at the commencement of motor starting will be 88.517 % of V1, which is more than the
requirement of minimum voltage of 85.00 % of V1. The voltage at 400V bus will be 94.058% of V1. Hence,
the selected transformer of 2000 kVA rating is adequate.

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