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"O, Lovely Rose"

By: Edmund Waller

Go, lovely Rose-
Tell her that wastes her time and me,
That now she knows,
When I resemble her to thee,
How sweet and fair she seems to be. Tell her that's
And shuns to have her graces spied,
That hadst thou sprung
In deserts where no men abide,
Thou must have uncommended died. Small is the
Of beauty from the light retired:
Bid her come forth,
Suffer herself to be desired,
And not blush so to be admired. Then die-that she
The common fate of all things rare
May read in thee;
How small a part of time they share
That are so wondrous sweet and fair!

The Shell Seekers

By: Rosamunde Pilcher

He put down his grip and gazed
about him. Saw the long, scrubbed
table, the motley variety of chairs,
the pine dresser laden with painted
pottery plates and jugs and bowls.
Copper saucepans, beautifully
arranged by size, hung from a beam
over the stove, along with bunches of
herbs and dried garden flowers. There
were a basket chair, a shining white
refrigerator, and a deep white china
sink beneath the window, so that any
person impelled to do the washing-up
could amuse himself at the same time
by watching people's feet go by on
the pavement. The floor was flagged
and scattered with rush-mate, and
the smell was of garlic and herbs, like
a French country epicerie. He could
hardly believe his eyes. "Is this your


José Rizal


Poet, Journalist, Doctor (1861-1896)

Rizal called for peaceful reform of Spain's colonial rule in the
Philippines. After his 1896 execution, he became an icon for the
nationalist movement.
José Rizal was born on June 19, 1861, in Calamba, Philippines.
While living in Europe, Rizal wrote about the discrimination that
accompanied Spain's colonial rule of his country. He returned to
the Philippines in 1892, but was exiled due to his desire for
reform. Although he supported peaceful change, Rizal was
convicted of sedition and executed on December 30, 1896, at age
Early Life
On June 19, 1861, José Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso
Realonda was born in Calamba in the Philippines' Laguna
Province. A brilliant student who became proficient in multiple
languages, José Rizal studied medicine in Manila. In 1882, he
traveled to Spain to complete his medical degree.
Writing and Reform
While in Europe, José Rizal became part of the Propaganda
Movement, connecting with other Filipinos who wanted reform.
He also wrote his first novel, Noli Me Tangere (Touch Me
Not/The Social Cancer), a work that detailed the dark aspects of
Spain's colonial rule in the Philippines, with particular focus on
the role of Catholic friars. The book was banned in the
Philippines, though copies were smuggled in. Because of this

Novel, Rizal's return to the Philippines in 1887 was cut short

when he was targeted by police. Rizal returned to Europe
and continued to write, releasing his follow-up novel, El
Filibusterismo (The Reign of Greed) in 1891. He also published
articles in La Solidaridad, a paper aligned with the Propaganda
Movement. The reforms Rizal advocated for did not include
independence—he called for equal treatment of Filipinos,
limiting the power of Spanish friars and representation for the
Philippines in the Spanish Cortes (Spain's parliament).
Exile in the Philippines
Rizal returned to the Philippines in 1892, feeling he needed to be
in the country to effect change. Although the reform society he
founded, the Liga Filipino (Philippine League), supported non-
violent action, Rizal was still exiled to Dapitan, on the island of
Mindanao. During the four years Rizal was in exile, he practiced
medicine and took on students.

Execution and Legacy

In 1895, Rizal asked for permission to travel to Cuba as an army
doctor. His request was approved, but in August 1896, Katipunan,
a nationalist Filipino society founded by Andres Bonifacio,
revolted. Though he had no ties to the group, and disapproved of
its violent methods, Rizal was arrested shortly thereafter.
After a show trial, Rizal was convicted of sedition and sentenced
to death by firing squad. Rizal's public execution was carried out
in Manila on December 30, 1896, when he was 35 years old. His
execution created more opposition to Spanish rule.
Spain's control of the Philippines ended in 1898, though the
country did not gain lasting independence until after World War
II. Rizal remains a nationalist icon in the Philippines for helping
the country take its first steps toward

Teenage Period: New Phase of Life

Louise J. Kaplan once said, “Adolescence represents an
inner emotional upheaval, a struggle between the eternal human
wish to cling on the past and equally powerful wish to get on with
the future.” They are just people trying to learn how to adjust
among the adults; they are quite perplexed, confused, and facing
lots of dilemmas in life.

It is quite true that adolescence is the pivotal phase in

any human’s development and growth. It is crucial transitional
period from childhood into adulthood. Crucial physical, emotional,
mental, and attitudinal changes take place in this period. This is
the age of stress and aggression. This phase is the phase of
emotional turmoil in which an adolescent feels quite confused and
vague about many issues of life. One of the most conspicuous
aspects of teenage is the clash of ideology between the teenagers
and grown-ups.

It has been found that most cases of teenage problems

result from isolation, loneliness, depression, and lack of trust in
parents, friends, and other family members. All these problems
can be minimized by understanding teenage problems and
tackling them considerately. Teenagers are exempted to react,
but the elders must not react to their reactions as it might entice
them to go astray and take wrong decisions in stress and

The parents, teachers, and other agencies that have the

responsibilities to look after their healthy growth and
development must ensure they get healthy environment, training,
and skills to be able to cope successfully with the many
complexities and stresses of this phase.


My Best Ever Holiday

By BSA December 15, 2016

By Blanca Vallès Armengol – Advanced class

My best holiday took place this last summer, when I travelled to Costa
Rica for the first time. I went there with my sister and another friend.
We chose this destination because of its reputation of being the
happiest country in the world – it is absolutely true! It was wonderful,
more than anyone could imagine.
The diversity of wildlife was awesome. There were waterfalls,
grasslands and unknown places. The jungle combines with lots of
beautiful white-sand beaches.

The food was really good too. It was very simple, with rice and
vegetables for our everyday meals, but it tasted especially delicious
right there, amongst nature and the animals.

We slept in very simple hostels every night, but with very friendly
owners like all the other native people we met.

Costa Ricans often answer the question ‘How are you?’ with the
expression ‘Pura vida’. The translation is ‘pure life’, that could mean

‘cool’ or ‘everything is fine’. It makes real sense, once you have been

On our last trip day, I fell asleep on the plane and awoke when we
arrived back in

Spain. I remember that I turned to my sister and said to her, “That

was the best holiday I’ve ever had”.


By: Dave Fagarita

I walk in a shallow darkling night

Ah! Scream of a blood lady lad
Shivering, fear in over glad
The breeze of zephyr dominating inly
Penetrating the cold unto thy bone
Susurration of devil, corpse noisome.

Oh! What mercy, dolour I foresee

Is it my untoward adieu? Such haply!
Betwixt, I glimpse a horrific man appear
Surrounding becomes stygian as his presence
Impending through beneath.
Satanic figure with rubescent eyes, I behold.

With extreme torment I come across

Living with fardel, foretell without morrow;
Discerning to give up with unordinary sorrow

In a certain, I nod and in stillness I pray
Yet, a light effulging from above
“My savior has arrived!” I shout out of love.

Everything are in tranquil, brume disappear.

Sadness mood vanished, love beget blitheness.
I thank God in what betide; I found him in delight
He smiled politely then leave ether in supernal
Omnipresence of him within me is eternal
Faith in him! Sans hesitation sans coercion.

My name is Dave Fieldad Fagarita. I was born on
August 12, 2001 at rep pedro g trono memorial hospital. I
lived in Brgy. Maninila, Miagao Iloilo yet I am currently
residing at Kirayan Norte Miagao Iloilo for some important
matters. My parents are Maria Teresa Fieldad Fagarita and
Ike Garcia Fagarita. We are 7 in the family, I do have 4
girls’ siblings and I am the only boy. I enjoy my
kindergarten and daycare days at Maninila Center School
then I attended my elementary period at Valencia
Elementary School. It was a great experience to be in that
school cause’ they teach a quality education and hone my
skill in different aspect of my life. The most unforgettable
memories I do treasure is when we participated a boy’s
scout camp at Miagao Central School. I graduate my
elementary year with a medal hanging at 6th spot and I
was flattered to receive a reward with all of my hardship
in that entire six years. I pursue my high school year at
Kirayan National High School, although, it’s a public
school but it has a good teaching staff and quality
education. I learned so much with my junior high school
days; I complete my tenth grade again with a blessing.
It’s such an overwhelming feeling that I made my parents
proud but it was the starting point of everything.

I continue my Senior HS at the same school. I chose
the HUMSS strand under the academic track, my 11th
grade year was a big adjustment not just me but for all of
my classmates. Different subjects, reporting and hectic
schedule. I learned how to control my time and also how
to make up with my failures. Even though, it was not a
good year for me but it was a great experience to ponder
the lessons of life. Currently, I pursue my 12th grade with
a confidence and still achieving my goal to graduate my
high school year with fulfillment.


Dillemas: I Conquered!

Life is full of problems, but how we approach those problems often

determines whether we're happy or miserable. Bob Maynard says,
"Problems are opportunities in disguise." If we approach problems with
Maynard's attitude, we see that problems are really opportunities to learn
about others and ourselves. It’s the nature of life that we may encounter
dillemas in different aspect of our life.

I once faced a bigger problems in my life and that was my illness.

Way back when I was 2 months old until 3 years old, my mother told me
that I do like a piglet because I am very fat and have chubby face. But
then my mother notice the changes in my health. I expose more on
severe sickness, asthma and become skinny. Yet, after that I recovered
from my sickness. I were in my 5th grade when my illness trigger. I was
confined at Guimbal Hospital for a couple of days, then the doctors finds
that I do have a complication on heart. I feel like I carry the burden of
problem but I told myself to be strong that I can surpass these challenges
with a faith in God. Even though I was often attacked by my illness, but
I can handle it with myself. After that incident, I pursue my high school
year. At first I feel inferior because I have a heart disease but I was
wrong, my classmate is the one who motivate me to be strong and bold.
They help me doing such heavy works and outputs. Then, as the years
passes by I returned to my physician to consult my illness if there is an

improvement and in God’s grace the 9% hole in my heart heal. But my
doctor required me to continue my maintenance medication because
anytime it will trigger again. It was an overwhelming feeling for me
despite it’s not totally healed but I thank God I surpass that challenge of
my life.
Currently, I am in 12th grade still pursuing and achieving the goals I
set and still accomplishing my promises I left with my parents. Life
without problems is boring, it look like you’re watching a movie without
an antagonist. Challenges maybe part of our life but it is just temporary
if we strive to conquer it we can surpass it. But take note not to be
dominated by your problem if that occur it will lead you nothing.

The Picture of my Life

I was born on the 12th day in the month of August, on
the year of the snake, 2001. I'm the second child in the
family of 5 children that consist of 4 female and 1 male
which is me. I do remember some memories during the
early years of my infant life as my parents have told me
this lately.
The first and foremost important picture of my early
childhood that still exist till now in my sub-conscious mind
is how one day my father brought me along to the paddy
field on his broad and strong shoulder, as I'm a young
king. The second picture of my early childhood history,
that somehow still influences me, sometime, that happen
during one of the many festival that we have to celebrate
according to our custom, is how I felt sick, and was given
a special care by the many guest that came to our house
for the celebration that my parents held. On this special
occasion, I was freely roaming around sitting on a big
ladder made of woods, as I was riding a motorcycle, with
a sound of an engine running, yet I don't know nor have
seen any motorcycle yet.
The few picture that still live quite strong in my mind till
now is the time I was diagnosed with Heart illness. It was

a big adjustment for me to socialize with my peer youth
because of my condition. They are playing freely outside
yet I am sitting at my house only watching TV because I
do have my so many limitations to be considered. Also
the memories that I cant eat whatever I want because of
many forbidden food just like chocolates. Although the
memories of my childhood years is not that good but it
was also a great experience and the life lesson I learned
from the past.

Currently picture of my life, I am in 12th grade still

pursuing and achieving the goals I set and still
accomplishing my promises I left with my parents. This
current picture of my life depicts that I have learned a lot
from my past and doing the right thing now and in the
near future.

My mother is perhaps my number one favorite
person in the entire universe. There are plenty of
reasons for this includes her unconditional love for
me and my siblings, her constant sacrifice in a bid
to ensure our happiness, her inner strength that
makes the world a better place to live, her immense
wisdom and knowledge buried deep within her soul.
Just to mention, she is simply a precious gift to me
by our almighty God. A gift that is very functional, a
gift that no one can replace or even substitute.

My mother has a kind and caring heart, very

rare you can find in the world we step on. She gave
birth to five precious and valuable children. She
shared her heart, warmth and unconditional love
amongst us without pet. Cooking great foods is
among the list of things my mother loves to do.
Growing up, I always excited about meal times

because they were real treats you ever wanted to
taste and mesmerize the truancy of the flavor. I owe
my cooking prowess to my mother who was
relentless in teaching us to be great cooks. Her
recipes are often originals and well thought.

When it comes to physical appearance, my

mother has a striking features she can able to turn
heads even in her advanced age. Her black short
hair like an obsidian as dark always left her friends
with envy during her younger years. She has a
chubby physique not because she was born that
way but because she chooses to be healthy. She is a
great source of inspiration for us.

Whenever any of us fell ill at home, she will lend

her loving arms and takes action as soon as
possible. My mother would heaven and earth to
ensure we received a good treatment and care
during the entire period. Her compassion for the
sick is commendable; she would come up with
home remedies for the sickness and spend time
making sure we were comfortable all through. My
mother loves lending her hand to the less fortunate
whenever there is an opportunity to do so. She is a
fighter, she is brave enough to conquer bigger
problems, and she is a bold servant of god and the
rest of all a good mother to us.



I’ve been to so many places, but

I never thought that Las Pinas is
one of the most beautiful places

I’ve been to. My first Field Trip
out of Iloilo was in Las Pinas.
Although there is a conflict in
schedule of our trip because the
youngest brother of my mom
pass away and the burial was
exactly the date of our trip, so many adjustment with the schedules.
Hopefully our trip was set successfully. All of my siblings and my mom
is with me yet my father was left at Iloilo because he will take care of
our pets and house also.

The bus was full at 5:30, as we go all of us was so excited but also
sad because of what happens in my mom’s brother. After an hour, I
guess, the bus stopped at a gasoline station surrounded with restaurants
and shops. We bought food for us not to be hunger. Finally, we moved on
and got to the bus. It was past 7 in
the evening when we arrive at
Caticlan Jetty Port. After we sail,
we moved again to another bus.
Then, I guess, it was a 24 hours
trip from Iloilo to Las Pinas. It
was a tiry but also worth it cause’
we’ve seen our Tita’s and cousins
for the first time. The first place
we visit is the Baclaran Church it
was so amazing and mesmerizing to see an antique church, it has many
parts which are made with exquisite materials made for the people. The
baldachin is the shrine's centerpiece. Its columns and capitals are made
of giallo oro and Bottecino marbles. The gracefully curving altar rails
under the baldachin are made of white Carrara marble. Then, we went to
Divisoria; it’s too narrow because of so many stalls and stores. The price
of different product there is very cheap and affordable.

After a long day strolling, we eat at KFC located at MOA arena. It
is the biggest mall at Manila, Mall of Asia Arena is not only offers feast-
for-the-eye amusement but is also a destination for gourmet finds. After
that, we got home, safely. Even though I got so tired, I enjoyed it.

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