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Writing is one of the most important skills in learning English which is studied in Junior and Senior High
School in the curriculum. Adapted from the observation in SMP Negeri Tuhemberua, he finds that the students’ ability
in writing descriptive paragraph is still low, and the main factor that caused the problem is the lack of teacher in using
media when teaching in the classroom. Adapted from the observation in SMP Negeri Tuhemberua, he finds that the
students’ ability in writing descriptive paragraph is still low, and the main factor that caused the problem is the lack of
teacher in using media when teaching in the classroom. Based on the research’s findings, in Cycle I at the first meeting,
the researcher’s activities done and good is 11. 54%, done and adequate is 19.23%, done but less is 34.61%, no done is
30.77%. Based on the result above, the researcher concludes that are: (1) Realia media is appropriate in teaching writing
descriptive paragraph, and (2) Realia media can increase the students’ ability in writing descriptive paragraph and
encourage the active learning of the students.


Writing is one of the important skills in learning English that can be used by the writer to convey or to
express ideas, opinions, and feelings as clearly and correctly in written form. Crimmon, 1986: 6) says, “Writing is an
opportunity to convey something about yourself, to communicate ideas to people beyond your immediate vicinity, to
learn something you did not know”. By writing people need to say to others about things related to themselves, such as
their life, their opinions, and their experiences. Furthermore, Carrol and her friends (2004: 3) say, “Writing is one of the
most powerful communication tool you will use today and for the rest of your life”. It means that writing is a tool of
communication that is used by people to express their ideas, feelings, desires and experiences to others in daily life
indirectly. The Competence Standard of writing skill expects the students to be able to express meaning through
functional texts as well as through short and very simple descriptive and descriptive texts to interact in the close
environment. It shows that writing descriptive paragraph is very important. Also the Basic Competence hope that the
students should be able to express meaning and rhetorical structures through short and very simple descriptive and
descriptive texts using written language varieties accurately, fluently, and appropriately to interact in the close
environment. It affirms that one of the basic competences that should be mastered by the students is writing descriptive
paragraph. The indicator is writing descriptive and descriptive text. The Minimum Competence Criterion in the school
is 60.
In fact, when the researcher did an observation at the seventh grade of SMP Negeri 1 Tuhemberua, the
researcher found some problems faced by the students when teaching writing. When the English teacher asked the
students to write a paragraph about describing people, the students were difficult to write it. This is proved when the
students gave their responses. Most of them said that they did not know how to start writing. Furthermore, they often
complained that writing is something that is very difficult to do. Most of them were not motivated to write even when
they were given a task by the teacher and there is a serious problem in grammatical and structure management in their
writing result. Beside the observation done by the researcher himself, the fact also has been proved when the researcher
interviewed the English teacher of the seventh grade students SMP Negeri 1 Tuhemberua. The teacher said that the
students’ average mark is 50. It is showed that the students mark is lower than the minimum competence standard.
Media is very important to support the goal of teaching English especially in writing skill. There are some
reasons of using media in the class room; one of them is the fact that teaching-learning is a communication process
needs the media to achieve the goal of teaching-learning process. Communication process in teaching-learning is a
process of conveying any message from the teacher to the students through a certain media. It means that the teaching-
learning material is not optimal without any media. Arsyad (2007: 21) states that one of the functions of media is to
make the learning process more interesting and memorable for the students. Media is used to get the students attention
and motivation. So, using media in teaching-learning process in the classroom gives the positive impact towards the
teacher and the students.

A. Theoritical Framework
1. Writing
a. The Definitions of Writing
Writing is an activity of someone to convey something about her/his self and to communicate our ideas in
written form and to extend it through written language in order that it can be understood by the readers. Furthermore,
Nunan (2003: 88) defines writing based on the series of contrast, as follows:
a. It is both a physical and a mental act.
All the most basic level, writing is the physical act of committing words or ideas to some medium. On the
other hand, writing is the mental work of inventing ideas, thinking about how to express them and organize
them into statements and paragraphs that must be clear to a reader.
a. Its purpose is both of to express and impress.
Writer typically serves two masters: themselves, and their own desire to express an idea or feeling, and reader,
also called the audience, who need to have ideas expressed in certain ways.
b. It is both a process and product.
The writer imagines, organizes, drafts, edits, reads, and rereads.
Writing is a productive activity by which one can deliver his/her ideas to others in written form. Ghazi (2002:
1) says, “Writing is a complex process that allows writers to explore thoughts and ideas, and make them visible and
concrete”. In other words, writing encourages thinking and learning for it motivates communication and make thought
available for reflection. When thought is written down, ideas can be examined, reconsidered, added to, rearranged, and

b. The Writing Skill in the Syllabus of Junior High School

In learning English, the students are expected to have the ability in making communication that is
usually called by language skills. According to Nurhadi (2004: 21), the scope of English subject including the language
skills, they are listening, speaking, reading and writing. These are the prime aspects or skills that are taught to the
students. To get the optimal result, these aspects (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) are organized and planned
systematically in the syllabus.
2. Paragraph
a. The Definition of Paragraph
Crimmon (1984: 193) says, “A paragraph is a set of related sentences that work together to express or
develop an idea”. It is supported by Martin and Wren (1990: 387) say, “A paragraph is a number of sentences grouped
together and relating to one topic; or a group of related sentences that develop a single point”. Then, Cobb (1985: 4)
says, “A paragraph is a group of sentences about one idea”. The paragraph tells the reader what the idea or topic is. It
explains or describes the idea in some details. Based on the statements above, the researcher takes conclusion that a
paragraph is a group of several sentences that focus on one main idea and related to one topic. An important point is all
of the sentences within paragraph work together to introduce, develop and support that main idea.

b. The Writing Effective Paragraph

A paragraph has three (3) mayor structural parts, namely: a topic sentence, supporting sentences and
concluding sentences.
a. Topic sentence
Topic sentence states the main idea of the paragraph. It is the most important sentence in a paragraph. It indicates
what the paragraph is going to discuss. It tells what the topic is and what aspect of the topic will be covered in a
paragraph. As Crimmon (1984: 199) says, “A topic h”. And then, Carrol and her friends (2001: 34) says, “A good topic
sentence conveys the subject of the paragraph and the point of the writer wants to make about the subject”.

b. Supporting sentence
Besides having a good topic sentence, every paragraph needs evidence to back it up (Brereton, 1982: 7). It means
that a good paragraph does not only contain of a topic sentence, but it is supported by some supporting sentences to
make a paragraph is complete and a paragraph has meaning.
c. Concluding sentence
The concluding sentences signal the end of the paragraph. It is a summary or important point to remember and also
it helps the readers to find the important point easily.

3. Descriptive Paragraph
A descriptive paragraph describes a person, place or things. A good descriptive paragraph uses words that can help
reader see, hear, smell, feel and taste the subject. It means that, descriptive paragraph has purposes to develop the
knowledge and experience of the reader to describe the real object.

4. Media
a. The Definition of Media
Teaching-learning is one of the communication processes. Communication process always involves three main
components; they are sender of message (teacher), receiver of message (students) and the message itself. Sometimes,
there is a failure in the teaching and learning processes. It means that the message conveyed by the teacher cannot be
accepted by the students optimally.

b. Realia Media
1. The Definition of Realia
Realia is the collection of artifacts that teachers can bring into the class room to illustrate the meaning of the teaching
material to be more clearly, meaningful and memorable (Berwald, 1987: 115). It can be said that realia is the real things
that can be brought into the classroom and it is easy for the students to face them in their daily life. Short, 1991: 35
affirms that realia provides language learners with multi-sensorary impressions of the language.

2. The Realia as a Media in Teaching Writing

Real objects should be small enough to bring into the classroom but large enough to be clearly seen. Real objects
can be used for various purposes, such as teaching writing, vocabulary, grammar. In practice, teaching writing by
bringing the actual item to classroom provides an unmistakably clear illustration of an object that can enhance linguistic
and cultural comprehensibility (Carthy, 1997: 6). It means that realia as a media has important role to reach the target of
teaching writing when the things are brought to the classroom so the students more understand about the lesson.

5. The Object of Action Research

In this research, the researcher will use Classroom Action Research. The researcher wants to develop the
students’ ability in writing. Classroom Action Research as a media to develop curriculum, to increase the quality of
teaching-learning process and to develop the teachers’ ability in teaching. Therefore, action research is very important
in teaching-learning process.

6. The Location and Subject of the Research

The location of the research is SMP Negeri 1 Tuhemberua. This school is located at regency of north Nias, sub
district Tuhemberua. It is about 40 km from IKIP Gunungsitoli. The researcher chooses this location because the
researcher has been familiar with the school, moreover the school is near by the researcher’s house. In that school there
are eight classes.

7. The Time of Implementing the Action

This research will be done around two weeks on September 2011 since the material will be taught in that
month based on the syllabus and academic calendar in the school. Cycle I will be done on Monday, 13 September 2011
and on Wednesday, 16 September 2011. Cycle II will be done on Monday, 20 September 2011 and on Wednesday, 23
September 2011.
8. The Procedures of the Action Implementation
In doing the research, there are four kinds of activities must be done in Classroom Action Research, there are
planning, action, observation and reflection.
There are some procedures of this research are:
1. Planning is a process to plan the action will be done in searching. The researcher is going to prepare everything,
which needed during doing the researcher, such as lesson plan, materials, observation paper and evaluation paper.
2. Action is the realization of theory and teaching strategy and also the treatment that have been planned before. It is
aimed to develop the students’ ability in writing descriptive paragraph through realia media.
B. Research Findings
1. The Research Setting
This research is held in SMP Negeri 1 Tuhemberua. This school is located at regency of north Nias, sub
district Tuhemberua. It is in Tuhemberua town. This school was built 1979 in Tuhemberua that consists of one
headmaster, some teachers and staffs. The location of this school is very strategic to do the teaching and learning
processes because it is in the education environment.
To conduct the research, the researcher was helped by the English teacher of SMP Negeri 1 Tuhemberua
Negeri. He was as a teacher-collaborator. The teacher was as observer of the students’ and the researcher’s activities.
The researcher needed the teacher’s help in order that the activities of research could run well and the result of the
research has validation. The students were all present during the research. The researcher performed the research for
two cycles that consisted of four meetings. Each cycle consisted of two meetings.

2. The Explanations of Each Cycle in Increasing the Students’ Ability in Writing Descriptive Paragraph
through Realia Media
a. Cycle I
Cycle I consisted of two meetings. It depended on the teaching procedures, actions, implementations and
syllabus (lesson plan). The first meeting was done on Monday, September 13 th 2011 and the second meeting was done
on Wednesday, September 16th 2011. Both of meetings were held at the VII-A class of SMP Negeri 1 Tuhemberua with
the total number of students was 32 and all of them were present. The time of each meeting was 2 x 40 minutes.
To make it clear, the researcher gives the explanations about the activities that were done by the researcher
in each meeting of Cycle I, as follows:
1) The First Meeting
At the first meeting, the material taught to the students was descriptive paragraph which described about a
Realia media. The time allocation used was 2 x 40 minutes. The procedures of the first meeting as follows:
a) Planning
In doing Cycle I at the first meeting, the researcher prepared many things, such as: lesson plan (See Appendix
3a), observation paper (See Appendices 4a and 5a) and field notes (See Appendix 6a). The planning steps were done to
avoid the misconception of the action that would be done in the classroom.

b) Action
The action was performed on Monday, September 13th 2011. The meeting was done in 2 x 40 minutes. After
planning, the researcher conducted the action in the classroom. The teaching-learning processes consisted of pre
teaching and learning activities, whilst teaching and learning activities, and post teaching and learning activities. For the
meeting in the classroom, the researcher greeted the students, introduced himself to the students and checked the
students’ presence.
c). Observation
The result of the observation of the researcher’s and the students’ activities and also field notes of the second
meeting in Cycle I can be described as follows:
(1) Observation Paper for the Researcher’s Activities
Based on the result of the observation of the researcher’s activities, the activities which were no done, done
but less, done and adequate, done and good during the teaching-learning process can be described as follows:
1. No done : 5 activities (19.23%) from 26 activities.
2. Done but less : 7 activities (26.92%) from 26 activities.
3. Done and adequate : 6 activities (23.97%) from 26 activities.
4. Done and good : 8 activities (30.76%) from 26 activities.
Based on the activities result above, the researcher’s level teaching could be categorized in “less” level since
the majority of the whole activities done by the researcher was 30.76%.


A. Conclusions
Based on the result of the research, the researcher takes some conclusions. First, the average of the students’
mark in Cycle I in writing descriptive through Realia Media was 43.70. There were many students in less level and it
was very necessary to improve to the next cycle.
In Cycle II, there was the increase of the students’ ability in writing descriptive paragraph through Realia
Media and it was in “good” level. The average of the students’ mark was 70.32. The students were able to write a
descriptive through Realia media by writing a descriptive paragraph from the given topic. Based on the explanations
above, the researcher concluded that Realia Media increase the students’ ability in writing descriptive paragraph
through Realia Media at the seventh grade of SMP Negeri 1 Tuhemberua in 2010/ 2011.

B. Suggestions
There are some suggestions from the researcher after doing the research. First, in teaching writing descriptive
paragraph through Realia Media, the teacher has to grow the students’ motivation to be active in the teaching-learning
process. Second, the students in school should often practice to write English in order that they have habitual in writing
English. Third, in teaching and learning processes, the English teacher needs to motivate the students to convey their
opinions, ideas in writing form. Fourth, in teaching writing, the teacher should motivate the students to be active in
bringing and using their dictionary. Fifth, the English teachers in SMP Negeri 1 Tuhemberua is suggested to use Realia
Media in teaching their students because it makes the students interesting in learning English especially in learning
writing descriptive paragraph. Finally, the researcher suggests the next researchers to search about Realia Media in
different ways to increase the students’ ability in writing descriptive paragraph and other skills with using some theories
from another expert that the researcher did not prove in this thesis like Berwald 1987: 57 notes that Realia are not only a
series of artifacts that describe the custom and traditions of a culture, but they are also a set of teaching aids that
facilitate the simulation of experience in the target culture. The theory is needed to be proved by the next researchers
because the theory had not been proven by the researcher in this research.

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