WORK: (Nursing Actions)

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1. Greetings Therapeutic
N : "Assalammu'alaikum!, Introduce me Nurse , the nurse who will be on duty this
morning Is it true with the family of Mr. ?
F : Yes, I am Mrs.Family.
N :How is your condition this morning?"
F : Alhamdulillah I am Fine
N : Are You willing to talked about how to care for Mrs. X?
F : Yes, I will
N : How long does it take Mr. / Mrs. 30 minutes? Okay, let's sit in the interview room! "
F : Oke
WORK: (Nursing Actions)
N : What do you know about Mrs. X's problem?
F : If at home he did not believe yourself. Fell most stupid, he is difficult to talk about her.
N :Yes, it is indeed true, sir, Mrs. X, it does look like she is not confident and often blames
herself. For example, in Mrs. X, she often blames herself and says she is the most stupid person
in the world. In other words, your child has a low self-esteem problem that is characterized by
the emergence of thoughts that are always negative towards yourself. If Ms. X's condition
continues like that, Mrs. X can experience even more severe problems, for example Ms. X
becomes embarrassed to meet other people and choose to shut herself up . Up here, you
understand what is meant by low self-esteem?
F : oh okay I am understand
N : Very good, you understand, After we understand that Ny X's problem can be a serious
problem, we need to provide good care for Mrs. X, Mr / Ms, what are the abilities that Mrs. X
F : Straighten bed, wash the diases, sweeping
N : Yes right, he also said the same thing, Mrs. X has practiced the activity of tidying up the
bed. As well as a schedule for doing so. For that, you can remind Mrs. X to carry out these
activities on schedule. Please help prepare the tools, sir. And don't forget to give praise so your
self-esteem will increase. Also invite to check the list on the schedule of activities , Now what if
we now practice how to give praise to Mrs. X"
F : Okay,
N : Meet Mrs. X and ask what activities she has done and then give a compliment that says:
Very good Mrs. X, you are getting more skilled at tidying up the bed, Try you practice now.
F : okay, what can strated now?
P : Yes, can strated now
F : to straighten bed what it takes?
P : beater, gloves pillows, blankes
F : oke very good, let us began to clean the bed mother help
P : come on, the first I took pillowcases and the pillow, then sprei, the pillow, and blankets
spruced up
F : Very good, you are smart in doing so, do not be afraid to do, show that you can,
P : Thank you mom


N : How do you feel after you have this conversation?

F : I understand the development of my daughter, thank you for her help.

N : your welcome, and than Can you explain again the problem faced by Mrs. X and how to
take care of her?
F : She suffered a low self-esteem, who feel thar he was not there is a good. To improve the
price himself. We have to teach the ability to she could do and gave him a compliment.
N : Very nice, you can explain well. Well every time you come to do it like that. Later at
home too. " I think this meet up is finish, and next project patient wanted to learn wash the
diases. Are you willing to?
F : Yes I Will.
N : Oke, see next time. Assalamualaikum
F : see you, waalaikumsalam

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