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-Labrador, Mary Ira

-Verdida, Joan

-Espanol, Aljon

-Jumao-as, Jovin

-Tibon, Hank Joseph

-Ymbong, Duke Carl

-Lubiano, Nino

-Bagares, James Cedric

-Macabinlar, Kent
(Insert radio music)


Ira: A warm morning to all of you askals.

Aljon: You are still in tuned with us at 96.9 Dog FM and this is dj Aljon.

Ira: And this is DJ Ira.

Ira: Because of your never ending support askals, we've prepared new set of songs
for all of you guys.
Aljon: We also have a new radio drama that is based on true events, its called
"chance for change".
Ira: This new radio drama talks about bullying and Im sure many of you askals will
relate to this.
Aljon: Bullying nowadays never stop, despite of the possible effects, this bullies have
no fear on the results.
Ira: That's true DJ because I heard so many news about bullying on tv. Some victims
commit suicide, and that is very alarming.
Aljon: Yes DJ you're right. And now askals this story talks about bullying.
Ira: I hope all of you askalks stay tuned till the end of this radio drama.
Both: Enjoy ASKALS!


Narrator(ira): In a nearby university, there was a group of friends who loves rock
music. Every after class, they go to the study hall and turn their speakers on to play
their favorite songs. (insert rock music)

Punk 1: Yeah! This is really the best! Rock music with my amazing friends.

All friends: Yeah!!!! (Headbang, while listening to music)

Narrator: The place where the group of friends enjoy music is also the place where
the group of students study at. They have been patiently waiting for them to stop
everyday just to study peacefully. But this time, they've had enough.

Student 1: Excuse me. Could you please stop playing loud music here? Can't you see
we are studying? You can go to any place but here.
Punk 2: So what? We don't care about your sentiments. We only care for rock music!

All Punk Friends: Yeah, get lost!!!

Narrator: Even when the students want to stand for what they want, they can't do
anything because these punk friends are also known to be bullies in their university.
And so they left in a heavy heart because they still have an examination the next

(Stay tuned! (beeeeeep))

Panyawan Herbal Capsule

Aljon: Many people have proven the effectiveness of Panyawan Herbal Capsule, here
they are!
Kent: I am Kent Macabinlar. I was diagnosed with a leg cancer. I was hopeless when
the doctor said It cannot be cured, but once I tried Panyawan herbal capsule, not the
cancer is gone, and also my leg!
Aljon: Kent was not the only one who can prove the effectiveness of Panyawan
Herbal Capsule. Here he is!
Nino: I am Nino Lubiano. My son was diagnosed with brain tumor. Experts
recommended Panyawan Herbal Capsule to me. When my son tried the Panyawan
Herbal Capsul, it is gone!
Aljon: The brain tumor?!
Nino: No, My son!
Aljon: Panyawan Herbal Capsule! Super effective! You should all try it! Panyawan
Herbal Capsule can be bought at your local Drug stores and your nearest Sari-sari


Narrator: The students barely passed the exam and so the teacher called their
attention and scolded them.

Teacher: This was an important examination everyone. But you failed. I'm so
disappointed in all of you.

Student 3: But Professor...

Teacher: There is no excuse for what happened. I have informed you about this
examination prior and I expected you all to be ready.

Student 1: Professor, please give us another chance. We were really studying but a
group of students were playing loud music in the study hall. We tried to reasin out to
them but we were scared because they might hurt us.

Narrator: The Professor felt what the student has said. He/She also wanted to give
the students a chance because that was also the only time they failed.

Professor: Okay. I understand you. This has been the only time all of you failed so I'm
giving you a chance. You can take a remedial test to save up yout scores. I'll
conduct the exam tomorrow again, okay? Be here at 8:00 A.M. don't be late.

Students: Thank you professor! Thank you so much!!!

Professor: I also would like you to accompany me to where the students who played
loud music at the study hall. I'm still not familiar with this university because this is
still my first week here. I will have them sanctioned.

Narrator: The students accompanied the Professor.

Student 2: Here Professor. You can go right and then go straight. After that from your
left you can see them at the study hall. They usually play during 2-3 P.M.

Professor: Thank you everyone. You can go now. I'll handle this.

(stay tuned (beep))

Aljon: Iiiiitts Joke Time!!
Joeven enters the classroom
Aljon: Why are you late?!
Joeven: because of the sign on the road.
Aljon: What is the sign?
Joeven: "Slow down, School ahead"
Aljon: Sit down!
Aljon: Ok class, how do we get some clean water?
James raises his hand
Aljon: James.
James: Fetch water from the river and then wash it at home.
Aljon: Wrong! Idiot!
Aljon: Ok next question, what has got 6 eyes but can't see?
Duke raises his hand
Aljon: Yes Duke, I hope you get right this time.
Duke: 3 blind mice sir.
teacher gets angry
Aljon: Nooooo! You are all idiots!
James raises his hand
Aljon: What do you want James!?
James: What is the correct answer?
Aljon: I am not the student!
James: You don't know? Then you are the idiot.

Narrator: The professor followed the student's instruction and arrived at the study
hall. Upon seeing the professor, the group of friends stopped playing their speaker
and tried to escape but it was too late for them.

Professor: Stop where you are or I'll give you a heavier sanction.

Narrator: The group of friends stood up and looked scared.

Professor: Don't you know you're disturbing students here? This is supposed to be a
study hall not a concert hall. If you think you can do whatever you want in this
university, you are wrong. You should supposed to be studying and after class when
you go home, you can listen to rock music all you want.

Punk 3: We are sorry Professor. We thought everyone was enjoying our music as well
but we were wrong. We will do it ever again.

Professor: You should. Now, come along, I'll give you a lighter sanction since all of
you looks like you are regretting what you did. You should also apologize to the
students whom you've disrupt their studies with.

Punk 2: We will Professor.

Narrator: The Professor gave the students a sanction in which they cleaned the
school grounds. The students also took the remedial exam and this time they
passed. After the exam, the students met with the punk group.

Punk 1: Hey. We apologize for our behavior the last time we met. We were a total
loser. We are sorry.

Punk 2: I hope you accept our apology. And I hope we can be friends?

Narrator: The students face lit up and offered their hand to accept their apology.

Student 1: It's all good. You know what, we can help you with some subjects for

Punk 2: Yeah! And then after that we can teach you how to play some guitar!
Narrator: The students now have a harmonious relationship because of what the
Professor did. Now they have a balanced time in study and having fun.


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